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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vie théâtrale dans le Nord-Ouest de la France (Bretagne, Pays de la Loire, Poitou, Aunis) du XIIIe au XVIe siècle / Theatrical life in northwestern France (Brittany, Loire Valley, Poitou and Aunis regions) from the 13th to the 16th century

Saliou, Clément 07 June 2019 (has links)
Ce travail propose l’étude des différentes formes d’activités dramatiques en latin, français et breton, qui ont pris place dans le Nord-Ouest de la France du XIIIe siècle au XVIIe siècle commençant. Il aborde le drame liturgique, le théâtre des mystères, des farces et des moralités, le théâtre des entrées solennelles et le théâtre humaniste, en combinant une approche à la fois littéraire, historique et sociale. Cette étude se fonde d’abord sur une importante recherche archivistique destinée à mettre à jour les connaissances sur les attestations du théâtre. / This PhD research studies drama and the dramatic culture in Latin, French and Breton in northwestern France from the 13th century to the very beginning of the 17th century. It encompasses liturgical drama, mystery plays, farces, morality plays, civic entries and humanist drama, thanks to an interdisciplinary approach combining literary, historical and social elements.This analysis is primarily based on a thorough and comprehensive archive investigation, meant to extend our knowledge about theatrical mentions.

The hidden constituents of cost of capital

Van Aswegen, Anina 09 January 2012 (has links)
The concept of capital has been a much debated issue throughout economic, accounting and finance history. In economics it was defined as the financial resources utilised by companies while other definitions indicated it represented the actual capital goods themselves. This dualistic meaning of capital has led to various interpretations of the concept of capital and these different interpretations can also be found in the cost of capital model. The cost of capital model is a decision-useful financial tool employed by management to make decisions regarding the financing of projects, performance measurement and risk and return management. The two main forms of funding are debt and equity resources. The cost of capital model was built on the accounting interpretation and classification of the different debt and equity sources of funding. As time went by the financial markets became more sophisticated and new innovative instruments were introduced to help raise financing for companies. Some of these sophisticated instruments and accounting book entries are normally not included in discussion on capital structure and the cost of capital model. The aim of this research is to unbundle and understand the different dimensions of the cost of capital with special focus on the impact of accounting classification on hybrid financial instruments and certain accounting book entries. The balance sheet items that have revealed themselves as grey areas of the accounting classification and the hidden constituents of the cost of capital include accounting book entries such as deferred tax and accumulated depreciation, hybrid financial instruments and the effect of cash. Currently these instruments pose questions as to their proper debt-equity classification or can have an impact on the capital structure of an organisation. An adjusted model will be presented that will incorporate any hidden areas related to the debt-equity accounting classification schema. The introduction of these items into the cost of capital model will make it more robust and it will become an even more decision-useful tool for management and analysts a like. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Financial Management / unrestricted

Effect of vehicle type on highway traffic flow: Effects of vehicle type on speed, delay and capacity characteristics of highway traffic flow in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia determined by an examination of traffic data.

Alkaim, Al-Akhdar January 1987 (has links)
The t h e s i s c o n s i d e r s t h e e f f e c t s of v e h i c l e type on highway t r a f f i c flow. The e f f e c t s of v e h i c l e type on t h e c a p a c i t y of t r a f f i c s i g n a l approaches are examined by t h e experimental d e t e r m i n a t i o n of passenger c a r u n i t s a t i n t e r s e c t i o n s i n London and West Yorkshire and i n a d d i t i o n s a t u r a t i o n flows and lost t i m e s a r e examined. . Vehicle type e f f e c t s a t roundabout e n t r i e s a r e i n v e s t i g a t e d and t h e r e s u l t s of f i e l d o b s e r v a t i o n s r e p o r t e d . Details a r e given of t h e gap acceptance of varying v e h i c l e t y p e s , t h e e f f e c t of v e h i c l e type on delay and comparisons a r e made with e x i s t i n g recommendat i o n s f o r t h e c a p a c i t y design of roundabout e n t r i e s . Observations of t r a f f i c flow on a r u r a l motorway a r e used to demonstrate t h e e f f e c t of v e h i c l e type on speed and observed v a l u e s a r e f i t t e d t o a normal d i s t r i b u t i o n . Overtaking behaviour is a l s o examined and conclusions drawn of t h e r e l a t i v e e f f e c t on c a p a c i t y of v e h i c l e t y p e . A review is given of t h e e f f e c t s of v e h i c l e type on t h e design and o p e r a t i o n of t h e highway system in Saudi Arabia.

