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Ekonomsik anpassning : Fastighetsbolags strategier under kostnadshöjningarAronsson, Jessica, Arnkil, Mathilda January 2024 (has links)
Syfte & frågeställning: Syftet med detta arbete är att analysera hur fastighetsbolag anpassar sin ekonomiska strategi, det vill säga hur de navigerar i investeringsbeslut, ser på sitt finansiella upplägg samt hur de arbetar med utmaningar och riskhantering. - Hur anpassar fastighetsbolag sin ekonomiska strategi för att hantera utmaningarna i rådande kostnadsökningar? Bakgrund: Tidigare har forskning genomförts inom olika branscher för att utforska olika aspekter av företagens strategiska beteende under perioder av ekonomisk osäkerhet, inklusive deras hantering av kostnadsökningar. Dock finns ett kunskapsgap när det gäller studier inom detta ämne i den svenska fastighetsbranschen idag. För närvarande råder en utmanande situation på fastighetsmarknaden, där kombinationen av låg avkastning på fastigheter och höga finansieringskostnader har resulterat i ett begränsat intresse för fastighetsköp. Metod: Denna uppsats omfattar en forskningsstrategi som präglas av abduktiv metodik. Litteraturstudien gjordes genom att samla in teorier och kunskap från tidigare forskning. Vidare genomfördes en kvalitativ studie där nio individer med varierande roller inom fastighetssektorn intervjuades. Slutsats: Oavsett företagets storlek har de företag med kommersiellt bestånd indexreglerat sina hyror för att kompensera för inflationen. Generellt anser respondenterna att den stora förändringen är att man är mer försiktig vid nya investeringar. Det är dock viktigt att notera att det inte finns någon allmän lösning som passar alla företag. / Aim & Research Question: The purpose of this study is to analyze how real estate companies adjust their financial strategy, namely how they navigate investment decisions, manage their financial structure, and address challenges and risk management. - How do real estate companies adapt their financial strategy to address the challengesof current cost increases? Background: Previous research has been conducted across various industries to explore different aspects of firms’ strategic behavior during periods of economic uncertainty, including their handling of cost increases. However, there is a knowledge gap regarding studies within this subject in the Swedish real estate industry today. Currently, there is a challenging situation in the real estate market, where the combination of low property yields and high financing costs has resulted in limited interest in property purchases. Method: This essay encompasses a research strategy characterized by abductive methodology. The literature review was conducted by gathering theories and insights from previous research. Furthermore, a qualitative study was carried out, interviewing nine individuals with diverse roles within the real estate sector. Conclusion: Regardless of the company size, commercial portfolio companies have indexed their rents to compensate for inflation. Overall, respondents believe that the major change is being more cautious in new investments. However, it is important to note that there is no onesize-fits-all solution for all companies.
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Att Hålla Spjutspetsen Vass : En kvalitativ studie om samarbeten och kunskapsöverföring i ett föränderligt Kista Science CityRomedahl, Marcus, Olsson, Karl January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the dynamic transformation of the ICT cluster in Kista Science City, Sweden. Over the past few decades, Kista has been a prominent ICT hub, historically compared to Silicon Valley. However, recent years have seen significant changes as major companies such as Polarium, CGI, Oracle, and Microsoft have relocated to other parts of the Stockholm region. This qualitative study investigates the implications of these relocations on the cluster's dynamics, focusing on local buzz and global pipelines. Through semi-structured interviews with relevant stakeholders, including large and small enterprises, the research explores how geographical proximity affects collaboration, innovation, and knowledge transfer within the cluster. The findings suggest that while geographical proximity remains crucial for fostering trust and informal knowledge exchange (local buzz), the establishment of structured external networks (global pipelines) is equally important for maintaining competitive advantage. The study concludes that Kista Science City still holds significant potential as a dynamic cluster, provided it adapts to the evolving needs of its constituent companies and continues to integrate both local and global knowledge flows.
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Mot framtiden på gamla spår? : Regionala intressegrupper och beslutsprocesser kring kustjärnvägarna i Norrland under 1900-talet / Towards the Future on Old Tracks? : Regional Interest Groups and Decision-Making Processes Concerning Coastal Railways in Norrland during the 20th CenturyAndersson, Fredrik January 2004 (has links)
In this dissertation the construction of two coastal railways, the East Coast Line and the Bothnia Line, in the Norrland region of northern Sweden is used as a case study of how regionally based interest groups are formed, and how they gain access to decision-making processes on a national level. In periods when a number of preconditions were in place, a window of opportunity opened for the coastal railway that the regional elites could exploit. Among these was the ability to form a coherent regional interest group, through institutions that created platforms and power-bases that enable regional elites to co-operate and act on regional and national levels.The existence of an institutional framework that was adapitve towards regional railway promotion was also important. The study shows that the coastal railway had a very flexible role on the agenda, as it provided a fixed solution against which actors could pin a multitude of different problems. An important factor for explaining the development of the coastal railway question in Norrland was the ideological notion of the region itself. Being a vast, resource-rich and sparsely populated region, Norrland had almost always received special consideration in both public opinion and national policy making. It also created a remarkable stubbornness among the regional actors in working for the coastal railway. Regional interest groups had also learnt that linking their claims to Norrland's peripheral position had high legitimacy on the national arena, by claiming the need for regional fairness and/or the national importance of the regional export-intensive industries. This was instrumental in justifying the repeated exemptions from the national railway policy regimes that ultimately were decissive in making the regional elites successful.
