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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energikartläggning av Foria AB:s aktiviteter / Energy Audit of Foria AB's Activities

Carlzon, Eva January 2023 (has links)
Energieffektivisering har länge varit och blir alltmer aktuell, dels för att främja social, ekonomisk och miljömässig hållbarhet, dels för att motverka den rådande energikrisen i Europa. 2014 beslutades det om Lag (2014:266) om energikartläggning i stora företag. Lagen innebär att företag som årligen omsätter mer än 50 miljoner euro och är fler än 250 anställda ska göra en energikartläggning var fjärde år. Foria AB omsätter årligen mer än 50 miljoner euro och blev under 2022 fler än 250 anställda vilket resulterar i att företaget omfattas av Lag (2014:266). Syftet med examensarbetet är identifiera vilka styrkor och svagheter som energikartläggningar har samt att genomföra en energikartläggning över Foria AB:s energikrävande aktiviteter enligt kategorierna transport, verksamhet och byggnader och identifiera energieffektiviserande åtgärder i enlighet med Lag (2014:266). Energikartläggningen är genomförd enligt ISO 50001 standarden vilket bland annat kräver ett kontinuerligt arbete med energifrågan. Ett kontinuerligt arbete med energifrågan har visat sig ha större positiv effekt av företags energieffektivisering i jämförelse med om det är en engångsprocedur. Energikartläggningen är baserad på data om energianvändningen i form av tankad mängd drivmedel, el- och värmefakturor samt schablonberäkningar där data inte är tillgängliga. Resultatet av energikartläggningen visar att Forias transporter utgör den största energiposten med ett energibehov på 22,1 GWh under 2022, följt av byggnader som hade ett energibehov på 0,97 GWh och verksamhet med ett energibehov på 0,51 GWh. Vid utarbetandet av de energieffektiviserande åtgärderna togs beslutet att fokusera på transporter i sin helhet, samt byggnaderna och tillhörande verksamheter vid tre olika platskontor. De energieffektiviserande åtgärder som identifierades inom litteraturen och i samband med intervjuer med Foria AB:s anställda inom transportkategorin är att köra mer sparsamt, installera GPS:er i fordonen för att kunna trafikleda mer effektivt samt att nyttja ett mjukvaruprogram vid trafikledning. Bland dessa energibesparingsåtgärder identifierades överexponeringar och överlappande åtgärder på grund av bristfälliga data, vilka är några av de svagheterna som finns med energikartläggningar. Energieffektiviserande åtgärder inom kategorin byggnader är att behovsanpassa underhållsystem, optimera nyttjandet av lokaler i syfte att minska värme- och ventilationsbehovet samt byta ut och renovera ineffektiva värmesystem. De energibesparande åtgärder som ger störst andel sparad energi är samtliga åtgärder inom transport. Trots att den exakta besparingen inte kunnat fastställas görs bedömningen att det finns potential till energibesparing då både litteraturen och känslighetsanalysen tyder på det. För att få mer exakta resultat av energianvändningen och energibesparingen behöver mer data samlas in. Trots att datainsamlingen delvis är baserad på schablonberäkningar, att svagheter identifierats och de energieffektiviserande åtgärderna är baserade på förväntad andel sparad energi bedöms energikartläggningen ge en tillräckligt representativ bild av energibehovet samt att Foria AB har god potential till energieffektivisering genom att implementera de föreslagna åtgärderna. / To be energy efficiency is increasingly relevant, partly to promote social, economic, and environmental sustainability, and partly to counteract the ongoing energy crisis in Europe. In 2014, the Law (2014:266) on Energy Mapping in Large Companies was enacted. The law stipulates that companies that has an annual turnover of more than 50 million euros and have more than 250 employees must conduct an energy mapping every four years. In 2022, the transportation company Foria AB exceeded 250 employees, had an annual turnover of more than 50 million euros, and is therefore subject to Law (2014:266). The purpose of the thesis is to identify strengths and weaknesses of energy audits and to conduct an energy mapping of Foria AB's energy-intensive activities in the categories of transportation, operations, and buildings, and identify energy efficiency measures in accordance with Law (2014:266).  The energy audit has been conducted according to the ISO 50001 standards, which, among other things, requires ongoing work with the energy related questions. Continuous efforts in addressing energy issues have been found to have a greater impact on a company’s energy efficiency compared to a one-time procedure. The energy audit is based on data regarding fuel consumption, electricity, and heat invoices, as well as default calculations where real data was unavailable. The result of the energy audit revealed that Foria's transportations are the largest energy expenditure, with an energy demand of 22.1 GWh in 2022, followed by buildings with an energy demand of 0.97 GWh and operations with 0.51 GWh. When identifying the energy efficiency measures, the decision was made to focus on transportation, as well as the buildings and associated operations at three different branch offices. The energy efficiency measures were identified in the literature and through interviews with employees at Foria AB. For the transportation category this resulted in driving more efficiently, installing GPS systems in vehicles for more efficient traffic management, and utilizing software programs for traffic control. Energy efficiency measures for buildings include adapting maintenance systems to actual needs, optimizing space utilization to reduce heating and ventilation requirements, and replacing and renovating inefficient heating systems. The energy-saving measures that result in the largest proportion of saved energy are all within transportation. Although the exact savings couldn't be determined, the assessment is that there is potential for energy savings, as both the literature and sensitivity analysis suggest. To obtain more precise results regarding energy consumption and energy savings, more data needs to be collected. Although the data is partly based on default calculations, that weaknesses were identified, and the energy efficiency measures are based on expected energy savings, the energy mapping is deemed to provide a sufficiently representative picture of the energy demand and that Foria AB has good potential for energy efficiency by implementing the proposed measures.

