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Controle epigenético do gene imprinted SNRPN durante o desenvolvimento e reprogramação nuclear em equídeos / Epigenetic control of the SNRPN imprinted gene during developmental and nuclear reprogramming in equidsNathia Nathaly Rigoglio 15 March 2016 (has links)
A tranferência nuclear de células somáticas (TNCS) está sendo utilizada para produzir cavalos de elite. No entanto, durante este procedimento pode ocorrer a perfuração da zona pelúcida, levando, ocasionalmente, à secção da massa celular interna, e conseqüente derivação de gêmeos monozigóticos. Além de serem relatadas alterações no processo de imprinting genômico, que conduzem ao desenvolvimento de doenças. Com a descoberta da possibilidade de reprogramar as células somáticas a um estado de pluripotência (iPSCs), estas células passaram a ser muito utilizadas em pesquisas de neurociência. Contudo, também ocorrem modificações epigenéticas durante esta reprogramação celular. Portanto, nossas hipóteses são que os gêmeos eqüinos gerados pela TNCS podem levar às irregularidades no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso. O padrão de metilação do SNRPN nas estruturas dos fetos muares clonados, e as células iPSCs são diferentes dos padrões encontrados nos muares analisados. A expressão dos genes SNRPN, Necdin e UBE3A são maiores no cérebro, enquanto a expressão do H19 é maior nas membranas extra-embrionárias. Em nosso estudo, obtivemos duas gestações gemelares equinas derivadas da TNCS, que foram interrompidas com 40 e 60 dias de gestação, e comparados com gestações eqüinas únicas de idade similar. Diferenças no comprimento entre os embriões gêmeos foram observadas aos 40 (2.0 e 2.2 cm 10%) e aos 60 (6,5 e 8,5 cm 24%) dias de gestação. Somente o plexo coróide do quarto ventrículo apresentou-se mais desenvolvido nos fetos com maior comprimento. Ao analisarmos fetos muares clonados em diferentes idades gestacionais e compará-los com muares, nos períodos embrionário, fetal e adulto, não foi observada diferença no padrão de metilação do gene SNRPN. No entanto, na décima passagem das células iPSC o padrão de metilação alterou, em relação aos muares estudados e ao padrão observado nos fibroblastos. Ao analisarmos os fetos clonados nas diferentes idades gestacionais observou-se no cérebro menor expressão dos gene H19 e UBE3A, e maior expressão do gene SNRPN. Contudo, a expressão do gene Necdin variou entre as estruturas estudadas. Em conclusão, apesar dos gêmeos eqüinos provenientes de TNCS diferirem quanto ao tamanho, morfologicamente são iguais. Dentre as estruturas cerebrais o plexo coróide se apresentou mais desenvolvido nos fetos de maior comprimento. Os fetos muares clonados não apresentaram diferença no padrão de metilação do gene SNRPN. No entanto, as iPSCs apresentaram alteração no padrão de metilação deste gene na décima passagem. Embora os genes SNRPN, Necdin e UBE3A sejam expressos no cérebro, o SNRPN apresentou-se prevalente nessa estrutura / The nuclear transfer of somatic cells (SCNT) is being used to produce elite horses. However, during this procedure can occur drilling of the zona pellucida, leading occasionally to the section of the inner cell mass, and subsequent derivation of monozygotic twins. Besides being related changes in genomic imprinting process, leading to the development of diseases. With the discovery of the possibility to reprogram somatic cells to a pluripotent state (iPSCs), these cells have become widely used in neuroscience research. However, also occur epigenetic changes during this cellular reprogramming. Therefore, our hypothesis is that equine twins caused by equine ART could lead to developmental irregularities of the nervous system. The patterns of SNRPN methylation in the structures of cloned mule fetuses and in iPSCs are different from the patterns found in the analyzed mules. And the expression of SNRPN, Necdin and UBE3A genes are higher in the brain, while the higher expression of H19 gene occurs in the extraembryonic membranes. In our study we derived two equine twin SCNT pregnancies that were interrupted at 40 and 60 days of gestation and