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A pesquisa com usuários no processo de design : sugestões a partir de uma abordagem etnográfica / Users research in design process : suggestions from an ethnographic approachFialho, Uda Flávia Cunha Souza January 2014 (has links)
Designers e profissionais de diversas áreas de conhecimento têm utilizado a Etnografia com o intuito de aproximar a teoria da realidade na qual pode ser aplicada. No processo de design, a Etnografia propõe uma forma empática de abordar pessoas em seu ambiente de vivência, auxiliando o designer a conhecer a realidade do grupo da forma mais natural possível. Assim, o designer torna-se mais propenso a compreender melhor o comportamento das pessoas e identificar necessidades reais a serem atendidas. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo elaborar um Framework para auxiliar o designer na realização da pesquisa com usuários, utilizando métodos que partem de uma abordagem etnográfica para identificar as necessidades de um grupo de pessoas. Para tanto, a revisão de literatura abrangeu o estudo da Etnografia e sua aproximação com a disciplina de Design, concentrando-se, em seguida, nos métodos de pesquisa com usuários. A partir disso, foi possível estabelecer categorias de métodos que se baseiam em diferentes formas de participação do usuário na pesquisa, incluindo métodos comumente aplicados em pesquisas de Marketing, métodos provenientes da Etnografia e métodos com influência do Co-design. Após a revisão de literatura, deu-se início ao desenvolvimento do Framework para Pesquisa com Usuários, realizado em três momentos. Inicialmente, foram definidas as etapas que compõem a pesquisa com usuários; em seguida, foram definidos os manuais e livros utilizados como fontes de referência; por fim, realizou-se uma triagem para selecionar os métodos de pesquisa com usuários. A triagem foi dividida em quatro etapas (listagem, mapeamento, agrupamento e seleção), abrangendo 337 métodos retirados das fontes de referência. Ao final, foram selecionados 45 métodos caracterizados a partir de uma abordagem etnográfica e agrupados de acordo com as categorias estabelecidas. O resultado deste estudo é composto por sugestões sobre importantes aspectos a serem considerados durante a pesquisa com usuários e pelo “Framework para Pesquisa com Usuários”, estruturado em três etapas (Planejar, Coletar, e Organizar), que contém as sugestões elaboradas de forma resumida e os métodos passíveis de aplicação, em conformidade com o objetivo de cada etapa. / Designers and professionals from various fields of knowledge have been used Ethnography in order to bring the theory for the reality in which it can be applied. In design process, Ethnography proposes an empathic manner to approach the user in its context, assisting the designer to know people’s life in the most natural way as possible. Thus, the designer becomes more likely to better understand people’s behaviour and identify real needs to be addressed. This research aimed to develop a Framework to assist the designer in conducting users research, using methods based on an ethnographic approach in order to identify real needs of a group. For such purpose, the literature review covered the study of Ethnography and its approximation with Design discipline, focusing then on methods for users research. From this, it was possible to establish categories of methods that are based on different forms of user participation in research, including methods generally used in Marketing research, methods from Ethnography, and methods influenced by Co-design. After the literature review, the development of the Framework for Users Research was performed in three moments. Initially, the steps of user research were defined; then the manuals and books used as reference sources were defined; and finally, a screening for select methods of user research was carried out. The screening was divided into four stages (listing, mapping, grouping, and selection) including 337 methods taken from reference sources. A whole of 45 methods were selected and characterized from an ethnographic approach, then they were grouped according to the established categories. The result of this study is composed by suggestions about important aspects to be considered during the user research; and by the “Framework for Users Research” structured in three stages – Planning, Collecting, and Organizing, that contains the suggestions briefly and the methods that can be applied in accordance with the purpose of each stage.
