Spelling suggestions: "subject:"electromechanical systems"" "subject:"electomechanical systems""
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Anwendung ultrakurzer Lichtimpulse in der digital-holographischen Interferometrie / digital-holographische Hochgeschwindigkeitsinterferometrie mit ultrakurzer Belichtungszeit zur zeitaufgelösten Bewegungsanalyse im Einzelimpuls-Zwei-Wellenlängen-VerfahrenHansel, Thomas 06 September 2010 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird die digital-holographisch-interferometrische Zwei-Wellenlängen-Formerfassung sehr schnell bewegter Objekte behandelt und dafür unter Nutzung einer Ultrakurzpuls-Laserquelle mit der digitalen Einzelimpuls-Mehr-Wellenlängen-Holographie ein neuartigen Ansatz der digital-holographischen Aufnahme und Auswertung entwickelt. Mit der Entwicklung spezieller Methoden zur Formung der spektralen Signatur einer Ultrakurzpuls-Laserquelle hoher Leistungsdichte wurde zum ersten Mal die Voraussetzung für eine Zwei-Wellenlängen-Formerfassung hochdynamischer Objekte geschaffen. Die intrinsisch kurze Belichtungszeit unter einer Pikosekunde macht das Verfahren absolut stabil gegenüber Umwelteinflüssen. Für die simultane Aufnahme werden die spektral verschiedenen Hologramme mit einem eigens entwickelten Prinzip der Polarisationskodierung räumlich getrennt und zum ersten Mal mit zwei synchron laufenden Kameras gespeichert. Mit den in der digital-holographischen Einzelimpuls-Mehr-Wellenlängen-Interferometrie zusammengefassten numerischen Routinen zur Rekonstruktion und Phasenauswertung wird eine Zwei-Wellenlängen-Formerfassung mit mehreren Kameras möglich. In Anwendung des neuartigen Verfahrens an verschiedenen dynamischen Mikrosystemen konnte eine Genauigkeit von einem Zwanzigstel der erzeugten synthetischen Wellenlänge, bei der Auswertung der spektralen Differenzphase an Objekten in Reflexion erreicht werden. In einer digital-holographischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsformerfassung in Transmission wurden erstmals Bildfolgefrequenz von mehr als 0,4 kHz erreicht und der interferometrische Eindeutigkeitsbereich auf mehr als das 60-fache der optischen Wellenlänge ausgedehnt. Es wurden die Voraussetzungen für eine digitale Vier-Wellenlängen-Holographie geschaffen. Zukünftig wird eine Formerfassung mit einer Genauigkeit von 10nm über einen eindeutigen interferometrischen Bereich einiger 10 μm und die Untersuchungen von Prozessen auf einer Pikosekunden-Zeitskala möglich sein. / This work deals with the digital holographic interferometric two-wavelength contouring of very fast moving objects and develops with the digital single pulse multiwavelength holography a novel approach of digital holographic recording and analysis, using an ultrashort pulse laser source. The development of several methods to shape the spektral signature of an high power ultrashort pulse laser source provides the precondition for a two-wavelength contouring of highly dynamic objects for the first time. The intrinsically short exposure time shorter than a picosecond makes the system stable regarding external impacts. For the simultaneous recording the spektral different holograms are spatially separated in novel interferometric setups by the especially developed principle of polarization encoding and stored with two synchronized cameras for the first time. The digital holographic single pulse multi-wavelength interferometry combines the numeric routines of reconstruction and phase evaluation that make a two-wavelength contouring possible using more than one camera. The novel approach is successfully demonstrated on several dynamic microsystems. Evaluating the spectral phase difference for objects in reflection an accuracy of 2 μm, which corresponds to the twentieth of the realized synthetic wavelength, could be achieved. In a digital holographic high speed contouring in transmission a frame rate higher than 0,4 kHz was achieved for the first time and the interferometric range of unambiguity was extended larger than sixty times the optical wavelength. Furthermore, the developed digital holographic single pulse multi-wavelength interferometry is not limited to the evaluation of two wavelength. The principles of the method allow to perform digital four-wavelength holography. Future a contouring with an accuracy of 10nm over the unambiguous interferometric range of several 10 μm and the investigation of processes on a picosecond time scale will be possible.
