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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of the IT/OT gap on the NIS 2 implementation

Andersson, Niklas January 2023 (has links)
Cyber attacks are steadily increasing, and their impact is becoming more significant. To combat this, the European Union has created directives to enhance the cyber security in critical services in the Union, one example being the NIS 2 directive. The directive comes into force during the fourth industrial revolution, where the Operational Technology (OT) is connected to the Information Technology (IT). This creates new vulnerabilities in the OT environments since they can now suffer from cyber attacks. The historical ways of securing OT and IT environments differ, which has caused what is called the IT/OT gap now that they are converging. In order to implement the NIS 2 directive and to enhance the cyber security of the entire organization, the IT/OT gap needs to be minimized. The problem this study then aims to investigate is how the effects of the IT/OT gap can be reduced in the implementation of the NIS 2 directive. This was done by answering the research question: To what extent is the IT/OT gap a challenge for the implementation of the NIS 2 directive in Sweden? The sub-question: In what areas is the IT/OT gap problematic for the implementation of the NIS 2 directive in Sweden? To gain an answer to the research question semi-structured interviews were conducted with respondents with knowledge in IT and OT security as well as the NIS 2 directive. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using a thematic analysis. The thematic analysis resulted in 6 themes, Need for technical solutions, Lacking resources, Differences in security culture, Lack of cooperation, Supervisory authority and Standards, and six subthemes. The result showed that the IT/OT gap is a challenge for the implementation of the NIS 2 directive in a varying degree depending on the company. Further, it was shown that the IT/OT gap is most likely a problem in the areas regarding the supervisory authority, lacking resources, and cooperation. To comply with the directive and, more importantly, raise the level of cyber security, organizations and companies must handle all their risk in both IT and OT environments. The OT and IT personnel will need to talk to each other and collaborate to do it, and that might be a significant first step to minimizing the IT/OT gap in the long term.

COMPLY OR DIE : A case study of conditions for NIS2-compliance

Burström, Ludvig, Petersson, André January 2024 (has links)
Cybersecurity is increasingly becoming more pervasive and prevalent due in part to ongoing conflicts in the world as well as increased reliance on digital technologies. To combat the emerging threats posed by this, the European Union introduced NIS2, a legislation aimed at increasing the lowest level of cybersecurity across its member states. Thus, the research question this study set out to answer was “How can conditions for organizational compliance with NIS2 be evaluated?” This case study has utilized a Delphi-panel with experts within the field, conducted interviews, analyzed internal documents, and established cybersecurity standards. The study has found several crucial conditions for reaching compliance with this new legislation, it has also developed a means of evaluation for organizations forced to comply. The findings further the field of cybersecurity by uncovering ownership as an important and generally overlooked condition for compliance. As well as providing a tool for practitioners and researchers to help evaluate conditions for NIS2 compliance.

The impact of the NIS 2 directive on subcontractors in the transportation sector

Sandström, Isabel January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the impact of the NIS2 Directive on subcontractors in the transport sector, a critical infrastructure. By focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating as subcontractors, the study analyzes the challenges and obstacles these companies face in implementing the NIS2 requirements in their supply chain. The study also highlights the strategies used to ensure adequate cyber security within the transport sector's supply chain. A qualitative research method was used, where data was collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews and document analysis. The results show that companies with ISO/IEC 27001 certification have a solid foundation to meet the NIS2 requirements, while companies without such certification face greater challenges. The study also identifies the need for cooperation and knowledge sharing between companies to effectively navigate the new regulations and strengthen collective cyber security within the EU. The conclusions show that the NIS2 directive will require significant adaptations for SMEs, but also that it offers opportunities to improve their cyber security capabilities and strengthen the trust of customers and partners. The study emphasizes the importance of implementing robust information security to ensure continuity and protection of critical services, and that proactive adaptation and collaboration are key to achieving full compliance with NIS2 requirements.

