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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Injeção de sangue autógeno no tratamento da luxação recidivante da articulação temporomandibular / Autologous blood injection for treatment of recurrent mandibular dislocation

Raphael Castiglioni Coser 06 February 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A articulação temporomandibular (ATM) é uma articulação complexa com características e funções únicas. Certamente é uma das articulações mais utilizadas e seu uso inadequado e excessivo consequentemente promove inúmeros transtornos. Dentre as alterações de hipermobilidade articular, o deslocamento mandibular refere-se ao posicionamento, geralmente anterior, do côndilo mandibular sobre a eminência articular, com completa separação das superfícies articulares e consequente travamento. Quando os episódios se tornam frequentes, algum método de tratamento, seja conservador ou cirúrgico, deve ser utilizado, devido ao grande transtorno funcional e social gerados. A injeção de sangue autógeno na articulação temporomandibular é uma técnica minimamente invasiva, com escassos relatos na literatura e que foi recentemente reintroduzida. Onze pacientes diagnosticados com luxação recidivante da articulação da cabeça mandibular receberam injeções bilaterais de sangue autógeno no compartimento articular superior e região pericapsular. Em acompanhamento, que variou de 24 a 35 meses (média de 29,6 meses), 3 (27,3%) pacientes apresentaram recidivas. O mesmo protocolo de tratamento foi repetido para estes três casos, porém sem sucesso, sendo então encaminhados para procedimento cirúrgico de eminectomia. Dessa forma, dos 11 pacientes inicialmente tratados, 8 (72,7%) não apresentaram episódios de deslocamento mandibular recorrente após o procedimento proposto. Trata-se de um procedimento simples, rápido, pouco invasivo, de baixo custo e com mínima possibilidade de complicações, sendo uma alternativa de tratamento viável, antes de se indicar procedimentos cirúrgicos. / The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a complex joint with unique features and functions. It is certainly one of the most used joints and its improper and excessive use consequently promotes numerous breakdowns. Among the changes of joint hypermobility, the mandibular displacement refers usually as an anterior displacement of the condyle on the articular eminence with complete separation of the articular surfaces and consequent locking. When episodes become frequent, some method of treatment, either conservative or surgical, should be used, because of the functional and social disturbances. The injection of autologous blood in the temporomandibular joint is a minimally invasive technique, recently reintroduced. Eleven patients diagnosed with recurrent mandibular dislocation received bilateral injections of autologous blood in the upper joint compartment and pericapsular region. In follow-up ranging from 24 to 35 months (mean 29.6 months), 3 (27.3%) patients had recurrences. The same treatment protocol was repeated for these cases without success and were taken to surgical eminectomy. Thus, of the 11 patients initially treated, 8 (72.7%) didnt show any episode of recurrent mandibular dislocation after the proposed procedure. It is a simple, quick, minimally invasive procedure, with low cost and with minimal possibility of complications making a viable alternative treatment before recommending surgical procedures.

Avaliação global da postura ortostática de indivíduos portadores de distúrbios internos da articulação temporomandibular : aplicabilidade de métodos clínicos, fotográficos e radiográficos / Orthostatic posture global evaluation of subjects with temporomandibular joint internal derangements: applicability of clinical, photographic, and radiographic methods

