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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avvikelsehantering under produktionsskedet i byggprojekt : En studie kring hur avvikelsehantering ser ut och hur den kan effektiviseras med hjälp av BIM

Kull, Emmelina, Palmén, Victoria January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utreda hur ett stort byggföretag i norra Sverige hanterar eventuella fel som upptäcks på byggplatsen i produktionsskedet, och hur denna erfarenhetsåterföringsprocess kan effektiviseras. För att besvara studiens syfte ställdes följande frågeställningar upp:  Hur går en stor aktör i byggbranschen till väga när de upptäcker ett fel på byggplatsen som kräver en revidering av ritning/modell?  Hur kan en stor aktör i byggbranschen effektivisera sin erfarenhetsåterföringsprocess vid produktionsskedet för att förebygga att eventuella fel återkommer? Studien tar även upp tidigare forskning kring BIM, vad det är och hur det används, andra digitala hjälpmedel samt vad som innebär med erfarenhetsåterföring och ändrings-PM. Rapporten ger även en inblick i vad som menas med kvalitet och olika typer av kvalitetsarbete. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar och syfte så har en intervjustudie genomförts på ett stort byggföretag där samtliga respondenter har varit placerade på projekt som är geografiskt belägna i norra Sverige. I rapportens resultatdel presenteras en sammanställd version av intervjustudien som sedan diskuteras i studiens diskussionskapitel. Resultatet visar att företagets arbete med erfarenhetsåterföring kan förbättras samt att arbetsprocessen inte ser likadan ut på samtliga byggarbetsplatser. I rapportens diskussionsdel presenteras ett flertal förslag på åtgärder och förbättringar som kan nyttjas av företaget för att effektivisera sin erfarenhetsåterföringsprocess samt för att motverka att specifika fel återkommer. Ett utdrag av de lösningar som presenteras är att företaget kan arbeta mer med ständiga förbättringar, vara mer noggranna med uppföljningsmöten och slutmöten, tillämpa mer kontakt mellan projektansvariga samt utföra ett mer grundligt arbete med 3D-modellen. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how a big construction company in the north region of Sweden manage possible errors that occurs during the production, and how the process of experience transfer can improve. To answer the purpose of this study, the following research questions was asked:  How does a large perator in the construction sector, located in the north region of Sweden, act when an error is discovered and requires a revision of blueprint/model?  How can a large perator in the construction sector, located in the north region of Sweden, increase their experience transfer during the production to prevent recurring errors? The study also includes previous research regarding BIM, what it is and how it is used, other digital assistive technologies and what experience transfer and modification-PM means. The report also consists of an explanation of quality and different quality methods. To answer the studies research questions and purpose, an interview survey has been carried out on a big construction company where all of responders have been in projects in the specific region. In the result, a summary of the interview study is presented and discussed in the analyze and discussion part. The work with experience transfer in the company can be improved according to the result, it also shows that standard processes can be different between various workplaces. In the discussion part, a few possible actions and improvements are presented to help the company with transfer of experience and reoccurring errors. Long-term improvement work, more focus on follow-up meetings and final meetings, better contact between project managers and more thorough work on the 3D-model are a couple of suggestions from the writers.

Erfarenhetsöverföring inom markarenan med stöd av simulatorteknik : En studie av StriSimPC

