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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

„Von der repräsentativen zur partizipativen Demokratie. Zur politischen Mitwirkung von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern unter erwachsenenpädagogischen Aspekten am Beispiel des ‚Politischen Runden Tisches’ von San Carlos de Bariloche“

Ramírez-Fischer, Patricia Alejandra 07 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Frage, wie die Bürger im Rahmen einer partizipativen Demokratie Einfluss auf die Gestaltung der Politik nehmen können. Dabei wird ermittelt, inwieweit die bürgerliche Partizipation unter der Perspektive der Erwachsenenpädagogik. zur Kompetenzentwicklung auf individuellem und kollektivem Niveau beitragen kann. Der Untersuchung liegt der Studienfall des Politischen Runden Tisches zugrunde, der sich im Jahr 2002 in der Stadt San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentinien, konstituierte. Auffallend für die Autorin, die als Moderatorin an diesem partizipativen Experiment teilhatte, waren die Veränderungen, die sie sowohl bei den Personen als auch bei den teilnehmenden Gruppen und Organisationen beobachtete. Vor dem Hintergrund der Erfahrungen, die in diesem Experiment gemacht wurden, möchte die Arbeit zeigen, wie zivilgesellschaftliche Partizipation zur Wiederherstellung des sozialen Friedens in der Stadt und zur Weiterentwicklung demokratischer Organisationsformen in der Stadtgesellschaft beitragen konnte. Methodologisch gründet sich die Untersuchung auf die Analyse des Studienfalles. Die Arbeit orientierte sich an zwei grundsätzlichen Strategien: Die hermeneutische Herangehensweise zum Verständnis des Kontextes und die qualitativ-empirische Methodik, ausgehend von Experteninterviews mit den Beteiligten und die qualitative Auswertung der dabei vorgenommenen Aufzeichnungen. Die der Untersuchung zugrundeliegende Analyse umfasst drei Dimensionen: Zum ersten die Dimension der individuellen und kollektiven Entwicklung der am partizipativen Prozess Beteiligten; zum zweiten die auf die Rolle der Moderation von Gruppen in partizipativen Prozessen bezogene Dimension; und drittens die Dimension der politisch ausgerichteten Partizipation und deren Auswirkung. In einem erweiterten Kontext gehört dazu die Diskussion der Frage, welchen Beitrag die Erwachsenenpädagogik – und hier insbesondere die erwachsenen¬pädagogische Moderation - zur Unterstützung dieser Prozesse leisten kann. Die Erlangung von individuellen und kollektiven Kompetenzen wird neben dem Erwerb anderer Lerninhalte als essentieller Bestandteil der partizipativen Dynamik wie auch als Ergebnis der partizipativen Prozesse identifiziert. Darauf beruht die Bedeutung der eingesetzten erwachsenenpädagogischen Maßnahmen in allen diversen Organisationsformen, deren Ziel darin besteht, das Profil des Bürgers zu prägen, der in der Lage ist, in vollgültiger Beteiligung auf die Politik einzuwirken und auf diese Weise seine Lebensqualität zu verbessern. Unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Bürger das entsprechende Profil besitzen, das sie zur Partizipation befähigt, werden im weiteren Verlauf die Bedingungen aufgezeigt, die einen erfolgreichen Aufruf zur Partizipation ausmachen und sicherstellen, dass eine effektive Einflussnahme auf die Politik zustande kommt. Damit im Zusammenhang werden Empfehlungen gemacht hinsichtlich der Organisation der Partizipation, sowohl aus dem Blickwinkel des Bürgers wie auch demjenigen der Vertreter der staatlichen Organe. Leitend ist dabei das Ziel, mit Hilfe einer verstärkten Partizipation die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Staat und Zivilgesellschaft herzustellen. Zugleich werden die Herausforderungen identifiziert, die in der Organisationskultur der staatlichen Einrichtungen angegangen werden müssen, damit diese sich in ihrem Management und ihrer Gesetzgebung den Konsequenzen anpassen können, die sich aus der bürgerlichen Partizipation ergeben. Herausgestellt werden insbesondere die Möglichkeiten, die sich in den Nachbarschaftsvereinigungen als der einfachsten Form basisdemokratischer Organisation bieten, um Partizipation zu praktizieren und in die Politik hineinzuwirken. Ihre Stärkung auf dem Wege der Gründung von Einrichtungen bürgerschaftlicher Fortbildung wird als dringende Aufgabe für die Erwachsenenpädagogik erkannt. Zugleich werden mit derselben Blickrichtung Empfehlungen für die Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft im Allgemeinen wie auch für die politischen Parteien im Besonderen gemacht. Gezeigt wird, wie aus dem Zusammenwirken von Initiativen und Projekten aus unterschiedlichen gesellschaftlichen Sektoren ein Nährboden für die überfällige Veränderung bzw. Neugestaltung politischer Prozesse entstehen kann. Außerdem werden zwei Vorschläge zur Verbesserung des Wahlsystems dargelegt, um zu erreichen, dass dieses mit dem Modell einer partizipativen Demokratie zur Übereinstimmung kommt. Den Moderatoren kommt dabei vor allem die Aufgabe zu, die Lernprozesse der Bürger mit ihren spezifischen Kenntnissen erwachsenenpädagogischer Methodik zu unterstützen. Dies wird erreicht mit Hilfe von Fortbildungsmaßnahmen, die Bestandteil der Planung der partizipativen Prozesse sein müssen. Unter den dabei zu behandelnden Themen ist, wie im Laufe der Arbeit an verschiedenen Stellen gezeigt wird, die Ausübung eines „expansiven“ statt eines „akkumulativen“ Verständnisses von Macht hervorzuheben. Desweiteren ist die Rolle der Moderatoren in der Vorbereitung der Partizipation von Belang hinsichtlich der Herbeiführung von Bedingungen, die eine effiziente und ausgeglichene Partizipation gewährleisten. Im Verlauf des Gruppenprozesses muss der Moderator auf unvorhergesehene Situationen eingehen, wie zum Beispiel aufkommende Spannungen; versteckte Interessen; Erwartungen und Befürchtungen; unterschiedliche Grade von Motivation, Information und Vertrauen; sowie offensichtlich nicht zu vereinbarende Verhaltensmuster. In diesem