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Exciton-polaritons in low dimensional structures / Exciton-polaritons dans les systèmes de dimensionnalité bassePavlovic, Goran 17 November 2010 (has links)
Quelques particularités des polaritons, (quasi) particules-modes normaux du système d'excitons en interaction avec des photons en régime de couplage dit fort, sont théoriquement et numériquement analysés dans les systèmes de dimensionnalité basse. Dans le chapitre 1 est donné un bref aperçu en structure 0D, 1D et 2D semi-conductrices avec une introduction générale au domaine des polaritons. Le chapitre 2 est consacré aux micro / nano fils. Les modes de galerie sifflants sont étudiés dans le cas général d'un système anisotrope ainsi que la formation des polaritons dans les fils de ZnO. Le modèle théorique est comparé à l’expérience. Dans le chapitre 3 la dynamique de type Josephson pour les condensats de Bose-Einstein des polaritons est analysé en prenant en compte le pseudospin. Le chapitre 4 commence par une introduction à l'effet Aharonov-Bohm, qui est la phase géométrique la plus connue. Une autre phase géométrique - phase de Berry, qui existe pour une large classe de systèmes en évolution adiabatique sur un contour fermé, est l'objet principal de cette section. Nous avons examiné une proposition d'un interféromètre en anneau avec exciton-polaritons basé sur l'effet phase de Berry. Le chapitre 5 concerne un système 0D: un exciton d’une boîte quantique fortement couplé avec des photons dans une cavité optique. Nous avons discuté de la possibilité d'obtenir des états intriqués à partir d'une boîte quantique embarquée dans un cristal photonique en régime polaritonique. / Some special features of polaritons, quasi-particles being normal modes of system of excitons interacting with photons in so called strong coupling regime, are theoretically and numerically analyze in low dimensional systems. In Chapter 1 is given a brief overview of 0D, 1D and 2D semiconductor structures with a general introduction to the polariton field. Chapter 2 is devoted to micro / nano wires. The so called whispering gallery modes are studied in the general case of an anisotropic systems as well as polariton formation in ZnO wires. Theoretical model is compared with an experiment. In the Chapter 3 Josephson type dynamics with Bose-Einstein condensates of polaritons is analyzed taking into account pseudospin degree of freedom. Chapter 4 start with an introduction to Aharonov-Bohm effect, as the best known represent of geometrical phases. An another geometrical phase – Berry phase, occurring for a wide class of systems performing adiabatic motion on a closed ring, is main subject of this section. We considered one proposition for an exciton polariton ring interferometer based on Berry phase effect. Chapter 5 concerns one 0D system : strongly coupled quantum dot exciton to cavity photon. We have discussed possibility of obtaining entangled states from a quantum dot embedded in a photonic crystal in polariton regime.
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Recherche de composés à activité antiplasmodiale à partir de la biodiversité malgache / Search for antiplasmodial compounds from the malagasy biodiversityBeniddir, Ahmed-mehdi 31 October 2012 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la recherche de nouveaux composés à activité antiplasmodiale, deux plantes de Madagascar ont été étudiées : Pyrostria major (Rubiaceae) et Gonioma malagasy (Apocynaceae). Leurs extraits acétate d’éthyle et alcaloïdique ont montré une activité antiplasmodiale significative vis-à-vis de la souche chloroquino-résistante FcB1 lors d’un criblage préliminaire. L’étude phytochimique des feuilles de P. major a conduit à l’isolement du β sitostérol ainsi que de huit nouveaux diarylheptanoïdes glycosylés, décrits pour la première fois dans une plante appartenant à la famille des Rubiaceae. L’activité antiplasmodiale de l’extrait AcOEt des feuilles est probablement due à la présence du β sitostérol. Cette activité serait due à l’effet stomatocytogénique provoqué par cette famille de composés. L’utilisation de l’"Exciton chirality" a permis de déterminer la configuration absolue des diarylheptanoïdes glycosylés isolés. Cette étude structurale nous a permis d’obtenir d’une part, deux composés antiplasmodiaux sélectifs et non cytotoxiques et d’autre part, un composé antileishmanien et un autre antitrypanosomal. L’étude de l’extrait alcaloïdique de G. malagasy a conduit à l’isolement d’une nouvelle série chimique, "les goniomedines". Ces dernières sont caractérisées par un squelette bisindolique constitué de deux monomères dihydroindoliques reliés par une unité dihydropyrane. Une étude configurationnelle basée sur le calcul théorique de spectres de dichroïsme circulaire ainsi que sur des considérations biogénétiques, a permis la détermination de leur configuration absolue. Parmi