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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôles des facteurs angiogéniques dans le système nerveux central

Guérit, Sylvaine 18 December 2012 (has links)
Les réseaux vasculaires et nerveux présentent des similitudes frappantes (points de branchements, superposition, voies afférentes/efférentes, …) et tous deux interagissent lors du développement ou dans le cadre de pathologies.Dans un premier projet, nous avons voulu déterminer si un facteur pro-angiogénique, c'est-à-dire induisant la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux, peut avoir un effet direct sur le réseau neuronal. Des études menées in vitro ou in vivo chez l’adulte, ont montré une implication directe du Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) sur le système nerveux (survie, prolifération neuronale, croissance axonale, …). Nous avons cherché à savoir si ce facteur a un effet sur le développement ou l’activité des réseaux neuronaux lors de la vie embryonnaire alors que les systèmes vasculaires et nerveux se mettent progressivement en place. Avec une approche électrophysiologique, nous avons focalisé notre attention sur les motoneurones de la moelle épinière de souris entre les stades E13,5 et P0. Nos résultats montrent que le VEGF augmente de façon significative la fréquence des activités synaptiques liées à la libération de GABA et de Glycine pendant une fenêtre temporelle correspondant à la mise en place de ces mêmes activités (E13,5 et E15,5). Cet effet modulateur met en évidence un nouveau rôle du VEGF dans la maturation fonctionnelle des réseaux neuronaux et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives dans l’étude des neurodégénérescences précoces. Dans un second projet, nous nous sommes intéressés au glioblastome, cancer cérébral très invasif. Nous montrons que l’inhibition d’IRE1 (Inositol Requiring-Enzyme 1, senseur du stress du réticulum endoplasmique) dans un modèle d’implantation orthotopique chez la souris induit la formation de tumeurs plus petites, moins vascularisées et plus dispersées avec un meilleur pronostic de survie. Nous observons aussi des altérations du microenvironnement tumoral (matrice extracellulaire, réaction astrocytaire) avec des modifications de l’expression de nombreux facteurs de croissance dont le TGFß. / The nervous and the vascular systems share similarities (branching points, afferent/efferent parts …) and are closely connected during development and pathology.In the first part of this project, we questioned whether the pro-angiogenic key factor VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor), which promotes new blood vessels formation, can directly interact with neural networks while nervous and vascular systems are developing. In the present study, using an electrophysiological approach, we focused on the effect of VEGF on embryonic spinal lumbar motoneurons (MNs). Our results demonstrate that VEGF increases the frequency of the GABA/glycinergic events at early developmental stages (E13.5 and E15.5) but not at the perinatal stage E17.5. Our data highlight a new role for VEGF which can control both the maturation of the vascular and neuronal networks and may likely be involved in early MNs degeneration.In the second part, we focused on glioblastoma, the most agressive form of brain cancer. Our results show that inhibition of IRE1 (Inositol Requiring-Enzyme 1, stress sensor of endoplasmic reticulum) leads to formation of smaller, less vascularized, more invasive tumors with a better prognosis. We also observe that tumoral microenvironnement is altered (reactive astrogliosis, extracellular matrix) and expression of several growth factors like TGFß is modified.

Implications des complexes Polycomb et Trithorax au cours du développement précoce chez Ciona intestinalis / Implications of Polycomb and Trithorax complexes in the early development of Ciona intestinalis