Zusammenhang werden verschiedene Eingriffe mit dem spezifischen Instrumentarium des Moderators analysiert. Ihnen kommt eine Schlüsselfunktion zu, damit die Teilnehmer den partizipativen Prozess als eine positive und erfolgreiche Erfahrung erleben. Die Aussagen zu den mittelfristigen Perspektiven der Erwachsenenpädagogik beziehen sich auf ihre Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten als Wissenschaft im Zusammenhang mit der Heranbildung eines aktiven und kompetenten Staatsbürgertums. Die Beiträge der Erwachsenenpädagogik zur Entwicklung der Personen, der Gruppen, der Organisationen und der Systeme weisen dieser Wissenschaft eine Hauptrolle als Instrument im Prozess der Demokratieentwicklung zu. / El presente estudio examina la cuestión sobre cómo los ciudadanos pueden incidir en políticas públicas en el contexto de una democracia participativa y qué aporte hace la participación ciudadana al desarrollo de capacidades en los niveles individual y colectivo, desde la perspectiva de la pedagogía de adultos. La investigación se basa en el estudio del caso de la Mesa de Concertación de Políticas Públicas de la ciudad de San Carlos de Bariloche, en Argentina, que se conformó en 2002. A la autora, que participó como moderadora de esta experiencia participativa, le llamaron la atención los cambios que observó en las personas, los grupos, y las organizaciones. En ese marco de experiencias ganadas, el trabajo quiere mostrar cómo la participación de la sociedad civil pudo contribuir a la recuperación de la paz social en la ciudad y al desarrollo de formas de organización de la democracia en la comunidad. La metodología de la investigación se basó en el análisis de caso. El trabajo se guió por dos estrategias fundamentales: El acceso hermenéutico para entender el contexto y el acceso empírico cualitativo, a partir de entrevistas a expertos con los involucrados y el análisis cualitativo de los registros documentales del caso. El análisis de la investigación abarca tres dimensiones. La dimensión I se refiere a los desarrollos individuales y colectivos de quienes participan. La dimensión II analiza el rol de la moderación de grupos en los procesos de participación. La dimensión III aborda el tema de la participación política y su impacto. En un contexto más amplio, tiene lugar la discusión de la pregunta sobre qué contribución puede ofrecer la pedagogía de adultos – y aquí especialmente la moderación desde esa perspectiva – para apoyar esos procesos. La adquisición de capacidades individuales y colectivas, así como la obtención de otros contenidos de aprendizaje son identificadas como parte esencial de la dinámica y también como resultado de los procesos participativos. De allí la importancia de las intervenciones de la pedagogía de adultos en toda forma de organización, con el objetivo de formar el perfil del ciudadano que pueda incidir en política con participación plena, aumentando a través de ello su calidad de vida. Partiendo del hecho de que los ciudadanos tienen el perfil adecuado para participar, se identifican a continuación las condiciones para que sean convocados con éxito y puedan efectivamente influir en política. Se incluyen recomendaciones para la organización de la participación, tanto desde la perspectiva del ciudadano como desde la de los representantes del gobierno. El objetivo es construir cooperación entre el Estado y la sociedad civil, con la ayuda de una participación fortalecida. Al mismo tiempo, se identifican los desafíos que la cultura organizacional tiene que atender en los diferentes estamentos del Estado, para adaptarse a las consecuencias que tiene la participación ciudadana para su gestión y su legislación. Muy especialmente se destacan las posibilidades que ofrecen las juntas vecinales, como organización básica de la democracia, para la práctica de la participación y la incidencia en política. Su fortalecimiento a través de la creación de es¬cuelas de ciudadanía es presentado como una tarea inminente para la pedagogía de adultos. Al mismo tiempo se hacen recomendaciones en la misma línea para las organizaciones sociales en general y los partidos políticos en particular. Se muestra además cómo la sinergia de iniciativas y proyectos de diferentes sectores sociales, puede dar lugar al surgimiento de cambios o reformas adeudadas de procesos políticos. Adicionalmente se incluyen dos propuestas para la mejora del sistema electoral, para que el mismo funcione en coherencia con el modelo de democracia participativa. A los moderadores de los grupos les compete sobre todo apoyar los procesos de aprendizaje de los ciudadanos, con los conocimientos propios del método de la pedagogía de adultos. Esto lo logran a través de acciones de capacitación que deben formar parte del diseño de los procesos participativos. Entre los temas a abordar se enfatiza una comprensión „expansiva“ en lugar de una „acumulativa“ del ejercicio del poder, lo que se muestra en diferentes partes del trabajo. También se destaca el rol de los moderadores en la preparación de la participación, para que estén dadas las condiciones que favorezcan una participación efectiva y equitativa. Durante el proceso grupal, el moderador atiende tensiones, intereses ocultos, expectativas y temores, diferentes niveles de motivación, de información y de confianza, y paradigmas aparentemente irreconciliables. En este contexto, se analizan diferentes intervenciones propias de su técnica que son clave para que el proceso participativo sea vivido por los participantes como una experiencia positiva y exitosa. Los resultados sobre las perspectivas a mediano plazo de la pedagogía de adultos se refieren a sus posibilidades de desarrollo como ciencia en relación con la formación de la ciudadanía. Las contribuciones de la pedagogía de adultos para el desarrollo de las personas, los grupos, las organizaciones y los sistemas le atribuyen a esta ciencia un protagonismo como instrumento en los procesos de desarrollo de la democracia.

