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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Statistical Analysis Of Visible Absorption Spectra And Mass Spectra Obtained From Dyed Textile Fibers

White, Katie Margaret 01 January 2010 (has links)
The National Academy of Sciences recently published a report which calls for improvements to the field of forensic science. Their report criticized many forensic disciplines for failure to establish rigorously-tested methods of comparison, and encouraged more research in these areas to establish limitations and assess error rates. This study applies chemometric and statistical methods to current and developing analytical techniques in fiber analysis. In addition to analysis of commercially available dyed textile fibers, two pairs of dyes are selected based for custom fabric dyeing on the similarities of their absorbance spectra and dye molecular structures. Visible absorption spectra for all fiber samples are collected using microspectrophotometry (MSP) and mass spectra are collected using electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry. Statistical calculations are performed using commercial software packages and software written in-house. Levels of Type I and Type II error are examined for fiber discrimination based on hypothesis testing of visible absorbance spectra using a nonparametric permutation method. This work also explores evaluation of known and questioned fiber populations based on an assessment of p-value distributions from questioned-known fiber comparisons with those of known fiber self-comparisons. Results from the hypothesis testing are compared with principal components analysis (PCA) and discriminant analysis (DA) of visible absorption spectra, as well as PCA and DA of ESI mass spectra. The sensitivity of a statistical approach will also be discussed in terms of how instrumental parameters and sampling methods may influence error rates.

The influence of acid and direct azo dyes and their intermediates on the degradation of wool keratin. The characterisation by yarn strength measurements of the degradation of wool under conditions relevant to dyeing and of the keratin degradation products, by fractionation, electrophoresis and amino acid analysis.

McComish, John January 1981 (has links)
The degradation of wool keratin under conditions relevant to those of wool dyeing was investigated using the techniques of gel permeation chromatography (GPC), ion exchange gel chromatography, and amino acid analysis. Physical testing of the treated and untreated wool was also carried out to determine the physical changes occurring, parameters used being percentage elongation at the break, and the breaking strain of the fibre. Samples of wool keratin were immersed in various aqueous solutions at 1000C for 24 hours and the filtered, aqueous, oxidised extracts were analysed* The solutions used varied only in the dye, or dye intermediate present in the treatment solution. All treatment baths contained 10% owf 1.02 x 10 -2 MSulphuric VI acid; 10%owf 7.04x 10 -3 MSodium sulphate VI ; A 100 :1 liquor ratio was used in each case. Some of the dye intermediates showed a marked catalytic effect, particularly in their effect on breaking strain, a decrease of 40% in some cases. The GPC profiles of the extracted proteins were examined in detail and compared against previous workers' results. An explanation of the behaviour of the dyes and intermediates was proposed. The amino acid composition data of the extracted and fractionated proteins were compared against various morphological components extracted by other workers, as was the total gelatin obtained from each treatment. / Science Research Council

Recuperación del colorante de aguas residuales textiles mediante nanoarcillas para su reutilización como pigmentos y nuevos baños de tintura

