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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between an Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) literacy program and women's lives in Semi-urban context, in Cape Peninsula

Beauzac, Christolene Bernardine January 2010 (has links)
<p>The research employed a qualitative research paradigm. The ethnographic approach was used to conduct the research. Data collection was done though various ethnographic techniques, classroom observation, in-depth interviews and document analysis. The population was 85 women who participated in a Adult Basic Education and Training programme in Eersterivier in the Cape Peninsula area a questionnaire was used to collect demographic information of the participants Data was analysed by thematic analysis and coded, categorised and discussed according to the aim and objectives of the study in relation to previous studies The main findings were why exploring the existing literacy practice women were depended on others for literacy assistance, which made them avoid literacy events and become vulnerable in this process to cope with the everyday life.</p>

Inspiration genom interaktion : En observationsstudie med fokus på balansen mellan praktiska och teoretiska moment i gehörs- musikteoriun- dervisning. / Inspiration through interaction : An observational study with focus on the balance between practical and theoretical exercises in ear training and music theory.

Gustavsson, Rickard January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att, med inspiration av etnografiska tillvägagångssätt, ut- forska hur några lärare utformar sin undervisning i ämnet musikteori (och gehör) på gymnasial nivå, med fokus på framförallt balans mellan teoretiska och praktiska mo- ment. Den litteratur som tas upp i uppsatsens bakgrund beskriver hur elever eller lärare kan utföra olika läroböckers övningar, dels med hjälp av praktiska verktyg, dels utifrån teoretiska resonemang. Den tidigare forskning som tas upp handlar om elever och lära- res syn på ämnet gehörs- och musikteori. De forskningsmetoder som har använts i före- liggande studie utgår ifrån ett etnografiskt perspektiv med deltagande observation, där forskaren befinner sig i fält med aktörer som skall observeras i sin naturliga miljö. Re- sultatet är uppdelat i tre teman: Inledning och handlingsförlopp, Praktiskt delaktighet samt Lärarnas arketyper. Temat Inledning och handlingsförlopp belyser hur lärarna på- börjar sin lektion, vilka uppgifter som tilldelas eleverna och hur lärarna avslutar lekt- ionerna. I temat Praktisk delaktighet presenteras de praktiska moment som förekom i undervisningen: dialog, diskussion och aktivt lyssnande. Temat Lärarnas arketyper fo- kuseras på olika roller som lärarna faller in i vid olika situationer: bergsklättraren, mäs- tare och lärjunge, samt bollplank. I diskussionen jämförs resultatet med tidigare forsk- ning samt litteratur. I diskussionen dras även några slutsatser och avslutningsvis besk- rivs arbetets betydelse samt hur det kan användas i fortsatt forskning. / The purpose of this essay is, with inspiration from ethnographic method, to explore how teachers design their lessons in the subject music theory at upper secondary school lev- el, with focus on the balance between theoretical and practical element. The literature that is presented in the background chapter describes how students or teachers can per- form the exercises in the books, by using practical tools, as well as by using theoretical arguments. The earlier research that is presented focuses on student’s and teacher’s view on the subject music theory and ear training. The research methods that have been used are based on an ethnographic perspective with participating observation, where the researcher finds him self in a field with participants whom are to be observed in their natural environment. The result is divided in three parts: Introduction and course of actions, Practical participation, and Archetypes of the teachers. Introduction and course of actions illustrates how the teachers begin their classes, what tasks they give the stu- dents, and also how the teachers finish their classes. Practical participation presents the practical elements that occurred during the classes. These elements were dialogue, dis- cussion, and active listening. Archetypes of the teachers focuses on the different roles the teachers takes during certain situations: the mountain climber, master and apprentice, and the sounding board. In the discussion the result is compared to earlier research and also to the literature. Some conclusions are also made in the discussion, At the end of the study the importance of the essay is described as well as how it can be used in later re- search.

