Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dried""
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Development and testing of a screening tool for mine workers with possible hand arm vibration syndromeSampson, Elsjebe 13 February 2006 (has links)
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is a collective term for the symptoms arising from the prolonged use of vibrating hand tools. An investigation into the literature on available screening tools for HAVS was conducted. A screening tool is used for the quick identification of certain symptoms without a full medical check up, and is for use by mine medical personnel for the determination of workers with HAVS symptoms and those without. Twenty-two non-exposed volunteers were tested with the screening tools and forty-two rock drill operators. Only the rock drill operators had a medical examination and standardised tests for HAVS diagnoses, to determine their HAVS diagnosis and severity. This diagnosis was used as the standard for the evaluation, of existing screening tools and for developed screening tool, sensitivity for the detection of HAVS symptoms. The screening tools chosen were a traditional tuning fork, a similar tuning fork but mounted into a box with a set excitation unit and a two-point discriminator set a 3mm, 6mm, and 10mm apart. The results showed that a screening questionnaire that specifically focuses on the symptoms of HAVS has better sensitivity and specificity to identify cases. A two-point discriminator with variable distance points, where patients have to distinguish between one pin prick and two, was able to identify HAVS cases when the distance was set at 3mm. However, the sensitivity of the two-point discriminator was lower than the sensitivity of the questionnaire. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Industrial and Systems Engineering / Unrestricted
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Vliv geometrie a řezných parametrů nástroje na zbytkové napětí při obrábění tlakových zásobníků / The influence of geometry and cutting tool parameters on residual stress during machining of the pressure containersBerka, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of changes in cutting parameters and tool geometry on residual stress inside the material. I examine the influence by deep drilling. Changing the cutting parameters concerns the alteration of the tool feed and the pressure of the coolant during the process. The influence of tool geometry is studied by using two different single edge cannon drills. The research was realized in cooperation with Bosch Diesel Ltd. The theoretical part includes a description of the injection system, in which a high-pressure container is contained. The high-pressure container was used to evaluate the influence of the cutting parameters and tool geometry on residual stress. Furthermore, the theoretical part deals with the deep drilling technology used and the theory of residual stresses. The practical part shows the measurement parameters and the corresponding results. In the conclusion of this thesis, a technical-economic evaluation of the measurement is conducted.
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New bore pipe connection for Slotborer / Ny skarvkoppling för borrpipor till SlotborerGRÖNKVIST, EMIL January 2016 (has links)
Slotborer är benämningen på en ny maskinprototyp som skall användas för att i gruvor borra och utvinna platina. För att erhålla ett visst borrdjup skarvas borrpipor vilket åstadkoms med en gängkoppling. Detta arbete har haft som syfte att utveckla en ny koppling för dessa pipor då konstruktionen med gängor har visat sig vara problematisk. Ett antal koncept genererades varefter det mest lovande, enligt diskussion med kund och Pughs beslutsmatriser, valdes för vidareutveckling. Detta valda koncept var en typ av bajonettkoppling som förfinades och det gjordes en 3D CAD-modell samt mer detaljerade analyser av kopplingens hållfasthet. Analytiskt med grundläggande hållfasthetslära visades kopplingens mest påkända delar ha Von Mises effektivspänningar på 230 MPa vid normal borrning, 360 MPa vid maxeffektsborrning och 605 MPa vid dragande borrning med maxeffekt. Kontakttryck i kopplingen analyserades enligt Hertz kontaktteori och uppgick i maximalt 2,6 GPa, 3,3 GPa och 4,5 GPa för respektive lastfall. En FEM-analys gjordes där lokala effektivspänningar upptäcktes vara i storleksordningarna 300 MPa, 500 MPa och 1200 MPa för respektive lastfall. Konceptutvecklingen och analysen pekar på att konstruktionen är lämplig för vidare detaljerad konstruktion. / Slotborer is a new machine prototype that is used for excavating platina in underground mines. To drill holes with desired depths there are several drill pipes that are bonded as the hole is drilled deeper with a threaded connection. This work have had the purpose of designing a new connection for these drill pipes as the thread design have shown to be problematic. A number of concepts were generated after which the most preferred, according to customer discussions and Pugh decision matrices, was chosen for further development and refinement. The chosen concept for development was a type of bayonet coupling and a more detailed 3D CAD model and analysis of the coupling strength were made. Analytical solid mechanics showed that the most heavily loaded parts of the coupling experienced effective Von Mises stresses of 230 MPa for normal drilling, 360 MPa for heavy drilling and 605 MPa for heavy back reaming. Contact pressures were analyzed with Hertzian contact theory and the maximum values of these were shown to be 2.6 GPa, 3.3 Gpa and 4.5 GPa for the respective load cases. An FE analysis made showed higher local effective stresses that was of the magnitude of 300 MPa, 500 MPa and 1200 MPa for the respective load cases. The conclusion of the concept development and analysis points out that the design is suitable for further detailed design.