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A study of parental engagement among Pakistani familiesShafiq, Faisal January 2016 (has links)
This thesis reports a study of parental engagement in children's learning in three Pakistani heritage families in England. The aim of the study was to explore the perspectives and beliefs of Pakistani parents on how and why they engage with their children's school-related learning and beyond, and to investigate the perspectives of children on how their parents' engagement impacted on their behaviour as learners. The study aims to fill gaps in the existing research literature pertaining to examining parental engagement through the eyes of parents and students who face barriers to engagement. Contributions could be made in this area through studies focused on how parents engage with their children in the home. To achieve this, four questions were proposed: What are the forms of parental engagement in terms of children's school-related learning and beyond in a sample of Pakistani homes? Do parents have a clear view why they are engaging in such a way: if so, what is that view? To what extent do these forms of engagement appear to be shaped by distinctive cultural characteristics of Pakistani parents? How do their children view the impact of parental engagement on themselves as learners? These questions were investigated through an overarching ethnographic methodology to understand a small part of the cultural practices of this group. The data was collected through a combination of mixed qualitative methods: solicited diary interviews; photo voice interviews; video footage interviews; documents; field notes; and semi-structured interviews. The findings illuminated the issues of parental engagement and ethnicity, on which there is little literature, and made implications for policies and practices aimed at raising the achievement of this group. The data revealed how the parents engaged with their children in school-related issues; reading, writing and attending school functions. Moreover, the parents were engaged with aspects beyond school; such as, religion, culture, play and computers. The parents had a very broad understanding of education that encompassed not only school, but also activities outside the school environment. This is a very significant aspect, as the parents recognised that school does not teach everything. Data moreover revealed that the parents had different capacities ofengagement according to their own educational background and occupational stance. Those educated in Pakistan relied on the children's to help each other with school work, while some parents could provide more resources to their children consequently of their occupational stance. The parents wanted to preserve their culture and religion. They did this by teaching their children about their religion and culture; Quran, Arabic, Urdu and by sending them to the mosque. All this had a positive influence on their children's spiritual, cultural, personal, social and moral development. The children viewed parental engagement as a positive contributor to their lives. The main purpose of this engagement was to shape the children into good human beings. The children understood the importance of being self-confident, comfortable with who they are and motivated to succeed. Parental engagement made the children confident and wanting to strive for the best, while religious development made them understand the concept of right and wrong. The study moreover contributes to knowledge in several ways;1. the study highlights the diversity in the Pakistani population;2. the study adds to the understanding of how working-class Pakistani parents can have broad understandings of education which extend far beyond school-based learning, and include developing the skills, attitudes and resources to lead a 'good' life;3. the study demonstrates that religiosity is shown to be integral to Pakistani parents' engagement in their children's learning;4. the study highlights that Pakistani parents are shown to take responsibility for their children's 'holistic' education, and are also shown to use siblings as 'educational resources' to support school-based learning when they are unable to do so;5. the study reveals the relevance of Yosso's (2005) Community Cultural Wealth theory to the Pakistani community;6. the study also makes a contribution by presenting an insider account of parenting practices in Pakistani families.
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A primary head teacher's exploration of lesson studyMynott, John Paul January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is an exploration of a head teacher's experience of Lesson Study. It aims to consider how Lesson Study develops teacher learning through consideration of collaboration, expertise and professional conflict. The methodology embraces the lived experience of introducing a collaborative method of teacher development, Lesson Study into a primary school and exploring its impact. The research is conducted through an exploratory layered method, considering the Lesson Study teams, the whole school and the head teacher's thoughts and reflections on and about Lesson Study. The exploration in this thesis found that Lesson Study is far from breath-takingly simple (Dudley, 2013) and that there are many complexities and variables within each Lesson Study group that need to be considered carefully in order to enhance any opportunity for teacher learning. This thesis describes how these different elements, collaboration, expertise and professional conflict, interacted in two different Lesson Study teams. These findings, are presented alongside the head teacher's reflections. Building on these reflections the thesis starts to articulate how Lesson Study could offer teacher learning opportunities and which elements of school culture, teacher expertise and understanding would need to be developed, honed and considered in order to create an outcome which results in teacher learning. This research provides an exploration how teacher learning may be generated through Lesson Study work. It extends the current literature on teacher learning in Lesson Study by identifying and exploring professional conflict alongside collaboration and expertise. Teacher learning opportunities are not simply created in the context the research took place. It concludes that while teacher learning can be generated through Lesson Study; the conditions and culture of a setting, alongside the skills, knowledge and expertise of the teachers involved in each team are also crucial.