Liabeuf-Le Goff, Emilie 18 December 2012 (has links)
Implications des complexes Polycomb et Trithorax au cours du développement précoce chez Ciona intestinalisLes protéines des groupes Polycomb (PcG) et Trithorax (TrxG) ont été initialement découvertes chez Drosophila melanogaster. Ces deux groupes sont classiquement connus pour leurs rôles respectifs de répresseurs et d'activateurs épigénétiques qui contrôlent et maintiennent les états chromatiniens au cours du temps. Ces facteurs régulent de nombreux gènes cibles dont les gènes homéotiques. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai étudié trois composants de ces deux groupes : Enhancer of zeste (E(z)), appartenant au complexe PRC2 du PcG et responsable du dépôt de la marque de répression génique H3K27me3, Polyhomeotic (Ph), appartenant au complexe PRC1 du PcG et dont le rôle exact reste à déterminer, et Trithorax (Trx), appartenant au complexe TAC1 du TrxG et responsable du dépôt de la marque d'activation génique H3K4me3. Jusqu'à présent, aucune étude n'a abordé la régulation épigénétique via les PcG et TrxG chez l'ascidie solitaire Ciona intestinalis. Cette espèce présente un cluster des gènes Hox désorganisé et ne possède pas la protéine Polycomb (Pc) du PRC1, responsable de la reconnaissance de la marque de répression H3K27me3 déposée par la protéine E(z).Nos travaux montrent que la protéine E(z) est fonctionnelle et conserve son activité méthyltransférase sur le résidu H3K27 chez Ciona intestinalis. Nous avons ensuite observé, par des expériences de knockdown par micro-injection de morpholinos, que les inhibitions protéiques d'E(z), Ph et Trx ont des conséquences dramatiques sur la différenciation et la mise en place des différents tissus au cours du développement larvaire, notamment sur la mise en place de la notochorde puisque celle-ci est totalement absente chez les morphants E(z) et Ph. Les défauts de phénotype du morphant E(z) sont corrélés à la perte du dépôt d'H3K27me3 et nous avons mis en évidence, lors de l'inhibition d'E(z), une dérépression des gènes tissu-spécifiques impliqués dans le développement embryonnaire précoce alors que les gènes tardivement exprimés sont réprimés. De plus, l'expression des gènes Hox n'est pas significativement modifiée au cours du développement embryonnaire lorsque la protéine E(z) est inhibée, à l'exception du gène Hox12 qui est déréprimé, comme attendu.L'ensemble de ces résultats permet d'émettre l'idée innovante selon laquelle les protéines des PcG et TrxG jouent un rôle déterminant dans la régulation de l'expression génique lors de l'embryogénèse de Ciona intestinalis tout en ayant une implication mineure dans la régulation de l'expression des gènes Hox à ce stade du développement. / Implications of Polycomb and Trithorax complexes in the early development of Ciona intestinalisPolycomb and Trithorax group (PcG and TrxG) proteins were discovered originally in Drosophila melanogaster. Both groups are classically known for their roles in the maintenance of silenced and active chromatin states over time, respectively. These factors regulate many target genes including the homeotic genes. During my PhD, I studied three components of these two groups: Enhancer of zest (E(z)), belonging to the PRC2 complex of PcG and responsible for H3K27me3 mark deposit for gene repression, Polyhomeotic (Ph), belonging to the PRC1 complex of PcG whose role remains to be determined, and Trithorax (Trx), belonging to the TAC1 complex of TrxG and responsible for H3K4me3 mark deposit for gene activation. Until now, no study addresses the epigenetic regulation mediated by PcG and TrxG in the solitary ascidian Ciona intestinalis. This specie has a disorganized Hox cluster and in which the Polycomb (Pc) protein of PRC1, responsible for the recognition of the repressive H3K27me3 mark, is absent.Our work shows that the E(z) protein is functional and retains its methyltransferase activity on H3K27 residue in Ciona intestinalis. Then, we demonstrated, by knockdown experiments with morpholino microinjection, that the inhibition of E(z), Ph and Trx has dramatic consequences on differentiation and on the establishment of different tissues during larval development, particularly on the notochord establishment since it is totally absent in E(z) and Ph morphants. E(z) morphant phenotypic defects are correlated with lack of H3K27me3 mark deposit and we highlighted that, during the E(z) inhibition, tissue-specific genes implied in early development are de-repressed while late-expressed genes are down-regulated. In addition among Hox genes, only Hox12 expression is significantly modified and found to be de-repressed in E(z) morphant context, as expected.Altogether, our results present the innovative idea that the PcG and TrxG proteins play a major role in the gene expression regulation during embryogenesis of Ciona intestinalis while having a minor involvement in the regulation of Hox genes expression at this stage of development.

Role paternálního H4K12ac při utváření pronukleí a v časné embryogenezi u myší. / Role paternálního H4K12ac při utváření pronukleí a v časné embryogenezi u myší.

