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Regulation of perceptual learning by mindfulness meditation : experiential and neurophysiological evidence / Régulation de l'apprentissage perceptuel par la méditation de pleine conscience : mesures qualitatives et neurophysiologiquesFucci, Enrico 05 December 2018 (has links)
De part sa mise en pratique considérable dans des conditions cliniques, l’étude neuroscientifique de la méditation de pleine conscience a vu un développement rapide ces deux dernières décennies. Malgré des preuves de modifications de l’activité et de la structure du cerveau, les mécanismes neuronaux et cognitifs sous tendant les pratiques méditatives sont encore peu connus. Dans le présent travail nous avons testé l’hypothèse que la méditation de pleine conscience implique un changement dans la cognition de l’expérience vécue, impactant de ce fait la formation des habitudes mentales. Pour cela nous avons étudié la relation entre la phénoménologie de différents styles de méditation, chez des pratiquants experts et novices, et des marqueurs neurophysiologiques de l’apprentissage perceptuel (i.e. négativité de discordance auditive) et de l’attention dans des conditions neutres et émotionnelles.Nous avons trouvé qu’un style de méditation non-duel augmente la vigilance sensorielle et réduit l’apprentissage perceptuel comparé à une pratique d’attention focalisée. Par ailleurs, nous avons démontré que l’apprentissage perceptuel auditif n’est pas influencé par une menace non prédictible, à part pour des sujets naturellement plus anxieux ; un effet qui pourrait être diminué par la méditation de pleine conscience. Nous avons aussi identifié des composants de la réponse évoquée auditive comme potentiels corrélats neuraux des processus de vigilance à l‘œuvre lors des états de pleine conscience. Enfin, nous avons mis en évidence, chez des pratiquants experts, un lien direct entre la régulation émotionnelle et des changements de l’expérience subjective.Au final, le travail actuel enrichit le dialogue entre les neurosciences cognitives et les modèles phénoménologiques de la méditation en apportant des preuves sur les possibles mécanismes neurocognitifs sous-tendant les pratiques méditatives et leur expertise / Due to its widespread implementation in clinical settings, the neuroscientific study of mindfulness meditation has seen a rapid growth in the last two decades. Despite the evidence of changes in brain activity and structures, the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying meditation practices are largely unknown. In this work, we investigated the hypothesis that mindfulness meditation entails a cognitive stance towards experience which impacts the formation of mental habits. With this aim, we studied the relationship between the phenomenology of different styles of mindfulness meditation, in expert and novice practitioners, and neurophysiological markers of perceptual learning (i.e. auditory mismatch negativity) and attention in neutral and emotional settings. We found that a nondual style of mindfulness meditation increased sensory monitoring and reduced perceptual learning compared to a focused attention practice. Additionally, we demonstrated that auditory perceptual learning is not affected by unpredictable threat, except for individuals with high dispositional anxiety; an effect that might be downregulated by meditation states. Finally, we identified components of the auditory evoked response as putative neural correlates of monitoring processes during mindfulness practices and we highlighted a direct link between changes in subjective experience and emotion regulation in expert practitioners.Overall, the present work fosters the dialogue between cognitive neuroscience and phenomenological models of meditation and provides evidence of the possible neurocognitive mechanisms underlying meditation practices and expertise
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Reconhecimento de estados cognitivos em sinas EEG. / Recognition of cognitive states in EEG signals.Flores Vega, Christian Humberto 15 January 2010 (has links)
O processamento de sinais EEG permite interpretar, analisar, estudar, pesquisar e experimentar a atividade elétrica do cérebro como resposta para diferentes processos cognitivos, efeitos de drogas ou fármacos, estudo de doenças psiquiátricas ou neurológicas, entre outras. Esta dissertação é orientada ao reconhecimento de padrões cerebrais que permitam classificar estados cognitivos mediante os sinais de EEG registrados em sujeitos realizando tarefas programadas. Ademais espera-se obter a maior quantidade de padrões para cada estado cognitivo e procurar os parâmetros que oferecem maior informação, analisando as principais bandas cerebrais e todos os eletrodos disponíveis na base de dados. A metodologia usada compreende o registro de cinco tarefas cognitivas analisadas com três abordagens diferentes: análises de longe-range tenporal correlations com o algoritmo de Detrended Fluctuations Analysis (DFA), análise da potência dos sinais cerebrais utilizando a Transformada Ondeleta e finalmente o estudo da sincronia cerebral usando a Transformada de Hilbert. Conclui-se que as abordagens utilizadas