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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Framework pro dynamické vytváření informačního systému / Framework for Dynamic Information System Creating

Dziadzio, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyzes and defines requirements of framework, which helps with quick and effortless development of business information systems. The main goal of the framework is development acceleration, price reduction and overall improvement of product quality. The thesis also compares and evaluates existing tools. The result is detailed design and implementation of own flexible solution that fulfills all defined requirements and removes disadvantages of existing solutions. In the scope for further studies framework development possibilities and directions are listed.

Mobilní systém pro sběr zpětné vazby zákazníků / Mobile System for Customer Feedback Collection

Kadlubiec, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
Práce se zabývá popisem tvorby mobilního systému pro monitoring zákaznické spokojenosti a sběr zpětné vazby od návštěvníků v restauracích s názvem Huerate. Komplexně jsou popsané všechny fáze vývoje systému. První část práce se zabývá analýzou existujících řešení a stavem na trhu. Následně jsou na základně komunikace s majiteli restaurací sestaveny požadavky na systém. Nakonec se práce věnuje samotnému návrhu systému, jeho implementaci a nasazení v restauracích. Systém Huerate běží jako webová aplikace a je dostupný na adrese http://huerate.cz.

Integrated Management of Interface Power (IMIP) Framework

Mahkoum, Hicham 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

El héroe en el imaginario colectivo. Aproximación arquetípica desde los primeros relatos hasta las industrias de la comunicación y culturales

Sanmartín Cava, Josep Francesc 26 April 2022 (has links)
[ES] A lo largo de la historia, cada era configura su propio imaginario respecto al héroe, de modo que la mitología resultante se conforma en función a la cosmogonía del momento. Sin embargo, este imaginario también posee una ascendencia cultural y está constantemente influida por las distintas corrientes cosmogónicas del pasado. Eso permite comprender que la aprehensión del arquetipo sucede en un entorno noológico en transformación constante que se extiende hasta tiempos ancestrales. En esta investigación, presentamos un estudio sobre el arquetipo del héroe en cada edad, para poder comprender la función mítica de este referente mítico a lo largo de la historia, y sus repercusiones en la contemporaneidad. Del mismo modo, esto nos permite reflexionar sobre la función sociopolítica del heroísmo, y cómo la mitología está sujeta al control del discurso de las jerarquías sociales. En cualquier caso, estudiamos cómo frente a esto, en el imaginario colectivo popular subsisten temáticas y héroes independientemente de quien ostente la hegemonía cultural. Analizamos también, el imaginario de la sociedad contemporánea, para determinar qué héroe es el más representativo de nuestro tiempo, en función del orden del discurso y los intereses sociales. Del mismo modo, también prestamos atención a los héroes que, sin ser protagónicos, representan mejor los ideales democráticos que fundamentan las sociedades occidentales. Asimismo, identificamos aquellos héroes que han llegado hasta nuestros días debido a su arraigo cultural. Por último, el desarrollo de la investigación en torno a la noología del héroe y la evolución del imaginario colectivo nos permite comprender mejor el carácter esencial del héroe. Al final de la tesis es posible considerar el grado en que los arquetipos son monolíticos y si, en algunos de los casos, la transformación de su aprehensión puede dar lugar a referentes singulares, a pesar de conservar rasgos comunes. / [CA] Al llarg de la història, cada era configura el seu propi imaginari respecte a l'heroi, de manera que la mitologia resultant es conforma en funció a la cosmogonia del moment. No obstant això, aquest imaginari també posseeix una ascendència cultural i està constantment influïda pels diferents corrents cosmogònics del passat. Això permet comprendre que l'aprehensió de l'arquetip succeeix en un entorn noològic en transformació constant que s'estén fins a temps ancestrals. En aquesta recerca, presentem un estudi sobre l'arquetip de l'heroi en cada edat, per a poder comprendre la funció mítica d'aquest referent mític al llarg de la història, i les seves repercussions en la contemporaneïtat. De la mateixa manera, això ens permet reflexionar sobre la funció sociopolítica de l'heroisme, i com la mitologia està subjecta al control del discurs de les jerarquies socials. En qualsevol cas, estudiem com enfront d'això, en l'imaginari col·lectiu popular subsisteixen temàtiques i herois independentment de qui ostenti l'hegemonia cultural. Analitzem també, l'imaginari de la societat contemporània, per a determinar quin heroi és el més representatiu del nostre temps, en funció de l'ordre del discurs i els interessos socials. De la mateixa manera, també parem esment als herois que, sense ser protagonistes, representen millor els ideals democràtics que fonamenten les societats occidentals. Així mateix, identifiquem aquells herois que han arribat fins als nostres dies a causa del seu arrelament cultural. Finalment, el desenvolupament de la recerca entorn de la noologia de l'heroi i l'evolució de l'imaginari col·lectiu ens permet comprendre millor el caràcter essencial de l'heroi. Al final de la tesi és possible considerar el grau en què els arquetips són monolítics i si, en alguns dels casos, la transformació de la seva aprehensió pot donar lloc a referents singulars, malgrat conservar trets comuns. / [EN] Throughout history, each era configures its own imaginary regarding the hero, so that the resulting mythology is shaped according to the cosmogony of the moment. However, this imaginary also has a cultural ancestry and is constantly influenced by the different cosmogonic currents of the past. This allows us to understand that the apprehension of the archetype happens in a noological environment in constant transformation that extends to ancient times. In this research, we present a study on the archetype of the hero in each age, in order to understand the mythical function of this mythical reference throughout history, and its repercussions in contemporaneity. Similarly, this allows us to reflect on the sociopolitical function of heroism, and how mythology is subject to the discourse control of social hierarchies. In any case, we study how, in the face of this, the themes and heroes subsist in the popular collective imagination regardless of who holds the cultural hegemony. We also analyze the imaginary of contemporary society, to determine which hero is the most representative of our time, based on the order of discourse and social interests. In the same way, we also pay attention to the heroes who, without being protagonists, better represent the democratic ideals that underpin Western societies. Likewise, we identify those heroes who have survived to this day due to their cultural roots. Finally, the development of research around the noology of the hero and the evolution of the collective imagination allows us to better understand the essential character of the hero. At the end of the thesis it is possible to consider the degree to which the archetypes are monolithic and whether, in some of the cases, the transformation of their apprehension can give rise to singular referents, despite preserving common features. / Sanmartín Cava, JF. (2022). El héroe en el imaginario colectivo. Aproximación arquetípica desde los primeros relatos hasta las industrias de la comunicación y culturales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182257 / TESIS

