Spelling suggestions: "subject:"double""
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Aberration Corrector for an Exclusively Low-Voltage Electron Microscopy / Aberration Corrector for an Exclusively Low-Voltage Electron MicroscopyBačovský, Jaromír January 2021 (has links)
Současný vývoj v oblasti nízkovoltové elektronové mikrokospie vede ke zlepšování prostorového rozlišení cestou korekce elektronově-optických vad. V posledních letech se implementace korektorů u konvenčních elektronových mikroskopů (50-200 kV) stává standardem. Nicméně zabudování korektoru do malého stolního prozařovacího mikroskopu pracujícího s nízkým urychlovacím napětím je stále výzva. Velmi vhodným řešením korekce otvorové vady u takovýchto přístrojů se zdá být koncept hexapólového korektoru založeného na bázi permantních magnetů umožňující zachovat minimální rozměry stolního transmisního mikroskopu. Přednosti a potenciál Roseho hexapólového korektoru vzhledem k použití v nízkovoltových systémech jsou předmětem kritické analýzy obsažené v této práci, včetně zásadního příspěvku tohoto korektoru k celkové chromatické vadě přístroje. Chromatická vada zůstává, navzdory veškeré snaze o její minimalizaci, zcela zásadním aspektem při návrhu korektoru. Koncept představený v rámci této dizertační práce je určen především pro skenovací prozařovací transmisní mód z důvodu omezení nárůstu chromatické vady způsobeného průchodem elektronového svazku preparátem. V práci lze také nalézt podrobný popis navržených kompenzačních systémů korektoru určených k precisnímu seřízení optické soustavy.
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Effects of heavy Higgs bosons in the hadronic production of top-quark pairs including QCD correctionsGaller, Peter 13 February 2018 (has links)
In dieser Disseratation wird eine mögliche Erweiterung des Standardmodells der
Elementarteilchen (SM) im Higgs-Sektor mithilfe von Topquarkpaarproduktion am
Large Hadron Collider untersucht. Insbesondere wird dabei auf das sogenannte
Zwei-Higgs-Duplettmodell eingegangen. Dieses Modell führt mehrere Spin-0
Bosonen (auch Higgsbosonen genannt) zusätzlich zum SM-Higgsboson ein. Dabei
wird in dieser Arbeit von der Annahme ausgegangen, dass diese zusätzlichen
Higgsbosonen schwer genug sind um in ein Top-Antitop-Paar zu zerfallen. Somit
können die experimentellen Signaturen dieser neuen Teilchen mit Hilfe von
Observablen der Topquarkpaarproduktion untersucht werden. Dazu wird die
resonante Erzeugung von schweren Higgsbosonen und deren Zerfall in
Topquarkpaare bis einschließlich Quantenkorrekturen in der nächst-zu-führenden
Ordnung (NLO) in der QCD-Kopplungskonstanten berechnet. Weiterhin wird die
volle Spininformation des Top-Antitop-Paares beibehalten, welche die Analyse
von spinabhängigen Observablen erlaubt. Diese können, insbesondere in Falle von
Top-Antitop-Spinkorrelationen, sehr sensitiv auf Effekte schwerer Higgsbosonen
sein. Dies zeigt sich besonders in Vergleich zu spinunabhängigen Observablen.
Die Sensitivität von spinabhängigen Observablen kann zudem noch durch
entsprechende Schnitte auf den Phasenraum von Top- und Antitopquark verstärkt
werden. In dieser Dissertation wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt, mit dessen Hilfe
sich die Spinkorrelationen identifizieren lassen, welche die größte
Sensitivität auf die Effekte schwerer Higgsbosonen aufweisen. Außerdem wird
durch die Berechnung der Beiträge zur NLO u.a. gezeigt, dass diese Beiträge
wichtig sind um aussagekräftige und robuste Observablen zu definieren. Die
Ergebnisse der NLO, die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt werden, sind die ersten
ihrer Art für die resonante Erzeugung von schweren Higgsbosonen und deren
Zerfall in Topquarkpaare. / In this dissertation a possible extension of the standard model of particle
physics (SM) in the Higgs sector is investigated using top-quark pair
production at the Large Hadron Collider as a probe. In particular, the
so-called two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) is studied. The 2HDM introduces several spin-0
bosons (which are also called Higgs bosons) in addition to the SM Higgs boson.
