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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Criação de arquivo epistolar do neurofisiologista Prof. Dr. Miguel Rolando Covian: um registro histórico-contextual / Creation of epistolary file of neurophysiologist Miguel Rolando Covian: a historical-contextual registration

Damasceno, Eneida Nogueira 01 March 2013 (has links)
Criação de arquivo epistolar do neurofisiologista Miguel Rolando Covian: Um registro histórico-contextual. 2013. Dissertação (Mestrado) Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo, 2013. Eneida Nogueira Damasceno - Departamento de Psicologia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo - USP - SP Marina Massimi (orientadora) - Departamento de Psicologia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo - USP - SP Miguel Rolando Covian (1913-1992) foi um neurofisiologista argentino, discípulo de Bernardo Houssay, que chegou ao Brasil em 1955 para dirigir o Departamento de Fisiologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. À frente deste Departamento, projetou-o como um dos mais renomados centros de investigação científica da América Latina, elevou-o a um reconhecimento de nível internacional, um centro de excelência em pesquisa no Brasil e no mundo. O objetivo deste trabalho é organizar e catalogar a correspondência epistolar e institucional do Professor Doutor Miguel Rolando Covian. Essa correspondência, contendo um total de 1.546 cartas, foi encontrada na sala de Covian depois de sua morte e guardada. A realização desta pesquisa levou-nos à descoberta de um testamento, deixado por Covian revelando sua vontade de que o material pertencesse à Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto após sua morte. Este trabalho consiste em: 1) classificar e organizar por assunto tal correspondência, de modo a assegurar sua conservação e preservação enquanto documentos históricos ainda protegidos pela Legislação Federal, cuja acessibilidade estará a cargo da instituição que a guarda. 2) Evidenciar a variedade de assuntos contidos nestas missivas, concernentes a diversas áreas do conhecimento humano, principalmente as relativas à História das Ciências, com destaque para a História da Psicologia, da Medicina e da Educação. Isso nos leva a contribuir para a pesquisa disponibilizando fontes primárias devidamente classificadas, catalogadas e preservadas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, na qual se utilizou o método descritivo, sendo a narrativa o estilo da escrita. A escolha do modo narrativo é justificada pelo fato de permitir uma amplitude de informações que não seria possível em uma descrição pontual. Essa opção nos levou a um cuidado com a fidelidade da narração, de forma que a transposição da linguagem não alterasse significativamente a forma original do diálogo contido nas cartas. No decorrer do trabalho observou-se a necessidade de oferecer uma síntese do contexto histórico do período no qual se deu essa correspondência (1955-1985), para este fim procedeu-se a uma pesquisa com a utilização do método histórico, que resultou em capítulos contendo sínteses contextuais relevantes para o entendimento do conteúdo das missivas, assim como uma breve biografia de Covian e outra de seu mestre Bernardo Houssay, a pessoa com quem ele mais se correspondia. Considerando que a correspondência de Miguel Rolando Covian está sendo entregue higienizada, organizada e catalogada, como base para sua preservação; que a descrição em forma de narrativa dos assuntos contidos sinaliza particularidades de acontecimentos relatados, bem como sentimentos e emoções demonstradas nos textos originais; que as apresentações biográficas e a contextualização apresentam o universo relatado nas correspondências e que este material encontra-se agora passível de ser arquivado, preservado e disponibilizado de acordo com as regras estipuladas pela Legislação vigente e pela instituição que o guarda, concluímos que nossos objetivos foram alcançados. / Miguel Rolando Covian (1913-1992) was an argentine neurophysiologist, disciple of Bernardo Houssay, that came to Brazil in 1955, in order to direct the Department of Physiology of Ribeirão Preto\'s Faculty of Medicine. Ahead of this department, he projected it as one of the most distinguished centers of scientific investigation of Latin America, rising it to a international level of acknowledgment, an excellence research center in Brazil and in the rest of the world. The aim of this work is to organize and catalog Professor Miguel Rolando Covian PhD\'s epistolary and institutional correspondence. These letters, of a total of 1546, were found in Covian\'s office after his death and they were preserved. The attainment of this research led us to the discovery of a testament, let by Covian, revealing his will that the material would belong to Ribeirão Preto\'s Faculty of Medicine after his death. The present work consists in: 1) to classify and to organize by subject such correspondence, to assure its conservation and preservation as historical documents yet protected by the Federal Law, reiterating its accessibility to the post of the custody institution. 2)To point out the variety of subjects in this letters, concerning to many areas of human knowledge, specially relating to the History of Sciences, emphasizing the History of Psychology, Medicine and Educational School. That led us to contribute to researches making primary sources available, properly classified, cataloged and preserved. This is a documental research, in which we used the descriptive method, being the narrative the style of writing. The choice of narrative mode is justified by the fact that it allows an amplitude of information that wouldn\'t be possible with a punctual description. This option led us to handle carefully and be faithful to the narratives, in a way that the transposition of the language wouldn\'t alter significantly the original shape of the dialogs in the letters. In the progress of the work, we observed the need to offer a synthesis of the historical context in which the correspondence took place (1955-1985). For such an aim, we proceeded with the utilization of the historical method, which resulted in chapters containing contextual synthesis relevant to the understanding of the matter of those letters, as well as a brief biography of Covian\'s and another of his master Bernardo Houssay, the person with which he mostly wrote to. Considering that Miguel Covian\'s correspondence is being hygienized, organized and cataloged, for its preservation; the description in the shape of narrative of the subjects in the letters signalizes particularities of stated happenings, as well as feelings and emotions demonstrated in the original texts; the biographical presentations and contextualization presents the universe stated in the letters and that this material is now proper to be filed, preserved and available according to the rules prescribed by the present Legislation and by the institution that holds this correspondence, we conclude that our goals were reached.