nesta dissertação reportam alentadores resultados para diferenciar as tarefas cognitivas estudadas, demonstrando que a utilização da informação de todos os eletrodos e de suas principais bandas cerebrais contribuem de forma positiva. Também se consegue reconhecer e identificar quais parâmetros produzem maior informação para esta análise. / EEG signal processing allows interpreting, analyzing, studying, researching and experiencing the brain electrical activity in response to different cognitive processes, effects of drugs or drugs, the study of neurological or psychiatric diseases, among others. This thesis is oriented to the recognition of brain patterns to classify cognitive states using the EEG signals recorded from subjects performing mental tasks. Also, we expect to collect as many patterns as possible for each cognitive status and to seek parameters that provide more information, examine the major bands and all brain electrodes available in the database. The methodology used includes the registration of five cognitive tasks analyzed with three different approaches: analysis of long-range temporal-correlations with the Detrended Fluctuations Analysis (DFA) algorithm, the power analysis of brain signals using the Wavelet Transform and finally the study of phased looked brain using the Hilbert transform. The approaches used for this research report excellent results for differentiating the cognitive tasks studied, showing that the use of information from all the electrodes and their main brain bands contribute positively. Also, one can recognize and identify which parameters produce more information for this analysis.
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Impact de la détection consciente des (ébauches d') erreurs sur leur traitement : approches électromyographiques et électroencéphalographiques / Impact of conscious detection of (partial) errors on their processing : an electroencephalographic and eletromyographic approachRochet, Nicolas 17 April 2014 (has links)
Dans un environnement imprévisible, l'homme n'est pas toujours capable d'adapter son comportement à une situation donnée et commet alors des erreurs. Dans environ 95% des cas, ces erreurs sont commises consciemment. Cependant, le traitement de l'erreur par le cerveau ne s'opère pas de façon binaire. En effet, l'enregistrement de l'activité électromyographique (EMG) des muscles effecteurs des réponses, révèle, dans environ 15% des essais, une amorce de réponse incorrecte, une ébauche d'erreur. Dans ces essais, les sujets ont été capables de détecter, d'inhiber et de corriger leurs ébauches d'erreurs avant de produire la réponse correcte. Ces processus nécessitent-ils l'intervention de la conscience ? Quels en sont les marqueurs ?Nous montrons dans une première étude que les sujets sont capables d'une détection consciente de leurs ébauches d'erreurs dans un faible nombre de cas seulement (environ 30%). Nous mettons en évidence deux prédicteurs d'une telle détection : la taille de la bouffée EMG associée à l'ébauche d'erreur ainsi que le temps mis par les sujets, depuis le début de cette bouffée, pour la corriger et fournir la réponse correcte. Dans une deuxième étude, nous montrons qu'un indice électroencéphalographique (EEG), la Négativité d'erreur (Ne), pourrait servir de stimulus interne pour le cerveau, à la détection consciente des ébauches d'erreurs et des erreurs. Leur accès conscient interviendrait plus tardivement dans les ébauches d'erreurs que dans les erreurs, mais serait reflété dans les deux cas par des activités EEG similaires, la Positivité d'erreur (Pe). Ainsi, la correction des ébauches d'erreurs interfère avec leur accès conscient en le ralentissant. / In an unpredictable environment, man is not always able to adapt its behavior to a given situation and then makes mistakes. In about 95% of cases, these mistakes are made consciously. However, error processing in the brain does not occur in binary mode . Indeed, the recording of the electromyographic (EMG) activity of muscles involved in responses, reveals that, in about 15 % of the trials, there is a subthreshold incorrect EMG activity, called partial error, that precede the correct one. In these trials, the subjects were able to detect, inhibit their partial errors and correct them to produce the correct response.Does these processes require intervention of consciousness? What are the related markers ?We show in a first study that subjects are capable of conscious detection of their partial errors in a small number of cases (about 30 %).We highlight two predictors of such detection : the size of the EMG burst associated with the partial error and the time taken by the subjects, since EMG onset , to correct and to provide the correct response.In a second study , we show that an electroencephalographic (EEG) index, the error negativity (Ne) , could serve as an internal stimulus to the brain, for conscious detection of errors and partial errors. Their conscious access would occur later in partial errors than errors but would be reflected in both cases by similar a similar EEG activity, the error positivity (Pe). Thus, correction of partial errors interfere with their conscious access by slowing it.
