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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formulação do método dos elementos de contorno para materiais porosos reforçados / Boundary element method formulation for reinforced porous material

Wilson Wesley Wutzow 16 May 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, propõe-se uma formulação não linear baseada no método dos elementos de contorno, para representação de domínios poro-elasto-plásticos reforçados. Esta formulação é apresentada para os casos saturado e não saturado. Para o problema poroso enrijecido um acoplamento com o método dos elementos finitos é empregado, e a técnica de mínimos quadrados permite a regularização dos deslocamentos e do vetor de forças de superfície ao longo das interfaces de acoplamento. São empregadas expressões analíticas para o tratamento das integrais de contorno e de domínio presentes na formulação do método dos elementos de contorno. A formulação de Biot é empregada para a descrição de meios porosos saturados e uma formulação energética baseada nos trabalhos de Coussy é adaptada para a extensão ao caso não saturado. Neste caso, a pressão capilar e energia das interfaces são levadas em consideração. O nível de saturação é descrito pelo modelo de Van Genuchten e o comportamento do esqueleto é descrito ou pelo modelo de Drucker-Prager ou pelo modelo de Cam-Clay modificado. O problema não linear obtido por uma descrição temporal associada a discretização espacial é resolvido pelo método de Newton-Raphson. No caso saturado, o operador tangente consistente é definido e utilizado para obtenção da solução do sistema. Exemplos numéricos são apresentados para validar a formulação proposta. / In this work a nonlinear formulation of the boundary element method (BEM) is proposed to deal with saturated and unsaturated poro-elasto-plastic 2D reinforced domains. To model reinforced porous domains a BEM/FEM (Finite Element Method) modified coupling technique is employed. The coupling is made by using the least square method to regularize the displacement and traction distributions along the interfaces. Analytical expressions have been derived for all boundary and domain integrals required for the formulation. The Biot formulation is used for the description of the saturated porous environments and an energetic consistent formulation based on work of Coussy is adopted for its extension to the framework of unsaturated porous media. In this case, the capillar pressure and the interface energy are taken into account. The Van Genuchten model is used for the determination of saturation level in non-saturated poro-elasto-plastic problems. The Drucker-Prager modified model if used for the saturated poro-elasto-plastic problems and the modified Cam-Clay model for the representation of non-saturated poro-elasto-plastic problems. For the saturated case, the consistent tangent operator is derived and employed inside a Newton procedure to solve non-linear problems. Numerical solutions are presented to validate the proposed models.

Analýza radiálních kluzných ložisek s využitím pokročilých výpočtových metod / Radial Slide Bearing Analysis Using Advanced Computational Methods

Orbán, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis introduces a slide bearing analysis using the MBS software tool of FEV Virtual Engine, including real surface topography based on 3D roughness measurements. The first half of the thesis gives a brief overview about gasoline combustion engines, slide bearing usage in engines, slide bearing construction and about essential approaches for the characterization of elasto-hydrodynamic behavior. In the second half, the process of model building, rough surface measurement and preparation of analyses are described. At the end of this thesis, the results of the analyses are shown and discussed.


