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Women in Cambodia - analysing the role and influence of women in rural Cambodian society with a special focus on forming religious identityWekemann, Ursula 12 1900 (has links)
This study analyses the role and influence of rural Khmer women on their families and
society, focusing on their formation of religious identity.
Based on literature research, the role and influence of Khmer women is examined
from the perspectives of history, the belief systems that shape Cambodian culture and
thinking, and Cambodian social structure.
The findings show that although very few Cambodian women are in high leadership
positions, they do have considerable influence, particularly within the household and
extended family. Along the lines of their natural relationships they have many
opportunities to influence the formation of religious identity, through sharing their lives
and faith in words and deeds with the people around them.
A model based on Bible storying is proposed as a suitable strategy to strengthen the
natural influence of rural Khmer women on forming religious identity and use it
intentionally for the spreading of the gospel in Cambodia. / Research Institute for Theology and Religion / M. Th. (Missiology)
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On evangelizing an avatar : an empirical exploration of the expression of faith in virtual realitySchulte, Steffen Michael 11 1900 (has links)
Mission is a central aspect of the Christian faith and much thought is given to the challenge of proclaiming the gospel in a new context or to a different people group (i.e. contextualization). In recent years, a new context has come to the forefront that has been and is being created through technology, namely virtual reality (VR). The purpose of this study is to explore how contextualization, with regards to evangelization, needs to be done in VR. The proposed thesis is that VR provides a new context in which the Christian faith is, or should be, shared in a contextualized way.
Although much thought is given to the question of religion in VR, it mostly focuses on the nature of communities online. This study addresses the issue of online evangelization, which has so far received less attention.
This doctoral thesis is structured after the empirical-theological praxis cycle of Faix (2007a), and the Policy Delphi Method (PDM) is the research technique used. Through the PDM, a panel of experts from different backgrounds (theologians, sociologists, and practitioners) discussed the various ways in which VR affects evangelization, the way people form their religious identity, and how contextualization could take place. The aim of this research is to contribute to the field of missiology by investigating VR as a new context in which to proclaim the Christian faith / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)
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História, Teologia e Prática do Centro Ecumênico de Evangelização, Capacitação e Assessoria: uma contribuição para o movimento ecumênico no BrasilJosé Carlos Stoffel 21 March 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação é fruto de uma pesquisa sobre a história, teologia e prática de um organismo ecumênico, o Centro Ecumênico de Evangelização, Capacitação e Assessoria CECA. O CECA nasceu com entidade católico-romana e foi evoluindo de uma forma que se tornou ecumênica por causa de diversos fatores, especialmente eclesiásticos. Neste trabalho analisaremos a contribuição do CECA na difusão da Teologia da Libertação no Brasil e suas práticas a partir desse referencial teológico e as implicações da história da entidade com o próprio desenvolvimento da TL na América Latina. Concomitantemente foi se construindo uma proposta de ecumenismo no CECA que foi um aporte significativo para o movimento ecumênico no Brasil. Na memória dos trinta anos de história do CECA se resgatam personagens, práticas e uma proposta de evangelização comprometida com as transformações estruturais da sociedade, como mediações históricas do reino de Deus que têm na unidade dos cristãos como principal princípio para uma nova oikoumene segundo os desígnios de Deus, anunciados pelos profetas bíblicos e encarnados em Jesus Cristo. / The present dissertation is a research about History, Theology and Practice of an ecumenical organism The Ecumenical Center of Evangelization, Formation and Consultancy CECA. It was created as a Roman-Catholic entity and has been growing to become ecumenical because of many, namely ecclesiastic reasons. In this essay, I shall analyze the contribution of CECA toward the proliferation of Liberation Theology in Brazil and its practices based on this theological reference, as well as the interrelatedness between the history of this organization with the development of Liberation Theology in Latin America. Simultaneously, a new ecumenical proposal was being elaborated by CECA which has given significant support to the Ecumenical Movement in Brazil. From the thirty years of its history, many things are to been remembered: persons, practices and a proposal of evangelization engaged with structural transformations of society, as historic mediations of the kingdom of God with Christian unity as its main principle toward a new oikoumene, according to Gods purpose, announced by biblical prophets and embodied in Jesus Christ.