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A Prática da inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais em classe regular: um estudo de caso com abordagem etnográfica / The Practice of including students with special needs in regular education: an ethnographic case studyKatia da Silva Machado 15 August 2005 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A prática da inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais no ensino regular é hoje política educacional garantida pela legislação, tanto para a rede pública quanto privada em nosso país, apesar de serem, ainda, poucas as experiências bem sucedidas cientificamente estudadas e divulgadas, gerando uma demanda para a realização de pesquisas sobre o tema. Partindo desse pressuposto, o presente trabalho propõe investigar,através de um estudo de caso com abordagem etnográfica, como a inclusãoeducacional vem ocorrendo no cotidiano de uma escola específica, visando identificar os benefícios e as dificuldades referentes à implementação desta proposta educacional para a comunidade escolar como um todo. Como cenário para realização da pesquisa foi escolhida uma escola do Ensino Fundamental da Rede Pública Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, tendo como foco uma turma do segundo ano do 1 Ciclo de Formação (equivalente à 1 Série), composta por 26 alunos. Nesta turma estava incluída uma menina de oito anos com paralisia cerebral, usuária de cadeira de rodas e que tinha uma defasagem idade-série de, aproximadamente, dois anos. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados foram utilizados: observação participante; análise documental; e entrevistas com as três educadoras envolvidas nesse contexto a professora regente da turma, a professora de Educação Física e a coordenadora pedagógica. Os dados obtidos revelaram, entre outros aspectos, a falta de materiais pedagógicos e de profissionais devidamente capacitados, pouco conhecimento das professoras e a falta de estrutura física da escola. Apesar da proposta de inclusão ser bem vista pelas educadoras, evidenciou-se que a sua implementação, na prática, é precária. Esse trabalho vem contribuir na reflexão acerca da prática educacional inclusiva, mostrando alguns caminhos a serem trilhados, tais como a necessidade da realização de adaptações pedagógicas e de acesso ao currículo, bem como da capacitação dos educadores do ensino regular, para receber alunos portadores de necessidades educativas especiais. / The practice of inclusion of students with special needs in regular education is today, in our country, a policy supported by legislation, both for the public as well as private school system. However, there are still few successful experiences that have been scientifically studied and divulgated, creating therefore a demand for the realization of researches about the theme. Based on this assumption, the following study aims to investigate, by
means of a case study with ethnographic approach, how inclusive education is occurring in the daily specific school practice, expecting to identify the benefits and the difficulties in the implementation of this educational proposition for the school community as a whole. The research took place in an Elementary School of the Public School System of the City of Rio de Janeiro, with the focus on a First Grade Class, composed of 26 students. In this class, was included an eight year-old girl with cerebral palsy, who used wheelchair, with, an age-grade gap of approximately two years. Data was collected by means of participant observation, document analysis, and interviews with the three educationalists involved in the context the classroom teacher, the Physical Education teacher and the school pedagogical coordinator.The data showed the lack of educational tools and capacitated educators, knowledge from the part of the teachers, and of adequate physical structure in the school among other aspects. In spite of the fact that the proposition of inclusive education is well accepted by the educators, it was shown that, in practice, its implementation is still precarious.This study brings a contribution to the discussion about Inclusive Education, showing a few of the ways to improve its practice, such as the needfor realization of pedagogical curriculum and accessibility adaptations, as well as preparing regular school educators to receive students with special needs.
