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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jazyk a etnicita na Balkáně a v Británii / Language and etnicity in the Balkans and in Britain

Blažek, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of ethnic consciousness in the territories of the Balkans and of Great Britain by focusing on the tendencies towards ethnical inclusion (crossing of ethnical boundaries) and ethnical exclusion (strengthening of the above mentioned). Inspired by B. Anderson's definition of nation (nation = imagined community), the author has chosen the languages of the investigated areas as the actual subject of his research. In three chapters he has studied first the structural and lexicological aspect of the language, then the terminological one (study of ethnonyms) and finally the textual one (study of national myths and the language used to their description). The conclusion of the research described above clearly shows, that whereas English is being perceived as a highly inclusive language (also due to its grammatical straightforwardness and lexicological richness) by speakers of other native languages in Britain (be it the autochthon minorities or migrants), in the Balkans, on the other hand, languages are being perceived as an exclusive propriety of the given ethnic group, which may even lead to artificial differences being introduced in them. The approach prevailing in Great Britain is clearly the one fostering better inter-ethnic cohabitation....

Nationalism and Modernization: A Comparative Case Study of Scots and Kurds

Turker, Ahmet Tolga 25 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Baltų mitologijos vertybinės nuostatos dailės pamokose / Moral values of Balts mythology in art lessons

Stunskaitė, Nijolė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Vertybinių nuostatų formavimas dailės pamokose atskleidžiant baltų mitologijos bruožus ir vertybes. Tikslas Atskleisti baltų mitologijos bruožus ir vertybes, sudaryti prielaidas jų sklaidai vizualinėje raiškoje. Hipotezė Pažintis su baltų mitologija praplečia mokinių kūrybinės veiklos diapazoną, skatina vaizduotės ir kūrybiškumo ugdymą. Uždaviniai 1. Apžvelgti baltų mitologijos vietą šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje ir mokymo sistemoje. 2. Išnagrinėti mokslinę, metodinę literatūrą baltų mitologijos klausimais. 3. Naujų, patrauklių jaunimui tautiškumo jausenos, lietuviškos savimonės stiprinimo būdų paieška. 4. Sukurti vizualinius kūrinius, padedančius supažindinti mokinius su baltų mitologija. 5. Atlikti kokybinius – kiekybinius tyrimus, nustatant, kokios senosios baltų mitologijos vertybės atsispindi šiuolaikinio jaunimo sąmonėj 11 – 12 klasių mokinių tarpe. 6.Nustatyti pedagogų požiūrį į baltų mitologiją ir panagrinėti jos vietą dalykinėse programose. Kokybiniai tyrimai. Giluminio interviu metodas pasitarnavo: 1. Apžvelgiant pagrindinius visatos sąrangos principus Technologijos mokslų daktaras V. Dineika 2. Nustatant moksleivių sąmoningumo laipsnį. 10 klasės moksleivė, folkloristė J. Čičirkaitė 3. Įvardinant įdomiausias etnokultūros šventes,skleidžiant baltų mitologijos vertybes Etninių tradicijų puoselėtoja E. Plioplienė 4. Įvertinant etnokultūrossvarbą, formuojant miesto kultūrinį veidą Etnokultūros centro darbuotoja M. Liugienė 5. Pabrėžiant folklorinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim To reveal the features and values of the Balt mythology in order to envisual art. Hypotezis Knoing the Balt mythology ridens the horizons of studens activities, develops imaginations and creativity Mythology and religion are the highest level of spiritual life. That is why religions belief very often was the couse of historic events. It is difficult to perclive the essence of some phenomena without those studies. This is the key to understanding of the care of folk songs, fairy tales and even the elements of folklore ornaments.The Balts dides’t invent their alphabet, thei dides’t lieve their religions texsts and rithuals. We can judge abaut their religion and kults from short messages in the chronicles of neighbouring countries or the reminiscence of travellers. After Lithuania was baptised many old religions things turned into traditions and customs. There are not enough data to reconstruct separate religious systems of the Baltic tribes. Researchess are confident of the main differences in Lithuanian Latvian or Prusian believs. Some elements of Indoeuropean substrato f ontlook kan be tranced as there are featuhres of totems and the cults of femini goddesses. According to the starter of archeomythology dr. M. Gimbutienė this is heritage of the old Europe. Structurized religions system corres pouding the society orf that time had pean tribes, its hierarchy is based on the threesome of Gods. ,,the whole old culture whick we call folk, traditional or ethnic... [to full text]