SVENSKA VERKSAMHETERS UTMANINGAR MOT ETT CERTIFIKAT INOM INFORMATIONSSÄKERHET : En fallstudie om svenska verksamheters utmaningar för att certifiera sig enligt ISO 27001-standarden / SWEDISH ORGANIZATIONS CHALLENGES TOWARDS A CERTIFICATE WITHIN INFORMATION SECURITY : A case studie about Swedish organizations challenges to gain a certificate according to the ISO 27001 standard.

Moffat, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
I detta examensarbete är syftet att undersöka svenska verksamheters utmaningar i att uppnå en ISO 27001-certifiering med sitt arbete inom informationssäkerhet. Digitala medier och verktyg är numera en stor del av samhällsviktiga verksamheters tjänster samt operationer och det har bidragit till stora möjligheter såväl som stora sårbarheter. ISO 27001-certifieringar är den standard som ligger till grund för säkerhetsskyddslagen såväl som NIS-direktivet vilket gör att det är en standard som svenska verksamheter kan applicera. Genom bakgrunden ges en inblick i vad informationssäkerhet är och hur det står i relation med cybersäkerhet. Bakgrunden innehåller även en introduktion till den svenska lagstiftningen inom informationssäkerhet såväl som ISO 27001-standarden för att belysa vad svenska verksamheter har att förhålla sig till när det kommer till sitt arbete med informationssäkerhet. I problemformuleringen lyfts de aktuella hoten och myndigheters uttalanden inom informationssäkerhet i Sverige och hur svenska verksamheter brister i dessa. Detta i kombination med den tidigare forskningen om hur utmaningar inom ISO 27001-certifieringar har tagit sitt uttryck för andra verksamheter. Metoden redovisar hur kvalitativa intervjuer använts som verktyg för datainsamling till fallstudien men även hur det tagit sitt uttryck och beskriver processen – från förberedelse till läsbar produkt, vilket är detta examensarbete. I analysen ställs den insamlade datan i relation till tidigare forskning samt aktuella händelser för att se vilka utmaningar svenska verksamheter har för att uppnå en ISO 27001-certifiering. Resultatet baseras på den insamlade datan då det är svenska verksamheters utmaningar som är aktuellt för fallstudien. Det resulterade i fyra utmaningar: motivation, tid och ekonomi, bransch samt komplexitet. Dessa utmaningar och dess bidragande faktorer redovisas i text såväl som figurer. Somliga av dessa utmaningar är utmaningar som lyfts i tidigare forskning, vilket gör att de även kan appliceras som utmaningar för svenska verksamheter. Uppsatsen avslutas med en diskussion där fallstudiens resultat diskuteras i olika perspektiv – samhälleliga, etiska samt vetenskapliga. Diskussion om val av metod, studiens resultat samt förslag på framtida forskning lyfts, där det diskuteras om hur lagar samt standarder inom informationssäkerhet är svåra att implementera samt förstå och om det ens är möjligt att göra det lättare.

Informationssäkerhet inom energisektorn : En kvalitativ studie om hur energibolag arbetar med informationssäkerhet

