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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Critique de l'interprétation transcendantale de l'ego cartésien : Husserl, sa postérité et le sujet cartésien / Criticism of the transcendental interpretation of the cartesian ego : Husserl, his posterity and the cartesian subject

Calixte, Claude 15 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse discute l’interprétation transcendantale de la découverte de l’ego cartésien et l’accusation selon laquelle Descartes se serait trompé sur le sens de sa propre découverte. Nous soutenons la conformité de la philosophie cartésienne à une subjectivité concrète ; donc une subjectivité assumant ce que récuse Husserl, à savoir sa dimension sensible et l’intra-mondanéité du sujet. Ainsi allons-nous à l’encontre tant de sa réduction à un étant empiriquement neutre qu’à l’idée selon laquelle son sens d’être s’explicite par le mouvement vivant. Cette étude ne se limite pas seulement à Husserl ; elle s’étend sur une large partie de la tradition phénoménologique. Après avoir étudié le cadre néo-kantien dans lequel s’inscrit la réception husserlienne de Descartes et mis en évidence la compatibilité entre le sujet cartésien et le sujet kantien, nous relisons des textes centraux de Descartes en montrant le caractère problématique de l’idée d’un sujet transcendantal et en mettant en lumière la corporéité constitutive et spécifique de la subjectivité cartésienne. La question est de savoir ce qui distingue notre thèse de celle de la phénoménologie du mouvement post-husserlienne qui, s’opposant à la subjectivité a-mondaine, défend aussi la corporéité du sujet tout en accusant Descartes de séparer la subjectivité de la vie. Notre enquête philosophique montre qu’au contraire la subjectivité cartésienne n’exclut ni le mouvement ni la vie, mais que le mouvement vivant ou corporel n’en est pas le critère définitionnel et que la corporéité en question jouit d’une spécificité. / This thesis discusses the transcendental interpretation of the cartesian discovery of the ego. It discusses the accusation following which Descartes was in error about his own discovery. We will defend the conformity between cartesian philosophy and a conncrete subjectivity. This means a subjectivity that upholds what Husserl eliminates, namely the sensitive dimension and the worldliness of the subject. So we go both against Husserl’s reduction to an empirically neutral subject and against the idea that the meaning of being explicates itself by the movement of life. This discussion does not limit itself to Husserl : it extends to a large part of the phenomenological tradition. After having studied the neo-kantian framework which organizes the husserlian reception of Descartes and after having shown the compatibility of the kantian and the cartesian subject, we take up anew the texts of Descartes. We aim to show the problematic character of the transcendental subject by showing the constituive and specific « bodyness » of the cartesian subjectivity. The question then is : how does this thesis separate itself out of the posthusserlian movement, which opposing a subjectivity devoid of world, also defends the « bodyness » of the subject whilst at the same time accusing Descartes of separating subjectivity and life ? Our inquiry shows that quite to the contrary, cartesian subjectivity excludes neither movement nor life, but that the living or bodily movement is not its definitional criteria and that the cartesian « bodyness » in question posseses its own specificty.

Ego-integrita u seniorů: Interpretativní fenomenologická analýza / Ego integrity in older adults: Interpretative phenomenological analysis

Lumpeová, Laura January 2020 (has links)
This thesis explores the experiences of older adults with successful ageing and achieving ego integrity. It describes the sources related to ego integrity, that are helpful in facing the challenges of the eighth stage (ego integrity vs. despair). Five interviews were conducted with older adults, aged 65+. These interviews were subsequently analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). KEYWORDS ego integrity, aging, qualitative research, interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA)

The Effects of Ego Threat and Self-Esteem Boost on Overall Self-Control Ability.

Williamson, Jessica Rose 07 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Self-control enables people to make decisions that can promote overall well-being. Such decisions include refraining from overeating or the decision to motivate individuals to persevere when faced with difficulties. The purpose of this study was to determine if not requiring the expenditure of self-control and boosting self-esteem would enable participants to persist longer at a task designed to measure self-control than participants who were required to expend self-control and received an ego threat. No significant main effects were found for self-control manipulations, F (1, 223) = .54, p = .46, or for self-esteem manipulations, F (1, 223) = .01, p = .91. No significant interaction effects were found. F(3, 219) = .785, p =.503.

