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Avaliação da função executiva e da fluência verbal em pacientes com doença de Parkinson / Assessment of executive function and verbal fluency in patients with Parkinson´s diseaseAlessandra Ferreira Barbosa Lee 26 February 2018 (has links)
Pacientes com doença de Parkinson (DP) apresentam diversos sintomas não motores, dentre eles, alterações cognitivas. Déficits de função executiva podem ser observados desde os estágios iniciais da DP e impactam na independência funcional e na qualidade de vida. A função executiva é essencial para a realização de atividades de vida diária, que requerem integração cognitivo-motora. A realização de atividades cotidianas depende não só do sistema motor, mas também da interpretação e do processamento sensorial/ perceptual e da seleção e do planejamento da melhor estratégia motora. Sendo assim, um grande número de atividades de vida diária pode ser afetado por déficits na função executiva em pacientes com DP. Nessas tarefas, os componentes cognitivos e motores competem por recursos atencionais, o que pode prejudicar o desempenho em um ou em ambos os componentes. Entretanto, os estudos são muito direcionados para a análise de tarefas-duplas que envolvam equilíbrio em ortostatismo e marcha, mas contemplam pouco outras tarefas motoras. Os objetivos desse estudo foram (1) comparar o desempenho de pacientes com DP com o de um grupo controle nos testes de função executiva (Trail Making Test) e de fluência verbal (fluência semântica e fonêmica e diadococinesia oral /pataka/) e (2) investigar possíveis correlações entre função executiva e fluência verbal. O estudo foi realizado de maneira transversal, em uma única sessão, em uma avaliação de cerca de 50 minutos. Quarenta pacientes com DP (idade entre 50 e 79 anos, Hoehn & Yahr entre 2 e 3) e quarenta controles (com idade e escolaridade semelhantes) foram avaliados com o Trail Making Test, a fluência verbal semântica e fonêmica e o teste de diadococinesia oral. Na parte A do TMT, os participantes conectaram círculos numerados de 1 a 25, em sequência. Na parte B, os participantes conectaram círculos alternando números e letras (1-A-2-B-3-C-4-D-5-E-6-F-7-G-8-H-9-I-10-J-11-K-12-L-13). No teste de fluência verbal fonêmica, foi solicitado que os participantes dissessem palavras começando com a letra F. No teste de fluência verbal semântica, os participantes disseram o maior número de animais possível, em 60 segundos. No teste de diadococinesia oral, os participantes repetiram a sequência /pataka/ o mais rápido possível. Os grupos foram comparados por meio de análises de variância e as relações entre as variáveis foram investigadas pelo teste de correlação de Pearson. A análise de variância mostrou diferenças significativas entre grupos (F1,78=10,55; p=0,002) e entre partes do Trail Making Test (F1,78=154,02; p < 0,001). A parte B apresentou tempos maiores que a parte A (p < 0,001). Pacientes com DP disseram menos palavras nos testes de fluência verbal, em comparação aos controles (p < 0,001). Pacientes com DP repetiram a sequência /pataka/ menos vezes que os controles (p=0,019). Houve forte correlação entre o teste de fluência verbal fonêmica e a parte B do Trail Making Test (valor de r=-0,874 e p=0,001) e entre a diadococinesia oral e as partes A e B do Trail Making Test (valor de r=-0,824 e p=0,001). A correlação entre a parte B do Trail Making Test, que é uma medida de função executiva e reflete a habilidade de integração cognitivo-motora e as tarefas de fluência verbal, evidencia a importância do controle motor para as tarefas de fala. A tarefa da fala fornece não somente sobrecarga cognitiva, mas também motora para pacientes com DP. Esse conhecimento é importante para a prática clínica, uma vez que é necessário detectar a natureza do acometimento e da tarefa para usá-las de maneira adequada em programas de reabilitação / Patients with Parkinson´s disease (PD) can present several non-motor symptoms, including cognitive deficits. Executive function deficits can be observed since the early stages of PD and impact on functional independence and quality of life. The executive function is essential to the activities of daily living, which require cognitive-motor integration. The performance of activities of daily living depends not only on the motor system, but also on the sensory/ perceptual interpretation and processing and the selection and planning of the best motor strategy. Therefore, many activities of daily living can be affected by deficits in the executive function in patients with PD. In such tasks, cognitive and motor components compete for attentional resources, which may impair the performance of one or both tasks. However, most studies focus on to the analysis of dual-tasks involving orthostatic balance and gait, but they do not approach other motor tasks. The objectives of this study were (1) to compare the performance of patients with PD with a control group in executive function (Trail Making Test) and verbal fluency tests (semantic and phonemic and oral diadochokinesis /pataka/) and (2) to investigate possible correlations between executive function and verbal fluency. This was a cross-sectional study and the tests were performed individually in a 50-minute single session. Forty people with PD (aged 50 - 79 years, Hoehn & Yahr 2 - 3) and forty controls (with similar age and education) were evaluated with Trail Making Test (TMT, executive function), phonemic/semantic verbal fluency and oral diadochokinesis (/pataka/) tests. In part A of Trail Making Test, participants connected circles with the numbers 1-25, in sequence. In part B, participants connected circles in a sequence with alternated numbers and letters (1-A-2-B-3-C-4-D-5-E-6-F-7-G-8-H-9-I-10-J-11-K-12-L-13). In the phonemic verbal fluency test, participants were instructed to say words beginning with the letter F. In the semantic verbal fluency test, participants were instructed to say out loud as many animals as they could remember, in 60 seconds. In the oral diadochokinesis test, participants were asked to say the /pataka/ sequence as fast as they could. Groups were compared by analyses of variance and the relationships between the variables were investigated by Pearson correlation tests. Analysis of variance showed significant differences between groups (F1,78=10.55; p=0.002) and between Trail Making Test parts (F1,78=154.02; p < 0.001). Part B showed longer times than part A (p < 0.001). People with PD said fewer words in both fluency tests, compared to controls (p < 0.001). People with PD repeated the sequence /pataka/ less times than controls (p=0.019). There was a strong correlation between the phonemic verbal fluency test and the part B of Trail Making Test (r=-0.874 and p=0.001) and between the oral diadochokinesis test and both parts of the Trail Making Test (r=-0.824 e p=0.001). The correlation between the part B of Trail Making Test, which is an executive function measure and reflects the cognitive-motor integration ability, and the verbal fluency tests, evidences the importance of motor control for speech tasks. Speech tasks not only provide cognitive overload, but also motor overload in patients with PD. This knowledge is important in clinical practice, in which therapists must detect the nature of the disability and the task to use this information properly in rehabilitation programs
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Uticaj dužine ekspozicije heroinu na egzekutivne funkcije opijatskih zavisnika / The influence of heroin exposure length on executive functions in opiate addictsMartinović Mitrović Slađana 11 December 2015 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Egzekutivne funkcije predstavljaju integrisanu grupu mentalnih sposobnosti, uključenih u proizvodnju, monitoring i kontrolu ponašanja orijentisanih ka određenom cilju i prevashodno su zadužene za snalaženje u novim situacijama, smeštenim izvan domena automatskih psihičkih procesa. Zloupotreba heroina tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda rezultira oštećenjem egzekutivnih funkcija, što se može značajno reflektovati na lično, profesionalno i socijalno funkcionisanje zavisnika. CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitivanje uticaja zloupotrebe opijata na egzekutivne kontrolne procese, ispitivanje postojanja specifičnog odnosa eventualnih deficita egzekutivne performance opijatskih zavisnika sa dužinom ekspozicije heroinu, kao i definisanje prediktora oštećenja egzekutivnih funkcija kod opijatskih zavisnika. MATERIJAL I METODOLOGIJA: Istraživanje je izvršeno po tipu studije preseka, a njime je obuhvaćeno 200 ispitanika, podeljenih u dve grupe. <em>Eksperimentalnu grupu</em> činilo je 150 zavisnika od heroina, starosti 18-35 godina, koji su u apstienenciji najmanje 3 nedelje. U<em> kontrolnu grupu</em> uvršteno je 50 zdravih subjekata, ujednačenih po polu, obrazovanju i starosti sa ispitanicima eksperimentalne grupe. Za prikupljanje podataka korišćeni su sledeći instrumenti: <em>opšti strukturisani upitnik</em> posebno konstruisan za potrebe ovog istraživanja, zasnovan na samoproceni, koji se odnosi na osnovne sociodemografske karakteristike ispitanika i adiktološka obeležja;<em> test za procenu psihopatije</em>, za procenu (kontrolu) eventualnog uticaja structure ličnosti zavisnika na postignuće na testovima kojima se procenjuju egzekutivne funkcije; za procenu stanja egzekutivnih funkcija:<em> test verbalne fluentnosti - segment fonemska fluentnost, Vekslerov individualni test inteligencije, test praćenja-markiranja traga, Baretova skala za procenu impulsivnosti, Viskonsin test sortiranja karata, Iowa Gambling Task</em>. REZULTATI: Kod heroinskih zavisnika beleže se signifikantni deficiti u egzekutivnim domenima: ažuriranje i monitoring sadržaja radne memorije, inhibitorna kontrola, izmena mentalnog seta i donošenje odluka. Faktori na osnovu kojih se može predvideti oštećenje egzekutivnih funkcija su: ukupno trajanje konzumiranja heroina, prosečna dnevna doza heroina, broj apstinencija u odnosu na ukupno trajanje heroina i uzrast pri prvom kontaktu sa psihoaktivnim supstancama. ZAKLJUČAK: Konzumiranje heroina dovodi se u vezu sa značajnim oštećenjem sistema egzekutivnih funkcija, što rezultira teškoćama zavisnika da prevazilaze habitualne odgovore i prilagođavaju ponašanje zahtevima koje nudi nova situacija, kao i sklonošću da donose visoko rizične odluke, koje rezultiraju trenutnom dobiti, bez obzira na neminovne kasnije negativne posledice.