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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extending the Johnson-Neyman Procedure to Categorical Independent Variables: Mathematical Derivations and Computational Tools

Montoya, Amanda Kay 29 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.


CAROLINA BOUCHARDET DIAS 08 August 2022 (has links)
[pt] Com o crescente emprego de inteligência artificial na moderação de conteúdo do Instagram, a empresa é cada vez mais criticada pelos efeitos discriminatórios de seus sistemas algorítmicos, que parecem revelar uma hierarquia de humanidades dentro da rede social. Ainda que a autoexposição dos usuários seja a fonte primária de dados usados pelo Instagram em sua geração de lucros, alguns corpos detêm plena e irrestrita visibilidade enquanto outros são desproporcionalmente ocultados pela moderação automatizada. A moderação algorítmica na rede social integra um novo tipo de governo das condutas, baseado em dados e correlações estatísticas, que assume traços específicos com relação a usuárias mulheres. Trata-se de um poder que, ocultado sob discursos tecnoutópicos e corporativistas do Instagram, não se reconhece como poder e se torna mais dificilmente detectável. Existe, contudo, a possibilidade de resistência a tal governo das condutas. Enquanto grande parte dos trabalhos acadêmicos sobre resistência online é focada na resistência ora a violências interpessoais entre usuários ora a práticas e discursos sexistas, é escassa a literatura sobre a resistência ao poder dos sistemas algorítmicos de moderação de conteúdo. Esta pesquisa pretende contribuir com o debate sobre o tema, explorando como técnica de resistência ou autodefesa digital, a autoexposição das usuárias do Instagram voltada à denúncia do poder algorítmico da rede social, em especial aos silenciamentos e discriminações por ele perpetuados. / [en] With the increasing use of artificial intelligence in Instagram s content moderation, the company is increasingly criticized for the discriminatory effects of its algorithmic systems, which seem to reveal a hierarchy of humanities within the social network. Even though users self-exposure is the primary source of data used by Instagram in its profit generation, some bodies hold full and unrestricted visibility while others are disproportionately hidden by automated moderation. Algorithmic moderation on the social network integrates a new kind of government of conducts, based on data and statistical correlations, that takes on specific traits with regard to female users. This is a power that, hidden under Instagram s technoutopian and corporatist discourses, does not recognize itself as power and becomes more difficult to detect. There is, however, the possibility of resistance to such government of conduct. While much of the academic work on online resistance is focused on resistance either to interpersonal violence between users or to sexist practices and discourses, the literature on resistance to the power of algorithmic content moderation systems is scarce. This research intends to contribute to the debate on the theme, exploring as a resistance technique or digital selfdefense, the self-exposure of female Instagram users aimed at denouncing the algorithmic power of the social network, especially the silences and discriminations perpetuated by it.

Turkish Gazis' (Injured Veterans) Transition into Civilian Life

Celebi, Mehmet 08 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe the dimensions of Turkish Gazis' transition to civilian life, to explore the main factors that make this process easier or more difficult, and their psychological integration, that is, specifically, satisfaction with their life. To that end, this study examined the impact of combat-related traumatic stressor (e.g., functional limitations), personal resources (social support, sense of mastery), perceived mental health on Turkish veterans' adjustment into civilian life and their psychological integration. The data was collected in Turkey in 2015 by the researcher with the help of Türkiye Harp Malulü Gaziler Şehit Dul ve Yetimler Derneği, a non-profit veteran organization. The final sample included 240 Turkish Gazis. The level of perceived transition into civilian life and veterans' life satisfaction were the dependent variables in this study. A series of ordinary least squares (OLS) regression was conducted. Hayes' PROCESS macro 3.0 was utilized to measure the direct, indirect and moderation effects of variables on transition and life satisfaction among Gazis. The results demonstrated that perceived available social support, perceived sense of mastery and mental health partially mediated the association between Gazis' functional limitations and transition into civilian life and they fully mediated the association between functional limitations and life satisfaction. Among control variables, only household income predicted transition into civilian life, and place of residence was the only significant predictor of life satisfaction. However, neither social support nor mastery had moderation effect on the relationship between functional limitations and dependent variables. Policy implications and suggestions for further studies are also provided at the end of the dissertation.

eModeration requirements: a case study in private secondary schools in South Africa