López Rodríguez, Daniel 13 July 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La preocupación por la salud del planeta ha aumentado drásticamente y los efluentes textiles son de los más contaminantes en la industria a nivel mundial. Los procesos de ennoblecimiento textil y en especial los de tintorería, vierten grandes cantidades de residuos de difícil tratamiento como los colorantes. Las nanoarcillas pueden limpiar las aguas residuales de colorantes gracias a su capacidad de adsorción. En este trabajo fue posible analizar y cuantificar la cantidad de iones metálicos sustituidos por colorantes aniónicos cuando se adsorben, y determinar la cantidad óptima de nanoarcilla que debe utilizarse para adsorber todo el colorante. Las pruebas demostraron la cantidad específica de nanoarcilla que debe utilizarse y cómo optimizar los procesos posteriores de separación y procesamiento de la nanoarcilla. Se utilizó hidrotalcita como material adsorbente. En esta investigación se utilizaron diversos tipos colorantes, directos, reactivos, catiónicos y dispersos. Los patrones de difracción de rayos X (DRX) permitieron comprobar la recuperación de la forma de la hidrotalcita y confirmaron la adsorción de los colorantes. Se utilizó un análisis FTIR, XPS y EDX para comprobar la presencia de grupos característicos de los colorantes en los híbridos resultantes. Las pruebas termogravimétricas (TGA) corroboraron la adsorción del colorante y la mejora de la solidez térmica. La reflectancia solar total (TSR) mostró una mayor protección frente a la radiación UV-VIS-NIR. Gracias a los trabajos realizados, se ha podido establecer el punto máximo de adsorción de la hidrotalcita. Además, mediante la utilización de nanotecnologias han podido colorear sustratos textiles con nuevas técnicas de estampación aprovechando colorantes que se han desechado de baños de tintura no agotados. Las estampaciones obtenidas se someten a pruebas de solidez del color para compararlos con estampaciones más convencionales. Se realizaron mediciones del color mediante espectrofotómetros de reflexión para valorar el resultado del color tanto de los híbridos como de los textiles estampados exitosamente. Las pruebas de TGA-DTGA realizadas previamente a las estampaciones sobre los híbridos, permite adelantarse a los resultados de ciertas pruebas de solidez del color a la luz o el planchado, las cuales se ven mejoradas gracias a las acción de la hidrotalcita. Otro uso de las nanoarcillas híbridas obtenidas de la adsorción de colorantes es el de realizar nuevos baños de tintura para sustratos textiles. Mediante el uso del nanoadsorbente hidrotalcita, han logrado adsorber y recuperar colorantes de diferente carga como aniónicos, catiónicos y no iónicos para reutilizarlos de forma exitosa en nuevos baños de tintura. Las tinturas realizadas sobre tejidos de algodón, poliéster y acrílico han sido sometidas a diferentes pruebas de degradación del color para ver su viabilidad como productos finales, utilizando la espectroscopía de reflexión para la medida del atributo de color antes y después de los ensayos, mostrando resultados muy coherentes a los de una tintura convencional. / [CA] La preocupació per la salut del planeta ha augmentat dràsticament i els efluents tèxtils són dels més contaminants en la indústria a nivell mundial. Els processos d'ennobliment tèxtil i especialment els de tintoreria, aboquen grans quantitats de residus de difícil tractament com els colorants. Les nanoargiles poden netejar les aigües residuals de colorants gràcies a la seua capacitat d'adsorció. En aquest treball va ser possible analitzar i quantificar la quantitat d'ions metàl·lics substituïts per colorants aniònics quan es adsorben, i determinar la quantitat òptima de nanoarcilla que ha d'utilitzar-se per a adsorber tot el colorant. Les proves van demostrar la quantitat específica de nanoargila que ha d'utilitzar-se i com optimitzar els processos posteriors de separació i processament de la nanoargila. Es va utilitzar hidrotalcita com a material adsorbent. En aquesta investigació es van utilitzar diversos tipus colorants, directes, reactius, catiònics i dispersos. Els patrons de difracció de raigs X (DRX) van permetre comprovar la recuperació de la forma de la hidrotalcita i van confirmar l'adsorció dels colorants. Es va utilitzar una anàlisi FTIR, XPS i EDX per a comprovar la presència de grups característics dels colorants en els híbrids resultants. Les proves termogravimétricas (TGA) van corroborar l'adsorció del colorant i la millora de la solidesa tèrmica. La reflectància solar total (TSR) va mostrar una major protecció enfront de la radiació UV-VIS-NIR. Gràcies als treballs realitzats, s'ha pogut establir el punt màxim d'adsorció de la hidrotalcita. A més, mitjançant la utilització de nanotecnologies han pogut acolorir substrats tèxtils amb noves tècniques d'estampació aprofitant colorants que s'han rebutjat de banys de tintura