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Projeto de multi-atuadores piezelétricos homogêneos e gradados utilizando o método de otimização topológica. / Design of graded and homogeneous piezoelectric multi-actuators using the topology optimization method.Carbonari, Ronny Calixto 22 January 2008 (has links)
Microdispositivos piezelétricos tem uma vasta aplicação em mecânica de precisão, como, por exemplo, manipulação de células, microcirurgias, equipamentos de nanotecnologia e principalmente em microeletromecanismos (MEMS). Os microdispositivos piezelétricos considerados nesta tese essencialmente consistem de uma estrutura multi-flexível atuada por duas ou mais piezocerâmicas, que geram deslocamentos e forças em direções e regiões pré-determinadas do domínio, ou seja, a estrutura multi-flexível atua como um transformador mecânico amplificando e alterando os deslocamentos gerados pelas piezocerâmicas nos movimentos de atuação. O desenvolvimento destes microdispositivos piezelétricos em sua grande maioria não utiliza ferramentas sistemáticas e genéricas. A complexidade dos movimentos de atuação torna o desenvolvimento dos microdispositivos piezelétricos complexo, principalmente devido ao surgimento de movimentos indesejados ou acoplados durante a sua atuação. Portanto, é necessário um método sistemático e eficiente como o método de otimização topológica (MOT), que incorpore na sua formulação as principais exigências de projeto dos microdispositivos, como apresentado nesse trabalho. O MOT implementado é baseado na abordagem CAMD (Distribuição Contínua da Distribuição de Material), onde as pseudo-densidades são interpoladas nos nós de cada elemento finito, resultando numa distribuição contínua de material no domínio. Um método adjunto foi implementado para o cálculo das sensibilidades. São consideradas três formulações. A primeira denominada de MAPs (Multi-Atuadores Piezelétricos) considera as regiões piezocerâmicas fixas, otimizando apenas a estrutura multi-flexível no domínio de projeto. Nesta formulação materiais não-piezelétricos (como, por exemplo, Alumínio) e vazio são distribuídos no domínio de projeto, mantendo as regiões piezocerâmicas fixas e homogêneas. Para validar os resultados obtidos com essa formulação foram fabricados protótipos de nanoposicionadores $XY$, que foram caracterizados experimentalmente utilizando técnicas de interferometria laser, considerando excitação quasi-estática. No entanto, essa primeira formulação impõe restrições no problema, limitando a optimalidade da solução obtida pela otimização topológica. Assim, surgiu a necessidade de desenvolver uma segunda formulação, que permite distribuir simultaneamente material não-piezelétrico, piezelétrico e vazio no domínio de projeto, denominada de LOMPs (Localização Ótima do Material Piezelétrico). A formulação dos LOMPs obtém simultaneamente a localização do material piezelétrico na estrutura flexível otimizada pela OT, e inclui também uma variável de projeto para determinar o ângulo ótimo entre as direções de polarização e do campo elétrico. Nesta formulação como as posições dos eletrodos não são conhecidas, ``a priori\'\', é utilizado como abordagem aplicar um campo elétrico constante para determinar a localização do material piezelétrico e conseqüentemente dos eletrodos. Finalmente, foi explorado o conceito de materiais com gradação funcional (MGFs) no projeto dos MAPs. Os MGFs apresentam uma distribuição contínua de materiais na sua microestrutura, não possuindo interface entre os materiais distribuídos, o que possibilita aumentar a vida útil do dispositivo piezelétrico. Assim, foi implementado uma terceira formulação denominada de MAPs MGFs, que permite obter a gradação ótima de materiais piezelétricos e não-piezelétricos no domínio piezocerâmico dos MAPs, conjuntamente com a topologia da estrutura multi-flexível. Essa formulação foi estendida para projetar atuadores bilaminares MGFs. Todas as formulações desenvolvidas utilizam uma função multi-objetivo, que permite controlar a rigidez e a flexibilidade minimizando o movimento acoplado, de cada movimento de atuação. Os exemplos numéricos são limitados a modelos bi-dimensionais, utilizando o estado plano de tensões e deformações mecânicas e elétricas, uma vez que a grande maioria das aplicações dos microdispositivos piezelétricos são bi-dimensionais. / Microtools offer significant promise in a wide range of applications such as cell manipulation, microsurgery, nanotechnology processes, and many other fields. The microtools considered in this doctoral thesis essentially consist of a multi-flexible structure actuated by two or more piezoceramic devices that when each piezoceramic is actuated, it generates an output displacement and force at a specified point of the domain and direction. The multi-flexible structure acts as a mechanical transformer by amplifying and changing the direction of the piezoceramic output displacements. Thus, the development of microtools requires the design of actuated flexible structures that can perform complex movements. The development of these microtools is still in the beginning and it can be strongly enhanced by using design tools. In addition, when multiple piezoceramic