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Ação regulatória do GnRH no desenvolvimento embrionário precoce e vitrificação de embriões suínos pelo método de microgota / Role of GnRH during early embryonic development and development of swine embryos following vitrification by microdroplet methodMontagner, Marcelo Marcos 06 May 2005 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this study was to investigate the role of GnRH on the preimplantation development of mouse embryos in vitro. GnRH-I, GnRH-II, and GnRH agonists: Des-Gly, Des-Trp and histrelin did not improve embryo development. However, treatment with the specific GnRH antagonist SB-75 blocked embryo development at morula stage. The inhibition of embryo development by SB-75 could be rescued by the addition of histrelin. To determine which intracellular signaling cascade is involved following binding of GnRH to the GnRHR, embryos were cultured in the presence of specific PKC (GFX) or PKA (SQ22536) inhibitors. The PKC inhibitor blocked embryo development at a similar stage as SB-75, whereas SQ22536 had an inhibitory effect, diminishing blastocyst formation and hatched rates. There are evidences that GnRH has an essential autocrine effect on mouse embryonic development via GnRHR, probably by activating PKC signaling cascade while the inhibition of the GnRH signaling does not activate apoptotic mechanisms involving caspase-3. In another experiment, development in vitro of embryos from Chinese Meishan (M) and occidental white crossbred (WC) females were investigated after improving the vitrification protocol for pig embryos. Efficient cryopreservation of zona pellucida-intact porcine embryos and studies of the difference among breeds could greatly impact the swine industry. The percentage of embryos surviving 24 h after cryopreservation without lysis or degeneration was higher for M (72%) than WC (44%). However, in vitro development of embryos that survived cryopreservation was not different between M and WC at the expanded (64%) or hatched (22%) blastocyst stages. Developmental rates were significantly higher for control embryos than frozen embryos from both breeds at expanded blastocyst stage, but not at hatched blastocyst stage. Rates of expanded blastocyst formation did not differ between M and WC control embryos (98 and 95%, respectively). With a new procedure to warm vitrified pig embryos, the survival rates may be improved. The optimal stages to vitrify pig embryos using the microdroplet method ranges from late compact morula to early expanded blastocyst. The results suggest that M embryos have a higher capacity to survive the vitrification process than WC embryos. / O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a importância do GnRH no desenvolvimento embrionário precoce em camundongos. GnRH-I, GnRH-II e os GnRH agonistas: Des-Gly, Des-Trp e histrelina não incrementaram o desenvolvimento embrionário. Entretanto, o tratamento com SB-75, um antagonista específico do GnRH, bloqueou o desenvolvimento embrionário no estádio de mórula. A inibição do desenvolvimento embrionário pelo SB-75 pôde ser revertida com a adição de histrelina. Para determinar a cascata do sinal intracelular desencadeada pela ligação do GnRH com o seu receptor, embriões foram cultivados na presença de inibidores específicos da PKC (GFX) e da PKA (SQ22536). O inibidor da PKC bloqueou o desenvolvimento embrionário em estádio similar ao bloqueio mediado pelo SB-75, enquanto o SQ22536 teve efeito inibitório diminuindo a formação de blastocisto e taxas de eclosão. Os resultados sugerem que o GnRH tem um efeito autócrino essencial no desenvolvimento embrionário através do GnRHR, provavelmente, ativando a cascata da PKC. Por outro lado, a inibição do sinal do GnRH não ativa mecanismos apoptóticos que involvam caspase-3. Em outro experimento, foi investigado o desenvolvimento in vitro de embriões da raça Meishan (M) e branco cruzado (WC) após vitrificação pelo método microgota. O desenvolvimento de protocolos eficientes para criopreservação de embriões suínos com a zona pelúcida intacta e a avaliação das diferenças entre raças pode ter um significativo impacto na suinocultura. A percentagem de embriões que sobreviveram à criopreservação depois de 24 h foi maior na M (72%) do que na WC (44%). No entanto, o desenvolvimento in vitro dos embriões que sobreviveram à criopreservação não foi diferente entre M e WC nos estádios de blastocisto expandido (64%) ou eclodido (22%). Os índices de desenvolvimento foram significativamente mais altos para os embriões controle do que para os embriões vitrificados nas duas raças no estádio de blastocisto expandido, porém não foram diferentes para o estádio de blastocisto eclodido. A formação de blastocisto expandido não diferiu entre os embriões controle M e WC (98 e 95%, respectivamente). Com o novo procedimento ( hot warm ) para descongelar embriões vitrificados pelo método de microgota, pode-se aumentar dos índices de sobrevivência. Os melhores estádios embrionários para a vitrificação de embriões suínos variam de mórula compacta tardia até blastocisto expandido inicial. Os resultados sugerem que embriões M têm mais capacidade de sobreviver ao processo de vitrificação do que embriões WC.
