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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The textual transmission of Cicero's Epistulae ad Brutum, ad Quintum fratrem, and ad Atticum

Rota, Gabriele January 2018 (has links)
My doctorate is a study of the manuscript transmission of Cicero’s Epistulae ad Atticum: a twenty-book corpus comprising one book Ad M. Brutum, three books Ad Quintum fratrem, sixteen books Ad Atticum and a pseudo-Ciceronian Epistula ad Octauianum. I have made a complete reinspection and partial recollation of the eighty-odd fully extant manuscripts, and reconstructed a new stemma codicum that may be used for both historical and editorial purposes. My thesis consists of four chapters, following the transmission of the corpus of Ad Atticum from the Middle Ages down to the Renaissance and the beginning of printing. In Chapter 1 I discuss the top of the stemma: Petrarch’s (1304–74) rediscovery of these letters in the Chapter Library of Verona in 1345, and the beginning of their dissemination in fifteenth-century Italy, thanks to the Florentine Chancellor Coluccio Salutati (1331–1406) and two humanists of his circle: Niccolò Niccoli (1364–1437) and Leonardo Bruni (c. 1370–1444). Editors of Cicero’s letters believe that the top of the stemma is bipartite, and that bipartition reflects separate strands of mediaeval transmission: I argue against their reconstruction and put forward a new pluripartite stemma. In Chapter 1 I also consider manuscripts independent of the Verona archetype: these witnesses survive only in tiny fragments and scattered readings cited by sixteenth-century critics. In Chapter 2 I study the northern Italian progeny of the Veronese archetype: here too I have significantly improved on the editors’ work, thanks to collation of a larger number of independent manuscripts and a more articulated understanding of the intricate dynamics of contamination affecting this branch. In Chapters 3 and 4 I investigate the Florentine transmission of the corpus of Ad Atticum. In Chapter 3 I study the closer descendants of the copy of the Verona archetype that in 1393 came from Milan to Florence at Salutati’s instigation. In Chapter 4 I focus on the thirty-odd descendants of the manuscript that in 1408 the humanist and Papal secretary Poggio Bracciolini (1380–1459) copied for Cosimo de’ Medici (1389–1464). The comprehensive stemmata that I put forward in Chapters 3 and 4 are completely new, since hitherto there has been no systematic attempt to map the genealogy of Salutati’s manuscript.

Korespondence Vladimíra Holana / Selected Letters of Vladimír Holan

DVOŘÁK, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Vladimír Holan is one of the most important Czech poets of the 20th century. However, his rich correspondence with plenty of significant people of Czech culture is out of broad the concern of literary scientists. The Holan's correspondence is the main deal of this diploma theses and for its purpose the student will collect, classify and prepare for potential edition a part of poet's correspondence. The selection of correspondence of Vladimír Holan, which is deposited in The Literary archive of The Museum of Czech literature in Prague, will be consisted of approximately ten letter-conversation threads between Vladimír Holan and the significant people of Czech cultural context mainly. The thesis will also include the study in which the student will try to interpret the change of Holan's period poetics by analysis of Holan's statements the convolute of the selected letter will contain.

O escritor à paisana : a voz literária na correspondência de Caio Fernando Abreu /