Fronteiras da pátria: dos campos sem vida aos campos de morte / Borders of Homeland: from the lifeless fields to the death camps

Mirian Silva Rossi 09 November 2016 (has links)
O desenvolvimento desta pesquisa teve como plataforma inicial de reflexão o epistolário de Americo Orlando, nascido no Brasil três meses após a chegada de sua família, emigrada da Itália meridional em 1895. A série epistolar de quase uma centena de cartas e cartões postais enviados do front italiano da Primeira Guerra Mundial traz à luz dois dos maiores e mais traumáticos episódios que a humanidade já presenciou: a Grande Imigração e a Grande Guerra (1914-1918), que em um dado momento se cruzam em território brasileiro. A análise das questões que se referem à Grande Imigração concentra-se, sobretudo, na situação conjuntural e nos diversos aspectos que caracterizaram a imigração italiana meridional na capital de São Paulo, entre os séculos XIX e XX. A Grande Guerra, circunscrita aqui à guerra entre o Reino de Itália e o Império Austro-Húngaro, tem como foco de análise, não os aspectos militar, tático ou estratégico, político ou econômico, mas a dimensão e o alcance dessa tragédia mundial, que atingiu milhares de civis e militares. Neste contexto, destaca-se a convocação dos imigrantes italianos de além-mar, particularmente os residentes no Brasil. Considerando o duplo objeto de investigação, cuja essência, pela sua magnitude e complexidade, encontra-se no cruzamento das ciências sociais, privilegiou-se uma abordagem interdisciplinar, com o livre trânsito do conhecimento através dos saberes e a adoção de conceitos que envolvem diversas especialidades. Ressalte-se que o presente estudo, a despeito de ter como fonte cartas pessoais enviadas do front de guerra, não é pautado por uma história de vida ou uma história de guerra. O seu título, Fronteiras da Pátria: dos campos sem vida aos campos de morte, intenta indicar o percurso dos emigrantes do antigo Reino das Duas Sicílias, que atravessando inúmeras fronteiras, materiais e imateriais, deixaram para trás os campos sem vida da Itália do sul, em busca de uma nova pátria, onde reconstruíram as condições mínimas de existência, refizeram os seus laços, estabeleceram os seus vínculos, até os seus filhos serem chamados para os campos de morte da Primeira Guerra Mundial. / The development of this research had as initial platform for reflection the epistolary of Americo Orlando, born in Brazil three months after the arrival of his family, emigrated from southern Italy in 1895. The epistolary series nearly a hundred letters and postcards sent by the Italian battle front during the World War I brings to light two of the biggest and most traumatic episodes that mankind has ever witnessed: the Great Immigration and the Great War (1914-1918), which at a given time has crossed in Brazilian territory. The analysis of the issues relating the Great Immigration are mainly focuses on the conjuncture situation and on the various aspects that characterized the southern Italian immigration to the São Paulo´s capital, between the 19th and 20th centuries. The Great War, limited here to the war between the Kingdom of Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire has, as focus of analysis, not the military, tactical or strategic, political or economic aspects, but the dimension and scope of this world tragedy, which has hit thousands of civilians and military. In this context, stand out the overseas Italian immigrants recruitment, particularly the Brazilian residents. Considering the double object under research whose essence, by its magnitude and complexity is at the intersection of the social sciences, the emphasis is on an interdisciplinary approach with the free movement through knowledge, and the adoption of concepts involving several specialties. It should be stressed that the present study, in spite of having as a source personal letters sent from the front lines of war, it is not based on a life story or a story of war. Its title, Borders of Homeland: from the lifeless fields to the death camps, try to indicate the route of the emigrants of the former Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, who crossed many borders, material and immaterial, leaving behind the lifeless fields of southern Italy in search of a new homeland, where they rebuilt the minimum conditions of existence, redid their ties, established their linkages, until their sons be called to the death camps of the First World War.