Lindh, Jens January 2012 (has links)
One of the main tasks of the Swedish Armed Forces over the past few years has been International assignments, which increased the importance of the Lessons Learned process. Methods of simulator training with computers have become more frequent and the technical ability to collect digital data from sensors has been developed as well. This work demonstrates how the experience of Lessons Learned can be communicated with the computer simulator StriSimPC and how modern technology in future support experiences from the Lessons Learned process at the tactical level in the Army. Currently knowledge sharing consists of several processes and strategies in the Swedish Armed Forces. This is done by written reports, oral presentations and different practical exercises. This case study shows the functions of the simulator StriSimPC, methods of training and how it is used today. The study also describes the future opportunities, where digital metadata acquired from the modern combat vehicles could contribute sharing of experience in the Lessons Learned process. The summarized conclusions indicate that StriSimPC can combine the two strategies for personalization and codification of knowledge transfer to reach a higher level of learning. Account must be taken to the training officers’ role and his impact when using serious gaming, especially if StriSimPC will be used for distance learning in the future. StriSimPC can also be a simulation instrument for experiment and development activities based on resource efficient methods with low risk factors. In the future Simulators using serious gaming as StriSimPC may be used to create reconstructions of situations based on models or on the collected digital data from the field. This can be used for visualization and increase knowledge in several ways. / Internationella insatser har varit en av huvuduppgifterna i Försvarsmakten under de senaste åren, vilket ökat vikten av erfarenhetshanteringen. Samtidigt har utbildningsmetoder med datorsimulatorer blivit vanligare och den tekniska förmågan att samla in digitalt underlag från sensorer har utvecklats. Detta arbete visar på hur erfarenheter kan förmedlas med datorsimulatorn StriSimPC inom markarenan, samt hur modern teknik i framtiden kan stödja erfarenhetshanteringen i Armén på taktisk nivå. Dagens hantering av erfarenheter i Försvarsmakten består av flera processer och strategier där kunskapsspridningen sker via skriftliga rapporter, muntliga föredrag samt praktiska övningar i olika miljöer. Denna fallstudie av StriSimPC visar dels på systemets funktioner och dess utbildningsmetoder idag, men även på framtida möjligheter där inhämtad digital metadata från moderna stridsfordon kan bidra till erfarenhetsöverföringen. De sammanfattande slutsatserna och resultatet visar att StriSimPC kan sammanföra personifierings- och kodifieringsstrategin i Försvarsmakten för att nå en hög lärande nivå vid erfarenhetsöverföring. Hänsyn måste dock tas till vikten av övningsledarens roll, framförallt om systemet i framtiden ska användas för distansutbildning. StriSimPC kan också vara ett verktyg för studie- och försöksverksamheten som resurseffektivt och med låg risktagning kan får fram resultat som bygger på simuleringar. Datorsimulatorer som StriSimPC kan i framtiden användas för att skapa rekonstruktioner av situationer, som bygger på modeller eller på insamlad digital data från fältet och som kan användas för visualisering och kunskapsbyggande på flera sätt.

國際級工程公司設計能耐提昇個案研究-以人才培育與專業強化觀點 / The Research on Competent Promotion in Engineering of an International Engineering Company