devices are involved, coupling effects in their movements become critical, especially the appearance of undesired movements, which makes the design task very complex. One way to avoid such undesirable effects is the use of a systematic design method, such as topology optimization, with appropriate formulation of the optimization problem. The topology optimization method implemented is based on the CAMD (Continuous Approximation of Material Distribution) approach where fictitious densities are interpolated at each finite element, providing a continuum material distribution in the domain. The corresponding sensitivity analysis is presented using the adjoint method. Three formulations are considered. The first formulation, called Piezoelectric Multi-Actuators (PMAs), keeps fixed piezoceramic positions in the design domain and only the flexible structure is designed by distributing some non-piezoelectric material (Aluminum, for example). $XY$ Piezoelectric Nanopositioner are manufactured and experimentally analyzed to validate the results of the topology optimization obtained using this formulation. Experimental analyses are conducted using laser interferometry to measure displacement, while considering a quasi-static excitation. However, this first formulation imposes a constraint to the position of piezoelectric material in the optimization problem limiting the optimality of the solution. Thus, the second formulation presented, called LOMPs, allows the simultaneous distribution of non-piezoelectric and piezoelectric material in the design domain, to achieve certain specified actuation movements. The optimization problem is posed as the simultaneous search for an optimal topology of a flexible structure as well as the optimal position of piezoceramics in the design domain and optimal rotation angle of piezoceramic material axes that maximize output displacements or output forces at a specified point of the domain and direction. When the distribution of a non-piezoelectric conductor material and a piezoceramic material is considered in the design domain, the electrode positions are not known ``a priori\'\'. To circumvent this problem, an electric field is applied as electrical excitation. Finally, the concept of functionally graded materials (FGM) is applied to PMAs design. FGMs are special materials that possess continuously graded properties without interfaces which can increase lifetime of piezoelectric devices. Thus, a third formulation is implemented to find the optimum gradation and polarization sign variation of piezoceramic FGMs, while simultaneously optimizing the multi-flexible structural configuration. This formulation is extended to design bimorph type FGM actuators. For all developed formulations, a multi-objective function is defined that controls the stiffness and flexibility, minimizing the coupling movement of each actuated movement. The present examples are limited to two-dimensional models because most part of the applications for such micro-tools are planar devices.
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This thesis presents a real-time autonomous guidance and control method for a quadrotor in a GPS-denied environment. The quadrotor autonomously seeks a destination while it avoids obstacles whose shape and position are initially unknown. We implement the obstacle avoidance and destination seeking methods using off-the-shelf sensors, including a vision-sensing camera. The vision-sensing camera detects the positions of points on the surface of obstacles. We use this obstacle position data and a potential-field method to generate velocity commands. We present a backstepping controller that uses the velocity commands to generate the quadrotor's control inputs. In indoor experiments, we demonstrate that the guidance and control methods provide the quadrotor with sufficient autonomy to fly point to point, while avoiding obstacles.
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The effects of system pressure on the performance stability of flow-through capacitive deionization (CDI) cells was investigated. Initial data showed that the highly porous carbon electrodes possessed air/oxygen in the micropores, and the increased system pressure boosts the gases solubility in saline solution and carries them out of the cell in the effluent. Upon applying a potential difference to the electrodes, capacitive-based ion adsorption occurs in competition with faradaic reactions that consume oxygen. Through the addition of backpressure, the rate of degradation decreases, allowing the cell to maintain its salt adsorption capacity (SAC) longer. The removal of oxygen from the pore space of the electrodes makes it no longer immediately accessible to faradaic reactions, thus hindering the rate of reactions and giving the competing ion adsorption an advantage that is progressively seen throughout the life of the cell. A quick calculation shows that the energy penalty to power the pump is fairly insignificant, especially in comparison to the cost of replacing the electrodes in the cell. Thus, operating at elevated pressures is shown to be cost effective for continuous operation through the reduced electrode replenishment costs.