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Formação permanente e suas relações com a prática do professor de educação física na Secretaria de Esportes, Recreação e Lazer de porto AlegreSchaff, Ismael Antonio Bacellar January 2010 (has links)
Este estudo tem por tema a formação permanente de professores de educação física da Secretaria Municipal de Esportes, Recreação e Lazer de Porto Alegre, bem como as relações desta formação com a prática deste coletivo docente. Esta investigação focaliza os significados atribuídos por estes professores a sua formação permanente na relação com o cotidiano de suas práticas pedagógicas, tendo em vista as características institucionais onde se realiza: de espaço de atuação nãoescolar como praças, parques, centros de comunidade, ruas, associações comunitárias; bem como a grande diversidade de campos de atuação deste professorado que tem no lazer, no esporte e em ações ligadas à promoção da saúde os instrumentos de sua intervenção, nos seus vieses educativos, competitivos e ou lúdicos. A pergunta que sintetiza o problema de investigação e orienta as decisões metodológicas é: Quais significados o professorado de educação física da Secretaria Municipal de Esportes, Recreação e Lazer de Porto Alegre atribui ao seu processo de formação permanente e que impactos este processo produz no cotidiano de sua prática pedagógica? Para responder a esta questão realizei entrevistas semi-estruturadas, analisei documentos do período que vai de 1989 até 2009; com o mesmo intento, utilizei as observações e registros do diário de campo sobre as situações de formação promovidas pela instituição e do cotidiano das práticas dos professores de educação física desta secretaria, que permitissem a construção de quadro de análise e interpretação sobre o material coletado. O processo analítico apontou para algumas categorias significativas para a compreensão de práticas docentes e do papel que a formação permanente ocupa na sua sustentação e na superação dos desafios e contradições presentes nestas práticas. Uma destas categorias situa-se no não-lugar do espaço público da secretaria – a possibilidade e a expectativa de uma ação educativa em espaços que não parecem claramente associados aos significados da instituição escolar Desta decorre uma outra, situada no próprio sujeito do estudo: o “ser-não ser” do professor desta instituição – as tensões e contradições na construção de uma identidade docente – manifestas em trajetos de aproximação à cultura escolar ao mesmo tempo que elenca as peculiaridades distintivas do seu fazer educativo. Articulada às anteriores, a categoria de um personalismo e de uma fragilidade das políticas de formação profissional da secretaria parecem apontar para um papel ao mesmo tempo central desta para construção da identidade e de um referencial para as práticas dos professores, mas contraditoriamente, na sua ausência, a distribuição dispersa dos recursos humanos e o seu isolamento nos diversos espaços da cidade permitem uma sobrevivência que supera a existência de uma proposta políticopedagógica Uma idéia central sugerida pelo estudo é que a proposta de formação permanente, enquanto compromisso da instituição, tenha um caráter definidor de uma identidade docente, articuladora de sujeitos e ações e que permita superar fragilidades temporais e ideológicas das questões político-partidárias – o estudo aponta para a importância de uma estrutura de formação permanente, centrada nas experiências dos professores: espaços e tempos de compartilhamento de êxitos, de busca coletiva de superação de dificuldades e contradições. / The subject of this study is the permanent formation of Physical Education teachers of the “Secretaria Municipal de Esportes, Recreação e Lazer de Porto Alegre” – Sport and Leisure Department – in the city hall of Porto Alegre. The study also deals with the relations between this permanent formation and the practices of the group of teachers. This investigation focuses on the meanings attributed by such group of teachers to their permanent formation in relation to their everyday pedagogical practices, having in mind institutional characteristics and the spaces where practices take place: public squares, parks, community centers and streets. It also focuses on the varied nature of the group’s work (leisure, sport, health) and its educative, competitive or playful aspects. The question which summarizes the investigation and guides methodological decisions is: Which meanings the teachers of the Sport and Leisure Department of Porto Alegre attribute to their process of permanent formation and which impacts such process produces in their everyday pedagogical practices To answer this question, semi-structured interviews were held, documents from 1989 to 2009 were analyzed, observations and field diary entries on the formation moments promoted by the department were used and everyday practices were observed. All that allowed the construction of an analysis and interpretation chart. The analytical process lead the study to point out some meaningful categories to understand teachers’ practices, as well as, the role permanent formation has in helping teachers overcome challenges and contradictions found in their everyday practice. One of these categories depicts the possibilities and expectations of an educative action in spaces which are not clearly associated to a school institution. From the category mentioned above, another one emerges, located within the subject of this study: the teacher’s lack of a clear self identity; tension and contradiction permeate the construction of a clear and steady identity, sometimes moving itself towards the school culture while in other moments it unveils distinctive traits of the teachers’ practices Linked to the previous categories, there is one related to the subjective and fragile department policies related to professional formation. This category seems to indicate a central role in the construction of the teacher’s identity and a referential to the teacher’s practice, yet in the absence of such policies, the scattered distribution of human resources and their isolation in the many different spaces in the city of Porto Alegre allow them to outlive the existence of a political and pedagogical project. A key point dealt within this study is that the commitment of the institution towards permanent formation should help define the teacher’s identity, help articulate subjects and actions and allow teachers to overcome temporary difficulties caused by ideological and political matters. The study points to the significance a permanent formation structure has and that it should be based on teachers’ experience and provide them with the opportunity to share cases of success and seek solutions to overcome difficulties and contradictions.