ces composés, un seul a montré une activité antiplasmodiale significative. / As part of the search for new compounds with antiplasmodial activity, two malagasy plants were studied: Pyrostria major (Rubiaceae) and Gonioma malagasy (Apocynaceae). The Ethyl acetate and alkaloidic extracts showed significant antiplasmodial activity against the chloroquine-resistant strain FcB1 during a preliminary screening. The phytochemical study of the leaves of P. major has led to the isolation of β-sitosterol together with eight new diarylheptanoid glucoside, described for the first time in a plant belonging to the Rubiaceae family. The antiplasmodial activity of the EtOAc extract of the leaves is probably due to the presence of β-sitosterol. This activity is due to the stomatocytogenic effect caused by this family of compound. The use of the "exciton chirality" has determined the absolute configuration of the natural diarylheptanoid glucoside. This structural study allowed us to obtain, two selective antiplasmodial and non-cytotoxic compounds, as well as potential antileishmanial and antitrypanosomal compounds. The study of the alkaloidic extract of G. malagasy led to the isolation of a novel chemical series, "The goniomedines." They are characterized by a bisindole backbone consisting of two monomers connected by a dihydropyran unit. Their absolute configurations were deduced following the comparison of experimental and theoretically calculated ECD spectra and through biogenetic considerations. Among these compounds, only one showed a significant antiplasmodial activity.
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Photophysics of the polymer acceptor PF5-Y5 in organic photovoltaics : A first principles theory based study / Fotofysik hos polymeracceptorn PF5-Y5 i organiska solceller : En teoribaserad studieAlmén, Anton January 2022 (has links)
Non-fullerene Acceptors (NFAs) have gathered a great deal of interest for use inorganic photovoltaics (OPVs) due to recent breakthroughs in their power conversion efficiency and other advantages they offer over their Fullerene-based counterparts. In this work, a new promising non-fullerene polymer acceptor, PF5-Y5, have been studied using density functional theory and time-dependent density functional theory; and the effects that oligomer length, geometry relaxation and exchange-correlation interaction has on the exciton binding energies (the difference between optical and fundamental energy gaps) have been investigated. Both the fundamental and optical gaps are significantly affected by the choice of functional (i.e., the description of the exchange-correlation interaction). However, it does not appear to significantly impact obtained exciton binding energies as the effects of the fundamental and optical gaps cancel each other out. Both the fundamental and optical energy gap are shown to slightly reduce as a function of the oligomer length (~0.1 - 0.3 𝑒𝑉 reduction for each repeated monomer). As both gaps are reduced by a similar amount per repeated monomer, they counteract each other and the total effect that oligomer length has on the exciton binding energy is very low. Geometry relaxation and thermal effects showed the largest impact on the fundamental gap and exciton binding energy, with their combined effect resulting in a ~0.5 𝑒𝑉 reduction in binding energy. / Non-Fullerene Acceptorer (NFAs) har rönt stort intresse för användning i organiska solceller (OPVs) på grund av genombrott på senare tid gällande deras effektomvandlingsverkningsgrad och en mängd andra fördelar som de erbjuder jämfört med sina fullerene-baserade motsvarigheter. I det här arbetet har en ny lovande polymer-acceptor, PF5-Y5, studerats med hjälp av täthetsfunktionalteori (DFT) och tidsberoende täthetsfunktionsteori (TD-DFT). Effekterna som oligomerlängd, geometri-avslappning och utbytes-korrelations-interaktion har på exciton-bindningsenergin (skillnaden mellan optiska ochfundamentala energigapen) har även undersökts. Både erhållna värden för det fundamentala och optiska gapet påverkas avsevärt av valet av funktional (dvs. beskrivningen av utbytes-korrelations-interaktionen). Valet av funktional verkar dock inte nämnvärt påverka erhållna värden för excitonbindningsenergin då effekterna från det fundamentala och optiska gapen till stor del tar ut varandra. Både det fundamentala och optiska energigapet minskar som en funktion av oligomerlängden (~0.1 - 0.3 𝑒𝑉 minskning för varje upprepad monomer). Eftersom båda energigapen minskar ungefär lika mycket för varje upprepad monomer så motverkar de till stor grad varandra; och den totala effekten som oligomerlängd har på exciton-bindningsenergin förblir låg. Strukturell relaxation (eng: geometry relaxation) och termiska effekter visade sig ha störst påverkan på det fundamentala energigapet och exciton-bindningsenergin, och deras sammanlagda effekt ledde till en ~0,5 𝑒𝑉 reduktion i bindningsenergi.