Utvärdering av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder på Bokelundskolan i Växjö / Evaluation of energy efficiency measures on Bokelundskolan in Växjö

Petersson, Frida, Viberg, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
The purpose with this report is to examine how the implemented energy efficiency measures on Bokelundskolan in Växjö have had impact on the energy use. The measures which have been implemented are, new ventilation system, new heating system, optimized adjustment of the heating system, new windows with U-value 1.2 and lower window height, insulation under windows and in the crawl space. The school's energy use before and after rebuilding has been calculated with the calculation program, Vip-Energy 1.5.5. Calculations of energy use for the school with windows on U-value, 0.9 and 0.7 have also been done. The replacement of windows has been studied from a cost perspective. The conclusion is that the exchange of heat and ventilation system was the biggest contributor to reduced energy use on Bokelundskolan. The evaluation of windows with different U-value showed that windows with U-value 1.2 were the most profitable.

The potential of energy efficiency measures in micro and small scale businesses in Kumasi-Ghana

Kuranchie, Francis Atta January 2011 (has links)
In industry, energy efficiency reduces operating cost and emissions to the environment whiles enhancing energy security. In order to ensure the sustainability of micro and small scale businesses in a developing country such as Ghana, measures that can ensure energy efficiency are therefore essential for these businesses to have a productive and economical operation that will ensure their sustainability. In this study, the potential of energy efficiency measures for micro and small scale businesses have been examined by performing industrial energy systems analysis on some selected micro and small scale businesses in Kumasi-Ghana through a practical study and administering of questionnaire about their energy consumption. Legislative instruments that are linked with energy use in Ghana were looked into. Some possible energy efficiency measures that could be adopted by these businesses have been analyzed. In this study it is established that energy supply to these businesses is not reliable and it is continuously becoming expensive. In addition, other findings were that value could be added to the processes of these businesses if they incorporate energy efficiency measures in their operations. The main driving force that will encourage these businesses to incorporate energy efficiency measures in their operation is the energy prices increase; therefore, their interest is the measures that could reduce their energy cost rather than the positive impacts that will come to the environment. In doing this renewable energy has the greatest potential in ensuring energy efficiency to these businesses. Finally, it is established that there are no specific legislations on energy use that will bring negative effects to these businesses and this could create enabling environment for private investors of energy efficiency.

