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Sampling Inequalities and Applications / Sampling Ungleichungen und AnwendungenRieger, Christian 28 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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L’erreur lexicale au secondaire : analyse d’erreurs lexicales d’élèves de 3e secondaire et description du rapport à l’erreur lexicale d’enseignants de françaisAnctil, Dominic 12 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à décrire 1) les erreurs lexicales commises en production écrite par des élèves francophones de 3e secondaire et 2) le rapport à l’erreur lexicale d’enseignants de français (conception de l’erreur lexicale, pratiques d’évaluation du vocabulaire en production écrite, modes de rétroaction aux erreurs lexicales).
Le premier volet de la recherche consiste en une analyse d’erreurs à trois niveaux : 1) une description linguistique des erreurs à l’aide d’une typologie, 2) une évaluation de la gravité des erreurs et 3) une explication de leurs sources possibles. Le corpus analysé est constitué de 300 textes rédigés en classe de français par des élèves de 3e secondaire.
L’analyse a révélé 1144 erreurs lexicales. Les plus fréquentes sont les problèmes sémantiques (30%), les erreurs liées aux propriétés morphosyntaxiques des unités lexicales (21%) et l’utilisation de termes familiers (17%). Cette répartition démontre que la moitié des erreurs lexicales sont attribuables à une méconnaissance de propriétés des mots autres que le sens et la forme. L’évaluation de la gravité des erreurs repose sur trois critères : leur acceptation linguistique selon les dictionnaires, leur impact sur la compréhension et leur degré d’intégration à l’usage. Les problèmes liés aux registres de langue sont généralement ceux qui sont considérés comme les moins graves et les erreurs sémantiques représentent la quasi-totalité des erreurs graves. Le troisième axe d’analyse concerne la source des erreurs et fait ressortir trois sources principales : l’influence de la langue orale, la proximité sémantique et la parenté formelle entre le mot utilisé et celui visé.
Le second volet de la thèse concerne le rapport des enseignants de français à l’erreur lexicale et repose sur l’analyse de 224 rédactions corrigées ainsi que sur une série de huit entrevues menées avec des enseignants de 3e secondaire.
Lors de la correction, les enseignants relèvent surtout les erreurs orthographiques ainsi que celles relevant des propriétés morphosyntaxiques des mots (genre, invariabilité, régime), qu’ils classent parmi les erreurs de grammaire. Les erreurs plus purement lexicales, c’est-à-dire les erreurs sémantiques, l’emploi de termes familiers et les erreurs de collocation, demeurent peu relevées, et les annotations des enseignants concernant ces types d’erreurs sont vagues et peu systématiques, donnant peu de pistes aux élèves pour la correction. L’évaluation du vocabulaire en production écrite est toujours soumise à une appréciation qualitative, qui repose sur l’impression générale des enseignants plutôt que sur des critères précis, le seul indicateur clair étant la répétition. Les explications des enseignants concernant les erreurs lexicales reposent beaucoup sur l’intuition, ce qui témoigne de certaines lacunes dans leur formation en lien avec le vocabulaire.
Les enseignants admettent enseigner très peu le vocabulaire en classe au secondaire et expliquent ce choix par le manque de temps et d’outils adéquats. L’enseignement du vocabulaire est toujours subordonné à des tâches d’écriture ou de lecture et vise davantage l’acquisition de mots précis que le développement d’une réelle compétence lexicale. / This research aims to describe 1) francophone students’ lexical errors in writing and 2) teachers’ relation to lexical errors (conception of error, vocabulary evaluation practices, feedback provided).
The first part of the research consists in a three-level error analysis: 1) a linguistic description based on an error typology, 2) an evaluation of error gravity and 3) an explanation of the possible sources of error. The corpus analyzed is composed of 300 texts written in French class by 3rd year high school students.