Alselmi, André Luiz. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Adalberto Luis Vicente / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta uma análise da correspondência de Caio Fernando Abreu pelo viés literário, a partir de um conjunto de 77 missivas reunidas na coletânea Cartas, organizada por Italo Moriconi em 2002. A partir do ponto de vista de alguns teóricos do gênero epistolar, como Jelena Jovicic, Marie-Claire Grassi, Brigitte Diaz, Geneviève Haroche-Bouzinac e Vincent Kaufmann, analisa-se, em algumas cartas endereçadas a uma variedade de destinatários - como familiares e amigos, em sua maioria do universo literário -, de que maneira a experiência pessoal e a experiência literária, nas cartas do escritor gaúcho, realizam-se concomitantemente. A fim de se demonstrar de que forma a correspondência do autor constitui uma faceta de sua produção literária, investiga-se, primeiramente, a construção da identidade de escritor a partir do discurso epistolar, considerado não como locus da verdade, mas como um texto ficcional, no qual o epistológrafo lança mão de estratégias capazes de criar uma "verdade simulada", conferindo maior verossimilhança a seu discurso. Na sequência, com o respaldo das teorias de Mikhail Bakhtin e José Luiz Fiorin, são analisadas as diferentes personae que o escritor constrói a partir das cartas - do filho, do amigo, do escritor, do amante -, determinadas sobretudo pelo destinatário, que faz com que o epistológrafo apresente variações temáticas e formais, assumindo, assim, diferentes máscaras sociais. Após a análise da constituição da identidade do escritor e de... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of Caio Fernando Abreu's correspondence through the literary bias, based on a set of 77 missives gathered in the collection entitled Cartas (Letters), organized by Italo Moriconi in 2002. From the point of view of some theorists of the epistolary genre, such as Jelena Jovicic, Marie-Claire Grassi, Brigitte Diaz, Geneviève Haroche-Bouzinac and Vincent Kaufmann, one analyzes, in some letters addressed to a variety of recipients - such as family and friends, mostly from the literary universe - how both personal and literary experiences, in the letters of the Brazilian writer, take place concomitantly. In order to demonstrate how the correspondence of the author constitutes a facet of his literary production, one first investigates the construction of the writer's identity from the epistolary discourse, considered not as locus of Truth, but as a fictional text, in which the epistolography writer uses strategies capable of creating a "simulated truth", providing a greater likelihood to his discourse. Next, with the support of the theories of Mikhail Bakhtin and José Luiz Fiorin, the different personae that the writer constructs from the letters are analyzed - the one of the son, the friend, the writer, the lover -, determined mainly by the recipient, who makes the epistolography writer present thematic and formal variations, thus assuming different social masks. After analyzing the constitution of the writer's identity and his different discoursive éthe, one analyzes, based on Vincent Kaufmann's ideas, how the correspondences are located on a frontier ground between the man and the work, prioritizing, instead of communication, distance, thanks to which the work can happen. An analysis of the content in the discourse of the letters is then carried out, with the purpose of demonstrating how the epistolary text has great value in the creation of the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Communiquer par écrit dans l'Égypte de l'Antiquité tardive : les lettres grecques des archives de Dioscore d'Aphrodité (Égypte, VIe s. apr. J.-C.) / Written Communication in Late Antique Egypt : the Greek Letters of the Archive of Dioscorus of Aphrodite (Egypt, VI CE)

