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The Influence of Family Moral Supportin the Creation of Small-MediumEnterprises for Female Entrepreneursin Indonesia & PakistanKhan, Tanzila, Rusmiati, Titik January 2022 (has links)
Female entrepreneurship plays a significant role in economic growth and innovation within the entrepreneurial ecosystem. However, Female entrepreneurs face challenges that are different from male entrepreneurs. Regarding market access, capacity-building training, and investment, many female entrepreneurs within the Global South face additional challenges of patriarchy, gender stereotyping, and lack of access to opportunities or support from society, friends, and family. In this thesis, a qualitative approach was undertaken to assess the influence of family moral support for female entrepreneurs in creating their businesses by identifying and analyzing their personal experiences and challenges during their business development and growth phase in Indonesia and Pakistan. As a result, female entrepreneurs in these countries need access to business opportunities with family moral support, which helps them break the stigmas and get out of an unsupported environment. With family moral support, female entrepreneurs have proven to excel in developing their entrepreneurial set of skills, especially in the creation phase and maintaining the growth of their Small-Medium Enterprises. However, every privilege of female entrepreneurs still needs to consider that their personal and family backgrounds are different and intersect with other aspects that could lead to success or barriers to creating Small-Medium Enterprises.
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Integrated Motivations and Approach to Sustainable Business Practices within Women Entrepreneurs : A case study on women entrepreneurs' approach and motivations regarding sustainability in their businessArslan, Saba, Katusabe Mukidi, Christine January 2022 (has links)
Background: Sustainability has become one of the main factors driving business innovation and resulted in a green transition, which has slowed down in recent years, and to accelerate the green transition again, major barriers need to be removed. The gender imbalance in sustainable entrepreneurship could be a barrier to the acceleration of the green transition since women entrepreneurs showcase what the green transition represents, yet there are fewer women in entrepreneurship compared to men. Despite there being fewer women in entrepreneurship, several studies have found that women are more inclined toward sustainability, compared to men, when it comes to the practices of sustainable entrepreneurship. However, no studies state how or why this is. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is therefore to bridge that knowledge gap by investigating the potential ‘how’ and ‘why’ behind women's entrepreneurial sustainability. Moreover, the purpose of the findings is to create a new theory that offers new insights and a unique understanding regarding women's entrepreneurial sustainability implementation and motivation. Research Question: How do women entrepreneurs incorporate sustainable business practices and why are they motivated to do so? Method: A inductive qualitative single case study on eleven women entrepreneurs. The data collection was through semi-structured interviews. Followed by a Gioia’s grounded theory analysis to create a theoretical model to answer the research question. Conclusion: Women entrepreneurs are motivated through various intrinsic and extrinsic motivations where they use their decision authority as the approach to implementing their sustainable business practices.
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Climate Justice Movement as Norm Entrepreneur in Global Politics : Creating an Alternative Future in Lützerath to Protest Coal MiningMehl, Sara-Lorena January 2022 (has links)
This thesis argues that contemporary climate justice actions can present a case for how social movements and activists engage as norm entrepreneurs with global politics. Following a case-based approach (McKee, 2003) and combining perspectives of political science with anthropology, theoretical concepts of everyday utopias (Cooper, 2014) and prefiguration (Maeckelbergh, 2011b; 2014) are applied to the case of a village occupation in Germany against a lignite coal mine expansion. It presents a relevant case for global politics as the local protest is transnationally networking with other protest and activist groups. In creating an alternative social and political system in their everyday life, the activists challenge norms of democratic participation, decision-making and beyond. By using prefiguration as a strategic tool, the protest proliferates change beyond the occupation. Through social and public media, the activists participate in the public debate, sharing their narrative and demands, thereby aiming to affect the public discourse and create change.