Motivationsklimat inom Stockholmska Fotbollsakademier : Akademichefers och spelares upplevelser av talangutvecklingsmiljön

Hällström, Charlie, Wretman, Emil January 2022 (has links)
Syfte &amp; frågeställningar Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur motivationsklimatet i Stockholmska fotbollsakademier bedrivs både i teorin och i praktiken. Frågeställningarna lyder enligt följande: I vilket motivationsklimat formar Stockholmska fotbollsakademier sina spelare? Har föreningarna ett utformat strategiarbete för hur de ska bedriva sin akademiverksamhet med fokus på motivationsklimat? Omsätts föreningens strategi för motivationsklimat in i akademins praktiska vardag? Metod För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har en blandmetodik tillämpats. Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) har använts som teoretiskt ramverk. En semi-strukturerad intervju har genomförts med fyra akademichefer, tillhörande föreningar som återfinns i Svensk elitfotbolls (SEF) akademicertifiering. En induktiv tematisk resultatanalys har använts för att transkribera, koda och kategorisera resultatinnehåll. Enkäten Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire-2 (PMCSQ-2) har använts. Enkäten besvarades av spelare tillhörande någon av de fyra föreningar som akademicheferna representerade. Enkätsvaren har sammanställts och beräknats i programmet Excel. Resultat Motivationsklimatet är huvudsakligen uppgiftsorienterat i kombination med en viss ego-orientering. En kombinerad målorientering anser föreningarna vara den främsta elitförberedande utbildningen. Enligt akademicheferna ökade ett ego-orienterat motivationsklimat ju närmre seniorfotbollen man kommer. Det uppfattas inte av spelarna utifrån deras enkätsvar. Spelarna upplevde i hög grad ett uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat. Slutsats Stockholmska fotbollsakademier arbetar främst utifrån ett uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat, med ett stort fokus på individuell utveckling. Föreningar och spelare har inte samma uppfattning av ett kombinerat motivationsklimat. Samtliga föreningar saknade enskilda styrdokument för utformningen av akademins motivationsklimat. / <p>Uppsatsen tilldelades stipendiemedel ur Överste och Fru Adolf Johnssons fond 2022.</p>

Discovering the essential self by means of subconscious resources : a psycho-educational approach

Fourie, Aletta Elizabeth 29 February 2008 (has links)
Clients embark in therapy for different reasons and they often do not understand their own behaviour, thoughts and feelings. Some state that they do not feel themselves and ask questions about who they really are. This study explores different therapeutic ways in assisting clients to find answers to this question. The researcher indicates that the self is an energy system which can be in dissonance. It explores the subconscious as a resource that can be utilized in therapy, assisting clients to discover their essential selves. The study uses an eclectic approach, where the Medical Hypnoanalysis Model is used to identify aspects with regards to the self being dissonant. It is indicated how the hypnotherapeutic techniques within Ego-state therapy and Ericksonian psychotherapy contribute to the exploration of the subconscious and its resources. The study utilizes subconscious resources to assist clients to become more aware of their essential selves and to activate the process of self-actualization. From theory the study constructed a new eclectic approach in assisting clients to discover their essential selves through their subconscious resources. This proves to be of value in approaching therapy from a psycho-educational perspective. The therapeutic process of identifying and accessing subconscious resources takes place within the framework of the SARI-model (a model within the Ego-state therapy theory). This study presents four case studies and discusses information that can be gained from the subconscious mind of the client and its utilization in therapy. The cases illustrate that the subconscious has the resources available to assist in the identification of the cause of the problem, inner-strengths, a subconscious safe place and possible solutions to the problem. It was indicated that these resources can be used to integrate trauma from the past, resolve negative beliefs and to enhance the establishment of equilibrium within the self as energy system, which leads to the client discovering and becoming the essential self. The study concludes with a model that can be used to discover the essential self by means of subconscious resources in addressing client's fundamental question of `Who am I really?' / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

父母教養、自我控制、自我韌性與自尊對青少年壓力因應方式之影響研究 / A Study of the Influence of Parenting, Ego-Control, Ego-Resiliency and Self-Esteem on Adolescents' Stress Coping