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Executive functions represent an integrated set of mental abilities involved in the production, monitoring and controlling of the goal-oriented behavior. Primarily, they are responsible for managing new situations which are placed outside the domain of automatic mental processes. Heroin abuse over a longer period of time results in the damage of the executive functions which significantly reflects on personal, professional and social functioning of an addict. THE AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of this study is investigating the impact of substance abuse on executive control processes, testing the existence of a specific relationship between possible deficits of executive performance of opiate addicts and heroin exposure length, as well as defining the damage predictors of executive functions in opiate addicts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted by the cross-sectional study and included 200 examinees divided into two groups. <em>The experimental group </em>consisted of 150 heroin addicts, aged from 18 to 35 years, who were abstinent for at least 3 weeks. <em>The control group </em>included 50 healthy examinees of the same sex, age and educational background as the examinees in the experimental group. To collect the data, the following instruments were used: <em>a general structured questionnaire</em> – specifically designed for the purposes of this study, based on self-assessment, which refers to the basic socio-demographic characteristics and addictological features of examinees; <em>Psychopathy Assessment Questionnaire</em> for evaluation (control) of the possible impact of personality structure of addicts on achievement on tests used to assess executive functions; for the assessment of condition of executive functions: Verbal Fluency Task - phonemic fluency, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Trail Making Test, Barratt impulsiveness Scale, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Iowa Gambling Task Iowa Gambling Task. RESULTS: In heroin addicts significant deficits in executive domains were recorded: updating, inhibition, shiffring and decision making. The damage of executive functions can be predicted on the basis of the following factors: total length of heroin abuse, the average daily dose of heroin, number of abstinence compared to the total duration of heroin abuse and age of addicts at their first contact with psychoactive substances. CONCLUSION: The consumption of heroin is associated with significant impairment of the system of executive functions. This results in addicts having difficulties to overcome habitual responses and adjust behavior to the requirements imposed by new situations, as well as in the tendency to make high-risk decisions that result in current gain, regardless of inevitable later negative consequences.</p>
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Cardiac Vagal Tone & Attentional Control Settings in Adaptive ChoiceSpeller, Lassiter Freeman, M.A. 05 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients’ post-acute rehabilitation : the experience of family membersThiart, Karen 12 February 2013 (has links)
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is what its name suggests: an extremely traumatic event that affects the most supremely powerful but fragile organ that controls all our bodily functions and holds the essence that makes individuals unique. Some patients with a traumatic brain injury will recover without realising what the effect could have been and others will be left with effects that will last throughout their lives. “Many sufferers will remain severely incapacitated and a lamentably large number will become part of the statistics on the mortality after TBI” (Burns, 2008a:76). The impairments that an individual faces after a TBI will be dealt with in an acute rehabilitation setting. Significant emotions are experienced by patients with a traumatic brain injury. The researcher believes that this emotional reaction is also experienced by the family members. The event may be even more devastating to the family members, because of the impaired cognitive functions of the injured person. Ross and Deverell (2004:36) state that when individuals are diagnosed with disabling conditions, they experience strong emotional reactions. “Feelings of grief, anxiety, inadequacy, anger, guilt, vulnerability and confusion are some of the more common emotions that clients and their families experience when they encounter a disability in themselves or a family member” (Ross and Deverell, 2004:41). After a traumatic brain injury the patient is usually admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). Once medically stable and able to participate in an active rehabilitation programme, provided this is authorised by the patient’s medical aid, the patient is transferred to a rehabilitation unit. While in ICU, the outcome is very uncertain and the the family often receives very limited support. Patients are often in a coma and unable to communicate. In working with TBI patients, the researcher found that family members receive very limited support, education on the condition and feedback on the patient’s medical state from team members, and therefore become very anxious when the patient is eventually transferred to a rehabilitation unit. In this study, the researcher focused on the family’s experience from the time of the patient’s admission into ICU until discharge from rehabilitation. During the rehabilitation process, family members are encouraged to support their family member in the rehabilitation unit. This is often very difficult for them, as it entails being confronted with reality and the often devastating impact of the injury. The focus of this study is on the experiences of family members while the patient with a TBI is in hospital and in the rehabilitation unit and the challenges they face. The researcher strove to understand the experiences of family members of patients with TBI, from ICU through until discharge from acute rehabilitation. The goal was to explore the experiences of adult family members of the traumatic brain-injured person in post-acute rehabilitation. The research question was: What were the experiences of adult family members of the person with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) during post-acute rehabilitation? A qualitative approach was used in this study, with a collective case study research design. The population for this study was all the family members of patients who underwent rehabilitation as a result of traumatic brain injury in the Life Eugene Marais Hospital, Pretoria, Gauteng. In this study purposive sampling was used to choose participants who were family members of TBI patients. The criteria for sampling of family members as participants were as follows. The patient <ul> <li> had suffered a traumatic brain injury;</li> <li> had undergone acute rehabilitation at Life Eugene Marais Hospital for the last four years;</li> <li> had completed rehabilitation, in other words had to be post discharge;</li> <li> lived in the province of Gauteng; and</li> <li> was able to speak and understand English or Afrikaans, irrespective of gender, race, religion, culture or age.</li> </ul> Eight participants who were family members of eight TBI patients were chosen for this study. Semi–structured individual interviews were conducted with participants. Interviews were voice recorded with the permission of the participants and were transcribed by the researcher. The data were analysed by the researcher and the themes and sub-themes generated from the data. The research findings were presented by providing a profile of the research participants and then presenting the themes and sub-themes, including literature control and verbatim quotes from the transcriptions. The themes included the following: Theme One – Understanding of TBI; Theme Two – Period of hospitalisation; Theme Three – Family members’ emotional experience of TBI; Theme Four – Period of rehabilitation; Theme Five – Period post discharge; Theme Six – Support systems; Theme Seven – Effects of TBI and Theme Eight – Future. The conclusions of this study are that traumatic brain injury (TBI) is experienced as severe trauma by family members, who struggle to cope not only initially but especially once the person is discharged and has to be cared for at home. In the long term this experience leads to changes in the family regarding structure, roles, functioning, relationships, communication, finances and social life. Recommendations in this study can be used by the multidisciplinary team to better understand the needs and experiences of the family members of TBI patients and by social workers to improve their intervention and support to these families. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted
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<p>Due to the great transitions and turmoil uniquely attributed to the period of adolescence, youth experience a greater risk for substance use and the multitude of concerns that coincide with the early onset of substance use. Many biological and environmental factors have been investigated as predictors of adolescent substance use. Executive function and disruptive behaviors are two important individual characteristics linked to adolescent substance use. Both smoking during pregnancy and sibling relationships are separate contexts that can mitigate or exacerbate the associations of executive function and adolescent substance use. The present study focuses on development of substance use through executive function deficits and disruptive behavior, while considering smoking during pregnancy