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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fritidslärarens syn på brädspel som ett verktyg för kunskapsbildning : en kvalitativ studie om lärares perception av brädspel som pedagogiskt redskap / Leisure teacher's view of board games as a tool for the formation of knowledge : a qualitative study of teachers' perception of board games as an educational tool

Håkansson, Joakim January 2019 (has links)
Vygotskijs teorier talade mycket om barns utveckling i leken. Jag har valt att byta ut begreppet “lek” mot “spel”, mer specifikt brädspel, i den kontexten. Med brädspel kan eleverna ta åt sig av teoretiska kunskaper på ett praktiskt sätt. Det är även en nyckel för elever som pratar ett annat modersmål än svenska då språket har en stor vikt i spelet vad gäller kommunikation och att läsa regler. Det är även ett bra verktyg för att kunna lyfta eleverna ur Piagets teorier kring utvecklingsstadier där brädspel ofta tränar spelaren att tänka abstrakt och strategiskt. För att på ett adekvat sätt få svar på min frågeställning kring synen på brädspel som ett verktyg för inlärning, samt hur användandet ser ut, har jag valt att använda mig av en kvalitativ metod. I det genomförde jag intervjuer med fritidshemslärare i en mindre kommun i Sverige. Resultatet blev att lärare har en bra inställning till brädspelets pedagogiska potential och att det används flitigt i varierande syfte. / Vygotsky's theories spoke a lot about children's development during play activities. I have chosen to replace the term "play" with "games", more specifically board games, in that context. With board games, students can take advantage of theoretical knowledge in a practical way. It is also a key for students who speak a different mother tongue than Swedish, as the language is of great importance in the game in terms of communication and reading the rules. It is also a good tool to be able to elevate students from Piaget's theories of developmental stages where board games often train the player to think abstractly and strategically. Which my respondents agree with and emphasizes that the students should play more board games and the leisure centre should ensure that the opportunity exists for this with varied options of board games. This is to create a varied and meaningful leisure time at the leisure centre. In order to adequately answer my question about the view of board games as a tool for learning, and how it’s used, I have chosen to use a qualitative method. In this, I conducted interviews with leisure-time teachers in a small municipality in Sweden. The result was that teachers have a good outlook on the board game's pedagogical potential and that it is widely used for various purposes.

Les usages de l’audiovisuel éducatif par les enseignants face au numérique : l’exemple du site.tv / Teacher's uses of educational audiovisual at the digital age : lesite.tv case study

Marty, Frédéric 25 September 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur les usages de l’audiovisuel éducatif par les enseignants. Elle s’inscrit dans le cadre théorique de la sociologie des usages, pour autant, l’objet de recherche au cœur de cette thèse est au croisement de l’audiovisuel et des enjeux éducatif. Il s’agit donc de développer une approche communicationnelle des outils et médias éducatifs, telle que la définit Pierre Moeglin (2005). La première étape de ce travail consiste à mettre en évidence les éléments qui configurent l’usage, notamment du côté des acteurs : nous proposons une archéologie de l’audiovisuel éducatif, puis nous revenons sur l’offre actuelle en matière d’audiovisuel éducatif et plus particulièrement sur lesite.tv, premier service numérique de vidéo éducative à la demande. La deuxième étape se focalise davantage sur les usages à proprement parler. Après avoir étudié l’utilisation du site.tv au moyen de données quantitatives, nous observons dans quelle mesure les représentations que les concepteurs se font des usagers participent de la configuration des usages. Ces derniers sont analysés à travers le discours d’enseignants usagers et non-usagers, via une série d’entretiens compréhensifs. Les portraits d’usagers, puis l’analyse transversale des entretiens, permettent d’évaluer les «renoncements négociés » qui se manifestent à travers l'usage de l'audiovisuel. Somme toute, cette recherche interroge la tension que l’usage de l’audiovisuel éducatif instaure entre logiques éducatives et médiatiques. Il convoque à ce titre les enjeux relatifs à une certaine industrialisation de l’éducation ; et du côté audiovisuel, les perspectives relatives aux écritures transmédiatiques. / This research focuses on the uses of educational audiovisual by teachers. It falls within the theoretical framework of the sociology of uses, however, the research object at the heart of this work is at the intersection of audiovisual and educational issues. Therefore, it aims to develop a communicationnal approach of educational tools and media, as defined by Pierre Moeglin (2005). The first stage of this work tries to highlight the elements that configure the use, regarding the side of actors. First, we propose an archeology of educational audiovisual, then, we return to the current offer in terms of educational audiovisual and specifically on the content proposed by the first digital educational video on demand for teachers, lesite.tv. The second phase focuses more on the uses itself. After studying the use of lesite.tv, using quantitative data, we see how far the representations of designers are part of the user configuration uses. These are analyzed through the speeches of users and non-users teachers, within a series of comprehensive interviews. The realization of som user’s portraits and cross-sectional analysis of the interviews, allows to evaluate the "negotiated renunciations" that occur within the class, regarding to the professional identity of teachers, refering to public and private spheres and, finally, facing the so called "digital conversion". Overall, this research questions the tension that the use of educational audiovisual established between educational and media logics. It carries as such issues related to the industrialization of education ; and towards audiovisual, transmedia prospects.