The analysis revealed 1144 lexical errors. The most common are semantic problems (30%), errors related to morphosyntactic properties of words (21%) and the use of colloquial words (17%). This distribution shows that half of the lexical errors are due to a lack of knowledge of word properties other than meaning and form. The evaluation of error gravity is based on three criteria: their acceptability according to dictionaries, their impact on comprehension and their degree of integration to language. Problems related to register are usually those perceived as less serious and semantic problems represent the vast majority of serious errors. The third level of analysis concerns the possible causes of the errors and identifies three main sources: influence of oral language, semantic proximity and formal similarity between the word used and the target word.
The second part of the thesis concerns French teachers’ relation to lexical errors and is based on the analysis of 224 corrected essays and eight interviews.
When correcting, teachers focus their attention on errors involving morphosyntactic properties of words (gender, invariability, government pattern), which they consider as grammatical errors. The more genuine lexical errors (semantic errors, use of colloquial words and collocation errors) are rarely pointed out, and comments provided regarding these types of errors are vague and inconsistent, giving students very few hints for correction. The evaluation of vocabulary in written production is always subject to a qualitative assessment, based on the teacher’s general impression rather than specific criteria, the only clear indicator being repetition. The explanations teachers provide about lexical problems rely heavily on intuition, which shows some deficiencies in their training in regards to vocabulary.
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Analysis of errors made by learners in simplifying algebraic expressions at grade 9 level / Analysis of errors made by learners in simplifying algebraic expressions at grade nine levelNcube, Mildret 06 1900 (has links)
The study investigated errors made by Grade 9 learners when simplifying algebraic expressions. Eighty-two (82) Grade 9 learners from a rural secondary school in Limpopo Province, South Africa participated in the study. The sequential explanatory design method which uses both quantitative and qualitative approaches was used to analyse errors in basic algebra. In the quantitative phase, a 20-item test was administered to the 82 participants. Learners’ common errors were identified and grouped according to error type. The qualitative phase involved interviews with selected participants. The interviews focused on each identified common error in order to establish the reasons why learners made the identified errors.
The study identified six (6) common errors in relation to simplifying algebraic expressions. The causes of these errors were attributed to poor arithmetic background; interference from new learning; failure to deal with direction and operation signs; problems with algebraic notation and misapplication of rules. / Mathematics Education / M. Ed. (Mathematics Education)
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Chybovost v písemném projevu romských žáků 9. ročníků základních škol praktických na základě elektronické databanky ROMi / Error Analysis of Czech Written Expression of the Romani Pupils in the 9th Grade of the Secondary Practical Schools Based on the Corpora ROMiBedřichová, Zuzanna January 2015 (has links)
English Summary - Error Analysis of Czech Written Expression of the Romani Pupils in the 9th Grade of the Secondary Practical Schools Based on the Corpora ROMi Zuzanna Bedřichová ÚČJTK FFUK Prague 2014 The study is focused on practice of error making in written expressions of the Romani pupils in the 9th grade of Secondary practical schools (schools for children with special educational needs). Here 130 written school works of these pupils, which are available through the database ROMi (database of written and spoken accounts in Czech language of children and youth of Romani origin), have been analysed. The author offers innovative concept of new and elaborate scheme of error analysis, and qualitatively - quantitative analyses of the pupils' written accounts. Beside the qualitatively - quantitative analyses, the study outlines current situation of issues such as education of Romani children in the Czech language, the Romani ethnolect of Czech language, and spoken language as a source of stigmatisation. Furthermore, details about the ROMi database, 130 original written accounts in full length and practical proposals of compensation in the practice of error making are provided.
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Baḥt fī al-ṣuʻūbāt al-tīyah tawājahhān ṭalāb al-lugat al-ʻArabīyat bi-al-ṣaff al-khāmis al-thānawī fī jumhūrīya Maurīshīwas / An investigation into the difficulties faced by students of Arabic language at school certificate level in the Republic of MauritiusNazīr, ʻAbdu al-Ṣammad 03 January 2013 (has links)
Based on the examiners’ reports of the University of Cambridge on the
shortcomings of the students of form V (school certificate level) in Arabic language
in the international examinations of year 2008 and 2009 and on the proposals and
recommendations therein, the researcher started this research work to address the
difficulties faced by students in Arabic language in the grammatical rules when
writing essays and in translation from Arabic to English and vice versa in form V
(school certificate level) and chose Doha Academy (secondary department) in
Mauritius as model.