Finding One’s Place : An Ethnological Study of Belonging among Swedish Migrants on the Costa del Sol in Spain

Woube, Annie January 2014 (has links)
This study explores how Swedish migrants on the Costa del Sol in Spain create belonging and how this is expressed in migration stories and practiced in the daily life. The migrants are part of a migration phenomenon that is conceptualized as lifestyle migration, often to destinations in association with tourism and leisure. Based on ethnographical fieldwork carried out among Swedish migrants within the Swedish infrastructure of institutions, organizations and private enterprises on the Costa del Sol, the thesis examines how belonging is created adopting a phenomenological and constructivist perspective on transnational and diasporic practices. This is accomplished through studying migration stories, where the migration experience is being told, structured and made meaningful for the migrants. In addition, it focuses on internal and external identification and positioning on location on the Costa del Sol. Another concern is the study of how the migrants relate to notions and practices of new home, and old home. The thesis presents how belonging is shaped on a collective basis within the Swedish infrastructure, despite the fact that the interviewees make up a diverse group in different ages, with different reasons for dwelling along the coast, with different migrant experiences, with different approaches to living a transnational migrant life in-between the old and the new country, and with different degrees and range of incorporation to the local society. The study shows how a transnational position is created with a plurilocal frame of reference. It is marked by simultaneously expressing attachments and affiliations to several localities and contexts across territorial borders, shaped by past and recurrent travels and communication, and connected to the Swedish diasporic collective that can function as a compensatory source of national affiliation for the Swedish migrants on the Costa del Sol.

The Khecarīvidyā of Ādinātha : a critical edition and annotated translation

Mallinson, William James January 2003 (has links)
This thesis contains a critical edition and annotated translation of the Khecarīvidyā of Ādinātha, an early haṭhayogic text which describes the physical practice of khecarīmudrā. 31 witnesses have been collated to establish the critical edition. The notes to the translation adduce parallels in other works and draw on Ballāla's Bṛhatkhecarīprakāśa commentary and ethnographic data to explain the text. The first introductory chapter examines the relationships between the different sources used to establish the critical edition. An analysis of the development of the text concludes that its compiler(s) took a chapter describing the vidyā (mantra) of the deity Khecarī from a larger text to form the framework for the verses describing the physical practice. At this stage the text preserved the Kaula orientation of the original work and included verses in praise of madirā, alcohol. By the time that the text achieved its greatest fame as an authority on the haṭhayogic practice of khecarīmudrā most of its Kaula features had been expunged so as not to offend orthodox practitioners of haṭhayoga and a short fourth chapter on magical herbs had been added. The second introductory chapter concerns the physical practice. It starts by examining textual evidence in the Pali canon and Sanskrit works for practices similar to the haṭhayogic khecarīmudrā before the time of composition of the Khecarīvidyā and then discusses the non-physical khecarīmudrās described in tantric works. There follows a discussion of how these different features combined in the khecarīmudrā of the Khecarīvidyā. Then a survey of descriptions of khecarīmudrā in other haṭhayogic works shows how the haṭhayogic corpus encompasses various differnt approaches to yogic practice. After an examination of the practice of khecarīmudrā in India today the chapter concludes by showing the haṭhayogic khecarīmudrā has generally been the preserve of unorthodox ascetics. In the third introductory chapter are described the 27 manuscripts used to establish the critical edition, the citations and borrowings of the text in other works, and the ethnographic sources. The appendices include a full collation of all the witnesses of the Khecarīvidyā, critical editions of chapters from the Matsyendrasaṃhitā and Haṭharatnāvalī helpful in understanding the Khecarīvidyā, and a list of all the works cited in the Bṛhatkhecarīprakāśa.

The changing nature of the ideology of Olympism in the modern Olympic era

Chatziefstathiou, D. January 2005 (has links)
A Doctoral Thesis Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy of Loughborough University

Navigating the aid world: barriers to the effective participation of local NGOs in the post-conflict environment of Timor-Leste