Návrh obchodního modelu pro vývojové studio Touch Art / Proposal of Business Model for Touch Art Development Studio

Maštalíř, Roman January 2012 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to develop a business model, which will lead to growth of Touch Art developer studio. The focus areas are: improving societal and customer education, creating value networks and leadership development. With these focuses in mind, thesis contains analysis of the environment in which the studio is present, introduction to development topic, clarifying goals and visions, as well as marketing, internal factors and field analyses. The output of this thesis is structured steps and their evaluation, which the development studio needs to undergo to ensure stronger market position.

Nu får det vara slutlekt : Cybersäkerhetskraven för privata aktörer i ljuset av NIS2-direktivet / The Fun is Over : Cybersecurity Requirements for the Private Sector in light of the NIS2 Directive

Dison, Ellinor January 2023 (has links)
Cybersecurity threats have grown to become a global threat to private actors and states. While work processes are becoming more efficient, rapid technological developments are exposing network and information systems to vulnerabilities. The private sector plays a significant role in keeping the EU and Sweden safe in cyberspace since technological development is essentially controlled by private actors. When it comes to socially important activities, private actors both own and operate large parts of the market, which in turn means that attacks on private actors affecting trade secrets can pose a threat to market competition and economic prosperity. This thesis maps out how the EU has chosen to combat this with the NIS and NIS2 Directives. Specifically, this thesis maps out changes in cybersecurity requirements for private actors providing digital solutions in the light of NIS2. The previous NIS has shown to be inherently flawed with regards to the EU goal of achieving a high common level of security for network and information systems. The need for renewed legislation is therefore great and, as the investigation shows, NIS2 entails a change in the content, structure, and scope of important and essential entities. In short, the NIS2 Directive requires entities to perform their due diligence and document appropriate and proportionate measures based on an all-risk analysis. The increased and broadened requirements in NIS2, which are certainly justified by the increased cybersecurity threats, must also be weighed against an overly burdensome bureaucracy for authorities and private actors. In addition, this thesis analyzes the format of NIS2 and its potential impact on the internal market of the EU. Given the fact that it is a market regulation, a proportionality assessment is required in relation to the competitive disadvantages that an overly burdensome legislation may result in for private actors. At the same time, sanctions and enforcement measures must be sufficiently dissuasive. In conclusion, this thesis argues NIS2 to bring important changes, albeit still posing risks of further fragmenting the cybersecurity levels in the union due to the flexibility given to member states. However, NIS2 is a key step in the right direction towards achieving a high common level of cybersecurity across member states.