Amory, Yasmine 01 December 2018 (has links)
La thèse consiste en l’édition des lettres grecques des archives de Dioscore d’Aphrodité (Égypte, VIe s. apr. J.-C.), qui constituent le plus important ensemble papyrologique d'époque byzantine connu de nos jours. Quatre-vingt-cinq documents y sont présentés sous la forme d'une nouvelle édition – ou, dans le cas de textes inédits, d'une première édition –, qui s'accompagne d'une traduction et d'un commentaire. La mise en parallèle des textes souvent fragmentaires du corpus, dont les pièces demeurent dispersées dans les collections du monde entier suite à la découverte clandestine des archives, a en outre permis de raccorder certains fragments encore inédits à des pièces déjà répertoriées, et de contribuer ainsi à la restitution d'un texte plus complet. Au-delà de l'aspect philologique, l’apport de cette documentation est aussi bien culturel qu’historique : elle permet d’éclairer l’arrière-plan multilingue en comparant la correspondance officielle écrite en grec avec la correspondance privée des mêmes archives, qui était de préférence rédigée en copte, ainsi qu'en analysant les pratiques d'écritures de certains scribes bilingues ; elle révèle les modalités épistolaires et les usages propres à la pratique écrite de l’administration ; elle dévoile les différents problèmes, matériels ou financiers, auxquels un village de Moyenne-Égypte devait faire face dans son quotidien ; enfin, elle contribue à la connaissance des institutions administratives et des rapports entre instances centrales et locales un siècle avant la conquête arabo-musulmane de l'Égypte. / The dissertation concerns the edition and the study of the Greek letters belonging to the archive of Dioscorus of Aphrodite (Egypt, VI CE), the largest papyrological ensemble of the Byzantine age. Eighty-five documents are analyzed and highlighted by virtue of a new edition - or, when it comes to unpublished texts, of a first edition - followed by a translation and a commentary. Moreover, the study of the corpus, which is scattered across different collections around the world as a consequence of the clandestine discovery of the archive, allowed to join some unpublished fragments to some already known texts and to reconstruct, in this way, a more complete text. The contribution of this documentation is not only philological, but also cultural and historical: by comparing the official correspondence written in Greek with the private correspondence from the same archive, which was preferably written in Coptic, it helps to illuminate the multilingual background; it unfolds the modalities of epistolary exchanges and the written practices of the administration; it reveals the issues encountered by an Upper Egypt village in its daily life; finally, it contributes to the knowledge of the administrative institutions, as well as to the comprehension of the relations between central and local authorities a century before the Arab-Muslim conquest of Egypt.

Développement des pratiques d'écriture et de l'expression écrite : recherches sur les lettres de l'époque amorrite (2002-1595 av. J.-C.) / Development of writing practices and written expression : research on the letters from the Amorite period (2002-1595 BC)