The research work in fact confirmed the errors of students in the grammatical
rules after analyzing the examination scripts of the mock examinations run at the
school during the year 2009 and 2010 and the researcher came to know about the
causes of errors which were also confirmed by means of a questionnaire distributed
to the students at this level.
The researcher’s interviews with the male and female teachers of Arabic
language at School certificate level on the issue were of great benefits and they in
fact made mention of the grammatical errors which the researcher came across in
the mock examinations’ scripts after close study and analysis.
The researcher also considered the importance of the contrastive analysis
between Arabic and English due to its effect in learning Arabic as a second
After analysis of the questionnaire and interviews, the researcher came
across a number of important issues which he mentioned in details among the
results which he concluded.
The researcher concluded that most of the errors in grammar are due to the
influence of the English language on the Arabic language through linguistic
interference, transfer of experience, generalization, as well as errors related to the
target language itself like hypercorrection and intralingual phenomenon etc. And
that the errors found in translation are caused mainly because of lack of Arabic
vocabularies as well as literal translation and a lack of fluency and confidence in
using Arabic structures and grammar.
Finally, the researcher mentioned a number of recommendations and
suggestions which he considers to be a priority and should be executed if we really
wish to eliminate difficulties and problems in the process of teaching and learning
of the Arabic language at this level and to see the progress of this language in this
island. / على (university of Cambridge) بناء على ما قدمّت جامعة كمبرج
قصور الطلبة في اللغة العربية في امتحانات كمبرج الدولية للصف الخامس الثانوية للعامين 8002
8002 م، ومن اقتراحات وتوصيات انطلق الباحث في هذا البحث ليتناول الصعوبات التي –
يواجهها طلاب اللغة العربية فيما يتعلق بالقواعد عند كتابة المقالات وفي الترجمة من العربية إلى
الانجليزية والعكس وذلك في الصف الخامس الثانوي في جمهورية موريشيوس م اختيار أكاديمية
الدوحة في موريشيوس نموذجا.
لقد أشار البحث فعلا إلى أخطاء الطلاب والطالبات بعد تحليل أوراق إجابات لامتحانين
8000 م كما - في اللغة العربية أُجرِيا في الأكاديمية في العامين 8002 (mock exams) تجريبيين
تعرّف الباحث على أسباب الأخطاء التي أكّدها الاستبيان الموزّع على طلاب هذا المستوى.
وكانت لمقابلات الباحث م مدرسي ومدرسات هذا المستوى حول القضية ثمراتها حيث
أكّدت كذلك ما وجدها الباحث من الأخطاء في النحو والصرف في أوراق إجابات الأمتحان بعد
الدراسة والتحليل.
رأى الباحث كذلك أهمية التحليل التقابلي بين العربية والانجليزية لتأثير هذه الأخيرة في تعلّم
الطلبة اللغة العربية كلغة ثانية.
بعد تحليل الاستبيان والمقابلات وصل الباحث إلى عدد من القضايا المهمة وذكرها بالتفصيل
في النتائج في آخر البحث.
وصل الباحث إلى أن اكثر الأخطاء ترج إلى تأثير اللغة الانجليزية على اللغة العربية تتمثل
في التداخل اللغوي ونقل الخبرة والتعميم السلبي كما أن هناك أخطاء تتعلق باللغة اهمدف كالمبالغة
في التصويب وتداخل اللغة نفسها.
وترج الأخطاء في الترجمة أساسا إلى النقص في المفردات العربية، فضلا عن الترجمة الحرفية
وعدم الطلاقة والثقة في استخدام التراكيب العربية والتدقيق النحوي.