簡錫雲 Unknown Date (has links)
企業為了不斷成長並追求永續經營,並因應快速變化的外在環境與日趨激烈的國際競爭,需不斷地加強或擴增員工的知識、技術及能力,因而建立短期與長期性的人才培育之訓練有其重要性。 國際級工程案競爭越形激烈,尤其有韓國工程公司競爭性策略搶標及大陸崛起積極跨入國際市場之隱憂,加上客戶在維持高品質及持續壓縮工期之需求,個案公司(簡稱以下A公司)成長及獲利空間均受到嚴苛的挑戰。為提昇在國際上競爭力,A公司設計部必須面對培植具豐富工程經驗及國際級之設計人才問題。而目前面臨5年以下經驗工程師達人數比例佔42%以上(即年輕工程師比例偏高) ,7~15年經驗工程師人數佔10%相對偏低之M型人力結構及未來幾年面臨退休潮,如何加速培育年輕工程師須具備世界級的專業技術及落實資深工程師經驗傳承,達成各職級人力結構合理化,提升設計品質,為A公司當務之急。 為能瞭解A公司現行各項教育訓練之效益,揭示員工對A公司教育訓練方式的意見或需求,本研究採用問卷調查並分為五大類,第一,專業技術訓練的同意度與重要度;第二,經驗傳承的同意度與重要度;第三,跨部門訓練的同意度;第四,管理訓練的同意度;第五,英文能力方面的同意度。以上各問項再與人口統計變數做交叉分析,尋求出目前教育訓練之成效如何及提出改善建議。 其中專業技術訓練與經驗傳承再將每個同意度和重要性的問項平均後做出二維分布圖(IPA分析圖),利用同意度和重要性整體的平均切割分成四個區域,即優越區、過剩區、優先改進區及建議改進區,尤其問項落在優先改進區、建議改進區及過剩區時,則進一步進行原因分析及提出改善建議。 對跨部門訓練、管理課程與英文能力等問項,則以同意度與人口統計交叉分析結果,根據其滿意度程度及卡方檢定(Chi-Square Test)結果有統計上顯著差異關係之受訪者基本資料提出改善建議。 / Enterprises need to continuously enhance knowledge, skills, and abilities of their employees for sustainable business development and adapting to rapid changing environment as well as fierce international competition. The importance of developing short-term and long-term talent training programs is thus recognized. Under some unfavorable conditions, which include keen competition in global EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) industry, Korean engineering companies’ strategic bidding, mainland China contending in international markets, clients’ request for quality and compressed work schedule at the same time, etc…, the case company (designated as company A) is facing severe challenges in achieving profitable growth. The company A must cope with the problem of cultivating world-class and experienced talent to promote its competitiveness in international markets. It’s the company A’s top priority to tackle the engineering talent gap at the range of seniority between 7 to 15 years (10%) whereas the young engineers with less than 5 years of experience account for more than 42% of its talent pool and engineers will retire that are increased in near future year. It’s important for the company A to professionalize young engineers, facilitate knowledge transferring, and optimize its staffing structure. A questionnaire survey research was undertaken to understand the effectiveness of the training programs and reveal the employees’ opinion or request on the training activities of the company A. The questionnaire variables were classified into five categories: 1. degree of agreement and importance of professional skills training; 2. degree of agreement and importance of intergenerational transfer of experience; 3. degree of agreement on cross-disciplinary training; 4. degree of agreement on management training; 5. degree of agreement on English competency requirements. Demographic variables were used to cross analyze the survey result. The analysis was also used to find the causes of training deficiency and to explore improvement ideas. The survey results of questionnaire variables in the first two categories, degree of agreement and importance of professional skills training and intergenerational transfer of experiencewere, were used to develop two-dimensional scatter diagrams (IPA matrices). The mean ratings of degree of agreement and importance were plotted in a two-dimensional grid to produce a four-quadrant matrix that identifies areas of Keep Up the Good Work, Possible Overkill, Concentrate Here, and Low Priority. Causes and improvement plans were further investigated for variables situate in the quadrant Concentrate Here, Low Priority, and Possible Overkill. For the survey results of questionnaire variables in the other three categories, degree of agreement on cross-disciplinary training, management training and English competency requirements, cross tabulation analyses using demographic variables were performed. According improvement plans were proposed for the respondent demographics when statistically significant differences between the degree of satisfaction and chi-square test result were observed.

Baḥt fī al-ṣuʻūbāt al-tīyah tawājahhān ṭalāb al-lugat al-ʻArabīyat bi-al-ṣaff al-khāmis al-thānawī fī jumhūrīya Maurīshīwas / An investigation into the difficulties faced by students of Arabic language at school certificate level in the Republic of Mauritius