Beranger, Marine 20 October 2018 (has links)
En Mésopotamie, l’écriture fut inventée et longtemps maîtrisée par un groupe restreint d’individus au service du temple ou du palais. Après l’effondrement de la troisième dynastie d’Ur, en 2002 av. J.-C., les données archéologiques et épigraphiques témoignent d’une intensification et d’une généralisation du recours à l’écrit. Ce phénomène, connu sous le nom de « révolution de l’écrit paléo-babylonienne » (« Old Babylonian writing revolution »), se traduisit plus précisément par l’abandon du sumérien au profit de l’akkadien, la multiplication des archives privées, le remaniement du système éducatif et l’apparition de nouveaux genres de texte, du format tabulaire et de l’écriture cursive. L’enjeu de notre recherche a été d’étudier les répercussions qu’eut cette révolution culturelle spécifiquement sur la pratique épistolaire de l’époque amorrite (2002-1595 av. J.-C.). Nous avons d’abord cherché à définir la place des échanges épistolaires dans les interactions sociales des Mésopotamiens. En dressant le portrait des épistoliers et en étudiant leurs voies d’accès à la pratique épistolaire, nous avons évalué l’implantation de la communication par lettres dans la société. Écrire et lire une lettre requérait l’apprentissage d’un savoir et d’une technique. Nous avons donc cherché, parmi les exercices étudiés par les élèves pendant leur formation à l’écrit, ceux qui pouvaient leur servir à rédiger et lire des lettres, et avons étudié dans quelle mesure ces exercices les préparaient à écrire des lettres plus ou moins complexes et variées. Nous avons aussi voulu voir si les changements introduits dans le système éducatif ont bouleversé l’enseignement du genre épistolaire et s’ils ont une part dans le développement de la littéracie et de la communication par lettres. La diffusion de l’écrit bouleversa également le rapport des Mésopotamiens au texte écrit : une lecture empirique, « naïve » des lettres a permis aux chercheurs de se rendre compte que les lettres de l’époque amorrite sont plus précises et plus longues que celles des siècles antérieurs. Nous avons voulu objectiver, rationaliser cette impression en étudiant la qualité et la quantité des informations communiquées par écrit. Qu’est-ce qui, dans les lettres, a évolué ? Est-ce le degré d’implicite et d’ambiguïté ? Les lettres pouvaient-elles être comprises sans l’intervention du messager qui les transportait ? Ou est-ce le contenu, devenu plus détaillé et varié ? Ces recherches s’appuient notamment sur la pragmatique, qui offre un cadre conceptuel pour travailler sur la notion d’implicite et analyser la possibilité pour le destinataire d’une lettre d’interpréter le message dans le contexte spécifique de l’écrit. L’éclatement de l’administration centrale, en 2002 av. J.-C., fit naître de nombreux royaumes rivaux. Ces derniers n’utilisèrent pas les mêmes graphèmes ni les mêmes formes graphiques pour écrire leurs lettres, mais peu de comparaisons systématiques ont été effectuées jusqu’à présent. Nous avons étudié comment se sont constituées et ont circulé certaines conventions graphiques. La comparaison des formes graphiques nous a ensuite permis de travailler sur la standardisation des lettres et la notion d’ « orthographe ». Nous avons finalement cherché à évaluer le niveau de maîtrise du système d’écriture requis pour lire et écrire des lettres. Nos recherches apportent un éclairage nouveau sur un corpus qui n’avait jamais été exploité dans son ensemble (environ 7000 lettres) et constituent une première tentative pour analyser les répercussions de l’intensification du recours à l’écrit sur l’ensemble d’une activité, à savoir la pratique épistolaire. Au-delà des assyriologues, ces recherches s’adressent à tous ceux qui s’intéressent à l’histoire de l’écrit et du genre épistolaire. / In Mesopotamia, writing was invented, and for a long time mastered, by a small group of individuals working for the temple or the palace. After the collapse of the Third Dynasty of Ur, in 2002 BC, archaeological and epigraphic evidence reveals an intensification in the use of writing. This phenomenon, known as the “Old Babylonian writing revolution”, resulted more precisely in the abandonment of Sumerian for the benefit of Akkadian, in the multiplication of private archives, in the reorganisation of the educational system and in the emergence of new genres, of the tabular format and of the cursive writing. The aim of our research is to study the consequences that this cultural revolution had specifically on the epistolary practice during the Amorite period (2002-1595 BC). We first sought to define the place of epistolary exchanges in the Mesopotamian social interactions. By portraying the letter-senders and studying how they had access to the epistolary practice, we have been able to estimate the establishment of letter communication in the society. Writing and reading a letter also required a certain knowledge and technique. Among the exercises studied during the training in writing, we looked for those which could be used to write and read letters. We then examined to which extent the scribal training prepared individuals to write more or less intricate and varied letters. Finally, we looked to see if the changes introduced in the educational system altered the way the epistolary genre was taught and if these changes were involved in the development of literacy and letter communication. The diffusion of writing also changed how Mesopotamians related to written text: an empirical, “naive” reading of the letters made the researchers realize that letters from the Amorite period are more precise and longer than those written during the previous centuries. We wanted to objectify and rationalise this impression by studying the quality and quantity of the information communicated in writing. What evolved in the letters? Is it the degree of implicitness and ambiguity? Could the letters be understood without the intervention of the messenger who carried them? Or is it the content, which became more detailed and varied? This research is based in particular on pragmatics, which offers a conceptual framework for working on the notion of implicitness and analysing the possibility for the addressee of a letter to interpret the message in the specific context of writing. The fall of the central administration in 2002 BC gave rise to many rival kingdoms. These kingdoms did not use the same graphemes nor the same spellings to write their letters, but very few systematic comparisons have been made so far. We studied how some graphical norms were created and circulated. The comparison of spellings then allowed us to work on the standardisation of letters and on the notion of “orthography”. We finally sought to assess the level of mastery of the writing system required to read and write letters. Our research sheds new light on a corpus of texts that had never been studied as a whole (about 7,000 letters) and is a first attempt to analyse the impact of the intensification of the use of writing on an entire activity, namely the epistolary practice. Besides Assyriologists, our research is aimed at all those who are interested in the history of writing and the epistolary genre.