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Movimento de Renovação Carismática Católica: história, juventude e representações (Uberlândia, 1977-2014)Oliveira, Michel ângelo Abadio de 28 October 2014 (has links)
This work wants show the insertion of Charismatic Movement in Contemporary Catholicism en Uberlândia. From representations of evangelization, it seeks to understand analogies as Modernity/Tradition and Time/History/Religion, based on participation of young people in the Charismatic Movement. As a consequence also became necessary to address principles Vatican Council II, since it allowed the emergence of Charismatic Renewal, bringing their similarities and differences with the Protestant Pentecostalism. Furthermore, with the focus on charismatic young, it it important to examine some of his most expressive elements, such a Prayer Groups and the relationship of these young people with university. / O presente trabalho procura mostrar a inserção do Movimento Carismático NO Catolicismo Contemporâneo em Uberlândia. A partir das representações de evangelização, busca-se entender analogias como Modernidade/Tradição e Tempo/História/Religião, com base na participação dos jovens no Movimento Carismático. Como consequência, também se fez necessário abordar princípios do Concílio Vaticano II, uma vez que permitiu o surgimento da Renovação Carismática, trazendo suas aproximações e distanciamentos com o pentecostalismo protestante. Além disso, tendo o foco na juventude carismática, é importante analisar alguns de seus elementos mais expressivos, como os Grupos de Oração e a relação desses jovens com a universidade. / Mestre em História
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Radiojornalismo em emissoras católicas: a evangelização pela notíciaBeatriz Trezzi Vieira 10 September 2013 (has links)
Este estudo busca traçar o perfil dos radiojornais e averiguar como é produzido o jornalismo veiculado pela Rádio Aparecida AM e a Rádio Canção Nova AM, duas das mais influentes emissoras católicas do País. Uma vez que os responsáveis pelas rádios procuram evangelizar por meio da programação, nela incluída a atividade jornalística, procurou-se observar as características intrínsecas aos noticiários dessas emissoras, as quais representam segmento expressivo, em termos quantitativos, no Brasil. Por meio da análise dos radiojornais selecionados nesta pesquisa, foi possível verificar como esses estão estruturados em termos de editorias, seu conteúdo religioso, fontes entrevistadas e temas abordados, que podem ser considerados próprios do radiojornalismo católico, conforme indicam os responsáveis pelas rádios. As entrevistas a representantes da Igreja Católica e a especialistas, bem como a consulta a fontes bibliográficas, complementam as bases de reflexão sobre o jornalismo produzido em um contexto religioso. Conclui-se que a evangelização pela notícia presta um serviço à sociedade, na medida em que garante espaço a causas sociais no noticiário e procura promover os valores humanos, defender a vida e lutar por justiça, princípios inerentes também à deontologia do próprio jornalismo. Porém, é necessário que, nessa atividade, seja observado o conjunto de deveres, princípios e normas que norteiam a atividade jornalística, à luz da responsabilidade social e do interesse público, inerentes à concessão de um serviço público, como é a radiodifusão / This study aims to profile the radio news programs and examine how journalism is produced and aired by Rádio Aparecida AM and Rádio Canção Nova AM, two of the most influential Catholic broadcasters in the country. Once those responsible for the radio stations seek to evangelize through their programming, including the journalistic activity, the intrinsic characteristics to the news of these radios, which represent a significant number of stations in Brazil, were observed. Through the analysis of the news programs of these two stations, it was possible to see how they are structured in terms of editorial, religious content, sources interviewed and themes that can be considered characteristic of Catholic radio journalism, as shown by the keepers of the radios. Interviews with representatives of the Catholic Church and experts, as well as consultation to bibliographic sources, complement the basis for reflection on journalism produced in a religious context. It has been concluded that the evangelization through the news provides a service to society, as it ensures space for social causes and seeks to promote human values, defend life and fight for justice, also the principles of journalism ethics itself. However, in this activity, it must be strictly observed the set of duties, principles and standards that guide journalistic activity, in the light of social responsibility and public interest, inherent in the granting of public service broadcasting.