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Electroabsorption spectroscopy of quasi-one-dimensional organic molecular crystalsGuo, Wenge 16 December 2003 (has links)
We have presented a thorough experimental investigation of electroabsorption spectroscopy on quasi-one-dimensional organic molecular crystals such as PTCDA and MePTCDI vapor deposited thin films to clarify the involvement of the charge-transfer exciton in the lowest excited state. By a self-built experimental setup, two kinds of electroabsorption measurements, called "perpendicular" and "parallel" measurements, were conducted at room temperature in ambient air. The crystalline texture of PTCDA and MePTCDI thin film samples are characterized by X-ray diffraction measurements. Current-voltage, capacitance-frequency and capacitance-voltage measurements are performed to clarify the electric field distribution inside organic layers. The results from electrical measurements show that only under certain conditions (electroabsorption measurements with proDC bias), the perpendicular and parallel electroabsorption meaurements can be directly compared. The electroabsorption spectra of MePTCDI and PTCDA thin films can be interpreted by neither pure Frenkel exciton nor pure charge-transfer exciton model. Essential features of electroabsorption spectra of MePTCDI and PTCDA thin films can be understood by the the mixture of Frenkel and charge-transfer exciton model. However, there is still a discrepancy in the directional properties of electroabsorption signals between experimental results and modle calculations. This small discrepancy suggests that a full interpretation of electroabsorption spectra of quasi-one-dimensional organic molecular crystals needs further experimental and theoretical investigations.
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Relaxation Dynamics and Decoherence of Excitons in II-VI Semiconductor NanostructuresBajracharya, Pradeep 05 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Speckle Analysis of the Excitonic Emission fromQuantum WellsMannarini, Gianandrea 08 June 2005 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit werden optische Eigenschaften von Halbleiterquantengräben untersucht, die mit der Ausbildung von Speckle-Mustern in der exzitonischen Emission zusammenhängen. Die in nichtspekulärer Richtung nach resonanter Anregung von Exzitonen ausgestrahlte Emission enthält Informationen über Unordnung und Streuprozesse in der Probe. Im Kapitel "Spektrale Speckle-Analyse" wird gezeigt, dass Speckles zur Bestimmung des koährenten Anteils verwendet werden können. Außerdem kann die innerhalb des inhomogen verbreiterten Ensembles frequenzaufgelöste Lebensdauer der Exzitonen bestimmt werden. Eine mikroskopische Dichtematrixtheorie wird entwickelt und numerisch gelöst. Es wird eine gute Übereinstimmung mit den gemessenen Daten für unterschiedliche Quantengraben-Dicken und Temperaturen gefunden. Im Kapitel "Schrägliegende Speckles" werden Quantengräben mit mechanischer Verzerrung betrachtet. Die Verzerrung führt zu einer ort-abhängigen Änderung der Emissionsenergie in der Ebene des Quantengrabens und das richtungs- und zeitaufgelöste Specklemuster erfährt eine Drehung. Die theoretische Beschreibung des Rayleigh-Spektrums erlaubt es, diese Drehung mit dem lokalen Wert des Gradienten der Exzitonenergie in Beziehung zu setzen. Numerische Simulationen zeigen allerdings, dass dieser Effekt nicht durch eine Bewegung der Exzitonen entlang des Verzerrungs-Gradienten verursacht wird. Im Kapitel "Nicht-Markovsche Exziton-Phonon Dynamik" die Dichtematrixtheorie, wird jenseits der Markovschen Näherung für die Streuung von Exzitonen an akustischen Phononen numerisch gelöst. Das Absorptionsspektrum besteht aus Lorentz-formige Peaks und breiteren Seitenbändern, die aus der nicht-Markovschen Kopplung stammen. Diese Eigenschaften