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Les mécanismes antiépileptiques de l’AppCH2ppA dans la sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville / Antiepileptic mechanisms of diadenosine-methyl-tetraphosphate in tuberous sclerosisPons Bennaceur, Alexandre 28 September 2018 (has links)
La Sclérose Tubéreuse de Bourneville est une pathologie génétique rare qui se caractérise par la survenue de crises épileptiques précoces à l’origine du développement de nombreux troubles neurologiques tels que des symptômes autistiques ou des retards mentaux. Les épilepsies retrouvées dans la Sclérose Tubéreuse de Bourneville sont souvent résistantes aux traitements pharmacologiques disponibles soulevant la nécessité de trouver de nouvelles approches médicamenteuses plus efficaces pour traiter les patients. Dans cette étude nous avons mis en évidence que l’AppCH2ppA est une molécule efficace pour bloquer la survenue des crises épileptiques dans un modèle de souris pour la Sclérose Tubéreuse de Bourneville ainsi que sur des résections chirurgicales de tissu provenant de patients humains atteints par la Sclérose Tubéreuse de Bourneville. Nous avons montré que les propriétés antiépileptiques de l’AppCH2ppA s’appuient sur une libération autocrine d’adénosine par les neurones de la couche IV du cortex somatosensoriel et d’une activation consécutive des récepteurs à l’adénosine de type A1. Cette activation a lieu spécifiquement au niveau du compartiment postsynaptique et est responsable d’une activation de conductances potassiques et d’une diminution de l’excitabilité des neurones. L’administration d’AppCH2ppA n’est associé à aucun effet secondaire notables sur la santé des souris. Ainsi l’AppCH2ppA semble être un outil thérapeutique prometteur et peu risqué qui stimule des mécanismes antiépileptiques endogènes naturellement sollicités par le cerveau et efficaces pour stopper et limiter la survenue des crises épileptiques. / Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) is a rare genetic disease characterized by the presence of epilepsies that appear early and in the life of patients and are responsible for the development of several neurological disorders such as autistic symptoms or mental retardations.In TSC, epileptic seizures often resist to pharmacological approaches raising the importance to find new molecules to treat more efficiently the patients.In this study we showed that AppCH2ppA is an effective molecule to block the onset of epileptic seizures in a mouse model for Tuberous Sclerosis as well as on human patients tissues.We have shown that AppCH2ppA nduce an autocrine release of adenosine by the spiny stellate cells present in the layer IV of the somatosensory cortex. This release is responsible for a subsequent activation of adenosine A1 receptors that occur specifically in the postsynaptic compartment of neurons and is responsible for an activation of potassium channels and a decrease of the excitability of neurons. The administration of AppCH2ppA is not associated with any significant side effects on mouse health. Thus, AppCH2ppA appears to be a promising and low-risk therapeutic tool that stimulates an endogenous antiepileptic pathway that is naturally used in the brain and that is efficient to stop and limit the appearance of epileptic seizures.