no esgotats. Les estampacions obtingudes se sotmeten a proves de solidesa del color per a comparar-los amb estampacions més convencionals. Es van realitzar mesuraments del color mitjançant espectrofotòmetres de reflexió per a valorar el resultat del color tant dels híbrids com dels tèxtils estampats reeixidament. Les proves de TGA-DTGA realitzades prèviament a les estampacions sobre els híbrids, permet avançar-se als resultats d'unes certes proves de solidesa del color a la llum o el planxat, les quals es veuen millorades gràcies a les acció de la hidrotalcita. Un altre ús de les nanoargiles híbrides obtingudes de l'adsorció de colorants és el de realitzar nous banys de tintura per a substrats tèxtils. Mitjançant l'ús del nanoadsorbente hidrotalcita, han aconseguit adsorber i recuperar colorants de diferent càrrega com a aniònics, catiònics i no iònics per a reutilitzar-los de manera reeixida en nous banys de tintura. Les tintures realitzades sobre teixits de cotó, polièster i acrílic han sigut sotmeses a diferents proves de degradació del color per a veure la seua viabilitat com a productes finals, utilitzant la espectroscopía de reflexió per a la mesura de l'atribut de color abans i després dels assajos, mostrant resultats molt coherents als d'una tintura convencional. / [EN] Concern for the health of the planet has increased dramatically and textile effluents are among the most polluting in the industry worldwide. Textile finishing processes, especially dyeing, discharge large quantities of difficult-to-treat wastes such as dyestuffs. Nanoclays can clean wastewater of dyes thanks to their adsorption capacity. In this work it was possible to analyze and quantify the amount of metal ions substituted by anionic dyes when adsorbed, and to determine the optimum amount of nanoclay to be used to adsorb all the dye. The tests demonstrated the specific amount of nanoclay to be used and how to optimize the subsequent processes of separation and processing of the nanoclay. Hydrotalcite was used as the adsorbent material. Various types of dyes, direct, reactive, cationic and disperse dyes were used in this investigation. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns verified the recovery of the hydrotalcite form and confirmed the adsorption of the dyes. FTIR, XPS and EDX analysis were used to check the presence of characteristic groups of the dyes in the resulting hybrids. Thermogravimetric tests (TGA) corroborated dye adsorption and enhanced thermal robustness. Total solar reflectance (TSR) showed enhanced protection against UV-VIS-NIR radiation. Thanks to the work carried out, it was possible to establish the maximum adsorption point of hydrotalcite. In addition, by using nanotechnologies it is possible to color textile substrates with new printing techniques, taking advantage of dyes that have been discarded from dye baths that have not been exhausted. The prints obtained are subjected to color fastness tests to compare them with more conventional prints. Color measurements were performed using reflection spectrophotometers to assess the color performance of both hybrids and successfully printed textiles. The TGA-DTGA tests performed prior to printing on the hybrids allows to anticipate the results of certain color fastness tests to light or ironing, which are improved thanks to the action of the hydrotalcite. Various types of dyes, direct, reactive, cationic and disperse dyes were used in this investigation. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns verified the recovery of the hydrotalcite form and confirmed the adsorption of the dyes. FTIR, XPS and EDX analysis were used to check the presence of characteristic groups of the dyes in the resulting hybrids. Thermogravimetric tests (TGA) corroborated dye adsorption and enhanced thermal robustness. Total solar reflectance (TSR) showed enhanced protection against UV-VIS-NIR radiation. Thanks to the work carried out, it was possible to establish the maximum adsorption point of hydrotalcite. In addition, by using nanotechnologies it is possible to color textile substrates with new printing techniques, taking advantage of dyes that have been discarded from dye baths that have not been exhausted. The prints obtained are subjected to color fastness tests to compare them with more conventional prints. Color measurements were performed using reflection spectrophotometers to assess the color performance of both hybrids and successfully printed textiles. The TGA-DTGA tests performed prior to printing on the hybrids allows to anticipate the results of certain color fastness tests to light or ironing, which are improved thanks to the action of the hydrotalcite. / López Rodríguez, D. (2023). Recuperación del colorante de aguas residuales textiles mediante nanoarcillas para su reutilización como pigmentos y nuevos baños de tintura [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/194877 / Compendio

