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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trade Liberalization and Food Security : The Case of Bolivia after the Structural Reforms of 1985

Valencia Amaya, Mauricio Giovanni January 2009 (has links)
<p>This research shows the relationship between trade liberalization and food security for the Bolivian case. As a result of the severe economic crisis of the early-1980s, Bolivia adopted a series of market-oriented reforms in 1985. The reforms included the liberalization of the trade regime and the promotion of non-traditional exports. The trade liberalization had an important effect on the performance of cash crops, especially in the development of the soybeans industry. However, foodcrops did not have such a great dynamics. Vegetables and starchy roots declined in per capita terms and the increase in imports were not enough to compensate the decline. Trade reforms mostly favor a small group of large-scale farmers in the lowlands, who had historically been granted land in the region. In this sense, Bolivia’s involvement in a trade liberalization process was not reflected in an overall improvement of the country’s food security.</p>

Trade Liberalization and Food Security : The Case of Bolivia after the Structural Reforms of 1985

Valencia Amaya, Mauricio Giovanni January 2009 (has links)
<p>This research shows the relationship between trade liberalization and food security for the Bolivian case. As a result of the severe economic crisis of the early-1980s, Bolivia adopted a series of market-oriented reforms in 1985. The reforms included the liberalization of the trade regime and the promotion of non-traditional exports. The trade liberalization had an important effect on the performance of cash crops, especially in the development of the soybeans industry. However, food crops did not have such a great dynamics. Vegetables and starchy roots declined in per capita terms and the increase in imports were not enough to compensate the decline. Trade reforms mostly favored a small group of large-scale farmers in the lowlands, who had historically been granted land in the region. In this sense, Bolivia’s involvement in a trade liberalization process has not been reflected in an overall improvement of the country’s food security.</p>

Slakthusområdet - en agglomeration av kött- och charkindustri

Pettersson, Mathias January 2007 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva, analysera och förstå kött- och charkindustrins koncentration i Slakthusområdet i Stockholm och vad området innebär för dess företag. Uppsatsen är en fallstudie och bygger på 18 intervjuer med representanter från företag, föreningar och förvaltningar i, och med anknytning till, Slakthusområdet. Vidare bygger den på teorier om agglomerationer och kluster. Utvecklingen av området kopplas till två drivkrafter i form av Stockholms stad och tillgången på råvaror och specialiserade lokaler. Slakthusområdet har kommit att bli ett nav eller en knutpunkt för kött, chark och andra livsmedelsprodukter. Den fysiska och sociala närheten i området medför många positiva egenskaper vilket genererar en trygghet för företagen. Som helhet har det skapat möjligheter och en förmåga hos företagen i Slakthusområdet att hålla en hög flexibilitets- och servicenivå. En förmåga som informanterna framhåller som sina respektive företags främsta konkurrensfördel och framgång.</p>

En ohejdad kommersialism? : Den pornografiska pressen och regleringen av pornografi i Sverige 1950-2000

Arnberg, Klara January 2007 (has links)
<p>This licentiate thesis describes the Swedish pornography policy and how this policy affected the pornography industry. The main aim of the study is to survey the development of the Swedish porn industry 1950-2000 and to consider how it was imagined both as an industry, and as a commercialized form of sexuality. The focus is on the relationship between the pornography industry and the state, and to study this relationship, the thesis is divided into three different but related parts.</p><p>The first part concerns the institutional settings with main focus on the abolition of censorship in 1971. The political debates about legalizing pornography are studied in order to ascertain how industry and its actors are conceptualized in this context. It also draws attention to why regulation of the industry was considered necessary in the first place, as well as the how changes in the legislation affected the economic development of the industry itself.</p><p>The second part concerns the Swedish pornographic press. My purpose is to map out all publishing houses that produced pornographic magazines from 1950 to 2000, and to chart some aspects of their economic fortunes. The history of pornography and connections to technological change is also studied in terms of estimating the influence of the video breakthrough on sales figures and market strategies for the publishing houses that had to deal with this development.</p><p>In the third part, I study the regulation in action, i.e. when the publishers of pornographic magazines are prosecuted. I analyze all of the pre-1971 prosecutions – that is, the prosecutions that took place before regulation was removed. Using these records, it is possible to determine how the regulation was implemented, what content was considered harmful, and how that changed over time. This material, that includes the preliminary investigations from the police, also shows how the pornography producers handle the institutional settings to escape responsibilities and punishment.</p><p>In this thesis, I show that the pornography industry in Sweden has a complex and changing relationship to the state. Although pornography is unwanted by politicians during the period, pornography is allowed to publish pictures without any restriction on sexual content in the 1970s. The argument for the deregulation is that censorship is incompatible with a modern democratic and liberal state. Pornography serves as a modern dilemma when the phenomenon is viewed as incompatible with a modern society, conflicting with the goal of gender equality, and when a regulation is seen as incompatible with the idea of basic liberties in a modern democracy.</p><p>When it comes to the industry it shows that, quite unexpected, a lot of companies are run by women or as family businesses. There are no empirical grounds for the claim that pornography is an all male industry then, at least not in the Swedish case. The study also shows that the Swedish pornography industry was well established before the law change.</p>