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La presente tesi utilizza la metodologia neuroscientifica per studiare la comunicazione dal punto di vista della embodied cognition, la quale vede la comunicazione come la condivisione dell’informazione tra organismi biologici. Lo scopo della tesi è quello di aggiungere conoscenza in aree della comunicazione in cui l’applicazione delle neuroscienze è carente, usando una metodologia integrata che prevede la coregistrazione EEG-Biofeedback. All’interno della tematica della comunicazione mediata, il primo studio compara le pubblicità commerciale e prosociale, poiché l’applicazione delle neuroscienze a quest’ultima risulta carente. Lo scopo è quello di investigare l’esperienza relativa a questi due tipi di comunicazione, all’interno di differenti categorie semantiche di prodotto, confrontando misure implicite ed esplicite. Un secondo studio vuole illustrare il coinvolgimento di cues comunicative sensoriali durante l’esperienza del consumatore, esplorando diverse condizioni di stimolazione sensoriale entro un negozio per studiarne, a livello cerebrale, la loro interazione. Se la comunicazione possiede diversi livelli di consapevolezza, è possibile studiarla anche all’interno di condizioni patologiche. Un terzo studio, quindi, vuole trovare risposte ad alcuni interrogativi circa le componenti inconsce della comunicazione. In particolare, lo studio vuole valutare i processi sensoriali e cognitivi residui relativi al tatto in pazienti in stato vegetativo. / The present thesis fits the neuroscientific method to the embodied communication perspective, which defines communication as an information sharing between biological bodies. The aim of this thesis is to increase knowledge into different research areas related to communication, in which the application of neurosciences is already lacking, using a multimethod approach that employs EEG-Biofeedback co-registration. Within the topic of mediated communication, the first study compares commercial and social-issue advertising, given the lack of studies that investigate the latter with a neuroscientific approach. The aim is to investigate the experience of watching these two types of advertising, through different product categories, comparing overt and covert measures. A second study has the aim to illustrate the involvement of sensory communication cues during consumer experience, exploring different conditions of sensory stimulation inside a store, in order to understand the interaction between senses in the consumer’s brain. If communication can be seen as a continuum with multiple degrees of awareness, it can be also studied in clinical and pathological conditions. A third study, thus, tries to find answers to open questions about unconscious components of communication. In particular, the study assesses residual sensory and cognitive processes related to touch in vegetative state patients.
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A influência da estimulação olfatória no desenvolvimento de crises límbicas em ratos Wistar / The influence of olfactory stimulation in the development of limbic seizures in ratsPereira, Polianna Delfino 20 February 2015 (has links)
Um dos modelos experimentais mais utilizados para estudar a epilepsia do lobo temporal (ELT) é o abrasamento (kindling) por estimulação elétrica diária da amígdala, o abrasamento elétrico convencional. Uma alternativa rápida e eficaz a esse modelo é o abrasamento elétrico rápido, também capaz de gerar crises límbicas, porém com 10 estímulos elétricos aplicados ao dia, por 2 dias. No 3º dia é aplicado um estímulo elétrico adicional, o 21º estímulo, quando podem ser testadas drogas antiepilépticas ou estudados mecanismos de plasticidade ou memória. Entre as principais áreas ativadas nas crises límbicas encontram-se o complexo amigdalóide, a formação hipocampal, o córtex piriforme e neocórtices adjacentes. O envolvimento de estruturas olfatórias na ELT é antigo e estudos indicam que a exposição a um estímulo olfatório é capaz de suprimir, inibir ou induzir a ocorrência de crises. Todas as evidências clínicas e experimentais dão suporte científico para a hipótese de que a estimulação olfatória com o 2,5-Dihydro-2,4,5-trimethylthiazoline (TMT), uma potente substância química, derivada das fezes de raposa e que biologicamente representa o cheiro de predador pode influenciar no processo de crises evocadas por estimulação elétrica da amígdala. O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi avaliar a influência da apresentação do estímulo olfatório com TMT nas crises epilépticas de ratos Wistar, submetidos ao abrasamento elétrico rápido da amígdala. Para tanto, os parâmetros químicos do TMT foram avaliados, bem como as respostas comportamentais de ratos Wistar machos naives submetidos ao estímulo olfatório com diferentes doses de TMT. Na sequência, um novo grupo de ratos Wistar machos naives foi submetido ao protocolo de abrasamento elétrico rápido da amígdala com a aquisição dos registros eletrencefalográficos (EEGráficos) do córtex piriforme, formação hipocampal além do complexo amigdalóide. Após abrasados os animais foram expostos ao TMT ou água destilada, previamente ao 21º estímulo elétrico. Posteriormente o tecido cerebral foi processado (perfundido, crioprotegido, congelado e cortado) e então foram feitas as técnicas histoquímicas