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Why do regulatory practices towards Uber diverge in the globalized economy? : Comparing regulatory responses and attitudes towards Uber in the U.S. and Sweden.Palmér, Gustaf January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Boundaries of Knowledge : Foreign-Local Knowledge Exchange through Community Cooperation in Rural GuatemalaBlad, Johan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis studies the learning process between foreign and local knowledge in a community of organic farmers by the name Atitlán Organics in Tzununa, rural Guatemala. Foreign settlers with formal education and contemporary farming experience work alongside indigenous local Guatemalan farmers in this community, which also takes on international volunteer workers. These people of various background and differing intentions cooperate to develop the community and its business of organic food production while learning from each other. The foreigners bring global theories that relate to farming such as permaculture designs and scientific knowledge while the Guatemalans know the local land and how to work with it. This thesis outlines the learning process between these different competencies and presents a nuanced discussion on how these types of knowledge exchange can be beneficial for the people and the community. Diverse competencies can complement each other and enhance collaborative work but limitations can also occur due to difficulties of understanding other socio-cultural contexts, while risks of neo-colonial tendencies and western knowledge hegemony lure in these situations. The discussion in this thesis highlights the importance of mutual consciousness about this process in the community and what that can be done to enhance collaborative learning while avoiding such risks.
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Att återskapa en turistdestination på ruiner av krig : En studie om Belgrads destinationsimage, branding och utveckling ur ett aktör- och turistperspektivJankicevic, Marko, Swedan, Menna January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how Belgrade as a tourist destination was affected by previous political disorder during the 1990’s on the query of destination image, destination branding and destination development. The research also discussed how different actors in the public and private sectors work on the issue and how international tourists’ perspectives look like in relation to this topic. A qualitative method was applied through semi-structured and structured interviews with three actors within tourism sector, one from the public sector, and further 15 interviews with international tourists. The study's results show that Belgrade, as a tourist destination, was mainly affected by the civil war in the 1990’s. The war created a negative destination image, undefined destination branding and a non-sustainable destination development. The following led to, reduced number of incoming tourists and economic stagnation, which resulted in a lack of resources to invest in destination development. It created a negative destination image in a global aspect, and in addition to that international tourists usually associated Belgrade with insecurity and political instability. However, tourism started to increase following the new political regime approximately 10 years ago, when major efforts were made by both international and national investors. Accordingly, actors within various private and public sectors are involved in expanding tourism products, increasing marketing efforts and placing the destination on an international tourism market. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur Belgrad som en turistdestination påverkades av tidigare oroligheter under 1990-talet i frågan om destinationsimage, branding samt utveckling. Undersökningen berörde även hur olika aktörer inom den offentliga och privata sektorn arbetar i frågan samt hur internationella turisters perspektiv ser ut i relation till detta. En kvalitativ metod tillämpades genom semistrukturerade och strukturerade intervjuer med tre aktörer inom turismsektorn och en från den offentliga sektorn samt 15 intervjuer med internationella turister. Studiens resultat visar att Belgrad som en turistdestination påverkades i en stor utsträckning till följd av krigshändelserna under 1990-talet. Detta skapade en negativ destinationsimage, odefinierad destination branding samt att destinationsutvecklingen som var icke hållbar. Därmed minskade antal inkommande turister, ekonomin stagnerade samt att det resulterade i brist på resurser för investeringar i att återuppbygga destinationen. Detta skapade en negativ destinationsimage för omvärlden då potentiella turister associerade staden med osäkerhet och politisk instabilitet. Dock konstaterades det att turismen började öka i och med den nya politiska regimen, då ca 10 år sedan började det ske stora insatser från både internationella och nationella investerare. Därmed arbetar olika aktörer inom den privata och offentliga sektorn med att utöka sina turistprodukter och marknadsföringsinsatser samt placera Belgrad på den internationella turistmarknaden.