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Dynamic Entrepreneurial Networks: An Investigation Of Entrepreneurs, New Ventures And Their NetworksSullivan, Diane 01 January 2006 (has links)
Entrepreneurs need resources to organize new venture offerings into marketplace-acceptable forms. Entrepreneurs use others' assistance via networks to obtain these resources. Research indicates that firms face resource dependencies, that likely change over time, where they must respond to those controlling resources. Although some work has investigated implications of new ventures' networks at one time period, little work has investigated the dynamic nature and associated outcomes of networks as they change due to different resource requirements as the venture develops. This research examines the dynamic nature of networks, due different resource requirements over time, and how these changes impact entrepreneurial outcomes via interactions with entrepreneurs' existing networks. In order to account for the dynamic nature of entrepreneurial new ventures and their networks of resource providers, a model is presented that investigates antecedents to subsequent entrepreneurial network characteristics. The model also anticipates changes eminent to the founder as a consequence of interactions with their networks due to experiences associated with the new venture development process. This work relies on network theory integrated with resource dependence theory arguments, work that examines founder attributes as associated with entrepreneurial outcomes and research that investigates the stages of new venture development. Predictions developed from the model were tested in two studies. The first study utilized the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics, an existing panel database containing information about nascent entrepreneurs, as its data source to test predictions examining the dynamics of entrepreneurs' networks across two time frames. The second study used a cross-sectional mass mail survey design to investigate all of the model's predictions on a random sample of newly incorporated firms in the state of Florida. The results of the studies provided support for about one third of the predictions and there were a few contrasting findings across studies. Overall, the results of the studies suggest that some conceptualizations presented in the theoretical model should be reevaluated and that the applicability of some constructs when studying firms in the organizing stages of development should be reconsidered.
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Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Rural Areas: : Exploring the Motivations and Decision-Making Processes of Lifestyle Entrepreneurs in Promoting Sustainability and Cooperation in TourismArdner, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Rural areas have experienced a decline in traditional livelihoods, leading to a decrease in population and economic challenges. However, tourism has emerged as a crucial source of income and a driving force in rural community development. This study explores the role of lifestyle entrepreneurs in creating sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems in rural tourism destinations. It investigates the motivations and management practices of lifestyle entrepreneurs and examines their perceptions of their own performance and contribution to sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems in their local communities. Six in-depth interviews were conducted with lifestyle entrepreneurs operating in different regions of rural Sweden to address the research questions. The findings reveal that lifestyle entrepreneurs are primarily motivated by the quality of life, personal fulfilment, creativity, autonomy, and a strong connection to their community and local environment. These motivations influence their decision-making processes, leading to the application of sustainable business practices that align with their values. Networking and cooperation among lifestyle entrepreneurs are emphasized, with a focus on collaboration over competition, resulting in benefits such as sustainable practices, increased competitiveness, and opportunities for knowledge sharing and discussion. However, the extent of engagement in networking and cooperation may vary based on entrepreneurs' motivations and priorities. The study concludes that promoting sustainable tourism practices and supporting the well-being of lifestyle entrepreneurs are crucial for local sustainable development. Policymakers and stakeholders should consider the unique needs of lifestyle entrepreneurs and foster a supportive environment that encourages cooperation, networking, and work-life balance.
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Digitala matleveransplattformar, restaurangers vänner eller fiender? : Risker med digitala matleveransplattformar och metoder för att hantera dessa / Digital food delivery platforms, friends or enemies of the restaurants? : Risks with digital food delivery platforms and methods to handle theseSvennson, Ida, Oskarsson, Cornelia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemformulering: Plattformsstrategier har blivit ett allt vanligare fenomen och i dagsläget är flera av världens största företag plattformsföretag. Digitala plattformar för beställning och leverans av mat är en typ av plattformar som ökat markant de senaste åren, speciellt i och med covid-19 pandemin då restaurangbranschen fick helt nya förutsättningar. Vi har funnit en kunskapslucka gällande restaurangers perspektiv och vilka risker som följer med att verka på digitala matleveransplattformar, samt en avsaknad av forskning kring hur dessa risker hanteras. Syfte och forskningsfrågor: Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap och förståelse kring fenomenet plattformstrategi och hur det är att som säljare befinna sig på en plattform, genom att mer specifikt undersöka de risker restauranger som verkar på digitala matleveransplattformar upplever, samt vilka metoder de använder sig utav för att minimera eller eliminera dessa. • Vilka risker medför det för restauranger att verka på digitala plattformar gällande matleverans? • Vilka metoder använder sig restauranger av för att minimera eller eliminera de risker de upplever på digitala matleveransplattformar? Resultat: Resultatet visar att de risker restauranger utsätts för då de verkar på digitala matleveransplattformar är försämrad kundkontakt, förlorad kundbas, begränsad differentiering vid exponering på plattform, påverkan på produktkvalitet samt att en felaktig bild förmedlas till kund. De metoder som restaurangerna nyttjar för att motverka dessa risker är att hota med att lämna eller ej ansluta verksamhetsenheter, skapa större marknadsandel på plattform, verka via fler säljkanaler, verka på fler plattformar, nyttja information från andra parter vid förhandling med plattform, kollektiv handling vid skapande av egen säljkanal, kollektiv