de: Nissl e Fluoro-Jade C (FJC, marcador de neurodegeneração). As respostas comportamentais foram analisadas mediante o uso do Índice de Gravidade para Crises Límbicas e da neuroetologia. Adicionalmente foi avaliada a expressão EEGráfica do 1º, 20º e 21º estímulos e verificada a presença/ausência de neurodegeneração em regiões do sistema límbico. Os resultados da análise comportamental obtidos nesse estudo foram comparados com os obtidos no protocolo de estimulação olfatória com TMT nas crises audiogênicas agudas de ratos da cepa WAR. O TMT desencadeou reações de medo e modificou as sequências comportamentais, reduziu a atividade motora e os comportamentos de autolimpeza. Dados qualitativos da cromatografia gasosa e algoritmos matemáticos possibilitaram estabelecer as concentrações na câmara para as diferentes doses de TMT. Além disso, a cromatografia gasosa identificou que 30 minutos é o tempo necessário para saturação e dessaturação da câmara ao TMT, e indicou uma saturação homogênea do interior dessa câmara. O TMT puro no abrasamento elétrico rápido em ratos Wistar foi capaz de reduzir significativamente o Índice de Gravidade para Crises Límbicas comparado à água, corroborando os dados neuroetológicos que indicam o efeito supressor do TMT nas crises, tanto para o modelo de abrasamento elétrico rápido quanto para as crises audiogênicas agudas. Os resultados da duração da pós-descarga EEGráfica primária no 21º estímulo foram inconclusivos, sendo necessárias outras análises empregando diferentes métodos analíticos. Com a técnica de FJC não foi possível verificar morte celular por necrose em qualquer região cerebral avaliada. / One of the most widely used experimental models to study temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the kindling by electrical daily stimulation of the amygdala, the conventional kindling. A rapid and effective alternative to this model is rapid electrical kindling, also capable of generating limbic seizures, but with 10 electrical stimuli applied per day for 2 days. On the 3rd day an additional electrical stimulus is applied, the 21st stimulus, when antiepileptic drugs can be tested or mechanisms of plasticity and memory can be studied. Among the main areas activated in limbic seizures are the amygdaloid complex, the hippocampal formation, piriform cortex and adjacent neocortices. The involvement of the olfactory structures in TLE is old and studies indicate that exposure to an olfactory stimulus is capable to suppress or inhibit or induce the occurrence of seizures. All the clinical and experimental evidences provide scientific support for the hypothesis that the olfactory stimulation with 2,5-Dihydro-2,4,5-trimethylthiazoline (TMT), a powerful chemical substance derived from fox feces which biologically represents the \"predator smell can influence the seizures process evoked by electrical stimulation of the amygdala. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of olfactory stimulation with TMT in seizures of Wistar rats subjected to rapid electrical kindling of the amygdala. Therefore, the chemical parameters of TMT were evaluated, as well as behavioral responses of naive male Wistar rats exposed to the olfactory stimulus with different concentrations of TMT. Other group of rats was electrically stimulated in the amygdaloid complex, following the protocol of rapid electrical kindling and the electroencephalographic recordings (EEGraphic) obtained from the piriform cortex, hippocampal formation in addition to the amygdaloid complex. After scorched the animals were exposed to TMT or distilled water, prior to the 21st electrical stimulation. Subsequently the cerebral tissue was processed (perfused, cryoprotected, frozen and sliced) and then processed for Nissl and Fluoro-Jade C histochemistry (FJC, a marker of neurodegeneration). The behavioral responses were analyzed by using the Severity Index for Limbic Seizures and neuroethology. In addition to EEG, reviewed after the 1st, 20th and 21th stimuli we also examined the presence/absence of neurodegeneration in regions of the limbic system. The results obtained in this study were compared with those obtained in the protocol of olfactory stimulation with TMT on acute audiogenic seizures of rats from the WAR strain. The TMT triggered fear reactions and modified the behavioral sequences, reduced motor activity and grooming behavior. Qualitative data from gas chromatography and mathematical algorithms made possible to establish the concentrations in the camera for the different doses of TMT. In addition, the gas chromatography helped to identify that 30 minutes is the time required for saturation and desaturation of the camera to TMT and indicated a homogeneous saturation of the interior of such camera. The pure TMT in rapid electrical kindling in Wistar rats was able to significantly reduce the Severity Index for Limbic Seizures, compared to water, corroborating the data of the neuroethology method indicating the suppressive effect of TMT in seizures, in both, the model of rapid electrical kindling as well as the acute audiogenic seizures. However, the results of the duration of the EEGraphic primary after-discharge at the 21th stimulus were inconclusive, requiring further analysis using different analytical methods. With the technique of FJC it was not observed necrotic cell death in any studied brain region.
