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Focussed MeV-Ion Micro- and Nano-Beams in the Life Sciences: Selected ApplicationsReinert, Tilo 15 December 2008 (has links)
This work presents the development of a sub-micron nuclear microprobe for applications in the life sciences. It includes quantitative trace element analysis with sub-micron spatial resolution, 2D- and 3D-microscopy of density distributions and the targeted irradiation of living cells with counted single ions. The analytical methods base on particle induced X-ray emission spectrometry (PIXE), Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), scanning transmission ion microscopy (STIM) and STIM-tomography. The specific development of the existing nuclear microprobe LIPSION led to an improved performance of the capabilities for trace element analysis. For sub-micron analysis the spatial resolution could be improved to 300 nm at a sensitivity of about 1 µg/g for
metal ions in biological matrices; for a resolution of 1 µm the sensitivity was improved to 200 ng/g (3 µmol/l).
This habilitation thesis comprises a short general introduction including the motivation to utilize focussed high energy ion beams, an overview on the applications and actual research fields. The introduction is followed by the basic principles of the equipments and analytical methods. An estimation of the limits of resolution for element analytical and single ion techniques is given for the Leipzig system. Thereafter, selected studies from different research areas are presented. The first presented application is a study from environmental air pollution research. It is demonstrated that the microscopic elemental analysis of single aerosol particles can be used to assess the contributions from different sources. A further example is the analysis of the distribution of nanoparticles in skin cross-sections for a risk assessment of the applications of nanosized physical UV-filters in cosmetic products. The risk assessment is followed by the micro-analysis of trace elements, especially of bound metal ions, in brain sections on the cellular and sub-cellular level. After this the application of focussed MeV ion beams in low dose radiobiological research is presented. Finally, the analysis of 3D-density distributions by proton micro-tomography is demonstrated. A summary concludes on the applications and gives an outlook to further applications and methodological developments. The appendix comprises the relevant publications of the author. / Die vorliegende Arbeit etabliert für Anwendungen in den Lebenswissenschaften den Einsatz hochfokussierter MeV-Ionenstrahlen für nuklear-mikroskopische Methoden der quantitativen Spurenelementanalyse, der 2D- und 3D-Dichtemikroskopie sowie für die gezielte Bestrahlung einzelner lebender Zellen für radiobiologische Experimente. Zur Anwendung kamen die Methoden ortsaufgelöste Protonen induzierte Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (particle induced X-ray emission - PIXE), Spektrometrie rückgestreuter Ionen (Rutherford backscattering spectrometry - RBS) und Rastertransmissionsionenmikroskopie (scanning transmission ion microscopy - STIM). Durch eine gezielte Weiterentwicklung des bestehenden Ionenstrahlmikroskops, der Hochenergie Ionennanosonde LIPSION, konnte die Ortsauflösung für Spurenelementanalyse auf unter 300 nm verbessert werden, beziehungsweise die Sensitivität für Metallionen in biologischen Proben auf unter 200 ng/g (3 µmol/l) bei einer Ortsauflösung von 1 µm verbessert werden.
Die Habilitationsschrift umfasst eine kurze allgemeine Einleitung einschließlich der Motivation für den Einsatz fokussierter MeV-Ionenstrahlen sowie einen Überblick über
die Anwendungsgebiete und aktuellen Forschungsschwerpunkte. Danach werden kurz
die Grundlagen der Technik und Methoden vorgestellt, gefolgt von einer Abschätzung
der Auflösungsgrenzen für Elementanalysen und Einzelionentechniken. Danach werden
ausgewählte Anwendungen aus verschiedenen Forschungsgebieten vorgestellt. Das
erstes Beispiel ist aus der Umweltforschung. Es wird dargestellt, wie mittels ortsaufgelöster Elementspektroskopie eine Abschätzung der Feinstaubbelastung nach Beiträgen einzelner Verursacherquellen erfolgen kann. Dann folgt als Beispiel eine ortsaufgelöste Analyse der Verteilung von Nanopartikeln aus Sonnencremes in Hautquerschnitten zur Risikoabschätzung der Anwendungen von Nanotechnologie in kosmetischen Produkten. Desweiteren werden Studien der Spurenelementverteilung, speziell der von gebundenen Metallionen, in Hirnschnitten auf zellulärer und subzellulärer Ebene erläutert. Das anschließende Beispiel erläutert die Anwendung niedriger Energiedosen in der Radiobiologie anhand des Beschusses einzelner lebender Zellen mit abgezählten einzelnen Ionen. Als letztes Beispiel wird die Anwendung hochfokussierter Ionenstrahlen für die Mikrotomographie gezeigt. Abschließend folgt eine zusammenfassende Bewertung der vorgestellten Anwendungen mit einem Ausblick auf weitere Anwendungen und methodische Entwicklungen. Der Arbeit sind die relevanten Veröffentlichungen mit Beteiligung des Autors als Anhang beigefügt.