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Noyau spermatique humatin et fertilité / Human sperm nucleus and fertilityVorilhon, Solène 05 July 2019 (has links)
Chez l’Homme, les succès de la fécondation et d’un développement embryonnaire aboutissant à la naissance d’un enfant en bonne santé résident principalement dans la qualité des cellules reproductrices. Les dommages oxydants de l’ADN spermatique sont une cause majeure d’infertilité masculine. Afin de permettre une prise en charge thérapeutique optimale et adaptée, j’ai tout d’abord mis au point et validé un test diagnostique de l’oxydation de l’ADN spermatique par immunodétection du 8-hydroxy-2'-desoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), adduit majeur de l'oxydation nucléaire. Ce travail de thèse a déterminé, pour la première fois, un seuil d’oxydation de l’ADN spermatique en relation avec les paramètres conventionnels spermatiques. Dans un second temps, je me suis focalisée sur les atteintes de la chromatine et de l’ADN spermatique les plus fréquentes en cas d’infertilité masculine, à savoir les anomalies de condensation de la chromatine, la fragmentation et l’oxydation de l’ADN spermatique. Une corrélation entre l’oxydation de l’ADN, tout particulièrement la moyenne d’intensité de fluorescence, et le pourcentage de spermatozoïde fragmenté a été mise en évidence. Pour objectiver l’impact de ces dommages nucléaires spermatiques en pratique clinique, j’ai étudié, après cryopréservation, les effets bénéfiques d’une supplémentation en hypotaurine des milieux de sélection et de congélation/décongélation des échantillons. Une baisse de la cryocapacitation et du pourcentage de spermatozoïde fragmenté et décondensé ont été retrouvées ainsi qu’une amélioration de la vitalité et de la mobilité progressive spermatique. Enfin, comme le spermatozoïde a pour but ultime de participer à la genèse d’un nouvel individu, j’ai mis en évidence que la fragmentation et l’oxydation de l’ADN spermatique avaient un impact à des moments clés de la cinétique du développement embryonnaire précoce suite à une ICSI sans pour autant modifier l’obtention de blastocystes de bonne qualité. Ce travail de thèse a permis de mieux comprendre la physiopathologie de l’infertilité masculine et de mettre en évidence de nouveaux biomarqueurs spermatiques en lien avec un développement embryonnaire normal. / In humans, the success of fertilization and embryonic development leading to the birth of ahealthy child lies mainly in the quality of reproductive cells. Oxidative damage to sperm DNAis a major cause of male infertility. In order to provide optimal and appropriate therapeuticmanagement, I first developed and validated a diagnostic test for sperm DNA oxidation byimmunodetection of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), a major adduct of nuclearoxidation. This thesis work determined, for the first time, a threshold for the oxidation ofsperm DNA in relation to conventional sperm parameters. In a second step, I focused on themost common chromatin and sperm DNA disorders in male infertility, namely chromatincondensation anomalies, sperm DNA fragmentation and oxidation. A correlation betweenDNA oxidation, particularly the mean fluorescence intensity, and the percentage offragmented sperm was found. To objectify the impact of this nuclear sperm damage inclinical practice, I studied, after cryopreservation, the beneficial effects of hypotaurinesupplementation to the selection and freeze/thaw media of seed samples. A decrease incryocapacitation and the percentage of fragmented and decondensed sperm has beenfound, as well as an improvement in sperm vitality and progressive mobility. Finally, sincethe ultimate goal of the sperm cells is to participate in the genesis of a new individual, I haveshown that the fragmentation and oxidation of sperm DNA has an impact at key moments inthe kinetics of early embryonic development following ICSI without modifying the obtainingof good quality blastocysts. This thesis work has led to a better understanding of thepathophysiology of male infertility and the identification of new sperm biomarkers related tonormal embryonic development.