Al-Wasatiyya - medelvägen som teologiskt program i sydeuropeisk (bosnisk) och sydostasiatisk (malaysisk) kontext

Cajlakovic, Zekerijah January 2015 (has links)
Al-Wasatiyya - The Middle Path as theological program in Southern European (Bosnian) and Southeast Asian (Malaysian) contexts. This study examines the neglected phenomenon of al-wasitiyyah and how it relates to an Islamic theological context. This study focuses on the religious aspect of al-wasatiyyah, specifically in beliefs, actions, rituals and ethics perspective, social and interpersonal relationships. The main purpose of this study is to describe, clarify and critically examine the phenomenon of al-wasatiyya as a theological program, and practices in Europe, namely in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Southeast Asia, Malaysia. The material for the investigation consists of some relevant literature, scientific articles, and open-ended interviews with prominent researchers in al-wasatiyya from the chosen countries of research. The methodology used in the study is a qualitative textual analysis of the open individual interviews. The analysis and its results provide us with specific answers to the following question: how the concept of al-wasatiyya can be understood in an Islamic theological context, and then displays its scale, interpretations and practices. There are similarities as well as differences between the Southern European and Southeast Asian perspectives on the field of al-wasatiyya. Lastly, the critical objections against al-wasatiyya are examined, and ultimately the results of the study are compared to previous research on the field.  The results show that the neglected phenomenon of al-wasatiyya returned back to the Islamic discourse in the early 2000s, especially after the tragic events of 9/11 in the US. Thus, the result of the study indicates that al-wasatiyya occurs as a reaction to extremism and radicalism in Islam. Finally, the results of the study demonstrate that the concept of al-wasatiyya, except for religious purposes, can be used as well in other areas and socio-political systems in the contemporary world.