Using a Serious Game as an Educational Tool about Obligation to Give Notice : A Game Collaboration with Tidaholm Municipality

Andersson, Emilia January 2017 (has links)
The focus of this thesis was to use serious games as a tool to teach about obligation to give notice. Obligation to give notice means that certain professionals need to report to social services if a child is being harmed. This thesis studied if case-based storytelling could bring a relevant teaching experience, if storytelling could help participants learn about obligation to give notice and how instant and delayed feedback affect the learning. Participants played a story-based game with either instant or delayed feedback and answered three questionnaires about obligation to give notice. The study found that participants did find that the storytelling was useful for learning and gaining more knowledge about about obligation to give notice. For the feedback it was found that both types of feedback made the participants learn significantly more but there was no significant difference when comparing the feedbacks to each other.

Analyse didactique de l'enseignement-apprentissage de la chimie organique jusqu'à bac+2 pour envisager sa restructuration / Didactic analysis of teaching-learning organic chemistry up to two years' degree after "A" level to consider its restructuring

Lafarge, David 10 December 2010 (has links)
La chimie organique est souvent reconnue comme une discipline difficile à enseigner et à apprendre : par exemple les étudiants privilégient la mémorisation seule au détriment de raisonnements articulant les modèles de la réactivité chimique. Notre recherche avait pour objectif de produire des connaissances utiles à l’amélioration de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage de la chimie organique lors des deux premières années de l’enseignement supérieur. Nous avons centré nos travaux sur les effets de la structuration actuelle de cet enseignement (afin d’envisager sa modification tout en conservant le même contenu disciplinaire), sur les enseignements de la synthèse organique, des modèles et des mécanismes réactionnels ainsi que sur l’activité des enseignants de chimie organique.Trois études ont été menées. La première étude avait pour objectif de déterminer si les étudiants pouvaient raisonner en utilisant les modèles plutôt que mémoriser-restituer : nous avons analysé les tâches soumises aux étudiants lors des examens ou concours, avant d’inférer les stratégies de leur résolution sous l’éclairage d’une analyse du fonctionnement des modèles ; nous avons étudié la pertinence de la structuration des programmes d’enseignement et des livres de chimie organique. La deuxième étude a consisté en l’analyse des pratiques déclarées de neuf enseignants de chimie organique pour interpréter leur activité. Les résultats obtenus jusqu’alors nous ont permis de concevoir une première version d’un instrument didactique à destination des enseignants. Cet instrument a été testé lors de la dernière étude auprès de quatre binômes d’enseignants placés en simulation de préparation de cours. Nos résultats mettent en évidence que les tâches soumises aux étudiants et la structuration par fonction actuellement en place, incitent les étudiants à mettre en oeuvre une stratégie de mémorisation-restitution au détriment d’une stratégie de modélisation. Nous proposons par exemple de restructurer globalement les contenus par modélisation croissante autour des questions du chimiste organicien, l’utilisation d’une base de données (« réactiothèque ») ou la mise en oeuvre d’enseignements de la modélisation et de la synthèse organique dès les premières années. Les enseignants semblent contraints par les prescriptions institutionnelles en vigueur et leur genre professionnel ; il leur manquerait aussi des PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) sur la modélisation, la synthèse organique dès les premières années, et la gestion des phases de conclusion. Les enseignants se montrent partagés vis-à-vis de l’instrument didactique, ils sont cependant parvenus à mettre en oeuvre certains aspects en adaptant leur activité et en nous permettant d’envisager l’amélioration future de l’instrument / Organic chemistry is often considered as a difficult subject to teach and to learn. Students tend to see memorisation as a priority, and this is detrimental to developing reasoning in relation to models of chemical reactivity. The aim of our research was to provide knowledge that would be useful to improve the teaching and learning of organic chemistry in the first two years of a higher education course. We focussed our study on 1/ the effects of the way this teaching is currently structured : we wanted to determine how far this could be modified without altering the content, 2/ the different ways of teaching organic synthesis, reaction models and mechanisms and 3/ organic chemistry teachers at work. Three studies were carried out. The first one aimed to determine whether students were able to reason by using the models, rather than merely memorizing and reciting. The tasks given to students in higher education evaluations and national teaching exams were analysed, and then we inferred the strategies used by students to resolve problems by analyzing of the way the models work. We also studied the relevance of the way the teaching syllabus and organic chemistry books were structured. In our second study we analyzed the way 9 organic chemistry teachers claim to teach in order to interpret the way they work. Our findings then enabled us to design a first version of an educational tool for teachers. This tool was tested during our third study which involved four pairs of teachers who were asked to simulate the planning of a lesson in class. Our results highlight the fact that the tasks given to the students and the structuring of teaching by functional groups which is currently prevalent encourage students to use memorizing and reciting strategies rather than using modelling strategies. We suggest for example an overall restructuring of contents by increased modelling around the questions raised by organic chemists. We also propose that a data base - which we have chosen to call a ‘réactiothèque’ (catalogue of reactions) - should be used, and that modelling or organic synthesis should be taught in the early years of higher education courses. Teachers seem to be limited by the constraints of current institutional prescriptions and by their professional genre. They also lack Pedagogical Content Knowledge of modelling and organic synthesis in these early years, as well as PCK of the management of conclusion phases. Teachers were in two minds about the value of this educational tool. However they did manage to implement some aspects by adapting their practices to this tool, thereby enabling us to consider future improvements possible