LUIZ UMBERTO RODRIGUES SICA 17 May 2021 (has links)
[pt] É uma prática usual em reologia medir o tensão limite de escoamento. Nessas medidas, a tensão limite de escoamento é definida como o máximo valor absoluto de tensão ao qual abaixo não ocorrem escoamentos irreversíveis. Sendo assim, tensão limite de escoamento aparente estimada é usada em conjunto com o critério de von Mises em qualquer escoamento complexo. Este critério compara esta medida a intensidade do segundo invariante do tensor deviatórico das tensões. Acontece que, para escoamento simples de cisalhamento, o mesmo é composto por tensões cisalhantes e diferenças de tensão normais, mas a contribuição do último nunca foi considerada na determinação experimental da tensão limite de escoamento. Em vista de avaliar a importância da contribuição das diferenças de tensões normais na tensão limite de escoamento aparente, foram realizadas uma sequência de testes de creep para cada material, estimando a tensão crítica que representa o valor médio obtido entre os valores das curvas de tensão nas quais o material escoa e não escoa com uma tolerância considerável. Depois disso, foram propostos testes para avaliar os valores de N1 − N2 e apenas N1 no nível de tensão crítica. E em seguida avaliando-se adequadamente a tensão limite de escoamento. Observou-se que, para alguns materiais, a contribuição das diferenças de tensões normais é muito maior do que a contribuiçõ da tensão cisalhante. Por fim, a validade do critério de von Mises para materiais elasto-viscoplásticos foi avaliada. Para este fim, com o intuito de generalizar o estudo, ensaios de compressão a volume constante e de tração foram realizados avaliando-se as correspondentes tensões limites de escoamento. Como conclusão mais importante, o critério de von Mises não foi considerado adequado como critério de falha para os materiais elasto-viscoplásticos analisados. / [en] It is usual practice in rheology to measure the yield stress in a simple shear flow. In these measurements, the yield stress is identified as the maximum value of the shear stress below which no irreversible flow occurs. Then, the thus determined yield stress is used in conjunction with the von Mises criterion in any complex flow. The latter compares it with the intensity of the deviatoric stress tensor. It happens that for simple shear flow the intensity of the deviatoric stress is composed of both the shear stress and the normal stress differences, but the contribution of the latter is never considered in the experimental determination of the yield stress. In view of assess the importance of the contribution of the normal stresses to the yield stress, a sequence o standard constant shear stress tests were performed for each material, estimating the critical stress which represents the mean value obtained between the stress values of the curves in which the material flows and does not flow with an accurate tolerance. After that, proposed tests were performed in order to obtain the values of N1 − N2 and solely N1 at the critical stresses. Following the appropriate yield stress evaluation. It was observed that for some materials the normal stress contribution is much larger than the shear stress contribution. Furthermore, the validity of the von Mises yielding criterion for elasto-viscoplastic materials was evaluated. For this purpose, in order to generalize the study for different flow conditions, constant volume squeeze flow and traction tests were performed evaluating the corresponding yield stresses. As the most important conclusion, the von Mises yielding criterion was considered not to be accurate representing yielding for the elastoviscoplastic materials analyzed.

Modélisation numérique de la mise en forme et de la tenue mécanique des assemblages par déformation plastique : application au rivetage auto-poinçonneur

Fayolle, Sébastien 26 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail de thèse porte sur la modélisation de la mise en forme et de la tenue mécanique des assemblages par déformation plastique avec comme principale application le rivetage auto-poinçonneur. Dans un premier temps, le développement d'un modèle de comportement, capable de prendre en compte l'ensemble des phénomènes physiques apparaissant lors de la pose du rivet ou de la tenue mécanique du point d'assemblage, est abordé. Le comportement retenu est un comportement élasto-plastique endommageable. Le modèle d'endommagement, basé sur le modèle de Lemaitre et le principe d'équivalence en déformation, a été amélioré afin de prendre en compte l'effet de fermeture des fissures ainsi qu'une limite de triaxialité en dessous de laquelle l'endommagement ne peut plus évoluer. Ce modèle de comportement a alors été implémenté dans la suite logicielle Forge2005®. Afin de s'affranchir du phénomène de localisation, des méthodes d'endommagement non locales ont été introduites. Dans un deuxième temps, la caractérisation des paramètres des lois d'écrouissages et d'endommagement est réalisée en utilisant une méthode d'indentification par analyse inverse basée sur un algorithme évolutionnaire couplé à un méta-modèle. L'ensemble des essais mis en place pour alimenter cet algorithme est abordé de façon précise. Finalement, le modèle numérique développé est utilisé pour simuler le rivetage auto-poinçonneur et la tenue mécanique du point d'assemblage. Pour ce dernier point, un montage ARCAN a été conçu pour solliciter les éprouvettes assemblées en cisaillement, traction ou encore pour des sollicitations mixtes. Les résultats obtenus sont alors comparés avec l'expérience et montrent une bonne corrélation. Le modèle numérique ainsi développé peut également être utilisé pour la majorité des technologies d'assemblage par déformation plastique, mais il constitue également un outil d'aide à l'optimisation de la tenue mécanique, comme cela est illustré en dernière partie de ce travail.