sind vor allem für die stark lokalisierten Zustände auf der Niederenergie-Seite des Spektrums wichtig, und erlauben eine bessere Deutung von Nahfeld-Experimenten. / In this work, optical properties of semiconductor quantum wells (QW) are investigated, which are relevant for the irregular light pattern (speckle pattern) emitted in nonspecular directions by QW after resonant excitation of the exciton states. This emission contains information on disorder and scattering processes in the sample. In Chapter "Spectral Speckle Analysis", it is shown that Speckles can be used for extraction of the coherent part of the emission, the Resonant Rayleigh Scattering. Furthermore, the frequency resolved lifetime of excitons within an inhomogeneously broadened ensemble can be established. A microscopic density matrix theory for excitons interacting with acoustic phonons is developed and numerically solved. Good agreement with the experimental results for different QW sizes and temperatures is found. In Chapter "Sloped Speckles" QW with mechanical strain are considered. The strain leads to a spatially dependent modification of the emission energy and to a tilting of the direction- and time-resolved speckle pattern. The theoretical description of the RRS relates this tilting to the local value of the spatial gradient of the exciton energy. However, numerical simulations make clear that this effect is not due to exciton motion along the strain gradient. In Chapter "Non-Markovian exciton-phonon dynamics" the density matrix theory is numerically solved beyond the Markov approximation for the interaction between excitons and acoustical phonons. The resulting absorption spectrum consists of Lorentzian peaks on top of broader sidebands originating from the non-Markovian coupling. These features are mostly important for the strongly localized states in the low energy side of the spectrum, suggesting a better interpretation of near-field experiments.
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Insertion d'ions magnétiques dans les boîtes quantiques de semiconducteurs II-VIMaingault, Laurent 14 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'insertion de nombreuses impuretés magnétiques dans des matériaux semiconducteurs massifs permet d'obtenir un comportement ferromagnétique. D'autre part, les boîtes quantiques confinent les porteurs dans les trois dimensions, permettant un contrôle individuel de chacun. Le travail présenté ici concerne l'insertion d'une unique impureté magnétique (Manganèse) dans une seule boîte quantique de semiconducteur II-VI. Cet objet permet l'étude directe, par des moyens expérimentaux relativement simples, de l'interaction entre l'impureté magnétique et un porteur confiné dans la boîte quantique. De manière uniquement optique, le spin de l'impureté peut être contrôlé et détecté. Cela en fait un candidat possible pour réaliser un codage quantique de l'information.<br />La réalisation de ces échantillons, en épitaxie par jets moléculaires, est d'abord détaillée. La ségrégation du Mn au cours de la croissance est utilisée pour réduire la densité d'atomes Mn tout en la contrôlant. Des expériences de micro-spectroscopie optique permettent de valider cette méthode. Ensuite, une étude fine de l'interaction impureté-porteur est réalisée. Les spectres expérimentaux sont analysés à l'aide d'un modèle simple des fonctions d'onde des porteurs dans la boîte. Des valeurs quantitatives de cette interaction sont données en tenant compte de la position de l'impureté dans la boîte ainsi que de sa réduction, induite par le confinement des porteurs. <br />Finalement, les possibilités pour contrôler cette interaction sont présentées: la modification de l'interaction par l'ajout de porteurs dans la boîte quantique, puis une augmentation possible de cette interaction grâce à un meilleur confinement des trous.
