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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autorité et mémoire : pragmatique et réception de l'autorité épistolaire de Paul de Tarse / Authority and memory : linguistic pragmatics and reception of Paul of Tarsus’s epistolary authority

Salis, Pierre de 04 September 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche étudie les lettres de Paul de Tarse, telles que conservées dans le Nouveau Testament, dans le contexte des pratiques épistolaires antiques, principalement judéennes. L’interrogation initiale est double : d’une part, elle porte sur le potentiel documentaire offert par les sources de type épistolaire et, d’autre part, sur le potentiel pragmatique spécifique du médium épistolaire pour induire des changements chez les destinataires. Les lettres de Paul ont été écrites non pour consigner des réalités ou des vérités d’autrefois en tant que telles, mais pour communiquer efficacement auprès de cercles divers et variés de destinataires. Cette double interrogation est déployée en amont, parmi les pratiques susceptibles d’avoir servi de modèle, comme celle liée à la lettre aux exilés insérée narrativement dans le Livre du prophète Jérémie (chapitre 29). Celle-ci a servi de modèle de communication à distance pendant plusieurs siècles parmi différents milieux de la Diaspora judéenne. Est ensuite interrogée la pratique épistolaire de Paul lui-même, en particulier celle déployée dans sa IIe Lettre aux Corinthiens (chapitres 10-13). Cette séquence, écrite au moment d’une très forte remise en question de son autorité d’apôtre, montre bien le potentiel pragmatique que Paul reconnaissait au médium épistolaire, ceci en convoquant notamment l’autorité de Jérémie. Enfin, en aval, on s’intéresse aux débuts l’histoire de la réception de l’autorité d’épistolier de Paul. Celle-ci montre comment on a reconnu très tôt à l’apôtre Paul une autorité d’épistolier, à l’instar des prophètes écrivains de l’ancien Israël. / This research examines the letters of Paul of Tarsus, as preserved in the New Testament within the context of letter writing of that time, principally Judean ones. The initial examination questions both the potential of sources such as letters to provide information about an era, and the specific pragmatic potential of the epistolary medium as a means of inducing change in its recipients. As such, the letters of Paul were written not to conserve the historical realities or truths of the past, but to communicate efficiently with diverse circles and various recipients. The two-part examination is used to gain a perspective on the practices of the time, which may have been used as models for epistolary writing. The letter addressing the Judean Diasporas exiles inserted into the narrative of the Book of Jeremy (chapter 29) is such a model, providing a means of communicating over distance and time among the different groups. The epistolary practice of Paul himself is then examined. In particular, his Second letter to Corinthians (chapters 10-13), written in a moment of intense self-examination as his apostolic authority was questioned, is a good example of the pragmatic potential that Paul recognised in the epistolary medium, particularly in light of the prophet Jeremy. Finally, the beginnings of the apostle Paul’s epistolary writing and it’s reception are explored, showing how his credibility as an apostolic authority was quickly and easily recognised as being of the same quality as those of the prophet writers of ancient Israel.

Correspondances avec l'absence : la fiction épistolaire monologique aux XXe et XXIe siècles / Monologic epistolary fiction of the 20th and 21st centuries