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Pobreza e alianças: análise das relações entre uma comunidade de vida e aliança no Espírito Santo e a cidade de São Paulo / Poverty and alliances: an analysis of the relations between a life and alliance within the Holy Ghost community and the city of São PauloPierina Angélica Soratto Jacinto 21 February 2011 (has links)
A presente reflexão tem como objetivo analisar a mútua construção entre religião e cidade. Mais especificamente, procura-se investigar como atividades, casas e crenças católicas concebem e se relacionam com espaços e atores urbanos, articulando circuitos, manchas e pedaços na cidade de São Paulo. Por outro lado, esta abordagem também visa analisar como a cidade, enquanto realidade social e historicamente construída, formatou a criação, bem como reflete-se nas atividades, casas e crenças católicas pesquisadas. O objeto empírico desta pesquisa consiste em uma organização religiosa geralmente classificada como comunidade de vida e aliança no Espírito Santo, cujo nome é Aliança de Misericórdia, analisada antropologicamente por meio do recurso teórico-metodológico etnográfico. A Aliança de Misericórdia constitui-se como ator religioso, constrói suas casas e atividades e, desse modo, se relaciona com a cidade, por meio de uma noção alargada de pobreza. Tal concepção cristã da pobreza é responsável pela formação de várias alianças, pelas quais a comunidade observada legitima e sustenta a sua atuação em diferentes domínios urbanos. Por fim, a noção de pobreza desenvolvida pela Aliança de Misericórdia implica na demonização de certos espaços e atores urbanos definidos como pobres em um sentido material, o que articula uma definição da cidade como um verdadeiro inferno, o qual procura-se evangelizar por diversos e novos métodos. / This dissertation examines the mutual construction of religion and the city. More specifically, the analysis is focused in how catholic activities, houses and beliefs conceive and are related to urban spaces and actors, articulating circuits, patches and turfs in São Paulo. On the other hand, this approach also analyses how the city, as a social reality historically constructed, framed formatted the establishment, as well as how it reflects on the catholic activities, houses and beliefs observed. The empirical object of this research consists of a religious organization usually classified as a life and alliance within the Holy Ghost community, called Mercy alliance, anthropologically analyzed by means of the ethnographic theoretical and methodological resource (method). The Mercy Alliance is constituted as a religious actor, which establishes its houses and activities, therefore relating itself to the city, by means of a broad notion of poverty. This Christian notion of poverty is responsible for the making of several alliances, on which the observed community legitimates and supports its actions in different urban domains. Finally, the notion of poverty developed by the Mercy Alliance engenders the demonization of certain urban spaces and actors, classified as poor in a material sense, thus articulating a definition of the city as hell that shall be evangelized by new and different methods.
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L'évangélisation de Panama : les fondements des missions jésuites dans la société coloniale (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) / The evangelization of Panama City : the foundations of jesuit missions in colonial society (XVIth-XVIIth centuries)Ngoma-Ngoma, Aymard-Cedric 06 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie l’implantation et l’action apostolique des jésuites dans la ville de Panama entre 1578 et 1671. Cette chronologie correspond à la création du premier domicile jésuite dans cette ville, et à la destruction de celle-ci par le corsaire anglais Henry Morgan. De passage à Lima où il allait établir la Compagnie avec quelques compagnons, Jéronimo Ruiz del Portillo, chef de l’expédition, arrive donc à Panama en 1568 dans le cadre de la route des Indes. Immédiatement, il écrit à François de Borgia, préposé général, pour lui demander de faire de cette ville une mission stable, et par-dessus tout, le siège de la Compagnie du Pérou. Face aux réticences de Borgia et de ses successeurs, c’est seulement en 1578 que deux jésuites s’y établissent avec le concours des bourgeois et des autorités locales, après une mission dans les montagnes de Bayano contre les Noirs marron. A travers l’étude croisée des sources de la Compagnie et celles de la monarchie, nous avons pu définir le type de domicile que les disciples d’Ignace de Loyola implantent à Panama d’abord en cette année 1578, puis en 1585. A partir de cette deuxième date, ils entremêlent les missions citadines