Rajamany, Vanitha 10 1900 (has links)
Despite the increasing importance of digitization in all facets of teaching and learning, digital moderation (eModeration) has received little attention in research and practice. No evidence-based requirements on the secondary school environment could be found for the development of a digital moderation system. This finding provided the rationale for an investigation into the requirements for an efficient eModeration system for IT and CAT assessments at grade 12 level in South Africa. A critical literature review was employed to explore eModeration and the requirements for a digital moderation system. This study is novel in exploring the applicability of post-adoption technology acceptance models to a pre-adoption system. The inquiry was guided by the overarching research question of: What are the requirements for an efficient eModeration system for IT and CAT SBA assessments at grade 12 level in SA? This dissertation concludes that there is currently no dedicated eModeration system in use in the secondary school environment. This study draws on the eModeration literature, the technology adoption literature and empirical research in the private secondary school environment of IT and CAT assessments at grade 12 level in South Africa to provide an evidence-based contribution to the requirements for an efficient eModeration system. The findings serve as a theoretical basis for future research into eModeration systems and can make a practical contribution to future practices and policies within schools and assessment bodies. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

The effects of physical activity on cigarette cravings

Haasova, Marcela January 2014 (has links)
Rationale: Cigarette cravings are one of the most important clinical phenomena in tobacco addiction. A wide range of studies and research designs may help to increase understanding of the relationship between physical activity (PA) and cigarette cravings. Aims: (i) To investigate the acute effects of walking and isometric exercise on cigarette cravings, withdrawal, and attentional bias among temporarily abstaining smokers. (ii) To quantify the effects of short bouts of PA on cigarette cravings among temporarily abstaining smokers. (iii) To examine who most benefits from PA, whether changes in affect mediate these effects, and whether a specific attribute of PA is associated with cravings. (iv) To investigate whether any association between habitual PA and cravings in smokers could be found. Methods: A randomised controlled crossover trial with three arms addressed aim (i). A systematic review of literature and individual participant data meta-analysis using hierarchical modelling addressed aims (ii) and (iii). Aim (iv) was achieved by using linear regression modelling of cross-sectional data from a smoking cessation study. Results: No difference in cravings, withdrawal, and attentional bias between walking and isometric exercise versus control was found. Bouts of PA decreased cigarette cravings by approximately 30%. Moderate intensity PA provided increased benefit when compared with light intensity, whereas vigorous intensity did not confer additional benefits compared with moderate intensity PA. Also bouts of medium (10 minutes) and longer duration (≥15minutes) appeared to be more effective than short duration (≤ 5 min). No moderators and mediators of this association were identified. Habitual moderate intensity PA was the strongest predictor of cigarette cravings in smokers, MPSS was an additional predictor and alcohol consumption moderated the effects of habitual PA on cravings. Conclusion: Moderate intensity PA could be recommended to smokers to help decrease cigarette cravings.

La métrique de la juste peine : une analyse des décisions de justice prises par les acteurs judiciaires et le public