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Polisiära övningar mot pågående dödligt våld : En innehållsanalys av polisens övning POLKON HT2020Nilsson, Ylva, Engelholm, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera polisens övning POLKON HT2020 och hur övningen kunde förstås utifrån den kunskap som finns om pågående dödligt våld. Vidare syftade studien till att ta reda på hur kunskapen och analysen av övningen kunde användas för att planera framtida övningar. Materialet som användes i studien bestod av polisens material från övningen POLKON HT2020 som genomfördes hösten 2020 i Jönköping. Syftet med övningen var att poliserna skulle öva på att möta och bekämpa pågående dödligt våld. Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Innehållsanalysen kopplades sedan samman med kriminologisk forskning samt rutinaktivitetsteorin och kognitiva psykologiska teorier. Resultatet visade att de moment som genomfördes i övningen i stor utsträckning överensstämde med den kunskap som finns om pågående dödligt våld. Framtida övningar bör bygga på kunskap om brottstypen för att på samma sätt förbereda poliserna på skarpt läge. / The purpose of this study was to analyze the POLKON HT2020 drill and how its content can be utilised in comparison to the knowledge available about active shooter situations. Additionally, the study aimed at investigating how this knowledge and the analysis of the drill could be used in planning future police drills. The material used in the study consisted of the police´s written material about the POLKON HT2020 drill, which was done during fall 2020 in Jönköping. The purpose of the drill was to prepare the officers to handle an active shooter situation. The material in the study was examined by qualitative content analysis. The result of the content analysis was put in relation to criminological research, routine activity theory and cognitive psychological theories. The results showed that the drill to a large extent corresponds with currently available knowledge about active shooter situations. According to the conclusion of this study, future drills should be planned using criminological research and theory in order to guarantee the same knowledge as the POLKON HT2020 for future officers involved.
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Grafický editor metadat pro OLAP / Graphic Editor for OLAP Interface MetadataŠmerda, Vojtěch January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes OLAP and data mining technologies and methods of their communication with users by using dynamic tables. Key theoretical and technical information is also included. Next part focuses on particular implementation of dynamic tables used in Vema portal solution. Last parts come close to analysis and implementation of the metadata editor which enables the metadata to be effectively designed.
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Innovation genom additiv tillverkning / Innovation through Additive ManufacturingStåhl, Dennis, Guo, Siyu January 2018 (has links)
Additiv tillverkning, AM, är en teknik som utvecklas med stormsteg. Konventionella tillverkningsmetoder, som exempelvis svarvning eller formgjutning, är begränsade när det kommer till att ta fram produkter med komplexa geometrier och därför är AM ett bra komplement. Tidigare har dock andra materialegenskaper såsom brott- och sträckgräns varit något som kompenserats med inom AM. Men i den takt som AM utvecklas kan tekniken snart ersätta de flesta konventionella tillverkningsmetoderna helt. Syftet med denna rapport är att redogöra vad som är möjligt att producera med dagens AM och vad som kan förväntas i framtiden.Eftersom att komplexa former inte är ett problem med AM så går produkterna att ta fram i ett enda steg jämfört med när de tidigare blivit hopmonterade av flera mindre delar. AM i metall är något som är under snabb utveckling och i dagsläget finns det många metoder för detta, bland annat Selective Laser Sintering, Selective Laser Melting, Beam Metal Deposition, Electron Beam Melting och Binder Jetting. Metoderna använder olika typer av teknik för att skapa modeller och de har alla sina för- och nackdelar vad gäller kostnad, hållfasthet och arbetshastighet.Verktyg i alla dess former är exempel på produkter som kräver hög prestanda och lång livslängd. För att integrera de höga kraven på prestanda och möjligheterna till komplexa geometrier med AM så är det en spiralborr med invändiga kylkanaler som tas fram i denna rapport. De invändiga kylkanalerna skiftar i diameter för att optimera intaget av kylmedel samtidigt som trycket på utloppet ökar.Som tidigare nämnt finns det många metoder för AM i metall. Den metod som anses bäst lämpad för detta ändamål är Selective Laser Melting då denna metod skapar kompakta metallprodukter