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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mål & Mätning : Management by numbers vs. Management by empowerment

Rosén, Therése, Heimerlöv, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
<p>Vårt huvudsyfte med denna uppsats är att tolka och förstå hur företag av olika storlek och karaktär arbetar med mål och om dem mäter sina mål. Vi har valt att sätta upp två delsyften för att nå vårt huvudsyfte. Det första delsyftet är att beskriva mål och mätning genom MBN- och MBE-traditionerna samt vilken kritik som är riktad mot dessa. Detta för att ge läsaren en förståelse för att det finns olika syn på hur företag bör arbeta med mål och mätning. Det andra delsyftet är att beskriva hur 2 tjänsteföretag och 2 produktionsföretag i praktiken arbetar med mål och mätning.</p><p>För att uppnå huvudsyftet har vi valt att se på ämnet med ett hermeneutiskt synsätt. Vi kompletterar detta synsätt med att använda en kvalitativ ansats. Vi har valt denna ansats då vi kommer att samla in vår information genom fyra intervjuer.</p><p>I den teoretiska delen förklarar vi de två traditionerna och vilka skillnader som de innebär. MBN-traditionen står för att målen ska vara specifika, mätbara, accepterade, realistiska och tidsbestämda medan MBE-traditionen inte lägger så stor vikt på just detta. Den senare traditionen handlar mer om medarbetarna och deras prestationer.</p><p>Med den teoretiska bakgrunden så intervjuade vi två produktionsföretag och två tjänsteföretag. Efter den empiriska undersökningen och vår analys har vi kommit fram till att tre av fyra företag såg det som väldigt viktigt att målen skulle vara mätbara men för den sakens skull så följde de inte MBN-traditionen slaviskt. Vi anser att storleken på företaget samt vilken inriktning de har, har stor betydelse för vilken tradition de drar åt.</p>

Hälsofrämjande skola - en fallstudie

Nyman, Johanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Begreppet hälsofrämjande skola handlar om att skolan ska vara en demokratisk process som syftar till att utveckla ungas kompetens för att de ska kunna förstå och påverka deras egen livsstil såväl som levnadsvillkor. WHO har satt upp de övergripande kriterierna för hälsofrämjande skolor och de grundar sig i tio principer som skolorna ska arbeta med. Syftet med undersökningen är att genom en fallstudie beskriva hur arbetet med hälsofrämjande skolor implementeras och hur WHO:s tio riktlinjer för hälsofrämjande skolor tillämpas i praktiken. Forskningsstrategin i den här undersökningen har varit en fallstudie och det fall som har studerats är en hälsofrämjande högstadieskola. Som metod till undersökningen har dokumentanalys och intervjuer använts. Dokumentet som analyserats är en kvalitetsredovisning från skolan ifråga från år 2007 och de fyra som har intervjuats är personal på den hälsofrämjande skolan. Resultatet visar att det hälsofrämjande arbetet på skolan främst består av två olika aktiviteter; PUH och FMS. Genom dessa aktiviteter får eleverna vara med att påverka deras utbildning och de hjälper även till att stärka elevernas empowerment. Resultatet visar också att skolan inte medvetet arbetar med alla WHO:s principer men att de ändå ingår i skolans arbete.</p>

Improving business advantage by nurturing B players through emotional intelligence