郭蘊忻 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解青少年子女壓力因應行為的成因,除了以Maccoby & Martin(1983)的父母教養方式為獨變項之外,還引入Block & Block(1980)提出的自我控制與自我韌性再加上自尊做為中介變項,以探討父母教養方式與青少年子女壓力因應方式的關連影響,以及自我控制、自我韌性、自尊的中介效果。 研究對象為台北縣市之日間部高中學生,共計8所高中653位學生,施以父母教養方式量表、自我控制量表、自我韌性量表、自尊量表、壓力因應策略量表,並將調查所得資料以描述統計、推論統計、結構方程模式等統計方法進行分析。 研究結果顯示:(1)受試者知覺到父母親在反應向度和要求向度上都偏高,其中父母要求又多於父母反應,若父母要求高反應卻低時可能對自尊有不利影響。(2)受試者使用最多的因應策略是情緒取向積極因應,次之為問題取向積極因應,再次之為問題取向消極因應,最少使用的是情緒取向消極因應。高反應高要求的父母教養方式有助於讓子女使用較多的積極因應、較少的消極因應。(3)父母反應對子女的積極因應有直接影響,也會透過自我控制、自我韌性、自尊為中介歷程而間接影響,父母反應對子女的消極因應則是完全透過自我控制、自我韌性、自尊為中介歷程來間接影響。(4)父母要求對子女的積極因應有直接影響,但對子女的消極因應則沒有直接影響,也都無法透過自我控制、自我韌性、自尊為中介歷程而間接影響子女的積極因應或消極因應。(5)模式的契合度指標大部份都在可接受的範圍內,但模型不夠簡約無法完美描述觀察資料,且父母教養的要求向度在模式中並非一個理想的預測變項,將來需要更進一步修改模式,使模式更精簡更能契合資料。 最後,本研究依據研究結果進行討論並提出建議,做為未來研究與親職教育、學校教育之參考。

Simplex sigillum veri : généalogie de l’ego cartésien chez Nietzsche / Simplex sigillum veri : Genealogy of cartesian Ego in Nietzsche’s works

Bocchetti, Andrea 03 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a comme objectif de repenser le rapport entre Descartes et Nietzsche à travers une continuité qui se construit sur le fil conducteur thématique du statut cartésien de l’ego. L’interprétation heideggérienne du lien entre Descartes et Nietzsche est pour cette raison fondamentale : en effet, en relevant à l’intérieur ce rapport les signes du déploiement d’un Même qui a marqué l’époque de la métaphysique de la subjectivité, Heidegger définit un espace fondamental commun entre les deux philosophes. Cet espace, qui se développe à partir de l’émergence de l’ego, semble cependant déborder les limites constitutives de la métaphysique, lorsque Nietzsche retrouve dans le commencement cartésien une ouverture de l’ego au sein du vivant interprété comme volonté de puissance. Sa démarche, loin de seulement le néantiser, vise à tra-duire l’ego dans une dimension morphologique : l’ego serait donc l’effet d’une organisation d’une agrégation de forces, qui prennent forme par le biais d’un centre en devenir. Le chemin de la déconstruction nietzschéenne suit des étapes bien précises : en premier lieu, reconduire le statut de l’ego à une égologie de la substance ; en deuxième lieu, déplacer la certitude fondamentale du cogito vers un sentiment de l’ego (Ichgefühl) qui se fixe comme semblant-à-être ; en troisième lieu dévoiler l’ipséité en tant qu’abime, contre toute possibilité d’interpréter le corps comme sujet, ou mieux, comme fondement. C’est en ces termes que la constitution onto-théo-logique de la pensée cartésienne élaborée par Jean-Luc Marion, permet de suivre le chemin nietzschéen : rapporter à l’ego la manière d’être de toutes les substances est le point de départ d’une généalogie qui vise à dépasser l’ego, tout en montrant sa nécessité à être, qui seule permet au vivant de dire je, à savoir d’être. / The purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to nuance the understanding of the relationship between Descartes and Nietzsche through the cartesian statute of the ego. From this perspective, Heidegger’s interpretation of the link between Descartes and Nietzsche is fundamental. Furthermore, Heidegger defines a fundamental philosophical area explored by both Descartes and Nietzsche. This common area, based on ego’s emergence, tends to exceed the constitutive bounds of metaphysics wherein the Cartesian beginning opens the ego as a form of life within the will to power . His argumentative path leads to a morphological concept of ego— the ego is taken as an effect of the organization of a multiplicity of forces, which take form by becoming a center. The Nietzschean deconstruction is realized through these specific steps: 1) to bring the ego’s statute on an ecology of substance; 2) to dislocate the fundamental certainty of cogito toward an ego-sentiment (Ichgefühl), which situates itself as a seeming-being 3) to reveal the selfness as an abyss, against any interpretations that consider the body as a fundament. At this regard, the onto-théo-logic constitution of Cartesian thought, elaborated by Jean Luc Marion, allows one to follow the Nietzschean approach: by bringing back the ego to the way of being of every substances, it is possible to fix the genealogical starting point to exceed the ego and at the same time to show its necessity to become a being, which only allows life to say I, that is to say to be.