Butler, Lynne Margaret January 2008 (has links)
This thesis presents an ethnographic study of a small local non-government organisation (NGO) negotiating its way through the complex, multi-layered, postconflict, post-emergency environment of Timor-Leste. This is an environment that remains dominated by the aid industry, an industry that initially came to restore order and provide humanitarian support in the violent aftermath of the 1999 independence vote and stayed on to build a new Timor, in many ways created in its own image. In this environment a small local NGO struggled to maintain not only its vision and mission, but to fit within a new set of externally imposed conditions and regulations in order to serve its communities' needs. / Using ethnographic data gathered in the field over eleven months, this study paints a picture of a post-emergency environment on the ground and in the daily life of a local NGO within that environment. Combining ethnographic and interview data from local and international aid and development practitioners, the study also identifies the internal and external challenges faced by the local NGO in navigating its way through this environment. The internal challenges faced are largely in response to externally imposed conditions, and include the adaptation to new language and communication technologies, new styles of leadership and organisation management, new financial accountability processes and procedures. All of these challenges are coupled with the lack of experienced and skilled staff. The external issues relate to interactions and relationships the local NGO has with the aid industry, and the issues arising out of these engagements including ideological differences, donor dependency, unequal relations, and externally imposed directives. / While acknowledging that these are very real challenges, this thesis argues that it is the underlying factors behind the presenting challenges that are the real barriers to the effective participation of a local NGO in the post-conflict, post-emergency environment. Using post-development writings and Foucauldian theories as a theoretical framework, this thesis explores how thought, ideology and action are governed and controlled by the subtle mechanisms of liberal governance, (particularly in their redefinition), and local language is appropriated and reconceptualised as a tool of governance. It is the inability to understand or detect these subtle mechanisms of governance that often limits the degree to which an NGO can be said to act self-determinedly, or in full awareness of the situation, as they navigate a path through this foreign and often baffling post-emergency environment. / This research adds to the emerging academic body of research on NGOs in postconflict, post-emergency environments. On a practical level it provides aid and development organisations and aid practitioners with a detailed 'insider's' view of the operations of a local NGO and the impacts on a small organisation of externally imposed conditions, regulations and hidden agendas. Finally, it provides field workers intending to conduct research in post-conflict, post-emergency environments with an introduction to the issues and problems associated with this type of research.

Enquêtes sur une identité nationale et ecclésiale : la Macédoine entre territoires, Eglises et mythes nationaux / Inquiries into national and ecclesiastical identities : Macedonia between territories, churches and national myths

Sekulovski, Goran 21 February 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse sur l'identité nationale et ecclésiale macédonienne développe trois axes de recherche afin de mieux cerner cette notion complexe d'identité : les cartes ethnographiques, l'ecclésiologie et l'usage des mythes nationaux de 1870 à 2013. Elle mobilise des informations issues de l'aire balkanique, de pays d'Europe occidentale et de Russie, des documents d'archives diplomatiques et ecclésiastiques inédits, et des enquêtes de terrain. La thèse montre d'abord comment, à travers la cartographie ethnographique, a été forgé le concept de « Slaves macédoniens », longtemps resté dans l'ambiguïté d'une acception territoriale ou ethnique ; elle montre aussi les bases théoriques de la notion (avec le rôle d'un Jovan Cvijic), et les différents acteurs, des cartographes et géographes aux théoriciens de la particularité ethnique des Macédoniens. Puis la thèse analyse le rôle des Eglises dans l'affirmation du sentiment national et les critères ecclésiologiques. Les cas de l'Eglise orthodoxe et de l'Eglise uniate macédoniennes prouvent que l'espace ecclésial constitue un excellent observatoire d'analyse identitaire, qui permet de mesurer l'impact des facteurs impliqués dans le processus d'établissement d'Eglises et de situer les défis ecclésiaux aux échelles nationale, régionale et internationale. Enfin, la prise en compte de la construction et de la diffusion de mythes géographiques et historiques en tant que vecteurs d'identité collective, mis en avant par l'Etat, permet de saisir leurs effets dans trois champs : l'enseignement universitaire et scolaire, la révision de l'histoire et l'aménagement territorial, qui concourent au processus actuel de reconstruction identitaire. / This thesis deals with Macedonia's national and ecclesiastical identity and develops three research areas to better define the complex notion of identity : ethnographic maps, ecclesiology, and the use of national myths from 1870 to 2013. It uses information from the Balkans, Western Europe, and Russia along with unpublished documents from diplomatic and ecclesiastical archives as well as field surveys. First of all, through the use of ethnographic maps, the thesis shows how the idea of « Macedonian Slavs » came about, a concept long anchored in the ambiguity of a territorial and ethnic definition. It also demonstrates the theoretical foundation of the idea (including the rôle played by Jovan Cvijic) and presents the various actors from cartographers and geographers to the theoreticians of Macedonian ethnic particularity. The thesis then analyses the rôle of Churches in affirming national feelings as well as ecclesiological criteria. The cases of the Macedonian Orthodox and Uniate Churches prove that the ecclesiastical space constitutes an excellent observation point for analyzing identity. From this observatory, the impact of factors that contributed to the establishment of the Churches can be measured, and the ecclesial challenges can be situated on regional, national, and international scales. Finally, the study of the construction and diffusion of geographical and historical myths, as markers of a collective identity which have been put forward by the State, help to understand their impact in three areas : high school and university teaching, the revision of history, and territorial planning. These three play a rôle in the contemporary process of identity reconstruction.