Doig, Katherine 06 December 2017 (has links)
La fiction longue entièrement composée d'une lettre ininterrompue – le roman (ou la pièce) épistolaire monologique – représente un cas de figure négligé, souvent même refusé, par la théorie. Son existence est démontrée ici par un corpus de quinze textes en anglais, français, italien et allemand, de Gide (1902) à Norman (2011) via Yourcenar, Coetzee, Celestini, ou Amis.Ce travail mesure dans un premier temps les dimensions de cet inventaire : sa largeur, grâce à la mise en place d'un cadre formel ; sa longueur historique ; la profondeur de ses interactions avec la lettre réelle, le genre épistolaire, et enfin avec les qualités épistolaires de toute fiction, dont la lettre monologique est un miroir aux déformations calculées.Le corpus révèle l'intérêt de ce cadrage technique grâce à des thèmes récurrents, qui interrogent trois caractéristiques-clé de l'écriture épistolaire. Le thème de la mort de soi (Yourcenar, Coetzee, Bernstein, Robinson, Amis) se conjugue à une réflexion sur la structure physique de tout texte que la lettre rend soudainement tangible, établissant une réflexion sur la lettre-cadavre. Une imagerie apocalyptique (Auster, Coetzee, Amis) problématise ensuite cette idée de la lettre qui se résumerait comme manifestation physique de la mort de l'auteur ; il met en scène un portrait de la temporalité qui ouvre à des superpositions et des rencontres. Ces deux chapitres établissent les pôles du débat pour un dernier, qui emprunte l'imagerie du double pour parler de la communication épistolaire (Gide, Coetzee, Bernstein, Celestini). Après l'absence et la correspondance, ce chapitre interroge le problématique “avec” du titre ; le plan narré de la lettre et le plan dramatique de son envoi sont rejoints par un troisième, pragmatique, posant la question de l'éthique de la correspondance épistolaire, et à travers elle, l'éthique de la fiction même. / Long fictions composed of one uninterrupted letter – monologic epistolary fictions – are underrepresented in critical discourse, and frequently shunted more or less overtly beyond its margins. Their existence is brought to light here by one play and fourteen novels in French, English, Italian and German, ranging from 1902 (Gide) to 2011 (Norman) via a cast of authors including Yourcenar, Coetzee, Amis and Celestini.This study aims firstly to fill the critical lacuna, establishing the dimensions of this new sub- genre. It measures the breadth of the formal definitions of the single-letter epistolary novel, the length of its inscription in literary history, and the depth conferred upon it by critical discourse about real letters, the letter-novel genre and a certain epistolary quality to be found in all literature, which our novels set themselves up to reflect and refract.Our rather disparate corpus of texts reveals the interest of this technical framework, haunted as it is by recurrent themes which illuminate the characteristics of monological epistolary writing. Firstly, the theme of one's own death (Yourcenar, Coetzee, Bernstein, Robinson, Amis) shines a light on the physical structure of any text, rendered visible in the format of the letter; this conjunction suggests the idea of the text as corpse. A series of apocalyptic universes complicates this rather empirical portrait, which reads like the symbol of the Death of the Author; novels by Coetzee, Amis and Auster use complex portraits of fictional time to suggest the possibility of coincidence, overlap, meetings both epistolary and literary. These two chapters set up the terms of a final debate concerning literary communication, investigated via the symbol of the double (Gide, Coeztee, Bernstein, Celestini). After the narrative of the text itself and the implied drama of the letter's trajectory, a pragmatic dimension comes to light. This final analysis allows us to investigate the ethics of correspondence, and the letter as one key to understanding those of fiction itself.

Eighteenth-century women writers and the tradition of epistolary complaint

Garner-Mack, Naomi Jayne January 2013 (has links)
This thesis considers the presence of the epistolary tradition of female complaint in the writings of five late eighteenth-century women writers: Hester Thrale Piozzi, Mary Wollstonecraft, Charlotte Turner Smith, Mary Robinson, and Frances Burney D’Arblay. The epistolary female complaint tradition is premised on the suggestion that readers are permitted, through the literary endeavours of male authors/transcribers, a glimpse into the authentically felt woes of women; the writers in this study both question and exploit this expectation. Often viewed by critics like John Kerrigan as a tradition that stifled female creativity, epistolary female complaint proves, this thesis argues, a lively and enlivening tradition for women writers; it provided opportunities for literary experimentation and enabled them to turn their experiences into artistic form. Five themes central to the epistolary female complaint tradition are considered: betrayal, absence, suicide, falls, and authorship. Each chapter looks at one theme and one author specifically. Chapter 1 examines the narrative of betrayal Hester Thrale Piozzi established in her journals from 1764 to 1784. Chapter 2 turns to Mary Wollstonecraft and her accounts of absence in her private letters to Gilbert Imlay, and her epistolary travel account, A Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (1796). Chapter 3 discusses Charlotte Turner Smith’s engagement with the theme of suicide in her Elegiac Sonnets (1784) and her epistolary novel, Desmond(1792). Chapter 4 considers the strategies employed in Mary Robinson’s autobiographical, poetic, and fictional writings, which work to move beyond the moral fall the tradition implied. Chapter 5 focuses on the recurrent theme of authorial debt in Frances Burney D’Arblay’s journals, plays, and fiction. I conclude by considering Jane Austen’s appropriation of the tradition in her final novel, Persuasion (1818), and her transformation of the tradition by providing a resolution to the cause of complaint.

