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The impact of early life seizures on cognitive developmentSheppard, Emilie 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Les actes délégués en droit de l'Union Européenne / Delegated acts in european Union lawThiery, Sylvain 04 July 2018 (has links)
Les actes délégués ont été introduits en droit de l’Union européenne à la suite de l’adoption du traité de Lisbonne. Définis à l’article 290 TFUE comme des « actes non législatifs de portée générale qui complètent ou modifient certains éléments non essentiels de l'acte législatif », les actes délégués apparaissent prima facie comme un instrument d’exécution du droit de l’Union, dans la continuité de la comitologie préexistante au traité de Lisbonne. Ils se distinguent pourtant des actes d’exécution de l’article 291 TFUE, qui sont adoptés « lorsque des conditions uniformes d'exécution des actes juridiquement contraignants de l'Union sont nécessaires ». Les actes délégués semblent ainsi formellement exclus de la fonction d’exécution. Par déduction, ils devraient alors participer à l’exercice de la fonction législative. Cette conclusion n’a cependant rien d’évident dès lors que les actes délégués sont qualifiés « d’actes non législatifs ». L’étude des actes délégués a pour objectif de clarifier cette apparente contradiction et démontrer que l’objet de la procédure de délégation de pouvoir induite par l’article 290 TFUE est de transférer des compétences de nature législative entre le Parlement européen et le Conseil d’une part, et la Commission d’autre part. Cette étude conduit à observer les incidences institutionnelles et substantielles des actes délégués pour évaluer leurs effets sur la production normative de l’Union. / Delegated acts have been introduced into European Union law following the adoption of the Lisbon treaty. Defined by article 290 TFEU as “non-legislative acts of general application to supplement or amend certain non-essential elements of the legislative act”, delegated acts appear prima facie as an instrument of implementation of EU law, in continuity with the comitology that existed before the Lisbon treaty. However, delegated acts differ from the implementing acts as defined by article 291 TFEU which are adopted “where uniform conditions for implementing legally binding Union acts are needed”. Delegated acts thereby seem to be excluded from executive function. Instead, they should by deduction take part in the exercise of legislative function. This hypothesis is however not evident since delegated acts are referred to as “non-legislative acts”. The purpose of this thesis is to clarify this apparent contradiction and demonstrate that the aim of the delegation procedure under article 290 TFEU is to transfer a legislative power from the European Parliament and the Council to the Commission. This thesis assesses the institutional and substantive implications of delegated acts and their effects on the normative production of the Union.
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Mindreading, Language and SimulationDeChant, Ryan C 01 August 2010 (has links)
Mindreading is the capacity to attribute psychological states to others and to use those attributions to explain, predict, and understand others’ behaviors. In the past thirty years, mindreading has become the topic of substantial interdisciplinary research and theorizing, with philosophers, psychologists and, more recently, neuroscientists, all contributing to the debate about the nature of the neuropsychological mechanisms that constitute the capacity for mindreading. In this thesis I push this debate forward by using recent results from developmental psychology as the basis for critiques of two prominent views of mindreading. First, I argue that the developmental studies provide evidence of infant mindreading and therefore expose a flaw in José Bermúdez’s view that certain forms of mindreading require language possession. Second, I argue that the evidence of infant mindreading can also be used to undermine Alvin Goldman’s version of Simulation Theory.