Epistolary constructions of identity in Derrida's "Envois" and Coetzee's Age of Iron

Hogarth, Claire Milne. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

IL ROMANZO EPISTOLARE NELL'INGHILTERRA DEL SETTECENTO: IL CASO DI JANE AUSTEN / The epistolary novel in 18th century-England: tha case of Jane Austen

BALCONI, PAOLO 03 March 2010 (has links)
La tesi ha per oggetto il romanzo epistolare in Inghilterra nella seconda metà del XVIII secolo, con particolare enfasi sulle opere scritte da donne. Scopo dello studio è dimostrare come Jane Austen, con le sue opere adolescenziali e il suo “Lady Susan”, rappresenti insieme un momento di sintesi e un punto di arrivo del “novel in letters” settecentesco. In particolare due filoni d’analisi convergeranno verso l’opera austeniana: la prima parte, divisa in tre capitoli, affronta brevemente la storia del romanzo epistolare e della figura della “woman novelist”, analizzando l’importanza dell’opera di Samuel Richardson a metà secolo (cap. 1) e di alcune scrittrici settecentesche quali Sarah Fielding, Charlotte Smith e Frances Burney (cap. 2), per concludersi con l’analisi del “periodo d’oro” del romanzo epistolare inglese, che coincide con gli anni ’80 e ’90 del secolo (cap. 3). La seconda parte della dissertazione, divisa in quattro capitoli, affronta in modo più specifico la figura di Jane Austen e il modo in cui essa si inserisce all’interno dello sviluppo dello stile e della fortuna del romanzo epistolare. Dopo una breve autobiografia dell’autrice e uno studio dell’epistolario fra lei e la sorella Cassandra (rispettivamente capp. 4 e 5), allo scopo di dare conto dell’importanza che le lettere ricoprirono nella formazione di Jane Austen, il cap. 6 è dedicato agli Juvenilia, vale a dire alle opere scritte fra i 15 e i 20 anni, mentre il cap. 7 affronta in modo più approfondito l’analisi di “Lady Susan”, romanzo che decreta l’abbandono dello stile epistolare da parte della scrittrice di Steventon. / The dissertation focuses on the epistolary novel in England in the second half of the eighteenth century, particularly on works written by women. The purpose of this study is to understand how Jane Austen (with her early writings and “Lady Susan”) represents both a synthesis of and a turning point in eighteenth-century novels in letters. In particular, two fields of study will converge into the works by Jane Austen: the first part, divided into three chapters, focuses on the importance of Samuel Richardson at the middle of the century (chapter 1) and of some woman writers such as Sarah Fielding, Charlotte Smith and Frances Burney (chapter 2), whereas chapter 3 is dedicated to the “golden period” of the English epistolary novel during the ‘80s and ‘90s. The second part of the dissertation is divided into four chapters and focuses more specifically on Jane Austen’s role within the development of the style and the fortune of the novel in letters. After a short autobiography of the author and an analysis of the correspondence between her and her sister Cassandra (chapters 4 and 5) in order to underline the importance of letters in Jane Austen’s upbringing, chapter 6 is dedicated to the Juvenilia, that is to say the works written between 15 to 20 years of age, while chapter 7 focuses on “Lady Susan”, a novel which represents the renunciation of the epistolary style by the author.

Publii Ovidii Nasonis Epistularum ex Ponto liber IV a commentary on poems 1 to 7 and 16 /

Helzle, Martin. January 1989 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Cambridge. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-211).