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Reconhecimento de estados cognitivos em sinas EEG. / Recognition of cognitive states in EEG signals.Christian Humberto Flores Vega 15 January 2010 (has links)
O processamento de sinais EEG permite interpretar, analisar, estudar, pesquisar e experimentar a atividade elétrica do cérebro como resposta para diferentes processos cognitivos, efeitos de drogas ou fármacos, estudo de doenças psiquiátricas ou neurológicas, entre outras. Esta dissertação é orientada ao reconhecimento de padrões cerebrais que permitam classificar estados cognitivos mediante os sinais de EEG registrados em sujeitos realizando tarefas programadas. Ademais espera-se obter a maior quantidade de padrões para cada estado cognitivo e procurar os parâmetros que oferecem maior informação, analisando as principais bandas cerebrais e todos os eletrodos disponíveis na base de dados. A metodologia usada compreende o registro de cinco tarefas cognitivas analisadas com três abordagens diferentes: análises de longe-range tenporal correlations com o algoritmo de Detrended Fluctuations Analysis (DFA), análise da potência dos sinais cerebrais utilizando a Transformada Ondeleta e finalmente o estudo da sincronia cerebral usando a Transformada de Hilbert. Conclui-se que as abordagens utilizadas nesta dissertação reportam alentadores resultados para diferenciar as tarefas cognitivas estudadas, demonstrando que a utilização da informação de todos os eletrodos e de suas principais bandas cerebrais contribuem de forma positiva. Também se consegue reconhecer e identificar quais parâmetros produzem maior informação para esta análise. / EEG signal processing allows interpreting, analyzing, studying, researching and experiencing the brain electrical activity in response to different cognitive processes, effects of drugs or drugs, the study of neurological or psychiatric diseases, among others. This thesis is oriented to the recognition of brain patterns to classify cognitive states using the EEG signals recorded from subjects performing mental tasks. Also, we expect to collect as many patterns as possible for each cognitive status and to seek parameters that provide more information, examine the major bands and all brain electrodes available in the database. The methodology used includes the registration of five cognitive tasks analyzed with three different approaches: analysis of long-range temporal-correlations with the Detrended Fluctuations Analysis (DFA) algorithm, the power analysis of brain signals using the Wavelet Transform and finally the study of phased looked brain using the Hilbert transform. The approaches used for this research report excellent results for differentiating the cognitive tasks studied, showing that the use of information from all the electrodes and their main brain bands contribute positively. Also, one can recognize and identify which parameters produce more information for this analysis.