Culture, change and the management of London's taxi drivers

Galvin, Michael January 2016 (has links)
This research has been based on my experiences of London taxi drivers, both before I entered the London Taxi Industry, whilst studying to be a London taxi driver and during the thirty years I spent within the industry in a number of roles. My research has been undertaken in an inductive, broadly ideographic style. The study has been developed through initially narrating my experiences and observations in the industry and then analysing this account reflexively. The material that formed the basis of my narrative account was collected in an ethnographic style. In addition to my narrative account I also referenced the small amount of published material concerning the London taxi industry and interviewed a number of taxi drivers. A significant constraint was the lack of peer reviewed literature concerning taxi drivers and the taxi industry. Once I had developed my narrative account I then interpreted it in order to better understand the experiences and observations, the institutions and the people within the industry to understand and relate how they react and behave within their environment. The analysis involved deconstruction and interpretation against a framework of relevant literature to facilitate my understanding and assist sense making. I also interpreted the interactions with those outside of the taxi drivers' environment and analysed the persona that journalists and others have constructed that is meant to represent the London Taxi Driver. I considered the identity and characteristics implied by journalists with the prevailing culture and the identity that taxi drivers and the industry sought to portray. The qualification to become a taxi driver is known as the Knowledge of London. The Knowledge, as it is known in the industry, is recognised as an onerous task and has developed according to many in the industry into a rite of passage. I found that this process, with its rituals and arcane practices, which are accepted consensually by the industry, had a significant effect on the taxi drivers' identity and their status amongst non-taxi driver peers. Taxi driving is considered in working class circles to be at the upper end of a hierarchy of professional driving roles largely due to the achievement of passing the Knowledge of London together with the earning opportunity, perceived job security and flexibility afforded by being one's own boss. Knowledge of London students and taxi drivers appear to demonstrate common behavioural traits which I have explored in my research. London's taxi drivers appear to fear an assimilation of their role with other lower status driving roles and this fear has a significant effect on any attempts at change within the industry or within its institutions. The institutions within the industry provided much material for me to consider in the context of their alignment or clash with the culture of the industry. Changes in business processes and some of the institutions' relationships with their taxi driver stakeholders and the challenges to the industry's culture are considered as case studies within my reflexive account. The contribution to original knowledge is the insight into the culture and identity of London's Taxi Drivers, the behaviours and relationships within the industry both between drivers and the institutions that regulate, represent and benefit from the industry. Taxi drivers' responses to organisational and business process change. Further contributions to original knowledge are provided from the realisation that much of the structure developed within conventional organisations by management has developed organically without management intervention in the taxi industry. Many of the traits of life in offices and factories are likewise present in the London Taxi Industry despite the disparate and virtual nature of the industry and its reliance on consensual adoption of rules and practice rather than managerial influence and formal processes and procedures.

Práticas culturais dos jovens: um novo olhar sobre os jovens no campo da saúde.