Moksleivių etninio ugdymo galimybės pradinėse klasėse / Opportunities of the ethnic education in primary classes

Adamkavičienė, Daiva 28 August 2009 (has links)
Mažėjant tradicinėms lietuvių šeimoms, pamažu nyksta ir senieji lietuvių papročiai, blėsta tautinis savitumas, iškilo grėsmė visos lietuvių etninės kultūros sunykimui. Dėl pasikeitusių socialinių sąlygų, etnokultūrinė savimonė, raiška turi būti formuojama ir ugdoma pradinėse klasėse, pasitelkiant įvairias priemones. Tyrimo objektas – etninės kultūros ugdymas neformalaus švietimo sistemoje. Darbo tikslas – ištirti etninio ugdymo galimybes pradinių klasių vaikų folkloro ansamblyje. Iškelti uždaviniai: išnagrinėti etnokultūrinio ugdymo sampratą; išanalizuoti etninės kultūros reikšmę pradiniame ugdyme; išskirti etninio ugdymo galimybes formalioje ir neformalioje veikloje pradinėse klasėse; ištirti darbo formas, metodus pradinių klasių vaikų kolektyve; suformuoti metodines gaires folkloro ansamblių vadovams. Tyrimo metodika – mokslinės ir metodinės literatūros analizė; ekspertų metodas, pateikiant anketinį interviu; vaikų folkloro ansamblių repeticijų stebėjimo. Atliekant tyrimą buvo apklausta 12 Lietuvoje esančių geriausių vaikų folkloro ansamblių vadovai, stebėtos keturių vaikų folkloro ansamblių repeticijos. Tyrimo metu buvo atskleista, kad etninis ugdymas folkloro ansambliuose vyksta atsižvelgiant į vaikų amžių, todėl darbas su pradinukais pradedamas nuo žaidimų ir natūralaus balso formavimo. Ugdymas vaikų folkloro ansambliuose vyksta pasitelkiant visas folkloro rūšis: dainavimą, choreografiją, grojimą tradiciniais instrumentais, pasakojamąją ir smulkiąją tautosaką... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The number of traditional Lithuanian families is decreasing; the old Lithuanian customs are disappearing little by little, the national individuality is flagging, the Lithuanian ethnic culture is in danger of disappears. Due to the changed social situation, the etnocultural consciousness, expression must be formed and educated in primary classes, using various means. The object of the research – the ethnic culture education in the non-formal education system. The purpose of the work – to examine the ethnic identity formation possibilities in the primary classes. Set tasks: to consider the conception of etnocultural education; to analyze the meaning of ethnic culture in the primary education; to review the situation of ethnic education in primary classes; to examine the forms and methods of the work in the collectives of primary classes. Method of the research: the analysis of scientific and methodic literature, the expert method, using questionnaire-interview, the observation of children folklore ensemble rehearsals. Twelve leaders of the best Lithuanian children ensembles were questioned during the research. Four rehearsals of the children folklore ensembles were observed. The research revealed that the ethnic education in the children folklore ensembles is done considering the age of children, that‘s why the activities in primary classes begin with games and formation of natural voice. Education in children folklore ensembles is done using all the types of folklore:... [to full text]

Territorialidade quilombola : o direito étnico sobre a terra na comunidade de Rincão dos Martimianos - RS

