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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizace převodových poměrů závodních automobilů / Optimisation of gear ratio for racing cars

Bém, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
Pavel BÉM Optimisation of Gear Ratio for Race Cars DW, IAE, 2008, pp. 62, fig. 69. At first I labellig problems about gearboxes than, I review dataloggers for racing cars using now. I create model of dynamic simulating car move during at akcelerating and decelerating on choice track. I create program analyzating data from telemetry and applicated dynamic model to optimisation gears ratio.

Conception et commande de robots parallèles volants / Design and control of flying parallel robots

Six, Damien 04 December 2018 (has links)
La manipulation aérienne est l’un des défis de la robotique au cours de cette dernière décennie. L’un des freins au développement des manipulateurs aériens est l’autonomie limitée des drones, réduite par la charge et la consommation électrique du manipulateur embarqué. Une solution pour dépasser cette limite passe par la collaboration de plusieurs drones dans une tâche de manipulation. Cette thèse porte sur la conception et la commande d’un nouveau type de véhicule autonome aérien destiné à la manipulation. Le concept consiste à faire collaborer plusieurs drones, en particulier des quadricoptères, au travers d’une architecture passive polyarticulée. Le robot ainsi obtenu est une fusion entre l’architecture passive d’un robot parallèle et plusieurs drones. L’étude du modèle dynamique de cette classe de robots met en avant un découplage dans le modèle dynamique. Ce découplage permet la conception d’une commande en cascade qui assure la stabilisation et le suivi de trajectoire pour ces robots. Deux cas d’étude sont ensuite déclinés dans cette thèse : un robot parallèle volant à deux drones et un robot parallèle volant à trois drones. Pour ces deux robots, une simulation numérique est effectuée afin de valider le fonctionnement de la commande. Ces simulations ont également permis de valider la possibilité de changer la configuration de l’architecture passive en vol. Les travaux ont été portés avec succès jusqu’au stade expérimental pour le robot volant à deux drones. / Aerial manipulation is one of the challenges of robotics over the last decade. One of the constraints on the development of aerial manipulators is the limited autonomy of drones, reduced by the load and energy consumption of the on-board manipulator. One way to overcome this limit is to have several drones collaborate on a manipulation task. This thesis deals with the design and control of a new type of autonomous aerial vehicle for manipulation tasks. The concept consists in the collaboration of several drones, in particular quadrotors, through a polyarticulated passive architecture. The robot thus obtained is a fusion between the passive architecture of a parallel robot and several drones. The study of the dynamic model of this robot class highlights a decoupling in the dynamic model. This decoupling allows the design of a cascade control law. This controller provides stabilization and trajectory tracking for these robots. Two study cases are then presented in this thesis: a flying parallel robot with two drones and a flying parallel robot with three drones. For these two robots, a numerical simulation is performed to validate the controller performances. These simulations also allowed to validate the reconfiguration abilities of passive architecture in flight. The work was successfully carried to the experimental stage for the flying robot with two drones.

Development of Lithium Ion Battery Dynamic Model: Development of Lithium Ion BatteryDynamic Model

Beechu, Srikar Geethaprabhu 21 June 2016 (has links)
The increased popularity of electric vehicles and e-mobility among the people, have encouraged many automotive companies and research organisations to develop good strategies for drivetrain designs involving batteries. As seen in the department of Alternative Powertrains research is carried out on hybrid fuel cell and electric vehicles. This thesis deals with the development of lithium ion battery model for electric vehicle simulations. A novel approach using black box modelling is developed for development of battery model using only the available battery measurements. Furthermore, a measurement test strategy is formulated providing the process direction and measurement parameters to be considered. Developed battery model provide voltage estimates for given Charge rate,temperature and State of Charge (SOC). The comparison of experimentally obtained and model estimated values. The model developed has a very good accuracy in estimation.

Possibilities and limitations of exhaust gas analysis for expanded use in control of an AOD-converter