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Genetic Oscillations and Vertebrate Embryonic DevelopmentJörg, David Josef 17 December 2014 (has links)
Recurrent processes are a general feature of living systems, from the cell cycle to circadian day-night rhythms to hibernation and flowering cycles. During development and life, numerous recurrent processes are controlled by genetic oscillators, a specific class of genetic regulatory networks that generates oscillations in the level of gene products. A vital mechanism controlled by genetic oscillators is the rhythmic and sequential segmentation of the elongating body axis of vertebrate embryos. During this process, a large collection of coupled genetic oscillators gives rise to spatio-temporal wave patterns of oscillating gene expression at tissue level, forming a dynamic prepattern for the precursors of the vertebrae. While such systems of genetic oscillators have been studied extensively over the past years, many fundamental questions about their collective behavior remain unanswered. In this thesis, we study the behavior and the properties of genetic oscillators from the single oscillator scale to the complex pattern forming system involved in vertebrate segmentation.
Genetic oscillators are subject to fluctuations because of the stochastic nature of gene expression. To study the effects of noisy biochemical coupling on genetic oscillators, we propose a theory in which both the internal dynamics of the oscillators as well as the coupling process are inherently stochastic. We find that stochastic coupling of oscillators profoundly affects their precision and synchronization properties, key features for their viability as biological pacemakers. Moreover, stochasticity introduces phenomena not known from deterministic systems, such as stochastic switching between different modes of synchrony.
During vertebrate segmentation, genetic oscillators play a key role in establishing a segmental prepattern on tissue scale. We study the spatio-temporal patterns of oscillating gene expression using a continuum theory of coupled phase oscillators. We investigate the effects of different biologically relevant factors such as delayed coupling due to complex signaling processes, local tissue growth, and tissue shortening on pattern formation and segmentation. We find that the decreasing tissue length induces a Doppler effect that contributes to the rate of segment formation in a hitherto unanticipated way. Comparison of our theoretical findings with experimental data reveals the occurrence of such a Doppler effect in vivo. To this end, we develop quantification methods for the spatio-temporal patterns of gene expression in developing zebrafish embryos.
On a cellular level, tissues have a discrete structure. To study the interplay of cellular processes like cell division and random cell movement with pattern formation, we go beyond the coarse-grained continuum theories and develop a three-dimensional cell-based model of vertebrate segmentation, in which the dynamics of the segmenting tissue emerges from the collective behavior of individual cells. We show that this model is able to describe tissue formation and segmentation in a self-organized way. It provides the first step of theoretically describing pattern formation and tissue dynamics during vertebrate segmentation in a unified framework involving a three-dimensional tissue with cells as distinct mechanical entities.
Finally, we study the synchronization dynamics of generic oscillator systems whose coupling is subject to phase shifts and time delays. Such phase shifts and time delays are induced by complex signaling processes as found, e.g., between genetic oscillators. We show how phase shifts and coupling delays can alter the synchronization dynamics while leaving the collective frequency of the synchronized oscillators invariant. We find that in globally coupled systems, fastest synchronization occurs for non-vanishing coupling delays while in spatially extended systems, fastest synchronization can occur on length scales larger than the coupling range, giving rise to novel synchronization scenarios. Beyond their potential relevance for biological systems, these results have implications for general oscillator systems, e.g., in physics and engineering.
In summary, we use discrete and continuous theories of genetic oscillators to study their dynamic behavior, comparing our theoretical results to experimental data where available. We cover a wide range of different topics, contributing to the general understanding of genetic oscillators and synchronization and revealing a hitherto unknown mechanism regulating the timing of embryonic pattern formation.
