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Epidotization as an Effect of Fluid Rock Interaction, Recorded by a Granitoid From Hågadalen, Uppsala / Epidotisering som en effekt av fluid-interaktioner i berggrunden, dokumenterad av en Granitoid från Hågadalen, UppsalaBarreby, Linn January 2022 (has links)
A common driving mechanism of metamorphic processes, from which secondary mineralizations and structures develop in a protolith, is known to be a change of the immediate P-T environment that a rock resides in. A factor in this process, which is poorly understood, however, is how the presence of metamorphic fluids in a system, influences the alteration of primary igneous rocks. How these volatile solutions interact with the solid mediums of the crust is thereby a topic which requires further research to unravel. Incidentally, an opportunity to study the result of these interactions, has presented itself in the southern part (59o80’92”N, 17o59’91”E) of Hågadalen-Nåsten nature reserve in Uppsala, Sweden. In this area, a green mineral assemblage, believed to belong to the epidote group, has been observed. This mineral is theorized to have formed as a result of fluid-rock interactions that have occurred in the region and is therefore a subject of interest. A detailed study of the origin of this mineral assemblage could possibly shed light on the finer aspects of the fluid-rocks interactions that have occurred, and also provide and account of the transport of fluids throughout the local bedrock. The aim of this project was to identify the minerology and formation process of this green mineral, which occupies the joints in a cliff of granitic composition. The determination of how and when this mineral assemblage formed is believed to grant a more in depth understanding of the metamorphic and metasomatic processes that have transpired at this location, in addition to providing an account of the fluid transport and fluid-rock interactions in the area. Through fieldwork and sampling, combined with descriptions of the regional bedrock provided by SGU, the local lithology was determined. With this information, in addition to data collected from optic microscopy and an EMP analysis, the mineral was identified to be an iron rich epidote, showing signs of weak zoning. The formation of this secondary mineralization can be determined to be the result of the alteration of anorthite to saussurite (saussuritization of plagioclase) in addition to the direct precipitation of epidote from the liquid medium onto joint surfaces. Through the use of BSEM, it could also be determined that a majority of the fluids migrated through open fracture systems in the bedrock. / Förändringar av de tryck och temperaturregimer som bergarter befinner sig inom, har sedan länge varit en känd orsak bakom de metamorfa processer, ur vilket sekundära mineraliseringar och strukturer uppstår i protoliten. Något som inte är lika väl studerat är dock rollen som fluider spelar i dessa förändringsprocesser, samt hur dessa volatila lösningar interagerar med skorpans solida faser. I södra delen av Hågadalen-Nåstens naturreservat (59o80’92”N, 17o59’91”E2) har dock möjligheten till att studera resultatet av dessa interaktioner uppstått. Detta då en grön mineralsammansättning troligen tillhörande epidot gruppen, har upptäckts, vars ursprung tros komma ur fluid- och bergarts interaktioner i området. En studie av detta mineral är därav av intresse, eftersom det skulle ge en inblick i hur dessa fluider har transporterats genom den lokala berggrunden, samt vilken påverkan dessa fluid-interaktioner har haft på områdets bergarter. Detta projekt syftade mot att identifiera mineralogin samt bildningsprocessen av detta gröna mineral som fyller ut sprickor i en vertikal klippvägg, av överhängande granitisk karaktär. En utredning kring hur och när detta mineral har bildats tros kunna ge en fördjupad förståelse kring de metamorfa och metasomatiska processer som har ägt rum i närområdet, samt antyda hur dessa fluider har migrerat genom den tidigorogena berggrunden och vilken påverkan detta har haft på bergsmassivet. Genom observationer och provtagning i fällt, samt en studie av SGU:s beskrivning av berggrunden i området 11I Uppsala NV, har de den lokala litologin samt de geologiska processerna som påverkat närområdet utretts. Denna information, i kombination med optisk mikroskopi och en EMP analys, användes för att fastställa mineralets kemiska karaktär och kristallsystemstillhörighet. Resultaten från dessa analysmetoder lade grunden för att identifiera mineralet som en järn-rik, svagt zonerad, epidot. Troliga processer som har legat bakom bildandet av denna sekundära mineralisering bedöms vara omvandlingen av anortit till saussurit (saussuritisering av plagioklas) samt kristallisering av epidot direkt ur fluider som cirkulerat i området. Genom observationer av BSE bilder från tunnslip, fastställdes även att majoriteten av dessa fluider har transporterats genom redan befintliga spricksystem i berggrunden.
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Samband mellan geologiska och bergmekaniska egenskaper i bergmaterial som bärlager till riksväg 51 : Riksväg 51 sträckan Svennevad - KvarntorpskorsetLandeman, Philip January 2018 (has links)
This thesis was created to ensure the quality of the rock which would be crushed to base layer construction material, in a road cut at Swedish highway 51, and to find a possible link between the rock's abrasion resistance and its mineralogy. Rock samples were collected, and among other things, several ball mill tests were carried out. The design of the road project was carried out by Loxia Group AB with NCC Group as contractor.A total of 18 rock samples and 2 base layer samples were taken in the area and they were all tested in a ball mill. The results showed that of the 18 rock samples, 2 samples had a ball mill value of less than 16 on the scale, 10 samples had values from 16 to 20, in addition to this, 3 samples had values from 20 to 21 and 3 samples had values in excess of 21 on the Swedish ball mill scale.Of the 3 samples with a ball mill value higher than 21, all contained a larger amount of biotite. Biotite did not appear to the same extent among the samples that ended up further down the ball mill scale. This link was so clear that a conclusion was subsequently drawn from this. The samples taken on the prefabricated base layer both had a ball mill value between 16 and 20. Overall, both the base layer and the rock material passed the Swedish Government’s Transport Administration’s requirements according to "TRVKB 10, Obundna lager". The rock type that was on the south part of the rock cut, adjacent to a deformation zone, had way too poor quality to undergo a ball mill test and therefore there are no values taken from that area.The conclusion of the work is that the rock material overall meets the Swedish Government’s Transport Administration’s requirements for base layer construction materials according to "TRVKB 10 Obundna lager", that a clear link between the proportion of biotite in a rock material and its abrasion resistance exists, and that the broken rock in the south should not be used as construction materials since the rock has insufficient mechanic capacity.
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