Dudková, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
During the process of spermatogenesis, histones are replaced by protamines, basic proteins enabling transmission of DNA to the oocyte during fertilization. In mouse sperm, there is only 1% of remaining histones whose N-terminal tails contain post-translationally modified residues. In this study, I was interested in contribution of paternal histone H4 acetylated on lysine K12 residues (H4K12ac) that is present in mature sperm head in remaining nucleosomes. Physiologically, H4K12ac has an important role in transcription factor accumulation and in regulation of gene expression. The presence and abundance of H4K12ac modification in various pronuclei stages of 1-cell embryo and parthenotes were assessed by imunnoflourescent detection with utilization of anti-H4K12ac antibody. Altogether, the paternal pronucleus exhibits a strong acetylation signal on H4K12 since its formation, while in the maternal one, there is a slow continual increase of H4K12ac getting on the same level as paternal pronucleus till the pronuclei fusion. Simultaneously DNA methylation status in both pronuclei was detected. In paternal pronucleus there is a continual decrease in the DNA methylation detectable as a decrease of 5mC and an increase of 5hmC signal. Meanwhile, the maternal pronucleus stays widely methylated. DNA...

A vitrificação de oócitos bovinos prejudica sua capacidade reprodutiva, independente do estadio de maturação / Vitrification of bovine oocytes impairs their reproductive capacity independently of maturation stage

Bulgarelli, Daiane Lopes 14 December 2011 (has links)
Até o momento a literatura não determinou qual o melhor estadio de maturação (imaturo ou maduro) para que o oocito mantenha sua competência para o desenvolvimento reprodutivo após a criopreservação. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar em qual estadio meiótico (imaturo -VG (vesícula germinativa) ou maduro- MII (metáfase II)) o oócito é menos susceptível ao dano na criopreservação, utilizando modelo experimental bovino. Foram utilizados ovários de vacas abatidas em matadouro, após a aspiração dos folículos, os oócitos imaturos (VG) foram selecionados para a maturação in vitro e vitrificação, e foram divididos em três grupos: 1) oócitos maturados in vitro e não submetidos à vitrificação (CONTROLE); 2) oócitos vitrificados imaturos (VG), descongelados e submetidos à maturação in vitro (CRIO-MIV); 3) oócitos maturados in vitro (MII), vitrificados e descongelados (MIV-CRIO). Os oócitos foram avaliados quanto a: a)maturação nuclear pela técnica de orceína acética; b) integridade da zona pelúcida (ZP) através de microscopia de polarização; c) viabilidade oocitária pela técnica de DEAD-LIVE; d) desenvolvimento embrionário (taxa de clivagem, produção e eclosão de blastocistos) através da fertilização in vitro (FIV) e ativação partenogenética (AT). Não houve diferença na capacidade de maturação nuclear entre os oócitos frescos e descongelados no grupo CRIO-MIV (p=0,23). Em relação à zona pelúcida a totalidade dos oócitos (100%) nos três grupos apresentou leitura de zona pelúcida positiva, não havendo correlação com evolução embrionária posterior. Na análise de viabilidade celular pelo DEAD-LIVE verificou-se que houve redução da viabilidade do grupo MIV-CRIO (27%) quando comparado com controle (84%) (p<0,0001). Na análise do potencial de desenvolvimento embrionário o grupo controle apresentou melhores taxas de clivagem após FIV (80%) e AT (58%), do que os grupos CRIO-MIV (28%; p<0,0001; 28%; p=0,0002, respectivamente) e MIV-CRIO (26%; p<0,0001; 22%, p<0,0001,respectivamente). As taxas de formação de blastocisto e eclosão após FIV nos grupos CRIO-MIV, MIV-CRIO e após AT no grupo MIV-CRIO foram nulas. Houve a produção e eclosão de apenas um blastocisto no grupo CRIO-MIV após AT. No modelo experimental utilizado, o procedimento de vitrificação comprometeu parcialmente a viabilidade dos oócitos medida pela técnica de DEAD- LIVE e completamente o desenvolvimento embrionário subseqüente, independente do estadio de maturação meiótica (VG ou MII) durante a criopreservação. No entanto, oócitos vitrificados em estadio de VG e submetidos à MIV foram meioticamente competentes e progrediram até o estadio de MII, sugerindo que o dano não compromete a capacidade de maturação nuclear do oócito. Este estudo não conseguiu determinar qual o melhor estadio meiótico oocitário para criopreservação, já que os dois estadios meióticos (VG e MII) se mostraram igualmente prejudicados pela criopreservação em relação à capacidade reprodutiva. / Until the present literature has not achieved a consensus regarding the best maturation stage for oocyte to maintain their reproductive capacity after cryopreservation. The aim of this study was to determine, using an experimental bovine model, in which stage of development (VG stage, immature, or MII stage, post-maturation in vitro) the oocyte is less susceptible to damage during cryopreservation. Immature oocytes (VG) from the ovaries of slaughtered cows were selected for in vitro maturation or vitrification and divided into three groups. The first group (CONTROL) consisted of immature oocytes, matured in vitro without vitrification; the second group (CRYO-IVM) consisted of vitrified immature oocytes thawed and submitted to in vitro maturation; and the third group (IVM-CRYO) consisted of matured in vitro oocytes submitted to vitrification and thawing. The oocytes were evaluated for: nuclear maturation by acetic orcein staining; integrity of the zona pellucida using a polarized microscope; cell viability by the Dead-Live technique; and embryo development (cleavage, production and hatching rate) by in vitro fertilization and parthenogenetic activation. There was no difference in capacity of nuclear maturation between fresh and thawed oocytes (p=0.23). Regarding the zona pellucida (ZP), all oocytes (100%) of all three groups (control, CRYO-IVM and IVMCRYO) presented a positive ZP reading, with no correlation with later embryo evolution. DEAD-LIVE analysis of cell viability revealed reduction of viability in the IVM-CRYO group (27%) compared to control (84%) (p<0.0001) and to the CRYO-IVM group (56%) (p=0.017), with no difference between the last two groups (p=0.055). Analysis of the potential for embryo development by means of in vitro fertilization showed that the control group presented better cleavage and blastocyst formation rates than the CRYO-IVM (p<0.0001 and p<0.0001, respectively) and the IVM-CRYO (p<0.0001 and p=0.0004, respectively) groups. Analyzing the potential for embryo development the control group presented better cleavage by means of in vitro fertilization (80%) and parthenogenetic activation (58%) than the CRYOIVM (28%; p<0,0001; 28%; p=0,0002, respectively) and the IVM-CRYO groups (26%; p<0,0001; 22%, p<0,0001,respectively) Analysis of blastocyst formation rates and hatching after FIV and AT in CRYO-IVM and IVM-CRYO groups were null. Vitrification of bovine oocytes causes great impairment of their reproductive capacity regardless of the stage of maturation at the time of freezing. However the vitrified immature oocytes submitted to IVM maintained their capacity of nuclear maturation, as they achieved MII stage. This study was not able to determine which stage was better in reducing crio damage, as both stages (VG and MII) presented equally impaired by the process.