DS-Fake : a data stream mining approach for fake news detection

Mputu Boleilanga, Henri-Cedric 08 1900 (has links)
L’avènement d’internet suivi des réseaux sociaux a permis un accès facile et une diffusion rapide de l’information par toute personne disposant d’une connexion internet. L’une des conséquences néfastes de cela est la propagation de fausses informations appelées «fake news». Les fake news représentent aujourd’hui un enjeu majeur au regard de ces conséquences. De nombreuses personnes affirment encore aujourd’hui que sans la diffusion massive de fake news sur Hillary Clinton lors de la campagne présidentielle de 2016, Donald Trump n’aurait peut-être pas été le vainqueur de cette élection. Le sujet de ce mémoire concerne donc la détection automatique des fake news. De nos jours, il existe un grand nombre de travaux à ce sujet. La majorité des approches présentées se basent soit sur l’exploitation du contenu du texte d’entrée, soit sur le contexte social du texte ou encore sur un mélange entre ces deux types d’approches. Néanmoins, il existe très peu d’outils ou de systèmes efficaces qui détecte une fausse information dans la vie réelle, tout en incluant l’évolution de l’information au cours du temps. De plus, il y a un manque criant de systèmes conçues dans le but d’aider les utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux à adopter un comportement qui leur permettrait de détecter les fausses nouvelles. Afin d’atténuer ce problème, nous proposons un système appelé DS-Fake. À notre connaissance, ce système est le premier à inclure l’exploration de flux de données. Un flux de données est une séquence infinie et dénombrable d’éléments et est utilisée pour représenter des données rendues disponibles au fil du temps. DS-Fake explore à la fois l’entrée et le contenu d’un flux de données. L’entrée est une publication sur Twitter donnée au système afin qu’il puisse déterminer si le tweet est digne de confiance. Le flux de données est extrait à l’aide de techniques d’extraction du contenu de sites Web. Le contenu reçu par ce flux est lié à l’entrée en termes de sujets ou d’entités nommées mentionnées dans le texte d’entrée. DS-Fake aide également les utilisateurs à développer de bons réflexes face à toute information qui se propage sur les réseaux sociaux. DS-Fake attribue un score de crédibilité aux utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux. Ce score décrit la probabilité qu’un utilisateur puisse publier de fausses informations. La plupart des systèmes utilisent des caractéristiques comme le nombre de followers, la localisation, l’emploi, etc. Seuls quelques systèmes utilisent l’historique des publications précédentes d’un utilisateur afin d’attribuer un score. Pour déterminer ce score, la majorité des systèmes utilisent la moyenne. DS-Fake renvoie un pourcentage de confiance qui détermine la probabilité que l’entrée soit fiable. Contrairement au petit nombre de systèmes qui utilisent l’historique des publications en ne prenant pas en compte que les tweets précédents d’un utilisateur, DS-Fake calcule le score de crédibilité sur la base des tweets précédents de tous les utilisateurs. Nous avons renommé le score de crédibilité par score de légitimité. Ce dernier est basé sur la technique de la moyenne Bayésienne. Cette façon de calculer le score permet d’atténuer l’impact des résultats des publications précédentes en fonction du nombre de publications dans l’historique. Un utilisateur donné ayant un plus grand nombre de tweets dans son historique qu’un autre utilisateur, même si les tweets des deux sont tous vrais, le premier utilisateur est plus crédible que le second. Son score de légitimité sera donc plus élevé. À notre connaissance, ce travail est le premier qui utilise la moyenne Bayésienne basée sur l’historique de tweets de toutes les sources pour attribuer un score à chaque source. De plus, les modules de DS-Fake ont la capacité d’encapsuler le résultat de deux tâches, à savoir la similarité de texte et l’inférence en langage naturel hl(en anglais Natural Language Inference). Ce type de modèle qui combine ces deux tâches de TAL est également nouveau pour la problématique de la détection des fake news. DS-Fake surpasse en termes de performance toutes les approches de l’état de l’art qui ont utilisé FakeNewsNet