Program Kremlu pro vlastenecké vzdělání a ruské válečné filmy (2000-2010) / The Kremlin's Program for Patriotic Education and Russian War Movies (2000-2010)

Mazzali, Francesca January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation considers films to be double-sided mirrors that absorb political and cultural content from one side, with filmmakers filtering and elaborating the content between the two surfaces, and then transmitting the elaborated points to the audience. The elaboration of political content can be performed in an educational and propagandistic way, depicting and supporting specific political ideas. This dissertation analyses the first two programs of a Russian government program, Patriotic Education for Russian Federation Citizens (2001- 2005 and 2006-2010) (hereinafter, 'Patriotic Education'), and identifies six political priorities that can be observed and analysed in eleven Russian war movies. It will first be explained how the movies serve as propagandistic and educational tools in the context of Patriotic Education, projecting its political priorities to the audience. Second, it will be explained how a continuity with the Soviet past is displayed in the content of war films and the way they depict some of the elements promoted by Patriotic Education.

The ecological footprint as an environmental education tool for knowledge, attitude and behaviour changes towards sustainable living: a case study

Meyer, Verena, 1965- 30 November 2004 (has links)
The investigation used the Ecological Footprint as an educational tool to assist Environmental Management and Water Care learners at Technikon Northern Gauteng, Soshanguve learners in gaining insight in their consumption of natural renewable and non-renewable resources and generation of wastes. In addition, it also aimed to assist them in understanding the ecological impacts of their behavior on the available international and national productive land and thus on planet earth. The results of the investigation indicated a significant decrease in the post-test questionnaire knowledge, attitude, and behaviour scores of the learner group. The implication however was clear; the Ecological Footprint did not directly have an effect on the attitude and behaviour of the learners but indirectly influenced the knowledge base of the learners, which then should have an impact on their attitude and behaviour over time. The Ecological Footprint could thus be an educational tool that could be incorporated into the curricula of the two academic programs at TNG, viz Water Care and Environmental Management for increasing knowledge and improving the attitude and behaviour of learners towards a more sustainable lifestyle. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.(Environmental Education)

Film jako edukativní nástroj v hodinách dějepisu na českých středních školách / Film as an Educational Tool in Czech High School History Classes