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Interface cerveau-machine : de nouvelles perspectives grâce à l'accélération matérielle / Brain-computer interface : new perspectives through hardware accelerationLibessart, Erwan 30 November 2018 (has links)
Les interfaces cerveau-machine (ICM) permettent de contrôler un appareil électronique grâce aux signaux cérébraux. Plusieurs méthodes de mesure de ces signaux, invasives ou non, peuvent être utilisées. L'électro-encéphalographie (EEG) est la méthode non-invasive la plus étudiée car elle propose une bonne résolution temporelle et le matériel nécessaire est bien moins volumineux que les systèmes de mesure des champs magnétiques.L'EEG a cependant une faible résolution spatiale, ce qui limite les performances des ICM utilisant cette méthode de mesure. Ce souci de résolution spatiale peut être réglé en utilisant le problème inverse de l'EEG, qui permet de passer des potentiels mesurés en surface à une distribution volumique des sources de courant dans le cerveau. Le principal verrou de cette technique est le temps nécessaire (plusieurs heures) pour calculer avec une station de travail la matrice permettant de résoudre leproblème inverse. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié les solutions actuelles pour accélérer matériellement la conception de cette matrice. Nous avons ainsi proposé, conçu et testé une architecture électronique dédiée à ces traitements pour ICM. Les premiers résultats démontrent que notre solution permet de passer de plusieurs heures de calcul sur une station de travail à quelques minutes sur circuit reconfigurable. Cette accélération des traitements d'imagerie par EEG facilitera grandement la recherche sur l'utilisation du problème inverse et ouvrira ainsi de nouvelles perspectives pour le domaine de l'ICM. / Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) are systems that use brain activity to control an external device. Various techniques can be used to collect the neural signals. The measurement can be invasive ornon-invasive. Electroencephalography (EEG) is the most studied non-invasive method. Indeed, EEG offers a fine temporal resolution and ease of use but its spatial resolution limits the performances of BCI based on EEG. The spatial resolution of EEG can be improved by solving the EEG inverse problem, which allows to determine the distribution of electrical sources in the brain from EEG. Currently, the main difficulty is the time needed(several hours) to compute the matrix which is used to solve the EEG inverse problem. This document describes the proposed solution to provide a hardware acceleration of the matrix computation. A dedicated electronic architecture has been implemented and tested. First results show that the proposed architecture divides the calculation time by a factor of 60 on a programmable circuit. This acceleration opens up new perspectives for EEG BCI.
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Codificação e compressão iterativa de sinais biomédicos / Iterative encoding and compression of biomedical signalsCorte Real, Luiz Fernando Oliveira 08 March 2013 (has links)
Em Biomedicina, a detecção e a quanticação de anormalidades presentes num sinal são desejáveis. Uma estratégia de codicação baseada em extração de características, tais como picos ou frequências, pode não capturar todas as irregularidades. Assim, uma representação baseada em funções de base denidas com conhecimento a priori do sinal pode ser mais precisa para aplicações biomédicas. A escolha das funções base depende da natureza siológica do sinal e de suas peculiaridades. Sinais de eletrocardiograma (ECG) e eletroencefalograma (EEG) exibem características bem denidas. ECG, por exemplo, é um sinal elétrico composto de uma forma de onda especíca (P, QRS e T). Se as características de um sinal a ser sintetizado são bem compreendidas, é possível derivar uma assinatura para o sinal. Uma codicação apropriada permite a extração de parâmetros relevantes para sua análise, tais como anormalidades num ciclo cardíaco representadas por uma alteração no sinal de ECG, ou então uma excitação das ondas cerebrais representada por uma modicação no sinal de EEG. O objetivo deste projeto é introduzir uma nova técnica de codicação de sinais, que representa um sinal pela soma de funções sigmoides para aproximar iterativamente o sinal medido, com foco em aplicações biomédicas. Funções sigmoides tendem a reproduzir bem as grandes variações presentes em sinais biomédicos, daí a escolha de usá-las na codicação deste tipo de sinal. Serão explorados o nível de compressão dos dados, bem como a taxa de convergência. A técnica desenvolvida será comparada com técnicas convencionais de codicação e sua robustez será avaliada. Uma estratégia de codicação ótima pode trazer benefícios não só para a compressão, mas também na criação de assinaturas de sinais representando tanto condições siológicas normais como patológicas. / In Biomedicine, detection and quantication of abnormalities present in a signal are desired. An encoding strategy based on feature extraction, such as peaks or frequencies, may not capture all irregularities. Thus, a function-based representation, constructed using a priori knowledge of signal characteristics, may be more accurate for biomedical applications. The choice of the basis function depends on the physiological nature of the signal and its specic features. Electrocardiogram (ECG) and electroencephalogram (EEG) signals exhibit well-dened characteristics. ECG, for instance, is an electrical signal composed of specic waveform (P, QRS, and T). If the characteristics of a signal to be synthesized are well understood, its possible to derive a signal signature. An appropriate encoding allows the extraction of parameters relevant for its analysis, such as, abnormalities in a cardiac cycle represented by an alteration in the ECG signal, or an excitation of the brain waves represented by a modication of the EEG. The objective of this project is to introduce a novel signal encoding technique that represents a signal by a sum of sigmoidal functions to iteratively approximate the measured signal, targeted at biomedical applications. Sigmoidal functions tend to reproduce well large variations in biomedical signals, hence their use for coding this type of signal. We explore the data compression level as well as the convergence rate. We also compare it to conventional encoding techniques and assess the robustness of this model. An optimal encoding strategy may bring not only benets in compression, but also in the creation of signatures for signals representing both physiological and pathological conditions.