Une écriture de la tendresse au XVIIe siècle : pour une étude stylistique des lettres de Mme de Sévigné / Writing Tenderness : a stylistic study of Mme de Sévigné’s letters

Lignereux, Cécile 26 November 2009 (has links)
Grâce aux travaux récents des historiens et des spécialistes de la littérature galante, la promotion théorisée et valorisée de la tendresse est bien connue. En revanche, rares sont les études de cas attentives à ses formes d’expression. Au moment où Mme de Sévigné écrit ses lettres, la tendresse est conçue comme une modulation du lien interpersonnel spécifique, dont les enjeux sont à relier d’une part, à la méfiance envers les passions, et d’autre part, aux raffinements affectifs et sentimentaux de l’esthétique galante.Le terme d’écriture le laisse entrevoir : il ne s’agit pas de traquer d’hypothétiques sentiments intimes, mais bien plutôt d’analyser, au plus près du texte, leurs mises en scène et leurs modalités d’inscription. Loin de donner accès en toute transparence à la vie intérieure de l’épistolière, l’expression des sentiments maternels est informée par des stratégies rhétoriques sous-tendues aussi bien par des contraintes génériques que par des hiérarchies axiologiques. Il convient donc de raisonner en termes de possibles langagiers – indissociables de l’appropriation, pragmatiquement orientée, de modèles culturels.Éclairer une manière de dire par les codes et les valeurs qu’elle cristallise, afin de restituer aux modulations stylistiques du sentiment maternel leur pleine portée, dans le cadre de ses possibilités d’expression et de ses marges d’innovation : tel est l’objectif de ce travail. / This thesis analyses the stylistic means by which Mme de Sévigné appropriates the ideal of tenderness and builds an ethical category suited to the particularities of the relationship with her daughter. It emphasizes therefore how historical and ideological circumstances must be taken into account to understand Mme de Sévigné’ s epistolary style in a specific cultural context.

Diodata Saluzzo nella cultura letteraria del primo Ottocento ˸ i carteggi / Diodata Saluzzo dans la culture littéraire du XIXe siècle / Diodata Saluzzo in the Italian culture during the 19th century ˸ the epistolary

Trovato, Lorenzo 31 January 2019 (has links)
Le but de ce projet de doctorat c’est celui de donner une contribution aux études littéraires concertantes la fin du XVIIIe siècle et le début du XIXe, au moyen de l’édition critique de la correspondance de l’autrice Diodata Saluzzo Roero. La thèse se compose de trois chapitres et de l’édition des lettres. Le premier chapitre donne une contextualisation historique du Piémont du 1700, avec une attention particulière à l’expérience intellectuelle de Carlo Denina et Prospero Balbo, lesquels ont eu une influence importante sur Diodata et sa génération. Dans ce chapitre on a analysé, aussi, la première activité de l’Académie des Sciences de Turin, fondée par Giuseppe Angelo Saluzzo, le père de Diodata. Dans le deuxième chapitre, on donne la biographie complète de l’autrice, revue et augmentée de nouvelles informations, obtenues en analysant les lettres. Le troisième chapitre examine les correspondances principales de Diodata Saluzzo, et quelques-unes de ses lettres les plus intéressantes. En particulier, on a analysé les correspondances avec Cesare Lucchesini, Alessandro Manzoni, Coriolano Malingri, Prospero Balbo e toutes les auteurs femmes. Dans ce chapitre sont présentes aussi quelques voies thématiques, pour faciliter l’orientation du lecteur.La seconde partie contient l’édition commentée de l’entier corpus des lettres de Diodata Saluzzo, rangé selon un principe rigidement chronologique. Enfin, dans un appendice final, on a joint toutes les lettres que les autres autrices de cette période ont envoyées à Diodata ; ces lettres ont été analysées dans le dernier paragraphe du troisième chapitre. / This thesis is focused on the commented edition of the epistolary of Diodata Saluzzo, a female poet who had a central role in Italian literature between 18th and 19th centuries.The thesis, in addition to the letter’s edition, is composed of three chapters. First chapter gives an historical contextualization focused on Piemonte during the 18th century. It pays particular attention on Carlo Denina and Prospero Balbo’s intellectual experience, which had an important influence on Diodata Saluzzo and her generation. In this chapter is also analysed the early activity of the Accademy of Sciences, which was founded by Diodata’s father, Giuseppe Angelo Saluzzo. The second chapter includes a complete biography of Diodata Saluzzo, updated with the new information obtained by the epistolary. In the third chapter the most important letters and main correspondences pertained to Cesare Lucchesini, Alessandro Manzoni, Prospero Balbo and the female writers are examined as well. In this chapter, the main topics are also introduced, to simplify the reader’s approach to the epistolary. The second part is composed of the commented edition of the entire corpus of Diodata Saluzzo’s letters, ordered chronologically. Lastly, in the final appendix, are included the letters of other female writers sent to Diodata Saluzzo, which were exanimated in the last paragraph of the third chapter.