compared to singleton fetuses of similar age. Differences in lengths between twin embryos were observed at both 40 (2.0 and 2.2 cm 10%) and 60 (6.5 and 8.5 cm 24%) days of gestation. Only the choroid plexus in the fourth ventricle more developed in the twins with the greatest length. Analyzing mules cloned fetuses at different gestational ages, and compare them with mules at embryonic, fetal and adult period; there was no difference in the pattern of methylation in SNRPN gene. However, in the tenth passage of the iPSCs the methylation pattern was altered in relation to the studied mules and the pattern observed in fibroblasts. When the cloned fetuses at different gestational ages were analyzed, the brain presented lower expression of H19 and UBE3A genes, and higher expression of SNRPN gene. However, the expression of Necdin gene varied among the structures studied. In conclusion, despite the twin horses from SCNT differ in size, they are morphologically identical. Among the brain structures the choroid plexus performed more developed in the fetuses of greater length. Cloned mules fetuses showed no difference in the pattern of methylation SNRPN gene. However, iPSCs have changes in the pattern of methylation of this gene in the tenth passage. Although SNRPN, Necdin and Ube3A genes are expressed in the brain, SNRPN is prevalent in this structure
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Časo-prostorové utváření molekulárních gradientů v časném embryonálním vývoji Xenopus laevis. / Formation of spatio-temporal molecular gradients in early embryonic development of Xenopus laevis.Šídová, Monika January 2015 (has links)
Clarifying the underlying spatio-temporal mechanisms that determine body pattern is important for detailed understanding of embryonic development. A crucial question of vertebrate embryogenesis remains: when and how are single blastomeres determined for differentiation that subsequently leads to body axes specification and the formation of different tissues and organs? The answer to this question will be beneficial for primary research as well as in the field of applied medicine. The main aim of the presented thesis was to study spatio-temporal molecular gradients of cell fate determinants during early embryonic development. The African clawed frog Xenopus laevis was used as a model organism because of their large size of oocytes and external embryonic development. Due to late activation of embryonic transcription, a crucial mechanism of early blastomeres determination is dependent on asymmetric localization of maternal factors within oocyte and their uneven distribution into single blastomeres during early cell division. Two main localization patterns were identified along the animal-vegetal axis of the mature Xenopus oocyte using qPCR tomography. The localization gradient with preference in either animal or vegetal hemisphere was found for maternal mRNA as well as miRNAs. Moreover, two vegetal...
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Defining the functions and mechanisms of mRNA targeting to the mitotic apparatusPatel, Dhara 07 1900 (has links)
La localisation des ARNm dans différents compartiments subcellulaires est conservée dans un large éventail d'espèces et de divers types cellulaires. Le trafic est médié par l'interaction entre les protéines de liaison à l'ARN (RBP) et l'ARNm. Les RBP reconnaissent les éléments cis-régulateurs de l'ARNm, également appelés éléments de localisation. Ceux-ci sont définis par leur séquence et/ou leurs caractéristiques structurelles résidant dans la molécule d'ARNm. La localisation des ARNm est essentielle pour la résolution subcellulaire et temporelle. De plus, les ARNm se sont avérés enrichis dans de nombreux compartiments cellulaires, notamment les mitochondries, l'appareil mitotique, et le réticulum endoplasmique. En outre, des études ont démontré que les RBP et les ARNm sont associés aux structures de l'appareil mitotique. Cependant, le rôle que joue la localisation de l'ARNm au cours de la mitose reste largement inexploré. Ma thèse de doctorat vise à comprendre comment le trafic d'ARNm est impliqué lors de la mitose.