Simulation numérique par éléments finis des grandes déformations des sols : application à la scarification

Renon, Nicolas 23 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Le déminage mécanique consiste à scarifier le sol avec une " charrue ", outil formé d'une lame en V munie de plusieurs dents, poussée par un engin : les dents déstructurent le sol et le font remonter devant la lame qui l'évacue sur le côté avec les mines qu'il contient. L'objectif de nos travaux est de mettre en œuvre la simulation numérique par éléments finis du problème fortement non linéaire issu de la modélisation de la scarification du sol. Le code d'éléments finis implicite Forge3®, dédié à la mise en forme des métaux, a été choisi comme support numérique. Il permet de prendre en compte les grandes déformations, en particulier à l'aide de son remaillage automatique. Nous avons dans un premier temps implanté dans ce code deux modèles élastoplastiques de comportement, l'un incompressible réservé aux sols fins saturés, purement cohésifs, l'autre compressible, fondé sur la notion d'état critique, pour les matériaux purement frottants ou cohésifs et frottants. Ces modèles adoucissants sont intégrés par un schéma de retour radial généralisé, au sein d'une formulation implicite du problème aux limites. Nous montrons que la matrice de raideur est non symétrique dans le cas compressible et que la symétrisation du système ne conduit pas à une approche robuste. Nous avons donc importé et testé un solveur itératif non-symétrique : Bi-CGSTAB. Nous avons validé la programmation de ces modèles sur des essais triaxiaux. Pour les comportements adoucissants, on constate des oscillations dans la relation contrainte/déformation passé le pic de contrainte. Ces difficultés numériques sont traitées par linéarisation et régularisation. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons mis en œuvre des simulations de scarification pour différents niveaux de complexité : une dent seule, une dent + une tranche de lame, plusieurs dents, en faisant suffisamment avancer l'outil pour atteindre le régime stationnaire ; cela se révèle d'autant plus long que l'outil est large, ce qui nous amène au calcul très intensif. L'influence de paramètres géométriques comme l'inclinaison de la dent ou l'angle d'étrave du système a été mise en évidence, elle est qualitativement conforme aux observations expérimentales. L'étude de l'influence des paramètres des modèles de comportement montre la prépondérance de ceux liés à l'état critique, i.e. aux propriétés mécaniques après de grandes déformations. Enfin nous avons validé qualitativement le code en termes de modes d'écoulements et de répartition des efforts pour des outils multi-dents. La comparaison quantitative des efforts reste à affiner en revenant sur le comportement choisi et son implémentation.

Integrated investigation of impact-induced noise and vibration in vehicular drivetrain systems

Gnanakumarr, Max Mahadevan January 2004 (has links)
This thesis highlights one of the most significant concerns that has preoccupied drivetrain engineers in recent times, namely drivetrain clonk. Clonk is an unacceptable audible sound, which is accompanied by a tactile drivetrain response. This may occur under several different driving conditions. Many drivetrain NVH concerns are related to impact loading of subsystems down-line of engine. These concerns are induced by power torque surge through engagement and disengagement processes, which may propagate through various transmission paths as structural waves. The coincidence of these waves with the acoustic modes of sub-system components leads to audible responses, referred to as clonk. The approach usually undertaken and reported in literature is either purely theoretical or constitutes experimental observation of vehicle conditions. A few research workers have reported rig-based investigations, but not under fully dynamic conditions with controlled and reproducible impulsive action. The research reported in this thesis combines experimental and numerical investigation of high frequency behaviour of light truck drivetrain systems, when subjected to sudden impulsive action, due to driver behaviour. The problem is treated as a multi-physics interactive phenomenon under transient conditions. The devised numerical method combines multi-body dynamics, structural modal analysis, impact dynamics in lash zones and acoustic analysis within an overall investigation framework. A representative drivetrain system rig is designed and implemented, and controlled tests simulating driver behaviour undertaken. The combined numerical predictions and experimental noise and vibration monitoring has highlighted the fundamental aspects of drivetrain behaviour. Good agreement is' also found between the detailed numerical approach and the experimental findings. Novel methods of measurement such as Laser Doppler Vibrometery have been employed. Simultaneous measurements of vibration and noise radiation confirm significant elasto-acoustic coupling at high impact energy levels. One of the major finds of the thesis is the complex nature of the clonk signal, being a combination of accelerative and ringing noise, with the latter also comprising of many other lower energy content as observed in the case of transmission rattle and bearing-induced responses. Therefore, the link between rattle and clonk, long suspected, but not hitherto shown has been confirmed in the thesis. Another major find of particular commercial interest is the insignificant contribution of torsional damping devices such as dual mass flywheels upon the accelerative component of the clonk response.