Fontes para uma biografia intelectual de Edgard Cavalheiro (1911-1958). / Sources for an intellectual biography of Edgard Cavalheiro (1911-1958).

D'Onofrio, Silvio Cesar Tamaso 22 November 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta o resultado da pesquisa que buscou realizar o levantamento exaustivo de documentação vinculada à trajetória intelectual do escritor paulista Edgard Cavalheiro (1911-1958), autor de Monteiro Lobato: vida e obra (1955) e criador do prêmio literário Jabuti. O escritor deixou uma ampla produção bibliográfica, composta de livros, traduções, separatas e de artigos dispersos em periódicos. Buscou-se também reunir a correspondência ativa e passiva do autor e elencar manuscritos conservados em seu arquivo, sob a guarda de herdeiros. Tendo Edgard Cavalheiro se notabilizado pela produção de biografias, a dissertação congrega uma seleta de seus artigos e textos em livro problematizando o assunto. / This dissertation presents the result of an exhaustive search for documents attached to the intellectual trajectory of Edgard Cavalheiro (1911-1958), brazilian writer who published Monteiro Lobato: vida e obra (1955) and created the Jabuti literary prize. Edgard Cavalheiro left an extensive bibliographic production in books, separate offprints and spread periodic articles. It was tried, too, to reunite author\'s active and passive correspondence and to index preserved manuscripts in his archive, guarded by his inheritors. Having Edgard Cavalheiro a remarkable biographic production, the dissertation brings an assembly of his thinking production about the theme.

La Chiara Fama: tradução comentada de cartas selecionadas de Giuseppe Ungaretti para Leone Piccioni / La Chiara Fama: commented translation of selected letters from Giuseppe Ungaretti to Leone Piccioni

Ferreira, Laura Cristhina Fiore 04 December 2018 (has links)
Ao retornar à Itália em 1942, após alguns anos no Brasil lecionando na Universidade de São Paulo, Ungaretti foi nomeado professor de literatura na Universidade de Roma. Apesar de alguns percalços posteriores relativos a tal nomeação, Ungaretti permaneceu na universidade até se aposentar, e alguns de seus alunos, assim como ocorreu no Brasil, acabaram por formar vínculos mais fortes com o poeta. Um desses alunos foi Leone Piccioni, filho de Attilio Piccioni, um dos fundadores do partido Democrazia Cristiana e mais tarde ministro e senador. Em 1945 Leone Piccioni, vindo da Universidade de Florença e portando uma carta de apresentação de Giuseppe De Robertis, encontrou-se com Ungaretti, quando então discutiram os possíveis temas da tesi di laurea de Piccioni. Foi a partir de então que Ungaretti e Piccioni começaram a trocar cartas. Ambos moravam em Roma e, embora se encontrassem com bastante frequência e sempre conversassem pelo telefone, Ungaretti sentia necessidade de escrever para Piccioni após ter refletido a respeito de alguma discussão. A correspondência teve início em julho de 1946 e terminou em maio de 1969 tendo Ungaretti morrido em junho de 1970. Essas cartas foram publicadas em um volume na Itália, Lallegria è il mio elemento, em 2013, e nos mostram um Ungaretti mais preocupado com a construção da sua carreira e da sua vida profissional. A análise dessas cartas nos traz novos elementos da vida de Ungaretti que contribuem para uma compreensão mais aprofundada do poeta e de sua obra. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é selecionar, traduzir e contextualizar cartas constantes de tal volume, apresentando quatro aspectos da construção da sua persona pública e profissional que se sobressaíram dessa análise: a chiara fama (ou notório saber), a busca pelo Nobel, o poeta injustiçado e o poeta festejado. / After returning to Italy in 1942, having spent a few years in Brazil teaching at University of São Paulo, Ungaretti was appointed professor of literature at University of Rome. Despite some later obstacles related to such appointment, Ungaretti remained at the University until his retirement, and some of his students, as in Brazil, ended up by creating stronger bonds with the poet. One of these students was Leone Piccioni, son of Attilio Piccioni, one of the founders of the party Democrazia Cristiana, and later minister and senator. In 1945 Leone Piccioni, coming from University of Florence and having a letter of introduction from Giuseppe De Robertis, met Ungaretti to discuss possible subjects of Piccionis tesi di laurea. It was from then on that Ungaretti and Piccioni started to write each other. Both lived in Rome and, though they often met and always talked on the phone, Ungaretti felt the need of writing to Piccioni after having considered some discussion they had. The correspondence started in July 1946 and ended in May 1969, having Ungaretti died in June 1970. These letters were published in Italy in a book called Lallegria è il mio elemento, in 2013, and show us an Ungaretti that is more concerned with the development of his career and professional life. The analysis of these letters gives us new elements of Ungarettis life that contribute to a deeper understanding of the poet and his work. Thus, the purpose of this work is to select, translate and provide the context of letters included in such book, presenting four aspects of the construction of his public and professional persona that stood out in this analysis: chiara fama (widely recognized erudition), search for the Nobel prize, the wronged poet and the celebrated poet.