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Spatial and Temporal Imaging of Exciton Dynamics and transport in two-dimensional Semiconductors and heterostructures by ultrafast transient absorption microscopyLong Yuan (6577541) 10 June 2019 (has links)
<div>Recently, atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) layered materials such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) have emerged as a new class of materials due to their unique electronic structures and optical properties at the nanoscale limit. 2D materials also hold great promises as building blocks for creating new heterostructures for optoelectronic applications such as atomically thin photovoltaics, light emitting diodes, and photodetectors. Understanding the fundamental photo-physics process in 2D semiconductors and heterostructures is critical for above-mentioned applications. </div><div>In Chapter 1, we briefly describe photo-generated charge carriers in two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) semiconductors and heterostructures. Due to the reduced dielectric screening in the single-layer or few-layer of TMDCs semiconductors, Columbo interaction between electron and hole in the exciton is greatly enhanced that leads to extraordinary large exciton binding energy compared with bulk semiconductors. The environmental robust 2D excitons provide an ideal platform to study exciton properties in TMDCs semiconductors. Since layers in 2D materials are holding by weak van de Waals interaction, different 2D layers could be assembled together to make 2D heterostructures. The successful preparation of 2D heterostructures paves a new path to explore intriguing optoelectronic properties.</div><div>In Chapter 2, we introduce various optical microscopy techniques used in our work for the optical characterization of 2D semiconductors and heterostructures. These optical imaging tools with high spatial and temporal resolution allow us to directly track charge and energy flow at 2D interfaces.</div><div>Exciton recombination is a critical factor in determining the efficiency for optoelectronic applications such as semiconductor lasers and light-emitting diodes. Although exciton dynamics have been investigated in different 2D semiconductor, large variations in sample qualities due to different preparation methods have prevented obtaining intrinsic exciton lifetimes from being conclusively established. In Chapter 3, we study exciton dynamics in 2D TMDCs semiconductors using ultrafast PL and transient absorption microscopy. Here we employ 2D WS2 semiconductor as a model system to study exciton dynamics due to the low defect density and high quantum yield of WS2. We mainly focus on how the exciton population affects exciton dynamics. At low exciton density regime, we demonstrate how the interlayer between the bright and dark exciton populations influence exciton recombination. At high exciton density regime, we exhibit significant exciton-exciton annihilation in monolayer WS2. When comparing with the bilayer and trilayer WS2, the exciton-exciton annihilation rate in monolayer WS2 increases by two orders of magnitude due to enhanced many-body interactions at single layer limit. </div><div>Long-range transport of 2D excitons is desirable for optoelectronic applications based on TMDCs semiconductors. However, there still lacks a comprehensive understanding of the intrinsic limit for exciton transport in the TMDCs materials currently. In Chapter 4, we employ ultrafast transient absorption microscopy that is capable of imaging excitons transport with ~ 200 fs temporal resolution and ~ 50 nm spatial precision to track exciton motion in 2D WS2 with different thickness. Our results demonstrate that exciton mobility in single layer WS2 is largely limited by extrinsic factors such as charge impurities and surface phonons of the substrate. The intrinsic phonon-limited exciton transport is achieved in WS2 layers with a thickness greater than 20 layers.</div><div>Efficient photocarrier generation and separation at 2D interfaces remain a central challenge for many optoelectronic applications based on 2D heterostructures. The structural tunability of 2D nanostructures along with atomically thin and sharp 2D interfaces provides new opportunities for controlling charge transfer (CT) interactions at 2D interfaces. A largely unexplored question is how interlayer CT interactions contribute to interfacial photo-carrier generation and separation in 2D heterostructures. In Chapter 5, we present a joint experimental and theoretical study to address carrier generation from interlayer CT transitions in WS2-graphene heterostructures. We use spatially resolved ultrafast transient absorption microscopy to elucidate the role of interlayer coupling on charge transfer and photo-carrier generation in WS2-graphene heterostructures. These results demonstrate efficient broadband photo-carrier generation in WS2-graphene heterostructures which is highly desirable for atomically thin photovoltaic and photodetector applications based on graphene and 2D semiconductors.