Borba, Carolina dos Anjos de January 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo central apreender o sistema de direitos étnicos territoriais que codificam o espaço físico da comunidade quilombola de Rincão dos Martimianos, situada no município de Restinga Seca - RS. Trata-se não apenas de elucidar as formas de herança e sucessão da terra, mas de enfrentar a complexa cosmologia de apropriação do território expressa pelo grupo étnico ora estudado. Objetiva-se, também, analisar as ações engendradas pela comunidade negra a fim de domesticar as incursões do Estado brasileiro que insiste em sobrecodificar valores universalistas ao modo de vida quilombola; especialmente a partir da inauguração do processo administrativo de regularização fundiária pleiteada pelas lideranças locais junto ao Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA). Examinam-se, por fim, algumas das relações estabelecidas entre Martimianos e seu entorno; nesse espectro sobrelevam-se as formas articuladas pelo grupo na resistência ao racismo e às constantes expropriações de terra. / The present masters dissertation has as its main objective to learn about the territorial etnic rights that codificate the quilombo community Rincão dos Martimianos space, located in the town of Restinga Seca – RS. It aims to find out not only about the inheriting and succession system of land, but also about facing the complex cosmology of apropriation of land showed by the studied etnic group. We also aim to analise actions the carried out by the Afro-descendant community in order to domesticate the incursions in the Brazilian State, wich insists in over codificate universalist values to the quilombola way of life, specially from the inauguration of the fundiary´s regularization administrative process pled by the local liderances to the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA). Eventually, we examinate some stablished relations between the Martimians and their arounds. Under this view, step out the racism resistance group articulated forms and the constant land expropriations.

Territorialidade quilombola : o direito étnico sobre a terra na comunidade de Rincão dos Martimianos - RS

Borba, Carolina dos Anjos de January 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo central apreender o sistema de direitos étnicos territoriais que codificam o espaço físico da comunidade quilombola de Rincão dos Martimianos, situada no município de Restinga Seca - RS. Trata-se não apenas de elucidar as formas de herança e sucessão da terra, mas de enfrentar a complexa cosmologia de apropriação do território expressa pelo grupo étnico ora estudado. Objetiva-se, também, analisar as ações engendradas pela comunidade negra a fim de domesticar as incursões do Estado brasileiro que insiste em sobrecodificar valores universalistas ao modo de vida quilombola; especialmente a partir da inauguração do processo administrativo de regularização fundiária pleiteada pelas lideranças locais junto ao Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA). Examinam-se, por fim, algumas das relações estabelecidas entre Martimianos e seu entorno; nesse espectro sobrelevam-se as formas articuladas pelo grupo na resistência ao racismo e às constantes expropriações de terra. / The present masters dissertation has as its main objective to learn about the territorial etnic rights that codificate the quilombo community Rincão dos Martimianos space, located in the town of Restinga Seca – RS. It aims to find out not only about the inheriting and succession system of land, but also about facing the complex cosmology of apropriation of land showed by the studied etnic group. We also aim to analise actions the carried out by the Afro-descendant community in order to domesticate the incursions in the Brazilian State, wich insists in over codificate universalist values to the quilombola way of life, specially from the inauguration of the fundiary´s regularization administrative process pled by the local liderances to the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA). Eventually, we examinate some stablished relations between the Martimians and their arounds. Under this view, step out the racism resistance group articulated forms and the constant land expropriations.

Historie židovské obce na Strakonicku / Judish community in the Strakonice ragion

ZÁBRANSKÝ, Václav January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this material is to prove by evidence with the support of available materials the appearance of the Jewish community not only in the Strakonice region, but as well as in its surroundings, icluding smaller or volatile neighbourhoods. In the first part of this material we have been focused on the charakteristics of the Jewis settlements in the Czech regions. With that we continue following convential partition of the historical ages. Facts established characteristics and trends are than applied to the presentive localities and particular herirages. In the following part, the material is focused on the daily existence of Jewish communicity and particularly on the unique elements, having respect to the situation in Strakonice region. The content of the final part is description of the particular localities and the existings monuments.

Territorialidade quilombola : o direito étnico sobre a terra na comunidade de Rincão dos Martimianos - RS