Digitala drömmar : en studie av den svenska dator- och tv-spelsbranschen 1980-2005

Sandqvist, Ulf January 2007 (has links)
<p>This licentiate thesis describes the development of the Swedish computer and video game industry. The main focus is on the Swedish game development industry. Little research on the industry has been done and the purpose is to define the companies involved and to create an initial overview of the development of the industry. This overview will later be used as a platform for the doctorial thesis.</p><p>Games are a growing culture form and today a lot of people are playing different types of computer and video games. Internationally the industry has expanded and some of the successful games have generated spectacular revenues. In Sweden the industry has received attention from different actors like universities, government bodies and media. There are today educations that are focused on game development and there are programs which allocates grants towards game companies. The rapid development in the computers technology has had a great impact on the game industry, which is dependent on hardware development to create games.</p><p>The first computer games were made for some of the very first computers in the 1940´s and 1950´s. In the 1970´s a market for games was created when arcade machines and somewhat later home consoles were introduced. The industry has grown and includes today some of the largest companies in the world.</p><p>The Swedish industry follows the international pattern but developed a bit later and the first Swedish game companies were founded in the late 1980´s. The industry has expanded, especially between 1998 and 2002. In 2005 the number of people employed in the industry had increased to over 600. During the period under study the industry seems to have had a constant problem with making a profit. Especially in 2002 and 2003 the industry has had economic problems and some of the lager companies were bankrupt.</p>

Bilism för regional utjämning? : Studier av privatbilismens geografiska och socioekonomiska spridningsmönster 1950-2000

Lindgren, Eva January 2008 (has links)
<p>This licentiate thesis, with the English title Automobility towards Regional Equality? Studies of the geographical and socioeconomic diffusion of the private automobility in Sweden 1950-2000, has the overall aim to investigate the interaction between the private automobility and the Swedish socio-economical development in general. Firstly, the diffusion of private car ownership in Sweden is mapped both geographically and economically at the national level covering all citizens above the age of 18. Secondly, a comparison with the Norwegian diffusion pattern shows how automobility has interacted with two partly different national contexts. This aim will be dealt with in two articles.</p><p>Since the diffusion of private cars in Sweden has not yet been examined in a long run and national perspective covering all individuals, the first article, Driving from the Centre to the Periphery? The Diffusion of Private Cars in Sweden 1950-2000 with focus on 1960-1975, investigates how the diffusion of private cars followed the over all socio-economic and geographical changes from 1960 to 1975; did changes in car ownership per capita primarily follow changes in incomes or changes in population density (urbanisation)? Swedish traffic and regional policies in the 1960s aimed at making the car an instrument for national integration and regional equality, and make it available throughout the country. In the article the effect of that policy is tested. The analysis is based on Swedish census material that includes all car owners for the years 1960, 1970 and 1975. Our conclusion is that income levels were more important than other explanations to the diffusion of private cars in Sweden between 1960 and 1975.</p><p>Since Norwegian private car density has lagged behind the Swedish and did not reach the same national levels until the late 1980s, despite the same GDP per capita levels, the second article, Two Sides of the same Coin? Private Car Ownership in Sweden and Norway since 1950, compares car diffusion in Norway and Sweden in both historical time and model time in order to find specific explanations for the national and regional patterns of car diffusion. Can both the time lag and the diffusion process be explained with national differences in income, institutions, infrastructure, and population settlements? Or have regional differences in income and population density affected the outcome? Our conclusion is that car diffusion in Norway and Sweden displays two sides of same coin; the national levels converged, but the process did not follow the same regional pattern. Regional differences in income and population density have in general been a significant explanation for car density in Sweden but not in Norway.</p><p>Thus, the licentiate thesis shows how private car ownership in Sweden from the 1950s has interacted with increasing regional equality, especially concerning geographical diffusion.</p>

