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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

\"Loira você fica muito mais bonita\": relações entre crianças de uma EMEI da cidade de São Paulo e as representações étnico-raciais em seus desenhos / Blonde gets you more pretty. relationships bettwen EMEI children in Sâo Paulo City and the racial ethnic representations in their drawings

Farias, Ana Carolina Batista de Almeida 08 April 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo compreender as relações entre as crianças e o que desenham no que se refere a questões étnico-raciais, tomando estas como ponto de partida para observar de que maneira o racismo pode ser construído e constituído desde a infância; O trabalho de campo, realizado em uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil (EMEI) na periferia da cidade de São Paulo, infere que elementos culturais presentes nos desenhos de meninas e meninos (tais como os traçados dos cabelos prioritariamente lisos e a ausência das representações das cores das peles nos desenhos), bem como questões abordadas sobre como é ter cabelo crespo e pele escura, podem significar uma condição não tão desejada, sobretudo para as meninas de 4 e 5 anos; Ainda que a professora da turma pesquisada seja negra e esteja comprometida com o debate étnico-racial, oferecendo diversas referências sobre personagens e personalidades negras, as vivências positivas referentes as questões da negritude são raras na realidade dos alunos, o que faz com que racismo institucional presente na escola apareça como pano de fundo e reforce o sentimento de muitas meninas desejarem ardentemente uma estética branca e etnicamente distinta das suas características naturais: serem loiras e terem cabelo liso / This research aims to understand the relationship between children and the drawings they make concerning to ethnic and racial issues, taking these as a starting point to observe how racism can be built and made up since childhood; The field work, performed in a Citys Kindergarten School (EMEI) on the suburb of São Paulo, infers that cultural elements present in the drawings of girls and boys (such as traces of primarily straight hair and the absence of representations for colors of the skins in the drawings), and addressed questions on how to have curly hair and dark skin, might make reference to an undesired condition, especially for girls of 4 and 5 years-old. Although the teacher of the researched class is African American and is committed to the ethnic-racial debate, offering many references to Black characters and personalities, positive experiences regarding those issues are rare in the reality of these students, which incurs in institutional racism at this school appears as a backdrop and reinforcement for the feeling that many girls already have: they wish ardently a white aesthetics to be ethnically distinct from what is their natural characteristics: they want to be blond and have straight light hair

Design e tecnologia para a joalheria : microtomografia da gravação a laser CO2 em ágata e implicações para projetos com desenhos vetoriais

Cidade, Mariana Kuhl January 2017 (has links)
A joalheria tem se desenvolvido juntamente com novas tecnologias e aprimoramentos em processos de fabricação, sendo um reflexo de mudanças na sociedade e na indústria. Determinadas gemas, como a ágata, têm sido beneficiadas para a fabricação de adornos e ornamentos, contudo algumas características do material permanecem pouco estudadas, como modificações em sua microestrutura durante o processamento. Dentre as novas tecnologias de processamento para a ágata, encontra-se a gravação a laser CO2. A tecnologia está associada a determinadas modificações superficiais na gema através da geração de uma porosidade secundária, dado ao fato que o material possui uma porosidade natural em escala micrométrica. Durante a gravação, diversos parâmetros podem ser definidos para aperfeiçoar o resultado do processo. Assim, a padronização universal de desenhos vetoriais pode facilitar a execução da gravação, principalmente com a utilização de formas preenchidas, normalmente realizada com imagens do tipo bitmaps JPEG. Visando estudar os efeitos do laser no material, esta pesquisa apresenta uma análise tridimensional, não-invasiva e de alta-resolução de uma amostra de ágata gravada, por meio de análises qualitativas e quantitativas, baseadas em microtomografia computadorizada de raios X. Os resultados mostraram que os efeitos de porosidade secundária, trincas e fraturas de expansão térmica ocorrem principalmente devido à presença de água no interior da amostra, tanto natural quanto proveniente de reações químicas perante o aquecimento do laser. Os volumes de material removido por expulsão e vaporização foram quantificados e ponderados com relação à distância percorrida pelo feixe. Após a compreensão dos efeitos, foram realizadas análises de padronização de diferentes espaçamentos para gravação de formas simples e/ou complexas, abertas e/ou fechadas, e preenchidas, com perfilometria de contato e microscopias. A padronização foi utilizada como base para o depósito de uma patente de invenção. / Jewelry has been developed along with new technologies and improvements in manufacturing processes, thus reflecting changes in society and industry. Certain gemstones, such as agate, have been processed for the manufacture of ornaments and adornments, however, some characteristics of the material remain little studied, such as modifications on its microstructure during processing. Among the new processing technologies for agate is CO2 laser engraving. The technology is associated with certain superficial modifications in the gemstone through the generation of a secondary porosity, due to the material having a natural porosity in a micron scale. During engraving, several parameters can be set to improve the processing result. Thus, a universal standardization of vector drawings can facilitate the execution of the engraving, mainly with the use of filled forms, usually performed with JPEG bitmaps type images. Aiming to study the effects of laser on the material, this research presents a threedimensional, non-invasive, and high-resolution analysis of an engraved agate sample through qualitative and quantitative studies based on X-ray computerized microtomography. Results showed that the effects of secondary porosity, thermal expansion cracks, and fractures occur mainly due to the presence of water within the sample, both natural and derived from chemical reactions due to the laser heating. Removed material volumes by expulsion and vaporization were quantified and weighted with respect to the distance moved by the beam. After the understanding of the effects, standardization analyzes of different spacings were made for the engraving of simple and/or complex, open and/or closed, and filled forms, with contact profilometry and microscopies. Standardization was used as the basis for a patent deposit.