Pimentel, Adriana Miranda January 2009 (has links)
p. 1-266 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-24T18:37:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 999999999ee.pdf: 3002143 bytes, checksum: caa3eda4745014d940a6e03bdfa16461 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Creuza Silva(mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-05-04T16:57:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 999999999ee.pdf: 3002143 bytes, checksum: caa3eda4745014d940a6e03bdfa16461 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-04T16:57:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 999999999ee.pdf: 3002143 bytes, checksum: caa3eda4745014d940a6e03bdfa16461 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / O presente estudo visa compreender os sentidos e significados das práticas culturais produzidas por jovens em um determinado contexto e conhecer as contingências vividas e percebidas nas suas trajetórias biográficas, porque parte do pressuposto de que as práticas surgem dessas experiências de vida, bem como dos recursos e instrumentos apropriados e re-apropriados por eles nesse contexto. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em dois momentos: a) uma etnografia do bairro de Cosme de Farias a fim de descrever o contexto onde os jovens construíram suas trajetórias biográficas e desenvolvem suas práticas; e b) a análise das narrativas dos jovens sobre as contingências experimentadas por eles nas suas trajetórias de vida, bem como sobre os significados e sentidos das práticas que desenvolvem através das comunidades às quais pertencem. Este estudo etnográfico foi orientado pela perspectiva fenomenológica hermenêutica e lançou mão de diferentes estratégias de investigação para seu desenvolvimento, entre elas: um survey; aplicação de questionários; coleta de coordenadas geográficas; entrevistas aprofundadas com jovens e observação das práticas. A análise dos dados se processou através de diferentes recursos e estratégias, tais como: o emprego dos softwares Arc View para espacialização dos dados georreferenciados; QSR-Nvivo 2.0 para análise do material textual; e análise de narrativa a partir das entrevistas em profundidade com os jovens. A partir disso, foram identificadas algumas categorias que nortearam a condução da análise. Do ponto de vista dos jovens, o bairro apresenta problemas, particularmente, a violência, associada diretamente ao tráfico e uso de drogas, e a exploração sexual particularmente feminina, que não são problemas dos jovens e sim problemas que afetam a todos que vivem no bairro e estão diretamente relacionados à falta de ocupação − trabalho, lazer e formação para os jovens. Na leitura exaustiva das narrativas dos jovens sobre suas trajetórias biográficas, a noção de contingência foi o dispositivo para identificar vicissitudes e possibilidades, como aspectos que lhes são constitutivos. Desse modo, as agressões e dificuldades de sobrevivência material e simbólica foram fundantes para a ocorrência de rupturas nessas trajetórias, desvios não explicitados pelos jovens e ausências, particularmente da família. A partir dessas vicissitudes, possibilidades se pronunciaram como as formas possíveis de presença da família, de ganhos, que os jovens definem como “correria” e o aparecimento de pessoas-chave. Entre as possibilidades que se abrem, os jovens experimentam formas coletivas de enfrentamento das vicissitudes, denominadas, no estudo, práticas culturais. Essas práticas se apresentam como “táticas de resistência” às situações de desconforto e como geratrizes de mudança na vida dos jovens. Nesse sentido, é importante reconhecer que há um saber e práticas locais que possuem sentidos e significados para aqueles que vivem nesses espaços, e que o campo da saúde precisa estar aberto para reconhecer essas possibilidades nem sempre conhecidas e estabelecidas pelo seu próprio campo de atuação. / Salvador

Práticas de letramento no ensino fundamental: olhando o contexto familiar

Silva, Ivna Santos da January 2007 (has links)
Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-05-13T16:02:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert_Ivna Silva.pdf: 885274 bytes, checksum: 73800388ee7811ce9a296a3ac1934744 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Alda Lima da Silva(sivalda@ufba.br) on 2013-06-04T20:53:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert_Ivna Silva.pdf: 885274 bytes, checksum: 73800388ee7811ce9a296a3ac1934744 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-04T20:53:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert_Ivna Silva.pdf: 885274 bytes, checksum: 73800388ee7811ce9a296a3ac1934744 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Este trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa de cunho etnográfico sobre práticas de letramento de alunos da 4ª série do ensino fundamental, estudantes de uma escola municipal de ensino de Salvador, a escola Abrigos Filhos do Povo, e moradores do bairro da Liberdade e adjacências. Como objeto de estudo, têm-se práticas de letramento dos sujeitos envolvidos na pesquisa participante. A preocupação central desta pesquisa surge a partir do momento em que foi observada uma lacuna na relação entre a prática escolar, denominada, neste trabalho, “práticas de letramento escolar”, e a cultura de letramento dos alunos trazida do seu contexto social mais próximo. Por letramento, entende-se práticas sociais de leitura e de escrita realizadas em contextos específicos. Assim, os objetivos desta pesquisa envolvem a observação e descrição dessas práticas de letramento fora do contexto escolar. Em se tratando de uma pesquisa de cunho etnográfico, realizaram-se registros de campo, através de anotações, questionários e transcrições das gravações em áudio, durante as visitas nas famílias. Contou-se, como colaboradores da pesquisa, alunos de nove a quinze anos de idade, bem como seus familiares. Conclui-se, após as análises realizadas, que muitas são as práticas de letramento realizadas fora da escola e essas não podem ser desconsideradas pelo professor no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, em especial quando a aprendizagem está sendo construída em sala de aula. / Salvador

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