New Structure for Moving Horizon Estimators. Application to Space Debris Tracking during the Atmospheric Re-entries / Nouvelle Structure d’Estimateurs à Horizon Glissant. Application à l’Estimation de Trajectoires de Débris Spatiaux pendant la Rentrée Atmosphérique

Suwantong, Rata 02 December 2014 (has links)
L’estimation de trajectoires de débris spatiaux pendant la rentrée atmosphérique est un défi majeur pour les prochaines années, renforcé par plusieurs projets liés à l'enlèvement de débris établis par plusieurs agences spatiales. Cependant, ce problème s’avère complexe du fait des erreurs de modèle et des difficultés d’initialisation des algorithmes d’estimation induites par une mauvaise connaissance de la dynamique des débris suite à leur désintégration pendant la phase de rentrée atmosphérique. Tout estimateur choisi doit donc être robuste vis-à-vis de ces facteurs. L’estimateur à horizon glissant (MHE) est reconnu dans la littérature pour être robuste vis-à-vis d’erreurs de modèle et de mauvaise initialisation, et les travaux de thèse ont montré qu’il était adapté en termes de performances à la problématique de l’estimation des débris en phase de rentrée. En revanche, il se fonde sur une stratégie d’optimisation qui requiert de fait un temps de calcul important. Pour pallier ce problème, une nouvelle structure d’estimation à horizon glissant a été développée, impliquant un temps de calcul faible nécessaire à l’application envisagée. Cette stratégie, appelée « estimateur à horizon glissant avec pré-estimation (MHE-PE)», prend en compte les erreurs de modèle via un estimateur auxiliaire, plutôt que de chercher à obtenir les estimées du bruit d’état sur l’horizon d’estimation, comme le fait la structure de l’estimateur MHE standard. Un théorème garantissant la stabilité de la dynamique de l’erreur d’estimation du MHE-PE a par ailleurs été proposé. Enfin, les performances de cette structure dans le cadre de l’estimation en trois dimensions des trajectoires de débris pendant la phase de rentrée se sont avérées meilleures que celles observées avec des estimateurs classiques. En particulier, sans dégrader la précision et la convergence de l’estimation, l’estimateur MHE-PE requiert moins de temps de calcul du fait du nombre réduit de paramètres à optimiser. / Space debris tracking during atmospheric re-entries will be a crucial challenge in the coming years, emphasized through many projects on space debris mitigation established by space agencies worldwide. However, this problem appears to be complex, due to model errors and difficulties to properly initialize the estimation algorithms, as a result of unknown dynamics of the debris and their disintegrations during the re-entries. A-to-be used estimator for this problem must be robust against these factors. The Moving Horizon Estimator (MHE) is known in the literature to be robust to model errors and bad initialization, and the PhD work has proved its ability to satisfy performances required by the debris tracking during the re-entries. However, its optimization-based framework induces a large computation time. To overcome this, a new MHE structure which requires smaller computation time than the classical MHE has been developed. This strategy, so-called “Moving Horizon Estimator with Pre-Estimation (MHE-PE)” takes into account model errors by using an auxiliary estimator rather than by searching for estimates of the process noise sequence over the horizon as in the classical strategy. A theorem which guarantees the stability of the dynamics of the estimation errors of the MHE-PE has also been proposed. Finally, performances of this structure in the context of 3D space debris tracking during the re-entries have been shown to be better than those obtained with classical estimators including the MHE. In particular, without degrading accuracy of the estimates and convergence of the estimator, the MHE-PE estimator requires smaller computation time than the MHE thanks to its small number of optimization variables.