Kapitalflöden till skatteparadis : En modelskapande undersökning av finansiella offshorecentra och ekonomisk brottslighet

Wendelius, Alvin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Finansiella offshorecentra, eller skatteparadis som de också kallas i dagligt tal, utvecklades som ett alternativ till mellankrigstidens hårt reglerade finansiella marknader. Skatteparadisen har ansetts utgöra räddningen för välbärgades rikedomar genom låga/avsaknad av skatter och en stark banksekretess, medan andra betraktar dem som platser där brottslingar och terrorister tillåts tvätta pengar och finansiera sin verksamhet genom förvaringsplats av kapital. Efter terroristattackerna mot USA den elfte september 2001 tillsammans med stora företagsskandaler som Enron och Parmalat har ett omfattande internationellt arbete med att stänga skatteparadis påbörjats med USA som initiativtagande nation.</p><p>För att undersöka hur skatteparadisen fungerar och vilka incitament som kan finnas för att använda skatteparadis har jag ställt frågan: Vilka faktorer kan påverka kapitalflöden till skatteparadis och vilka konsekvenser kan dessa få?</p><p>Vid besvarade av denna fråga har studien syftet att för det första utforma en modell över vilka faktorer som kan tänkas påverka kapitalflöden till skatteparadis. Därefter ämnar studien undersöka modellen för att se hur det ser ut i verkligheten.</p><p>Med hänsyn till kunskapssynen kritisk rationalism har jag använt en multistrategisk metod, bestående av intervjuer och fallstudie tillsammans med kvantitativa skattesatser, för att besvara problemställningen. Studiens problem angreps med ett abduktivt tillvägagångssätt. Den teoretiska modell som jag har konstruerat, Offshore Financial Center Pricing Model (OFCPM), behandlar främst tidigare forskning om skatteparadis och ekonomisk brottslighet. Det empiriska materialet består av tidigare forskningsresultat, intervjuer, fallstudie och olika länders skattesatser.</p><p>Det som framkommit genom studien är att OFCPM:s olika komponenter; (1) skillnaden i nettoavkastning, (2) en individspecifik nyttonivå för att upptäckt och bestraffad, samt (3) en individspecifik nyttonivå för förlust av anseende kan i teorin visa hur olika sorters politik kan påverka användningen av skatteparadis. Modellen visar även starka band till verkligheten och kan tillämpas för att se hur olika faktorer kan inverka på individers nyttjande av skatteparadis.</p>