Borba, Carolina dos Anjos de January 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo central apreender o sistema de direitos étnicos territoriais que codificam o espaço físico da comunidade quilombola de Rincão dos Martimianos, situada no município de Restinga Seca - RS. Trata-se não apenas de elucidar as formas de herança e sucessão da terra, mas de enfrentar a complexa cosmologia de apropriação do território expressa pelo grupo étnico ora estudado. Objetiva-se, também, analisar as ações engendradas pela comunidade negra a fim de domesticar as incursões do Estado brasileiro que insiste em sobrecodificar valores universalistas ao modo de vida quilombola; especialmente a partir da inauguração do processo administrativo de regularização fundiária pleiteada pelas lideranças locais junto ao Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA). Examinam-se, por fim, algumas das relações estabelecidas entre Martimianos e seu entorno; nesse espectro sobrelevam-se as formas articuladas pelo grupo na resistência ao racismo e às constantes expropriações de terra. / The present masters dissertation has as its main objective to learn about the territorial etnic rights that codificate the quilombo community Rincão dos Martimianos space, located in the town of Restinga Seca – RS. It aims to find out not only about the inheriting and succession system of land, but also about facing the complex cosmology of apropriation of land showed by the studied etnic group. We also aim to analise actions the carried out by the Afro-descendant community in order to domesticate the incursions in the Brazilian State, wich insists in over codificate universalist values to the quilombola way of life, specially from the inauguration of the fundiary´s regularization administrative process pled by the local liderances to the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA). Eventually, we examinate some stablished relations between the Martimians and their arounds. Under this view, step out the racism resistance group articulated forms and the constant land expropriations.

Artrite reumatoide em Afro-brasileiros : "O papel do HLA" / Rheumatoid arthritis in Afro-brazilians : "The role of HLA"

Pina, Fabiana Pompeo de 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Manoel Barros Bertolo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T03:46:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pina_FabianaPompeode_M.pdf: 947949 bytes, checksum: 7e9310579d25142d2d37758ff60f7796 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A associação de antígenos de histocompatibilidade com a Artrite Reumatóide (AR) vem sendo demonstrada em inúmeros estudos. No entanto, a avaliação em populações afro-descendentes ainda foi pouco estudada. Os propósitos deste estudo foram os de determinar a freqüência dos alelos HLA-DRB1 e as contribuições do polimorfismo desses alelos na susceptibilidade da AR na população afrobrasileira. Este estudo avaliou também, se a teoria do epitopo semelhante (SE) e o modelo de proteção da Artrite Reumatóide (RAP Model) se aplicam aos pacientes afro-brasileiros com AR. Os alelos HLA-DRB1 de 72 pacientes afro-brasileiros com AR, diagnosticados pelos critérios do American College of Rheumatology (ACR), e de 75 indivíduos saudáveis foram tipados e subtipados utilizando-se a técnica de reação em cadeia de polimerase de DNA amplificado hibridizado, com seqüência de primers específicos de alta e baixa resolução, e depois comparados. Os alelos HLADRB1 *0404 e *0405 apresentaram freqüência maior nos pacientes do que no grupo controle. Já, alelo HLA-DRB1*0102 apresentou uma freqüência aumentada no grupo controle (9,3%), quando comparada com a freqüência nos pacientes. Os alelos DRB1 considerados como pertencentes ao grupo do epitopo semelhante estavam presentes em 39 pacientes (54,2%) e em 20 controles (26,7%), indicando que teoria do epitopo semelhante se aplica à população afro-brasileira com Artrite Reumatóide. Os alelos HLA-DRB1 que apresentavam a sequência DERAA (alelos protetores) reduziram, de forma independente, o risco de desenvolver AR. Os dados obtidos apontam para uma intensa miscigenação racial presente no Brasil. Assim, como nos faz concluir que a susceptibilidade da Artrite Reumatóide em afro-brasileiros é, provavelmente, mediada pela interação de fatores genéticos e étnicos / Abstract: The association of histocompatibility antigens with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) comes being demonstrated in innumerable studies. However, the evaluation in afrodescendents populations still little was studied. The aim of this study has been to determine the frequency of HLA-DRB1 alleles, and the contributions of the polymorphism of these alleles in the susceptibility of RA in the Afro-Brazilian population as well. This study, also evaluated, if the theory of the shared epitope (SE) and the model of protection of the Rheumatoid Arthritis (RAP Model) can also be applied to the Afro-Brazilian patients suffering RA. The HLA-DRB1 alleles in 72 Afro-Brazilian patients suffering RA, diagnosed in accordance to the criteria of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), and of 75 healthful volunteers had been typed and sub-typed using the technique of the polymerase chain reaction of the amplified hybridized DNA, with specific sequence of primers of high and low resolution, were then compared. The HLA-DRB1 *0404 and *0405 alleles had presented higher frequency in the patients group than in the control group. The HLADRB1 *0102 alleles presented a frequency increased (9,3%) in the control group, when compared with the patients group. The DRB1 alleles considered as pertaining to the group of shared epitope were present in 39 patients (54.2%) and in 20 members of the control group(26.7%), indicating that the theory of the shared epitope it is also applied to the Afro-Brazilian population with Rheumatoid Arthritis. The HLADRB1 alleles that presented DERAA sequence (protectors alleles), had reduced, of independent form, the risk to develop RA. The gotten data point to an intense racial miscegenation in Brazil. Thus, as in it makes them to conclude that the susceptibility of the Rheumatic Arthritis in Afro-Brazilian is, probably, determined by the interaction of genetic and ethnic factors / Mestrado / Clinica Medica / Mestre em Clinica Medica