Lichtenbergová, Anna-Marie January 2019 (has links)
Film as an Educational Tool in Czech High School History Classes The master's thesis entitled Film as an Educational Tool in Czech High School History Classes is dedicated to discussing film as a didactical tool and as a source of education in history classes of Czech high schools. This thesis aims to analyze and evaluate the view Czech teachers hold towards using the filmography in their history classes while understanding the different implications of it. Secondly, the aim is to obtain commentary from experts in the field of history didactics. Those findings and results could, therefore, amend teaching program's structures and help teachers to structure their syllabus appropriately. The theoretical part of the thesis presents basic information on Czech education program and implementing History as a subject in the primary curriculum of the Ministry of Education. Then it considers the role of film theory and multimedia, which are both closely linked to the idea of the film as an educating tool in History classes. The following chapters analyze and evaluate solely the usage of the film in education and the different advantages and disadvantages it can bring. The paper's empirical part focuses on the qualitative research with Czech history teachers and experts and then finally evaluating the overall...

Djuren i skolans värld

Elf, Elinor January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to closely study different studies and texts within the subjects ofanimals and nature in order to, from different themes, analyze and determine whether or not animalsis a useful tool to apply in school as well as preschool. Above all else, this study serves to answerwhat animals and nature can bring children, and when you as an educationalist can benefit from it inyour classes within school and preschool. This study also serves to point out what you should keepin mind when using animals as a tool in your classes, since there are a few obstacles to consider.The method used to analyze the different themes is discourse analysis, which is a sort of textanalysis.About one hundred years ago when our society was industrialized, different theories and theimportance of preserving and to sojourn into nature began to grow among some theorists, biologistsand educators. The value of spending time outdoors was realized, which we today have a greatunderstanding of. Our interest for the impact of animals on us is also starting to grow, and there is alot of research that is of the opinion that animals are good for children in many different ways, andfor many different reasons. When obstacles, such as allergy, is not in the way of using animals inthe education, they could be viewed as excellent educational tools. The discourse presented here isfor many different reasons positive to the effect of animals on children.

The ecological footprint as an environmental education tool for knowledge, attitude and behaviour changes towards sustainable living: a case study

Meyer, Verena, 1965- 30 November 2004 (has links)
The investigation used the Ecological Footprint as an educational tool to assist Environmental Management and Water Care learners at Technikon Northern Gauteng, Soshanguve learners in gaining insight in their consumption of natural renewable and non-renewable resources and generation of wastes. In addition, it also aimed to assist them in understanding the ecological impacts of their behavior on the available international and national productive land and thus on planet earth. The results of the investigation indicated a significant decrease in the post-test questionnaire knowledge, attitude, and behaviour scores of the learner group. The implication however was clear; the Ecological Footprint did not directly have an effect on the attitude and behaviour of the learners but indirectly influenced the knowledge base of the learners, which then should have an impact on their attitude and behaviour over time. The Ecological Footprint could thus be an educational tool that could be incorporated into the curricula of the two academic programs at TNG, viz Water Care and Environmental Management for increasing knowledge and improving the attitude and behaviour of learners towards a more sustainable lifestyle. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.(Environmental Education)

The role of film in enhancing intern clinical psychologists’ understanding of borderline personality disorder / The role of film in enhancing the understanding of BPD

Nowack, Stephanie Katharina 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Psychologists-in-training are often presented with textbook definitions and descriptions of individuals presenting with psychopathologies. A major challenge for such texts is to effectively convey the relational issues and interpersonal dynamics of the mental disorders. The current study explores the role of film in enhancing intern clinical psychologists’ understanding of borderline personality disorder by specifically utilising the films Sylvia and Black Butterflies. A qualitative, phenomenological study was conducted with 15 clinical psychology interns at a tertiary psychiatric hospital in Gauteng, South Africa. The collected data consisted of responses to open-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews and was analysed according to an interpretive phenomenological analysis. Although the analysis was conducted inductively, the researcher also made deductive inferences from the data based on contemplations about the link between archetypes and images and learning and archetypal experiences. The importance of and connection to 21st-century learning skills, the creative learning spiral and a pedagogy of play were also taken into consideration while analysing the data. The findings of the current study suggest the ability of the two films to draw one in and to cause one to emotionally connect with the characters. Furthermore, films form an opportunity for trainees to practice psychodynamic formulations and not only focus on biological reductionisms of the disorder. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

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