In this thesis these additional Higgs bosons are assumed to be heavy enough to decay into a
top-antitop quark pair. Thus, the experimental signatures of these new
particles can be studied through observables of top-quark pair production.
To this end the resonant production of heavy neutral Higgs bosons and their decay into
top-quark pairs in calculated up to next-to-leading order corrections in the
QCD coupling constant retaining the full spin information of the top-antitop
pair. This allows to analyse spin dependent observables which can be more
sensitive to effects of heavy Higgs bosons than spin independent ones
especially in the case of top-antitop spin correlations. The additional
application of kinematical cuts on the phase space of top and antitop quarks
can enhance the sensitivity further. In this thesis a method is presented that
can be used to construct the spin correlation which is most sensitive to the
effects of heavy Higgs bosons on top-quark pair production.
Furthermore, it is shown that the next-to-leading order
corrections are required to construct observables which entail robust
predictions. The results for the next-to-leading order in the QCD coupling
constant presented in this thesis were the first ones given for resonant heavy
Higgs production and decay into top-quark pairs.
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Etude des risques de colmatage et optimisation des procédés de traitement des doublets géothermiques superficiels / Study of clogging phenomena and treatment optimisation of geothermal operations on shallow aquifersBurté, Luc 20 June 2018 (has links)
Les doublets géothermiques sur aquifères superficiels jouent un rôle important en France pour le chauffage, le rafraichissement et la production d’eau chaude sanitaire des bâtiments. La pérennité de ces installations est cependant conditionnée par la possibilité de pouvoir garantir dans le temps la production puis la réinjection de l’eau souterraine. Le colmatage de la boucle géothermale est un problème majeur qui affecte de nombreuses installations sur l’ensemble du territoire français et remet en cause leur viabilité technico-économique. La compréhension et la prédiction de ce phénomène nécessite de nouveaux moyens de caractérisation et de modélisation des processus biogéochimiques couplés au fonctionnement des boucles géothermales dans des environnements de subsurface hétérogènes. Cette thèse a ainsi fait l’objet d’une nouvelle collaboration entre le laboratoire Géosciences Rennes et l’entreprise Antea group pour identifier les mécanismes à l’origine de ces phénomènes de colmatage et d’en caractériser les paramètres influents dans le but de construire un outil d’analyse des risques permettant l’anticipation de ces processus de colmatage. Le premier volet de la thèse expose la synthèse des typologies de colmatage (biogéochimique, chimique, biologique et physique). Cette synthèse est issue de l’étude de la littérature sur la problématique de colmatage des forages d’eau et des retours d’expérience concernant les doublets géothermiques recensés et étudiés durant cette thèse. Le second volet présente les inventaires régionaux des problématiques de colmatage recensées en France dans différents contextes hydrogéologiques. Ces inventaires ont permis de délivrer un état des lieux à grande échelle de la problématique de colmatage et d’étudier les contextes associés à chaque type de colmatage. Dans le troisième volet, de nouvelles méthodologies de caractérisation in-situ des phénomènes de colmatage biogéochimique liés à l’oxydation du manganèse et du fer sont présentées. Elles ont été développées dans le cadre de ces travaux de thèse à partir des investigations menées sur différents sites confrontés à des problèmes d’exploitation. Ces méthodologies d’investigations pluridisciplinaires couplent la mesure des propriétés hydrauliques, des concentrations en éléments chimiques et de la diversité microbienne afin d’identifier la problématique impactant le fonctionnement de l’installation et d’en définir in fine les causes. Le quatrième volet expose les résultats d’une campagne de terrain effectuée sur un doublet géothermique impacté par un processus de colmatage biogéochimique. Cette campagne a permis d’identifier les composantes clés de la réactivité biochimique impliquée dans le colmatage : distribution du flux, hétérogénéité chimique et diversité microbiologique. A l’aide du code de calcul PHREEQC, un modèle