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Characterizing the mechanical behavior of extracellular matrix networks in situAndrea Acuna (9183650) 31 July 2020 (has links)
<p>The extracellular matrix (ECM)
plays a significant role in defining the mechanical properties of biological
tissues. The proteins, proteoglycans, and glycosaminoglycans that constitute
the ECM are arranged into highly organized structures (<i>e.g.</i> fibrils and
networks). Cellular behavior is affected by the stiffness of the
microenvironment and influenced by the composition and organization of the ECM.
Mechanosensing of ECM stiffness by cells occurs at the fibrillar (mesoscale)
level between the single molecule (microscale) and the bulk tissue (macroscale)
levels. However, the mechanical behavior of ECM proteins at the mesoscale are
not well defined. Thus, better understanding of the ECM building blocks
responsible for functional tissue assembly is critical in order to recapitulate
<i>in vivo</i> conditions. There is a need for the mechanical characterization
of the ECM networks formed by proteins synthesized <i>in vivo</i> while in
their native configuration. </p>
<p>To address this gap, my goals highlighted
in this dissertation were to develop appropriate experimental and computational
methodologies and investigate the 3D organization and mechanical behavior of
ECM networks <i>in situ</i>. The ECM of developing mouse tissues was used as a
model system, taking advantage of the low-density networks present at this
stage. First, we established a novel decellularization technique that enhanced
the visualization of ECM networks in soft embryonic tissues. Based on this
technique, we then quantified tissue-dependent strain of immunostained ECM
networks <i>in situ</i>. Next, we developed mesoscale and macroscale testing
systems to evaluate ECM networks under tension. Our systems were used to
investigate tendon mechanics as a function of development, calculating tangent
moduli from stress - strain plots. Similarly, we characterized ECM network
deformation while uniaxially loading embryonic tissues, since this testing
modality is ideal for fibril and network mechanics. Taken together, this
information can facilitate the fabrication of physiologically relevant
scaffolds for regenerative medicine by establishing mechanical guidelines for
microenvironments facilitate functional tissue assembly.</p>
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Vliv ubiquitinace spermií v rámci časného embryonálního vývoje u prasete / Effect of the sperm ubiquitination in the early embryonic development in pigPetelák, Aleš January 2011 (has links)
The intracellular sperm injection (ICSI) technique is a very effective tool for the fertilization research. In the newly established laboratory at the Faculty of Science of the Charles University it was necessary to introduce this method and define the early developmental potential of fertilized oocytes. After fertilization oocytes were incubated to the blastocyst stage with a success comparable with other laboratories (17%). The ubiquitin-proteasome system which plays a major role in a protein degradation within cells is involved in a regulatory mechanism of sperm maturation. It is also responsible for a penetration of a vitelline membrane. In these processes ubiquitin residues are localized extracellulary. High level of sperm ubiquitination correlates with their low quality. Hypotetically it can be expected that the ubiqutination of impaired sperm cells can be used as a negative marker for their recognition and degradation by 26S proteasome complex localized. Experiments in this diploma thesis were designed based on the hypothesis that the executive part of the selective mechanism is the 26S proteasome. Therefore the effect of MG132 peptide inhibition of the 20S proteasome on the pronuclei formation and subsequent early embryonic development after ICSI was studied. Inhibition of 20S proteasome...
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Genová exprese v kuřecím embryu: mikromanipulační a vizualizační metody / Gene expression in chicken embryo: micromanipulation and visualization methodsBendová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this work was to obtain better insight into the principles of cell structures and organs in the chicken embryo development. To reach this goal special methods of micromanipulations and visualization in vitro, ex vivo, ex ovo and in ovo were implemented and adjusted. These methods were used to study gene expression in neural crest development and eye development. In the course of long term research in our laboratory we observed that oncoprotein v-Myb influences the development of the neural crest and has the capacity to change natural cell fate. We performed a series of experiments to investigate v-Myb protein influence on neural crest cells differentiation, especially melanocyte lineage development, and its influence on gene expression in the neural crest. Therefore we focused on Gremlin 2 (PRDC), the gene upregulated by v-Myb in the neural crest. The established procedure of electroporation in ovo was adjusted to transfect cells of the developing eye and used to study gene expression during lens induction. The results obtained from chicken embryo experiments endorsed the study performed on mouse embryos. Futhermore, the electroporation technique was slightly modified for manipulations of the neural retina in the developing eye in ovo. Thereafter, the retinas were processed ex vivo and...