Energy audit of a bakery in Sweden

Gomez, Adrian January 2017 (has links)
In order to reach the European aim for a sustainable growth, the “Triple 20 by 2020”, the energy audit in every sector is one of the keys of the success. In order to carry on with the energetical development, sustainability and future energy efficient systems, the energy efficiency in the industry is one of the most important matters. The Swedish industry uses 147 TWh of energy per year, which represents the 39% of the total final energy use and also the biggest energy user of the three sectors. The food processing industry only uses a 3% of the total Swedish industrial energy use, however this is 4410 GWh per year, what still has high possibilities to reduce the use of energy through different energy efficiency measures.The present study consists on an energy audit of a small-medium industrial bakery in Ockelbo, Sweden, by starting with the compilation of a few energy efficiency measures that are usually carried out on the energy audits. Then those measures have been tried to implement in the bakery in order to reduce the energy use and therefore the costs, which are the principal aims of the study, together with the approach to future energy efficiency ideas. However, the lack of electrical measure equipment has been a big limitation for the study. The method, that has been the guideline for the energy audit, is the Energy management procedure, which is a widely used method on different energy audits. The main measures that have been proposed are regarding the auxiliary processes like lighting and the compressed air system, additionaly, changes regarding the power contract and the installed power of they bakery are presented. Also different future possibilities for the heat recovery are analyzed and discussed like using the waste heat for preheating tap water for the dough processes. Additionally this study contains a wide explanation of the Swedish electrical bills that every company has to pay and probably many of them do not understand.If the presented energy efficiency measures are implemented the electrical energy use can be reduced with at least 23109 kWh per year. In terms of money, the cost savings are at least 57781 SEK per year with an investment of 106300 SEK.

The Non-Energy Benefits of Industrial Energy Efficiency : Investments and Measures

Nehler, Therese January 2016 (has links)
Improved industrial energy efficiency is viewed as an important means in the reduction of CO2 emissions and climate change mitigation. Various energy efficiency measures for improving energy efficiency exists, but even evaluated as cost-effective, there seems to be a difference between the energy efficiency measures that theoretically could be undertaken and which measures that actually are realised. On the other hand, industrial energy efficiency measures might yield extra effects, denoted as non-energy benefits, beyond the actual energy savings or energy cost savings. Based on interviews and a questionnaire, results showed that the Swedish industrial firms studied had observed various non-energy benefits. However, few of the non-energy benefits observed were translated into monetary values and included in investment calculations. Results indicated that this non-inclusion could be explained by lack on information on how to measure and monetise the benefits, but even if not translated into monetary values, some of the non-energy benefits were sometimes used qualitatively in investment decisions. The utilisation of the benefits seemed to depend on the type and the level of quantifiability among the perceived benefits. This thesis has also explored energy efficiency measures and non-energy benefits for a specific industrial energy-using process – compressed air. A literature review on energy efficiency in relation to compressed air systems revealed a large variation in which measures that could be undertaken to improve energy efficiency. However, few publications applied a comprehensive perspective including the entire compressed air system. Few non-energy benefits of specific energy efficiency measures for compressed air systems were identified, but the study provided insights into how non-energy benefits should be studied. This thesis suggests that energy efficiency and non-energy benefits in compressed air systems should be studied on specific measure level to enable the observation of their effects. However, the studies also addressed the importance of having a systems perspective; the whole system should be regarded to understand the effects of energy efficiency measures and related non-energy benefits.