géochimique simulant les cinétiques de précipitation observées a été développé. Il permet l’étude quantitative des mécanismes biogéochimiques favorisant l’apparition rapide du colmatage. Enfin, les retours d’expériences de l’exploitation des doublets sur nappes superficielles ont démontré le besoin d’une méthodologie fiable d’analyse des risques, permettant d’anticiper l’apparition des processus de colmatage à chaque étape de la vie du projet. Ainsi, à partir de la synthèse de la littérature scientifique et technique et des conclusions des études menées durant cette thèse, les facteurs de risques d’apparition des phénomènes de colmatage ont été déterminés. L’analyse des risques de colmatage intégrant ces différents facteurs a été implémentée à travers l’élaboration de méthodes développées sous Python 3. L’outil ARCADE (Analyse des Risques de Colmatage et Aide à la Décision) a été conçu d’une part pour évaluer le risque et d’autre part pour informer l’utilisateur averti des bonnes pratiques et moyens préventifs. Ces bonnes pratiques d’analyse et de gestion préventive sont présentées dans le dernier volet de cette thèse. / The sustainability of geothermal systems using shallow aquifers for heating, cooling and hot water production depends on the possibility to ensure, over long time-scales, the production and the reinjection of groundwater in the aquifer. Clogging of the geothermal loop is a major issue affecting the technical and economic viabilities of numerous operations in France. The understanding and prediction of this phenomenon requires new methods of characterization and modelling of biogeochemical processes coupled to the operation of geothermal loops in heterogeneous subsurface environments. This thesis is thus the result of a new collaboration between the Géosciences Rennes lab and Antea group to identify the mechanisms at the origin of clogging phenomena and characterize their controlling parameters, in order to establish a risk assessment tool allowing the anticipation of clogging processes. The first part of the thesis describes the main clogging processes (biogeochemical, chemical, biological and physical). This synthesis is the result of (1) the study of the literature dealing with the clogging of water wells and (2) our feedbacks on the geothermal doublets identified and studied during this thesis. The second part presents the regional inventories of shallow geothermal systems impacted by clogging problems identified in different hydrogeological contexts in France. These inventories provide a large-scale perspective of clogging phenomena and allow to study the contexts associated with each type of clogging processes. In the third part, new methodologies for the in-situ characterization of biogeochemical clogging phenomena linked to manganese and iron oxidation are presented through case studies of sites affected by clogging issues. These interdisciplinary studies couple the measurement of hydraulic properties, chemical element concentrations and bacterial diversity, to identify the specific issue impacting the operation and to define its causes. The fourth part presents the results of an interdisciplinary field campaign carried out on a geothermal doublet impacted by a biogeochemical clogging process. This campaign documented the key components involved in mixing induced biogeochemical reactivity: flow distribution, chemical heterogeneity and microbiological diversity. Using PHREEQC, a geochemical model simulating observed kinetics of precipitation was developed in order to quantitatively explore the biogeochemical mechanisms favoring rapid clogging. Feedback from shallow geothermal systems operation has demonstrated the need for a reliable risk analysis methodology that allowed to anticipate the apparition of clogging processes at each stage of the project life (part 5). From the synthesis of the scientific & technical literature and the conclusions of the studies carried out during this thesis, the risk factors for the appearance of clogging phenomena were determined. A clogging risk analysis integrating these factors was implemented through the development of methods developed under Python 3. The methodology of the ARCADE tool (Analyse des Risques de Colmatage et Aide à la Décision) is designed to assess the risk and to inform users of good practices and preventive methods. These good practices for analysis and preventive methods are presented in the last part of this thesis.