Gametogênese e desenvolvimento embrionário de Nausithoe aurea (Scyphozoa, Coronatae) do canal de São Sebastião - SP. / Gametogenesis and embryonic development of Nausithoe aurea (Scyphozoa, Coronatae) from the São Sebastião Channel - SP.

Morandini, André Carrara 13 September 1999 (has links)
Nausithoe aurea Silveira & Morandini, 1997 é uma espécie metagenética e dióica com fecundação externa. Os oócitos são liberados continuamente (55 dias em laboratório), porém com grandes variações no número a cada dia. No desenvolvimento embrionário a clivagem, após o estágio de 8 células, passa de holoblástica e igual para pseudoespiral. A gastrulação ocorre por ingressão multipolar e inicia-se aproximadamente 24 horas após a fecundação. A estrutura histológica geral das gônadas assemelha-se a outros Scyphozoa, onde os gonócitos proliferam a partir da gastroderme, migram e diferenciam-se na mesogléia. Na gônada masculina as células germinativas formam camadas razoavelmente distintas e constituem folículos testiculares. Na gônada feminina os oócitos surgem da zona germinativa na gastroderme e apresentam um gradiente de maturação a partir deste ponto (cortes no sentido oral-aboral). Os oócitos encontram-se livres na mesogléia da gônada, sem associação com outras células. A relação espacial entre a musculatura circular, as gônadas e o sulco coronal, é uma característica a ser usada na sistemática do gênero Nausithoe Kölliker, 1853. / Nausithoe aurea Silveira & Morandini, 1997 is a metagenetic and dioecious species with external fertilization. The oocytes are released continuously (55 days in laboratory), but with great variations in the daily number. In the embryonic development the cleavage, after the 8 cells stage, changes from holoblastic and adequal to pseudospiral. The gastrulation occurs through multipolar ingression and begin 24 hours after fertilization. The general histological structure of the gonads resembles other Scyphozoa, in which the gonocytes proliferate from the gastrodermis, migrate and differentiate in the mesoglea. In the male gonad the germ cells are arranged in distinctive layers and form follicles (cysts). In the female gonad the oocytes develop from the germinative zone in the gastrodermis and present a maturing gradient from this point on (oral-aboral sections). The oocytes are free in the gonad mesoglea, without association to any cell. The spatial relation of the coronal musculature, gonads and coronal groove, is a character to be used in the systematics of the genus Nausithoe Kölliker, 1853.