La première partie de cette thèse porte sur l'interaction post-transcriptionnelle qui se produit entre les deux ARNm, cen et ik2. Les gènes qui se chevauchent sont une caractéristique frappante de la plupart des génomes. En fait, il a été constaté que le chevauchement des séquences génomiques module différents aspects de la régulation des gènes tels que l'empreinte génomique, la transcription, l'édition et la traduction de l'ARN. Cependant, la mesure dans laquelle cette organisation influence les événements réglementaires opérant au niveau post-transcriptionnel reste incertaine. En étudiant les gènes cen et ik2 de Drosophila melanogaster, qui sont transcrits de manière convergente avec des régions 3' non traduites qui se chevauchent, nous avons constaté que la liaison physique de ces gènes est un déterminant clé dans la co-localisation de leurs ARNm aux centrosomes cytoplasmiques. Le ciblage du transcrit ik2 dépend de la présence et de l'association physique avec l'ARNm de cen, qui est le principal moteur de la co-localisation centrosomale. En interrogeant les ensembles de données de séquençage de fractionnement, nous constatons que les ARNm codés par des gènes qui se chevauchent en 3' sont plus souvent co-localisés par rapport aux paires de transcrits aléatoires. Ce travail suggère que les interactions post-transcriptionnelles des ARNm avec des séquences complémentaires peuvent dicter leur destin de localisation dans le cytoplasme.
La deuxième partie de cette thèse consiste à étudier le rôle que jouent les RBP au cours de la mitose. Auparavant, les RBP se sont avérés être associés au fuseau et aux centrosomes. Cependant, leur rôle fonctionnel au niveau de ces structures reste à étudier. Grâce à un criblage par imagerie avec plus de 300 anticorps, nous avons identifié 30 RBP localisés dans les structures mitotiques des cellules HeLa. Ensuite, pour évaluer les rôles fonctionnels de ces RBP, nous avons utilisé l'interférence ARN (ARNi) pour évaluer si la fidélité du cycle cellulaire était compromise dans les cellules HeLa et les embryons de Drosophila melanogaster. Fait intéressant, nous avons identifié plusieurs candidats RBP pour lesquels le knockdown perturbe la mitose et la localisation de l'ARNm dans les cellules HeLa. De plus, la perte des orthologues a entraîné des défauts de développement chez l'embryon de mouche. Grâce à ce travail, nous avons démontré que les RBP sont impliquées pour assurer une mitose sans erreur.
En résumé, les travaux que j'ai menés mettent en lumière l'implication de la régulation post-transcriptionnelle au cours de la mitose. En définissant les fonctions et le mécanisme de localisation des ARNm en mitose, ce travail permettra de définir de nouvelles voies moléculaires impliquées dans la régulation de la mitose. Puisque la division cellulaire non contrôlée peut mener à des maladies tel le cancer, étudier le contrôle du cycle cellulaire sous cet angle « centré sur l'ARN » peut aider à développer de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques pour trouver des solutions aux problèmes de santé. / The localization of mRNAs to different subcellular compartments is conserved in a wide range of species and diverse cell types. Trafficking is mediated by the interaction between RNA binding proteins (RBPs) and mRNA. RBPs recognize mRNA cis regulatory motifs, otherwise known as localization elements. These are defined by their sequence and/or structural features residing within the mRNA molecule. Localization of mRNAs is essential for subcellular and temporal resolution. Furthermore, mRNAs have been found to be enriched in many cellular compartments including the mitochondria, mitotic apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum. Moreover, studies have demonstrated that RBPs and mRNAs are associated with mitotic apparatus structures. However, the role that mRNA localization plays during mitosis remains largely unexplored. My PhD thesis aims to understand how the trafficking of mRNAs is implicated during mitosis.
The first part of this thesis encompasses the post-transcriptional interaction that occurs between the two mRNAs, cen and ik2. Overlapping genes are a striking feature of most genomes. In fact, genomic sequence overlap has been found to modulate different aspects of gene regulation such as genomic imprinting, transcription, RNA editing and translation. However, the extent to which this organization influences regulatory events operating at the post-transcriptional level remains unclear. By studying the cen and ik2 genes of Drosophila melanogaster, which are convergently transcribed with overlapping 3’untranslated regions, we found that the physical linkage of these genes is a key determinant in co-localizing their mRNAs to cytoplasmic centrosomes. Targeting of the ik2 transcript is dependent on the presence and physical association with cen mRNA, which serves as the main driver of centrosomal colocalization. By interrogating global fractionation-sequencing datasets, we find that mRNAs encoded by 3’overlapping genes are more often co-localized as compared to random transcript pairs. This work suggests that post-transcriptional interactions of mRNAs with complementary sequences can dictate their localization fate in the cytoplasm.