Decolorization of Reactive Red 195 solution by electrocoagulation process

Perng, Yuan-Shing, Bui, Ha-Manh 19 August 2015 (has links)
In this study, the application of bipolar electrocoagulation (EC) with iron electrode has been assessed for color removal of simulated wastewater containing Reactive Red 195. The influence of initial pH, sodium sulfate concentration, initial dye concentration, electrolysis time, and electric current were examined. The optimum operational parameters were found to be pH =11, concentration of dye = 50 mg L-1, sodium sulfate concentration = 1200 mg L-1, electrolysis time = 5 min and electric current = 4 A. In such condition, color removal efficiency achieved over 99%. This result indicates that EC can be used as an efficient and “green” method for color removal from reactive dye solution. / Trong nghiên cứu này, quá trình khử màu nhuộm hoạt tính (Reactive Red 195) được khảo sát bằng hệ thống keo tụ điện hóa điện cực kép, với vật liệu sắt. Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quá trình khử màu như pH, nồng độ màu nhuộm, nồng độ muối Na2SO4, thời gian phản ứng và cường độ dòng được lựa chọn nghiên cứu. Kết quả cho thấy hệ thống điện hóa trên loại gần như hoàn toàn màu nhuộm với hiệu suất đạt trên 99 % tại pH 11, nồng độ màu 50 mgL-1 và nống độ muối Na2SO4 1200 mgL-1 trong khoảng thời gian 5phút. Kết quả trên cho thấy keo tụ điện hóa có thể xem là một phương pháp xử lý hiệu quả và “xanh” trong việc loại bỏ hoàn toàn màu từ nước thải nhuộm hoạt tính.

Decolorization of reactive dyeing wastewater by ferrous ammonium sulfate hexahydrate: Research article

Perng, Yuan-Shing, Bui, Ha-Manh 19 August 2015 (has links)
This paper presents the result of dyeing solution coagulation with the use of ferrous ammonium sulfate hexah ydrate (FAS). The examined solution contains two reactive dyes: Black 5 and Blue 19. It has been shown that the efficiency of the dye removal depends on the type of dye, coagulation dosage and the initial pH. Our result showed that the increase of initial pH up to 12 enhanced the color removal efficiency; the FAS dose was 280 ml (Black 5) and 180 mg/l (Blue 19) at slow mixing time (15 min), agitation speed 60 rpm, and the initial dye concentration should be 50 and 100 mg/L for Black 5 and Blue 19, respectively. / Chất keo tụ sắt (II) amoni sulfate (FAS) được sử dụng khử màu của hai màu nhuộm hoạt tính phổbiến (Blue 19 và Black 5). Kết quả cho thấy, quá trình keo tụ bịảnh hưởng nhiều bởi loại màu nhuộm, nồng độ chất keo tụ và pH của dung dịch đầu vào. Với nồng độ FAS 280 mg/l (Black 5) và 180 mg/l (Blue 19), pH đầu vào dung dịch khoảng 12, thời gian phản ứng 15 phút, tốc độ khuấy 60 vòng/phút ứng với nồng độ màu Black 50 mg/L và blue 100 mg/L dung dịch gần như mất màu hoàn toàn.

Textiles in Rural Bolivia: Where Does the Art of Traditional Textile Making Fit Into Today's World?

Simmons, Kathryn Elizabeth January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Cunning Little Vixen: A Folktale Illustrated On Stage

Reid, Mikayla 01 July 2021 (has links)
This thesis paper reflects upon the costume design process taken by Mikayla Reid to explore how color choice and application within designs can help create storybook characters off the page and onto the stage. This concept is explored through the costume designs for the opera The Cunning Little Vixen, a production theoretically staged at the Alice Busch Opera Theater for the Glimmerglass Festival in New York. The paper discusses Reid’s attempt to create designs that still feel like watercolor illustrations, even when realized in physical garments. It follows her process as she tests different dye techniques in search for what produces the most effective color application. This paper also breaks down each step taken while constructing the main character, the Vixen, through the build, fittings, and color application.