School Climate, Developmental Assets, and Academic Success in KIPP Hispanic Students

Lopez, Rebecca Elaine 01 January 2015 (has links)
Hispanic students residing in the United States have historically been the lowest-achieving ethnic group in public schools and have a high dropout rate. A stark comparison to those statistics can be found within the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) charter schools in San Antonio, Texas, which have a majority Hispanic student population that is thriving academically and advancing to college. Using the Search Institute's positive youth development theory, the purpose of this study was to (a) quantitatively explore how school climate moderates the relationship between Hispanic student acquisition of developmental assets and academic success at KIPP charter schools from the perspective of both students and staff members and (b) identify the catalysts for growth and academic success. The Search Institute surveys, Creating a Great Place to Learn and the Developmental Assets Profile, were used to collect data from 78 students (Grades 6â??8) and 45 staff members at KIPP Aspire and Camino. A series of multiple regression analyses were conducted using Andrew F. Hayes's PROCESS, a tool within SPSS, to explore moderation effects. School climate's organizational attributes dimension had a significant moderation interaction between developmental assets (empowerment, boundaries and expectations, constructive use of time, positive values, and social competencies) and academic success (GPA). School climate's relationships dimension significantly moderated (a) academic success and (b) social competencies, a developmental asset. Implications for positive social change include shaping future intervention programs and school initiatives to build positive school climates, increase academic and social well-being, and help Hispanic students achieve success in school.

Struktura ličnosti, kognitivni stil, afektivna regulacija i demografske varijable kao prediktori agresivnog ponašanja kod počinilaca krivičnih dela / Structure of personality, cognitive style, emotionregulation and demographic factors as predictorsof aggressive behaviour in offenders