The second part of this thesis involves investigating the role that RBPs play during mitosis. Previously, RBPs have been found to be associated with the spindle and centrosomes. However, their functional role at these structures was yet to be investigated. Through an imaging screen with >300 antibodies, we identified 30 RBPs localized to mitotic structures in HeLa cells. Then, to assess the functional roles of these RBPs, we used RNA interference (RNAi) to assess whether cell cycle fidelity was compromised in HeLa cells and Drosophila melanogaster embryos. Interestingly, we identified several RBP candidates for which the knockdown disrupted mitosis and mRNA localization in HeLa cells. Furthermore, loss of the orthologs led to developmental defects in the fly embryo. Through this work, we demonstrated that RBPs are involved in ensuring an error-free mitosis.
In summary, the work that I have conducted sheds light on the involvement of post-transcriptional regulation during mitosis. By defining the functions and mechanism of mRNA localization in mitosis, this work will help define new molecular pathways involved in mitosis regulation. As uncontrolled cell division can lead to diseases such as cancer, studying cell cycle control from this ‘RNA-centric’ angle may help to develop new therapeutic approaches to find solutions to health problems.
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Elucidating the influence of chromatin topology on cellular identity in murine pre-implantation developmentLoof, Gesa 22 June 2021 (has links)
Präzise regulierte Genexpression, ist der Schlüssel zu erfolgreicher Embryonal-entwicklung. Die Expression von Zelltyp-spezifischen Transkriptionsfaktoren kann durch räumliche Interaktionen von Promotoren und Enhancern im Nukleus kontrolliert werden, aber auch durch 3D Faltung der DNA in größere organisatorische Einheiten wie “Topologically Associating Domains” (TADs) oder “A/B compartments”.
Um die 3D Faltung in den Zelltypen des prä-implantations Embryos zu untersuchen, nutze ich ES und XEN Zellen, die stark dem Epiblast und dem primitiven Endoderm in der inneren Zellmasse des E4.5 Embryos ähneln. Um den Zusammenhang zwischen 3D DNA Faltung und zellulärer Identität zu erforschen, habe ich GAM, ATAC-seq und RNA-seq Daten von ES und XEN Zellen produziert. Um die Genom-Architektur im Embryo zu untersuchen, habe ich außerdem die GAM Methode an den Mausembryo angepasst und kann dadurch erstmals genomweit DNA-Faltung in den spezifischen Zelltypen der inneren Zellmasse des prä-implantations Embryos zeigen.
ES und XEN Zellen zeigen viele differentiell exprimierte Gene, sowie starke Veränderungen in der Chromatin-Organisation, beispielweise in der Bildung von reprimierten Chromatinnetzwerken in ESCs, die wichtige XEN Gene wie Gata6 und Lama1 enthalten, während diese nicht aktiv sind. XEN-spezifische Genexpression ist oft mit der Präsenz von XEN-spezifischen “TAD boundaries” gekoppelt. Der Sox2 Locus zeigt eine ESC-spezifische Organisation mit aktiven Genen, und Regionen die von den Transkriptionsfaktoren SOX2, NANOG und OCT4 gebunden sind.
Die starke Reorganisation der Genom-Architektur in wichtigen Loci wie Gata6 und Sox2 konnte ich mit in vivo GAM Daten bestätigen und finde ähnliche Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Zelltypen der inneren Zellmasse wie im in vitro Model. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, wie wichtig es ist, Zelltypen getrennt zu untersuchen und, dass eine Verbindung zwischen zellulärer Identität und der Faltung des Genoms in der Embryonalentwicklung besteht. / Tightly controlled gene regulation is key to functional metazoan embryonic development. The expression of cell-fate determining transcription factors orchestrates the establishment of the various lineages of the embryo. Gene expression is often regulated via specific chromatin organisation.
