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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Ekonomisk styrning för samskapande av värde : En studie om värde och vilken styrning som passar för samskapande / Management control systems for value co-creation : A study of value and of which management control that is suitable for co-creation

Ståhlbom, Carl, Wilhelmsson, Viktor January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion: Konceptet samskapande av värde utvecklades inom marknadsföringslitteraturen i början av 2000-talet från Prahalad och Ramaswamy (2000). Redan då betonade författarna att ett företag som strävar efter att samskapa måste anpassa sitt ekonomiska styrsystem efter det. Trots det är forskningen om vilken ekonomisk styrning som kan användas för samskapande bristfällig än idag. Det finns tydliga skillnader mellan fälten där litteraturen om ekonomisk styrning främst utgår från tillverkningsföretag som producerar materiella varor, medan samskapandelitteraturen utgår från att producera tjänster. Samtidigt har de två fälten olika syn på värde, vilket är vad som analyseras i den här uppsatsen för att kunna diskutera vilken ekonomisk styrning som kan användas för samskapande. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom en litteraturstudie beskriva vilka likheter och skillnader som finns i synen på värde mellan ekonomisk styrning och samskapande. Utifrån litteraturstudien och intervjuer analyseras sedan vilken typ av styrning som är främjande för samskapande. Metod: Uppsatsen har en deduktiv ansats där en litteraturstudie utformas. Inledningsvis förs en värdediskussion som analyserar värde inom fälten ekonomisk styrning och samskapande. Utifrån värdediskussionen analyseras sedan tre ekonomiska styrinstrument som kan användas för samskapande. Därefter testas litteraturstudien mot empiri i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre anställda på försäkringsbolaget Folksam. Slutsats: Värdebegreppet inom ekonomisk styrning är aktieägarvärde, vilket skapas genom ett företags interna aktiviteter. Inom samskapandelitteraturen syftar värdebegreppet till kundens upplevda nytta, bruksvärde. Bruksvärde skapas genom kundens användande. Det styrinstrument som slutligen framhävs för samskapande är personlighetsstyrning. / Introduction: The concept of value co-creation was developed in marketing literature in the early 2000s by Prahalad and Ramaswamy (2000). Even then, the authors stressed that a company that strives to co-create must adapt its governance systems to it. Despite this, the research on which management control systems that can be used for co-creating is deficient still today. The literature on management control are primarily based on manufacturing companies producing tangible goods, while literature on value co-creation are focusing mainly on services. Furthermore, the perception of value differs among the two research fields, which is what will be analyzed in this paper to discuss which management control systems can be used for co-creation. Aim: The aim of this paper is to create a literature review which describes the similarities and differences in the perception of value among the literature on management control and value co-creation. Based on the literature review and interviews analyze which type of control that promotes co-creation. Methodology: The paper has a deductive approach in which a literature review is designed. Initially, a value discussion is conducted that analyzes the perceptions on value in the fields of management control systems and value co-creation. Based on the value discussion, three types of management controls which could be used for value co-creation will be analyzed. Afterwards, the literature review will be tested against the reality in the form of semi-structured interviews with three employees at the Swedish insurance company Folksam. Conclusion: The value concept within the literature on management control systems refers to shareholder value, which is created through a company’s internal activities. Within the value co-creation literature, the value concept refers to the customer’s perceived benefits, which is called use value. The use value is created when the customer is using the product. The management control that this paper finally highlights is the personnel control.

Tankarna kring kriminalvårdens utredningar om fångarnas arbete under år 1892 : En undersökning av motiv, tankar och uttryck angående föreskrifter inom fångvården

Mengütay, Sibel January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to show how the thoughts have been motivated for the cell penalties extension. The new law which came through 1892 meant more isolation for the prisoners. Before this law the government priority meant much more work penalty but after the law which came through 1892 meant work penalty after three years of isolation. My main conclusion of this study is that the government priority was that the work should be equally as the extension of the isolation. The law texts showed that the isolation penalty was a way to rehabilitate the prisoners so that they would be ”good” corporate citizens and for them to achieve this result the government meant that they needed isolation so that the prisoners could rehabilitate, be raised and then could get a work after the release.

Svagår i Piteå landsförsamling1862-1872

Pahkamaa, Tobias January 2017 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks den demografiska utvecklingen i Piteå landsförsamling under åren 1862-1872. Detta för att få en kunskap om hur den ekonomiska krisen 1867-1868 påverkade folkmängd, födelsetal, dödstal och giftermålsfrekvens. Vidare undersöks hur olika socialgrupper påverkades med avseende på mortalitet och giftermålsfrekvens. Resultatet av undersökningen är att ekonomiska faktorer påverkar demografiska faktorer och att lägre socialgrupper tvingas anpassa sig i högre utsträckning.

Valfrihet, effektivitet och konkurrens : En argumentationsanalys av 90-talskrisens roll i friskolereformen

Christoffersson, Therese January 2017 (has links)
This paper focuses on the link between economic context and legislation. In 1992, an extensivemarket led reform on Swedish elementary school made it possible for corporations and othernon-governmental foundations to run schools with funds from taxes. Meanwhile, Swedensuffered from a severe recession. This paper seeks to analyse the role of the economic crisis inthe debate regarding this reform. The object of analysis is editorials in two major newspapers,government bills and excerpts from parliament debate, and the theoretical framework is acombination of Karl Polanyi’s commodification theory and Christopher Hood’s New PublicManagement definition. The results show a diversity in the use of economic arguments,depending on political position and source. Explicit justification of the reform – where therecession make a major argument – have been found foremost in government bills.