et qui se sont basées sur diverses métriques. Il y a très peu d’ensembles de données complets avec une variété d’attributs, ce qui constitue un des défis de la recherche sur les fausses nouvelles. Shu et al. ont introduit en 2018 l’ensemble de données FakeNewsNet pour résoudre ce problème. Le score de légitimité et les tweets récupérés ajoutent des attributs à l’ensemble de données FakeNewsNet. / The advent of the internet, followed by online social networks, has allowed easy access and rapid propagation of information by anyone with an internet connection. One of the harmful consequences of this is the spread of false information, which is well-known by the term "fake news". Fake news represent a major challenge due to their consequences. Some people still affirm that without the massive spread of fake news about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump would not have been the winner of the 2016 United States presidential election. The subject of this thesis concerns the automatic detection of fake news. Nowadays, there is a lot of research on this subject. The vast majority of the approaches presented in these works are based either on the exploitation of the input text content or the social context of the text or even on a mixture of these two types of approaches. Nevertheless, there are only a few practical tools or systems that detect false information in real life, and that includes the evolution of information over time. Moreover, no system yet offers an explanation to help social network users adopt a behaviour that will allow them to detect fake news. In order to mitigate this problem, we propose a system called DS-Fake. To the best of our knowledge, this system is the first to include data stream mining. A data stream is a sequence of elements used to represent data elements over time. This system explores both the input and the contents of a data stream. The input is a post on Twitter given to the system that determines if the tweet can be trusted. The data stream is extracted using web scraping techniques. The content received by this flow is related to the input in terms of topics or named entities mentioned in the input text. This system also helps users develop good reflexes when faced with any information that spreads on social networks. DS-Fake assigns a credibility score to users of social networks. This score describes how likely a user can publish false information. Most of the systems use features like the number of followers, the localization, the job title, etc. Only a few systems use the history of a user’s previous publications to assign a score. To determine this score, most systems use the average. DS-Fake returns a percentage of confidence that determines how likely the input is reliable. Unlike the small number of systems that use the publication history by taking into account only the previous tweets of a user, DS-Fake calculates the credibility score based on the previous tweets of all users. We renamed the credibility score legitimacy score. The latter is based on the Bayesian averaging technique. This way of calculating the score allows attenuating the impact of the results from previous posts according to the number of posts in the history. A user who has more tweets in his history than another user, even if the tweets of both are all true, the first user is more credible than the second. His legitimacy score will therefore be higher. To our knowledge, this work is the first that uses the Bayesian average based on the post history of all sources to assign a score to each source. DS-Fake modules have the ability to encapsulate the output of two tasks, namely text similarity and natural language inference. This type of model that combines these two NLP tasks is also new for the problem of fake news detection. There are very few complete datasets with a variety of attributes, which is one of the challenges of fake news research. Shu et al. introduce in 2018 the FakeNewsNet dataset to tackle this issue. Our work uses and enriches this dataset. The legitimacy score and the retrieved tweets from named entities mentioned in the input texts add features to the FakeNewsNet dataset. DS-Fake outperforms all state-of-the-art approaches that have used FakeNewsNet and that are based on various metrics.