Kolundžija Ksenija 09 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Ekstremni vidovi ispoljavanja agresije u vidu krivičnih dela nasilja su univerzalni<br />fenomeni, prepoznati u svim dru&scaron;tvima i kulturama. Iako se radi o relativno nefrekventnim<br />događajima, trend nasilničkog pona&scaron;anja raste i predstavlja problem od &scaron;ireg dru&scaron;tvenog značaja.<br />Ishod vi&scaron;edecenijskog izučavanja agresivnosti ogleda se u detektovanju velikog broja prediktora<br />agresivnog pona&scaron;anja, pri čemu su se faktori agresivnosti najče&scaron;će izučavali izolovano. Kao<br />referentni okvir za ovo istraživanje poslužio nam je Op&scaron;ti model agresivnosti koji podrazumeva<br />međusobnu interakciju različitih faktora u generisanju agresivnog pona&scaron;anja. Osnovni cilj ovog<br />istraživanja se odnosi na rasvetljavanje glavnih i interaktivnih efekta prediktora, a &scaron;to doprinosi<br />boljem razumevanju uslova pod kojima se povećava ili smanjuje verovatnoća realizacije<br />agresivnog pona&scaron;anja, u kontekstu krivičnih dela.<br />Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 200 ispitanika, mu&scaron;kog pola, podeljenih u dve grupe.<br />Kriterijsku grupu činilo je 100 ispitanika koji su bili na izdržavanju kazne u Kazneno popravnom<br />zatvoru u Sremskoj Mitrovici, zbog krivičnog dela nasilja. Kontrolnu grupu činilo je 100<br />ispitnanika koji u svojoj istoriji nisu imali izvr&scaron;eno ni jedno krivično delo. Ispitanici su<br />ujednačeni u odnosu na psihijatrijsku dijagnozu.<br />Organizovan je korelacioni nacrt, a rezultati su obrađeni kroz transferzalnu perspektivu.<br />Ispitivanje interaktivnog uticaja prediktorskih varijabli sprovedeno je putem ispitivanja<br />moderacije.<br />Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je na osnovu personolo&scaron;ko-dispozicionih, kognitivnoemocionalnih<br />i socio-emografskih prediktora moguće razlikovati grupu počinilaca krivičnog dela<br />nasilja u odnosu na ispitanike koji nikada nisu počinili krivično delo. Konkretnije, grupu<br />počinilaca krivičnih dela nasilja karakteri&scaron;e vi&scaron;i stepen izraženosti sve tri Eysenck-ove<br />dimenzije, vi&scaron;i stepen sklonosti ka agresivnom pona&scaron;anju, vi&scaron;i stepen izraženosti psihopatske<br />devijacije, dok se po pitanju stepena samopo&scaron;tovanja ne razlikuju u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu.<br />Počinioci krivičnog dela nasilja imaju specifičan kognitivni stil koji je obeležen većim<br />prisustvom agresivnih fantazija, neefikasnom kontrolom agresivnih i neprijatnih misli, većim<br />prisustvom iracionalnih uverenja, uz če&scaron;će kori&scaron;ćenje supresije, kao neadekvatne strategije<br />vi<br />emocionalne regulacije. Takođe, počinioci krivičnog dela potiču iz porodica sa većim stepenom<br />alkoholizma (isključivo oca), u većoj meri su bili izloženi nasilju u formativnom periodu, imaju<br />niži stepen obrazovanja i ređe imaju stalno zaposlenje. Međutim, kada se ovi brojni faktori<br />agresivnosti posmatraju kroz prizmu multivarijatnog modela predikcije, samo mali broj ostvaruje<br />glavni prediktivni doprinos. Izdvojili su se sledeći prediktori: sklonost ka antisocijalnom<br />pona&scaron;anju, samopo&scaron;tovanje, netolerancija životnih događaja, supresija, reprocenjivanje i<br />obrazovni status. Ispitujući interaktivan efekat prediktorskih varijabili i psihopatije, kao<br />moderator varijable, rezultati pokazuju da različit stepen izraženosti subdimenzija psihopatije<br />predstavlja uslov pod kojim personolo&scaron;ko-dispozicione varijable ostvaruju značajan doprinos u<br />prdikciji agresivnog pona&scaron;anja.<br />Uzimajući u obzir da su se kognitivno-emocionalni faktori koji su podložni promeni<br />izdvojili kao značajni prediktori, praktičan cilj istraživanja ogleda se u primeni nalaza<br />istraživanja na proces rehabilitacije počinilaca agresivnih krivičnih dela</p> / <p>Extreme forms of aggression manifestations, in terms of violent crimes, are universal<br />phenomena recognized in all societies and cultures. Although these are relatively small<br />frequency events, the trend of violent behaviour is growing and represents a problem of wider<br />social significance. The result of multiple decades researches of human aggression is the<br />detection of a large number of aggressive behaviour predictors, where the aggression factors<br />were most commonly studied as isolated ones. As a reference framework for this research, the<br />General Aggression Model was used, as it comprehends different factors mutual interaction in<br />generation of aggressive behaviour. The basic aim of this research is to put some more light to<br />the main and interactive predictor effects, which contributes to better understanding of the<br />conditions under which the probability of realization of the aggressive behaviour is rising or<br />lowering, in terms of criminal acts.<br />The research was performed on 200 male subjects divided into two groups. The criteria<br />group was formed out of 100 subjects who are imprisoned in Sremska Mitrovica Penitentiary for<br />violent crimes. The control group was formed out of 100 subjects who do not have a criminal<br />history at all. The subjects are uniform with relation to psychiatric diagnosis.<br />Correlation design was organized and the results were processed through transversal<br />perspective. Examination of the interactive influence of the predictor variables was performed<br />through moderation.<br />Research results show that it is possible to distinguish the group of violence offenders<br />from the group of subjects with no criminal history at all, on the basis of personologicaldispositional,<br />cognitive-emotional and socio-demographical predictors. Specifically, the group of<br />violent offenders is characterized by the higher level of expression of all three Eysenck<br />dimensions, higher level of inclination to aggressive behaviour, higher level of expression of<br />psychopathic deviation, while the level of self-esteem is no different to the control group.<br />Violent offenders have a specific cognitive style which is marked by higher presence of<br />aggressive fantasies, non-efficient control of aggressive and unwanted thoughts, higher presence<br />of irrational beliefs, with more frequent use of suppression as inadequate strategy for emotional<br />viii<br />regulation. Also, violent offenders come from families with higher level of alcoholism (father<br />only), they have been exposed to violence to a bigger extent in their formation period, they have<br />a lower level of education and less frequently have a permanent employment. However, when<br />these numerous factors of aggression are observed through the prism of multivariate model of<br />prediction, only a small number of factors realize the main predictive effect. The following<br />predictors are noted as significant: inclination to antisocial behaviour, self-esteem, low<br />frustration tolerance beliefs, suppression, reappraisal and educational status. Examination of<br />interactive effect of predictor variables and psychopathy, as moderator variable, gives results<br />which show that different degree of expression of psychopathy sub-dimensions represents the<br />condition under which the personological-dispositional variables give significant contribution to<br />aggressive behaviour prediction.<br />Taking into account that the cognitive-emotional factors which are subject of change are<br />shown to be significant predictors, the practical aim of this research is to apply the research<br />results in violent offenders&rsquo; rehabilitation process.</p>