Wagner Cesar Munhoz 07 January 2002 (has links)
As disfunções temporomandibulares (DTM) compreendem uma série de alterações funcionais que podem acometer a articulação temporomandibular (ATM), a musculatura mastigatória ou ambas simultaneamente. Os distúrbios internos da ATM são modalidades específicas de DTM que se manifestam clinicamente por ruídos articulares associados a movimentos mandibulares desarmônicos ou limitados e, freqüentemente, dor. Sua etiologia e fisiopatologia ainda são desconhecidas, mas sugere-se a participação de fatores de postura de cabeça e corporal em sua gênese e perpetuação. A pesquisa aqui relatada, com o objetivo de verificar possíveis relações entre postura corporal global e distúrbios internos da ATM, procedeu à comparação entre 30 indivíduos portadores de sintomatologia característica de distúrbios da ATM (grupo teste) e 20 indivíduos saudáveis (grupo controle). Os métodos utilizados foram: o clínico, que constou de anamnese e fichas padronizadas para avaliação de características do sistema estomatognático; traçados e análise por cadeias musculares em fotografias de postura corporal; e análise de radiografia de coluna cervical em perfil. A comparação entre os grupos teste e controle revelou maior curvatura lordótica da coluna cervical no grupo teste, pelo método de diagnóstico clínico. No grupo controle, 79% dos indivíduos apresentaram diagnóstico clínico de retificação de coluna cervical e em apenas 10,5% a curvatura de coluna cervical foi considerada hiperlordótica, ao passo que, no grupo teste, somente 41,4% dos indivíduos apresentaram diagnóstico clínico de retificação, 37,9% apresentaram curvatura lordótica fisiológica e 20,7% obtiveram diagnóstico de hiperlordose (p=0,03). O grupo teste apresentou ainda maior prevalência de elevação de ombros: 63,3% versus 30,0% (p=0,04). Nenhuma outra relação estatisticamente significante foi encontrada na comparação dos grupos teste e controle. Em um segundo momento, o grupo teste foi dividido em três subgrupos, de acordo com a gravidade da DTM, avaliada pelo Índice Disfuncional de Helkimo. Nessa análise de subgrupos nenhuma correlação estatística foi demonstrada; no entanto, o grupo com maior gravidade de DTM apresentou tendência, embora não significante estatisticamente, à maior prevalência de hiperlordose de coluna cervical (50%) observada em radiografia, bem como algumas discrepâncias posturais, como protrusão de cabeça (100%) e de ombros (100%) e aumento de lordose lombar (83,3%). Os resultados sugerem que a coluna cervical e ombros, possivelmente por estarem localizados nas adjacências do sistema temporomandibular, estão intimamente relacionados aos distúrbios internos da ATM. Por outro lado, as poucas associações estatísticas entre o grupo teste e o controle, aliadas à tendência a desarmonias posturais encontrada no grupo de maior grau de disfunção, levam a concluir que o papel da postura corporal na fisiopatologia desta seria de baixa relevância, podendo inclusive não constituir fator etiológico, mas uma decorrência da DTM. / The temporomandibular joint dysfunctions (TMD) embrace a variety of functional disturbances that may affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), masticatory musculature, or both simultaneously. TMJ internal derangements are a specific case of TMD, clinically presented by articular sounds associated to jerk or limited mandibular movements, and often pain. Its etiology and physiopathology are broadly unknown, but it has been suggested that head-neck and body posture factors take part in its genesis and perpetuation. This study aimed at verifying possible relationships between body posture and TMJ internal disarrangements, by comparing 30 subjects presenting typical TMJ internal disarrangement signs (test group) to 20 healthy subjects (control group). Methods used included: 1) clinical, by means of anamnesis and standard files for stomatognatic system characteristics evaluation; 2) plotting and muscular chain analysis on body posture photographs; and 3) lateral cervical spine radiographic analysis. The comparison between the test and control groups has shown sharp lordosis on test group subjects cervical spine, through clinical diagnostic methods; 79% of control group subjects were clinically diagnosed as having cervical spine rectification, and only 10.5% presented hiperlordosis; whereas in the test group 41.4% of subjects had clinically diagnosed cervical spine rectification, 37.9% had physiological cervical spine curvature and 20.7%, hiperlordosis (p=0.03). The test group presented an even higher prevalence of elevated shoulders: 63.3%, against 30% of control group (p=0.04). No other significant statistical relationship was found when comparing both groups. Later the test group was divided into three subgroups according to TMD degree of severity, evaluated by the Helkimo Dysfunctional Index, but the comparative analysis has shown no statistical correlations; nevertheless, the subgroup with most severe dysfunction presented a tendency, though not statistically significant, to higher cervical spine hiperlordosis prevalence (50%) observed on radiography, as well as some body postural alterations, such as head protrusion (100%), shoulder protrusion (100%), and increased lumbar lordosis (83.3%). These findings suggest that cervical spine and shoulders, possibly due to their position close to the temporomandibular system, are intimately related to TMJ internal disarrangement. On the other hand, the scarce statistical relationships between the test and control groups, allied to a tendency to certain body alterations found in the most severed-dysfunction group, lead to concluding that the role of body posture on TMD physiopathology would be of low importance, and would possibly not constitute a TMD etiological factor, but a consequence of it.