\"Há muito tempo que não te escrevo...\": reunião da correspondência alencariana (edição anotada) / \"Há muito tempo que não te escrevo...\": gathered correspondence of Alencar (annotated edition)

Pereira, Patricia Regina Cavaleiro 23 April 2012 (has links)
Apresentamos, nesta dissertação, a correspondência reunida do escritor e político José Martiniano de Alencar (1829-1877) em uma proposta de edição anotada. Trata-se do estudo e da organização de 279 cartas, acompanhadas de notas e de 61 fac-símiles de documentos conservados em diferentes instituições brasileiras (Academia Brasileira de Letras, Biblioteca Nacional, Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa e Museu Imperial). Para melhor análise das missivas, objetivando abarcar por diferentes ângulos a trajetória biográfica da personalidade em questão, propomos a divisão do epistolário alencariano (ativo e passivo) em quatro categorias: cartas pessoais, jornalísticas, literárias e políticas. / We present here the correspondence gathered of the writer and politician José Martiniano de Alencar (1829-1877) in an annotated edition. It is a study and organization of 279 letters, accompanied by notes, and of 61 facsimiles of documents, stored in various Brazilian institutions (the Brazilian Academy of Letters, the National Library, the House of Rui Barbosa Foundation, and the Imperial Museum). For a better analysis of the letters, in order to cover various angles of the biography of the person in question, we have chosen to divide his correspondence (active and passive) into four categories of letters: personal, journalistic, literary, and political.

Fronteiras da pátria: dos campos sem vida aos campos de morte / Borders of Homeland: from the lifeless fields to the death camps