Characterization of HIPSTR highlights the heterogeneous expression pattern of lncRNAs in human embryos and stable cell lines / Caracterização do HIPSTR destaca o padrão de expressão heterogênea de IncRNAs em embriões humanos e linhagens estáveis de células

Yunusov, Dinar 10 June 2016 (has links)
There is a growing appreciation that eukaryotic genomes are transcribed into numerous, previously undetected - and thus uncharacterized regulatory long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). Recent studies are primarily focused on lncRNAs transcribed from intergenic regions and enhancers, leaving antisense lncRNAs the least studied group of lncRNAs. At the same time, antisense transcription occurs in up to 74 % of human gene loci, frequently - from the opposite strand of genes encoding proteins involved in regulation of transcription. Here, we identified HIPSTAR (Heterogeneously expressed from the Intronic Plus Strand of the TFAP2A-locus RNA), a novel conserved lncRNA that is transcribed antisense to the TFAP2A gene. Unlike previously reported antisense lncRNAs, HIPSTR expression does not correlate with the expression of its antisense counterpart. Although HIPSTAR and TFAP2A are co-expressed in in vitro derived neural crest and trophoblast cells, only HIPSTAR and not TFAP2A is specifically expressed in a subset of cells within 8-cell- and morula-stage human embryos. We show that, similar to HIPSTAR, in the individual cells of developing human embryos or of stable cell lines the expression of lncRNAs is more highly heterogeneous than the expression of mRNAs. Finally, we demonstrate that HIPSTAR depletion in HEK293 and H1BP, a human embryonic stem cell line, predominantly affects the expression levels of genes involved in early organismal development and cell differentiation. Together, we show that expression of HIPSTAR and hundreds other lncRNAs is highly heterogeneous in human embryos and cell lines. We use HIPSTAR to exemplify the functional relevance of lncRNAs with heterogeneous and developmental stage-specific expression patterns. / Tem sido cada vez mais reconhecido que a transcrição dos genomas eucarióticos produz múltiplos transcritos novos, anteriormente não detectados e ainda não caracterizados, sendo que a maioria é constituida de RNAs não-codificantes longos (lncRNAs) regulatórios. Estudos recentes estão focados principalmente nos lncRNAs transcritos de regiões intergênicas e enhancers; assim, o grupo dos lncRNAs antisenso permanece o menos estudado de todos. Ao mesmo tempo, a transcrição antisenso ocorre em até 74% dos loci de genes humanos, frequentemente - a partir da fita oposta de genes que codificam proteínas envolvidas na regulação da transcrição. No presente trabalho, nós identificamos HIPSTR (Heterogeneously expressed from the Intronic Plus Strand of the TFAP2A-locus RNA), um lncRNA novo conservado que é transcrito a partir da fita antisenso do gene TFAP2A. Ao contrário do anteriormente relatado para os lncRNAs antisenso, a expressão de HIPSTR não está correlacionada com a expressão do gene da fita oposta. HIPSTR e TFAP2A são co-expressos em células da crista neural e em trofoblastos derivadas in vitro, mas somente HIPSTR e não TFAP2A está especificamente expresso num subconjunto de células de embriões humanos nos estágios de 8-células e mórula. Mostramos que, semelhante a HIPSTR, a expressão de lncRNAs é mais altamente heterogênea que a expressão de mRNAs em células individuais de embriões humanos em desenvolvimento ou em linhagens estáveis de células. Finalmente, nós demonstramos que a depleção de HIPSTAR em células HEK293 e H1BP, uma linhagem de células tronco embrionárias humanas, afeta predominantemente os níveis de genes envolvidos no início do desenvolvimento do organismo e na diferenciação de células. No conjunto, nós mostramos que a expressão de HIPSTR e de centenas de outros lncRNAs é altamente heterogênea em embriões humanos e linhagens celulares. Usamos HIPSTR para exemplificar a relevância funcional de lncRNAs com padrões de expressão heterogêneos e estágio-de-desenvolvimento específicos.