A influência do ambiente operacional na relação entre diversificação e desempenho: um estudo aplicado ao mercado de manufatura norte-americano

Martins, Mariângela Figueira de Mello 03 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:25:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mariangela Figueira Mello Martins.pdf: 827197 bytes, checksum: 088a20dd9f3221f70d13f7e60775deac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-03 / The task environment, defined as the most immediate and relevant environment for companies, has been an issue of extended research on the management theory, especially by strategy disciplines, owing to its determining influence on the companies´ strategic option and performance. Previous research have concluded that the option for diversification depends on environmental conditions. Simultaneously, the increasing diversity and interaction among different markets stimulates firms towards diversification owing to get advantage from different and more valuable products for diverse niches. That context suggests the existence of a relationship between environment and diversification strategy, and companies&#8223; financial performance as well. Though, the vast literature on the impacts of diversification and the performance determining factors remains inconclusive. The project owed to add new knowledge to the issue by assessing the relationship between the constructs diversification, financial performance and task environment, taking part of the international discussion on the environment and its influence over organizations. It analyzed the hypothesis that the environmental dimensions munificence, complexity and dynamism have a moderating influence on the relationship between diversification and the performance dimensions growth and profitability. Factorial analysis and multiple regressions statistics were applied on the North-American manufacturing industry. Using data from U.S. Bureau of Census regarding the 2002-2007 period, the factorial model was elaborated at the sector activity level to generate the factors related to the task environmental sub-dimensions, according to the measuring model elaborated by Dess and Beard (1984). It related to the amount of 169 valid sectors with available data from the total 272 sectors with 5 digit NAICS code. Those factors were entered in a multiple regression model that matched the environmental dimensions of those 169 manufacturing sectors to the diversification level and financial performance of 994 companies belonging to them. The companies&#8223; data were acquired from Compustat data base. The results confirmed the existence of a linear relationship between growth, diversification and the environmental dimensions complexity and munificence. Even though, despite the regression model statistical significance, those variables can explain very little, that highlights the opportunity for new research in finding additional knowledge to comprehend the diversification effects over firms. The hypothesis of the moderating influence by the operational environment on the performance-diversification relationship was not confirmed. The project has contributed to the strategic management by highlighting to the managers the importance of assessing the environmental conditions as part of the strategy making process, regarding its influence over performance. It also made a methodological contribution by confirming the operational environment dimensions proposed by Dess and Beard (1985) for the construct. / O ambiente operacional, definido como o ambiente mais imediato e relevante para a empresa, tem sido tema de ampla pesquisa na teoria de administração, em especial na área de estratégia, devido à sua importância determinante na escolha estratégica e no desempenho das empresas. Resultados de estudos anteriores indicam que a opção estratégica pela diversificação dependente das condições ambientais. Em paralelo, o aumento da diversidade e da interação entre os mercados incentiva as firmas à diversificação a fim de obter vantagem por meio de produtos diferentes e de maior valor para públicos diversos. Tal contexto indica que existe relação entre o ambiente e a estratégia de diversificação, além de sua relação com o desempenho das organizações. No entanto, a literatura acerca da relação entre diversificação e determinantes do desempenho financeiro ainda é inconclusiva. O presente trabalho se propôs a agregar conhecimento ao tema, por meio da análise da relação entre os construtos diversificação, desempenho financeiro e ambiente operacional, inserindo-se na discussão internacional sobre o ambiente e sua influência sobre as organizações. Assim, foram examinadas as hipóteses de que as dimensões ambientais munificência, complexidade e dinamismo exercem influência moderadora sobre a relação entre diversificação e as dimensões crescimento e lucratividade do desempenho das firmas. Foram utilizados modelos de análise fatorial e de regressão múltipla aplicados sobre a indústria de manufatura norte-americana. Utilizando-se de bases de dados do U.S. Bureau of Census, referentes ao período de 2002 a 2007, a análise fatorial foi realizada no nível do setor de atividade empresarial para cálculo dos escores fatoriais correspondentes às dimensões ambientais, conforme o modelo de mensuração originalmente proposto por Dess e Beard (1984). Foi considerado um conjunto de 169 setores válidos e com dados disponíveis do total de 272 setores com código NAICS de 5 dígitos. Os escores fatoriais foram aplicados em um modelo de regressão múltipla que relacionou as características das dimensões ambientais dos 169 setores manufatureiros com o grau de diversificação e o desempenho financeiro de 994 empresas pertencentes aos mesmos. Os dados das empresas foram obtidos na base de dados Compustat. Os resultados confirmaram a existência de relação linear entre o crescimento, a diversificação e as variáveis ambientais complexidade e munificência. Contudo, apesar do modelo de regressão ser estatisticamente significante, a explicação proporcionada pelas variáveis é muito pequena, deixando clara a oportunidade para que novos estudos busquem ampliar a compreensão do efeito da diversificação nas firmas. Por sua vez, a hipótese de influência de moderação do ambiente operacional na relação entre desempenho e diversificação não foi confirmada. O trabalho contribui para a gestão estratégica, ao apontar a importância de que os gestores avaliem as condições ambientais no processo de escolha estratégica, diante de sua influência sobre o desempenho. O trabalho também teve sua contribuição metodológica ao confirmar as dimensões ambientais propostas por Dess e Beard (1984) para o construto ambiente operacional.