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High Speed, Micron Precision Scanning Technology for 3D Printing ApplicationsEmord, Nicholas 01 January 2018 (has links)
Modern 3D printing technology is becoming a more viable option for use in industrial manufacturing. As the speed and precision of rapid prototyping technology improves, so too must the 3D scanning and verification technology. Current 3D scanning technology (such as CT Scanners) produce the resolution needed for micron precision inspection. However, the method lacks in speed. Some scans can be multiple gigabytes in size taking several minutes to acquire and process. Especially in high volume manufacturing of 3D printed parts, such delays prohibit the widespread adaptation of 3D scanning technology for quality control. The limiting factors of current technology boil down to computational and processing power along with available sensor resolution and operational frequency. Realizing a 3D scanning system that produces micron precision results within a single minute promises to revolutionize the quality control industry.
The specific 3D scanning method considered in this thesis utilizes a line profile triangulation sensor with high operational frequency, and a high-precision mechanical actuation apparatus for controlling the scan. By syncing the operational frequency of the sensor to the actuation velocity of the apparatus, a 3D point cloud is rapidly acquired. Processing of the data is then performed using MATLAB on contemporary computing hardware, which includes proper point cloud formatting and implementation of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm for point cloud stitching. Theoretical and physical experiments are performed to demonstrate the validity of the method. The prototyped system is shown to produce multiple loosely-registered micron precision point clouds of a 3D printed object that are then stitched together to form a full point cloud representative of the original part. This prototype produces micron precision results in approximately 130 seconds, but the experiments illuminate upon the additional investments by which this time could be further reduced to approach the revolutionizing one-minute milestone.
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Measurement Of Static Pressure Over Bodies In Hypersonic Shock Tunnel Using MEMS-Based Pressure Sensor ArrayRam, S N 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Hypersonic flow is both fascinating and intriguing mainly because of presence of strong entropy and viscous interactions in the flow field. Notwithstanding the tremendous advancements in numerical modeling in the last decade separated hypersonic flow still remains an area where considerable differences are observed between experiments and numerical results. Lack of reliable data base of surface static pressures with good spatial resolution in hypersonic separated flow field is one of the main motivations for the present study.
The experiments in hypersonic shock tunnels has an advantage compared to wind tunnels for simulating the total energy content of the flow in addition to the Mach and Reynolds numbers. However the useful test time in shock tunnels is of the order of few milliseconds. Hence in shock tunnel experiments it is essential to have pressure measurement devices which has special features such as small in size, faster response time and the sensors in array form with improved spatial resolutions. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) is an emerging technology, which holds lot of promise in these types of applications. In view of the above requirement, MEMS based pressure sensor array was developed to measure the static pressure distribution.
The study is comprised of two parts: one is on the development of MEMS based pressure sensor array, which can be used for hypersonic application and other is on experimental static pressure measurement using MEMS based sensors in separated hypersonic flow over a backward facing step model.
Initially a static pressure sensor array with 25 sensors was developed. The static calibration of sensor array was carried out to characterize the sensor array for various characteristic parameters. The preliminary experimental study with cluster of 25 MEMS sensor array mounted on the flat plate did not provide reliable and repeatable results, but gave valuable inputs on the typical problems of using MEMS sensors in short duration hypersonic ground test facilities like shock tunnels. Incidentally, to the best of our knowledge this is first report on use of MEMS based pressure sensors in hypersonic shock tunnel. Later cluster of 5 sensor array was developed with improved electronic packaging and surface finish. The experiments were conducted with flat plate by mounting 5 sensor array shows good agreement in static pressure measurement compared with standard sensors.
In the second part of the study a backward facing step model, which simulates the typical gasdynamic flow features associated with hypersonic flow separation is designed. Backward facing step model with step height of 3 mm was mounted with sensor array along the length of model. Just after the step, static pressure measurements were carried out with MEMS sensors. It is important to note that, in the space available in backward facing step model we could mount only one conventional Kulite pressure transducer. The experiments were conducted at Mach number of 6.3 and at stagnation enthalpy of 1.5 MJ/kg in hypersonic shock tunnel (HST-5) at IISc. Based on the static pressure measurement on backward facing step, the location of separation and reattachment points were clearly identified. The static pressure values show that reattachment of flow takes place at about 7 step heights. Numerical simulations were carried out using commercial CFD code, FLUENT for flat plate and backward facing step models to compliment the experiments. The experimental tests results match well with the illustrative numerical simulations results.