and sibling relationships as unique moderators of these pathways. This work addresses a novel, interrelated set of questions with a series of three studies. The central hypothesis driving this program of research is that smoking during pregnancy and sibling relationships are under-studied contexts that can mitigate or exacerbate the associations of executive function, disruptive behavior, and adolescent substance use. This dissertation examines whether: (1) executive function mediates the smoking during pregnancy-disruptive behavior association and smoking during pregnancy exacerbates the executive function-disruptive behavior association, (2) smoking during pregnancy exacerbates the association between executive function and disruptive behavior during adolescence using a sibling comparison design, and (3) sibling relationship quality moderates developmental trajectories of executive function on the transition from disruptive problems to adolescent substance use using a high-risk, longitudinal sample. Findings challenge the link between exposure to smoking during pregnancy and both executive function and disruptive behavior. Further, these findings reinforce the need to utilize genetically-informed designs when examining potential effects of smoking during pregnancy. Additionally, this dissertation found support for the link between executive function and disruptive behavior, but not executive function and substance use. </p>
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Sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitet och kognitiv förmåga / The relationship between physical activity and cognitive abilityHellgren, Tilda, Nilsson, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera sambandet mellan regelbunden fysisk aktivitet och kognitiv förmåga, i form av arbetsminne, kreativt tänkande och exekutiva funktioner. För att undersöka sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitet och kognitiv förmåga användes en tvärsnittsstudie som metod. Studien innehöll 50 deltagare (36 kvinnor, 14 män) i åldrarna 19–51. Datainsamlingen bestod av en enkät, Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire, och sex kognitiva tester, Digit span forward, Digit span backward, Remote Associates Test (RAT), Guilford Alternate Uses test (GAU), Semantic fluency test och Phonemic fluency test. Enkäten efterfrågade deltagarnas träningsmängd, träningsduration och träningsintensitet. De två Digit span-testerna användes i syfte att undersöka arbetsminnet, RAT respektive GAU användes för att undersöka två former av kreativt tänkande (konvergent och divergent tänkande) och Fluency-testerna för att undersöka exekutiva funktioner. Alla deltagare fick genomföra de kognitiva testerna med samma instruktioner och under samma förutsättningar. Ett signifikant negativt samband uppvisades mellan RAT och variabler kopplat till total träningsmängd. Detta indikerade att ju högre total träningsmängd är relaterade till desto sämre prestation av konvergent tänkande. Inga signifikanta samband uppvisades mellan resterande fysiska aktivitetsvariabler och kognitiva förmågor. Resultatet från denna studie indikerade att fysisk aktivitet i termer av träningsmängd har ett negativt samband med konvergent tänkande och att fysisk aktivitet inte är relaterat till arbetsminne, divergent tänkande eller exekutiva funktioner. / The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between regular physical activity and cognitive ability. The cognitive abilities that were examined were working memory, creative thinking, and executive function. To explore the relationship between physical activity and cognitive ability, a cross-sectional study was used. The study consisted of 50 participants (36 women, 14 men) ages 19 to 51. The data collection consisted of a questionnaire, Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire, and six cognitive tests, Digit span forward, Digit span backward, Remote Associates Test (RAT), Guilford Alternate Uses test (GAU), Semantic fluency test and Phonemic fluency test. The questionnaire requested the participants’ amount of exercise, the duration of exercise and the intensity of exercise. The two Digit span tests were used to examine the working memory, RAT respectively GAU was used to examine creative thinking (convergent and divergent thinking) and the Fluency tests to examine executive functions. All participants were given the same instructions and performed the tests under the same conditions. A significant negative relationship was found between RAT and variables related to total amount of exercise. This indicated the higher total amount of exercise are related to the inferior performance of convergent thinking. No significant relationship was found between the remaining variables connected to physical activity and cognitive abilities. The result from this study indicated that physical activity in terms of amount of exercise has a negative relationship with convergent thinking and that physical activity is not related to working memory, divergent thinking, or executive functions.