Understanding the hidden experience of head and neck cancer patients : a qualitative exploration of beliefs and mental images

Lang, Heidi January 2010 (has links)
Patients’ beliefs about their illness are known to influence their experiences of illness, its psychological impact, their health behaviours, and overall health outcomes. Research into illness beliefs has typically involved written or oral methods, yet recent studies have suggested that patients’ beliefs about their illness may be embodied in visual form, in their mental images of the disease. Beliefs embedded in mental images may not be captured via traditional modes of assessment, and thus far the possible significance of this kind of ‘visual knowledge’, has been largely overlooked. Studies using visual methods to explore patients’ mental images suggest this is a viable and useful approach which may provide additional insights into their illness beliefs. Research of this kind is in its infancy however, and there are several fundamental questions concerning the existence and nature of mental images, how best to access such images, and their relationship to illness beliefs, which are as yet unanswered. This thesis employed qualitative methods to address these issues and explore the significance of mental images within the context of head and neck cancer. It consists of three empirical phases – a methodological pilot study, a qualitative meta-synthesis, and a longitudinal study. The findings indicate that many patients do generate a mental image of their cancer, and this is significant in terms of their understanding of both the disease and its treatments. Images appear to enhance patients’ comprehension of what is going on inside their bodies, and may both reflect and influence illness beliefs. In this thesis these findings are considered with reference to the methodological issues intrinsic to researching mental images, and the implications for future research and clinical practice.

Desenhos, palavras e borboletas na educação infantil: brincadeiras com as idéias no processo de significação sobre os seres vivos. / Drawings, words and butterflies in child education: playing with ideas in the process of signification of living beings. 2006.

