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Functional and Effective Connectivity of Effortful Emotion RegulationMcRae, Kateri Lynne January 2007 (has links)
Emotion regulation plays an important role in emotional well-being, as well as in the protection against and recovery from mood and anxiety disorders. Previous studies of the functional neuroanatomy of emotion regulation have reported greater activity in prefrontal control-related regions during active regulation. These activations are accompanied by decreases in activity in emotion-responsive regions such as the amygdala and insula. These findings are widely interpreted as consistent with models of cognitive control that implicate top-down, negative influences from prefrontal cortex upon emotion-related processing in other regions. However, no studies to date have used measures of effective connectivity to investigate the likely influence of prefrontal control regions upon emotion-responsive regions in the context of effortful emotion regulation. In the present study, participants alternated between responding naturally to negative emotional stimuli and reinterpreting the negative stimuli with the goal of reducing their experienced negative affect. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to measure whole-brain blood-oxygen level dependent signal throughout the task. fMRI data were analyzed using partial least squares (PLS) and structural equations modeling (SEM) to test for differences in effective connectivity between natural and regulated emotional responding. Results indicate that three paths significantly distinguish between regulation and non-regulation negative conditions. The path from inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) to anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) was significantly less positive during regulation than natural responding. In addition, the reciprocal paths between ACC and insula were more negative during regulation than natural responding. Taken as a whole, these changes in effective connectivity are consistent with assumptions of top-down modulation during effortful emotion regulation. In addition, these changes suggest a pivotal role for the influence of IFG upon ACC and the ACC-insula loop in emotion regulation. The processes represented by these changes and implications for future research are discussed.
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Emotional Experience, Relationship Behavior and Glucose Regulation in Married CouplesRice, David January 2010 (has links)
This daily diary study investigated the emotional experiences and relationship behaviors of married couples coping with the husband's Type 2 diabetes, and how those experiences and behaviors affected his blood glucose levels. Repeated measures multilevel models examined the effects of husbands' and wives' absolute levels of positive and negative emotional experiences, balance of positive to negative emotional experiences, absolute levels of positive and negative behaviors, and balance of positive to negative behaviors on husbands' glucose. Husbands' negative emotional experience and wives' positive balance of relationship behaviors predicted lower blood glucose levels. For husbands who were younger, in poorer general health, and whose wives were more satisfied with their marriage, husbands' positive emotional experience predicted lower blood glucose levels. For husbands in better general health, wives' reports of a higher balance of positive as opposed to negative emotional experience also predicted lower blood glucose levels. Overall, results indicate that positive emotional experience and a balance of emotional experience and relationship behavior that is predominantly positive predicts positive diabetes outcomes as measured by lower daily blood glucose levels.
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Experiential avoidance (EA) is an emotion-regulation strategy used to control or avoid unpleasant internal experiences. Experimental studies, however, have shown that EA is associated with an ironic increase in unpleasant experiences. While single manipulation laboratory experiments can demonstrate the immediate ironic detrimental effects of EA, a different methodology is needed to establish how such ironic processes unfold over time in the natural environment. The current study uses a longitudinal design and daily-diary methodology to examine daily associations between EA and negative affect (NA) over a three-week period among college-students who initially reported high levels of psychological distress. A daily measure of state EA based on several avoidant behaviors (thought suppression, emotion suppression, distraction, reflective pondering, and lack of experiential acceptance) was developed for this study. Before and after making daily web-based reports of EA and NA for 21 consecutive days, participants completed a standardized checklist of psychological symptoms, with pre-post change scores on this measure serving as an index of symptomatic improvement. Multilevel modeling analyses showed that, as predicted, symptomatic improvement was associated with decreasing trajectories of EA and NA during the 21-day study period. More symptomatic improvement was associated with weakening (decoupling) of same-day EA-NA links over time. Contrary to predictions, same-day and one-day lagged associations between NA and EA were not associated with symptomatic change. Additional multilevel analyses showed that symptomatic worsening was associated with more daily EA, over and above what was accounted for by daily NA. Likewise, traditional between-person regression analyses showed that overall mean levels of daily EA (aggregated across days) predicted symptomatic worsening, even after statistically accounting for mean levels of daily NA. The results of this study provide partial support for the hypothesis that EA and NA are related to each other in an ironic positive feedback loop that unfolds over time and that symptomatic improvement may involve a process by which EA and NA both decrease and decouple from each other over time. These findings emphasize the importance of using methodologies that track the relationship between EA and its consequences over time using within-person analyses, rather than solely relying on between-person designs.