وأخيرا ذكر الباحث عددا من التوصيات والاقتراحات التي يعتبرها من الأولويات
والضروريات ا ولتي يوصي بتنفيذها إذا أُريد بالفعل القضاء على الصعوبات والمشكلات في تعليم
اللغة العربية وتعلمه وتقدم هذه اللغة في هذه الجزيرة. / Religious Sudies and Arabic / D.Litt. et Phil. (Arabic)
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Non-response error in surveysTaljaard, Monica 06 1900 (has links)
Non-response is an error common to most surveys. In this dissertation, the error of non-response is described in terms of its sources and its contribution to the Mean Square Error of survey estimates. Various response and completion rates are defined. Techniques are examined that can be used to identify the extent of nonresponse
bias in surveys. Methods to identify auxiliary variables for use in nonresponse adjustment procedures are described. Strategies for dealing with nonresponse are classified into two types, namely preventive strategies and post hoc adjustments of data. Preventive strategies discussed include the use of call-backs and
follow-ups and the selection of a probability sub-sample of non-respondents for intensive follow-ups. Post hoc adjustments discussed include population and sample weighting adjustments and raking ratio estimation to compensate for unit non-response as well as various imputation methods to compensate for item non-response. / Mathematical Sciences / M. Com. (Statistics)
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C'est en traduisant qu'on devient traduiseron / You become a translator by translatingVicari, Eliana 19 December 2013 (has links)
Articulée en trois chapitres, cette thèse qui vise à endiguer la toute-puissance de la traductologie porte, d’abord, sur l’analyse d’un extrait de Simenon inséré dans La belle Hortense, puis sur l’examen des erreurs relevées dans 40 versions d’étudiants de l’université de Venise confrontés avec un passage d’Agnès Desarthe et, enfin, sur la traduction du « Maladroit » de Raymond Queneau par Umberto Eco. Comme le titre l’indique, cette thèse revendique l’importance de la pratique. Ce n’est pas à force d’étudier des grammaires qu’un jour on se réveille écrivain, une plume ou un clavier à la main. De même, c’est une évidence, on ne devient pas traducteur sans traduire, bien que l’exercice ne puisse garantir l’excellence du résultat. C’est un truisme, une lapalissade dont il n’est pas inutile de rappeler la vérité, à un moment où la traductologie devient de plus en plus envahissante. Comme toute théorie, elle tend à l’abstraction et à la généralisation, tandis que la pratique, elle, se confronte au hic et nunc. C’est pour cela même qu’elle risque de se révéler non seulement inadéquate, mais aussi dangereuse. Car la littérature, loin d’être l’application de la norme, est le lieu de l’écart. Or, il est difficile de résister à l’autorité d’un dictionnaire, d’un traductologue ou d’un critique, plus difficile encore s’ils sont auréolés de prestige. Toute traduction comporte deux phases. La première est axée sur une analyse stylistique du texte-source et implique une excellente maîtrise de la langue et de la culture de son monde d’origine. C’est le moment de l’esclavage où le traducteur est complètement au service de l’auteur, où il cherche à comprendre sans juger, où – tel un amoureux – il écoute sa voix pour pouvoir l’interpréter. Mais le moment de l’esclavage qui enchaîne au texte originel est aussi le moment de l’apprentissage, le moment où le traducteur peut pénétrer les secrets d’une écriture d’auteur. Sans cette phase préalable, on ne devrait même pas parler de traduction. Si on ne lit pas attentivement – à la loupe – l’œuvre qu’on doit transplanter ou si on ne connaît pas assez la matière dont elle est faite, on finit par se fier aux dictionnaires, par appliquer des recettes toutes faites. C’est une autre voix que celle de l’auteur que l’on entendra, alors, au-delà des frontières. C’est dans cette phase que des préjugés ou des brouillages théoriques assez enracinés ou assez puissants sont intervenus, d’après mon analyse, dans les extraits examinés. Ils ont entraîné la banalisation de Simenon (mais non de Roubaud qui emprunte ses mots) aussi bien que la plupart des incorrections des étudiants (souvent induites paradoxalement par l’usage du