The Application Of Polymer Particles In Industrial Processes

Steele, John E. January 2019 (has links)
The research in this thesis considers novel innovative developments in established industrial processes that involve the use of recyclable polymeric particles as a partial replacement for aqueous media and chemicals. The application of the technology typically leads to water savings of over 80% and chemical savings of over 25%. These industrial processes may be characterised in that are considered inefficient and wasteful but nevertheless are considered economically vital. These diverse industries including laundry cleaning, leather manufacturing, textile garment processing, effluent treatment and metal beverage can manufacture. The outcomes of this research have made significant contributions to industrial best practice in such industries. In terms of academic research, the knowledge created in this thesis provides the basis for the application of CFD-DEM modelling to understand complex multi-phase and multi-component systems. In particular, the thesis advocates the application of the Free Surface Lattice Boltzmann Method for creating highly accurate simulations of multi-phase flow. In addition, the thesis offers opportunities for further research in novel plasma micro-reactors and their applications in diverse fields such as chemical synthesis, chemical engineering and biotechnology. The nature of the research is multi-disciplinary, and involved investigations across several fields including applied mathematics, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, and engineering. The projects also involved scale up from laboratory, pilot plant and full commercial scale production trials. Primary objectives were investigated through a series of six published patents. The three patents relating to the development of novel leather and textile processes were solely conceived and executed by the author. The patent related to the development of the plasma micro-reactor for ozone synthesis was conceived and executed jointly by the author and Professor Will Zimmerman (Sheffield University). The two patents related to the development of a novel metal cleaning and treatment process was conceived and executed jointly by the author and Dr. Robert Bird (Xeros Technology Group Limited).

Hållbar Textil Produktutveckling : med växtfärgning / Sustainable Textile Product Development : with Natural Dyeing

Fridjonsson, Liselotte, Brink, Mathilda, Brytting, Malin January 2015 (has links)
Författarna har haft ett samarbete med Panduro Hobby i samband med deras årliga miljökampanj. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att med hjälp av befintliga produktutvecklingsprocesser och livscykelanalyser (LCA) ta fram en hållbar textil produkt med växtfärgning. Tanken var att konsumenter sedan själva skall kunna ta fram och växtfärga denna hållbara textilprodukt. Miljömedvetenhet och hållbarhet inom textilindustrin är ett aktuellt ämne. Trots det saknar dagens konsumenter förståelse för textilindustrins påverkan på miljön och har bristande kunskap om textila material för att kunna göra miljövänliga val ute i handeln. Både konsumenter och företag uttrycker att de gärna vill bidra till en mer miljövänlig textilindustri men att de saknar kännedom, resurser och verktyg för att göra det. Därför valde författarna av examensarbetet att undersöka hur en hållbar textil produkt kan tas fram med hjälp av livscykelanalyser, produktutvecklingsmetoden Product Ideas Tree (PIT) samt växtfärgning. Alla steg under produktutvecklingsprocessen valdes ur miljöhänsyn och efter de förutsättningar som krävs för att göra en så miljövänlig textil produkt som möjligt. Resultatet av undersökningen blev en växtfärgad tygkasse i 100 % lin. Efter framtagningen av produkten gjordes en livscykelanalys benämnd MET-matris för att analysera produktens miljöpåfrestning. Matrisen konstaterade att produkten inte har avsevärda miljöbrister. Med examensarbetet och den framtagna produkten vill författarna uppmuntra konsumenter och företag till att fortsätta visa engagemang och intresse för förändringar som gynnar miljön med förhoppningen om att få fler att agera mer hållbart. / The authors have had a collaboration with Panduro Hobby in addition to their annual environmental sustainability campaign. The aim of the thesis has been to develop a sustainable textile product with natural dye using existing product development processes and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The idea was that consumers later on would be able to produce this sustainable textile product and dye it themselves. Environmental awareness and sustainability in the textile industry is a topical subject. Nevertheless many consumers lack sufficient knowledge of textile materials to make environmentally friendly choices in the commerce. Both consumers and businesses express that they would like to contribute to a more environmentally friendly textile industry, but that they lack the knowledge, resources and tools to do it. Therefore, the authors of the thesis chose to explore how a sustainable textile product may be produced with the help of Life Cycle Assessment and the product development method Product Ideas Tree (PIT). All steps in the product development process were carefully chosen with consideration to the environment and the circumstances required to make the textile product as sustainable as possible. The study resulted in the development of a canvas bag made out of 100% linen dyed it with natural dye. After the product development a Life Cycle Analysis, referred to as MET Matrix, was done to analyse the product's environmental strain. The matrix noted that the product does not have significant environmental burdens. With the thesis and the produced product the authors would like to encourage consumers and businesses to continue to show commitment and interest in changes that benefit the environment, with the hope of getting more people to act more sustainably.