Influence des voies de signalisation IGF et MAPK sur la spécification des lignages de l'embryon de souris préimplantatoire / Influence of signaling pathways IGF and MAPK on lineage specification in murine preimplantatory embryon

Bassalert, Cécilia 07 September 2018 (has links)
Au cours de la préimplantation, l'embryon de souris produit deux lignages cellulaires, le trophectoderme (TE), et la masse cellulaire interne (MCI) qui elle-même se différencie en épiblaste (Epi) et en endoderme primitif (EPr), caractérisés respectivement par l'expression exclusive de Nanog et de Gata6. La voie FGF/MAPK joue un rôle critique dans l’acquisition de l’identité EPr. J’ai examiné l’expression de pERK, DUSP4 et ETV5 qui permettent de visualiser l'activité des MAPK. Ces analyses ont été effectuées en activant ou inhibant la voie FGF/MAPK, ainsi que dans des embryons mutants pour Nanog et/ou Gata6. Ceci a permis d’observer l’activation de la voie FGF/MAPK dès E3,25. Un autre volet de mon travail a été d'analyser la voie de l’IGF dans les embryons préimplantatoires afin de comprendre l’influence de cette voie dans les différents lignages. J’ai montré que le récepteur activé pIGF1R est exprimé de manière différentielle dans le TE, l’EPr et l’Epi au cours du développement. Une supplémentation d’IGF1 induit une augmentation du nombre de cellules en deux phases, d'abord de l’Epi puis de l’EPr. A l’inverse, une perte de fonction d’IGF1R induit une diminution du nombre de cellules entre E3,75 et E4,25. / During preimplantation, mouse embryo produces two cellular lineages, the trophectoderm (TE), and the inner cell mass (ICM), which differentiates in epiblast (Epi) and primitive endoderm (PrE), characterized respectively by the complementary expression of Nanog and Gata6. FGF/MAPK pathway plays a critical role in the acquisition of a PrE identity. I examined the expression of the markers of MAPK activity pERK, DUSP4 and ETV5. The analyze was performed with activation or inhibition of FGF/MAPK pathway and in mutant embryos for Nanog or Gata6. This showed that FGF/MAPK pathway is activated as soon as E3,25. I have also analyzed the IGF pathway in preimplantation embryos in order to understand the role of this pathway in embryonic lineages. I showed that active receptor pIGF1R is differentially expressed in TE, PrE and Epi during embryonic development. Supplementation with IGF1 induces an increase in cell number in two phases, first in Epi then in PrE. Conversely, loss of function of IGF1R induces a decrease in cell number between E3,75 and E4,25.

Function and Evolution of Putative Odorant Carriers in the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)

Foret, Sylvain, sylvain.foret@anu.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
The remarkable olfactory power of insect species is thought to be generated by a combinatorial action of G-protein-coupled olfactory receptors (ORs) and olfactory carriers. Two such carrier gene families are found in insects: the odorant binding proteins (OBPs) and the chemosensory proteins (CSPs). In olfactory sensilla, OBPs and CSPs are believed to deliver hydrophobic air-borne molecules to ORs, but their expression in non-olfactory tissues suggests that they also may function as general carriers in other developmental and physiological processes. ¶ Bioinformatics and experimental approaches were used to characterise the OBP and CSP gene families in a highly social insect, the western honey bee (Apis mellifera). Comparison with other insects reveals that the honey bee has the smallest set of these genes, consisting of only 21 OBPs and 6 CSPs. These numbers stand in stark contrast to the 66 OBPs and 7 CSPs in the mosquito Anopheles gambiae and the 46 OBPs and 20 CSPs in the beetle Tribolium castaneum. The genes belonging to both families are often organised in clusters, and evolve by lineage specic expansions. Positive selection has been found to play a role in generating a greater sequence diversication in the OBP family in contrast to the CSP gene family that is more conserved, especially in the binding pocket. Expression proling under a wide range of conditions shows that, in the honey, bee only a minority of these genes are antenna-specic. The remaining genes are expressed either ubiquitously, or are tightly regulated in specialized tissues or during development. These findings support the view that OBPs and CSPs are not restricted to olfaction, and are likely to be involved in broader physiological functions. ¶ Finally, the detailed expression study and the functional characterization of a member of the CSP family, uth (unable-to-hatch), is reported. This gene is expressed in a maternal-zygotic fashion, and is restricted to the egg and embryo. Blocking the zygotic expression of uth with double-stranded RNA causes abnormalities in all body parts where this gene is highly expressed. The treated embryos are `unable-to-hatch' and cannot progress to the larval stages. Our ndings reveal a novel, essential role for this gene family and suggest that uth is an ectodermal gene involved in embryonic cuticle formation.