Resurseffektiv energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus : Frånluftsvärmepumpar i kombination med fjärrvärme / Resource efficient energy measures of apartment buildings : Exhaust air heat pumps in combination with district heating

Gustafsson, Olle, Karlsson, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Fjärrvärme täcker i dagsläget cirka 56 procent av energibehovet för uppvärmning och varmvatten i svenska bostadssektorn. Denna siffra förväntas minska i och med ökade energieffektiviseringsåtgärder och installationer av alternativa värmekällor. Det har blivit allt vanligare att både fastighetssektorn och olika miljöklassningssystem fokuserar på att minska mängden inköpt energi och ett sätt att göra detta på är att installera frånluftsvärmepumpar som ett komplement till fastighetens primära uppvärmningssystem. Det kommunalägda bostadsbolaget AB Stångåstaden planerar att utföra detta i flerbostadshus där FTX-system av flera anledningar inte är möjligt att installera. Installationen är aktuell i fastigheter som i dagsläget har frånluftsventilation och självdrag samt är högre än tre våningar.Installationen kommer att påverka den lokala fjärrvärmeleverantören Tekniska verken AB och då även de är kommunalägda finns det ett intresse i att utreda de effekter som frånluftsvärmepumparna kommer att ha på de båda företagen samt på kommunen i stort. Därför ämnar denna rapport till att påvisa effekterna av installationen av frånluftsvärmepumpar som komplement till fjärrvärme ur ett ekonomiskt, miljö- och resursmässigt perspektiv. I den här rapporten syftar resurs till den primärenergianvändning som sker till följd av förändrad fjärrvärme- och elanvändning vid installation av frånluftsvärmepumpar.Detta har gjorts genom att undersöka två befintliga fastigheter där frånluftsvärmepumpar nyligen installerats och modellera dem i programmet BV2. Där undersöks hur värmeanvändningen förändras då frånluftsvärmepumpen tillåts att drivas utifrån följande sex driftfall; 1. Frånluftsvärmepumpen går året runt 2. Frånluftsvärmepumpen går mellan december och februari 3. Frånluftsvärmepumpen går mellan oktober och april 4. Frånluftsvärmepumpen startar då utetemperaturen understiger -4˚C 5. Frånluftsvärmepumpen startar då utetemperaturen understiger +1˚C 6. Frånluftsvärmepumpen startar då utetemperaturen understiger +5˚C Dessa är framtagna med avseende på Tekniska verkens säsongsbaserade fjärrvärmepris samt på ungefärliga utetemperaturer då marginalproduktionen för fjärrvärmen skiftar bränsle. Dessa kommer även att jämföras med ett referensfall då enbart fjärrvärme täcker fastigheternas värmebehov.Förändringen i fastigheternas fjärrvärmebehov simulerades sedan i Tekniska verkens energiplaneringssystem för att se hur värme- och elproduktionen påverkades. Genom detta erhölls underlag för att kunna ta fram de ekonomiska, miljö- och primärenergimässiga effekterna som uppkommer i och med frånluftsvärmepumpens drift.Utifrån detta kan det konstateras att frånluftsvärmepumpar inte är en lönsam energieffektiviseringsåtgärd för Tekniska verken, Stångåstaden eller Linköpings kommun. Prisbilden och bränslesammansättningen för fjärrvärme i Linköping ger inte frånluftsvärmepumparna potential till att vara lönsam utifrån något av de tre kriterierna ekonomi, miljö och resurs. De mest fördelaktiga driftfallen fås för alla parter då frånluftsvärmepumpen får starta mellan en och minus fyra grader. Detta ger som bäst kommunen en ekonomisk förlust på cirka 1,6 Mkr för Fastighet A och 2,8 Mkr för Fastighet B över en tidsperiod på tjugo år, vilket bedöms vara värmepumpens ekonomiska livslängd. Förlusten beror till störst del på de höga investeringskostnaderna som frånluftsvärmepumparna medför, men också på den prisbild som är satt för fjärrvärme i Linköping.Genom att temperaturstyra frånluftsvärmepumpen ges också störst potential till att minska utsläppsintensiv marginalproduktion av fjärrvärme och genom det också ge minskade globala växthusgasutsläpp i jämförelse med att enbart använda fjärrvärme. Merparten av driftfallen ger dock ökade utsläpp i jämförelse med referensen. Anledningen är till stor del den höga andel avfallsbränsle som finns i Tekniska verkens produktionsmix. Minskad fjärrvärmeproduktion minskar även Tekniska verkens elproduktion vilken antas täckas upp av en mer utsläppsintensiv europeisk marginalproduktion.iiDet finns inget av de valda driftfallen som minskar användningen av den primärenergi som krävs vid värmeproduktionen och anledningen är återigen att den ökade elanvändningen värderas med en högre faktor än vad avfallsbaserad fjärrvärme gör.Frånluftsvärmepumparna är på båda fastigheterna installerade på fastighetens radiatorretur och trots den bevisat förhöjda returtemperaturen som sker på fjärrvärmenätet så bedöms detta inkopplingsalternativ som det mest effektiva sätt att utföra installationen på för att erhålla bäst värmefaktor, driftkostnad och grundinvestering.Trots att inget av de analyserade driftfallen gav en entydig förbättring ur kriterierna ekonomi, miljö och resurs i jämförelse med referensfallet lyckades ändå mängden inköpt energi minskas i samtliga fall. Detta kan ses som en indikation på att de mål om minskad inköpt energi som sätts inom branschen kan behöva revideras, då exempelvis en av de primära anledningarna till dessa mål är att minska koldioxidutsläppen.