To investigate cell type-specific differences in chromatin folding in early embryonic development, I used in vitro models of the two distinct cell populations in the blastocyst ICM. In mouse ES and XEN cells, I mapped 3D genome conformation using Genome Architecture Mapping (GAM), chromatin accessibility using ATAC-seq, and gene expression using total RNA-seq. To enable the mapping of 3D genome folding directly in the blastocyst ICM, I adapted GAM for cell type-specific selection of nuclei, by integrating immunofluorescence detection of markers, and generated the first genome-wide chromatin contact maps that distinguish ICM cell types.
I report that the ES and XEN cell lineages undergo abundant large scale rearrangements of genome architecture and exhibit high numbers of differentially expressed genes. For example, extra-embryonic endoderm genes, such as Lama1 and Gata6, form silent hubs in ESCs, potentially connecting maintenance of pluripotency to 3D structure of the genome. Further, I show that the expression of XEN cell-specific genes relates to the formation of XEN cell-specific TAD boundaries. Chromatin contacts at the Sox2 locus exhibit an ESC-specific organisation around binding of pluripotency transcription factors OCT4, NANOG and SOX2, into hubs of high gene activity.
The observations detected in in vitro models, were investigated in smaller GAM datasets produced using the in vivo counterparts in the ICM. Overall, in vivo data confirmed the high degree of chromatin rearrangement among the two cell types, specifically in loci of lineage driving genes. The findings from in vivo data further underscore the connection of genome topology and cellular identity.
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The role of chromatin architecture in regulating Shh gene during mouse limb developmentPaliou, Christina 20 December 2019 (has links)
Die physische Nähe zwischen Genpromotoren und regulatorischen Elementen (Enhancer) spielt eine entscheidene Rolle in der Genexpression, um präzise räumliche und zeitliche Genexpressionmuster während der Embryogenese zu erzeugen. Abhängig von der Aktivität der Zielgene lassen sich zwei Typen von Interaktionen unterscheiden. Zum einen führen dynamische Enhancer-Promoter Interaktionen unmittelbar zur Genexpression, wohingegen in anderen Fällen stabile Interaktionen bereits vor der Genexpression existieren.
In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Rolle der stabilen Interaktion zwischen dem Shh Gen und dem Extremitätenenhancer, der ZRS, während der Embryonalentwicklung in der Maus untersucht. Der Verlust der konstitutiven Transkription, die den ZRS Enhancer abdeckt, führte zu einer Verschiebung innerhalb der Shh-ZRS Kontakte und einer moderaten Reduzierung der Shh Genexpression. Im Gegensatz dazu führte die Mutation von CTCF Bindungsstellen, die den ZRS Enhancer umgeben, zu einem Verlust der stabilen Shh-ZRS Interaktion und einem 50%igen Rückgang in der Shh Genexpression. Dieser Expressionsverlust hatte jedoch keine phänotypischen Auswirkungen in den Deletionsmutanten, was darauf hindeutet, dass die restliche Genaktivität und Enhancer-Promotor-Interaktion über einen zusätzlichen, CTCF-unabhängigen Mechanismus erfolgt. Erst die kombinierte Deletion von CTCF-Bindungsmotiven und einem hypomorphen ZRS-Allel führte zu einem fast vollständigen Expressionsverlust von Shh und damit zu einem schweren Funktionsverlust und Gliedmaßen-Agenesie. Die hier präsentierten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die stabile Chromatinstruktur am Shh Locus von mehreren Komponenten getragen wird und die physicalische Interaktion zwischen Enhancern und Promotern für eine robuste Transkription während der Embryonalentwicklung benötigt werden. / Long-range gene regulation involves physical proximity between enhancers and promoters to generate precise patterns of gene expression in space and time. However, in some cases proximity coincides with gene activation, whereas in others preformed topologies already exist before activation. In this study, we investigate the preformed configuration underlying the regulation of the Shh gene by its unique limb enhancer, the ZRS, in vivo during mouse development. Abrogating the constitutive transcription covering the ZRS region led to a shift within the Shh-ZRS contacts and a moderate reduction in Shh transcription. Deletion of the CTCF binding sites around the ZRS resulted in a loss of the Shh-ZRS preformed interaction and a 50% decrease in Shh expression but no phenotype, suggesting an additional, CTCF-independent mechanism of promoter-enhancer communication. This residual activity, however, was diminished by combining the loss of CTCF binding with a hypomorphic ZRS allele resulting in severe Shh loss-of-function and digit agenesis. Our results indicate that the preformed chromatin structure of the Shh locus is sustained by multiple components and acts to reinforce enhancer-promoter communication for robust transcription.