Evolutionary ecology of ultraviolet-B radiation stress tolerance in amphibians

Pahkala, Maarit January 2001 (has links)
<p>During the last decades many amphibian species and populations have experienced declines and extinctions in different parts of the world. Anthropogenic activities are believed to account for these declines, and one of the hypothesized causes has been the increased level of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation due to depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer. </p><p>Although negative effects of UV-B radiation on development of many amphibian species have been demonstrated, a number of potentially critical issues around assessment of amphibian UV-B radiation tolerance have remained unexplored. For instance, next to nothing is known about geographic variation in UV-B tolerance and about possible carry-over effects of early UV-B exposure to later life-stages. Likewise, synergistic effects with other stressors, as well as sublethal effects on growth have received little attention. </p><p>The results from field and laboratory experiments show that <i>R. temporaria</i> and <i>R. arvalis</i> are relatively tolerant to even high levels of UV-B in terms of embryonic survival. However, it was found that even normal levels of UV-B can reduce early embryonic growth. In addition, the effects of early exposure to UV-B became manifested mostly or only after a considerable time-lag (i.e. at metamorphosis). Furthermore, it was found that the sublethal effects of UV-B may become manifested only in combination with other stressors, such as low pH, and this synergism may differ among different populations. No evidence for genetic differentiation in UV-B tolerance was found.</p><p>These findings suggest that even a relatively tolerant species, such as <i>R. temporaria</i>, may be sensitive to increased levels of UV-B radiation, but that this sensitivity may be highly population, environment and trait dependent. The observed carry-over effects over life-stages emphasise the importance of the early life environment on later life fitness.</p>

Heparan Sulfate Biosynthesis – Clues from Knockout Mice

Ledin, Johan January 2004 (has links)
<p>In the extracellular space, many specialized proteins are located to support cells and to mediate cell-cell signalling. One class of such molecules is heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycans, which are proteins with different properties and locations but all of them decorated with long unbranched HS polysaccharide chains. During biosynthesis the HS chains are modified by sulfation and a C5-epimerase converts some glucuronic acid residues to iduronic acid. The patterns of the modifications vary distinctly between tissues and developing stages and give HS chains different affinity for biologically important proteins. Thus, the regulation of HS biosynthesis is likely to influence a wide variety of biological events.</p><p>This thesis focuses on the biosynthesis of HS in animals with targeted disruptions in genes important for HS production. The N-deacetylase N-sulfotransferase (NDST) is a key enzyme in HS biosynthesis, directing other modifications. We show that NDST isoforms have very different roles in HS biosynthesis. Inactivation of NDST1 affects HS biosynthesis in all tissues. In embryonic liver HS from NDST1-/- mice the N-sulfation was decresed with twothirds, while the absence of NDST2 did not affect HS structure. In the absence of NDST1 in the liver, however, NDST2 is active in HS N-sulfation. </p><p>In a study of embryonic stem cells lacking both NDST1 and NDST2, no N-sulfate groups could be detected. 6-O-sulfate groups were, however, still present at half of its normal level. This was an unexpected finding since 6-O-sulfotransferases have been thought to be strictly dependent on N-sulfate groups for substrate recognition.</p><p>By adapting an automated method for HS analysis to mammalian tissues, we could extend our analyses to more tissues and other transgene models. We also developed a protocol to create a sensitive “fingerprint” of HS structure. With these methods we could determine the individual HS structure of different mouse tissues. </p>

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