Leclerc, Chloé 04 1900 (has links)
La thèse délaisse l’étude des biais, des erreurs et des influences externes qui modulent les décisions de justice et formule l’hypothèse que les individus, confrontés à un dilemme normatif (quelle serait la juste peine?), manifestent un souci de justice qu’il est pertinent d’analyser en lui-même. Les résultats de cette thèse indiquent qu’une proportion appréciable des choix et des jugements des citoyens et des acteurs judiciaires interrogés témoignent, en raison de leur cohérence interne et de leur modération, d’un souci manifeste de justice. Les données de la thèse s’appuient sur un sondage sentenciel dans lequel on demandait à des répondants du public (n=297), mais aussi à un échantillon d’acteurs judiciaires (n=235), de prendre des décisions de détermination pénale dans trois histoires de cas bien détaillées. La thèse s’intéresse à la détermination de la juste peine, laquelle incorpore trois prises de décision distinctes. Le premier chapitre de la thèse s’attarde à la qualité des échelles individuelles de sévérité des peines qui peuvent être infligées pour sanctionner un délinquant reconnu coupable d’actes criminels. Les résultats indiquent que les citoyens, tous comme les acteurs judiciaires, n’utilisent pas la même métrique pour statuer sur la sévérité des peines, mais que certains d’entre eux, font usage d’une métrique pénale plus cohérente et plus raisonnable que d’autres. Un test décisif pour jauger de la valeur d’une métrique est son aptitude à établir des équivalences pénales entre les peines de prison, de probation, de travaux communautaires et d’amendes. Le deuxième chapitre s’attarde à la qualité des choix sentenciels des citoyens et des acteurs judiciaires. Deux critères sont utilisés pour distinguer les sentences les plus justes : 1) le critère de proportionnalité ou de cohérence interne (les sentences données sont-elles toujours proportionnelles à la gravité de l’infraction commise ?); 2) le critère de modération ou de cohérence externe (la sentence donnée peut-elle rallier le plus grand nombre de points de vue?). Les deux critères sont importants parce qu’ils contribuent tous deux à réduire la marge d’incertitude du dilemme sentenciel. Le troisième chapitre prend acte que toute sentence fera possiblement l’objet d’un aménagement subséquent. Les formes les plus manifestes d’aménagement pénal sont régies par l’octroi d’une libération conditionnelle qui écourte la durée de peine qui sera purgée en prison. Certains acteurs judiciaires choisiront de tenir compte de cette libération anticipée en gonflant leur sentence, alors que d’autres se refuseront à le faire. Le dernier chapitre s’attarde aux raisons qui motivent leurs choix. / This thesis neglects the analysis of external influences, such as biases and errors, which may interfere in court judgments and propose that when facing a normative dilemma (What is the just decision?), individuals are driven by a concern for justice. This concern has not been properly scrutinized. When studying legal decisions, we note that a large proportion of all judgments and evaluations made by interviewed citizens and judicial actors are coherent and moderated, which demonstrates a concern for justice and equity. The results of the thesis are based on a sentencing survey conducted among citizens (n=297) and criminal justice professionals (n=235) who had to adjudicate upon three detailed case studies and specific sentencing questions. The thesis examines the process of determining the just sanction and is concerned with three types of judgments. The first chapter explores the quality of different penal severity scales that can be used to punish a criminal convicted of a crime. Results indicate that citizens, as well as criminal justice professionals, have different ways of conceptualizing penal severity, and that some of these views are more coherent and more reasonable than others. This chapter shows that one way of assessing penal metrics quality is to look at the exchange rates among qualitatively different sanctions (months of prison, years of probation, hours of community work and dollar amount of fines). The second chapter examines the sentencing choices. Two important judicial criteria are used to distinguish just sentences from unjust ones: 1) proportionality or internal consistency (are sentences always given in accordance to crime seriousness?); and 2) moderation or external consistency (is the sentence able to merge opposite points of views?). Both criteria are important in reducing a portion of uncertainty that is intrinsic to the sentencing dilemma. Indeed the search for the just punishment and strategies for uncertainty reduction are intimately connected. The third chapter takes into account the fact that sentences are not fully determined at the judicial level. This is especially the case for prison sentences since conditional release mechanisms drastically shorten the time actually spent behind bars. We attempt to understand the differential propensity among judges, crown and defense attorneys and probation officers to anticipate the likely impact of conditional release in determining the presumptive duration of the court sentence. Some court players will incorporate parole outcomes in determining their prison sentence while others refuse to do so. The chapter examines the reasons why they do so and also identifies under what conditions anticipation of parole outcomes are more likely

Alexandre Ribot et la République modérée : formation et ascension d'un homme politique libéral (1858-1895) / Alexandre Ribot and the moderate Republic : the development and ascent of a liberal politician (1858-1895)