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Mot framtiden på gamla spår? : Regionala intressegrupper och beslutsprocesser kring kustjärnvägarna i Norrland under 1900-talet / Towards the Future on Old Tracks? : Regional Interest Groups and Decision-Making Processes Concerning Coastal Railways in Norrland during the 20th CenturyAndersson, Fredrik January 2004 (has links)
<p>In this dissertation the construction of two coastal railways, the East Coast Line and the Bothnia Line, in the <i>Norrland</i> region of northern Sweden is used as a case study of how regionally based interest groups are formed, and how they gain access to decision-making processes on a national level. In periods when a number of preconditions were in place, a window of opportunity opened for the coastal railway that the regional elites could exploit. Among these was the ability to form a coherent regional interest group, through institutions that created platforms and power-bases that enable regional elites to co-operate and act on regional and national levels.The existence of an institutional framework that was adapitve towards regional railway promotion was also important. The study shows that the coastal railway had a very flexible role on the agenda, as it provided a fixed solution against which actors could pin a multitude of different problems. An important factor for explaining the development of the coastal railway question in <i>Norrland</i> was the ideological notion of the region itself. Being a vast, resource-rich and sparsely populated region, <i>Norrland</i> had almost always received special consideration in both public opinion and national policy making. It also created a remarkable stubbornness among the regional actors in working for the coastal railway. Regional interest groups had also learnt that linking their claims to <i>Norrland's </i>peripheral position had high legitimacy on the national arena, by claiming the need for regional fairness and/or the national importance of the regional export-intensive industries. This was instrumental in justifying the repeated exemptions from the national railway policy regimes that ultimately were decissive in making the regional elites successful.</p>
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Iscensättningen av det ekobrottsliga subjektet : Ekobrottet och ekobrottslingens uppkomst och institutionalisering i ett (post)modernt samhälleEkstrand, Emma January 2006 (has links)
<p>What is an economic crime? Who is an economic criminal? How do we speak of the phenomenon and what does they way we speak mean? The immediate result of the study is that there is a stereotype image of the economic criminal that is produced within peoples speech. This image contains characteristics that bring the subject, the economic criminal, far away from the traditional crime subject, and brings it closer to a non-criminal subject. This motion render possible that economic criminals can talk of themselves as “not bad people”, “normal” and “like everyone else”. The analysis has made clear that economic crime and economic criminals are conceptualizations that are under negotiation, there is no determined definition of these ideas. A transformed society has also an impact on economic criminals and economic crime. Perhaps the debate about the definition of the economic criminal and economic crime is symptomatic for the postmodern society we share?</p>
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Turning to Europe : A New Swedish Industrial Relations Regime in the 1990sMurhem, Sofia January 2003 (has links)
<p>This dissertation explores the transformation of the industrial relations regime in Sweden during the 1990s. Four areas are studied; industrial relations of the growing service sector, industrial relations of small enterprises, effects of re-regulation and introduction of competition on industrial relations in telecommunications service and internationalisation of industrial relations in the metal sector, showing that in the 1990s, the labour market regime of Sweden changed into a new regime, as a result of altered conditions caused by the third industrial revolution. The changes took place within a certain context and were governed by a strong path dependence. The internationalisation or Europeanization of the economy, foremost the upsurge in ingoing foreign direct investments, increased the Swedish industry’s dependence on non-national actors and economy. The employers and the trade unions had strong incentives to come to an agreement (the Industrial Agreement in 1997), to achieve international competitiveness. The increasing dependence on (Western/European) trade and investments caused additional adjustments of industrial relations. The Europeanization of the political decision making process (EU membership) had also an impact, to which was added liberalisation, abandoning monopolies etc, but the effect were not as substantial as that of (economic) internationalisation.</p>
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Turning to Europe : A New Swedish Industrial Relations Regime in the 1990sMurhem, Sofia January 2003 (has links)
This dissertation explores the transformation of the industrial relations regime in Sweden during the 1990s. Four areas are studied; industrial relations of the growing service sector, industrial relations of small enterprises, effects of re-regulation and introduction of competition on industrial relations in telecommunications service and internationalisation of industrial relations in the metal sector, showing that in the 1990s, the labour market regime of Sweden changed into a new regime, as a result of altered conditions caused by the third industrial revolution. The changes took place within a certain context and were governed by a strong path dependence. The internationalisation or Europeanization of the economy, foremost the upsurge in ingoing foreign direct investments, increased the Swedish industry’s dependence on non-national actors and economy. The employers and the trade unions had strong incentives to come to an agreement (the Industrial Agreement in 1997), to achieve international competitiveness. The increasing dependence on (Western/European) trade and investments caused additional adjustments of industrial relations. The Europeanization of the political decision making process (EU membership) had also an impact, to which was added liberalisation, abandoning monopolies etc, but the effect were not as substantial as that of (economic) internationalisation.
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