</div><div>CT exciton transport at heterointerfaces plays a critical role in light to electricity conversion using 2D heterostructures. One of the challenges is that direct measurements of CT exciton transport require quantitative information in both spatial and temporal domains. In order to address this challenge, we employ transient absorption microscopy (TAM) with high temporal and spatial resolution to image both bright and dark CT excitons in WS2-tetrance and CVD WS2-WSe2 heterostructure. In Chapter 6, we study the formation and transport of interlayer CT excitons in 2D WS2-Tetracene vdW heterostructures. TAM measurements of CT exciton transport at these 2D interfaces reveal coexistence of delocalized and localized CT excitons. The highly mobile delocalized CT excitons could be the key factor to overcome large CT exciton binding energy in achieving efficient charge separation. In Chapter 7, we study stacking orientational dependent interlayer exciton recombination and transport in CVD WS2-WSe2 heterostructures. Temperature-dependent interlayer exciton dynamics measurements suggest the existence of moiré potential that localizes interlayer excitons. TAM measurements of interlayer excitons transport reveal that CT excitons at WS2-WSe2 heterointerface are much more mobile than intralayer excitons of WS2. We attributed this to the dipole-dipole repulsion from bipolar interlayer excitons that efficiently screen the moiré potential fluctuations and facilitate interlayer exciton transport. Our results provide fundamental insights in understanding the influence of moiré potential on interlayer exciton dynamics and transport in CVD WS2-WSe2 heterostructures which has important implications in optoelectronic applications such as atomically thin photovoltaics and light harvesting devices. </div><div><br></div>
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Ultrafast Exciton Dynamics at Molecular SurfacesMonahan, Nicholas R. January 2015 (has links)
Further improvements to device performance are necessary to make solar energy conversion a compelling alternative to fossil fuels. Singlet exciton fission and charge separation are two processes that can heavily influence the power conversion efficiency of a solar cell. During exciton fission one singlet excitation converts into two triplet excitons, potentially doubling the photocurrent generated by higher energy photons. There is significant discord over the singlet fission mechanism and of particular interest is whether the process involves a multiexciton intermediate state. I used time-resolved two-photon photoemission to investigate singlet fission in hexacene thin films, a model system with strong electronic coupling. My results indicate that a multiexciton state forms within 40 fs of photoexcitation and loses singlet character on a 280 fs timescale, creating two triplet excitons. This is concordant with the transient absorption spectra of hexacene single crystals and definitively proves that exciton fission in hexacene proceeds through a multiexciton state. This state is likely common to all strongly-coupled systems and my results suggest that a reassessment of the generally-accepted singlet fission mechanism is required. Charge separation is the process of splitting neutral excitons into carriers that occurs at donor-acceptor heterojunctions in organic solar cells. Although this process is essential for device functionality, there are few compelling explanations for why it is highly efficient in certain organic photovoltaic systems. To investigate the charge separation process, I used the model system of charge transfer excitons at hexacene surfaces and time-resolved two-photon photoemission. Charge transfer excitons with sufficient energy spontaneously delocalize, growing from about 14 nm to over 50 nm within 200 fs. Entropy drives this delocalization, as the density of states within the Coulomb potential increases significantly with energy. This charge separation mechanism should occur at all donor-acceptor interfaces. My results show that entropy facilitates charge separation and indicate that the density of acceptor states should be a design consideration when constructing organic solar cells.
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Crystals and nanoparticles of a BODIPY derivative : spectroscopy and microfluidic precipitation / Cristaux et nanoparticules d'un dérivé du BODIPY : spectroscopie et précipitation en microfluidiqueLiao, Yuanyuan 12 November 2013 (has links)
Pendant cette thèse nous avons travaillé sur deux aspects des nanoparticules organiques fluorescentes d’AdamBodipy : leur spectroscopie et leur production avec des tailles contrôlées. La structure cristallographique des cristaux d’Adambodipy a été obtenue par diffraction-X. Nous avons produit des microcristaux (100×10×1µm3) par précipitation dans des solutions de sursaturation faible. Nous avons mesuré leur spectroscopie sous microscope dans la gamme 380nm à 900nm. Les microcristaux sont biréfringents et dichroïques. Nous avons mesuré leur biréfringence en déterminant leurs indices de réfraction suivant les deux axes neutres par le méthode de Swanepoel. Nous avons mesuré des spectres d’absorption suivant les axes neutres. Nous avons calculé ces spectres d’absorption en utilisant la théorie du couplage dipolaire pour les exciton de Frenkel. La valeur du couplage intermoléculaire a été estimée par le modèle classique. Mais pour deux paires particulaires de la maille nous avons comparé cette estimation classique du couplage avec la valeur qui peut être déduite du calcul quantique du dimère par TDDFT. L’ordre de grandeur est vérifié. Le programme s’applique à des nanoparticules formées de N×N×N (N<11) mailles cristallines. Les spectres calculés reproduisent le dichroïsme, l’élargissement des spectres d’absorption, mais