Modelagem numérica e mecânica de escoamentos elasto-viscoplásticos tixotrópicos : investigações com uma nova função viscoplástica

Ferreira, Márleson Rôndiner dos Santos January 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado a modelagem mecânica e numérica de um escoamento elastoviscoplástico tixotrópico, em termos dos campos de velocidade, pressão, tensão e parâmetro de estrutura. A discretização numérica é feita pelo Método de Elementos Finitos Estabilizado, também conhecido como Galerkin Mínimos Quadrados (GMQ), através de elementos quadrangulares bilineares. O clássico problema da cavidade é utilizado nas simulações, a fim de comparar a formulação e o código utilizados com os resultados conhecidos na literatura. Além disso, apresenta-se o estudo de materiais elasto-viscoplástico tixotrópico em uma contração abrupta na escala 4:1, utilizando a formulação descrita e uma nova função viscosidade para fluidos viscoplásticos, denominada função Viscoplástica Harmônica (VPH). Resultados envolvendo a função VPH são introduzidos e discutidos pela primeira vez nesta tese e apresenta um ótimo ajuste de curva, quando comparada com outras funções disponíveis na literatura. Além da fácil implementação, essa função também apresenta um platô para as altas e baixas viscosidades que são fisicamente realistas, visto que não é possível uma viscosidade infinita ou nula. O menor tempo computacional é também uma característica perceptível nas simulações usando a nova função viscoplástica, isso é um atributo do seu equacionamento que não depende de um termo exponencial, como outros modelos. O estudo de qualidade de malha também é apresentado a fim de garantir a escolha do domínio discreto adequado. Apesar do uso de elementos de ordem inferior, o método GMQ mostrou-se estável na aproximação numérica de todos os problemas dispostos, garantindo até mesmo a análise sobre os efeitos da cinemática, da elasticidade e da tixotropia no escoamento dos fluidos dentro da contração abrupta. / In this work the mechanical and numerical modeling of a thixotropic elasto-viscoplastic flow in terms of the velocity, pressure, stress and structure parameter is presented. Numerical discretization is done by the Stabilized Finite Element Method, also known as Galerkin Least Squares (GLS), through bilinear quadrangular elements. The classical liddriven cavity problem is used in the simulations in order to compare the formulation and code used with the results in the literature. In addition, the study of elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic materials in a 4:1 abrupt contraction using the described formulation and a new viscosity function for viscoplastic fluids, called the Harmonic Viscoplastic Function (HVP), is presented. Results involving the HVP function are introduced and discussed for the first time in this thesis and present a better curve fit when compared to other functions available in the literature. Besides to easy implementation, this function also features a plateau for high and low viscosities that are physically realistic, since infinite or zero viscosity is not possible. The shortest computational time is also a perceptible feature in the simulations using the new viscoplastic function, this is an attribute of its equation that does not depend on an exponential term like other models. The mesh quality study is also presented in order to ensure the choice of the appropriate discrete domain. Despite the use of lower-order elements, the GLS method proved to be stable in the numerical approximation of all the problems, guaranteeing even the analysis of the effects of kinematics, elasticity and thixotropy on fluid flow within the abrupt contraction.

Le flambage élasto-capillaire de fibres et de membranes fibreuses fines pour la conception de matériaux étirables / Surface-tension induced buckling of thin fibers and fibrous membranes : a novel strategy to design stretchable materials