From discourse to the couch : the obscured self in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century epistolary narrative

Shannon, Josephine E. January 1997 (has links)
Although the letter purports to represent fact, it cannot avoid having a partly or potentially fictive status, turning as it does on the complex interplay between the real and the imagined. Consequently, the main critical approach of this paper is to consider the interactions between conflicting modes of expression in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century epistolary fiction. The rhetorical and conceptual contrarieties that I examine are broadly characterized by the contradiction between the implied spontaneity of the familiar letter and the inevitable artifice of its form. Working with familiar letters by four writers between the years 1740 and 1825, I specifically address various narrative patterns by which each turns to the act of communication to draw upon the experience of an isolated self. Against a background which explores the main developments in epistolary fiction and a historical progression of the uses and significance of letter-writing, I investigate epistolary texts by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Lord Byron, John Keats, and William Hazlitt. In turning to letters by each author, I explore the literary, theoretical and especially the psychological implications of the tenuous divisions between fact and fiction. In particular, my analysis stresses that letter-writing is an authorial act in which writing about the self can be understood as a literary form of self-portraiture or creative expression. / I examine this claim---and the metaphors defining it---in two ways. First, by focusing on selected letters, I foreground each writer's language as an agent of internal conflict. In so doing, I am able to formulate distinctive questions regarding the potential of epistolary narratives to transform emotional or psychological schisms into fictions which become explicitly creative texts. Secondly, I analyze the changing nature of the fictions which emerge through this process. My findings conclude that authors' letters must be read, at least very often, as a constituent part of their literary work and as interpretive models of a shifting dynamic of psychological expression.

Epistolary constructions of identity in Derrida's "Envois" and Coetzee's Age of Iron

Hogarth, Claire Milne. January 2001 (has links)
In this thesis, I argue that identity construction is a postal effect: it results from a transmission of some sort, received or sent. I examine three instances of postal effect. In a chapter on Jacques Derrida's "Envois," a collection of fragments presented as if transcribed from a one-way love letter correspondence, I explore the performative force of relayed address. Working from Derrida's account of the literary performative, I point out that the "Envois" letters are addressed to "you" in the singular, which implies an address reserved for a particular subject, but that the postal relay of the collection enacts a repetition of their address. For the reader of the book, this repetition has evocative force which I compare with the force of transference in the context of the psychoanalytic situation. In a second chapter on the "Envois" letters, I examine their haunting effect. The "Envois" letters have an I/we signature that intimates pluralities in the writing subject. I argue that this signature is the effect of a postal relay of another order: a phantom, which Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok define as a gap in the psychic topography of the subject caused by a secret unwittingly received along with a legacy. To a certain extent, the "Envois" letters are written by Plato's "in-voices." In a chapter on J. M. Coetzee's epistolary novel Age of Iron, I explore the gift effects of a posthumous letter. Age of Iron is an epistolary novel consisting exclusively of a single letter written by a dying South African woman, Mrs. Curren, to her daughter, a political objector who has emigrated to the United States. Writing her letter in the knowledge that her death is imminent, Mrs. Curren anticipates her daughter's mourning. Working with J. L. Austin's doctrine of illocutionary forces and Derrida's analysis of the gift event, I postulate two effects of Mrs. Curren's letter, one that annuls the gift in a circular return and another that surpasses this circuit with textual diss

El contrato entre escritor y lector en El amor que me juraste de Silvia Molina

Muresan, Nelly January 2003 (has links)
This is an attempt to analyze the epistolary style, a genre within a long and distinguished literary tradition, that is used as the principal narratological technique in the novel El amor que me juraste (1998) by the contemporary Mexican writer Silvia Molina. The object of this thesis is to discover how the author adapts the genre to make a certain socio-cultural contextualization that will be elaborated upon in the analysis here of the intimate discourse exchanged by the two protagonists of the novel. At all times the important role will be stressed of the "real" reader of this fictional amorous correspondence which gives every impression of authenticity. / The first chapter gives some historical background, highlighting the growing critical interest of contemporary authors in the epistolary genre. Also a bio-bibliography of Silvia Molina is given in order to emphasize the direction of her literary work as well as her professional development as a multifaceted author. / This is followed in the second chapter by an examination of epistolary writing as a specific narrative technique in El amor que me juraste in order to facilitate the refocusing, executed by the female protagonist, of how a woman might combat patriarchal ideology in contemporary Mexican society. / Finally, the third chapter centers upon the legal and conventional functioning of epistolary writing in the genre. Thereby the protagonist's search carried out here to find her cultural roots is shown to complement her elaboration of her personal identity as a modern woman in the recasting of masculine and feminine roles, and certain moral repercussions thereof, portrayed both in the text as in society. A full bibliography is also given.

Home economics : identity and substitutability in the eighteenth-century epistolary novel /

Powers, Paula Sian, January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, 1998. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 243-253).

Publii Ovidii Nasonis Epistularum ex Ponto liber IV a commentary on poems 1 to 7 and 16 /

Helzle, Martin. January 1989 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Cambridge. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-211).

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