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Suggestibilitets roll i empati : skillnaden mellan skillnaden mellan att passivt tilldelas och att aktivt dela en annans känslaHolgersson, Björn January 2008 (has links)
Denna uppsats belyser empati ur ett troligen helt nytt perspektiv genom att likna empatiprocessen vid den suggestibla som ”den andres” förmedlande av stimu¬lus, vilket av målpersonen mottages, processas och därefter ofta resulterar i en, hos målpersonen, genuint upplevd känsla eller uppfattning. I uppsatsen förslås vidare att empati och suggestibilitet skiljer sig ifrån övrig form av var¬seblivning genom det radikala internaliserandet av stimulus som de ofta ska¬par hos målpersonen. Studiens syfte var att, baserat på detta förslag, utreda om det finns ett samband mellan empati och suggesti¬bilitet. En studie utförd med 42 per¬soner påvisade en tendens till samband mellan suggestibilitet och empati samt att kvinnor var signifikant mer suggestibla än män. Framtida forskning bör fortsatt testa om suggestibilitet kan förklara empati.
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Age-related Changes In Emotion Regulation Using A Startle Modulation ParadigmGojmerac, Christina 17 January 2012 (has links)
Lifespan theories of emotion suggest that the ability to regulate emotion improves with age. The supporting evidence, however, is indirect: older adults pay less attention to negative events, remember less negative information, and report fewer experiences of negative emotion. Few studies directly measure emotion regulation by explicitly instructing older adults to modulate their feelings while exposed to emotion-evoking stimuli. The purpose of this thesis was to directly compare younger and older adults in their ability to modulate feelings to investigate whether aging results in decline, stability, or improvement in emotion regulation and also to examine potential mechanisms underlying regulation skills. The study employed a startle modulation paradigm to measure both emotional reactivity and regulation. Two experimental tasks (Stroop colour-word interference, reversal learning) were also administered to explore the relationship between emotion regulation and two theoretically-relevant processes: (a) cognitive control and (b) modification of learned emotional associations. There were three main findings: (1) emotional reactivity was preserved in older adults. Both age groups showed emotion-modulated startle (negative > neutral) during the pre-regulation viewing period; (2) age-related decline in emotion regulation was evident on an objective measure of emotion regulation (startle eyeblink reflex) but not on a subjective measure (self-ratings). Specifically, for older adults, startle eyeblink was not enhanced or attenuated following increase and decrease instructions, respectively. In contrast, both groups showed similar modulation of valence and arousal ratings by regulation instruction (increase > look > decrease); (3) for older adults, reversal learning performance correlated positively with the degree of reappraisal-related startle attenuation in the decrease condition, suggesting a possible mechanism for impaired down-regulation. These findings suggest that even when emotional reactivity is similar, older adults are less effective at modulating their physiological responses.
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Emotion in Speech: Recognition by Younger and Older Adults and Effects on IntelligibilityDupuis, Katherine Lise 06 January 2012 (has links)
Spoken language conveys two forms of information: transactional (content, what is said) and interactional (how it is said). The transactional message shared during spoken communication has been studied extensively in different listening conditions and in people of all ages using standardized tests of speech intelligibility. However, research into interactional aspects of speech has been more limited. One specific aspect of interactional communication that warrants further investigation is the communication of emotion in speech, also called affective prosody.
A series of experiments examined how younger and older adults produce affective prosody, recognize emotion in speech, and understand emotional speech in noise. The emotional valence and arousal properties of target words from an existing speech intelligibility test were rated by younger and older adults. New stimuli based on those words were recorded by a younger female and an older female using affective prosody to portray seven emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, pleasant surprise, sadness, neutral). Similar to previous studies, the acoustical parameter that best differentiated the emotions was fundamental frequency (F0). Specifically, discriminant analysis indicated that emotional category membership was best predicted by the mean and range of F0.
Overall, recognition of emotion and intelligibility were high. While older listeners made more recognition errors and had poorer intelligibility overall, their patterns of responding did not differ significantly from those of the younger listeners on either measure. Of note, angry and sad emotions were recognized with the highest degree of accuracy, but intelligibility was highest for items spoken to portray fear or pleasant surprise. These results may suggest that there is a complementarity between the acoustic cues used to recognize emotions (how words are said) and those used to understand words (what is said). Alternatively, the effect of emotion on intelligibility may be modulated primarily by attentional rather than acoustical factors, with higher performance associated with alerting emotions.