\'A vida será literaturizada\': a escrita epistolar de Italo Svevo / Life will be literaturized: Italo Svevo\'s epistolary writing

Thaís Helena de Barros Neves Cavalcanti 15 August 2017 (has links)
A correspondência ativa de Italo Svevo, publicada pela primeira vez em 1966, oferecese ao crítico como um emaranhado de problemas que podem ser pensados a partir de múltiplas abordagens: histórica, linguística, literária, entre outras. Ao reconhecermos no texto epistolar do escritor triestino uma série de temas desenvolvidos também em suas obras literárias, admitimos a hipótese de que as cartas exercessem para ele o papel de laboratório de escrita, no qual podia exercitar sua língua, seus procedimentos literários e ainda construir para si uma imagem de artista. Para demonstrar a validade de nossa hipótese, investigamos as personas epistolares construídas ao longo das correspondências do escritor e como elas contribuíram tanto para a criação de personagens literárias, quanto para a elaboração de uma cenografia autoral. Em seguida, fizemos uma análise comparativa entre algumas cartas de Italo Svevo à esposa e alguns trechos de seu romance A consciência de Zeno, verificando em que medida os temas eram reproduzidos ou transformados no interior da estrutura romanesca. Ao final desta dissertação, apresentamos a tradução anotada de algumas cartas do escritor como complemento às observações aqui desenvolvidas. / Italo Svevo\'s epistolary, first published in 1966, offers itself to the critic as a tangle of problems that can be interpreted using multiple approaches: historical, linguistic, literary etc. After recognizing in the letters of the Triestino writer a series of themes also developed in his literary works, we proposed the hypothesis that the letters became for him a writing laboratory. He could exercise his language, his literary procedures and still construct for an image of himself as an artist. In order to demonstrate the validity of our hypothesis, we investigated the epistolary personae constructed throughout the correspondence of the writer and how they contributed both to the creation of literary characters and to the elaboration of an authorial scenography. After that we did a comparative analysis between some of Italo Svevo\'s letters to his wife and some excerpts from his novel Zeno\'s Conscience, verifying to what extent the themes were reproduced or transformed within the novel structure. At the end of this dissertation, we present the annotated translation of some letters of the writer as a complement to the observations developed here.

Arte, imitação e exercício nas Epistulae ad Caesarem / Art, imitation and exercise in Epistulae ad Caesarem