Förutsättningar och dysfunktioner i projekt : Ett projektledarperspektiv

Andersson, Erik, Jonsson, Jesper January 2017 (has links)
Intresset för projekt som organiseringsform har kraftigt ökat de senaste decennierna. Trots dess popularitet misslyckas fortfarande många projekt. Tidigare forskning har lagt stort fokus på verktyg och projekt som tydligt avgränsade enheter. Bredare empirisk bas och fler teoretiska perspektiv är nödvändigt för att öka förståelsen kring projekt som fenomen. Studiens syfte är att utifrån ett projektledarperspektiv förstå förutsättningarna organisationer ger projekt, projektledare och team. Vidare ämnar studien förstå hur dysfunktioner inom team manifesteras och hur de hanteras.  Studien är genomförd genom en kvalitativ ansats. Empiri har samlats in genom sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer från fem olika organisationer och branscher. Alla respondenter är projektledare med minst fem års erfarenhet av att leda ITprojekt. En genomgång av tidigare forskning och artikeldatabaser ligger till grund för den teoretiska referensramen och analysen. Teorier och begrepp som används i teoriavsnittet är Tillfällig och permanent organisering, Projektlivscykeln, Projekttriangeln och Team. Studien visar att tydlighet i olika former som kravspecifikation, förankring, målsättningar, kommunikation och kontrakt är en förutsättning som organisationen ger projekt, projektledare och team. Utöver tydlighet är en annan förutsättning från organisationen att allokera resurser, vilket leder till problem och dysfunktioner som splittrade grupper, ökad komplexitet, urholkning av resurser, brist på kvalitet och tillit inom team som projektledare får hantera. Genom att skydda team från utomstående intressenter, skapa bra sammanhållning och forum för kommunikation, försöker projektledare ge goda förutsättningar för team att genomföra projekt. / The popularity for project as a way of organizing has dramatically increased the last decades. Despite it’s popularity a lot of projects still fail. Earlier research has focused on tools and projects as an isolated entity. More empirical data and theoretical views are necessary to increase the understanding about project as a phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to examine from the project managers point of view, what conditions project, project managers and teams get from the organization. Furthermore, the study aims to understand how dysfunctions in team manifest and how they are handled. The study is based on a qualitative approach. Data has been gathered using sex semi-structured interviews in five different organizations and industries. All respondents are project managers with at least five years of experience managing IT-projects. A review of earlier research and databases with articles was the foundation on what the theory and analysis is based upon. Theories and concepts that’s been used are: Temporary and permanent organization, Project lifecycle, the project triangle and Team The study shows that clarification in different forms, like project specification, goals, anchoring, communication and contracts, is a condition that the organization gives project, project managers and teams. Another condition from the organization is the allocation of resources, which creates problems and dysfunctions like fragmented groups, increased complexity, erosion of resources, lack of quality and trust within teams, and then becomes the project manager responsibility to manage. By protecting team from external stakeholders, create good cohesion and forums of communication, project managers tries to give good conditions to the team to finish the project.


Buie-Collard, Geoffrey 09 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Applying Event History Analysis to Investigate the Impacts of Developmental Education on Emerging Adults' Degree Completion

Chiang, Shu-Chen 19 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

An explanatory model of school dysfunctions from the perspectives of principals, teachers and learners

Bergman, Zinette Wilmyn 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is based on research aimed to develop and test a systematic framework to describe and analyse dysfunctions in underperforming schools in South Africa, the Explanatory Model of School Dysfunctions. The theoretical foundation of the model was created by synthesising the literature from various disciplines and conceptualising dysfunctions in relation to their antecedents, motivations, and consequences. The model was then applied and refined on three different data sets. The three data sets included data from principals, teachers, and learners. The principal data consisted of 80 essays written by principals or their representatives, the teacher data of 40 essays from teachers in the Gauteng area, and the learner data of 1,500 open-ended responses from recent high school graduates in South Africa. Content Configuration Analysis explored how school dysfunctions varied in degree, kind, and interconnectedness. Four groups of dysfunctions were identified: dysfunctions relating to rules and rule breaking, issues of competence, resources, and issues extrinsic to the school context. After application and refinement, the Explanatory Model of School Dysfunctions was found to be a suitable model to account for the problem sets experienced by these three actor groups. The goal of this model is to provide a theory-based approach to analyse dysfunctions within schools and to invite researchers to explore these and other problems within this framework. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Rozdíly v sexuálním chování a postojích mezi dobře a méně orgastickými ženami / Differences in sexual behavior and attitudes between highly and less orgasmic women