朱子與李退溪政治思想之比較研究 / A comparative study of Chu Tzu and Lee T''oegye''s political thouhhts

宋琫圭, Song Bong-Kyu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在比較分析朱子與李退溪之政治思想。論文內容共分五章十三節,茲簡述各章之重點如下: 第一章為導論:敘述研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法。 第二章朱子的政治思想:探討重格物致知,以「大學體系」為本,主張重視民生問題、反和議以及天理實踐的哲人政治。 第三章退溪的政治思想:探討重倫理道德,以「聖學十圖體系」為本,主張重視人民之生命、和平睦鄰以及仁體實踐的仁者政治。 第四章比較朱子退溪政治思想的異同:特別著重在時代環境、文化背景等因素對二者政治思想所產生的影響。 第五章為結論:綜合探討和提出個人的研究心得。

The Analysis of the Great Moderation in Australia

Huang, Ling-Yi 27 June 2012 (has links)
According to Kim and Nelson (1999) and McConnell and Perez-Quiros (2000), the timing of the Great Moderation occurred in U.S. at 1984Q1. Summers (2005) found out several reasons and different timings of the Great Moderation in the G-7 countries and Australia. During the past fifty years, there was a significantly sharp decline in the volatility of the real growth rate in Australia. Between 1968 and 1982, the standard deviation of the real growth rate was 1.416%¡Fhowever, between 1983 and 1996, the standard deviation of the real growth rate drastically reduced to 0.917%. Based on this obvious situation described above, we successively build up a Markov-Switching Model and Time-Varying Structural Autoregressive Model to investigate the structural break and the sources of the Great Moderation in Australia. The findings turn out that improved monetary policy and the decreased oil shock can account for the explanation of the moderation with the break date of 1984Q1.