il apparaît que les spectres expérimentaux sont écrêtés par la faible dynamique de notre spectrophotomètre sous microscope. Le calcul du spectre de fluorescence prédit une bande polarisée selon la direction b de la maille. L’expérience en distingue deux autres décalée dans le rouge. L’étude de leur polarisation ainsi que de leur dynamique de fluorescence permet d’attribuer ces bandes rouges à des défauts dans la structure cristalline. Les spectres des nanoparticules produites dans la deuxième partie ne sont pas ceux de la forme cristalline. Nous avons pu reproduire ces spectres en introduisant un désordre d’orientation à l’intérieur la structure des N×N×N mailles. La focalisation hydrodynamique 3D, nous a permis de produire des nanoparticules de taille contrôlée sans qu’il y ait précipitation de l’AdamBodipy sur les parois. En réglant le rapport des flux entre la solution organique de colorant et la solution aqueuse non solvant, nous avons pu ajuster la taille des nanoparticules entre 100 et 300nm. La stabilité colloïdale des nanoparticules est assurée par du CTACl en dessous de la CMC. En effet au dessus de la CMC les nanoparticules coexistent avec des micelles chargées en colorant. Les spectroscopies d’absorption et de fluorescence des nanoparticules montrent qu’elles sont amorphes. Nous avons simulé la précipitation des nanoparticules par COMSOL en introduisant une l’hydrodynamique de mélange par diffusion mutuelle de l’eau et de l’éthanol et de diffusion du colorant dans ce mélange. Nos études de la solubilité de l’Adambodipy dans des mélanges organiques/eau, nous ont permis de déterminer la loi de solubilité et d’obtenir des cartes de la super-saturation dans le microdispositif. Nous avons utilisé l’imagerie de fluorescence pour suivre le processus de précipitation. Les images obtenues sont semblables à celles calculées par COMSOL On observe une précipitation à l’interface entre les deux solvants ainsi qu’une précipitation en masse après un temps de résidence qui dépend du rapport des flux. Les déclins de fluorescence collectés en différents points du canal microfluidique peuvent être attribués à trois espèces : le monomère, la nanoparticule et une espèce intermédiaire, un germe. / During this work, we have addressed two aspects of the properties of the fluorescent organic nanoparticles made of Adambodipy: their spectroscopy and their production with controlled sizes. We have produced micro-crystals (100x10x1µm3) by precipitation in solutions of low supersaturation. We have measured their spectroscopy under microscope in the range 380nm to 900nm. The microcrystals are birefringent and dichroic. By adding polarizers on a microscope we have measured their refraction index along the two neutral axes according to the method of Swanepoel. We have measured the two absorption spectra along the neutral axis. We have calculated these absorption spectra using the model of the dipolar coupling for Frenkel excitons. The amplitude of this coupling has been estimated according to the classic model. But for two particular pairs of the cell, we have compared this estimation with the value that can be deduced from the quantum calculation of a dimer by TDDFT. The calculated spectra reproduce the dichroism, the spectral broadening of the absorption spectra but not the experimental peak shape probably because our micro-spectrophotometer levels up at high absorbance. The calculated fluorescence spectra predict a polarized transition along the b direction of the cell. The experiment shows two other red shifted bands. The study of their polarization, as well as their fluorescence lifetime allows us to attribute them to defects in the crystal. The spectra of the nanoparticles produced in the second part of this work are not those of crystals. We have been able to reproduce them theoretically by introducing an orientation disorder inside the periodic structure. The 3D hydrodynamic focusing enables us to produce nanoparticles with controlled size without precipitation of Adambodipy on the wall. We have used the PDMS technology and we moved to a glass tube approach, in order to avoid the diffusion of fluorescence into the PDMS. By adjusting the flow ratio between the inner organic solution of the dye and outer aqueous solution, we can control the size of the nanoparticle between 100nm and 300nm. The stability of the colloidal suspension is maintained by the surfactant CTACl below the CMC. Indeed above the CMC, the nanoparticles exist together with dyes dispersed in micelles. We have simulated using COMSOL the precipitation of the nanoparticles. We have introduced in the calculation the hydrodynamic and mutual diffusion of water and ethanol, as well as the diffusion of the Adambodipy. From our studies of the solubility of Adambodipy in water/ethanol mixtures, we have obtained the saturation curve and we have built the supersaturation maps in the micro-device. We have used Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy to follow in situ the precipitation process. From the decay collected in different positions can be attributed to the coexistence of three species : the monomers, the nanoparticles and an intermediate species supposed to be the nuclei. The FLIM shows a precipitation in the diffusion area of the two solvents as well as a massive precipitation after a few hundred of millisecond. The FLIM images are very close to the COMSOL predictions.
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