med hög hållfasthet. En 3D-modell av Spiralborren skapas i Solid Edge ST9 och modellen simuleras i ANSYS Workbench för att se hur kylkanalerna påverkar borren vid användning. Resultatet av simuleringen visar på att den totala deformationen blir 0,68μm och den maximalaspänningen blir 33,95MPa, båda uppstår i mitten på spiralborren. Varken totala deformationen eller spänningen i borren når alltså en kritisk gräns, och därför dras slutsatsen att detta är en konstruktion som skulle klara de krav som finns på en borr.Utvecklingen av nya metoder för AM i metall går snabbt och inom en snar framtid kommer de nya teknikerna ha så pass hög arbetshastighet och vara så pass priseffektiva att de kommer kunna ersätta de flesta konventionella tillverkningsmetoderna helt och hållet. / Additive manufacturing, AM, is a technique that is developing in an incredible pace. Conventional manufacturing methods, like lathe turning or casting for instance, are limited when it comes to creating products with complex geometries, in these cases AM is a good complement. Previously though, material characteristics like tensile strength and yield point is something that AM has been compensating with. But in the current rate of development, the AM-technique can soon replace most conventional manufacturing methods completely. The purpose of this project is to describe the possibilities in AM today and what could be expected in the future.Since complex geometries is not a problem with AM, the products can be produced in only one step compared to conventional methods where it often takes several steps to produce a product. AM with metal is something that is developing fast and there are already many different methods, for instance Selective Laser Sintering, Selective Laser Melting, Beam Metal Deposition, Electron Beam Melting and Binder Jetting. These methods use different techniques to create prototypes and they all have their pros and cons what matters cost, strength and working speed.Tools in all forms are examples of products that requires high performance and a long life-span. To integrate the requirement of high performance and the possibilities with complex geometries through AM, a twisted drill with internal cooling channels is produced in this project. The internal cooling channels are shifting in diameter to optimize the inlet of coolant and at the same time increase the outlet.As mentioned earlier there are many different methods for AM in metal. The method that is considered the best for this purpose is Selective Laser Melting since this method creates compact metal products with high strength. A 3D-model of the twisted drill was created in Solid Edge ST9 and was then analyzed in ANSYS Workbench to see the impact of the internal cooling channels during use of the drill. The results show that the total deformation is 0,68μm and maximum tension is 33,95MPa, both in the middle of the drill. Neither the total deformation or the maximum tension reaches a critical limit and therefor the drawn conclusion is that this model would reach the requirements given to a drill.The development of new methods in AM with metal is going fast and in a near future the new techniques will have increased in working speed so much and be price effective enough to replace most of the conventional manufacturing methods completely.
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Electrification of rock drills : An initial study of an electromagnetic percussion conceptSmith Siljestrand, Jakob, Chebolu, Sai Shridhar January 2023 (has links)
The world is looking for greener solutions and so is the mining industry. This quest has led to the question whether it is possible to have a completely electric rock drill. This work carries out an initial exploration of completely electrified percussion. Furthermore, it compares the preliminary performance of an electrified rock drill against a hydraulic counterpart. A mathematical model for an electromagnetic linear motor was developed and simulated as a component in the simulation software Hopsan. This component was then incorporated into a electromagnetic rock drill model which uses components from Epiroc’s in-house developed library. The electromagnetic rock drill model was then optimised and used to obtain the performance characteristics such as impact energy and frequency which were compared against one of the hydraulic rock drill models, COP 1838. The results show that it is possible to reach the same performance as the COP 1838 with enough input current. The characteristics were then studied with respect to variation of physical parameters of the electromagnetic linear motor and input current. Finally some limitations and strengths of the electromagnetic rock drill concept are discussed and some conclusions are presented.