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hox Gene Regulation and Function During Zebrafish Embryogenesis: A DissertationWeicksel, Steven E. 28 October 2013 (has links)
Hox genes encode a conserved family of homeodomain containing transcription factors essential for metazoan development. The establishment of overlapping Hox expression domains specifies tissue identities along the anterior-posterior axis during early embryogenesis and is regulated by chromatin architecture and retinoic acid (RA). Here we present the role nucleosome positioning plays in hox activation during embryogenesis. Using four stages of early embryo development, we map nucleosome positions at 37 zebrafish hox promoters. We find nucleosome arrangement to be progressive, taking place over several stages independent of RA. This progressive change in nucleosome arrangement on invariant sequence suggests that trans-factors play an important role in organizing nucleosomes. To further test the role of trans-factors, we created hoxb1b and hoxb1a mutants to determine if the loss of either protein effected nucleosome positions at the promoter of a known target, hoxb1a. Characterization of these mutations identified hindbrain segmentation defects similar to targeted deletions of mouse orthologs Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 and zebrafish hoxb1b and hoxb1a morpholino (MO) loss-of-function experiments. However, we also identified differences in hindbrain segmentation as well as phenotypes in facial motor neuron migration and reticulospinal neuron formation not previously observed in the MO experiments. Finally, we find that nucleosomes at the hoxb1a promoter are positioned differently in hoxb1b-/- embryos compared to wild-type. Together, our data provides new insight into the roles of hoxb1b and hoxb1a in zebrafish hindbrain segmentation and reticulospinal neuron formation and indicates that nucleosome positioning at hox promoters is dynamic, depending on sequence specific factors such as Hox proteins.
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Roles of CUG-BP, Elav-Like Family Member 1 (CELF1), an RNA Binding Protein, During Vertebrate Heart DevelopmentBlech-Hermoni, Yotam 06 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Regulation of dendritic development by Zeb2Salina, Valentina 23 December 2022 (has links)
Dendritische Defekte vermitteln Störungen der Erregbarkeit, Modulation und Plastizität von Neuronen, die zur Entwicklung neurodegenerativer Krankheiten führen können. Eine Mutation des Transkriptionsregulators Zeb2 führt zur Entwicklung des Mowat-Wilson-Syndroms, einer Erkrankung, die mit kognitiven Störungen und einem erkennbaren Gesichtsphänotyp einhergeht. Obwohl kognitive Defekte häufig mit Defekten bei der Bildung des dendritischen Baums in Verbindung gebracht werden, wurde die Rolle von Zeb2 bei der dendritischen Entwicklung bisher nicht untersucht.
Hier zeige ich, dass Zeb2-defiziente Neuronen in den oberen neokortikalen Schichten einen abnormalen dendritische Baum aufweisen. Außerdem führt der Verlust von Zeb2 zu einer Fehlorientierung des apikalen Dendriten in einer nicht senkrechten Ausrichtung zur Pia.
Darüber hinaus habe ich die Signalwege analysiert, die an der Regulierung der Morphologie des Dendritenbaum stromabwärts von Zeb2 beteiligt sind, und zwar durch Deep Sequencing des Transkriptoms von Zeb2-defizienten und Wildtyp-Neokortices sowie durch Massenspektrometrie-Screens auf Veränderungen in der Expression von Zelloberflächenproteinen nach dem Verlust von Zeb2. Für die vielversprechenden Kandidaten habe ich ein in situ-Hybridisierungs-Screening bei E15,5 durchgeführt. Eine Reihe von Genen, die an der neuronalen Morphologie und an Membranproteinen beteiligt sind, darunter Neuropilin1 und Cadherin6, werden in Gehirnen mit Zeb2-Mangel überexprimiert.