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Fitodesinfecção aplicada a águas na perspectiva da agricultura familiarGonçalves, Alexandre Rocha January 2005 (has links)
As previsões mais otimistas para o mundo no segundo milênio alertam para a escassez de água. Esta terá como origem a redução de volume de água doce aproveitável, o desperdício e poluição das fontes de água. O cloro, usado para a desinfecção, se combina com os resíduos de matéria orgânica remanescente do tratamento da água de consumo formando os organoclorados (produtos potencialmente cancerígenos). A proposta deste trabalho, é oferecer subsídio à sanitização da água buscando, pelo resgate etnográfico, recursos naturais sustentáveis, renováveis e ecologicamente corretos como alternativa para o tratamento da água na pequena propriedade rural. Das dezoito plantas indicadas e triadas na forma de extratos hidro-alcoólicos quanto a Intensidade de Atividade Antibacteriana (IAAB), selecionou-se os cinco que tiveram o melhor desempenho no controle das bactérias em teste (duas gram positivas e duas gram negativas). Os extratos escolhidos passaram pelo teste de Concentração Inibitória Mínima/Concentração Bactericida Mínima (CIM/CBM). O que mais se destacou foi o extrato de Sete Sangrias (Cuphea Carthagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride) que controlou as bactérias desafiantes até a concentração de 10%. Estes extratos também foram testados quanto à citotoxicidade e constatou-se que a Baleeira (Cordia curassavica), Folha da Fortuna (Bryophyllum pinatum Kurz.) e a Sete Sangrias (Cuphea cathagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride) foram citotóxicas em concentrações entre 1 e 10 % sem diferença estatística para o teste de Duncam (p=0,99).Embora a confrontação da capacidade desinfetante e o efeito tóxico apresentados pelos extratos de plantas sejam considerados animadores, não os recomendamos para uso como desinfetantes de volumes hídricos uma vez que a concentração mais baixa efetiva foi a de 10%. / The most optimistic forecast for the world in the second millennium calls attention to the water shortage. This shortage will have as its origin the reduction of volume of useable fresh water, waste and pollution of the water resources. The chlorine, used for disinfection, combines with the residues of organic matter remaining from the treatment of water for consumption forming organochlorides (potentially carcinogenic products). The aim of this work is to offer options to the sanitation of water searching, by ethnographic rescue, natural resources which are sustainable, renewable and ecologically correct as an alternative for water treatment in small rural farms. From the eighteen plants indicated and screened in the form of hydroalcoholic extracts regarding their Antibacterial Activity Intensity (IAAB), the five that showed better performance in the control of bacteria (two Gram positive and two Gram negative), were selected. The chosen extracts were submitted to the test of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration/ Minimal Bactericide Concentration (CIM/CBM). The one that showed the best performance was Sete Sangrias (Cuphea Carthagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride), which controlled the tested bacteria dilution up to 10%. These extracts were also tested regarding their cytotoxicity and it was verified that Baleeira (Cordia curassavica), Folha da Fortuna (Bryophyllum pinatum Kurz.) and Sete sangrias (Cuphea cathagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride) were cytotoxic in concentrations between 1 and 10%, without statistic difference by the Duncam test (p=0,99). Although the confrontation of disinfection capacity and the toxic effect presented by the plant extracts are considered encouraging, we do not recommend them for use as disinfectants of water, as the lowest effective concentration obtained was 10%.