avtalsförhandling med plattform och marknadsföring av egen säljkanal via plattform. Kunskapsbidrag: Denna studie har genom att studera företag som verkar på digitala matleveransplattformar lyft deras perspektiv kring risker som uppstår då de verkar på dessa samt metoder för att motverka riskerna, vilket bidrar till att fylla den identifierade kunskapsluckan. Genom att studera en specifik bransch, bidrar denna studie ytterligare till den kunskapslucka som identifierats. Resultatet visar nya risker och strategier men bekräftar även vissa som förekommer i tidigare litteratur. / Background and formulation of problem: Platform strategy has become a more common phenomenon and many of today’s biggest companies are platforms. Digital platforms that are used for order and delivery of food are one platform type that have increased significantly during these last years, especially due to covid-19 which created challenging conditions for the restaurant industry. We have found a lack of knowledge when it comes to the perspective of restaurants and risks that arise from operating on a digital food delivery platform and how these are handled. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon platform strategy and the experience of companies operating on platform by more specifically explore perceived risks, by the restaurants, that arise when operating on a digital food delivery platform and how these can be minimized or eliminated. What risks arise for restaurants when operating on digital food delivery platforms? What methods are used by restaurants to minimize or eliminate risks while operating on a digital food delivery platform? Result: Risks that have been identified in this study are worsened customer contact, lost customer base, limited possibilities to differentiate when presented on platforms, impact on the quality of products and the wrong picture gets painted to the customer. The methods that the restaurants use to counteract these risks are threaten to leave or not let business units join, create a bigger market share on the platform, participate on more sales channels, participate on more platforms, use information from other parties when negotiating with platform, collective actions to create their own sales channel, collective actions when negotiating with platform and marketing of their own sales channels via the platform. The study's contribution of knowledge: By studying companies operating on digital food delivery platform, this study has shed light on their perspective on risks that arise from operating on a digital platform and methods used to minimize these risks, which contribute to fill the gap of knowledge that has previously been identified. Also, by studying a specific industry, which has not been done before, this study has contributed further to the knowledge within this field. The result of this study shows both strategies and methods that have and have not previously been identified in the literature.
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Dive tourism and the entrepreneurial process in the Perhentian IslandsJeyacheya, Julia, Hampton, M.P. 19 December 2016 (has links)
Yes / This chapter is an output from the PMI2 Project funded by the UK Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) for the benefit of the Malaysian Higher Education Sector and the UK Higher Education Sector. Any views expressed are not necessarily those of BIS, nor British Council.
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The Road to Regulation of Private Military and Security Companies: An Analysis of the (Re-)Articulation of the Norms Governing the Legitimate Use of ForceLeunis, Jelle January 2014 (has links)
Since the end of the Cold War, private military and security companies have gained a prominent place on the international battlefield. In an attempt to reduce monetary and political costs, states have not only outsourced some of the defense functions previously performed by uniformed personnel; they have also partly privatised the provision of security. Traditional accounts of the rise of private military and security companies have explained this evolution in terms of changing demand and supply of military force after the Cold War, in a neoliberal ideological environment. This rationalist account, however, overlooks the role of norms, which, as the constructivist research tradition has demonstrated, constrain state behaviour even in the domain of national security. From this constructivist point of view, the rise of private military and security companies is surprising given the existence of an anti-mercenary norm and a norm on the state monopoly on violence, both of which have precluded the private exercise of violence. How, then, should the rise of private military and security companies be understood in light of this hostile normative environment? Against a realist-constructivist background, this text draws upon models of norm change and epistemic communities to show that private military and security companies have used their pragmatic legitimacy and epistemic power to decisively shape the discursive construction of a new regulatory framework that legitimises the exercise of non-state violence.
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Creator Economy : An exploratory study on the emerging phenomenon of content creators and creator accelerator programsGurrola, Beatrice January 2022 (has links)
The creator economy is a growing phenomenon in business, entrepreneurship and the global economy. This thesis seeks to explore the identity of content creators and the format of creator accelerator programs to help understand the growing phenomenon of the creator economy. In comparing the two ecosystems of content creators and entrepreneurs we can begin to understand the effects and implications. The thesis also aims to understand the similarities between upcoming content creator accelerator programs and mature startup accelerator programs. Through qualitative methods, primary sources are collected to compare content creators to entrepreneurs and creator accelerator programs to startup accelerator programs. By reviewing one hundred eighty-two (182) content creators and four hundred and three (403) entrepreneurs, the results are divided into three categories; the top roles identified, the number of times the role appeared in the group, and the percentage of roles based on the total number of people. The primary difference between content creators and entrepreneurs is content creators focus on the content produced, whereas the entrepreneur focuses on the organization, product or services. In exploring similarities between the two types of accelerator programs four categories emerge in organizing the program information: length of the program, goals, mentorship or networking opportunities, and funding. This paves the way in understanding the growing creator economy phenomenon by finding overlap amongst content creators and traditional entrepreneurs alongside accelerator programs.