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Reflexão de Andreev cruzada via dubleto de Autler-Townes em uma junção ponto quântico - supercondutor / Crossed Andreev reflection via Autler-Townes doublet in a quantum dot - superconductor junctionAssunção, Maryzaura de Oliveira 07 July 2017 (has links)
FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / O conhecimento teórico e experimental acumulado nas últimas décadas sobre pontos quânticos
semicondutores (PQs) impulsiona o surgimento de um grande número de propostas atuais de
utilizá-los em sistemas híbridos. A habilidade de controlar suas propriedades optoeletrônicas,
bem como o domínio de sofisticadas técnicas de fabricação, tornaram-os candidatos ideais para
formar junções com supercondutores (SCs), cujas características individuais são também notáveis. Essas junções podem ser simples, com um único PQ acoplado a um SC, ou múltiplas: a
conexão de dois terminais SCs através de um PQ (junção tipo Josephson) e a junção de dois
PQs através de um SC. Esta última forma um separador de pares de Cooper, dispositivo sugerido como fonte de partículas emaranhadas, que depende fundamentalmente da ocorrência de
reflexão de Andreev cruzada (CAR) nas interfaces da junção. Junções de PQs com SCs e com
supercondutores topológicos também tem sido propostas em sistemas de dois níveis formando
qubits para a computação quântica trivial e topológica. Embora o estudo das junções PQ-SC
esteja em evidência atualmente, a revisão da literatura mostra que a análise do regime transiente
foi pouco explorada. Por isso, abordamos neste trabalho o transporte de cargas em uma junção
PQ-SC-PQ com resolução temporal. Utilizando técnicas de função de Green de não-equilíbrio,
particularmente, o formalismo de Kadanoff-Baym, escrevemos um conjunto de equações diferenciais acopladas, solucionado numericamente. Analisando as oscilações de Rabi que surgem
na evolução temporal da corrente elétrica e das ocupações dos PQs, fomos capazes de identificar assinaturas de mecanismos de espalhamento através da junção, isto é, o tunelamento direto
e a CAR. Adicionalmente, propusemos a expansão deste sistema pela sua inserção na estrutura
de um fotodiodo, aplicando luz laser sobre um dos PQs. Os resultados mostram que ocorre a
separação dos níveis opticamente excitados em dubletos de Autler-Townes, para acoplamentos
fracos entre os PQs. Consequentemente, é observada a ocorrência de CAR, mediada pelo laser
aplicado, através dos níveis que compõe o dubleto. Os resultados tem dependência também
com a tensão fonte-dreno aplicada ao dispositivo, que pode estar no limite de bias alta (HB) ou
zero (ZB). Este é o primeiro trabalho a analisar a separação de pares de Cooper assistida por
fótons em uma junção PQ-SC-PQ, em regime de não-equilíbrio. Embora os resultados experimentais ainda sejam escassos, a inclusão de um SC em um fotodiodo de PQs híbrido permite
novos mecanismos de formação de fotocorrente, abrindo novas possibilidades de aplicações
desse sistema. / The theoretical and experimental knowledge accumulated in the last decades on semiconductors quantum dots (QDs) impulses the emergence of many current proposals for using them in
hybrid systems. The ability to control their optoelectronic properties, as well as the control of
fabrication techniques, made them the perfect candidates to compose junctions with superconductors (SCs), whose individual characteristics are also remarkable. These junctions can be
simple, with a single QD coupled to a SC, or multiple: a connection of two superconducting
terminals through a QD (a Josephson-like junction) and the junction of two QDs through a SC.