dictionnaire). Ils ont poussé également Umberto Eco à remanier radicalement un texte de Raymond Queneau qu’il avait considéré comme l’un des moins réussis, alors qu’il est sans aucun doute l’un des plus importants – et peut-être le plus important - des Exercices de style. Dans la deuxième phase, le traducteur qui accepte d’écrire sous contrainte – sous les contraintes que lui impose le texte-source – connaît aussi la joie de la liberté. Car la contrainte le libérera et le poussera à exploiter toutes les potentialités insoupçonnées, toutes les ressources de la langue et de la culture d’arrivée pour rendre le plus fidèlement la voix de l’auteur, auquel l’analyse et la compréhension l’ont enchaîné. C’est un effort de Sisyphe, mais qui peut rendre heureux. Car c’est aussi en traduisant qu’on devient écriveron. / Set out in three chapters, this thesis which has the aim of investigating the omniscience of translation, starts out by analyzing an extract from Simenon in La Belle Hortense then moves to a study of the mistakes made in 40 translations by students at the University of Venice from a text by Agnès Desarthe and, finally, looks at the translation by Umberto Eco of Raymond Queneau's "Maladroit".As its title suggests, this thesis underlines the importance of practice. One does not suddenly wake up a writer one morning, a pen at the ready simply because one has studied grammar.At the same time one obviously does not become a translator without translating, although practice in itself does not guarantee the excellence of the outcome. This is a truism worth remembering at a moment when translation studies are becoming more and more invasive. Like every theory it tends towards abstraction and generalization while practice concerns itself with the here and now. But it is exactly for this that it risks revealing itself not only as inadequate but also dangerous. For literature, far from being the application of the norm, is where the gap exists. However it is difficult to resist the authority of a dictionary, of a translation expert or of a critic, even more so if they are surrounded by a halo of prestige.Every translation consists of two phases. The first is based on a stylistic analysis of the source text and implies an excellent mastery of the language and of the culture from where it originates. This is the moment of enslavement when the translator is at the complete service of the author, where he tries to understand without judging, like a lover, he listens to his voice so that he can interpret it. But the stage of enslavement which chains one to the original text is also the moment of apprenticeship, the moment when the translator can enter into the secrets of an author's writing. Without this initial phase, one should not even speak of translation. If one does not read carefully, as under a magnifying glass, the work that one must transplant and where one does not know sufficiently what makes it up, one ends up by relying too much on dictionaries, to apply ready-made solutions. There is another voice apart from the author's that one must hear, beyond the normal boundaries.It is in this phase that well-rooted and strong prejudices or theoretical garble, according to my analysis, have intervened in the extracts examined. They have caused a banalisation of Simenon (but not of Roubaud who borrowed his words) as well as most of the errors of the students (and often brought about, paradoxically, the use of dictionaries). In the same way they pushed Umberto Eco to meddle radically with a text of Raymond Queneau that he considered one of the latter's less successful ones, even though it is one of the most important, and perhaps the most important, in Exercices de style.In the second phase, the translator who accepts to write under constraint, under the constraints imposed by the source text, also knows the joy of liberty. Because the constraint will free him and push him to take full advantage of unexpected potentiality, of all the resources of the language and culture and to render the voice of the author in the most faithful way, and to whom the analysis and comprehension chained him. It is the work of Sisyphus but which can create contentment. Because it is also by translating that one becomes a writer.