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Formulation et caractérisation de matériaux à base de liants hydrauliques utilisés dans les emballages de transport et de stockage de matières radioactives / Formulation and characterization of hydraulic binder based materials used for stockage and transport casks containing nuclear materialsGrandjean, Jérémie 28 February 2018 (has links)
ROBATEL Industries conçoit et fabrique des emballages pour matières fortement radioactives. Des matériaux de protection neutronique et thermique (PNT) sont utilisés dans ces emballages afin d’assurer la capture des neutrons et de limiter l’augmentation de la température des matières radioactives en cas d’incendie. Ces PNT sont constitués d’une matrice cimentaire ou de plâtre auxquels sont ajoutées des charges minérales ou organiques. Une charge minérale, la colemanite, permet la capture des neutrons grâce à sa teneur élevée en bore, après que l’hydrogène contenu dans les PNT les ait ralentis.Le premier enjeu de cette thèse a été de mettre au point des méthodes d’analyse élémentaire afin de caractériser l’homogénéité chimique des PNT, qui est cruciale, notamment pour le bore. Une technique de mise en solution et deux techniques de dosages ont ainsi été développées. Une autre partie importante de la thèse concerne la caractérisation des propriétés thermiques et mécaniques des PNT. D’un point de vue thermique, des mesures de chaleur de réaction, de capacité calorifique et de conductivité thermique ont été menées pour déterminer la quantité de chaleur (enthalpie) absorbée par le matériau en cas d’incendie. D’un point de vue mécanique, des essais de compression et de flexion ainsi que des essais ultrasonores ont été réalisés afin d’évaluer les valeurs des contraintes à la rupture et les modules d’élasticité des PNT. Au-delà de ces caractérisations, l’amélioration des formulations des PNT existantes et surtout la mise au point de nouvelles formulations sont au coeur de ce travail. Deux plans de mélange ont ainsi été réalisés afin d’enrichir les PNT en bore et en hydrogène tandis qu’un autre a permis l’augmentation de la fluidité d’un PNT grâce à l’ajout d’un superplastifiant. La dernière partie de la thèse a concerné l’étude de nouveaux ciments, les sulfoalumineux, qui présentent des caractéristiques intéressantes étant donné que leurs hydrates sont riches en hydrogène. Pour ces trois nouvelles familles de PNT à base de sulfoalumineux, le retard de prise induit par le bore a été limité. / ROBATEL Industries company designs and products packages for highly radioactive materials. Neutron and thermal protection materials (PNT) are used in those packages to catch neutrons and to limit the increase of temperature due to radioactive materials in case of fire. These PNT are composed of a cement or a gypsum-based matrix with mineral or organic fillers. Once the neutrons have been slowed down by the hydrogen contained in the PNT, a mineral filler named colemanite enables the neutron capture thanks to its high content of boron.The first goal of this thesis is to develop analytical chemistry techniques to check the chemical homogeneity of the PNT, which is crucial, particularly for boron. A dissolution method and two determination techniques have been developed. Another important topic in this thesis is characterization of thermal and mechanical properties. Thermal characterizations include heat of reaction, heat capacity and thermal conductivity measurements to determine the total heat absorbed by the PNT in case of fire. Mechanical characterizations include compression, bending and ultrasonic tests in order to evaluate stress to rupture and elastic moduli of PNT. Beyond the characterizations, the aim of this thesis is to improve pre-existing formulas of PNT and most importantly to propose new formulas. Two mixture designs have been carried out to increase the boron and the hydrogen concentrations of PNT. Another mixture design allowed enhancing the fluidity of a PNT using a superplasticizer. The last part of the thesis deals with the study of new cements called sulfoaluminous that show interesting properties because their hydration products are rich in hydrogen. For these three new PNT families, the increase of the setting time of cement due to boron has been restricted.
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Análisis elemental directo de muestras clínicas mediante espectrometría de masas con fuente de ionización de plasma acoplado por inducciónCañabate López, Águeda 18 June 2019 (has links)
El análisis elemental de muestras clínicas presenta grandes dificultades que superar como el bajo volumen de muestra, la baja concentración de analitos de interés y la compleja matriz de la muestra. El sistema hTISIS se plantea como una posible solución para llevar a cabo este tipo de análisis, debido a que se puede trabajar en modo de introducción de muestra segmentada, siendo el volumen de muestra necesario de unos cuántos µL y a que se consigue una eficacia de transporte cercana al 100%, al trabajar con dicho sistema a elevadas temperaturas, independientemente de la matriz. Esto hace que se pueda analizar este tipo de muestras mediante calibración externa con patrones acuosos, lo cual es una gran ventaja sobre todo para aquellas muestras en las que además no existen patrones de referencia.