An Investigation of Role Salience and Linkages to Work-Family Conflict

Greer, Tomika Wilson 2011 May 1900 (has links)
This dissertation contains reports of three separate studies in which the connections between work role salience, family role salience, stereotype threat, and work-family conflict were explored. In the first study, findings from a systematic review of the role salience literature were reported. Following a search of four Human Resource Development (HRD) journals, the PsycINFO database, and the Academic Search Complete database, 69 articles and papers were identified for inclusion in the literature review. The literature mostly pertained to career development, with a notable emphasis on life-span, life-space theory. Though, very little of the research in the sample of literature pertained specifically to how individuals negotiate their lives as they occupy multiple life roles. In the second study, meta-analytic techniques were used to identify the nature of the relationships between work role salience, family role salience, and work-family conflict. Hypothesized relationships were based on conservation of resources theory. Data were collected from fourteen papers and articles to test the hypothesized relationships. Work role salience was positively related to work-family conflict (ρ = 0.151; p < 0.01) and family role salience was negatively related to work interference with family (ρ = -0.049; p ≤ 0.05). Family role salience appeared to support healthy involvement in both the work and family roles while work family salience appeared to deplete the necessary resources to balance work and family roles satisfactorily. The third study was an introduction of stereotype threat as a potential moderator of the role salience and work-family conflict relationships. Data were collected from 727 individuals who responded to an online survey. MANOVA was used to conclude that White and Black/African-American participants differed in their responses to the work-family conflict and stereotype threat scales. Regression analyses were used to assess the moderating effects of stereotype threat. Stereotype threat moderated the relationships between parental role salience and family interference with work. Future research efforts should include further examination of the similarities and differences in how the variables interact across racial boundaries and the mechanism(s) by which the stereotype threat affects role salience and work-family conflict relationships.

Essays on economic fluctuations

Burren, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Bern, Univ., Bern, Diss., 2009

Dos valores pessoais às fases da lealdade

Henrique, Jorge Luiz January 2009 (has links)
O conhecimento dos valores de uma pessoa nos permite predizer suas atitudes avaliativas em relação a uma situação ou objeto, pois os valores pessoais orientam e guiam os indivíduos a um comportamento. Estudos teóricos sobre valores pessoais e atitudes não abordaram esses constructos como antecedentes da lealdade do consumidor. A partir dessa constatação, esse trabalho de tese propôs elaborar e verificar empiricamente quatro modelos teóricos que tratam da complexa inter-relação existente entre valores pessoais-atitude- fases da lealdade. A fim de testar as hipóteses dos modelos, foram realizadas duas surveys com 1200 respondentes cada uma. Por meio de análises multivariadas, os resultados confirmaram (i) a relação positiva entre os valores pessoais e as fases cognitiva e ação da lealdade; (ii) a mediação da atitude nas relações valores pessoais- fase cognitva e valores pessoais- fase ação; (iii)e a moderação da relação valores pessoais-fases da lealdade pelas variáveis demográficas de gênero, idade, escolaridade e renda. Tais resultados possibilitam a ampliação da fronteira do conhecimento ao (i) inserir os valores pessoais como antecedentes da lealdade; (ii) identificar o valor mais importante (Segurança da Família) para o consumidor; (iii) clarificar os conceitos e desmistificar a utilização dos papéis mediadores e moderadores de variáveis na disciplina de Marketing; (iv) confirmar a hipótese de que os valores pessoais variam conforme gênero e idade do consumidor; e (v) criar uma nova escala de mensuração de valores pessoais para a área do Comportamento do Consumidor; além de fornecer evidências empíricas às empresas financeiras sobre segmentação de clientes pelos valores pessoais ou atitudes. / The knowledge of an individual's values allows us to better predict their evaluative attitudes towards a situation or object, for personal values drive and guide individuals to specific behaviors. To date, theoretical studies on personal values and attitudes have not investigated these constructs as antecedents of consumer loyalty. Therefore, this thesis proposed to elaborate and empirically verify four theoretical models related to the complex interrelation between personal values-attitude-loyalty phases. So as to test the models hypotheses, two surveys involving 1200 respondents each were carried out. By means of multivariate analyses, the results confirmed (i) the positive relationship between personal values and the cognitive and action phases of loyalty; (ii) the mediating role of attitude on the relationships between personal values-cognitive phase and personal values-action phase; and (iii) the moderation of the relationship personal values- loyalty phases by the demographic variables of gender, age, education and income. Such results contribute to widen knowledge frontiers by (i) inserting personal values as antecedents of loyalty; (ii) identifying the most important value (Family Security) to the consumer; (iii) elucidating concepts and clarifying the use of the mediating and moderating roles of variables in the Marketing discipline; (iv) support the hypothesis that personal values vary across consumer's gender and age; and (v) creating a new personal values measuring scale to the area of Consumer Behavior, besides providing empirical evidence to financial companies on client segmentation according to personal values or attitudes.

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