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Geografia, patrimônio e diversidade cultural: linguagem audiovisual em ações educativas / Geography, heritage and cultural diversity: audiovisual language in educational actionsGomes, Ana Carolina Rios [UNESP] 11 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ANA CAROLINA RIOS GOMES null (carol.rios@gmail.com) on 2016-05-08T05:31:32Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-11 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A produção e o uso de imagens sempre estiveram presentes ao longo da história do
pensamento geográfico, bem como nos estudos antropológicos. Com o advento de
novas tecnologias, a utilização de recursos audiovisuais para a elaboração e difusão
de saberes vem se intensificando, muitas vezes como tema central para o
desenvolvimento de pesquisas. Ao mesmo tempo, questões relativas à Diversidade
e ao Patrimônio Cultural estão em evidência nas políticas culturais e também nos
estudos acadêmicos. Diante desse contexto, o objetivo da presente pesquisa é
articular essas vertentes, analisando a potencialidade dos registros de práticas
culturais a partir das intersecções entre a História Oral e a Linguagem Audiovisual,
concretizadas em documentários etnográficos. Além de empoderar comunidades
que participam da produção e difusão desses registros audiovisuais, reconhecendo
sua importância social e narrando sua própria história, constatamos, por meio de
uma ação educativa a partir da recepção de documentários por parte de alunos do
ensino superior em Geografia, que o material produzido tem o potencial pedagógico,
em sentido lato, de aproximar diferentes contextos culturais e promover relações de
identidade e alteridade mediadas pelo audiovisual. A abordagem etnográfica em sala
de aula indicou que, por captar atenção e emoção, a linguagem audiovisual é capaz
de favorecer a imersão dos espectadores nos modo de vida, na realidade que se
registra e se apresenta, trabalhando as geograficidades e historicidades de distintas
comunidades para contextualizar as diferenças e conviver com outros modos de ser
e estar no mundo, promovendo a diversidade cultural. / The production and use of images have always been present throughout the history of geographical thought and in anthropological studies. With the advent of new technologies, the use of audiovisual resources for the development and dissemination of knowledge has intensified, often as central to the development of research. At the same time, issues relating to diversity and cultural heritage are evident in cultural policies as well as in academic studies. In this context, the aim of this research is to articulate these aspects, analyzing the potential of the records of cultural practices from the intersections between oral history and Audiovisual Language, implemented in ethnographic documentaries. In addition to empowering communities participating in the production and dissemination of these audiovisual records, recognizing their social importance and narrating his own story, found through an educational action from the reception of documentaries by students in higher education in geography, the produced material has the pedagogical potential in the broad sense, to approach different cultural contexts and promote identity and alterity relations mediated by audiovisual. The ethnographic approach in the classroom indicated that, by capturing attention and emotion, audiovisual language is able to favor the immersion of spectators in life so in fact that records and displays, working the geograficidades and historicity of different communities to contextualize the differences and get along with other ways of being in the world, promoting cultural diversity.
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Formação permanente e suas relações com a prática do professor de educação física na Secretaria de Esportes, Recreação e Lazer de porto AlegreSchaff, Ismael Antonio Bacellar January 2010 (has links)
Este estudo tem por tema a formação permanente de professores de educação física da Secretaria Municipal de Esportes, Recreação e Lazer de Porto Alegre, bem como as relações desta formação com a prática deste coletivo docente. Esta investigação focaliza os significados atribuídos por estes professores a sua formação permanente na relação com o cotidiano de suas práticas pedagógicas, tendo em vista as características institucionais onde se realiza: de espaço de atuação nãoescolar como praças, parques, centros de comunidade, ruas, associações comunitárias; bem como a grande diversidade de campos de atuação deste professorado que tem no lazer, no esporte e em ações ligadas à promoção da saúde os instrumentos de sua intervenção, nos seus vieses educativos, competitivos e ou lúdicos. A pergunta que sintetiza o problema de investigação e orienta as decisões metodológicas é: Quais significados o professorado de educação física da Secretaria Municipal de Esportes, Recreação e Lazer de Porto Alegre atribui ao seu processo de formação permanente e que impactos este processo produz no cotidiano de sua prática pedagógica? Para responder a esta questão realizei entrevistas semi-estruturadas, analisei documentos do período que vai de 1989 até 2009; com o mesmo intento, utilizei as