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Telomerase and its reverse transcriptase subunit TERT : identification and oestrogenic modulation of telomerase transcription in two aquatic test species - European Purple Sea Urchin (Paracentrotus Lividus) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss)Brannan, Katla Jorundsdottir January 2012 (has links)
A plethora of naturally-produced steroid hormones, or artificial homologues of them, are being introduced into the aquatic and terrestrial environments each year. Two examples of these are the natural oestrogen 17ï¢-oestradiol (E2) and the oestrogen receptor antagonist, Bisphenol A (BPA), both of which target the ribonucleoprotein telomerase through upregulation of its telomerase reverse transcriptase component, TERT. The main objectives of this study were firstly to isolate and characterize the actual mRNA sequence for the telomerase catalytic subuninit, Tert, in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (Walbaum, 1792) and European purple sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) (Lamarck, 1816), with the aim of developing qPCR assays for the amplification and quantification of Tert. Further objectives were to use these assays in controlled exposure studies to establish whether and to what extent the aforementioned chemicals regulate Tert transcription and by doing so further understand the mechanism of Telomerase gene expression and the extent to which environmental oestrogen can interfere. The initial step of sequence characterization and assay devlopment was successful in the case of rainbow trout where two possible splice variants of Tert mRNA are identified, omTertShort and omTertLong. Two qPCR assays were developed for the relative quantification of both of these splice variants in rainbow trout samples, the latter of these successfully amplifying its target in test samples. In order to demonstrate in vitro and in vivo modulation of telomerase activity and mRNA expression, early life-stages of rainbow trout and purple sea urchin, as well as rainbow trout hepatocytes, were exposed to a range of concentrations of E2 and BPA. Purple sea urchin embryos were exposed to 200, 20 and 2 ng E2/ml for 28 hours until they had reached the stage of pluteus larvaes. Rainbow trout embryos were exposed to 500, 20 and 0.1 ng E2/ml and 600 and 150 ng BPA/ml for 167 days from immediately after fertilization. Rainbow trout hepatocytes were exposed to 20 and 2 ng E2/ml for 48 hours. The results from this study show that telomerase activity as well as TERT mRNA expression can be significantly modulated by exposure to oestrogens and other oestrogenic chemicals. E2 concentrations as low as 20 ng/ml lead to an increase in telomerase activity early-life stages of purple sea urchin and upregulation in the transcription of Tert mRNA in unhatched rainbow trout embryos. BPA induced similar response (600 ng/ml) in hatched rainbow trout alevins larvae. Very high exposures to E2 (500 ng/ml) do however lead to downregulation of Tert mRNA in hatched alevins larvae. Differential regulatory response can be observed between different tissue types of 167 day old fry, with an upregulatory response observed at 0.1 ng E2/ml in liver and muscle tissues, but not in brain. Similarly, brain tissues were observed expressing significantly less mRNA than liver and muscle samples when exposed to BPA (150 ng/ml). It is evident that the previously observed link between environmental oestrogens and telomerase is also present in the two test species examined; purple sea urchin and rainbow trout.