Laxén, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
The main purpose of the AOD-converter is to lower the carbon content in stainless steel production. The carbon content can be estimated by static theoretical models. It can also be estimated through dynamic models based on analysis of the exhaust gases from the converter. This master thesis is a study on an extended use of exhaust gas analysis data on the AOD-converter at Outokumpu’s stainless steel plant in Avesta, Sweden. There are two main methods of predicting the carbon content based on exhaust gas analysis, mass balance and a linear regression between decarburization rate and carbon content. This master thesis mainly focuses on the development of the linear regression model for steel grades ASTM 304L, 316L, S32101 and S32205 for the last step of the decarburization, as well as ASTM S32205 and S30815 for the second last step of the decarburization. The results showed that the linear regression model can predict the carbon content at the last step of decarburization with a standard deviation between 0,00626 %C and 0,0109 %C for the different steel grades. An equation for carbon prediction dependent on the steel composition was also developed in the master thesis, making it theoretically possible to use for all steel grades, it has however not yet been tested on other steel grades. The CRE measured from the exhaust gases was also studied to find out if it is possibleto use as basis for step changes during the decarburization, but the resultswere inconclusive. / Huvudsyftet med AOD-konvertern är att sänka kolhalten i produktionen av rostfritt stål. Kolhalten kan uppskattas av statiska teoretiska modeller. Den kan också uppskattas av dynamiska modeller baserade på analys av avgaserna från konvertern. Det här examensarbetet handlar om utvidgning av användandet av avgasanalysdata på AOD-konvertern på Outokumpus stålverk i Avesta, Sverige. Det finns i huvudsak två metoder för att bestämma kolhalten med hjälp av avgasanalys, massbalans och en linjär regression mellan kolfärskningshastigheten och kolhalten. Det här examensarbetet fokuserar i huvudsak på utvecklingen av den linjära modellen för stålsorterna ASTM 304L, 316L, S32101 och S32205 för sista steget i kolfärskningen. Samt stålsorterna ASTM S32205 och S30815 för näst sista steget i kolfärskningen. Resultaten visade att den linjära modellen kunde uppskatta kolhalten i sista steget av kolfärskningen med en standardavvikelse mellan 0,00626 %C och 0,0109 %C för de fyra olika stålsorterna. En ekvation som anger sambandet mellan sammansättningen på stålet under kolfärskningen och ekvationen för den linjära regressionen togs också fram i examensarbetet. Teoretiskt kan ekvationen användas för alla stålsorter men den har inte än blivit testad på andra stålsorter. CRE uppmätt med hjälp av avgasanalys undersöktes också för att ta reda på om CRE kan användas för att bestämma när stegbytena ska ske, det gick dock inte att utgöra från resultaten.

A Closed-Form Dynamic Model of the Compliant Constant-Force Mechanism Using the Pseudo-Rigid-Body Model

Boyle, Cameron 03 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
A mathematical dynamic model is derived for the compliant constant-force mechanism, based on the pseudo-rigid-body model simplification of the device. The compliant constant-force mechanism is a slider mechanism incorporating large-deflection beams, which outputs near-constant-force across the range of its designed deflection. The equation of motion is successfully validated with empirical data from five separate mechanisms, comprising two configurations of compliant constant-force mechanism. The dynamic model is cast in generalized form to represent all possible configurations of compliant constant-force mechanism. Deriving the dynamic equation from the pseudo-rigid-body model is useful because every configuration is represented by the same model, so a separate treatment is not required for each configuration. An unexpected dynamic trait of the constant-force mechanism is discovered: there exists a range of frequencies for which the output force of the mechanism accords nearer to constant-force than does the output force at static levels.

Modeling of Hybrid STATCOM in PSSE

Mikwar, Abulaziz January 2017 (has links)
Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) have the ability of voltage supportand increase transmission capacity. In order to specify a FACTS devicethat is performing according to expectations in a network, a set of studiesand network analyses must be performed. Part of these studies are done usingpower system analysis programs such as PSS®E, which is a planning toolsimulating large power systems in phasor domain using RMS values. Theseplanning tools are used for evaluating stability and reinforcement needs ina power system. The results play a vital role in investment decisions inthe power system. FACTS devices are modeled in PSS®E using a programminglanguage called FORTRAN. It is important to model FACTS devicesaccurately to avoid misleading results. In this Master thesis, STATCOMand Hybrid-STATCOM models are proposed and programmed accordingto ABB’s control strategy. The models are tested in PSS®E and verifiedagainst detailed models in PSCAD. Also, the models are compared againstother industry wide spread generic models. / System inom produktgruppen FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems)har m¨ojligheten att st¨odja sp¨anning och h¨oja ¨overf¨oringskapacitet p°a existerandeledningar. F¨or att kunna specificera en FACTS-anl¨aggning sombeter sig som f¨orv¨antat i ett eln¨at beh¨ovs ett antal studier och n¨atanalyserutf¨oras. Delar av dessa studier ¨ar gjorda genom att anv¨anda verktyg f¨orkraftsystemanalys som t.ex. PSS®E, som ¨ar ett verktyg f¨or n¨atplaneringd¨ar fasvektorer och RMS-v¨arden anv¨ands i ber¨akningarna. Dessa verktyganv¨ands f¨or att evaluera stabilitet och utbyggnadsbehov i eln¨atet. Resultatenfr°an verktygen spelar en vital roll i investeringsbeslut i ett eln¨at.FACTS-system modelleras i PSS®E med hj¨alp av programmeringsspr°aketFORTRAN. Det ¨ar viktigt att anv¨anda korrekta modeller f¨or att undvikamissledande resultat. I denna Master-uppsats f¨oresl°as och utvecklasSTATCOM och Hybrid-STATCOM modeller i enlighet med ABBs kontrollstrategi.Modellerna testas i PSS®E och verifieras mot detaljerade modelleri PSCAD. Modellerna j¨amf¨ors ¨aven mot andra generiska modeller som ¨araccepterade och spridda ¨over branschen i stort.