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The mediating role of learning styles and strategies in the relationship between cognitive ability and academic performanceRobertson, Claire Michael 06 December 2012 (has links)
Cognitive ability has a strong and important relationship with academic performance. Numerous factors, however, affect a student’s performance, including among others; learning style, or the way in which students typically receive and process information, and learning strategies, or the level at which students approach learning and studying. Current studies are, however, divided in their findings regarding the relationship between learning styles and strategies and academic performance as well as the mediatory role they may play. The study sought to investigate the role of students’ learning styles and strategies in the relationship between cognitive ability and academic performance, in order to advance an understanding of the role that they play in this relationship. The study was conducted using a correlational research design within a cognitive psychology framework. Using convenience sampling, a total of 172 university students completed cognitive tests (Raven's Progressive Matrices and the Letter-N-Back) and a learning style and strategy survey. Structural equation modelling (SEM), specifically path analysis in combination with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), was then used to test relationships between constructs. Results from the first model suggest that higher cognitive abilities and the use of rehearsal (the surface learning strategy) each play a unique role in predicting academic performance (÷2 (67, N = 172) = 145.31, p < .001). It, in additio, seems as if various components of learning style and strategy do not predict academic performance at all. A refined model of the relationship between constructs confirmed this (÷2 (64, N = 172) = 70.51, p < .05). Learning styles along with the deep and metacognitive learning strategies were found to have no meaningful relation with academic performance. Cognitive abilities and rehearsal however were key predictors of performance. Mediation analysis further identified rehearsal as a mediator in the relationship between cognitive ability and academic performance (÷2 (65, N = 172) = 74.10, p >.05). Results show that cognitive ability indirectly affects academic performance through the surface learning strategy rehearsal). Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Psychology / unrestricted
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Using Partial Least Squares Analyses to Explore the Relationship between Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers, Modifiable Health Variables, and Cognition in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive ImpairmentStark, Jessica Hana January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Trauma-informed mindful embodied (TIME) yoga for childhood trauma survivors: self-regulation during a global pandemicSilveira, Kristen 29 April 2022 (has links)
Survivors of complex childhood trauma (CCT) tend to develop distinctive mental health challenges later on in adulthood, which may be exacerbated by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. CCT survivors often struggle with self-regulation, making it difficult to tolerate the distress associated with “gold-standard” trauma-processing therapies for survivors of single-incident and adult-onset trauma. Yoga can enhance self-regulation, through physical movements, breathing techniques, meditative focus, and ethical guidelines of behaviour. This dissertation encompasses the creation of a new approach for teaching yoga to trauma survivors, called TIME yoga. This approach is based on a neuropsychological understanding of the bio-psycho-social alterations that CCT survivors undergo. Chapter 1 details the methods employed in this series of dissertation studies. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) was conducted with 26 adult survivors of CCT. Mental health, emotional functioning, resilience, and cognitive functioning were assessed via subjective and objective measures at two time points (i.e., pre- and post- participation in the online yoga program or waitlist). Chapter 2 is a retrospective and cross-sectional study describing survivors’ pre-intervention psychological and cognitive functioning during the pandemic, and evaluating the impact of trauma at particular developmental stages. Regression analyses revealed particular implications of adolescent and young-childhood trauma. Chapter 3 presents a manual of TIME yoga and feasibility data from the initial RCT, supporting both feasibility and safety of the program. Chapter 4 underscores yoga-related improvements in depressive symptoms, interoceptive awareness, and executive functioning. Using both repeated-measures ANOVAs and clinically meaningful indicators of change, this study illustrates how TIME yoga effectively improved survivors’ self-regulation during the global health crisis. Future directions for program development and evaluation are discussed. / Graduate / 2023-04-11
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Adverse Childhood Experiences and Quality of Life: A Mediating Role of Physical Activity and Executive FunctionParrish, Loni 01 August 2022 (has links)
ACEs have been associated with heightened risk for a range of chronic health problems, substance use, and cognition in adulthood (Center for Disease Control (CDC), 2019; Hinojosa et al., 2017). One potential protective factor is physical activity (McEwen, 2016; Wu et al., 2013). Physical activity is associated with sustaining overall health, improving mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety (Murri et al., 2019; Sharma et al., 2006; Tasci et al., 2019), and maintaining a healthy body weight and BMI (WHO, 2021). Therefore, this study examined whether barriers to physical activity, physical activity levels, and executive outcomes serve as serial mediators to the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and perceived quality of physical health. Participants (n=75) completed several self- report measures related to ACEs, barriers to physical activity, amount of physical activity, and perceived quality of physical health. Following the questionnaires, they completed three executive function tasks (Flanker, Sternberg, Wisconsin Card Sorting) via E PRIME. Results revealed that lack of time, lack of willpower, and lack of energy were the most prevalent barriers to physical activity.
Additionally, a significant serial mediation analysis indicated that barriers to physical activity and physical activity levels mediated the relationship between ACEs and perceived quality of physical health. Specifically, higher ACE scores were associated with more barriers to physical activity, followed by lower physical activity levels, which in turn, lower perceived quality of physical health. However, there was insufficient evidence to conclude that executive function serially mediates the relationship between ACEs and perceived quality of physical health. The current study provides clarification on specific pathways that contribute to the relationship between ACEs and perceived quality of physical health. Future research should focus on developing interventions and educational efforts that reduce barriers to physical activity and increase physical activity and resilience building in populations that are more prone to early adversity efforts, as it may be linked to perceived quality of physical health.
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