observações e registros do diário de campo sobre as situações de formação promovidas pela instituição e do cotidiano das práticas dos professores de educação física desta secretaria, que permitissem a construção de quadro de análise e interpretação sobre o material coletado. O processo analítico apontou para algumas categorias significativas para a compreensão de práticas docentes e do papel que a formação permanente ocupa na sua sustentação e na superação dos desafios e contradições presentes nestas práticas. Uma destas categorias situa-se no não-lugar do espaço público da secretaria – a possibilidade e a expectativa de uma ação educativa em espaços que não parecem claramente associados aos significados da instituição escolar Desta decorre uma outra, situada no próprio sujeito do estudo: o “ser-não ser” do professor desta instituição – as tensões e contradições na construção de uma identidade docente – manifestas em trajetos de aproximação à cultura escolar ao mesmo tempo que elenca as peculiaridades distintivas do seu fazer educativo. Articulada às anteriores, a categoria de um personalismo e de uma fragilidade das políticas de formação profissional da secretaria parecem apontar para um papel ao mesmo tempo central desta para construção da identidade e de um referencial para as práticas dos professores, mas contraditoriamente, na sua ausência, a distribuição dispersa dos recursos humanos e o seu isolamento nos diversos espaços da cidade permitem uma sobrevivência que supera a existência de uma proposta políticopedagógica Uma idéia central sugerida pelo estudo é que a proposta de formação permanente, enquanto compromisso da instituição, tenha um caráter definidor de uma identidade docente, articuladora de sujeitos e ações e que permita superar fragilidades temporais e ideológicas das questões político-partidárias – o estudo aponta para a importância de uma estrutura de formação permanente, centrada nas experiências dos professores: espaços e tempos de compartilhamento de êxitos, de busca coletiva de superação de dificuldades e contradições. / The subject of this study is the permanent formation of Physical Education teachers of the “Secretaria Municipal de Esportes, Recreação e Lazer de Porto Alegre” – Sport and Leisure Department – in the city hall of Porto Alegre. The study also deals with the relations between this permanent formation and the practices of the group of teachers. This investigation focuses on the meanings attributed by such group of teachers to their permanent formation in relation to their everyday pedagogical practices, having in mind institutional characteristics and the spaces where practices take place: public squares, parks, community centers and streets. It also focuses on the varied nature of the group’s work (leisure, sport, health) and its educative, competitive or playful aspects. The question which summarizes the investigation and guides methodological decisions is: Which meanings the teachers of the Sport and Leisure Department of Porto Alegre attribute to their process of permanent formation and which impacts such process produces in their everyday pedagogical practices To answer this question, semi-structured interviews were held, documents from 1989 to 2009 were analyzed, observations and field diary entries on the formation moments promoted by the department were used and everyday practices were observed. All that allowed the construction of an analysis and interpretation chart. The analytical process lead the study to point out some meaningful categories to understand teachers’ practices, as well as, the role permanent formation has in helping teachers overcome challenges and contradictions found in their everyday practice. One of these categories depicts the possibilities and expectations of an educative action in spaces which are not clearly associated to a school institution. From the category mentioned above, another one emerges, located within the subject of this study: the teacher’s lack of a clear self identity; tension and contradiction permeate the construction of a clear and steady identity, sometimes moving itself towards the school culture while in other moments it unveils distinctive traits of the teachers’ practices Linked to the previous categories, there is one related to the subjective and fragile department policies related to professional formation. This category seems to indicate a central role in the construction of the teacher’s identity and a referential to the teacher’s practice, yet in the absence of such policies, the scattered distribution of human resources and their isolation in the many different spaces in the city of Porto Alegre allow them to outlive the existence of a political and pedagogical project. A key point dealt within this study is that the commitment of the institution towards permanent formation should help define the teacher’s identity, help articulate subjects and actions and allow teachers to overcome temporary difficulties caused by ideological and political matters. The study points to the significance a permanent formation structure has and that it should be based on teachers’ experience and provide them with the opportunity to share cases of success and seek solutions to overcome difficulties and contradictions.