K společenskému postavení židovské menšiny v Německu v letech 1871-1890 / On the Social Position of the Jewish Minority in Germany, 1871-1890

Plíčková, Helena January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the social position of the Jewish minority in Germany during the first decades of the Second Reich; it is intended as a contribution to the social history with an emphasis on the history of everyday life. It attemps to answer a question, why despite (what seemed to be) a highly successful assimilation, or more precisely acculturation, the Jews became a target of hateful attacks again in the late 1870's and 1880's. Various methods have been applied to determine, firstly, how the German-Jewish family life looked, whether and how its education approach and job structure differed from those of the majority; secondly, in which way the social-economic situation affected the minority position, its participation in public life and its attitude to the recently estabilished state; and last but not least, the way the German-Jews understood and perceived themselves, as well as the East European immigrants (so called Ostjuden) and the public's anti-Semitism. The result of the study shows that the German-Jewish values and customs were mainly identical to those of the bourgeoisie, probably with an endogamy being the only specific feature. At the time of rising Conservatism and in spite of experiencing bitter disappointment at the again appearing anti-Semitism, their optimism and trust in...

Spisovatelka Vlasta Javořická a dva totalitní režimy v polovině 20. století. Obecní kronika jako ego-dokument / Vlasta Javořická and Two Totalitarian Regimes between 1938 and 1953. Municipal Chronicle of this Writer as an Ego-Document

BARTUŠEK, Petr January 2019 (has links)
This paper deals with the problematic of ego-documents as historical sources. The following study is based on one example of these sources regarding the municipality of Studená during the first half of the 20th century. It is mainly focused on the local chronicle depicting the period of 1938-1949 written by the native of Studená and writer Vlasta Javořická. The important part of this work is an edition of this chronical completed with the comparaison with its almost identical copy. The chronical is characteristic of a noticable amount of specificities. It is predominantly an ego-document rather than an institutional and commemorative source. Through the analysis of local chronicles (ie. ego-documents) and the study of additional sources this paper aims to contribute among others to the theoretical problematic of the criticism of the historical sources. At the same time, it shall extend the existing findings regarding the study of the society and the reflection of some periods of the 20th century thanks to the official local chroniclers as well as the authors of different sources having a similar character. The main problematic of this paper is the question whether it is possible to fully use the ego-documents for the factual learning or rather for the research of the history of mentalities, dailyness, cultural and social history, ethnography, etc.


GABRIEL CUNHA NUNES 07 November 2013 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar questões acerca do fenômeno esquizoide, principalmente, sua origem, características e alguns desdobramentos na vida psíquica do indivíduo. Para isso, será utilizada a teoria das relações objetais primitivas, com o apoio das formulações teóricas de Fairbairn, Guntrip e Winnicott. As principais contribuições desses três autores serão relacionadas, através do desenvolvimento de uma linha de pensamento que engloba as questões da cisão tripartite do ego de Fairbairn, o retraimento esquizoide segundo Guntrip e a divisão entre verdadeiro e falso self proposta por Winnicott. / [en] This study aims to investigate matters over the schizoid phenomenon, particularly its origins, characteristics and how it unfolds in one’s psychic life. To do so, we have chosen the early object relations theory, with the support of the theoretical formulations led by Fairbairn, Guntrip and Winnicott. The main contributions by these authors will be related through the development of a line of thought involving the matters of the tripartite ego splitting by Fairbairn, Guntrip’s schizoid retreat and the division between the true and false self as proposed by Winnicott.

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