Polcarová, Aneta January 2014 (has links)
The aim of our investigation is to explore a sexual life, experience and attitudes of women who are divided into for groups, according to their ability to reach orgasm during partnered sexual activities. We try to identify possible differences between these groups in diverse sexual areas. We do not formulate any hypothesis, our research has an exploratory character. We used data from 905 women, who participated in a nationwide research, that aims to investigate changes in Czech population sexual behavior. The research is in progress since 1993 and it repeats every five years. Our sample originates from a data collection in 2008. The data collection (using anonymous questionnaire) was conducted by a specialized agency DEMA a.s. The data were processed using SPSS 16.0. Our results are following: The orgastic ability decreases with age. Widows, pensioners, and Roman Catholics rarely experience orgasm. Highly orgasmic women are of higher education. These women engaged into partnered sexual activities (such as necking, petting, sexual intercourse) earlier than the less orgasmic women did. The highly orgasmic women more masturbate. They also reported a higher number of sexual partners during their life, and they engage into a casual sex and diverse sexual practices more often. Furthermore, the highly...

(Dis)função sexual, depressão e ansiedade em pacientes ginecológicas / Sexual dysfunction, depression, and anxiety in gynecological patients

Lucena, Bárbara Braga de 05 July 2013 (has links)
Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: (1) avaliar a função sexual feminina e a presença de depressão e ansiedade; (2) verificar a associação entre disfunção sexual feminina (DSF), depressão e ansiedade e (3) identificar as variáveis relacionadas com os domínios: desejo, excitação, orgasmo e dor durante a relação sexual Participaram do estudo 110 pacientes saudáveis (idade: 18-61, média:38,5 anos) que aguardavam consulta ambulatorial de prevenção ginecológica no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP). A avaliação foi realizada com questionários específicos desenvolvidos para a pesquisa, juntamente com o Quociente Sexual Feminino (QS-F), Inventário Beck de Depressão (BDI-II) e Inventário Beck de Ansiedade (BAI). A análise das respostas mostrou que do total da amostra, 36 (32,7%) mulheres apresentavam inibição de desejo; 16 (14,5%), problemas de excitação; 35 (31,8%), dificuldades de orgasmo; 31 (28,2%) queixavam-se de dor durante a relação; e 39 (35,5%) atingiram pontuação inferior a 60 no QS-F, indicando DSF em geral. Depressão e ansiedade acometeram 26 (23,6%) e 37 (33,6%) pacientes, respectivamente. Os dados também revelaram uma relação significante entre DSF, depressão e ansiedade, além de identificar fatores de risco para os domínios sexuais. Diminuição do desejo sexual foi associada à depressão, ansiedade, escolaridade, incômodo com próprio o corpo, masturbação e educação sexual; problemas de excitação foram ligados à depressão, ansiedade, idade, escolaridade, incômodo com o próprio corpo, medo relacionado a sexo e educação sexual; orgasmo foi impactado por depressão, ansiedade, escolaridade, incômodo com o próprio corpo, medo relacionado a sexo, vergonha durante o ato sexual, masturbação e educação sexual; queixas de dor durante a relação sexual foram associadas à depressão, renda, escolaridade e educação sexual; por fim, fatores relevantes para a presença de DSF em geral foram depressão, ansiedade, escolaridade, incômodo com o próprio corpo, medo relacionado ao sexo, vergonha durante o ato sexual e educação sexual. Modelos de regressão foram utilizados para identificar as variáveis mais significantes para cada domínio da atividade sexaul. Com efeito, desejo sexual é inibido pela presença de depressão; o nível de excitação é negativamente impactado por depressão e pelo aumento da idade; a capacidade de atingir o orgasmo é reduzida pela baixa escolaridade, pela ansiedade e por medos relacionados ao sexo; e tanto dor durante o intercurso quanto DSF em geral estão diretamente ligadas à baixa escolaridade e à depressão. Conclui-se que inúmeras variáveis interferem na resposta sexual feminina, sendo depressão e ansiedade especialmente nocivas à função sexual. Ademais, enquanto depressão é mais prejudicial nas primeiras fases da resposta sexual (desejo e excitação), ansiedade influencia principalmente a fase de orgasmo. / The present work proposes to (1) assess female sexual functioning, depression, and anxiety; (2) verify the association between female sexual dysfunction (FSD), depression, and anxiety; and (3) identify the variables associated with the sexual domains: desire, arousal, orgasm, and pain during intercourse. A group of 110 healthy women (age: 18-61, mean: 38.5 years) among those waiting for gynecological routine consultations at the Clinics Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (HCFMUSP) was randomly selected for this research. The patients were asked to fill questionnaires specifically developed for this work and validated instruments, such as the Female Sexual Quotient (FSQ), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). The analysis of the responses show that 36 (32.7%) women present sexual desire inhibitions; 16 (14.5%) have arousal problems; 35 (31.8%) have orgasm difficulties; 31 (28.2%) report pain during intercourse; and 39 (35.5%) exhibit overall FSD. Depression and anxiety are present in 26 (23.6%) and 37 (33.6%) patients respectively. The data also reveal a significant relation between FSD, depression, and anxiety, in addition to identifying risk factors for the sexual domains. More specifically, sexual desire inhibition is associated to depression, anxiety, education level, body issues, masturbation, and sexual education; arousal is connected to depression, anxiety, age, education level, body issues, sex-related fears, and sexual education; orgasm difficulties is related to depression, anxiety, education level, body issues, sex-related fears, sex-related shame, masturbation, and sexual education; pain during intercourse is associated with depression, monetary income, education level, and sex education; and finally, the factors relevant to overall FSD are depression, anxiety, education level, body issues, sex-related fears, sex-related shame, and sexual education. Regression models were then used to identify the most significant variables for each domain, resulting in sexual desire being inhibited by the presence of depression; excitation levels being impaired by low education levels and the increase of age; ability to achieve orgasm being hindered by low education levels, anxiety, and sex-related fears; and pain during intercourse and overall FSD increasing with lower education levels and depression. In conclusion, numerous variables influence female sexual response, depression and anxiety being especially detrimental to sexual functioning. What is more, while depression is more harmful in the early stages of sexual response (desire and arousal), anxiety is the main influence on the orgasm phase