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Innerytans inverkan på utmattningshållfasthet i bergborrstängerHållström, Erik January 2022 (has links)
Top hammer drilling uses a percussive force at the top combined with a rotational energy that transmits through a rod to a drill bit that crushes rock. It is a drilling method that is preliminary used in mining, construction and operations under ground. Fatigue strength plays an important role in the drill rods life span. A top hammer drill rod has a through hole in the center called a flush hole used to flush up the drilling cuttings. The flush hole is a weak spot in the rod. In this preliminary study the purpose was to investigate if, and how, the surface in the flush hole affects the fatigue strength in rock drill rods. Four test methods; Refined inner surface, lathed core, without lubricant and sealed hollow bar. With three samples of each method that affected the surface of the flush hole, were used in the manufacturing of the rods and compared to references. Different tests were applied to measure the quality of the flush hole and of the rods. The material used were fatigue tested under a pulsating pull-pull condition with flushing water. Finally, the fracture surfaces were studied. The fatigue test showed that refined inner surface had supreme fatigue strength, the other methods exhibit approximately 10% more cycles than the references. In conclusion the inner surface affects the fatigue strength. The parameter with the most distinct correlation to the fatigue test was surface roughness. Other parameters that seems to affect were oxidation, hardness and scratches. To obtain statistical certainty more samples are needed.
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Comparing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Oral and Written Retellings as Strategies for Improving Reading Comprehension PerformanceSchisler, Rebecca Ailina 29 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Alternative Drill String Handling System for a Mobile Raise Boring Machine / Alternativt hanteringssystem för borrsträngskomponenter till en mobil StigortsmaskinEnglund, Felix, Värmhed, Albin January 2021 (has links)
The work presented is a master’s thesis at the track Machine Design at KTH Royal Institute ofTechnology. The project was commissioned by Epiroc AB through Svea Teknik AB. Epiroc’s Easer L is a highly versatile and flexible mobile raise boring machine used to drill opening holes and media holes. A drill string handling system is used to construct and deconstruct the drill string during a raise. Currently, the Easer utilizes a lifting arm to move the drill string components between a pipe rack and the derrick. A pipe loader, which is a second arm mounted on the derrick, is used to align the components with the drill string. This work aims to examinethe possibility to replace this system with a more compact and preferably automatable solution. The work had its main focus on a concept generation and evaluation process, where a wide range of possible means of handling the drill string handling system’s sub functions were methodically mapped in function means trees. Several concepts were synthesized using a morphological method and brain storming in a diverging process and their variants were explored and mapped. An iterative screening process utilizing a Pugh Matrix and GATEs converged the ideas until a final concept selection was performed. The resulting conceptual drill string handling system consist of a new crane and gripper solution and a new pipe loader, all modified to lift pipes horizontally instead of vertically. The pipe racks were modified to enable better interaction with the gripper module, even if racks are inclined. A sliding mechanism was integrated in the crane mounting bracket to eliminate the need for remounting the crane, reducing down times. The resulting conceptual drill string handling solves many of the challenges of the existing system and increases the flexibility, automation and productivity of the Easer L. / Detta är ett examensarbete på masterspåret Maskinkonstruktion på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Arbetet utfördes på uppdrag av Epiroc AB genom Svea Teknik AB. Epirocs Easer L är en mångsidig och flexibel mobil stigortsmaskin som används till öppningshål och mediehål. Borrsträngskomponenternas hanteringssystem används för att gradvis montera och demontera borrsträngen under drift. Dagens hanteringssystem inkluderar en kran med en gripanordning som flyttar borrsträngskomponenter mellan deras förvaringsställning och borrtornet. En borrörsladdare, vilken är en ytterligare arm monterad på borrtornet, används för att placera borrsträngskomponenter i linje med borrsträngen. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka möjligheteratt byta ut detta hanteringssystem mot ett mer kompakt och automatiserbart alternativ. Arbetets huvudfokus låg på konceptutveckling, där ett brett utbud av lösningar på hanteringsystemets delfunktioner kartlades metodiskt i funktionsmedelträd. Detta följdes av en divergerande process där syntes av en bred mängd koncept utfördes genom morfologisk metod och idéspåning och konceptens variationer kartlades noggrant. En iterativ gallringsprocess kovergerade antalet koncept med hjälp av en Pughmatris och GATEr tills ett konceptval kunde utföras. Slutresultatet är ett konceptuellt hanteringssystem för borrsträngskomponenter beståendes av en kran och gripenhet med tillhörande borrörsladdare, vilka anpassades för att hantera borrsträngskomponenter i horisontellt läge. Detta möjliggör en mer kompakt arbetsvolym. Förvaringsställningarna modifierades för bättre interaktion med gripenheten, även vid ojämn mark. En linjärenhet integrerades i kranens fästpunkt, vilket gör att kranen inte behöver monteras om vilket tidigare orsakade ställtider. Det nya alternativet löser flertalet problem med det nuvarande hanteringssystemet, vilket gör Easer L mer flexibel och automatiserad och ökar därmed produktiviteten.
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