Santos, Gilson Charles dos 10 September 2012 (has links)
Ao elencar as virtudes do príncipe e orientá-lo moralmente a agir em benefício de todos, as Epistulae ad Caesarem são fiéis aos princípios que caracterizam o orador como uir bonus dicendi peritus. Entretanto, a verossimilhança dada à matéria, no que se refere ao perigo de uma guerra civil, contribuiu para a negação de sua artificialidade. A análise feita neste trabalho conduzirá uma discussão acerca das razões didáticas para exortar um imperador a debelar o conflito civil, de um lado, e apresentar uma definição de gênero para esses documentos, de outro. Com isso, pretende demonstrar como elas configuram uma imagem da eloquência deliberativa semelhante à verdade, compostas em linguagem ornada a fim de deleitar uma audiência. Dessa forma, mostram tanto uma educação oratória adequada quanto um estudo diligente das virtudes do homem público. / By enumerating the virtues of the prince and guiding him morally on how to act for the benefit of the whole community, the Epistulae ad Caesarem are faithful to the principles that characterize the orator as uir bonus dicendi peritus. However, the verisimilitude of treatment given to the subject, regarding the danger of civil wars, contributed to deny their artificiality. On the one hand, the analysis in this work will lead a discussion about the educational motivations for urging an emperor to quell civil strife, and on the other hand it will present a definition of these documents\' gender. It intends to demonstrate how they are figurated as an image of deliberative eloquence similar to the truth, written in an embellished language in order to delight an audience. Therefore, not only do they demonstrate the adequate education of the orator but also a diligent study of virtues of the statesman.

A correspondência jesuítica e a vivência religiosa dos colonos do planalto paulista (1549-1588) / The Jesuit letters and religious experience of the colonists of the Paulista Plateau (1549-1588)

Scabin, Rafael Cesar 08 March 2013 (has links)
Grande parte do que sabemos a respeito do planalto paulista no século XVI provém das cartas jesuíticas, fontes documentais de extraordinária riqueza, produzidas por meio de uma prática textual regida por parâmetros bastante específicos e parte fundamental da atividade missionária da Companhia de Jesus. Uma tradição historiográfica longa e influente buscou na correspondência jesuítica elementos que ajudaram a compor certas imagens tradicionais acerca da vida no planalto paulista colonial e das características de seus moradores, discutidas e problematizadas nas pesquisas mais recentes. Dentre estas imagens tradicionais, a ideia de que os moradores das vilas de Santo André da Borda do Campo e São Paulo de Piratininga davam pouca atenção à Igreja ou à vida cristã em geral ecoa ainda em estudos recentes. Esta ideia baseia-se na articulação entre as narrativas epistolares quinhentistas, algumas referências documentais do século posterior e o paradigma historiográfico da especificidade paulista. Entretanto, por meio de uma análise sistemática das cartas jesuíticas do século XVI, centrada na consideração de sua estrutura retórica e formal, é possível decompor estas camadas interpretativas e problematizar a prática discursiva da comunicação epistolar da Companhia de Jesus, no que se refere à vivência religiosa dos colonos do planalto paulista. Dessa forma, recupera-se a dimensão política de acusações como indianização dos costumes, desrespeito às autoridades ou vida pecaminosa. / Much of what we know about the Paulista Plateau in the sixteenth century stems from Jesuitic letters, documentary sources of extraordinary wealth, produced through a textual practice governed by very specific parameters and fundamental part of the missionary activity of the Society of Jesus. A long and influential historiographical tradition searched elements in the Jesuitic correspondence that have helped to compose some traditional images about life in the colonial Paulista Plateau and the characteristics of its residents, which have been discussed and problematized in the latest researches. Among these traditional images, the idea that the villagers of Santo André da Borda do Campo and São Paulo de Piratininga paid little attention to the Church or the Christian life in general still echoes in recent studies. This idea is based on the articulation between the epistolary narratives of the sixteenth century, some documentary references from the subsequent century and the historiographical paradigm of paulista specificity. However, by means of a systematic analysis of the Jesuitic letters from the sixteenth-century, focused in the consideration of its formal and rhetorical structure, it is possible to decompose these interpretative layers and problematize the discursive practice of the epistolary communication of the Society of Jesus, in relation to the religious experience of the settlers of the Paulista Plateau. Thus, it is recovered the political dimension of accusations as \"Indianization\" of manners, disrespect for authority or sinful life.

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