Eriksson, Selim, Örjebo, Johan January 2024 (has links)
Energisektorn är en av de sektorer som är viktiga för att Sverige ska kunna fungera som land. Därför ställer makthavare extra krav på organisationer som verkar inom energisektorn. I takt med att digitaliseringen utvecklas ökar även hotet av cyberattacker och krav måste då även ställas i den digitala miljön för att undvika att samhällsviktiga tjänster blir utslagna eller att sekretessbelagd data hamnar i fel händer. I denna studie läggs fokuset på hur de organisationer som bedriver verksamhet inom sektorn arbetar med informationssäkerhet.  Studien har tagit reda på hur de som ansvarar för informationssäkerheten förhåller sig till de olika lagar, standarder och riktlinjer som finns inom området. I studien undersöks även hur organisationer inom energisektorn samarbetar med varandra och hur kommunikationen med myndigheter upplevs. Fokus läggs också på att ta reda på vilka utmaningar som finns inom området, och frågeställningarna besvaras med en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervjustudie och en litteratursökning. Resultatet visar på att de lagar som driver fram informationssäkerhetsarbetet är NIS-direktivet och säkerhetsskyddslagen. Mycket arbete sker även utifrån ISO 27000-serien, men få är certifierade. Intervjuerna visar dessutom på att det samarbete som finns mellan branschkollegor främst bygger på personliga kontakter och personlig tillit. Energiföretagen upplevs som en bra yta för att diskutera säkerhetsfrågor och skapa kontakt med branschkollegor för att på ett öppet sätt diskutera säkerhetsfrågor. Det finns däremot önskemål om en central organisation i stil med Norges KraftCERT för att kunna diskutera säkerhetsfrågor inom sektorn. Vidare visar resultatet på att de utmaningar som upplevs till stor del handlar om brist på resurser för att kunna implementera rätt säkerhetsåtgärder och utbilda personal, men också hur ledningen väljer att prioritera informationssäkerhet inom organisationen.

Nu får det vara slutlekt : Cybersäkerhetskraven för privata aktörer i ljuset av NIS2-direktivet / The Fun is Over : Cybersecurity Requirements for the Private Sector in light of the NIS2 Directive

Dison, Ellinor January 2023 (has links)
Cybersecurity threats have grown to become a global threat to private actors and states. While work processes are becoming more efficient, rapid technological developments are exposing network and information systems to vulnerabilities. The private sector plays a significant role in keeping the EU and Sweden safe in cyberspace since technological development is essentially controlled by private actors. When it comes to socially important activities, private actors both own and operate large parts of the market, which in turn means that attacks on private actors affecting trade secrets can pose a threat to market competition and economic prosperity. This thesis maps out how the EU has chosen to combat this with the NIS and NIS2 Directives. Specifically, this thesis maps out changes in cybersecurity requirements for private actors providing digital solutions in the light of NIS2. The previous NIS has shown to be inherently flawed with regards to the EU goal of achieving a high common level of security for network and information systems. The need for renewed legislation is therefore great and, as the investigation shows, NIS2 entails a change in the content, structure, and scope of important and essential entities. In short, the NIS2 Directive requires entities to perform their due diligence and document appropriate and proportionate measures based on an all-risk analysis. The increased and broadened requirements in NIS2, which are certainly justified by the increased cybersecurity threats, must also be weighed against an overly burdensome bureaucracy for authorities and private actors. In addition, this thesis analyzes the format of NIS2 and its potential impact on the internal market of the EU. Given the fact that it is a market regulation, a proportionality assessment is required in relation to the competitive disadvantages that an overly burdensome legislation may result in for private actors. At the same time, sanctions and enforcement measures must be sufficiently dissuasive. In conclusion, this thesis argues NIS2 to bring important changes, albeit still posing risks of further fragmenting the cybersecurity levels in the union due to the flexibility given to member states. However, NIS2 is a key step in the right direction towards achieving a high common level of cybersecurity across member states.