Grandgeorge, Paul 09 February 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les interactions mécaniques entre liquides et structures élastiques fines. Dans un premier temps, on s’intéresse à une goutte liquide posée sur une fibre horizontale indéformable. L’influence de la tension de surface et de la gravité est révélée par une étude numérique et analytique du système. Cette compréhension nous permet d’introduire un outil de mesure de rayon de fibre précis, validé expérimentalement sur des fibres microniques. Mais les forces capillaires développées par les gouttes peuvent être suffisantes pour déformer de fines fibres élastiques. Par exemple, lorsqu’elle est comprimée, une fibre de soie de capture d’araignée flambe et s’enroule au sein des gouttes d’eau qui la décorent naturellement. Cet enroulement élasto-capillaire octroie une extensibilité apparente remarquable à la fibre composite qui s'enroule et se déroule spontanément, assurant ainsi la tension du système au gré des déformations imposées. Ce comportement mécanique peut revêtir un intérêt particulier pour les connecteurs électroniques étirables mais la rigidité de fibres métalliques compromet l’enroulement élasto-capillaire. Cet obstacle est surmonté en apposant une fibre d’élastomère souple à la fibre fonctionnelle. Cette stratégie de la fibre auxiliaire souple facilite l’enroulement en renforçant les forces capillaires sans pour autant augmenter significativement la rigidité à la flexion globale de la fibre composite. Dans le cas de la goutte sur fibre simple, la dynamique d’enroulement et de déroulement est étudiée, et introduit une expérience originale pour l’étude de la dynamique de la ligne de contact. L’élasto-capillarité assure une étirabilité unidimensionnelle aux fibres élastiques fines présentées. Cette stratégie est étendue aux structures bidimensionnelles en imbibant une fine membrane fibreuse d’un liquide mouillant. Lorsque les bords de cette membrane imbibée sont rapprochés, la membrane solide se plisse au sein du film liquide et reste ainsi globalement droite. L’étude expérimentale et théorique de ce matériau hybride liquide-solide révèle un comportement à la fois solide et liquide : le film liquide apporte une tension de surface tandis que la membrane fibreuse solide assure l’inextensibilité. Finalement, le motif de flambage qu’exhibe la membrane imbibée lorsqu’elle est comprimée est analysé et interprété par un modèle théorique. / This PhD thesis focuses on the mechanical interactions between liquids and thin elastic structures. First, we study the mechanics of a liquid drop sitting on an undeformable horizontal fiber. We numerically and analytically investigate how capillarity and gravity affect the shape of drop and the forces it develops on the fiber. This understanding allows us to introduce a precise fiber-radius measurement technique, experimentally validated on micronic fibers. But capillary forces developed by drops are sometimes strong enough to deform thin elastic fibers. For example, upon compression of its ends, a spider capture silk fiber spontaneously buckles and spools inside water droplets naturally sitting on it. This elasto-capillary coiling provides the composite system with an apparent extreme extensibility as excess fiber is continuously spooled in or out of the liquid drop, thus ensuring tension throughout large deformations. This mechanical behavior could be of interest for stretchable electronic connectors but the stiffness of metallic fibers jeopardizes in-drop coiling. We overcome this limitation by attaching a beam of soft elastomer to the functional fiber. This soft auxiliary beam strategy favors coiling by enhancing capillary forces without significantly increasing the overall elastic bending rigidity of the composite fiber. We also study the coiling and uncoiling dynamics of the drop-on-a-single-fiber compound, presenting a novel experiment for the study of contact line dynamics.Elasto-capillarity with thin elastic fibers provides one-dimensional stretchability. This strategy is generalized to two-dimensional structures by infusing a thin free-standing fibrous membrane with a wetting liquid. When the boundaries of this wicked membrane are brought closer, the solid membrane wrinkles and folds inside the liquid film, and therefore remains globally flat. We experimentally and theoretically study the mechanical behavior of this hybrid liquid-solid material, its main feature lies in a mixed liquid-solid behavior: the liquid film provides surface tension while the solid fibrous membrane provides inextensibility. Finally, we analyze the buckling pattern displayed by the wicked membrane upon compression and propose a theoretical model recovering the main experimental features.

A volume-mass constitutive model for unsaturated soils

Pham, Hung Quang 22 July 2005
<p>Many geotechnical engineering problems involve combining two or more independent physical processes as a coupled solution of seepage, volume change and shear strength. For any physical process being modeled, it is desirous to be able to compute any of the volume-mass soil properties. When the volume-mass soil properties are combined with the stress state of the soil, the result is a volume-mass constitutive relationship. Three volume-mass constitutive relationships (i.e., void ratio, water content and degree of saturation) are generally viewed as being the most fundamental; however, only two of the relations are independent. The unsaturated soil properties associated with seepage, volume change and shear strength problems are also related to the volume-mass soil properties. While the unsaturated soil properties are often estimated as simply being a function of the soil-water characteristic curve, it is more accurate to define the properties in a more rigorous manner in terms of the volume-mass soil properties. The advancement of computing capabilities means that it is quite easy to formulate constitutive relations for shear strength and permeability, for example, in terms of all volume-mass properties of the unsaturated soil.</p><p>The objectives of this dissertation include: i) the development of volume-mass constitutive models for unsaturated soils; ii) the further study and verification of the volume-mass constitutive behavior of unsaturated soils; and iii) the development of techniques for visualization of volume-mass constitutive surfaces for unsaturated soils. To achieve these objectives, the present research study was conducted from both theoretical and experimental bases.</p><p>The theoretical program commenced with a comprehensive literature review of the volume-mass constitutive relationships for unsaturated soils. A new, more rigorous volume-mass constitutive model was then proposed. Appropriate terminology was introduced for the development of the model, followed by an outline of the assumptions used and the mathematical derivation. The proposed model requires conventionally obtainable soil properties for its calibration. The model is capable of predicting both the void ratio and water content constitutive relationships for various unsaturated soils, taking into account elastic and plastic volume changes. Various stress paths can be simulated and hysteresis associated with the soil-water characteristic curve can be taken into account. </p><p>Two closed-form equations for the volume-mass constitutive relationships were derived. A computer software program was written based on the theory of the proposed volume-mass constitutive model. Techniques for the visualization of the volume-mass constitutive surfaces were then presented. An experimental program was conducted in the laboratory. The experimental program involved the verification of a new testing apparatus. Several soils were selected for testing purposes and appropriate testing procedures were established (i.e., soil specimens were initially slurry). The testing stress paths followed in the experimental program were different from most research programs conducted in the past and reported in the research literature. Conclusions regarding the compressibility, stress path dependency, and hysteretic nature of the soil-water characteristic curve of an unsaturated soil were presented.</p><p>A considerable number of test results (i.e., from both the experimental program and the research literature) were used in the verification of the new volume-mass constitutive model. This model has proven to be effective in predicting both collapse and expansion of a soil. The volume-mass constitutive model appears to predict behaviour in a satisfactory manner for a wide range of soils; however, the predictions appear to be superior for certain soils. In all cases the volume-mass predictions of the model appear to be satisfactory for geotechnical engineering practice.