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Experimenter audience effects on young adults' facial expressions during pain.Badali, Melanie 05 1900 (has links)
Facial expression has been used as a measure of pain in clinical and experimental studies. The Sociocommunications Model of Pain (T. Hadjistavropoulos, K. Craig, & S. Fuchs-Lacelle, 2004) characterizes facial movements during pain as both expressions of inner experience and communications to other people that must be considered in the social contexts in which they occur. While research demonstrates that specific facial movements may be outward manifestations of pain states, less attention has been paid to the extent to which contextual factors influence facial movements during pain. Experimenters are an inevitable feature of research studies on facial expression during pain and study of their social impact is merited. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of experimenter presence on participants’ facial expressions during pain. Healthy young adults (60 males, 60 females) underwent painful stimulation induced by a cold pressor in three social contexts: alone; alone with knowledge of an experimenter watching through a one-way mirror; and face-to-face with an experimenter. Participants provided verbal self-report ratings of pain. Facial behaviours during pain were coded with the Facial Action Coding System (P. Ekman, W. Friesen, & J. Hager, 2002) and rated by naïve judges. Participants’ facial expressions of pain varied with the context of the pain experience condition but not with verbally self-reported levels of pain. Participants who were alone were more likely to display facial actions typically associated with pain than participants who were being observed by an experimenter who was in another room or sitting across from them. Naïve judges appeared to be influenced by these facial expressions as, on average, they rated the participants who were alone as experiencing more pain than those who were observed. Facial expressions shown by people experiencing pain can communicate the fact that they are feeling pain. However, facial expressions can be influenced by factors in the social context such as the presence of an experimenter. The results suggest that facial expressions during pain made by adults should be viewed at least in part as communications, subject to intrapersonal and interpersonal influences, rather than direct read-outs of experience.
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How do adolescents define depression? Links with depressive symptoms, self-recognition of depression, and social and emotional competenceFuks Geddes, Czesia 11 1900 (has links)
Depression in adolescents is a ubiquitous mental health problem presenting ambiguities, uncertainties, and diverse challenges in its conceptualization, presentation, detection, and treatment. Despite the plethora of research on adolescent depression, there exists a paucity of research in regards to obtaining information from the adolescents themselves. In a mixed method, cross-sectional study, adolescents (N= 332) in grades 8 and 11 provided their conceptions of depression. Adolescents' self-recognition of depression was examined in association with depressive symptomatology and reported pathways to talking to someone. Adolescents' social and emotional competence was also examined in association with severity of their depressive symptomatology.
Developed categories and subcategories of adolescent depression were guided by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) criteria for Major Depressive Episode (MDE) (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000). Adolescents' definitions of depression were dominated by subjective, holistic interpretations and add new information and depth to the previous research on adolescent depression. Depressed Mood and Social Impairment were the core categories, both contained intricate subcategories. The frequencies of these constructs provide a map of the themes and subthemes that pervade adolescents' personal philosophies regarding adolescent depression.
About half of the adolescents who self-recognized depression within two weeks (45%),qualify into screened depression (Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale -2" version [RADS-2];Reynolds, 2002) criteria based on the DSM-IV-TR for MDE (APA, 2000). However, this study's findings showed that the mean for screened Depression Total Score (RADS-2; Reynolds, 2002)was significantly higher in those adolescents who self-recognized versus those who did not self-recognize depression. The majority of lifetime self-recognizers of depression thought that they needed to talk to someone and reported that they talked to someone when feeling depressed. Poor Emotion Awareness was a strong contributor to increasing vulnerability to depressive symptomatology. This study provides new theoretical insights regarding the concept and detection of adolescent depression, and links between social and emotional competence and depressive symptomatology. These findings extend previous research (APA, 2000), provide new understanding to guide future research, and have direct implications for research, policy, and practice strategies aimed to better communicate with and help young people with and without depression.