Ritualità e cerimoniali nella Milano della prima metà del Settecento

MIGNATTI, ALESSANDRA 15 April 2013 (has links)
Oggetto d’indagine è il complesso delle celebrazioni e dei preparativi connessi con il passaggio di Maria Teresa d’Austria ed il solenne ingresso dell’arcivescovo Stampa nel 1739, casi esemplificativi di ritualità cittadina e cerimoniali pubblici della prima metà del secolo, rappresentazioni che coinvolsero la città. A confronto è stato analizzato anche il rito di possesso di Maria Teresa, compiuto in absentia nel 1741. Attraverso l’analisi comparativa delle fonti primarie, a stampa e manoscritte, nonché iconografiche, si sono ricostruiti il ruolo delle norme di etichetta, dei cerimoniali, l’intera drammaturgia degli eventi festivi. La ricerca ha altresì riportato alla luce gli apparati allestiti dal Collegio dei Giureconsulti, ignorati dagli studi. Ha evidenziato meccanismi retorici, azioni, aspetti della rappresentazione che permangono, alcuni dei quali appartengono alla sfera degli archetipi. Benché semplificati, i cerimoniali mostrano ancora marcato il culto per la regalità. L’ingresso trionfale si rivela momento significativo per ricondurre la città verso l’immaginario delle origini dell’identità cittadina e rifondare un tempo nuovo. Si evidenzia la necessità della festa, di momenti rituali di rappresentazione e di autorappresentazione; il ruolo drammaturgico e non esornativo di elementi di decoro, quali il baldacchino, l’arco, la carrozza, il ritratto, in una cultura che attribuiva ancora grande valenza alle immagini. / The object of this research is the whole of the celebrations and preparations connected with the passage of Maria Theresa of Austria and the solemn entry of Archbishop Stampa into Milan in 1739, both exemplifications of the 18th century first half civic rituality and public ceremonials, and representations which engaged the city. A confrontation has also been made with the possesso of Maria Theresa, enacted in absentia in 1741. By means of a comparative analysis of the primary sources – printed, hamdwritten and ichnographic as well – it has been possible to reconstruct the role of etiquette norms, ceremonials and of the entire dramaturgy of festival events. The research has also brought to light the apparati set up by the Collegio dei Giureconsulti, so far ignored by studies. It has highlighted rhetorical mechanisms, actions, representational aspects which remain, some of them pertaining to the archetype sphere. Even if simplified, the ceremonials still show a strong cult of regality. The triumphal entry proves to be a meaningful moment to bring the city back to the imaginary of the origins which constitutes its identity and to renovate a new era. The necessity of the feast, of ritualistic moments of representation and auto representation is pointed out; and also the dramaturgic and not ornamental role of decorative elements like the baldachin, the arch, the carriage, the portrait, in a culture which conferred great value to images.

Νέες τεχνικές συμπίεσης δεδομένων δοκιμής που βασίζονται στη χρήση πινάκων / New dictionary-based techniques for test data compression

Σισμάνογλου, Παναγιώτης 01 October 2012 (has links)
Στην εργασία, αυτή, εξετάζονται οι μέθοδοι συμπίεσης του συνόλου δοκιμής με τη χρήση πινάκων που έχουν ήδη προταθεί και προτείνεται μία νέα μέθοδος συμπίεσης δεδομένων δοκιμής για πυρήνες που ο έλεγχος ορθής λειτουργίας υλοποιείται μέσω μονοπατιών ολίσθησης. Η νέα μέθοδος επαναχρησιμοποιεί μπλοκ του πίνακα για τη σύνθεση διανυσμάτων δοκιμής. Δύο νέοι αλγόριθμοι παρουσιάζονται για επιλεκτική και πλήρη καταχώρηση τμημάτων του συνόλου δοκιμής σε πίνακα. Η προτεινόμενη μέθοδος συγκρίνεται με τις υπάρχουσες μεθόδους ως προς το ποσοστό συμπίεσης αλλά και ως προς το κόστος υλοποίησης. Για την αξιολόγηση της μεθόδου λαμβάνονται υπόψη σύνολα δοκιμής που έχουν παραχθεί για την ανίχνευση απλών σφαλμάτων μόνιμης τιμής, απλών σφαλμάτων μόνιμης τιμής με πολλαπλότητα ανίχνευσης Ν (Ν-detect) και σφαλμάτων καθυστέρησης μετάβασης. / In this work we refer to dictionary based test data compression methods. At first the already known dictionary based test data compression methods are comparably presented. Then we propose a new method and we show that the test data compression achieved by a dictionary based method can be improved significantly by suitably reusing parts of the dictionary entries. To this end two new algorithms are proposed, suitable for partial and complete dictionary coding respectively. For the evaluation of the proposed method, test sets have been generated and used based on the stuck-at fault model for single and N detection of each fault as well as on the transition fault model.