et rurales au travers desquelles il est possible d’analyser les relations qu’ils nouent avec les oligarchies locales, avec la monarchie et avec les dirigeants de l’Ordre du Pérou et de Rome. L’étude de ces relations permet donc de mettre en évidence les agissements des jésuites dans la société coloniale panaméenne / This dissertation examines the establishment and the action of the jesuits in the city of Panama from 1578 to 1671. This chronology corresponds to the creaction of the first Jesuit house in this city, and to the destruction of this one by the English privateer Henry Morgan. On his way to Lima, where he was to set up the Compagny with a few companions, JéronimoRuiz del Portillo, chief of the expedition, arrived in Panama in 1568 as part of Indian Route. Immediately, he wrote to Francis de Borgia, general attendant, asking him to make this city a stable mission, and above all, the headquarters of the Peruvian Compagny. Faced with the refusal of Borgia and his successors, it was only in 1578 that two Jesuits settled there with the help of the bourgeois and the local authorities, after a mission in the mountains of Bayano against the maroons. Through the cross-examination of the sources of the Compagny and those of the monarchy, we have been able to define the type of domicile that the disciples of Ignatius of Loyola established in Panama first in this year 1578 and then in 1585. From this second date, they intermingled the urban and rural missions through wich it is possible to analyse the relations that they established with the local oligarchies, with the monarchy and with the leaders of the Order of Peru and of Rome. The study of these relations makes it possible to highlight the actions of the Jesuits in the Panamanian colonial society
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A atuação das missionárias de Jesus Crucificado como vigárias paroquiais em Nísia Floresta-RN (1963-1989): uma inovação pastoral.Ferreira, Luzia Valladão 11 December 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-12-11 / This research turns to the second half of the twentieth century, when the Archdiocese of Natal/RN undertook numerous iniciatives aimed at alleviating the suffering of rural families and people from the outskirts of cities. These initiatives have become internationally known as “Movimento de Natal”. Among these initiatives, the experience of the Parish Vicars in Nísia Floresta/RN was impressive. Due to the lack of priests in the Archdiocese, Bishop Eugênio de Araújo Sales gave the administration of the Parish of Nísia Floreta/RN to the Missionaries of Jesus Crucified, granting the Sisters all the rights and duties of parish vicars, except for the administration of the sacraments of Penance and of the Euchatist, proper to the priestly ministry. The experience lasted 25 years, from October1963 to August 1989, and its importance was to favor conditions for rural workers to become protagonists of their life. In a dynamic of decentralization and respect for local culture, they prepared the people to fight for their rights, in line with the social doctrine of the Catholic Church. This experience shows that an evangelization as an inserted pastoral ministry induces evangelizers. Its uniqueness opened space for a reflection on the role of women in the Church, extremely restricted at the time. Hence it drew so much attention to the whole world. / Esta pesquisa volta-se para a segunda metade do século XX, quando a Arquidiocese de Natal/RN empreendeu inúmeras iniciativas com o fim de amenizar o sofrimento das famílias rurais e das periferias das cidades. Essas iniciativas tornaram-se internacionalmente conhecidas como “O Movimento de Natal”. Dentre essas iniciativas, impactante foi a experiência das Vigárias Paroquiais em Nísia Floresta/RN. Em função da carência de sacerdotes na Arquidiocese, Dom Eugênio de Araújo Sales entregou a administração dessa Paróquia às Missionárias de Jesus Crucificado, concedendo às Irmãs todos os direitos e deveres de vigárias paroquiais, exceto a administração dos sacramentos da Penitência e da Eucaristia, próprios do ministério sacerdotal. A experiência teve a duração de 25 anos, de outubro de 1963 a agosto de 1989, e sua importância consistiu em favorecer, aos trabalhadores rurais, condições de tornarem-se protagonistas do seu destino. Numa dinâmica de descentralização e respeito à cultura local, prepararam o povo para lutarem pelos seus direitos, em consonância com a doutrina social da Igreja Católica. Essa experiência mostra que uma evangelização nos moldes de uma pastoral inserida gera evangelizantes. Sua singularidade abriu espaço para uma reflexão a respeito do papel da mulher na Igreja, extremamente restrito na época. Daí porque chamou tanto a atenção do mundo inteiro.