Energy Audit of an industrial building in Sweden : Case study of a CNC processed components’ producer company

Bueno Rosete, Isabel January 2018 (has links)
The industrial sector accounts for almost 40 % of the Swedish energy use and in order to meet the EU’s 2020 targets, an efficient production of high quality and great finish goods are more and more in demand. Moreover, it is important to develop the activities with the lowest environmental impact possible.  The energy audit process is an effective tool to achieve it. Thus, in this document the energy audit of an industrial company, Automat Industrier in Gävle, Sweden, was carried out. The energy balance of the building and the potential energy efficiency measures were analyzed with the IDA ICE simulation. The proposed energy retrofitting was apropos of the building envelope, the lighting system, the ventilation system and the installation of a PV system on the roof of the building. The survey indicated that the potential energy savings of the company accounted for 62.5 % of the current electricity use and 48.8 % of the current DH use if all the proposed ameliorations were performed. The main promoter of the electricity savings is the installation of the PV system, with 85 % of influence. Almost 90 % of the DH savings are due to the measures in the ventilation system. Financially, these savings can reach the amounts of 531 597 SEK/year for electricity and 174 201 SEK/year for DH. Nevertheless, the ameliorations regarding the building envelope have very long payback periods. Thus, it was recommended to not pursue them. Fortunately, the energy efficiency measures providing the greatest savings’ payback periods are between 3.47 years and 10.22 years long. As they are independent from each other, the owner has the freedom to decide whether to apply them or not and when if so.