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Projeto de multi-atuadores piezelétricos homogêneos e gradados utilizando o método de otimização topológica. / Design of graded and homogeneous piezoelectric multi-actuators using the topology optimization method.Ronny Calixto Carbonari 22 January 2008 (has links)
Microdispositivos piezelétricos tem uma vasta aplicação em mecânica de precisão, como, por exemplo, manipulação de células, microcirurgias, equipamentos de nanotecnologia e principalmente em microeletromecanismos (MEMS). Os microdispositivos piezelétricos considerados nesta tese essencialmente consistem de uma estrutura multi-flexível atuada por duas ou mais piezocerâmicas, que geram deslocamentos e forças em direções e regiões pré-determinadas do domínio, ou seja, a estrutura multi-flexível atua como um transformador mecânico amplificando e alterando os deslocamentos gerados pelas piezocerâmicas nos movimentos de atuação. O desenvolvimento destes microdispositivos piezelétricos em sua grande maioria não utiliza ferramentas sistemáticas e genéricas. A complexidade dos movimentos de atuação torna o desenvolvimento dos microdispositivos piezelétricos complexo, principalmente devido ao surgimento de movimentos indesejados ou acoplados durante a sua atuação. Portanto, é necessário um método sistemático e eficiente como o método de otimização topológica (MOT), que incorpore na sua formulação as principais exigências de projeto dos microdispositivos, como apresentado nesse trabalho. O MOT implementado é baseado na abordagem CAMD (Distribuição Contínua da Distribuição de Material), onde as pseudo-densidades são interpoladas nos nós de cada elemento finito, resultando numa distribuição contínua de material no domínio. Um método adjunto foi implementado para o cálculo das sensibilidades. São consideradas três formulações. A primeira denominada de MAPs (Multi-Atuadores Piezelétricos) considera as regiões piezocerâmicas fixas, otimizando apenas a estrutura multi-flexível no domínio de projeto. Nesta formulação materiais não-piezelétricos (como, por exemplo, Alumínio) e vazio são distribuídos no domínio de projeto, mantendo as regiões piezocerâmicas fixas e homogêneas. Para validar os resultados obtidos com essa formulação foram fabricados protótipos de nanoposicionadores $XY$, que foram caracterizados experimentalmente utilizando técnicas de interferometria laser, considerando excitação quasi-estática. No entanto, essa primeira formulação impõe restrições no problema, limitando a optimalidade da solução obtida pela otimização topológica. Assim, surgiu a necessidade de desenvolver uma segunda formulação, que permite distribuir simultaneamente material não-piezelétrico, piezelétrico e vazio no domínio de projeto, denominada de LOMPs (Localização Ótima do Material Piezelétrico). A formulação dos LOMPs obtém simultaneamente a localização do material piezelétrico na estrutura flexível otimizada pela OT, e inclui também uma variável de projeto para determinar o ângulo ótimo entre as direções de polarização e do campo elétrico. Nesta formulação como as posições dos eletrodos não são conhecidas, ``a priori\'\', é utilizado como abordagem aplicar um campo elétrico constante para determinar a localização do material piezelétrico e conseqüentemente dos eletrodos. Finalmente, foi explorado o conceito de materiais com gradação funcional (MGFs) no projeto dos MAPs. Os MGFs apresentam uma distribuição contínua de materiais na sua microestrutura, não possuindo interface entre os materiais distribuídos, o que possibilita aumentar a vida útil do dispositivo piezelétrico. Assim, foi implementado uma terceira formulação denominada de MAPs MGFs, que permite obter a gradação ótima de materiais piezelétricos e não-piezelétricos no domínio piezocerâmico dos MAPs, conjuntamente com a topologia da estrutura multi-flexível. Essa formulação foi estendida para projetar atuadores bilaminares MGFs. Todas as formulações desenvolvidas utilizam uma função multi-objetivo, que permite controlar a rigidez e a flexibilidade minimizando o movimento acoplado, de cada movimento de atuação. Os exemplos numéricos são limitados a modelos bi-dimensionais, utilizando o estado plano de tensões e deformações mecânicas e elétricas, uma vez que a grande maioria das aplicações dos microdispositivos piezelétricos são bi-dimensionais. / Microtools offer significant promise in a wide range of applications such as cell manipulation, microsurgery, nanotechnology processes, and many other fields. The microtools considered in this doctoral thesis essentially consist of a multi-flexible structure actuated by two or more piezoceramic devices that when each piezoceramic is actuated, it generates an output displacement and force at a specified point of the domain and direction. The multi-flexible structure acts as a mechanical transformer by amplifying and changing the direction of the piezoceramic output displacements. Thus, the development of microtools requires the design of actuated flexible structures that can perform complex movements. The development of