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Análise molecular do gene HES1 em pacientes portadores de hipopituitarismo congênito / Molecular analysis of the HES1 gene in patients with congenital hypopituitarismOtto, Aline Pedrosa 29 July 2014 (has links)
Estudos em modelos animais transgênicos possibilitaram o conhecimento de parte dos genes envolvidos na embriogênese hipofisária e da etiologia genética do hipopituitarismo em humanos. Entretanto, a etiologia da maior parte dos casos de hipopituitarismo congênito, principalmente os associados à neuro-hipófise ectópica (NE), ainda é pouco definida. Mutações no gene PROP1 são a causa genética mais comum de hipopituitarismo descritas até o momento, mas estão sempre associadas à neuro-hipófise tópica. Estudos destinados a esclarecer o mecanismo molecular da mutação do gene Prop1 em camundongos demonstraram a participação da via de sinalização Notch e de seus componentes, dentre eles, o gene Hes1. O HES1 é um gene que codifica um fator de transcrição que participa de estágios precoces do desenvolvimento hipofisário e está envolvido com a morfogênese da neuro-hipófise. A avaliação do camundongo com nocaute em homozigose deste gene acarreta uma hipoplasia da adeno-hipófise e ausência da neuro-hipófise; e sua expressão constitutiva está associada ao hipopituitarismo. Como a NE é um achado comum no hipopituitarismo congênito e o gene HES1 pode estar relacionado a sua fisiopatologia, a região codificadora do gene HES1 foi avaliada em 192 pacientes com hipopituitarismo congênito. A variante alélica c.578G > A (p.G193D) em heterozigose foi encontrada em um paciente com hipopituitarismo congênito associado à NE. A avaliação da predição in silico do efeito funcional da variante pela ferramenta MutationTaster sugere que a troca do aminoácido glicina, altamente conservado entre os mamíferos, por ácido aspártico, seja deletéria. No estudo da segregação familiar, quatro irmãos aparentemente normais apresentam a mesma variante, sendo que dois deles possuem alterações discretas na imagem da hipófise. Em conclusão, esta é uma nova variante alélica descrita no gene HES1, ausente em grandes bancos de dados e controles saudáveis da população brasileira, mas presente em irmãos não afetados. Estudos funcionais in vitro são necessários para esclarecer o efeito biológico desta variante. Um padrão de herança complexo com penetrância incompleta é possível e já descrito em outros genes associados ao hipopituitarismo. Na tentativa de elucidar a causa genética do hipopituitarismo neste caso, o material genético deste paciente e de seus familiares foram submetidos ao sequenciamento do exoma, mas os resultados estão inconclusivos até o momento / Studies of transgenic animal models have allowed for the discovery of genes involved in human pituitary embryogenesis and the genetic etiology of hypopituitarism. However, the genetic causes of most cases of congenital hypopituitarism, especially those associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary, remain poorly defined. Mutations in the gene PROP1 are the most common genetic causes of hypopituitarism described to date, and are always associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary. Studies to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of Prop1 mutations in mice have demonstrated the involvement of the Notch signaling pathway, including its downstream target Hes1. The HES1 gene encodes a transcription factor that participates in early stages of pituitary development and is involved in posterior pituitary morphogenesis. Hes1 knockout mice exhibit a hypoplastic anterior pituitary and absence of a posterior pituitary. Conversely, constitutive expression of Hes1 is associated with hypopituitarism. Since an ectopic posterior pituitary is commonly found in congenital hypopituitarism and the HES1 gene may be related to its pathophysiology, the coding region of gene HES1 was screened in 192 patients with congenital hypopituitarism. A heterozygous allelic variant c.578G >A (p.G193D) was identified in a patient with congenital hypopituitarism associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary. Assessment by MutationTaster, a bioinformatic tool for in silico prediction of functional effect of missense variants, suggests that substitution of glycine (a highly conserved amino acid in this position among mammals) for aspartic acid is deleterious. In the genetic study of family members, we identified four apparently normal siblings with the same variant, two of which have discrete changes in their pituitary MRI. In conclusion, we described a new allelic variant in the gene HES1, absent in large databases and healthy Brazilian controls, but present in the unaffected siblings. In vitro functional studies are needed to clarify the biological effect of this variant. A complex pattern of inheritance with incomplete penetrance is possible in this case, as it has already been described in other genes associated with hypopituitarism. In an attempt to elucidate the genetic cause of hypopituitarism in the family described, DNA samples of this patient and his family were submitted to exome sequencing, but results are inconclusive at this time