Parada Sierra, Vilma Lorena, Pham Minh, Duc January 2009 (has links)
<p>Nurturing talent inside organizations through the use of Emotional Intelligence could strength businesses competitive advantage. The use of Emotional Intelligence as a tool to create closer liaisons among staff members could provide the connection that employers need to breed their employees, particularly, their B players. Our objective is to study the processes that are built between top managers and B players within the virtual space inside organizations and the viability to elevate their performance through the use of Emotional Intelligence when creating work relationships among them.</p><p>The study was performed by a cluster of interviews to top managers, practitioners and researchers involved with our object of study and by a series of surveys completed by employees. The main results were connected to verbal language and multicommunicative activities as management of meaning from a leader, intercultural differences, general prevention towards work relationship building, influence from physical space of offices, personal space and personal satisfaction, post modernity in the leadership style, advantages of using Emotional Intelligence, positive effects that interrelations have over businesses general activities and the viability to reinforce business competitive advantage by empowering their human resources.</p><p>After the termination of this study, we could conclude that communication channels, culture context and local values and beliefs are the main aspects that influence and limit the creation of processes among our both actors and their subsequent success. Furthermore, to create work relationship inside organizations indirectly build the defensive strategy that firms need against competitors and this reinforces their business competitive advantage.</p>

Främjande av empowerment i omvårdnaden av den vuxna patienten med diabetes

Jonsson, Carolina, Palm, Camilla January 2006 (has links)
<p>SAMMANFATTNING</p><p>Bakgrund: Diabetes är en sjukdom, där patienten med diabetes dagligen fattar beslut gällande sin sjukdom. Genom empowerment kan patienten upptäcka och använda sin egen inneboende förmåga att kontrollera sin diabetes, vilket skapar förutsättningar för en mer individanpassad egenvård.</p><p>Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att beskriva hur empowerment kan främjas i omvårdnaden av den vuxna patienten med diabetes.</p><p>Metod: Den metod som användes var en systematisk litteraturstudie med beskrivande design. Sökningar har gjorts i databaserna Cinahl, Medline och Medline PubMed, med sökorden diabetes, empowerment, nursing och caring.</p><p>Resultat: För att arbeta empowermentfrämjande krävs en förändring av sjuksköterskans yrkesroll där också patientens egen kunskap om att leva med diabetes erkänns. Att vara en god lyssnare, förmedla kunskap om diabetessjukdomen, vara öppen och lyhörd för varje patients individuella behov och uppmuntra patienten att själv finna lösningar på egenvårdsproblem är viktiga delar för sjuksköterskan och övrig sjukvårdspersonal att arbeta med.</p><p>Slutsats: För att sjuksköterskans yrkesroll ska kunna förändras och nya arbetsmetoder utvecklas är tid, stöd, utbildning och handledning till både sjuksköterskorna själva och den övriga personalen som arbetar runt patienten av betydelse.</p>

Women and traditional organizations : A study on traditionally organized women in Babati District

Hallal, Sara January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of the study is to  examine women and men’s perspective on the informal and traditional way for women to organize themselves in relation to formalization. To meet the aims of the thesis qualitative studies through interviews concerning a <em>protest march</em> that took place in 2003 Dareda village were performed, and a literature study to supplement the empirical data. Thereafter the purpose was analyzed through both feminist theory and empowerment theory. A majority of both the men and the women were positive opinions towards the traditional way for women to be organized. This might go against the feminist theory and verify that only negative statements are brought up within the feminist discourse. Through this tradition women collectively claim specific rights, because they are more powerful together then individually, but also under the banner of motherhood or as women. In relation to the process of development the women are being hindered from protesting more frequently and urged to act within the formal framework. Their major obstacles with the formalization concerns to the judicial system and some of them claim that corruption will prevent justice for them as women.</p><p> </p>

Die ontwikkeling van riglyne vir die bemagtiging van ouers vir 'n beter verhouding met hulle adolessente kinders / Petro Fourie

Fourie, Petronella Annabie January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (MW))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Empowerment and job insecurity in a steel manufacturing organisation / Mkhambi Shadrack Tjeku

Tjeku, Mkhambi Shadrack January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2007.