Dominguez, Celi Rodrigues Chaves 28 March 2006 (has links)
A finalidade desta pesquisa realizada na Creche Oeste, que se localiza no campus da USP em São Paulo foi investigar, a partir do referencial de Vygotsky, como ocorre o processo de atribuição de significados sobre os seres vivos, entre crianças pequenas, quando estas participam de interações discursivas mediadas por adultos. Para isto, um grupo composto por 16 crianças de 4 anos foi acompanhado durante oito meses nas atividades relacionadas ao desenvolvimento do projeto Pequenos Animais, quando estudaram com maior profundidade as borboletas. Neste trabalho, utilizou-se metodologia qualitativa, e os registros foram feitos por meio de gravações em áudio e vídeo, durante as rodas de conversas e nos momentos de elaboração de desenhos por parte das crianças os quais puderam ser coletados para posterior análise. Constatou-se que as crianças foram negociando entre si os significados das palavras, no decorrer das próprias interações discursivas, ou seja, na medida em que brincavam com as idéias. Esta brincadeira com as idéias, essencial para o processo de significação, foi possível quando as crianças foram autorizadas e estimuladas a se expressar livremente, por meio do uso de múltiplas linguagens. Ademais, verificou-se que o acesso à ampla variedade de fontes de informação, bem como a boa qualidade destas a expressão boa qualidade diz respeito à abundância de ilustrações, legendas e textos explicativos interferiu significativamente no processo criativo das crianças, o que, por sua vez, favoreceu a atribuição de significados. Nesta investigação, concluiu-se, ainda, que as crianças, além de se apropriarem de alguns conhecimentos sobre borboletas (aspectos morfológicos dos animais, fases do ciclo de vida, diversidade de espécies, hábitos alimentares e estratégias de defesa contra predação), incorporaram, em seus desenhos, modos de representação semelhantes aos encontrados nos materiais de divulgação científica disponibilizados às crianças, merecendo destaque o formato sequencial de apresentação das fases do ciclo de vida das borboletas. / The purpose of this research, which was conducted at the Creche Oeste daycare center located on campus at USP São Paulo, was to investigate, referenced on Vygotskys work, how the process of attributing meanings to living beings occurs among young children when they participate in discursive interactions mediated by adults. To this end, a group of sixteen 4-year-olds were monitored for eight months in their activities relating to the development of the project Small Animals, during which they made an in-depth study of butterflies. This work was carried out using a qualitative methodology, with data collected through audio and video recordings during group conversations and while the children drew pictures, which were collected for subsequent analysis. It was found that the children negotiated the meanings of words among themselves during the discursive interactions, in other words, as they played with their ideas. This playing with ideas, which is essential to the process of signification, was enabled by allowing and encouraging the children to express themselves freely through the use of multiple languages. Moreover, access to a wide variety of information sources, as well as their good quality the expression good quality refers to the abundance of explanatory illustrations, captions and texts , interfered significantly in the childrens creative process, which in turn favored the attributions of meanings. It was also concluded, from this investigation, that the children not only assimilated some knowledge about butterflies (their morphological aspects, phases of their life cycle, species diversity, feeding habits and defense strategies against predation) but also incorporated into their drawings similar modes of representation as those they encountered in the scientific materials made available to them, with special emphasis on the sequential format of presentation of the phases of the life cycle of butterflies.

Fielding questions

Moode, Michelle C. 01 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Thinking, small group interactions, and interdisciplinary project work

Ng, D. K. E. January 2008 (has links)
Interdisciplinary Project Work (PW) was introduced as an educational initiative in Singapore schools from primary to pre-university levels in 2000. PW was posited to (a) enhance perceptions and use of inter-subject connections in real-world problems, (b) promote knowledge application, and (c) provide a platform for the use of thinking skills. The main goal of this thesis is to explore how these objectives are inter-related with factors influencing the quality of group collaborative mathematical thinking processes and mathematical outcomes during a mathematically-based interdisciplinary project. In this study, high quality mathematical thinking processes occur when the flow of group interactions is purposefully directed towards the enhancement of mathematically accurate, logical, and reasonable outcomes. / A Sequential Explanatory Mixed Methods Design consisting of consecutive quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis procedures was used to answer the seven research questions in the study. A researcher-designed mathematically-based interdisciplinary project was implemented over 14-15 weeks with 16 classes of students (aged 13-14) belonging to two educational streams (higher and average-ability) in three Singapore government secondary schools. No teaching intervention was administered. Six scales were developed for pre- and post-project measurements of students’ mathematical confidence, perception of the value of mathematics, and perception of the interconnectedness of mathematics (N = 398). Ten student-group cases (n = 38) were selected for further in-depth qualitative data collection procedures pertaining to the nature of mathematical knowledge application, use of metacognitive monitoring and regulatory strategies, and core thinking skills application during three tasks in the interdisciplinary project. / The findings of this study clearly demonstrate the complexities of using PW to promote holistic and connected use of knowledge. Five substantial contributions to research on interdisciplinary learning arise from the thesis:1. An empirical framework synthesising factors influencing the quality of group collaborative mathematical knowledge application processes and outcomes was developed.2. The social influence of the group member activating applications of core thinking skills and metacognitive monitoring and regulatory strategies is a mediating factor influencing the flow of cognitive-metacognitive group interactions, and therefore, the quality of collaborative mathematical knowledge application processes and outcomes.3. Leaders of high-stream groups who were socially non-dominant but mathematically active were more likely to apply a higher frequency of core thinking skills than group members in other roles (i.e., questioner, recorder, and encourager) during a mathematically-based interdisciplinary project.4. The types and complexities of mathematical knowledge and skills applied during a mathematically-based interdisciplinary project did not correspond with stream.5. Whilst students were more able to appreciate the use of mathematics for inter-subject learning after participating in a mathematically-based interdisciplinary project, their beliefs about inter-subject connections and efforts at making these connections only marginally changed.These outcomes enhance our understanding of the challenges involved in the successful use of interdisciplinary tasks with middle school students and provide focuses for future teacher facilitation of mathematical learning during interdisciplinary education.