The latter is known as a Cooper-pairs splitter, a device suggested as a source of entangled particles, for which is required the occurrence of crossed Andreev reflection (CAR) on the interfaces
of the junction. Junctions of QDs with SCs and with topological SCs have also been proposed
in two-level systems as qubits for both trivial and topological quantum computation. Despite
the study of QD-SC junctions being currently in evidence, the literature review shows that the
analysis of transient regime was little explored. Therefore, we address in this work the topic
of time-dependent charge transport in a QD-SC-QD junction. By using non-equilibrium Green
functions techniques, particularly, the Kadanoff-Baym formalism, we write down a set of coupled differential equations, which is numerically solved. Examining the Rabi oscillations that
appears on the time evolution of electric current and QDs occupations, we were able to identify
signatures of the scattering mechanisms through out the junction, i. e., direct tunnelling and
CAR. Additionally, we propose to use this system as a photodiode, with the aid of a laser beam
over one of the QDs. The results show the splitting of the optically excited states in Autler-
Townes doublets, for a weak coupling between the QDs. Hence, CAR mediated by the applied
laser was observed through the energy levels that compose the doublet. The results depend
also with the source-drain potential applied to the device, which can be high bias (HB) or zero
bias (ZB). The present work is the first to analyse the splitting of Cooper pairs assisted by photons in a QD-SC-QD junction, in nonequilibrium regime. Although the experimental results
are still sparse, the inclusion of a SC in a QD hybrid photodiode allows new mechanisms of
photocurrent formation, creating possibilities in future applications. / Tese (Doutorado)
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The fall and rise of antimatter: probing leptogenesis and dark matter modelsVertongen, Gilles 25 September 2009 (has links)
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), together with the analyses of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies, confirm what our day to day experience of life attests :antimatter is far less present than matter in the Universe. In addition, these observables also permit to evaluate that there exists about one proton for every 10^{10} photons present in the Universe. This is in contradiction with expectations coming from the standard hot big bang, where no distinction between matter and antimatter is made, and where subsequent annihilations would lead to equal matter and antimatter contents, at a level 10^{−10} smaller than the observed one. The Standard Model of fundamental interactions fails to explain this result, leading us to search for ‘Beyond the Standard Model’ physics.<p><p>Among the possible mechanism which could be responsible for the creation of such a matter asymmetry, leptogenesis is particularly attractive because it only relies on the same ingredients previously introduced to generate neutrino masses. Unfortunatelly, this elegant proposal suffers from a major difficulty :it resists to any tentative of being probed by our low energy observables. In this thesis, we tackle the problem the other way around and propose a way to falsify this mechanism. Considering the type-I leptogenesis mechanism, i.e. a mechanism based on the asymmetric decay of right-handed neutrinos, in a left-right symmetric framework, we show that the observation of a right-handed gauge boson W_R at future colliders would rule out any possibility for such mechanism to be responsible of the matter asymmetry present in our Universe.<p><p>Another intriguing question that analyses of the anisotropies of the CMB confirmed is the presence of a non-baryonic component of matter in our Universe, i.e. the dark matter. As hinted by observations of galactic rotation curves, it should copiously be present in our galactic halo, but is notoriously difficult to detect directly. We can take advantage on the fact that antimatter almost disappeared from our surroundings to detect the contamination of cosmic rays from standard sources the annihilation products of dark matter would produce.<p><p>The second subject tackled in this work is the study of the imprints the Inert Doublet Modem (IDM) could leave in (charged) cosmic rays, namely positrons, antprotons and antideuterons. This model, first proposed to allow the Bout-Englert-Higgs particle to evade the Electroweak Precision Test (EWPT) measurements, introduces an additional scalar doublet which is inert in the sense that it does not couple directly to fermions. This latter property brings an additional virtue to this additional doublet :since it interacts weakly with particles, it can play the role of dark matter. This study will be done in the light of the data recently released by the PAMELA, ATIC and Fermi-GLAST collaborations, which reported e^± excesses in two different energy ranges. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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