The Token Project

Flemings, Kyle J. 01 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Slovotvorba v německo-českém slovníku / Word Formation in German-Czech Dictionary

Šemelík, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The present thesis is based on my experience as one of the contributors to The Large Academic Dictionary German-Czech. It attempts to discuss the role of word formation in German-Czech dictionaries in that it focuses on presentation of word formation in outer texts, macrostructural ordering procedures, treatment of word forming elements, special word formation parts of dictionary entries and possibilities of typography as a means word formation description in a bilingual dictionary. The approach taken is both contemplative and transformative. The thesis rests on the study of existing German-Czech dictionaries published mostly after 1945, partly between 1802 and 1945 as well. Concrete function-based proposals centred on the supposed target users of the LADGC are discussed here. A considerable part of the thesis deals with German derived nouns in Ge-...(-e) seen from a corpus linguistic view.

Positive-off-diagonal Operators on Ordered Normed Spaces and Maximum Principles for M-Operators / Außerdiagonal-positive Operatoren auf geordneten normierten Räumen und Maximumprinzipien für M-Operatoren

Kalauch, Anke 26 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
M-matrices are extensively employed in numerical analysis. These matrices can be generalized by corresponding operators on a partially ordered normed space. We extend results which are well-known for M-matrices to this more general setting. We investigate two different notions of an M-operator, where we focus on two questions: 1. For which types of partially ordered normed spaces do the both notions coincide? This leads to the study of positive-off-diagonal operators. 2. Which conditions on an M-operator ensure that its (positive) inverse satisfies certain maximum principles? We deal with generalizations of the "maximum principle for inverse column entries". / M-Matrizen werden in der numerischen Mathematik vielfältig angewandt. Eine Verallgemeinerung dieser Matrizen sind entsprechende Operatoren auf halbgeordneten normierten Räumen. Bekannte Aussagen aus der Theorie der M-Matrizen werden auf diese Situation übertragen. Für zwei verschiedene Typen von M-Operatoren werden die folgenden Fragen behandelt: 1. Für welche geordneten normierten Räume sind die beiden Typen gleich? Dies führt zur Untersuchung außerdiagonal-positiver Operatoren. 2. Welche Bedingungen an einen M-Operator sichern, dass seine (positive) Inverse gewissen Maximumprinzipien genügt? Es werden Verallgemeinerungen des "Maximumprinzips für inverse Spalteneinträge" angegeben und untersucht.

A comparative analysis of Sesuto-English dictionary and Sethantso sa SeSotho with reference to lexical entries and dictionary design

Motjope-Mokhali, Tankiso Lucia 11 1900 (has links)
Since the publication of Dr. Johnson’s first English dictionary in 1755, there have been rapid changes in the development of dictionaries in other parts of the world. However, the advances are perceived more in other languages of the world such as the European languages while in Africa, the changes have been very slow. The majority of dictionaries utilised by most Africans are bilingual and were produced by the missionaries. These dictionaries were aimed at serving the needs of the missionaries, but more recently African scholars have been trying to create dictionaries that are intended to meet the needs of the native speakers particularly because the existing dictionaries contain many words which are archaic or going out of use. This means that the currently produced dictionaries should reflect the changes that have occurred in languages and society. The two dictionaries under scrutiny, Sesuto-English Dictionary and Sethantšo sa Sesotho, share similar content as if they were both targeting the same generation even though the former was written by missionaries in the 19th century while the latter was created by a Sesotho native speaker in the 21st century. This study aimed to establish whether the two dictionaries are the same or not, or whether Sethantšo sa Sesotho had been derived from Sesuto-English Dictionary as well as whether the two dictionaries meet the needs of the contemporary users. The study employed adaptation theory in order to discover the originality of Sethantšo sa Sesotho. User-perspective approach and communication-oriented function were utilised to judge the effectiveness of the two dictionaries in reading and writing and to analyse users’ views. The study established that Sethantšo sa Sesotho has adapted 69% lexical items from Sesuto-English Dictionary; words are arranged in a similar order in both dictionaries with slight differences here and there; most definitions and illustrative phrases/sentences are the same even though the author of Sethantšo sa Sesotho did not acknowledge using any written source of information, thus violating the principles of adaptation; use of these dictionaries during reading and writing was found to be beneficial to users; and both dictionaries lack current words which users encounter daily. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil.(African Languages)

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