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Ecocinema, Slow Violence, and Environmental Ethics: Tales of WaterMridha, Shibaji 25 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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The Influence of Organic Matter and pH on Transformations of Nitrites to Elemental NitrogenRashid, Mohammad A. 01 May 1966 (has links)
Nitrogen occupies an important and prominent place in plant and animal nutrition. Large quantities are required by plants and must be available in the soil. Recently the use of nitrogenous fertilizers has increased manyfold. In view of the importance of this element in crop production, even greater use is anticipated in the coming years. In order to make full use of the applied nitrogen, continued investigations of soil-nitrogen relationship are imperative; however, this element presents many complex and challenging problems to investigators.
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Elemental Analysis of Adhesive Tapes by Laser-Based MethodsMartinez Lopez, Claudia 29 October 2018 (has links)
Adhesive tapes are a common type of evidence involved in violent crimes and national security threats. This research evaluated the utility of LA-ICP-MS and LIBS for the characterization of the trace elemental signature in adhesive tapes for forensic comparisons. LA-ICP-MS and LIBS methods were developed, for the first time, for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of adhesive tapes.
The backings of 90 black electrical tapes, previously characterized by conventional techniques (physical examination, IR, Py-GC-MS, and SEM-EDS), were analyzed by LA-ICP-MS to evaluate the ability of the technique to discriminate samples originating from different sources and to associate pieces of tapes originating from the same roll. The discrimination for the LA-ICP-MS analysis of the 90 samples was found to be 93.9%, greater than the discrimination found using SEM-EDS (87.3%). Moreover, 100% correct association resulted for the control samples evaluated in this study.
The analysis of tapes by LIBS allowed to separate pairs of tapes that were not previously distinguished by LA-ICP-MS by detecting differences in lithium, calcium, and potassium.
The potential of normalization strategies was evaluated for LIBS spectral and statistical comparisons.
Two quantitative analysis methods were developed for the analysis of tapes and other polymers. These quantitative methods can help in creating and populating databases that can lead to the use of likelihood ratios and the development of standard methods of analysis and interpretation for tape evidence.
Two interlaboratory trials including 7 operational and research laboratories were completed as part of this study. SEM-EDS resulted in 16.7% and 12.5% false positive rates for interlaboratory tests #1 and #2, respectively. Up to 7 and 8 elements were detected by SEM-EDS for interlaboratory test #1 and #2, respectively. LIBS and LA-ICP-MS resulted in no false positives or false negatives. In addition, increased characterization of the samples was obtained by detecting up to 17 elements by LIBS and 32 elements by LA-ICP-MS. The increased sensitivity and selectivity of LIBS and LA-ICP-MS methods has been shown to distinguish tapes originating from different sources, and to correctly associate tapes belonging to the same rolls in different laboratories and by different analysts.
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Mechanism of laser-plasma formation in water and the application to in-situ elemental analysis / 水中レーザープラズマの生成メカニズムとその場元素分析への応用Tamura, Ayaka 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18998号 / 工博第4040号 / 新制||工||1622(附属図書館) / 31949 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科物質エネルギー化学専攻 / (主査)教授 作花 哲夫, 教授 安部 武志, 教授 田中 勝久 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Understanding of laser ablation phenomena for quantitative elemental analysis based on underwater laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy / 水中レーザー誘起ブレークダウン分光法による定量元素分析のためのレーザーアブレーション現象の解明Matsumoto, Ayumu 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第19732号 / 工博第4187号 / 新制||工||1646(附属図書館) / 32768 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科物質エネルギー化学専攻 / (主査)教授 作花 哲夫, 教授 安部 武志, 教授 阿部 竜 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Modeling Exoplanet Interiors from Host Star Elemental AbundancesHamilton, Brandi B. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the Extent of Phosphorus and Heavy Metal Uptake by Single Cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Their Effects on Intrinsic Elements by SC-ICP-TOF-MSQuin, Wen, Stärk, Hans-Joachim, Müller, Susann, Reemtsma, Thorsten 07 June 2023 (has links)
The effect of six heavy metals, namely, silver (Ag), lead (Pb), palladium (Pd), copper (Cu),
nickel (Ni), and chromium (Cr), on phosphorus (P) uptake by yeast was investigated by
single-cell analysis using inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry
(SC-ICP-TOF-MS). It was found that the P content in cells with 1.55 g L1 P feeding
after P starvation was increased by 70% compared to control cells. Heavy metals at
10 ppm, except Cu, had a negative impact on P accumulation by cells. Pd reduced the P
content by 26% in single cells compared to control cells. Metal uptake was strongest for
Ag and Pd (0.7 1012 L cell1) and weakest for Cr (0.05 1012 L cell1). Exposure
to Cr markedly reduced (50%) Mg in cells and had the greatest impact on the intrinsic
element composition. The SC-ICP-TOF-MS shows the diversity of elemental content
in single cells: for example, the P content under standard conditions varied between
12.4 and 890 fg cell1. This technique allows studying both the uptake of elements and
sublethal effects on physiology at a single-cell level.
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