(Dis)função sexual, depressão e ansiedade em pacientes ginecológicas / Sexual dysfunction, depression, and anxiety in gynecological patients

Bárbara Braga de Lucena 05 July 2013 (has links)
Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: (1) avaliar a função sexual feminina e a presença de depressão e ansiedade; (2) verificar a associação entre disfunção sexual feminina (DSF), depressão e ansiedade e (3) identificar as variáveis relacionadas com os domínios: desejo, excitação, orgasmo e dor durante a relação sexual Participaram do estudo 110 pacientes saudáveis (idade: 18-61, média:38,5 anos) que aguardavam consulta ambulatorial de prevenção ginecológica no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP). A avaliação foi realizada com questionários específicos desenvolvidos para a pesquisa, juntamente com o Quociente Sexual Feminino (QS-F), Inventário Beck de Depressão (BDI-II) e Inventário Beck de Ansiedade (BAI). A análise das respostas mostrou que do total da amostra, 36 (32,7%) mulheres apresentavam inibição de desejo; 16 (14,5%), problemas de excitação; 35 (31,8%), dificuldades de orgasmo; 31 (28,2%) queixavam-se de dor durante a relação; e 39 (35,5%) atingiram pontuação inferior a 60 no QS-F, indicando DSF em geral. Depressão e ansiedade acometeram 26 (23,6%) e 37 (33,6%) pacientes, respectivamente. Os dados também revelaram uma relação significante entre DSF, depressão e ansiedade, além de identificar fatores de risco para os domínios sexuais. Diminuição do desejo sexual foi associada à depressão, ansiedade, escolaridade, incômodo com próprio o corpo, masturbação e educação sexual; problemas de excitação foram ligados à depressão, ansiedade, idade, escolaridade, incômodo com o próprio corpo, medo relacionado a sexo e educação sexual; orgasmo foi impactado por depressão, ansiedade, escolaridade, incômodo com o próprio corpo, medo relacionado a sexo, vergonha durante o ato sexual, masturbação e educação sexual; queixas de dor durante a relação sexual foram associadas à depressão, renda, escolaridade e educação sexual; por fim, fatores relevantes para a presença de DSF em geral foram depressão, ansiedade, escolaridade, incômodo com o próprio corpo, medo relacionado ao sexo, vergonha durante o ato sexual e educação sexual. Modelos de regressão foram utilizados para identificar as variáveis mais significantes para cada domínio da atividade sexaul. Com efeito, desejo sexual é inibido pela presença de depressão; o nível de excitação é negativamente impactado por depressão e pelo aumento da idade; a capacidade de atingir o orgasmo é reduzida pela baixa escolaridade, pela ansiedade e por medos relacionados ao sexo; e tanto dor durante o intercurso quanto DSF em geral estão diretamente ligadas à baixa escolaridade e à depressão. Conclui-se que inúmeras variáveis interferem na resposta sexual feminina, sendo depressão e ansiedade especialmente nocivas à função sexual. Ademais, enquanto depressão é mais prejudicial nas primeiras fases da resposta sexual (desejo e excitação), ansiedade influencia principalmente a fase de orgasmo. / The present work proposes to (1) assess female sexual functioning, depression, and anxiety; (2) verify the association between female sexual dysfunction (FSD), depression, and anxiety; and (3) identify the variables associated with the sexual domains: desire, arousal, orgasm, and pain during intercourse. A group of 110 healthy women (age: 18-61, mean: 38.5 years) among those waiting for gynecological routine consultations at the Clinics Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (HCFMUSP) was randomly selected for this research. The patients were asked to fill questionnaires specifically developed for this work and validated instruments, such as