A Proposal For The Structure Of Production Drawings Of

Cal, Nazli Naz 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Documentation is an important aspect in the construction industry since there are many types and number of documents that have to be controlled for the success of a given project. In design/build projects, site technical groups of the contractor upgrade the tender drawings by preparing shop drawings to be sent to the consultant for checking purpose. Especially in large projects a great many shop drawings are produced, causing a need of a system to keep track of and to understand the status of the drawings. These all can be achieved with a proper documentation system to be used within the company. The main aim of this study was to make a proposal for the structure of production drawings of &ldquo / design/build&rdquo / construction projects in computer environment to maintain control of the drawings in the construction sites while documenting them for project completion. This system should base on CADD Standards. In this, first, the architectural production drawings were identified. These were then arranged according to the model file-naming convention of the selected CADD Standard. Following, the main folders of the proposed documentation structure were created and, finally, the working principles of the structure were introduced. The system was applied to a real construction project for a period of two weeks and tested by usability evaluation. The results of the usability evaluations revealed that the system provides advantages in terms of the control of shop drawings and documentation for project completion. Conversely, the system did not maintain ease of communication.

Assessing young children's personal constructs of `nature' using a modified repertory grid test : a case study

Beattie, A. Elizabeth 10 March 2014 (has links)
This paper presents a method for assessing the personal construct systems of young children (ages 4 to 6) regarding the notion of 'nature,' conducted at a Montessori Casa in Toronto, Ontario. Images from the participants' drawings of 'nature' were used in a card sorting exercise and as elements in a modified repertory grid test. Member checking was conducted through recorded conversations with the children throughout the process to minimize the influence of my own construct system. I conducted content analyses of the initial drawings, and made structural measurements and statistical analyses of the card sort and repertory grid data. The limited results indicate that this modified form of repertory grid test is reliable and useful for assessing the structure of young children's construct systems regarding 'nature.' Using Personal Construct Theory may facilitate the development of more participatory, engaging, and effective Environmental Education programs.

Användandet av mobila enheter med appsystem och appars fackmannamässiga potential inom byggbranshen

Åström, Joakim January 2014 (has links)
Mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones are quite common in this day. The author of this thesis wanted to know how common these mobile devices are in the building industry and how they are used and what potential an app could have. The author thus conducted an investigation on this matter, mainly in the form of interviews. Answers given by the interviews were then used as a basis to survey the usage of mobile devices and the usage of different kinds of apps. An investigation of different apps with the potential to be used by professionals in the building industry has been carried through. Apps which manage such things as scanning documents, measuring distances and handle communication. A further more advanced study of a floor plan making app, called MagicPlan has also been done. The equipment that were used were Samsung Galaxy S2, Apple iPad , Samsung Note 10.1 Tablet, Leica Disto, Leica Scanstation C10, Canon Pixma MP270. The results of the examination show that the usages of mobile devices are widely spread in the building industry, however, seldom to its full potential. The results also indicates that the tested apps likely can be used by professionals in some cases.

Kapiliarinių rankos piešinių tyrimas statistikos metodais / Capillary arm study designs using statistical methods

Meilūnaitė, Simona 03 September 2010 (has links)
Įsisavinti matematinės statistikos metodus, taikomus daktiloskopijoje. / To master the methods of mathematical statistics for dactyloscopic.

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