Rossi, Mirian Silva 09 November 2016 (has links)
O desenvolvimento desta pesquisa teve como plataforma inicial de reflexão o epistolário de Americo Orlando, nascido no Brasil três meses após a chegada de sua família, emigrada da Itália meridional em 1895. A série epistolar de quase uma centena de cartas e cartões postais enviados do front italiano da Primeira Guerra Mundial traz à luz dois dos maiores e mais traumáticos episódios que a humanidade já presenciou: a Grande Imigração e a Grande Guerra (1914-1918), que em um dado momento se cruzam em território brasileiro. A análise das questões que se referem à Grande Imigração concentra-se, sobretudo, na situação conjuntural e nos diversos aspectos que caracterizaram a imigração italiana meridional na capital de São Paulo, entre os séculos XIX e XX. A Grande Guerra, circunscrita aqui à guerra entre o Reino de Itália e o Império Austro-Húngaro, tem como foco de análise, não os aspectos militar, tático ou estratégico, político ou econômico, mas a dimensão e o alcance dessa tragédia mundial, que atingiu milhares de civis e militares. Neste contexto, destaca-se a convocação dos imigrantes italianos de além-mar, particularmente os residentes no Brasil. Considerando o duplo objeto de investigação, cuja essência, pela sua magnitude e complexidade, encontra-se no cruzamento das ciências sociais, privilegiou-se uma abordagem interdisciplinar, com o livre trânsito do conhecimento através dos saberes e a adoção de conceitos que envolvem diversas especialidades. Ressalte-se que o presente estudo, a despeito de ter como fonte cartas pessoais enviadas do front de guerra, não é pautado por uma história de vida ou uma história de guerra. O seu título, Fronteiras da Pátria: dos campos sem vida aos campos de morte, intenta indicar o percurso dos emigrantes do antigo Reino das Duas Sicílias, que atravessando inúmeras fronteiras, materiais e imateriais, deixaram para trás os campos sem vida da Itália do sul, em busca de uma nova pátria, onde reconstruíram as condições mínimas de existência, refizeram os seus laços, estabeleceram os seus vínculos, até os seus filhos serem chamados para os campos de morte da Primeira Guerra Mundial. / The development of this research had as initial platform for reflection the epistolary of Americo Orlando, born in Brazil three months after the arrival of his family, emigrated from southern Italy in 1895. The epistolary series nearly a hundred letters and postcards sent by the Italian battle front during the World War I brings to light two of the biggest and most traumatic episodes that mankind has ever witnessed: the Great Immigration and the Great War (1914-1918), which at a given time has crossed in Brazilian territory. The analysis of the issues relating the Great Immigration are mainly focuses on the conjuncture situation and on the various aspects that characterized the southern Italian immigration to the São Paulo´s capital, between the 19th and 20th centuries. The Great War, limited here to the war between the Kingdom of Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire has, as focus of analysis, not the military, tactical or strategic, political or economic aspects, but the dimension and scope of this world tragedy, which has hit thousands of civilians and military. In this context, stand out the overseas Italian immigrants recruitment, particularly the Brazilian residents. Considering the double object under research whose essence, by its magnitude and complexity is at the intersection of the social sciences, the emphasis is on an interdisciplinary approach with the free movement through knowledge, and the adoption of concepts involving several specialties. It should be stressed that the present study, in spite of having as a source personal letters sent from the front lines of war, it is not based on a life story or a story of war. Its title, Borders of Homeland: from the lifeless fields to the death camps, try to indicate the route of the emigrants of the former Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, who crossed many borders, material and immaterial, leaving behind the lifeless fields of southern Italy in search of a new homeland, where they rebuilt the minimum conditions of existence, redid their ties, established their linkages, until their sons be called to the death camps of the First World War.

Cartas familiares de imigrantes italianos residentes no Brasil: um estudo sobre o léxico e o contato linguístico / Family letters of Italian immigrants who lived in Brazil: a lexical and language contact study

Sozzi, Rafael Cappelli 03 March 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o léxico empregado em cartas familiares, escritas em língua italiana, por falantes italianos provenientes da região Lombardia e por seus descendentes nascidos no Brasil e residentes em São Paulo, sob duas perspectivas diferentes. Na primeira, elencaremos quais eram os assuntos mais recorrentes nas cartas, analisaremos as escolhas lexicais e verificaremos a função destas no contexto em que foram empregadas. Pretendemos, portanto, entender quais são os relatos, as histórias, as informações contidas nesses escritos, bem como o léxico empregado para a composição das cartas. A segunda perspectiva, diz respeito ao contato linguístico que houve entre italiano e português em nível lexical. Nossa proposta será demonstrar, por meio de excertos das cartas, exemplos de léxico que revelam o uso corrente da língua italiana, mesmo em contexto estrangeiro, no qual prevalecia aquele do português. Dessa forma, é nosso propósito tanto identificar e analisar o enriquecimento do leque comunicativo e cultural que esses imigrantes tiveram ao escreverem em italiano, não inibindo, porém, o uso do português (seja de maneira implícita ou explícita); como também entender se houve a formação de uma eventual variedade de italiano no interior dessa pequena comunidade. / The purpose of this study is to analyze the lexicon used in family letters, which were written in Italian by native Italian speakers from Lombardy and by their descendants who were born in Brazil and lived in São Paulo, from two different perspectives. The first one will list the most recurring topics in the letters, the lexical choices will be analyzed and their functions will be verified in the context in which they were used. Therefore, this study intends to understand the accounts, stories, and information contained in the letters, as well as the lexicon used when writing them. The second perspective is about the language contact that occurred between Italian and Portuguese at the lexical level. Excerpts from the letters were used to show examples of the lexicon, which revealed that the Italian language was widely used, regardless of the international context, in which Portuguese predominated. As a result, the study aims to identify and analyze the language and cultural enrichment that such immigrants had by writing in Italian, although it did not prevent them from using Portuguese (either explicitly or implicitly), and also understand if there has been an accidental variety of the Italian language in that small community.