the Female Sexual Quotient (FSQ), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). The analysis of the responses show that 36 (32.7%) women present sexual desire inhibitions; 16 (14.5%) have arousal problems; 35 (31.8%) have orgasm difficulties; 31 (28.2%) report pain during intercourse; and 39 (35.5%) exhibit overall FSD. Depression and anxiety are present in 26 (23.6%) and 37 (33.6%) patients respectively. The data also reveal a significant relation between FSD, depression, and anxiety, in addition to identifying risk factors for the sexual domains. More specifically, sexual desire inhibition is associated to depression, anxiety, education level, body issues, masturbation, and sexual education; arousal is connected to depression, anxiety, age, education level, body issues, sex-related fears, and sexual education; orgasm difficulties is related to depression, anxiety, education level, body issues, sex-related fears, sex-related shame, masturbation, and sexual education; pain during intercourse is associated with depression, monetary income, education level, and sex education; and finally, the factors relevant to overall FSD are depression, anxiety, education level, body issues, sex-related fears, sex-related shame, and sexual education. Regression models were then used to identify the most significant variables for each domain, resulting in sexual desire being inhibited by the presence of depression; excitation levels being impaired by low education levels and the increase of age; ability to achieve orgasm being hindered by low education levels, anxiety, and sex-related fears; and pain during intercourse and overall FSD increasing with lower education levels and depression. In conclusion, numerous variables influence female sexual response, depression and anxiety being especially detrimental to sexual functioning. What is more, while depression is more harmful in the early stages of sexual response (desire and arousal), anxiety is the main influence on the orgasm phase

An explanatory model of school dysfunctions from the perspectives of principals, teachers and learners

Bergman, Zinette Wilmyn 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is based on research aimed to develop and test a systematic framework to describe and analyse dysfunctions in underperforming schools in South Africa, the Explanatory Model of School Dysfunctions. The theoretical foundation of the model was created by synthesising the literature from various disciplines and conceptualising dysfunctions in relation to their antecedents, motivations, and consequences. The model was then applied and refined on three different data sets. The three data sets included data from principals, teachers, and learners. The principal data consisted of 80 essays written by principals or their representatives, the teacher data of 40 essays from teachers in the Gauteng area, and the learner data of 1,500 open-ended responses from recent high school graduates in South Africa. Content Configuration Analysis explored how school dysfunctions varied in degree, kind, and interconnectedness. Four groups of dysfunctions were identified: dysfunctions relating to rules and rule breaking, issues of competence, resources, and issues extrinsic to the school context. After application and refinement, the Explanatory Model of School Dysfunctions was found to be a suitable model to account for the problem sets experienced by these three actor groups. The goal of this model is to provide a theory-based approach to analyse dysfunctions within schools and to invite researchers to explore these and other problems within this framework. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

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