Impact of Vehicle Dynamics Modelling on Feature Based SLAM for Autonomous Racing. / Fordonsmodelleringens påverkan på SLAM för autonom racing.

Skeppström Lehto, Hugo, Hedlund, Richard January 2019 (has links)
In autonomous racing there is a need to accurately localize the vehicle while simultaneously creating a map of the track. This information can be delivered to planning and control layers in order to achieve fully autonomous racing. The kinematic model is a commonly used motion model in feature-based SLAM. However, it is a poor representation of the vehicle when considering high lateral accelerations since the model is only based on trigonometric relationships. This Master’s Thesis investigates the consequence of using the kinematic model when undertaking demanding maneuvers; and if by switching to a dynamic model, which takes the tire forces into account, can improve the localization performance. An EKF-SLAM algorithm comprising the kinematic and dynamic model was implemented on a development platform. The pose estimation accuracy was compared using either model when subject to typical maneuvers in racing-scenarios. The results showed that the pose estimation accuracy was in general similar when using either of the vehicle models. When exposed to large slip angles, the implications of switching from a kinematic model to a dynamic model resulted in a significantly better pose estimation accuracy when driving in an unknown environment. However, switching to a dynamic model had little effect when driving in a known environment. The implications of the study suggest that, during the first lap of a racing track, the kinematic model should be switched to a dynamic model when subject to high lateral accelerations. For the consecutive laps, the choice of vehicle model has less impact. Keywords: SLAM, EKF-SLAM, Localization, Estimation, Vehicle Dynamics, Kinematic Model, Dynamic Model, Autonomous Racing / I autonom racing är det viktigt att kunna lokalisera fordonet med hög noggrannhet samtidigt som en karta över banan skapas. Den här informationen kan vidare bli hanterad av planerings- och reglersystem för att uppfylla autonom racing fullt ut. Den kinematiska modellen är en vanligt förekommande rörelsemodell i SLAM. Den är däremot en bristande representation av fordonet vid höga laterala accelerationer eftersom modellen enbart är baserad på trigonometriska samband. Det här masterarbetet undersöker den kinematiska modellens påverkan vid olika manövrar och huruvida den dynamiska modellen, som modellerar däckkrafterna, kan förbättra prestandan. En EKF-SLAM algorithm innehållande den kinematiska- och dynamiska modellen implementerades på en utvecklingsplattform. Estimeringsnoggrannheten av positionen och orienteringen jämfördes vid typiska manövrar för racingscenarier. Resultatet visade att estimeringsnoggrannheten av positionen och orienteringen var generellt sett lika vid användandet av antingen den kinematiska eller den dynamiska modellen. Implikationerna av att byta från den kinematiska modellen till den dynamiska modellen vid höga glidvinklar, resulterade i en signifikant bättre estimeringsnoggrannhet av positionen och orienteringen vid körning i en okänd miljö. Emellertid så var effekterna av att byta till en dynamisk modell insignifikanta vid körning i en känd miljö. Implikationerna av denna studie föreslår att under det första varvet av racingbanan byta från den kinematiska modellen till den dynamiska vid höga laterala accelerationer. Under kommande varv har valet av fordonsmodell mindre effekt. Nyckelord: SLAM, EKF-SLAM, lokalisering, estimering, fordonsmodellering, kinematisk modell, dynamisk modell, autonom racing.

Dynamic simulation of once-through multistage flash (MSF-OT) desalination process: Effect of seawater temperature on the fouling mechanism in the heat exchangers

Lokk, Reinar, Alsadaie, S.M., Mujtaba, Iqbal 28 March 2022 (has links)
Yes / Scale formation of carbonates and sulphates is one of the most well-known types of crystallization fouling in heat exchangers. Tackling crystallization fouling in Once-Through Multistage Flash Desalination (MSF-OT) is one of the most challenging tasks in the desalination industry. In this paper, a fouling model is developed and then incorporated into a MSF model to investigate the fouling behaviour under variable seawater temperature. The proposed dynamic model investigates the crystallization of calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide at the inside tube surface areas by considering the attachment and removal mechanisms. The results show that the fouling rate is higher at high constant seawater temperature. Overall, the fouling rate is lower at the seasonal variation of the seawater temperature, resulting in a higher performance ratio (PR). The results also show that although the brine heater duty increases in winter due to low seawater temperature, the drop of fouling rate in cold months may save some energy.