La structure de la réalité sociale abstraite inhérente aux sociétés prescrites : La quiddité des liens et des structures de coopérations intra-organisationnels issus de l’activité réelle, dans le cas du processus de co-construction de sens découlant des décisions stratégiques / The structure of abstract social reality inherent to prescribed societies : the quiddity of intraorganizational cooperation links and structures resulting from the actual activity, in the case of the sensemaking process deriving from strategic decisions

Dandelot, Damien 15 May 2012 (has links)
Partant de l’idée que des filiales d’une entreprise sont en mesure de remettre en cause les décisions de la direction générale (maison-mère), l’approche holistique développée dans ce travail part du principe qu’une organisation peut être un « être », laissant entendre ainsi que les informations dont elle dispose seraient extérieures aux individus qui la composent. Ce qui conduit à s'interroger s’il est concevable d’ignorer l’individu dans une telle relation de domination. Cette thèse propose justement un modèle autour de résultats qui montrent la difficile exclusion de l’individu dans un contexte méta-organisationnel (dans lequel les membres seraient des organisations et non des individus). Dans cette veine, ce sont les dynamiques humaines de l’organisation qui sont au cœur de ce travail : il existe par et au travers de l’individu une dynamique issue de l’activité réelle qui permet de faire vivre l’organisation par elle-même, mais également qui permet au prescrit de cette dernière d’évoluer. Bien que les résultats obtenus montrent que l’organisation n’est pas un objet mort et sans force et qu’elle a bien la possibilité de vivre par elle-même, ce sont les individus qui — par leurs engagements conditionnels — permettent cette existence propre de l’organisation comme structure intra-consciente qui impose des droits et des obligations. Dans cette perspective, le modèle proposé vise à dessiner les structures de la réalité sociale abstraite (dénommé dans la recherche menée, l’Entité X) en montrant les forces et les contraintes organisationnelles qui pèsent sur les individus-membres, tout en relevant les capacités humaines à sortir des structures prescrites par la co-construction de liens et de structures transversales de coopérations issus de l’activité réelle. / Based on the idea that the subsidiaries of a company are able to call into question the decisions of senior management (the parent company), the holistic approach developed in this study assumes that an organization can be a “being”, implying thereby that the information in its possession is external to the individuals who compose it. This raises the question of whether it is conceivable to ignore the individual in such a relationship of domination. This thesis proposes a model based on the results which show the difficult exclusion of the individual in a meta-organizational context (in which members would be organizations and not individuals). Along these same lines, the organization’s human dynamics are at the heart of this research: there exists by and through the individual a dynamic resulting from actual activity that allows the organization to live by itself, while also allowing prescribe to evolve. Although the results show that the organization is not a dead and strengthless object, and it has the opportunity to live by itself, it is the individuals who —through their conditional commitments— allow the separate existence of an organizational structure’s intra-consciousness, which imposes rights and obligations. In this perspective, the proposed model aims to draw the structures of abstract social reality (referred as Entity X in this study) by showing the strengths and organizational constraints that weigh on individual members, while raising the human capacity to emerge from the structures prescribed by the sensemaking of links and transversal structures for cooperation that originate from the actual activity.

Modelování vývoje hodnoty středního stavebního závodu v reálné konkurenci ČR / The Modelling of The Development of The Middle-Size Building Enterprise Value in The Real Competition of The Czech Republic

Křížovská, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
The dissertation thesis is elaborated to the theme “The Modelling of The Development of The Middle-Size Building Enterprise Value in The Real Competition of The Czech Republic“. In the introduction of the dissertation thesis, a relation of the chosen theme to the branch of Forensic Engineering is defined and a survey about a contemporary state of the solved problems is elaborated. Further on, the objectives of the dissertation thesis are stated there namely including a formulation of a problem. The dissertation thesis contains the basic data about the examined middle-size building enterprise of a regional significance and its competitive building enterprises. At all enterprises, a property evaluation by an assessment of a substantial value and a returns’ evaluation by a method DCF Entity are carried out. The component of the dissertation thesis is a proposal of a simple expert standard containing methodical recommendations at an assessment of a value of a building enterprise of a regional significance. This is the essential contribution of the dissertation thesis for the branch Forensic Engineering whose starting ascertainments are practical pieces of knowledge and experience with the behaviours of the middle-size building enterprises in a period of a financial crisis.

A study of translation strategies in Guillaume Oyono Mbia's plays

Suh, Joseph Che 30 November 2005 (has links)
This thesis is focused on a study of translation strategies in Guillaume Oyono Mbia's plays. By using the sociological, formalistic and semiotic approaches to literary criticism to inform the analysis of the source texts and by applying descriptive models outlined within the framework of descriptive translation studies (DTS) to compare the source and target texts, the study establishes the fact that in his target texts Oyono Mbia, self-translating author, has produced a realistic and convincing portrait of his native Bulu culture and society depicted in his source texts by adopting the same default preservation and foreignizing strategy employed in his source texts. Oyono Mbia's works, his translation strategies and translational behaviour are situated in the context of the prevailing trend and attitude (from the sixties to date) of African writers writing in European languages and it is posited that this category of writers are in effect creative translators and that the strategies they use in their original compositions are the same as those outlined by translation scholars or effectively used by practitioners. These strategies enable the writer and the translator of this category of African literature to preserve the "Africanness" which is the essence and main distinguishing feature of that literature. Contrary to some scholars (cf. Bandia 1993:58) who regard the translation phenomenon evident in the creative writings of African writers writing in European languages as a process which is covert, semantic and secondary, the present study of Oyono Mbia's translation strategies clearly reveals the process as overt, communicative and primary. Taking Oyono Mbia's strategies as a case in point, this study postulates that since for the most part, the African writer writing in a European language has captured the African content and form in his original creative translation, what the translator simply needs to do is to carry over such content and form to the other European language. / Linguistics / D.Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

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