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Fé e compromisso cristão na América Latina: pistas para ação sócio-transformadora.Silva, Sandro Sebastião Filho da 27 March 2018 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-27 / The research's objective is to analyze the political character of faith, in the evangelizing action, as a transforming social element, based on the principles of the Church's Social Teaching. Through these, we offer answers to the various challenges – political, economic, social, environmental and religious - that are presented to human and Christian life, regarding to the construction of a better world for the very edification of the human being. The perspective that permeates this work lies in the person of the Christian believer, possessing two dimensions, faith and politics, as critiques of each other, and at the same time, when articulated, offer the transforming witness that the common good is possible. The practical attitude of the believer finds support in the teachings and attitudes of his Master, Jesus of Nazareth. His teachings are brought to man through evangelization which becomes his own way of learning and conversion to an attitude of renewing faith in life in its most varied instances. / Nosso objetivo nesta pesquisa é analisar o caráter político da fé, na ação evangelizadora, como elemento sócio transformador, a partir dos princípios do Ensino Social da Igreja. Através destes, apresentamos respostas aos vários desafios – políticos, econômico, sociais, ambientais e religiosos – que são apresentados à vida humana e cristã, no que diz respeito à construção de um mundo melhor para a própria edificação do ser humano. A perspectiva que perpassa este trabalho está na pessoa do crente cristão, possuidor de duas dimensões, a fé e a política, como críticas e complementação uma da outra, e ao mesmo tempo, quando articuladas, oferecem o testemunho transformador de que o bem comum é possível. A atitude prática do cristão encontra respaldo nos ensinamentos e atitudes de seu Mestre, Jesus de Nazaré. Seus ensinos são trazidos ao homem mediante a evangelização que se torna o caminho próprio de aprendizagem e conversão para uma atitude de fé renovadora da vida nas suas mais variadas instâncias.
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The Wycliffe global alliance - from a U.S. based international mission to a global movement for Bible translationFranklin, K.J. (Kirk James) January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the complex question of how global Christian mission
organizations must learn to function, especially the Wycliffe Global Alliance (WGA). I
summarize how the Wycliffe Bible Translators (WBT) began in 1942 as the
resourcing organization for the Summer Institute of Linguistics (now called SIL
International) and how their mutual founder, American William Cameron Townsend,
was influenced by Western mission strategy and conservative evangelical theology.
The changing global context is impacting how the missio Dei takes place and this is
influencing how mission agencies interact with each other and the church worldwide.
This is leading to new paradigms of how mission is conceptualized around the world.
The thesis outlines how the changing global context has forced Wycliffe to reevaluate
its place in the world because, half a century after its formation, the church
has new homes in the global South and East. It follows that as a Western mission,
Western resources have decreased and this has shaped how Wycliffe Bible
Translators (International) has now become Wycliffe Global Alliance (WGA).
However, this goes beyond a mere change of name and has resulted in a type of
structure that enables it to better engage with the church worldwide.
The thesis also examines the complexity of contextualization in the global
environment, noting how different languages and cultures are involved, each with its
own rules and subtleties. I show how the shift of the centre of gravity of the church to
the global South and East presents new theological challenges for the Bible
translation effort and these directly impact WGA.
There are many missiological implications for WGA that come from influences in
church history regarding the importance of language, the translatability of the gospel,
the history of Bible translation and how missional reflection is necessary in various
situations. These merge together to provide new implications which are influenced
by globalization for mission agencies such as WGA.
The thesis also emphasises that WGA is a global mission movement, so I have
identified methods of leadership development and structure, all of which are critical
to WGA’s effectiveness and involvement in the missio Dei. I show that forming global
mission leaders is unique and complex, and how the leaders must embrace a wide
variety of qualities, skills and capabilities, especially in responding to greater cultural
diversity. Since most leadership principles are culturally bound, this creates
obstacles in cross-cultural situations. Therefore, I emphasize that a successful
multicultural organization like WGA must learn to focus on both worldwide and local
The thesis outlines how theological, missiological, cultural, contextual and leadership
values converge and therefore reshape a mission movement like WGA. My
conclusion is that none of these influences can be ignored – all are relevant. Each
must be reflected upon in order to provide directions for WGA as it seeks to be
faithful to its vision and serve the global church. / Dissertation (MA Theol)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / gm2013 / Science of Religion and Missiology / unrestricted
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