Redukcija dinamičkih modela elektroenergetskog sistema primenom teorije balansnih realizacija i aproksimativnih bisimulacionih relacija i funkcija / Reduction of power system dynamic models based on the balanced realization theory and approximate bisimulation relations and functions

Đukić Savo 14 March 2014 (has links)
<p>Disertacijom su opisane postojeće tehnike redukcije dinamičkih modela koje se koriste u teoriji upravljanja i postojeće tehnike za redukciju dinamičkih modela i ekvivalentiranje elektroenergetskih sistema. Predložen je nov pristup na fizici problema zasnovanoj redukciji dinamičkog modela elektroenergetskog sistema korišćenjem teorije balansnih realizacija. Takođe se predlaže korišćenje aproksimativnih bisimulacionih relacija za redukciju dinamičkih modela elektroenergetskog sistema. Postojeće tehnike i predloženi pristupi i algoritmi su primenjeni za redukciju dinamičkih modela dva razmatrana test sistema.</p> / <p>Dissertation describes the existing dynamic model reduction techniques used in control theory and existing techniques that are used for the reduction (equivalencing) of power system dynamic models. A new approach to physics-based reduction of power system dynamic model based on the balanced realization theory is proposed. Use of approximate bisimulation relations for reduction of power system dynamic models is also proposed. Existing techniques and proposed approaches and algorithms are applied to reduce the dynamic models of two considered test systems.<br />&nbsp;</p>

L'éveil aux langues dans la formation des enseignant/es grec/ques : vers un modèle dynamique de formation-action / Awakening to languages in the training of the Greek teachers : towards a dynamic model of action-research

Moumtzidou, Argyro 26 November 2011 (has links)
L'éducation interculturelle dans la formation des enseignants ne se limite pas à l'idée de la tolérance et de l'acceptation de l'autre. elle comporte trois principes cohérents : l'éveil et le renforcement de la réflexion critique chez l'enseignant, son intérêt et sa flexibilité à gérer des innovations dans l'éducation, la construction d'une conception plus globale et d'une gestion plus efficace de la complexité sociale et humaine. notre travail présente une recherche-action qui a duré deux ans et qui a visé à la formation (longue durée) des enseignants grecs. elle s'est basée sur l'hypothèse générale que l'éveil aux langues est susceptible de créer chez les enseignants des savoirs, des attitudes et des aptitudes qui leur permettent de mieux valoriser le capital linguistique et culturel de leurs élèves ainsi que de leur donner un ensemble de pratiques et une typologie de compétences qui leur permettraient de faire des choses avec les langues dans tous les domaines disciplinaires. de plus nous considérons qu'une formation de type recherche-action sur l'innovation éveil aux langues est susceptible d'aider les enseignants à mieux valoriser le capital linguistique et culturel de leurs élèves, à développer l'interculturalité sous ses divers aspects dans leurs pratiques éducatives ainsi que de mener à bien une éducation langagière en fonction des besoins et des capacités de petits locuteurs de langues variées et sur le plan d'une sensibilisation systématique aux compétences métalinguistiques, métacognitives et interculturelles. / Intercultural Training in teacher education is not limited to the idea of tolerance and acceptance of others. It consists of three integrated principles: the awakening and strengthening of critical thinking among the teacher, his interest in the implementation of educational innovation and the ability to build a more holistic view and more effective management of human and social complexity. Our work presents an action-research project that lasted two years and was aimed at training (long-term) of the Greek teachers. The final sample who participated in our research is 10 persons, all early childhood, primary and high school teachers who are working in multilingual classes. The training model called "Evolutionary training model" is based on the general assumption that the innovation of the Awakening to Languages, when en-golfed by teachers education, may create among teachers knowledge, attitudes and skills that enable them to make better use of the linguistic and cultural capital of their students and provide them a set of practices and a typology of skills that can facilitate them to work with languages throughout the curriculum. To test our hypothesis we chose a triangular approach. Research tools in part have been developed by us, in part from comparable research. These are two types of questionnaires, group interviews recorded and transcribed. In addition, we have based on our own observations as well as the experiment conducted by teachers in multilingual early childhood and primary school classes. In our participatory and action-oriented training, a second set of assumptions has emerged : our long group discussions, individual interviews, our observations have led us to ask whether a dynamic and systemic approach to the type of action-research training, as has been the training at the Awakening Languages, may create the necessary conditions, intra psychic and intra groupal so that the teachers develop a reflexive attitude towards their own, representations, manage their own social and professional problems in a dynamic way and stop feeling professional isolation. The main conclusion is that before talking about an effective intercultural education, we need to modify some elements in the socio-professional and personal identity of the teachers because the innovation of Awakening to Languages can help teachers realize their own representations of linguistic and cultural diversity in the classroorn, as well as their teaching practices and renegotiate with them.

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