Slopandet av utlåningstaket 1985

Fälting, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
The central bank of Sweden, the Riksbank, has for a long time controlled the lending to thepublic by the business banks. To control the credit market the Riksbank set up severalregulations, one of the most prominent a limit of how much the business banks could be lendingout to the public. In November 1985 the limit of lending was deregulated. How did thisderegulation affect the lending and the business banks? Why was this deregulation done and howcan we explain this in context to the economy? To answer these questions I’ve used data fromthe official statistics of Sweden and from the Riksbank to make figures. My result shows that thelending to the public bloomed after 1985 and that the business banks probably started borrowingmoney from abroad to finance the lending.

Från ett kall till ett yrke? : Sjuksköterskornas arbete under efterkrigstiden

Lanfelt, Isabelle January 2017 (has links)
This essay is a qualitative examination of tayloristic labour processes in Swedish healthcare from 1945 to 1960. It focuses on nurses and explores how they reacted to changes in their working conditions brought about by taylorism through their association journal, Tidskrift för Sveriges Sjuksköterskor. The study has three major themes: what topics were important to nurses, what their views were on changes in working conditions and how their ideals changed. By looking at articles pertaining to these themes the study found that nurses were not averse to changes to their own working conditions. They were positive about the more qualified work and higher status taylorism created. However, they were negative about the possible effect that it could have on the care given to patients.

Svensk Bilprovning : Omregleringarna och dess effekter

Norén, Pontus January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish motor-vehicle inspection has worked very well and was monopolized in 1965. After the monopolization, the company AB Svensk Bilprovning was formed and had a monopoly until 2010 when the bourgeois government deregulated the monopoly for the motor-vehicle inspection services. It had been discussed earlier around the 1990s but the planned deregulation of the service did not occur. The main reason for the deregulation was for the service to act on a competitive market which would improve it in several aspects. One of the main aspects were the availability. The deregulation in 2010 had positive effects and mainly the availability increased throughout Sweden. In year 2014 the social-democratic party were not satisfied before or after deregulation even though it improved the service. The bourgeois on the other hand were very satisfied of the results.

En komparativ studie av kontanthantering i Sverige och Japan

Åberg, Simon January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this paper is to study and compare the usage of banknotes and coins in Japan and Sweden during the time period 1980–2015. Using the stakeholder theory, a theory that operationalizes the identification of different actors, stakeholders, and their influences, the development of the banknote and coin usage will be studied. Three different stakeholders are then identified for both countries, the central banks, the banks, and the customers. These stakeholders background and ability to influence are then analyzed. It becomes clear that the customers are the most important stakeholder because they are the stakeholder from which the demand and supply for banknotes and coins arises from. The background in Sweden contra Japan concludes that the japanese customers have less trust in the banks and central banks, which leads them to prefer banknotes and coins over other payment alternatives, while the case in Sweden is the opposite. Therefore, the banknote and coin usage is high in Japan, while it is low in Sweden.

Strejker i migrationens tidsålder : Strejker och migration i den norrländska trävaruindustrin, 1879-1908

Andersson, Jonatan January 2017 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks sambandet mellan strejknederlag och migration, ett ämne somstuderats av historiker tidigare men som inte gett ett entydigt svar. Uppsatsens undersökningavgränsas till den norrländska sågverksindustrin 1879-1908. Förutom att tidsperioden innefattarutvandringstiden motiveras avgränsningen med norrlandskustens tidiga industrialisering.Med hjälp av materialet prövas grundhypotesen, det vill säga om det existerade ett sambandetmellan strejknederlag och migration. För att reda ut hur man ska se på sambandet mellanstrejknederlag har också tre hypoteser som kommer ur tidigare litteratur valts ut för att prövas. Denförsta hypotesen föreslogs av Lars-Göran Tedebrand och går ut på att graden av repressalier motstrejkdeltagarna avgjorde hur omfattande utvandringen efter strejk var. Den andra hypotesenhärrör ur Brinley Thomas cykelteori, och går ut på att migration under utvandringstiden avgjordesav motsatta konjunkturcykler på båda sidorna av Atlanten. Den tredje hypotesen föreslogs av Nils-Gustav Hildeman och går ut på att när strejknederlag ledde till emigration utlöste dettakedjereaktioner och fick arbetare på andra orter att emigrera.Resultatet visar att det fanns ett samband mellan strejknederlag och migration. När ettstrejknederlag ägt rum ökade utflyttningen från strejkorten i samtliga fall. Jag finner stöd för bådecykelhypotesen och Tedebrands hypotes om repressalier. I mindre utsträckning stödjer ocksåuppsatsens resultat Hildemans hypotes om kedjereaktioner. / The aim of this thesis is to study a possible relationship between failed labour strikes andmigration (emigration and internal migration) in Sweden in the late nineteen and early twentiethcentury.The results show that a relationship between strikes and migration did exist. It is probable thatthe relationship depended on migration cycles in Sweden and America and the degree ofrepressions against the strikers by the employers. Furthermore, it is possible that workers whoemigrated after the failed strikes inspired other dissatisfied workers to emigrate the year after thestrikes took place.

Den ekonomiska aktivitetens utveckling i Norrbottens län

Tyrestad, Jonas January 2004 (has links)
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