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Fitodesinfecção aplicada a águas na perspectiva da agricultura familiarGonçalves, Alexandre Rocha January 2005 (has links)
As previsões mais otimistas para o mundo no segundo milênio alertam para a escassez de água. Esta terá como origem a redução de volume de água doce aproveitável, o desperdício e poluição das fontes de água. O cloro, usado para a desinfecção, se combina com os resíduos de matéria orgânica remanescente do tratamento da água de consumo formando os organoclorados (produtos potencialmente cancerígenos). A proposta deste trabalho, é oferecer subsídio à sanitização da água buscando, pelo resgate etnográfico, recursos naturais sustentáveis, renováveis e ecologicamente corretos como alternativa para o tratamento da água na pequena propriedade rural. Das dezoito plantas indicadas e triadas na forma de extratos hidro-alcoólicos quanto a Intensidade de Atividade Antibacteriana (IAAB), selecionou-se os cinco que tiveram o melhor desempenho no controle das bactérias em teste (duas gram positivas e duas gram negativas). Os extratos escolhidos passaram pelo teste de Concentração Inibitória Mínima/Concentração Bactericida Mínima (CIM/CBM). O que mais se destacou foi o extrato de Sete Sangrias (Cuphea Carthagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride) que controlou as bactérias desafiantes até a concentração de 10%. Estes extratos também foram testados quanto à citotoxicidade e constatou-se que a Baleeira (Cordia curassavica), Folha da Fortuna (Bryophyllum pinatum Kurz.) e a Sete Sangrias (Cuphea cathagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride) foram citotóxicas em concentrações entre 1 e 10 % sem diferença estatística para o teste de Duncam (p=0,99).Embora a confrontação da capacidade desinfetante e o efeito tóxico apresentados pelos extratos de plantas sejam considerados animadores, não os recomendamos para uso como desinfetantes de volumes hídricos uma vez que a concentração mais baixa efetiva foi a de 10%. / The most optimistic forecast for the world in the second millennium calls attention to the water shortage. This shortage will have as its origin the reduction of volume of useable fresh water, waste and pollution of the water resources. The chlorine, used for disinfection, combines with the residues of organic matter remaining from the treatment of water for consumption forming organochlorides (potentially carcinogenic products). The aim of this work is to offer options to the sanitation of water searching, by ethnographic rescue, natural resources which are sustainable, renewable and ecologically correct as an alternative for water treatment in small rural farms. From the eighteen plants indicated and screened in the form of hydroalcoholic extracts regarding their Antibacterial Activity Intensity (IAAB), the five that showed better performance in the control of bacteria (two Gram positive and two Gram negative), were selected. The chosen extracts were submitted to the test of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration/ Minimal Bactericide Concentration (CIM/CBM). The one that showed the best performance was Sete Sangrias (Cuphea Carthagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride), which controlled the tested bacteria dilution up to 10%. These extracts were also tested regarding their cytotoxicity and it was verified that Baleeira (Cordia curassavica), Folha da Fortuna (Bryophyllum pinatum Kurz.) and Sete sangrias (Cuphea cathagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride) were cytotoxic in concentrations between 1 and 10%, without statistic difference by the Duncam test (p=0,99). Although the confrontation of disinfection capacity and the toxic effect presented by the plant extracts are considered encouraging, we do not recommend them for use as disinfectants of water, as the lowest effective concentration obtained was 10%.
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“I Am One of Those Women:” Exploring Testimonial Performances of Stillbirth in/as Intervention, Support and AdvocacyJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: The stillbirth of a wanted baby is a devastating and life altering experience that happens more than 26,000 times each year in the United States, but the impacts and implications of this loss on families is rarely discussed in public spaces. While another kind of pregnancy ending, abortion, dominates political discourse about reproduction, the absence of talk about stillbirth prevention or support in those same contexts is worthy of further investigation. This project explores stillbirth as a communication phenomenon and draws upon narrative, performance and rhetorical articulations of testimony to extend our understanding of how narratives of stillbirth circulate in current conditions of discourse. A model for viewing how dominant and counter narratives circulate is explained (Narrative Loop Model) and a new model for illuminating the unique functions of testimony is given (Testimonial Loop Model). This dissertation employs performance and rhetorical methods to explore testimonies of stillbirth, both naturally occurring and solicited through interviews, in order to create several performance texts that put pregnancy-ending narratives in conversation with each other on stage. Analysis of the performance text and choices, as well as reflection on the embodied performance experience and member checking, yielded several findings. The discovery of somatic sentience and its influence on performance ethnography is discussed. Themes of relationality and temporality were found in the performance of testimonies of stillbirth. The implications of these findings add to the communication discipline’s understanding of how and why stillbirth testimony may circulate, its impact on conditions of discourse for pregnancy ending and its potential use as/in intervention, support, and advocacy. Ethical considerations and limitations are addressed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Communication Studies 2015
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