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Utmaningar för GreenTech-bolag vid extern kapitalanskaffning och den finansiella kompetensens påverkan : En kvalitativ studie om hur entreprenörer verksamma inom GreenTech agerar för att erhålla externt kapital / Challenges for GreenTech companies in external capital acquisition and the impact of financial literacy : A qualitative study on how GreenTech entrepreneurs act to obtain external capitalPersson, Ture, Hansén, Joel January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Utmaningar för GreenTech-bolag vid extern kapitalanskaffning och den finansiella kompetensens påverkan: En kvalitativ studie om hur entreprenörer verksamma inom GreenTech agerar för att erhålla externt kapital. Nyckelord: Finansiell kompetens, GreenTech, entreprenörer och finansiärer. Problemformulering: Hur agerar små och medelstora GreenTech-företag för att erhålla externt kapital samt hur påverkar entreprenörernas finansiella kompetens möjligheterna till finansiering? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur GreenTech-företag agerar för att erhålla finansiering samt att utveckla förståelsen för sambandet mellan finansiärer, entreprenörer och entreprenörens finansiella kompetens. Metod: I uppsatsen har en deduktiv forskningsansats använts som har kompletterats med en induktiv forskningsansats där nya teorier och slutsatser kan utvecklas baserat på de insamlade empiriska observationerna. Därmed fick en abduktiv forskningsansats tillämpas, med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Den empiriska insamlingen består av insamlad data från kvalitativa intervjuer som sedan kategoriserats med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där induktiv färgkodning användes. Slutsats: Resultaten visar att finansiell kompetens påverkar möjligheterna att få extern finansiering, men det kan finnas en tröskelnivå där krav på grundläggande kompetens uppfylls. Det framkommer också att entreprenörerna inte upplever att de behöver visa sin finansiella kompetens för finansiärer. Vidare visar studien att det är svårt för GreenTech-företag att införskaffa extern finansiering på grund av svårigheter för finansiärer att förstå ny teknik och längre tidsramar för avkastning. Finansiell kompetens betraktas som en viktig men imiterbar resurs som kan bidra till värdeskapande och tillväxt för företagen. Dessutom visar resultaten att GreenTech-företag har svårt att få lånefinansiering från banker på grund av upplevda risker och långa kapitalbehov. Sammantaget indikerar studien på behovet av att öka förståelsen för sambandet mellan finansiärer, entreprenörer och finansiell kompetens inom GreenTech-sektorn. / Title: Challenges for GreenTech companies in external capital acquisition and the impact of financial literacy: A qualitative study on how GreenTech entrepreneurs act to obtain external capital. Keywords: Financial literacy, GreenTech, entrepreneurs and financiers. Research question: How do small and medium-sized GreenTech companies act to obtain external capital, and how does entrepreneurs' financial competence affect the possibilities of financing? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how GreenTech companies act to obtain financing and to develop an understanding of the relationship between financiers, entrepreneurs, and the entrepreneur's financial competence. Methodology: The thesis adopts a deductive research approach, supplemented by an inductive research approach where new theories and conclusions can be developed based on the collected empirical observations. Thus, an abductive research approach was applied, using a qualitative research method. The empirical collection consists of gathered data from qualitative interviews, which were then categorized using a qualitative content analysis with the utilization of inductive color coding. Conclusion: The results demonstrate that financial literacy influences the possibilities of obtaining external financing, but there may be a threshold level where requirements for basic competence are met. It is also evident that entrepreneurs do not perceive the need to demonstrate their financial competence to financiers. Furthermore, the study reveals that GreenTech companies face challenges in acquiring external financing due to financiers' difficulties in understanding new technologies and longer return timeframes. Financial literacy is considered an important yet imitable resource that can contribute to value creation and growth for these companies. Additionally, the results indicate that GreenTech companies struggle to secure loan financing from banks due to perceived risks and long capital needs. Overall, the study highlights the need to enhance the understanding of the relationship between financiers, entrepreneurs, and financial competence within the GreenTech sector.
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