Synthesis and characterization of pine cone carbon supported iron oxide catalyst for dye and phenol degradation

Mmelesi, Olga Kelebogile 06 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology), Vaal University of Technology / Fenton oxidation is classified into two processes, homogeneous and heterogeneous. Homogeneous Fenton oxidation process, have been shown to be efficient in the degradation of organic pollutants. However, it was shown to have limitations which can be addressed by the heterogeneous Fenton oxidation. Despite the high efficiency of the heterogeneous Fenton oxidation process in the degradation of recalcitrant organic pollutants, the currents synthesis trends of the heterogeneous Fenton catalyst have been proven to be time and energy constraining, since it involves the multi-step were the activated carbon have to be prepared first then co-precipitate the iron oxide on the activated carbon. However, as much as the heterogeneous Fenton catalyst has been proven to have high catalytic activity towards degradation of organic pollutants, these catalysts have some limitations, such limitations include metal ions being leached from the catalyst support into the treated water causing catalyst deactivation and a secondary pollution to the treated water. In this thesis, these catalysts have been applied in the degradation of recalcitrant organic pollutants such as methylene blue and phenols. This study focuses on the single step synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles supported on activated carbon, were carbonaceous material is impregnated with iron salt then pyrolysed via microwave heating. Microwave power and the amount of iron salt were optimized. The prepared activated carbon-iron oxide composites were applied to the degradation of 2-nitrophenol (2-NP) and methylene blue (MB). Methylene blue was used as a model compound due to the fact that it is easier to monitor the degradation process with UV-Vis as compared to 2-nitrophenol . 2-nitrophenol the additional step for the adjustment of pH is required since nitrophenols are colorless in color at lower pH. The characterization showed that the microwave power and the amount of the iron precursor have an influence on the porosity and surface functional groups of the activated carbon. Further it was vi observed that microwave power and iron precursor influnces the amount of iron oxide formed on the surface of the support. It was also observed that the activated carbon-iron oxide composite have the catalytic effects on the Fenton oxidation process of MB and 2-NP. The parameters such as H2O2, pH, catalyst dose, initial concentration, temperature affect the degradation of both MB and 2-NP. Kinetics studies showed that Fenton is a surface driven reaction since the results fitted the pseudo first order model. The thermodynamics parameters also showed that the reaction is endothermic, spontaneous and is randomized. This implies that the reaction of the degradation of MB and 2-NP is feasible and the catalysts prepared have high catalytic activity. MB and 2-NP were degraded to smaller organic molecules (carboxylic acids). The stability of the catalyst observed to decrease as the number of cycles increased, this is due to the leaching of iron ions from the support material. Hence it was concluded that the activated carbon-iron oxide composite was successfully synthesized and had the high catalytic activity for the degradation of MB and 2-NP.

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