Badier, Walter 12 December 2015 (has links)
En dépit d’un très impressionnant curriculum vitae (parlementaire pendant plus de quarante-quatre ans, onze fois ministre et cinq fois président du Conseil), force est de reconnaître qu’Alexandre Ribot (1842-1923) a peu retenu l’attention des historiens et quasiment disparu de la mémoire collective. Ce constat interroge d’autant plus que les sources le concernant sont particulièrement abondantes, avec notamment un très riche ensemble d’archives privées. Si notre investigation n’embrasse qu’une tranche de la longue carrière d’Alexandre Ribot (1858-1895), elle ambitionne en revanche de dépasser le strict cadre biographique pour aborder les structures politiques des débuts de la Troisième République et d’en dégager les dynamiques, inscrites dans différentes temporalités.En se structurant autour de la formation et de l’ascension politique d’Alexandre Ribot, notre recherche vise à analyser sa trajectoire en l’inscrivant dans le contexte de l’ancrage du modèle républicain français, apportant ainsi une contribution à différents chantiers historiographiques en cours concernant le « monde de la Troisième République » (G. et S. Berstein) tels que le fonctionnement du « parlementarisme absolu » (Carré de Malberg), la professionnalisation du personnel politique, ou encore l’influence du libéralisme et des libéraux dans l’installation du régime. / Despite a very impressive curriculum vitae (a parliamentarian for more than forty-four years, eleven times a minister and five times the president of the Council), one cannot but recognize that Alexandre Ribot (1842-1923) has received little attention from historians and has almost disappeared from collective memory. This raises questions, especially given the fact that the sources related to him, including a very rich set of private records, are quite abundant. Though our inquiry only covers a certain phase of Alexandre Ribot’s long career (1858-1895), it however aims at going beyond the strict biographical framework to tackle the political structures of the early Third Republic so as to identify their dynamics, embedded within different timeframes.By focusing on Alexandre Ribot’s building up as a politician and on his rise to power, this research aims at analysing his career-path while integrating it within the context of the establishment of the French Republican model. It thus makes a contribution to different ongoing historiographical initiatives regarding the “world of the Third Republic” (G. and S. Berstein), such as the working of “absolute parliamentarianism” (Carré de Malberg), the professionalization of political staff or the influence of liberalism and of the Liberals in the setting up of the regime.

Relationship Between Socialization Tactics, Military Cultural Competence, and Self-Efficacy of Service Providers Serving Veterans

Seabrook, Dorothy Ann 01 January 2019 (has links)
Military cultural competence has gained attention due to the past 15 years of military conflict and ongoing deployment of troops around the globe. Returning veterans, particularly those who go on to experience homelessness, have reported negative experiences and adverse treatment from programs that were designed to support them. Those experiences have resulted in perceived barriers to access or use of such services. Researchers have established the need for increased levels of military cultural competence to develop rapport with veterans and their families when delivering community-based social and healthcare services. Bandura's self-efficacy theory was the theoretical framework of this study. This study examined the relationship between military cultural competence, socialization tactics, and perceived self-efficacy of service providers employed with Continuum of Care Program member organizations that served veterans experiencing homelessness. Data were collected utilizing a cross-sectional web-based survey. After conducting a bivariate correlation, a statistically significant relationship was found between military cultural competence levels, socialization tactics, and self-efficacy levels. After conducting multiple linear regression, it was found that socialization tactics did not moderate the relationship between military cultural competence levels on self-efficacy levels. Though moderation was not found, leadership of organizations that support veterans may want to consider these factors to inform onboarding and training decisions. Addressing behaviors and attitudes of service providers may support social change by reducing adverse treatment that creates barriers to access and use of programs and services.

The making of moderates : U.S. relations with Islamist movements in Morocco and Egypt

Buehler, Matthew J. 22 November 2010 (has links)
The academic literature on Islamist moderation offers several explanations for why some Islamist political movements are moderate and others radical. These theories focus on the movements' ideology, tactics, and internal democracy. Few accounts address, however, how an Islamist movement's relations with external powers influence this outcome. This paper finds that "moderation" reflects an Islamist movement's relationship of compliance or defiance with external powers rather than its essential organizational characteristics. In comparing the Moroccan Justice and Development Party (PJD) with the Egyptian Muslim Brothers, it explores why the United States has built good relations with the former but not with the latter. Employing approximately 20 interviews conducted with Islamists, U.S. diplomats, and Moroccan experts in 2009, I show that the PJD's compliance with U.S. foreign policy decisions and interests helps to shape perceptions that the movement is more moderate than its Egyptian counterpart, despite the two movements' similar ideology, tactics, and internal practices. / text

La métrique de la juste peine : une analyse des décisions de justice prises par les acteurs judiciaires et le public