these microtools is still in the beginning and it can be strongly enhanced by using design tools. In addition, when multiple piezoceramic devices are involved, coupling effects in their movements become critical, especially the appearance of undesired movements, which makes the design task very complex. One way to avoid such undesirable effects is the use of a systematic design method, such as topology optimization, with appropriate formulation of the optimization problem. The topology optimization method implemented is based on the CAMD (Continuous Approximation of Material Distribution) approach where fictitious densities are interpolated at each finite element, providing a continuum material distribution in the domain. The corresponding sensitivity analysis is presented using the adjoint method. Three formulations are considered. The first formulation, called Piezoelectric Multi-Actuators (PMAs), keeps fixed piezoceramic positions in the design domain and only the flexible structure is designed by distributing some non-piezoelectric material (Aluminum, for example). $XY$ Piezoelectric Nanopositioner are manufactured and experimentally analyzed to validate the results of the topology optimization obtained using this formulation. Experimental analyses are conducted using laser interferometry to measure displacement, while considering a quasi-static excitation. However, this first formulation imposes a constraint to the position of piezoelectric material in the optimization problem limiting the optimality of the solution. Thus, the second formulation presented, called LOMPs, allows the simultaneous distribution of non-piezoelectric and piezoelectric material in the design domain, to achieve certain specified actuation movements. The optimization problem is posed as the simultaneous search for an optimal topology of a flexible structure as well as the optimal position of piezoceramics in the design domain and optimal rotation angle of piezoceramic material axes that maximize output displacements or output forces at a specified point of the domain and direction. When the distribution of a non-piezoelectric conductor material and a piezoceramic material is considered in the design domain, the electrode positions are not known ``a priori\'\'. To circumvent this problem, an electric field is applied as electrical excitation. Finally, the concept of functionally graded materials (FGM) is applied to PMAs design. FGMs are special materials that possess continuously graded properties without interfaces which can increase lifetime of piezoelectric devices. Thus, a third formulation is implemented to find the optimum gradation and polarization sign variation of piezoceramic FGMs, while simultaneously optimizing the multi-flexible structural configuration. This formulation is extended to design bimorph type FGM actuators. For all developed formulations, a multi-objective function is defined that controls the stiffness and flexibility, minimizing the coupling movement of each actuated movement. The present examples are limited to two-dimensional models because most part of the applications for such micro-tools are planar devices.
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Analysis And Design Of Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) Based Pressure And Vibration SensorsPattnaik, Prasant Kumar 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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This thesis presents a new mechanical design for an exoskeleton actuator to power the sagittal plane motion in the human hip. The device uses a DC motor to drive a Scotch yoke mechanism and series elasticity to take advantage of the cyclic nature of human gait and to reduce the maximum power and control requirements of the exoskeleton. The Scotch yoke actuator creates a position-dependent transmission that varies between 4:1 and infinity, with the peak transmission ratio aligned to the peak torque periods of the human gait cycle. Simulation results show that both the peak and average motor torque can be reduced using this mechanism, potentially allowing a less powerful motor to be used. Furthermore, the motor never needs to reverse direction even when the hip joint does. Preliminary testing shows the exoskeleton can provide an assistive torque and is capable of accurate position tracking at speeds covering the range of human walking. This thesis provides a detailed analysis of how the dynamic nature of human walking can be leveraged, how the hip actuator was designed, and shows how the exoskeleton performed during preliminary human trials.
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Katodové nanostruktury v MEMS aplikacích / Cathode nanostructures in MEMS applicationsPekárek, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of this work is to introduce new carbon structures - carbon nanotubes. The main objective of this work is to take advantage of the unique characteristic of carbon nanotubes to emit electrons at very low supply voltage.
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