\"Há muito tempo que não te escrevo...\": reunião da correspondência alencariana (edição anotada) / \"Há muito tempo que não te escrevo...\": gathered correspondence of Alencar (annotated edition)

Patricia Regina Cavaleiro Pereira 23 April 2012 (has links)
Apresentamos, nesta dissertação, a correspondência reunida do escritor e político José Martiniano de Alencar (1829-1877) em uma proposta de edição anotada. Trata-se do estudo e da organização de 279 cartas, acompanhadas de notas e de 61 fac-símiles de documentos conservados em diferentes instituições brasileiras (Academia Brasileira de Letras, Biblioteca Nacional, Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa e Museu Imperial). Para melhor análise das missivas, objetivando abarcar por diferentes ângulos a trajetória biográfica da personalidade em questão, propomos a divisão do epistolário alencariano (ativo e passivo) em quatro categorias: cartas pessoais, jornalísticas, literárias e políticas. / We present here the correspondence gathered of the writer and politician José Martiniano de Alencar (1829-1877) in an annotated edition. It is a study and organization of 279 letters, accompanied by notes, and of 61 facsimiles of documents, stored in various Brazilian institutions (the Brazilian Academy of Letters, the National Library, the House of Rui Barbosa Foundation, and the Imperial Museum). For a better analysis of the letters, in order to cover various angles of the biography of the person in question, we have chosen to divide his correspondence (active and passive) into four categories of letters: personal, journalistic, literary, and political.

O harém das Cartas persas: um concerto de vozes dissonantes / The harem of Lettres persanes: a concert of dissonant voices

Chauvel, Thaïs 26 April 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação apresenta uma leitura das Cartas persas, de Montesquieu, centrada na análise do chamado romance do serralho, conjunto temático correspondente à intriga do harém abandonado na Pérsia. O estudo busca mostrar em que medida a trama oriental das Cartas persas adquire mais densidade após a primeira publicação da obra, em 1721, enfatizando sua importância para a reflexão de cunho político-filosófica que Montesquieu desenvolve em sua obra. A proposta é demonstrar de que maneira o romance do serralho constitui uma crítica ao despotismo e como ele representa dois regimes de poder distintos que se sobrepuseram a partir do século XVIII. Levando em consideração a complexidade do dispositivo epistolar posto em prática por Montesquieu em suas Cartas persas, propõe-se, ainda, compreender o papel das diferentes personagens que integram o sistema polifônico do harém, com o intuito de depreender o alcance de sua significação para a obra. / The present dissertation intends to provide an analysis of Montesquieus Lettres persanes focused in the so-called romance of seraglio, a set of themes which correspond to the dispute of the abandoned harem in Persia. This study proposes to show how the oriental plot of Lettres persanes attains greater density after the first publication of the oeuvre, in 1721, highlighting its importance to the political-philosophical reflection developed by Montesquieu in his oeuvre. The proposal aims to demonstrate the way the romance of seraglio constitutes a critic to despotism and how it represents two different power regimes which overlapped since the 18th century. Taking into consideration the complexity of the epistolary device concocted by Montesquieu in his Lettres persanes, this study also aims to understand the role of its various characters which integrate the polyphonic system of the harem, with the intention of fathom the reach of its significance to the oeuvre.

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