Insbesondere habe ich die Rolle der neuen nachgeschalteten Zielgene Nrp1, Cdh6 und Wnt5a analysiert. Ich verwendete shRNA von Nrp1, Cdh6 und Wnt5a in neuronale Zellkultur, um zu zeigen, dass Nrp1 und Wnt5a eine erhöhte dendritische Komplexität in den Zeb2-defizienten neuronalen Zellen fördern. Die Überexpression von Nrp1 in Neuronen der oberen Schicht in vivo mittels in utero Elektroporation ist ausreichend, um die dendritische Komplexität zu fördern. Darüber hinaus zeige ich durch in utero Elektroporation einer shRNA gegen Nrp1 in Zeb2-defiziente Tiere, dass die Unterdrückung von Nrp1 durch Zeb2 für die Unterdrückung exzessiver Verzweigungen während der Entwicklung erforderlich ist. Für die Ausrichtung des Dendritenbaum ist sie jedoch nicht erforderlich.
Zusammengenommen zeigen diese Daten die wichtige Rolle des Zeb2-Gens bei der Entwicklung des korrekten Dendritenbaum von Neuronen und der Ausrichtung des apikalen Dendriten. / Dendritic defects mediate disturbances in the excitability, modulation and plasticity of neurons, which can lie at the cause of neurodegenerative diseases. Mutation of the transcriptional regulator, Zeb2, causes the development of Mowat-Wilson syndrome, a condition associated with cognitive defects and a recognizable facial phenotype. Although cognitive defects are often associated with defects in the formation of the dendritic tree, the role of Zeb2 in dendritic development had not been studied previously.
Here, I show that Zeb2- deficient neurons in the upper neocortical layers have abnormal dendritic trees. Also, loss of Zeb2 results in the mis-orientation of the apical dendrite to a non-perpendicular orientation to the pia.
Furthermore, I have analysed the signalling pathways involved in regulation of dendritic tree morphology downstream of Zeb2 by deep sequencing of the transcriptome of Zeb2-deficient and wildtype neocortices and mass spectrometry screens for changes in the expression of cell surface proteins upon loss of Zeb2. For the promising candidates, I have performed in situ hybridization screening at E15.5. A number of genes involved in neuronal morphology and membrane proteins, including Neuropilin1 and Cadherin6, become overexpressed in Zeb2- deficient brains.
In particular, I analysed the role of the novel downstream target genes Nrp1, Cdh6 and Wnt5a. I used shRNA of Nrp1, Cdh6 and Wnt5a in cortical neuron cultures to demonstrate that Nrp1 and Wnt5a promote increased dendritic complexity in Zeb2-deficient neuronal cells. Overexpression of Nrp1 in upper layer neurons in vivo, using in utero electroporation, is sufficient to promote dendritic complexity. In addition, I show using in utero electroporation of an shRNA against Nrp1 into Zeb2-deficient animals, that repression of Nrp1 by Zeb2 is required for suppressing excessive branching during development. It is not needed however for the orientation of the dendritic tree.
Taken together, these data show the important role of the Zeb2 gene in the development of the correct dendritic tree of neurons and the orientation of the apical dendrite.
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Functional characterization of GPI-anchored proteins of the SKU5/SKS gene familyZhou, Ke 21 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
ABP1 (Auxin Binding Protein1), who can bind auxin, is essential for the development of plants. It was proved to have the ability to bind auxin and transduce auxin signal into the cells. It is supposed to be localized and functions at the outer surface of plasma membrane through unknown component. In my thesis, we tried to invesitgate the interaction between ABP1 and the candidate of the unknown component, CBP1 (From maize), which is GPI-acnhored and already identified as the binding ability to synthesized C-terminus peptide of ABP1 in 2006. The orthologous of CBP1 in arabidopsis belongs to a gene family with 19 members, in which only three of them were prediceted to be GPI anchored. We did the functional characterisation of these three GPI-anchored members. Data suggested that GPI-anchored SKS were involved in cell orientation, gametophyte and embryo development.
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