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Anemômetro ultrassônico unidimensional baseado em correlação cruzada / Unidimensional ultrasonic anemometer based in cross correlationSilva, Tiago Polizer da 05 May 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um medidor de velocidade de vento aplicando técnicas da teoria de erros, como a correlação cruzada, bem como sensores de ultrassom. Ele pode ser utilizado em encanamentos, onde se busca obter a velocidade de fluídos, em estações climáticas, em aeroportos, no momento de se aplicar pesticidas assim como em fazendas eólicas, onde o conhecimento da velocidade do vento é necessário, dentre outras aplicações. O sistema desenvolvido é composto pela placa de desenvolvimento de0-nano, uma placa de circuito impresso (PCB) para aquisição de sinais e dois pares de sensores de ultrassom. A PCB também possui circuitos para excitação dos sensores de ultrassom bem como comunicação com o PC para armazenamento dos sinais amostrados. A teoria de erros foi discutida e os resultados do protótipo foram analisados utilizando métodos probabilísticos necessários para verificar a incerteza. Dentro da FPGA da placa de0-nano foi desenvolvido um sistema baseado no processador NIOS, o qual foi construído através da ferramenta QSYS. Além disso, blocos em VHDL foram desenvolvidos para interfaceamento do sistema com o PC. Um pequeno túnel de vento foi construído e um anemômetro de mão foi adquirido para validar o protótipo. Simulações foram realizadas no Microsoft Excel 2007 para comparar a correlação cruzada dada pelo protótipo e a teoria. É comum que DSPs e Microprocessadores estejam dentro de medidores de velocidade do vento, no entanto um sistema desenvolvido com FPGA aumenta a velocidade de processamento devido ao paralelismo. Blocos descritos em VHDL podem ser facilmente replicados dentro da FPGA e existe uma grande coleção de bibliotecas, literatura extensiva e exemplos de código para o NIOS. Com isso há um menor tempo de desenvolvimento de um protótipo/sistema e há facilidade de desenvolver um System on Chip (SoC) de sistemas baseados em FPGA, reduzindo os custos de um futuro produto comercial. / This work describes the development of one axis wind speed measurement equipment applying error theory techniques, as the cross correlation, and ultrasound sensors. It can be used in tubes, where fluid speed knowledge is needed, climate stations, airports, in the moment of applying pesticides and in wind farms, where wind speed knowledge is necessary. The built prototype is a connected set of a de0-nano development board, a signal acquisition printed circuit board and two pairs of ultrasound sensors. The PCB also has circuits for ultrasound sensors exciting and PC communications to store the sampled signals. The error theory was discussed and the prototype's results were developed using probabilistic methods needed to verify the uncertainty. Inside de0-nano board FPGA chip, a system based in NIOS processor was developed and built through QSYS tool. There are some blocks described in VHDL for PCB interfacing. A small wind tunnel was built and a hand anemometer was acquired to validate the proposed system. Simulations were done in Microsoft Excel 2007 to compare the cross correlation given by the prototype and the theory. It is common DSPs and microprocessors inside this type of equipments to measure wind speed, but a system developed with a FPGA increases the processing speed due to parallelism. Blocks described in VHDL can be easily replicated inside the FPGA and there is a large collection of libraries, extensive literature and code examples for NIOS. Thereby there are small system/prototype developing times and there is an easy development of a System on Chip (SOC) of FPGA based systems, reducing the costs for a future commercial product.
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Anemômetro ultrassônico unidimensional baseado em correlação cruzada / Unidimensional ultrasonic anemometer based in cross correlationSilva, Tiago Polizer da 05 May 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um medidor de velocidade de vento aplicando técnicas da teoria de erros, como a correlação cruzada, bem como sensores de ultrassom. Ele pode ser utilizado em encanamentos, onde se busca obter a velocidade de fluídos, em estações climáticas, em aeroportos, no momento de se aplicar pesticidas assim como em fazendas eólicas, onde o conhecimento da velocidade do vento é necessário, dentre outras aplicações. O sistema desenvolvido é composto pela placa de desenvolvimento de0-nano, uma placa de circuito impresso (PCB) para aquisição de sinais e dois pares de sensores de ultrassom. A PCB também possui circuitos para excitação dos sensores de ultrassom bem como comunicação com o PC para armazenamento dos sinais amostrados. A teoria de erros foi discutida e os resultados do protótipo foram analisados utilizando métodos probabilísticos necessários para verificar a incerteza. Dentro da FPGA da placa de0-nano foi desenvolvido um sistema baseado no processador NIOS, o qual foi construído através da ferramenta QSYS. Além disso, blocos em VHDL foram desenvolvidos para interfaceamento