Nazīr, ʻAbdu al-Ṣammad 03 January 2013 (has links)
Based on the examiners’ reports of the University of Cambridge on the shortcomings of the students of form V (school certificate level) in Arabic language in the international examinations of year 2008 and 2009 and on the proposals and recommendations therein, the researcher started this research work to address the difficulties faced by students in Arabic language in the grammatical rules when writing essays and in translation from Arabic to English and vice versa in form V (school certificate level) and chose Doha Academy (secondary department) in Mauritius as model. The research work in fact confirmed the errors of students in the grammatical rules after analyzing the examination scripts of the mock examinations run at the school during the year 2009 and 2010 and the researcher came to know about the causes of errors which were also confirmed by means of a questionnaire distributed to the students at this level. The researcher’s interviews with the male and female teachers of Arabic language at School certificate level on the issue were of great benefits and they in fact made mention of the grammatical errors which the researcher came across in the mock examinations’ scripts after close study and analysis. The researcher also considered the importance of the contrastive analysis between Arabic and English due to its effect in learning Arabic as a second language. ط After analysis of the questionnaire and interviews, the researcher came across a number of important issues which he mentioned in details among the results which he concluded. The researcher concluded that most of the errors in grammar are due to the influence of the English language on the Arabic language through linguistic interference, transfer of experience, generalization, as well as errors related to the target language itself like hypercorrection and intralingual phenomenon etc. And that the errors found in translation are caused mainly because of lack of Arabic vocabularies as well as literal translation and a lack of fluency and confidence in using Arabic structures and grammar. Finally, the researcher mentioned a number of recommendations and suggestions which he considers to be a priority and should be executed if we really wish to eliminate difficulties and problems in the process of teaching and learning of the Arabic language at this level and to see the progress of this language in this island. / على (university of Cambridge) بناء على ما قدمّت جامعة كمبرج قصور الطلبة في اللغة العربية في امتحانات كمبرج الدولية للصف الخامس الثانوية للعامين 8002 8002 م، ومن اقتراحات وتوصيات انطلق الباحث في هذا البحث ليتناول الصعوبات التي – يواجهها طلاب اللغة العربية فيما يتعلق بالقواعد عند كتابة المقالات وفي الترجمة من العربية إلى الانجليزية والعكس وذلك في الصف الخامس الثانوي في جمهورية موريشيوس م اختيار أكاديمية الدوحة في موريشيوس نموذجا. لقد أشار البحث فعلا إلى أخطاء الطلاب والطالبات بعد تحليل أوراق إجابات لامتحانين 8000 م كما - في اللغة العربية أُجرِيا في الأكاديمية في العامين 8002 (mock exams) تجريبيين تعرّف الباحث على أسباب الأخطاء التي أكّدها الاستبيان الموزّع على طلاب هذا المستوى. وكانت لمقابلات الباحث م مدرسي ومدرسات هذا المستوى حول القضية ثمراتها حيث أكّدت كذلك ما وجدها الباحث من الأخطاء في النحو والصرف في أوراق إجابات الأمتحان بعد الدراسة والتحليل. رأى الباحث كذلك أهمية التحليل التقابلي بين العربية والانجليزية لتأثير هذه الأخيرة في تعلّم الطلبة اللغة العربية كلغة ثانية. بعد تحليل الاستبيان والمقابلات وصل الباحث إلى عدد من القضايا المهمة وذكرها بالتفصيل في النتائج في آخر البحث. وصل الباحث إلى أن اكثر الأخطاء ترج إلى تأثير اللغة الانجليزية على اللغة العربية تتمثل في التداخل اللغوي ونقل الخبرة والتعميم السلبي كما أن هناك أخطاء تتعلق باللغة اهمدف كالمبالغة في التصويب وتداخل اللغة نفسها. وترج الأخطاء في الترجمة أساسا إلى النقص في المفردات العربية، فضلا عن الترجمة الحرفية وعدم الطلاقة والثقة في استخدام التراكيب العربية والتدقيق النحوي. وأخيرا ذكر الباحث عددا من التوصيات والاقتراحات التي يعتبرها من الأولويات والضروريات ا ولتي يوصي بتنفيذها إذا أُريد بالفعل القضاء على الصعوبات والمشكلات في تعليم اللغة العربية وتعلمه وتقدم هذه اللغة في هذه الجزيرة. / Religious Sudies & Arabic / D.Litt. et Phil. (Arabic)

Baḥt fī al-ṣuʻūbāt al-tīyah tawājahhān ṭalāb al-lugat al-ʻArabīyat bi-al-ṣaff al-khāmis al-thānawī fī jumhūrīya Maurīshīwas / An investigation into the difficulties faced by students of Arabic language at school certificate level in the Republic of Mauritius