Informell motivation och dess betydelse : En studie inom tillverkningsindustrin

Olsen, Ann-Marie, Ljubijankic, Edina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Many times it can be the simple things that affect the attitude of work and which have an importance on the organization's effectiveness. These are not always apparent but can have a large importance for the motivation and the attitude of work. Large number of companies uses wage and other financial rewards system but is there any form of informal factors that have an importance for the coworkers and that affects motivation. What factors that affect the motivation within the industry are interesting to examine and specifically the factors that are not apparent, in other words informal factors that increases the motivation. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and describe which informal motivator factors co-workers/employees in a production department think are meaningful. This study was pursued with a quality approach and with the purpose of getting a profound view and an understanding of informal motivation. This study uses quality interviews to collect information. The interview questions are based on the theoretical frame of references which are Theory X and Theory Y, Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory and The Three Circles Model. The departmental manager view of the co-workers is that they are engaged and that they take responsibility for their work task. According to the departmental manager, the informal motivator factors are more significant than the formal motivator factors. According to the co-workers the informal motivator factors were elements which did not cost a lot but had a large importance to them. The informal motivator factors which have the most significant meaning were to be appreciated by the departmental manager, the freedom in the work and the social relationship with the workmates. According to the co-workers the work within the industry had no motivator factor and therefore, was the informal factors significant for the human effort. They felt happier and the work felt easier and more fun which made the co-workers performs better. The informal motivator factors increased the wellbeing and the motivation within the individual which was significant for the individual emotional state and the team spirit which affected the co-workers human effort positively.</p> / <p>Många gånger kan det vara de enklaste sakerna som påverkar attityden till arbetet och som får betydelse för organisationens effektivitet. Dessa är inte alltid så synbara men kan ha en stor betydelse för motivationen och attityden till arbetet. Många företag använder sig av lön och andra ekonomiska belöningssystem för att motivera personalen men finns det faktorer av informell karaktär som är av betydande för medarbetare och som påverkar motivationen. Vilka faktorer som påverkar motivationen inom industribranschen är intressant att undersöka och speciellt de inte så synbara faktorerna, det vill säga informella faktorer, som orsakar att motivationen ökar. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och beskriva vilka informella motivationsfaktorer medarbetarna i en produktionsavdelning anser är betydelsefulla. Studien bedrivs med kvalitativ ansats i syfte att få en djupare inblick och förståelse för fenomenet informell motivation. I denna studie används kvalitativa intervjuer för att samla in information. De frågor som används vid intervjuerna har formats utifrån arbetets teoretiska referensram vilka är Teori X och Teori Y, Hertzbers Tvåfaktorsteori och The Three Circles Model. Avdelningschefens syn på medarbetarna är att medarbetarna är engagerade och vill ta eget ansvar för arbetsuppgiften. Enligt avdelningschefen har informell motivation större betydelse än den formella. Det medarbetarna ansåg var informella motivationsfaktorer var faktorer som inte kostade mycket men gav stort tillbaka. De informella motivationsfaktorerna som hade störst betydelse var uppskattning från avdelningschefen, det fria arbetet och den sociala samhörigheten. Eftersom medarbetarna ansåg att industriarbetet i sig inte var motiverande hade de informella faktorerna en viktig betydelse för arbetsinsatsen. Medarbetarna ansåg att de blev glada och det kändes lättare och roligare att arbeta vilket gjorde att de presterade bättre. De informella faktorerna gav en ökad inre tillfredställelse och motivation hos individen vilket hade betydelse för både individens känslomässiga tillstånd och teamkänslan inom gruppen vilket påverkade medarbetarnas arbetsinsats positivt.</p>

Tourism attractions and land use interactions : Case studies from protected areas in the Swedish mountain region

Wall Reinius, Sandra January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Tysklands ekonomiska utveckling och kopplingen till stabilitets- och tillväxtpakten / The development of the German economy and the relation to the Stability- and Growth pact

Bladh, Daniel January 2004 (has links)
<p>Under det senaste decenniet har det skett en märkbar förändring vad gäller bedrivandet av den ekonomiska politiken i Europa. Den kanske mest synliga förändringen är EMU och introduktionen av den gemensamma valutan i tolv av unionens medlemsländer. En annan skillnad är införandet av de allmänna ekonomiska riktlinjerna som syftar åt harmonisering av bedrivandet av finanspolitik på nationell nivå. En tredje skillnad är introduktionen av stabilitets- och tillväxtpakten, som tillkommit som komplement för EMU i syfte att motverka ett beteende bland medlemsländerna som skulle försvåra ECB: s arbete för prisstabilitet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och analysera om och i så fall hur stabilitets- och tillväxtpakten har påverkat Tysklands möjligheter till stabilisering av ekonomin genom den nationella finanspolitiken. Avgränsningar som gjorts i uppsatsen är bland annat att fokus kommer att ligga på Tyskland, samt att den undersökta tidsperioden kommer vara mellan år 1998 och vintern 2003. Uppsatsen utgör en typ av fallstudie och den metod som nyttjats i arbetet är av kvalitativ karaktär. Förutom skriftliga källor har intervjuer med tyska ledamöter av EU-parlamentet varit en väsentlig del av det material som ligger till grund för uppsatsen.</p>

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