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Contrôle inhibiteur et initiation de l'action : un modèle théorique alternatif et des méthodes électroencéphalographiques avancées pour des perspectives cliniques dans la maladie de Parkinson / Inhibitory control and action initiation : an alternative theoretical model and advanced EEG methods for clinical perspectives in Parkinson's diseaseAlbares, Marion 03 October 2014 (has links)
L'inhibition de réponse joue un rôle majeur dans le contrôle cognitif. Mais les relations entre activité cérébrale et comportement sont particulièrement difficiles à appréhender puisque la fonction est précisément destinée à prévenir tout comportement observable… Dans une première partie, nous proposons une revue de questions mettant en évidence la nécessité d'utiliser des méthodes psychophysiques adaptées. Nous proposons également une analyse systémique des travaux utilisant l'électroencéphalographie, méthode largement privilégiée pour sonder la dynamique des mécanismes inhibiteurs. Dans une seconde partie, nous mettons en œuvre ces propositions dans le cadre d'une étude combinée EEG/IRMf. Grâce à des méthodes avancées de traitement du signal EEG, nous suggérons la mise en jeu de mécanismes automatiques, non sélectifs, d'inhibition de réponse dès lors que le contexte événementiel est incertain. Il reposerait sur la pré-activation d'une circuiterie auto-inhibitrice dans le complexe moteur supplémentaire, implémenté par un large réseau médial frontopariétal. Dans les troisième et quatrième parties, nous montrons le rôle majeur de cette fonction dans d'autres processus cognitifs et illustrons les conséquences cliniques de son dysfonctionnement. Nous montrons en particulier que l'impulsivité n'est pas la seule expression des troubles du contrôle inhibiteur. La difficulté à initier une action constituerait, dans la maladie de Parkinson, une conséquence directe de ce dysfonctionnement. L'implication d'une dérégulation du système noradrénergique et de l'activité du noyau sous-thalamique dans l'occurrence du trouble est suggérée, et les perspectives thérapeutiques discutées / Response inhibition plays a major role in cognitive control. Understanding these mechanisms is essential because their dysfunctions may cause symptoms in many psychiatric and neurological diseases. The relationship between brain activity and behavior are particularly difficult to understand because the function of interest is specifically intended to prevent any observable behavior… In the first part, we propose a review of issues highlighting the need for a new theoretical model and adapted psychophysical methods. We also provide systematic analysis of studies using electroencephalography, widely preferred method for probing the dynamics of inhibitory mechanisms. Convergently, the review calls for revisiting both acquisition methods and processing methods of EEG signal used in conventional studies. In the second part, we implement these proposals by combining advanced treatment methods of EEG signal (blind source separation, analysis test by test, spectral analysis in the sources, location) and comparing these results with the fMRI data. We reveal the involvement of automatic and nonselective inhibitory mechanisms, when the context is uncertain. A large medial frontoparietal network would ensure the implementation. The involvement of an automatic behavior (when the environment becomes predictable) would require a top-down control that deactivates in advance the excitability of the self-inhibitory circuitry of the SMC. In the third and fourth sections, we show the key role of this function in other cognitive processes and illustrate the clinical consequences of its dysfunction. We show in particular that the difficulty in initiating an action (akinesia) would, in Parkinson’s disease, a direct consequence of this dysfunction. The involvement of the noradrenergic system and the activity of the subthalamic nucleus in the occurrence of the disorder are suggested, and therapeutic perspectives discussed
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