Correlated low temperature states of YFe2Ge2 and pressure metallised NiS2

Semeniuk, Konstantin January 2018 (has links)
While the free electron model can often be surprisingly successful in describing properties of solids, there are plenty of materials in which interactions between electrons are too significant to be neglected. These strongly correlated systems sometimes exhibit rather unexpected, unusual and useful phenomena, understanding of which is one of the aims of condensed matter physics. Heat capacity measurements of paramagnetic YFe$_{2}$Ge$_{2}$ give a Sommerfeld coefficient of about 100 mJ mol$^{−1}$ K$^{−2}$, which is about an order of magnitude higher than the value predicted by band structure calculations. This suggests the existence of strong electronic correlations in the compound, potentially due to proximity to an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point (QCP). Existence of the latter is also indicated by the non-Fermi liquid T$^{3/2}$ behaviour of the low temperature resistivity. Below 1.8 K a superconducting phase develops in the material, making it a rare case of a non-pnictide and non-chalcogenide iron based superconductor with the 1-2-2 structure. This thesis describes growth and study of a new generation of high quality YFe$_{2}$Ge$_{2}$ samples with residual resistance ratios reaching 200. Measurements of resistivity, heat capacity and magnetic susceptibility confirm the intrinsic and bulk character of the superconductivity, which is also argued to be of an unconventional nature. In order to test the hypothesis of the nearby QCP, resistance measurements under high pressure of up to 35 kbar have been conducted. Pressure dependence of the critical temperature of the superconductivity has been found to be rather weak. μSR measurements have been performed, but provided limited information due to sample inhomogeneity resulting in a broad distribution of the critical temperature. While the superconductivity is the result of an effective attraction between electrons, under different circumstances the electronic properties of a system can instead be dictated by the Coulomb repulsion. This is the case for another transition metal based compound NiS$_{2}$, which is a Mott insulator. Applying hydrostatic pressure of about 30 kbar brings the material across the Mott metal-insulator transition (MIT) into the metallic phase. We have used the tunnel diode oscillator (TDO) technique to measure quantum oscillations in the metallised state of NiS$_{2}$, making it possible to track the evolution of the principal Fermi surface and the associated effective mass as a function of pressure. New results are presented which access a wider pressure range than previous studies and provide strong evidence that the effective carrier mass diverges close to the Mott MIT, as expected within the Brinkman-Rice scenario and predicted in dynamical mean field theory calculations. Quantum oscillations have been measured at pressures as close to the insulating phase as 33 kbar and as high as 97 kbar. In addition to providing a valuable insight into the mechanism of the Mott MIT, this study has also demonstrated the potential of the TDO technique for studying materials at high pressures.

Digitala leveranskedjor och höga krav på informationssäkerhet : Implikationer för att stärka Sveriges digitala motståndskraft / Digital supply chains and high requirements for information security : Implications for strengthening Sweden's digital resilience

Dohrendorf, Christian January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka kunskapen kring organisationers och kringliggande aktörers förmåga att stärka den digitala motståndskraften i digitala leveranskedjor genom införande av ett omfattande regelverk. Uppsatsen beskriver hur tillkommande regelverk med höga krav på informationssäkerhet inom de digitala leveranskedjorna påverkar en enskild organisation. Uppsatsen beskriver även implikationerna ur ett övergripande systemperspektiv. Utifrån införandet av Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) beskrivs både potentiella hinder som riskerar hämma Sveriges digitala motståndskraft och de möjliggörande åtgärder som leder till att Sveriges digitala motståndskraft stärks. Uppsatsen identifierar genom en fallstudie ett antal hinder som enskilda organisationer bör beakta, men som även har stora beroenden till andra kringliggande aktörer och systemet i sin helhet. Uppsatsen beskriver att det kan uppstå följdeffekter som lätt leder till oönskade effekter. Komplexitetshöjningen genom tillkommande regelverk kräver medvetna handlingar av ett stort antal aktörer för att undvika att hinder blir alltför hämmande och därmed hindrande för Sveriges digitala motståndskraft. Speciellt mindre leverantörers situation lyfts som problematisk i sammanhanget. Uppsatsen identifierar behovet av en holistisk inställning som nödvändig för att kunna skapa utrymme för medvetna handlingar. Komplexitetshöjningen som tillkommande regelverk innebär behöver hanteras både internt inom en enskild organisation och genom externa samarbeten. Uppsatsen beskriver att identifierade möjliggörande åtgärder inte enbart bör värderas utifrån direkta effekter, utan även utifrån mer långsiktiga indirekta effekter och resurspåverkan i systemet. Först då finns det förutsättningar att genom medvetna handlingar uppnå positiv effekt och därmed stärka Sveriges digitala motståndskraft.

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