An empowerment approach to parental involvement in the primary school / Tshabalala Maramane Monica

Tshabalala, Maramane Monica January 2008 (has links)
Parental involvement in education is accepted as an important aspect of learner academic achievement. In fact, there is research evidence that associates high learner achievement with high rates of parental involvement. However, judging by the poor levels of achievement attained by learners in, for instance, areas like reading, writing and numeracy in primary school grades, the question rises as to whether parental involvement is consciously promoted in primary schools. This empirical research intended to investigate how parental involvement is currently promoted in primary schools. The literature review revealed the basic obligations of schools and parents as expressed in Epstein's six typologies of parental involvement, which form the basis of all endeavours towards enhancing parental involvement. Consequently, it is concluded that strategies or programmes aimed at promoting parental involvement, must embody parenting, communication, volunteering, learning at home, participation in decision-making and collaboration with the community. In this regard, the child's environment should be regarded as an ecology consisting of the school, home and community. The main empirical research finding indicates generally, that the meaning attached to parental involvement falls short of its essence, and focuses on response activities from both school staff and parents. The main recommendation, therefore, is advocacy that begins with empowering all stakeholders with regard to the essence of parental involvement. In this regard, the Empowerment Approach to Parental Involvement (EAPI) recommended in this research, proposes a model that empowers individual schools and the community, through a school-based and cluster-based focus. The EAPI model presents a series of actions leading to a modus operandi that recognises the power of zenzele (do it yourself) for schools and parents, and masakhane (doing it for ourselves together) for school clusters and the community. Both concepts utilise principles based on ubuntu and express the adage: "it takes a village to raise a child." / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009.


Eubank, Ann Charlotte 01 August 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the attitudes of social workers in Tennessee towards people with physical disabilities. A non-probability, convenience sample of social workers who were members of the National Association of Social Workers Tennessee Chapter (NASW TN), and accept email communication, were sent the on-line survey. Two hundred sixty five social workers responded to the survey and one hundred sixty eight respondents (N=168) completed the survey in its entirety and were included in analysis. The respondents’ attitudes were assessed as either empowering or oppressive based on concepts and constructs of empowerment and oppression identified by disability scholars and social work researchers in the field of disability. The findings of the individual questions were analyzed. The survey questions worded toward an empowering attitude found that 80% of the subjects answered towards a possible empowering attitude regarding the self-determination of people with physical disabilities. The highest rate of no opinion responses was noticed with the questions related to sexual satisfaction, intimacy and depression. Due to the lack of validity and reliability of the survey tool it would be inappropriate to generalize the results to a broader social work population. The information gathered, however, may serve as a glimpse of the attitudes of social workers in Tennessee towards people with physical disabilities

Motherhood, Survival Strategies and Empowering Experiences

Selvarajah-Martinsson, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis is based on material gathered during a field study in rural Sri Lanka, a Minor Field Study, (MFS) during April-May 2007. The core of the thesis deals with conceptualisations of empowerment and how they can be interpreted contextually from the perspectives of motherhood. The interplay of gender discourses with structural dimensions are analysed to see how these work to uphold ideals whilst posing contrary demands on mothers. Part of the focus has thus been to look at how discourses are adhered, aligned and adjusted to in various ways as strategies for survival in the context of poverty and marginalisation. The way social constructions perpetuate asymmetrical power relations as natural and normative is also discussed since this is central to how gender discourses are produced, upheld and reproduced. This study initiates in the every day experiences of mothers living in absolute poverty. Through narratives and participatory observations of their daily experiences contextual discourses, structural dimensions and agency are analysed. Their experiences are viewed as interconnected with the wider perspectives of political, economic and social conditions locally and globally. Analysis of these experiences against contextual discourses and structural implications attempts to identify possibilities and potential for empowerment. By raising central issues to the mothers regarding segregation, marginalisation and vulnerability, a more contextual understanding of how empowerment is constrained and facilitated is hopefully achieved. Furthermore, how women in this study respond and relate to these issues and whether empowering experiences can be traced even where overt challenges are absent. Finally, the thesis addresses the complexity of carrying out a study of this kind, where the prerogative to define and conceptualise lies with the researcher, the beholder, representing through this very role inequity in the division of power and privilege.</p>

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