Tecnologias Educacionais na aplicação da lei 10.639/2003 em Salvador: uma análise do Programa Almanaque Viramundo da TV Anísio Teixeira - Secretaria da Educação

Moraes, Joalva Menezes de 10 November 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Jamile Barbosa da Cruz (jamile.cruz@ucsal.br) on 2017-01-16T14:10:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Joalva.pdf: 1039964 bytes, checksum: fed482436a17a4c6bf6c642e8891bbc0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rosemary Magalhães (rosemary.magalhaes@ucsal.br) on 2017-01-16T18:55:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Joalva.pdf: 1039964 bytes, checksum: fed482436a17a4c6bf6c642e8891bbc0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-16T18:55:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Joalva.pdf: 1039964 bytes, checksum: fed482436a17a4c6bf6c642e8891bbc0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-11-10 / A pesquisa tem como tema as tecnologias educacionais produzidas pela Secretaria da Educação do Estado da Bahia como recurso pedagógico para implementação da Lei 10.639/2003, em Salvador. Essa Lei obriga o ensino da história e cultura da África e dos afrodescendentes, nas escolas brasileiras. O objeto da pesquisa diz respeito a quadros que integram doze episódios do programa da TV Anísio Teixeira/Secretaria da Educação do Estado da Bahia, Almanaque Viramundo, relacionados diretamente, com a questão defendida pela Lei. Essa análise responde às seguintes questões: Em que medida a programação da TV Anísio Teixeira está atendendo à Lei 10.639/2003? Como esse recurso foi recebido pela comunidade da escola estudada, tanto como recurso pedagógico, quanto no que se refere ao cumprimento daquela legislação? Para tanto, os caminhos metodológicos corresponderam à pesquisa biográfica e documental; análise do discurso de seis quadros das doze edições do programa Almanaque Viramundo; grupo focal com professores, estudantes, servidores e representantes do corpo diretivo do Colégio Estadual Governador Lomanto Júnior, localizado no bairro de Itapuã, em Salvador. Dessa forma, verificou-se a pertinência do material audiovisual analisado no que tange ao desencadeamento de uma reflexão acerca de temas sobre a história e a cultura africana e afro-brasileira; e investigou-se a recepção dele junto ao público alvo daquele colégio. / The research has as a theme the educational technologies produced by the Department of Education of Bahia as pedagogical source for the implementation of the law 10.639/2003, in Salvador. This law obligates the teaching of history and culture of the afrodescendants at Brazilian schools. The research object concerns the program pieces exclusively related to the question defended by the law, namely the 12 episodes of the Anísio Teixeira TV/SEC program "Almanaque Viramundo". This analysis answers the following questions: how much do the Anísio Teixeira TV programs contemplate the law 10.639/2003? How this resource was received by the community of the observed school, not only as a pedagogical tool, but also as fulfilling the legislation? To do so, the methodological ways were related to the biographic and documental research; discourse analysis of six sections of the twelve episodes of the "Almanaque Viramundo" program; focal group with teachers, students, servers and pedagogical coordinator of the Colégio Estadual Governador Lomanto Junior, in the neighborhood of Itapuã, in Salvador. This way, it was verified the relevance of the analysed audiovisual material regarding the development of reflections about themes on the African and Afrobrazilian history and culture; and the target group acceptance by the was investigated at that school.

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