Nazīr, ʻAbdu al-Ṣammad 03 January 2013 (has links)
Based on the examiners’ reports of the University of Cambridge on the shortcomings of the students of form V (school certificate level) in Arabic language in the international examinations of year 2008 and 2009 and on the proposals and recommendations therein, the researcher started this research work to address the difficulties faced by students in Arabic language in the grammatical rules when writing essays and in translation from Arabic to English and vice versa in form V (school certificate level) and chose Doha Academy (secondary department) in Mauritius as model. The research work in fact confirmed the errors of students in the grammatical rules after analyzing the examination scripts of the mock examinations run at the school during the year 2009 and 2010 and the researcher came to know about the causes of errors which were also confirmed by means of a questionnaire distributed to the students at this level. The researcher’s interviews with the male and female teachers of Arabic language at School certificate level on the issue were of great benefits and they in fact made mention of the grammatical errors which the researcher came across in the mock examinations’ scripts after close study and analysis. The researcher also considered the importance of the contrastive analysis between Arabic and English due to its effect in learning Arabic as a second language. ط After analysis of the questionnaire and interviews, the researcher came across a number of important issues which he mentioned in details among the results which he concluded. The researcher concluded that most of the errors in grammar are due to the influence of the English language on the Arabic language through linguistic interference, transfer of experience, generalization, as well as errors related to the target language itself like hypercorrection and intralingual phenomenon etc. And that the errors found in translation are caused mainly because of lack of Arabic vocabularies as well as literal translation and a lack of fluency and confidence in using Arabic structures and grammar. Finally, the researcher mentioned a number of recommendations and suggestions which he considers to be a priority and should be executed if we really wish to eliminate difficulties and problems in the process of teaching and learning of the Arabic language at this level and to see the progress of this language in this island. / على (university of Cambridge) بناء على ما قدمّت جامعة كمبرج قصور الطلبة في اللغة العربية في امتحانات كمبرج الدولية للصف الخامس الثانوية للعامين 8002 8002 م، ومن اقتراحات وتوصيات انطلق الباحث في هذا البحث ليتناول الصعوبات التي – يواجهها طلاب اللغة العربية فيما يتعلق بالقواعد عند كتابة المقالات وفي الترجمة من العربية إلى الانجليزية والعكس وذلك في الصف الخامس الثانوي في جمهورية موريشيوس م اختيار أكاديمية الدوحة في موريشيوس نموذجا. لقد أشار البحث فعلا إلى أخطاء الطلاب والطالبات بعد تحليل أوراق إجابات لامتحانين 8000 م كما - في اللغة العربية أُجرِيا في الأكاديمية في العامين 8002 (mock exams) تجريبيين تعرّف الباحث على أسباب الأخطاء التي أكّدها الاستبيان الموزّع على طلاب هذا المستوى. وكانت لمقابلات الباحث م مدرسي ومدرسات هذا المستوى حول القضية ثمراتها حيث أكّدت كذلك ما وجدها الباحث من الأخطاء في النحو والصرف في أوراق إجابات الأمتحان بعد الدراسة والتحليل. رأى الباحث كذلك أهمية التحليل التقابلي بين العربية والانجليزية لتأثير هذه الأخيرة في تعلّم الطلبة اللغة العربية كلغة ثانية. بعد تحليل الاستبيان والمقابلات وصل الباحث إلى عدد من القضايا المهمة وذكرها بالتفصيل في النتائج في آخر البحث. وصل الباحث إلى أن اكثر الأخطاء ترج إلى تأثير اللغة الانجليزية على اللغة العربية تتمثل في التداخل اللغوي ونقل الخبرة والتعميم السلبي كما أن هناك أخطاء تتعلق باللغة اهمدف كالمبالغة في التصويب وتداخل اللغة نفسها. وترج الأخطاء في الترجمة أساسا إلى النقص في المفردات العربية، فضلا عن الترجمة الحرفية وعدم الطلاقة والثقة في استخدام التراكيب العربية والتدقيق النحوي. وأخيرا ذكر الباحث عددا من التوصيات والاقتراحات التي يعتبرها من الأولويات والضروريات ا ولتي يوصي بتنفيذها إذا أُريد بالفعل القضاء على الصعوبات والمشكلات في تعليم اللغة العربية وتعلمه وتقدم هذه اللغة في هذه الجزيرة. / Religious Sudies and Arabic / D.Litt. et Phil. (Arabic)

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