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Psychopathic Traits and Interpersonal Judgment: Examining Accuracy, Tendency, and Influence of Sex of Judge and TargetDemetrioff, Sabrina 30 September 2013 (has links)
Individuals who are high in psychopathic traits are known to cheat, lie, and manipulate others. One of the factors that may influence this behaviour is interpersonal judgment accuracy and tendency. There is some indication that increased psychopathic traits may be related to the ability to accurately judge the personality traits and emotions of others, and subsequently select individuals with characteristics that make them more vulnerable to manipulation and victimization. Alternatively, psychopathic traits may be related to a tendency to view others as possessing more vulnerable traits in general. The current study explored this topic by examining the relationship between psychopathic traits and the ability to accurately judge others’ personality traits and emotional states, as well the tendency to judge others as being more vulnerable. These relationships were examined in the overall sample as well by sex of judge and target. Male and female undergraduate students (N = 131) completed measures of psychopathic traits and narcissism. They were also asked to complete three tasks: 1) judge the personality traits and emotional states of individuals shown in brief video clips, 2) complete a memory task, select individuals who they would like to get to know better, and judge their vulnerability to being taken advantage of based on viewing photographs and brief written descriptions, and 3) judge brief displays of emotion. Results indicated that higher levels of psychopathic traits were related to enhanced judgment accuracy for certain traits and emotional states, but these relationships often varied depending on sex of judge and target. As well, psychopathic traits appeared to have a stronger relationship with judgment tendency than judgment accuracy, suggesting that individuals who are high in psychopathic traits tend to view others in a more negative light that may make them seem more vulnerable to manipulation. Judgment tendency also varied depending on sex of judge and target. Psychopathic traits showed stronger relationships with both judgment accuracy and tendency than narcissism. The results of the current study highlight the importance of continuing to study male and female psychopathy separately to gain an understanding of how psychopathic traits may manifest differently between the sexes.
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Elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimų turinčių vaikų ugdymo pradinėje mokykloje modelis / The model of educating behaviourally and emotionally disordered children in primary schoolKaralienė, Rima 03 September 2008 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu vis didėja mokytojų ir tėvų susirūpinimas dėl elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimų turinčių vaikų ugdymo. Šie vaikai turi bendravimo ir mokymosi problemų, yra sunkiai auklėjami, aplinkiniams pridaro daug rūpesčių. Darbas su šiais vaikais iš mokytojo pareikalauja daugiau psichologinės įtampos, pastangų, kūrybiškumo, organizacinių sugebėjimų.
Tyrimo problema - nėra teoriškai pagrįsto, elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimų turinčių vaikų ugdymo, pradinėje mokykloje, modelio. Pradinės mokyklos mokytojams trūksta kompetencijos identifikuoti šiuos sutrikimus, šiuos sutrikimus turinčių vaikų problemas ir naudoti tinkamus vaikų ugdymo metodus (teisingus šių problemų sprendimo būdus).
Tyrimo objektas – Elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimų turinčių vaikų ugdymas.
Darbo tikslas – sukurti elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimus turinčių vaikų ugdymo pradinėje mokykloje modelį.
• Apibrėžti elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimų sampratą, priežastis ir veiksnius, skatinančius jų atsiradimą.
• Atskleisti kokie emocijų, elgesio, veiklos sutrikimai dažniausiai pasireiškia vaikams pradinėje mokykloje.
• Identifikuoti pagrindines elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimų turinčių vaikų ugdymo problemas ir nustatyti, kokius metodus taiko mokytojai pradinėje mokykloje, jas spręsdami.
• Pateikti elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimų turinčių vaikų ugdymo pradinėje mokykloje modelį.
Šiai problemai spręsti pasirinktas aprašomasis tyrimo tipas. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas dviem etapais: pirmajame – kiekybinis (anketinė apklausa)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Teachers‘ and parent‘s concern about the educating of behaviourally and emotionally disordered children is remarkably increasing.These children face with socializing and learning problems,cause difficulties in bringing them up and make trouble for other people.Work with the sort of these children demands more psychological stress,efforts,creativity and organizational skills from the teacher.
The problem of the research - there is no theoretically based model of educating behaviourally and emotionally disordered children in primary school.Primary school teachers are not competent enough to identify this kind of disorder, recognize the problems these children face with and consiquently are not able to use appropriate methods (correct ways of solving these problems) of educating this group of children.
The objective of the research – educating behaviourally and emotionally disordered children.
The aim of the theses – to create the model of educating behaviourally and emotionally disordered children in primary school.
The main tasks:
- To define the concept of behavioural and emotional disorder,its origin and factors stimulating their beginning.
- To find out what sorts of disorder are most frequently observed in primary school children‘s behaviour,emotions and actions.
- To identify the main problem in educating behaviourally and emotionally disordered children and to reveal the methods applied by primary teachers in order to solve these... [to full text]
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