A volume-mass constitutive model for unsaturated soils

Pham, Hung Quang 22 July 2005 (has links)
<p>Many geotechnical engineering problems involve combining two or more independent physical processes as a coupled solution of seepage, volume change and shear strength. For any physical process being modeled, it is desirous to be able to compute any of the volume-mass soil properties. When the volume-mass soil properties are combined with the stress state of the soil, the result is a volume-mass constitutive relationship. Three volume-mass constitutive relationships (i.e., void ratio, water content and degree of saturation) are generally viewed as being the most fundamental; however, only two of the relations are independent. The unsaturated soil properties associated with seepage, volume change and shear strength problems are also related to the volume-mass soil properties. While the unsaturated soil properties are often estimated as simply being a function of the soil-water characteristic curve, it is more accurate to define the properties in a more rigorous manner in terms of the volume-mass soil properties. The advancement of computing capabilities means that it is quite easy to formulate constitutive relations for shear strength and permeability, for example, in terms of all volume-mass properties of the unsaturated soil.</p><p>The objectives of this dissertation include: i) the development of volume-mass constitutive models for unsaturated soils; ii) the further study and verification of the volume-mass constitutive behavior of unsaturated soils; and iii) the development of techniques for visualization of volume-mass constitutive surfaces for unsaturated soils. To achieve these objectives, the present research study was conducted from both theoretical and experimental bases.</p><p>The theoretical program commenced with a comprehensive literature review of the volume-mass constitutive relationships for unsaturated soils. A new, more rigorous volume-mass constitutive model was then proposed. Appropriate terminology was introduced for the development of the model, followed by an outline of the assumptions used and the mathematical derivation. The proposed model requires conventionally obtainable soil properties for its calibration. The model is capable of predicting both the void ratio and water content constitutive relationships for various unsaturated soils, taking into account elastic and plastic volume changes. Various stress paths can be simulated and hysteresis associated with the soil-water characteristic curve can be taken into account. </p><p>Two closed-form equations for the volume-mass constitutive relationships were derived. A computer software program was written based on the theory of the proposed volume-mass constitutive model. Techniques for the visualization of the volume-mass constitutive surfaces were then presented. An experimental program was conducted in the laboratory. The experimental program involved the verification of a new testing apparatus. Several soils were selected for testing purposes and appropriate testing procedures were established (i.e., soil specimens were initially slurry). The testing stress paths followed in the experimental program were different from most research programs conducted in the past and reported in the research literature. Conclusions regarding the compressibility, stress path dependency, and hysteretic nature of the soil-water characteristic curve of an unsaturated soil were presented.</p><p>A considerable number of test results (i.e., from both the experimental program and the research literature) were used in the verification of the new volume-mass constitutive model. This model has proven to be effective in predicting both collapse and expansion of a soil. The volume-mass constitutive model appears to predict behaviour in a satisfactory manner for a wide range of soils; however, the predictions appear to be superior for certain soils. In all cases the volume-mass predictions of the model appear to be satisfactory for geotechnical engineering practice.

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