Energy Audit in Educational Buildings : Case study of Fridhemsskolan in Gävle

Abdalla Mohamed Ahmed, Fayad January 2017 (has links)
The global share from buildings towards energy usage in residential and commercial buildings have been increasing constantly reaching between 20% to 40% in developed countries and has overtook the other major sectors: industrial and transportation. Energy demand reduction in the building sector is important for Sweden to achieve national energy aims for reduced energy use in the future.  For this reason, energy efficiency measures in buildings today is one of the main objective for energy policy towards 2020 goals.   This project moves on the same path to find energy efficiency potential in Fridhemsskolan buildings in Gävle, Sweden by performing energy audit using IDA-ICE software to simulate energy performance for the buildings under study. In addition, measurements have been made on three of the school buildings named Hus 1, Hus 2 and Hus 3.   The results include different energy efficiency retrofits on each building and economic analysis of these retrofits for each building individually and for the whole buildings together. The presented measures are reducing working hours of the ventilation system in Hus 2, change of CAV system with VAV system in (Hus 1 and Hus 2) and lights changing to LED, s efficient lights and building envelope improvement which includes walls and roof extra insulation and windows replacement.   Replacement of the CAV system in Hus 1 and Hus 2 were not economically beneficial when considering their high cost compared to energy reduction that can be achieved by applying them. On the other hand, energy retrofits analysis showed that combination of the following energy efficiency measures is the most effective and profitable: extra insulation (walls and roof), windows replacement and lights change to LED in the three buildings. In addition to these measure is reducing running hours of the ventilation system in Hus 2.   Implementation of the recommended energy efficiency measures will save 120, 737 kWh/ year of the district heating and 21, 962 kWh/year electricity consumption with capital investment of 417, 396 SEK and 98, 957 SEK/ year cost saving with payback period of 4.2 years. These figures represent 40.3% and 18.1% reduction in district heating and electricity energy use respectively.   Since reducing working hours of ventilation system measure has no capital investment and have the highest figure of energy reduction it reduces payback period significantly. In case the amount of money saved by this measure doesn’t consider; payback period for the other measures which require capital investment will be 13.5 years and the energy saving in terms of cost will be 30, 874 SEK/ year.

Energy efficiency measures and energy pricing : The effect of different price schemes on energy efficiency measures

Skogfeldt, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
This project investigates the relationship between energy efficiency measures in the Swedish building stock and different price schemes based on energy prices. Data from different categories was gathered and used in a regression model. They were based on what type of pricing and fees that are behind the energy prices for electricity and district heating. These predictors were used to get an equation of the temperature corrected energy use which can be linked to how much energy efficiency measures have been implemented over the investigated time period. The result for the main equation, that includes all the studied building types, indicated that it is possible to predict energy efficiency measures with different price schemes,and therefore it is possible to increase the rate at which measures are implemented. It showed that there is a negative relationship between energy consumption and theprice of energy from district heating. If the price of district heating increases the temperature corrected energy use decreases. The other relationships between predictors and the dependent variable were positive. It also described the geographical location as a statistically significant variable, regarding all climate zones in Sweden.

Energy efficiency measures in a typical Swedish single-family building from the 1960s

Larsson, Emanuel, Ljungqvist Baldesi, Raffaello January 2022 (has links)
Many buildings built in the 1960s are inefficient when it comes to their energy use. A lot of them are also in need of renovating. Therefore, this project is aiming to investigate five different scenarios where the decrease in electricity demand is in focus.One scenario is energy-saving behavior which does not need any investment for a renovation but just decreases the electricity demand by changing the behavior of the people living there.Another option is the building envelope renovation where added insulation to the outer walls, the roof and the floor is added. The windows and entrance doors are also upgraded to more efficient options. A return air only ventilation system is installed as well. The third option is to renovate the reference house to achieve the status of passive house set by Boverket. This is done by adding a much thicker layer of insulation to the building components and adding a FTX ventilation system and at the same time changing the direct electric heating system to a bed rock geothermal heating system. The last two scenarios, net-zero energy building and off-grid building, also use a FTX ventilation system and bed rock geothermal heating system. They have the same thickness as the building envelope renovation. The biggest difference is that the net-zero energy building uses solar power to match the yearly electricity demand and therefore be able to call it net-zero energy. The off-grid house has an electricity storage as well as the solar panels. This is to be able to disconnect from the electric grid completely and only consume electricity produced by the building itself.The last three scenarios all achieve a primary energy below that of what Boverket demand fornew buildings of 90 kWh/m^2, year. The building with the lowest cumulative cost over 50 years is the off-grid building, though this result could vary depending on the price of electricity. The scenario with the lowest investment cost per kWh saved is the net-zero energy building.

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