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Functional characterization of GPI-anchored proteins of the SKU5/SKS gene family / Caractérisation fonctionnelle des protéines à ancre GPI de la famille des gènes SKU5/SKSZhou, Ke 21 June 2013 (has links)
ABP1 (Auxin Binding Protein 1), qui peut se lier à l'auxine, est essentielle pour le développement des plantes. Il a été prouvé qu’elle a la capacité de se lier à l’auxine et de conduire le signal auxine dans les cellules. ABP1 est supposé être localisée et avoir des fonctions à la surface extérieure de la membrane plasmique à travers une composante inconnue. Au cours ma thèse, nous avons essayé d’étudier l'interaction entre ABP1 et le candidat de la composante inconnue, CBP1 (chez le maïs), qui est une protéine à ancres GPI déjà identifiée comme ayant la capacité de liaison au peptide de synthèse C-terminale d’ABP1 en 2006. L'orthologue de CBP1 chez arabidopsis appartient à une famille de gènes contenant 19 membres, dont seulement trois d'entre eux ont été prédit comme était des protéines à ancres GPI. Nous avons fait les caractérisations fonctionnelles de ces trois membres. Les données suggèrent que les protéines SKS à ancres GPI sont impliquées dans l'orientation de la cellule, le développement des gamétophytes et de l'embryon. / ABP1 (Auxin Binding Protein1), who can bind auxin, is essential for the development of plants. It was proved to have the ability to bind auxin and transduce auxin signal into the cells. It is supposed to be localized and functions at the outer surface of plasma membrane through unknown component. In my thesis, we tried to invesitgate the interaction between ABP1 and the candidate of the unknown component, CBP1 (From maize), which is GPI-acnhored and already identified as the binding ability to synthesized C-terminus peptide of ABP1 in 2006. The orthologous of CBP1 in arabidopsis belongs to a gene family with 19 members, in which only three of them were prediceted to be GPI anchored. We did the functional characterisation of these three GPI-anchored members. Data suggested that GPI-anchored SKS were involved in cell orientation, gametophyte and embryo development.
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Caracterización genética y origen de las neuronas de la región claustroamigdalina en ratón.Legaz Pérez, Isabel 31 July 2006 (has links)
El objetivo de esta Tesis ha sido profundizar en el estudio del desarrollo del complejo claustroamigdalino en ratón. Para ello hemos estudiado: 1) cuales de sus componentes derivan del palio lateral o ventral, en base a expresión diferencial de genes reguladores Dbx1, Lhx9, Lhx2, Lmo3, Lmo4, Cadherina 8 y Emx1 durante el desarrollo embrionario; 2) el desarrollo de las interneuronas del complejo claustroamigdalino que contienen proteínas ligadoras de calcio (incluyendo el desarrollo de sus circuitos locales); 3) el origen histogenético de dichas interneuronas, mediante cultivos organotípicos y el análisis del ratón transgénico Nkx2.1-Cre/Rosa26-GFP (Kessaris y col. 2006). Nuestros datos permiten distinguir los componentes paliales laterales o ventrales del complejo, que contienen múltiples subtipos de interneuronas con orígenes en distintas subdivisiones del subpalio. Esto abre las puertas a futuras investigaciones sobre la conectividad y función de cada subtipo de interneurona, y sobre su grado de implicación en los desórdenes neuropsiquiátricos. / The objective of this Doctoral Thesis was to deepen in the study of the development of the claustroamygdaloid complex in mouse. For that, we pursued to study: 1) which components derive from either the lateral or ventral pallium based on differential expression of regulatory genes (Dbx1, Lhx9, Lhx2, Lmo3, Lmo4, Cadherina 8 y Emx1) during embryonic development; 2) the development of interneurons of the claustroamygdaloid complex that contain calcium binding proteins (including the development of its local circuits); 3) the histogenetic origin of these interneurons, by means of organotypic cultures and analysis of the transgenic mouse Nkx2.1-Cre/Rosa26-GFP (Kessaris and col. 2006). Our data allowed the distinction between lateral and ventral pallial components of the complex, which contain multiple subtypes of interneurons with origins in different subpallial subdivisions. This opens new venues for future investigations on the connectivity and function of each interneuron subtype, and on their involvement in neuropsychiatric disorders.
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Functional analysis of embryonic brain development in Tribolium castaneum / Funktionale Analyse zur embryonalen Gehirnentwicklung in Tribolium castaneumKoniszewski, Nikolaus 22 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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