do sistema com o PC. Um pequeno túnel de vento foi construído e um anemômetro de mão foi adquirido para validar o protótipo. Simulações foram realizadas no Microsoft Excel 2007 para comparar a correlação cruzada dada pelo protótipo e a teoria. É comum que DSPs e Microprocessadores estejam dentro de medidores de velocidade do vento, no entanto um sistema desenvolvido com FPGA aumenta a velocidade de processamento devido ao paralelismo. Blocos descritos em VHDL podem ser facilmente replicados dentro da FPGA e existe uma grande coleção de bibliotecas, literatura extensiva e exemplos de código para o NIOS. Com isso há um menor tempo de desenvolvimento de um protótipo/sistema e há facilidade de desenvolver um System on Chip (SoC) de sistemas baseados em FPGA, reduzindo os custos de um futuro produto comercial. / This work describes the development of one axis wind speed measurement equipment applying error theory techniques, as the cross correlation, and ultrasound sensors. It can be used in tubes, where fluid speed knowledge is needed, climate stations, airports, in the moment of applying pesticides and in wind farms, where wind speed knowledge is necessary. The built prototype is a connected set of a de0-nano development board, a signal acquisition printed circuit board and two pairs of ultrasound sensors. The PCB also has circuits for ultrasound sensors exciting and PC communications to store the sampled signals. The error theory was discussed and the prototype's results were developed using probabilistic methods needed to verify the uncertainty. Inside de0-nano board FPGA chip, a system based in NIOS processor was developed and built through QSYS tool. There are some blocks described in VHDL for PCB interfacing. A small wind tunnel was built and a hand anemometer was acquired to validate the proposed system. Simulations were done in Microsoft Excel 2007 to compare the cross correlation given by the prototype and the theory. It is common DSPs and microprocessors inside this type of equipments to measure wind speed, but a system developed with a FPGA increases the processing speed due to parallelism. Blocks described in VHDL can be easily replicated inside the FPGA and there is a large collection of libraries, extensive literature and code examples for NIOS. Thereby there are small system/prototype developing times and there is an easy development of a System on Chip (SOC) of FPGA based systems, reducing the costs for a future commercial product.
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Comportement en temps long d'équations de type Vlasov : études mathématiques et numériques / Long time behavior of certain Vlasov equations : mathematics and numericsHorsin, Romain 01 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le comportement en temps long de solutions d’équations de type Vlasov, principalement le modèle Vlasov-HMF. On s’intéresse en particulier au phénomène d’amortissement Landau, prouvé mathématiquement dans divers cadres, pour plusieurs équations de type Vlasov, comme l’équation de Vlasov-Poisson ou le modèle Vlasov-HMF, et présentant certaines analogies avec le phénomène d’amortissement non visqueux pour l’équation d’Euler 2D. Les résultats qui y sont décrits sont les suivants. Le premier est un théorème d’amortissement Landau pour des solutions numériques du modèle Vlasov-HMF, obtenues par discrétisation en temps de ce dernier via des méthodes de splitting. Nous prouvons en outre la convergence des schémas numériques. Le second est un théorème d’amortissment Landau pour des solutions du modéle Vlasov-HMF linéarisé autour d’états stationnaires inhomogènes. Ce théorème est accompagné de nombreuses simulations numériques destinées à étudier numériquement le cas non-linéaire, et semblant mettre en lumière de nouveaux phénomènes. Enfin, le dernier résultat porte sur la discrétisation en temps de l’équation d’Euler 2D par un intégrateur de Crouch-Grossman symplectique. Nous prouvons la convergence du schéma. / This thesis concerns the long time behavior of certain Vlasov equations, mainly the Vlasov- HMF model. We are in particular interested in the celebrated phenomenon of Landau damp- ing, proved mathematically in various frameworks, foar several Vlasov equations, such as the Vlasov-Poisson equation or the Vlasov-HMF model, and exhibiting certain analogies with the inviscid damping phenomenon for the 2D Euler equation. The results described in the document are the following.The first one is a Landau damping theorem for numerical solutions of the Vlasov-HMF model, constructed by means of time-discretizations by splitting methods. We prove more- over the convergence of the schemes. The second result is a Landau damping theorem for solutions of the Vlasov-HMF model linearized around inhomogeneous stationary states. We provide moreover a quite large amount of numerical simulations, which are designed to study numerically the nonlinear case, and which seem to show new phenomenons. The last result is the convergence of a scheme that discretizes in time the 2D Euler equation by means of a symplectic Crouch-Grossmann integrator.
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