Leclerc, Chloé 04 1900 (has links)
La thèse délaisse l’étude des biais, des erreurs et des influences externes qui modulent les décisions de justice et formule l’hypothèse que les individus, confrontés à un dilemme normatif (quelle serait la juste peine?), manifestent un souci de justice qu’il est pertinent d’analyser en lui-même. Les résultats de cette thèse indiquent qu’une proportion appréciable des choix et des jugements des citoyens et des acteurs judiciaires interrogés témoignent, en raison de leur cohérence interne et de leur modération, d’un souci manifeste de justice. Les données de la thèse s’appuient sur un sondage sentenciel dans lequel on demandait à des répondants du public (n=297), mais aussi à un échantillon d’acteurs judiciaires (n=235), de prendre des décisions de détermination pénale dans trois histoires de cas bien détaillées. La thèse s’intéresse à la détermination de la juste peine, laquelle incorpore trois prises de décision distinctes. Le premier chapitre de la thèse s’attarde à la qualité des échelles individuelles de sévérité des peines qui peuvent être infligées pour sanctionner un délinquant reconnu coupable d’actes criminels. Les résultats indiquent que les citoyens, tous comme les acteurs judiciaires, n’utilisent pas la même métrique pour statuer sur la sévérité des peines, mais que certains d’entre eux, font usage d’une métrique pénale plus cohérente et plus raisonnable que d’autres. Un test décisif pour jauger de la valeur d’une métrique est son aptitude à établir des équivalences pénales entre les peines de prison, de probation, de travaux communautaires et d’amendes. Le deuxième chapitre s’attarde à la qualité des choix sentenciels des citoyens et des acteurs judiciaires. Deux critères sont utilisés pour distinguer les sentences les plus justes : 1) le critère de proportionnalité ou de cohérence interne (les sentences données sont-elles toujours proportionnelles à la gravité de l’infraction commise ?); 2) le critère de modération ou de cohérence externe (la sentence donnée peut-elle rallier le plus grand nombre de points de vue?). Les deux critères sont importants parce qu’ils contribuent tous deux à réduire la marge d’incertitude du dilemme sentenciel. Le troisième chapitre prend acte que toute sentence fera possiblement l’objet d’un aménagement subséquent. Les formes les plus manifestes d’aménagement pénal sont régies par l’octroi d’une libération conditionnelle qui écourte la durée de peine qui sera purgée en prison. Certains acteurs judiciaires choisiront de tenir compte de cette libération anticipée en gonflant leur sentence, alors que d’autres se refuseront à le faire. Le dernier chapitre s’attarde aux raisons qui motivent leurs choix. / This thesis neglects the analysis of external influences, such as biases and errors, which may interfere in court judgments and propose that when facing a normative dilemma (What is the just decision?), individuals are driven by a concern for justice. This concern has not been properly scrutinized. When studying legal decisions, we note that a large proportion of all judgments and evaluations made by interviewed citizens and judicial actors are coherent and moderated, which demonstrates a concern for justice and equity. The results of the thesis are based on a sentencing survey conducted among citizens (n=297) and criminal justice professionals (n=235) who had to adjudicate upon three detailed case studies and specific sentencing questions. The thesis examines the process of determining the just sanction and is concerned with three types of judgments. The first chapter explores the quality of different penal severity scales that can be used to punish a criminal convicted of a crime. Results indicate that citizens, as well as criminal justice professionals, have different ways of conceptualizing penal severity, and that some of these views are more coherent and more reasonable than others. This chapter shows that one way of assessing penal metrics quality is to look at the exchange rates among qualitatively different sanctions (months of prison, years of probation, hours of community work and dollar amount of fines). The second chapter examines the sentencing choices. Two important judicial criteria are used to distinguish just sentences from unjust ones: 1) proportionality or internal consistency (are sentences always given in accordance to crime seriousness?); and 2) moderation or external consistency (is the sentence able to merge opposite points of views?). Both criteria are important in reducing a portion of uncertainty that is intrinsic to the sentencing dilemma. Indeed the search for the just punishment and strategies for uncertainty reduction are intimately connected. The third chapter takes into account the fact that sentences are not fully determined at the judicial level. This is especially the case for prison sentences since conditional release mechanisms drastically shorten the time actually spent behind bars. We attempt to understand the differential propensity among judges, crown and defense attorneys and probation officers to anticipate the likely impact of conditional release in determining the presumptive duration of the court sentence. Some court players will incorporate parole outcomes in determining their prison sentence while others refuse to do so. The chapter examines the reasons why they do so and also identifies under what conditions anticipation of parole outcomes are more likely

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