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Examen des liens entre les comportements de soutien affectif maternel et les profils d'apprentissage en contexte de prise de décisions affectives chez les enfants de 48 moisChampagne, Christine 04 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs recherches ont démontré que la qualité des interactions mère-enfant influence le développement de la fonction exécutive (FE) chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire. Ces recherches se sont attardées à la dimension « froide » de la FE qui regroupe les habiletés de prise de décisions générales en situation de résolution de problèmes. Cette recherche s’intéresse à l’autre dimension de la FE, les cognitions « chaudes », qui entrent en jeu lorsque la prise de décisions en situation de résolution de problèmes implique une charge émotionnelle. Cette dimension joue un rôle dans la prise de décisions affectives (PDA). Les études empiriques qui portent sur la PDA ont principalement regardé les liens avec le sexe et l’âge des enfants ainsi que les relations avec les facteurs neurologiques. Aucune étude à notre connaissance n’a examiné les liens avec la qualité des interactions mère-enfant. L’exploration empirique de la contribution des facteurs environnementaux proximaux de l’enfant, tel que le soutien affectif maternel, reste à faire. Dans un premier temps, cette recherche examine l’effet du soutien affectif maternel sur la PDA globale. Dans un deuxième temps, l’effet du sexe et l’effet d’interaction entre la qualité du soutien affectif maternel et les profils d’apprentissage des enfants de 48 mois sont examinés. Enfin, cette étude examine cent quatre-vingt-onze enfants (109 filles et 82 garçons) et leur mère qui ont participé à une journée d'évaluation en laboratoire dans le cadre de l’Étude Longitudinale sur le Développement des Enfants du Québec - groupe Pilote (ELDEQ-P, Santé Québec, 1997). Ils ont réalisé différentes activités permettant de les évaluer en dyade ou individuellement. La PDA a été évaluée à l’aide du Children’s Gambling Task (CGT) (Kerr & Zelazo, 2001). Le soutien affectif maternel a été évalué à partir d’une tâche de récits narratifs co-construits entre la mère et l’enfant (MacArthur Story-Stem Battery (MSSB), Bretherton, Oppenheim, Buchsbaum, Emde & the MacArthur Narrative Group, 1990) et la grille d’évaluation du Climat affectif a été utilisée pour évaluer la qualité du soutien affectif maternel (Boutin, Parent, et Lapalme-L’Heureux, 1998). Nos résultats indiquent que la qualité du soutien affectif maternel n’a pas d’effet principal sur la PDA globale mais interagit avec les profils d’apprentissage des enfants en contexte de PDA. Cette interaction est toutefois significative uniquement chez les garçons. Les garçons qui reçoivent un soutien affectif maternel dans la moyenne ou élevé obtiennent un meilleur profil d’apprentissage en situation de PDA comparativement à ceux qui ont un soutien affectif maternel sous la moyenne. En outre, les résultats révèlent que les 26 enfants (12 garçons, 14 filles) qui ont abandonné en cours de tâche obtiennent des scores plus faibles sur la qualité du soutien affectif maternel. Ce résultat suggère que les enfants obtenant un faible soutien affectif maternel sont plus enclins à abandonner une tâche d’apprentissage en situation de PDA. En somme, les résultats de la présente étude suggèrent que la qualité des interactions mère-enfant est importante sur le développement d’habiletés cognitives en contexte émotionnel chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire. / Research suggests that the quality of mother-child interactions play a role in the development of executive functioning (EF) during the preschool years. Most studies have examined cool EF, which represent general decision-making abilities during problem solving activities. The present study is concerned with hot EF, which is typically elicited by problem solving situations that require emotional regulation. Hot EF plays a role in affective decision-making (ADM). Prior research on ADM has examined its relation to sex, age, and neurological factors. Studies have not examined whether mother-child interactions play a role in the development of ADM ability. Thus, the importance of proximal environmental factors such as maternal responsiveness remains to be examined. The present study first examines the main effect of the quality of maternal responsiveness on the ADM ability. Second, the effect of sex and the interaction between the quality of maternal responsiveness and learning profiles of 48-month-old children were examined. Finally, this study also examines whether there were differences between the maternal responsiveness of children who abandoned the ADM test and those who completed the task. A subsample of 191 children (109 girls and 82 boys) and their mothers participated in a lab visit as part of the Pilot-Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (P-QLSCD, Quebec Health, 1997). Children completed several activities both individually and with their mothers. ADM was evaluated using the Children’s Gambling Task (CGT, Kerr & Zelazo, 2001). Maternal responsiveness was assessed using the MacArthur Story-Stem Battery (MSSB , Bretherton, Oppenheim, Buchsbaum, Emde & the MacArthur Narrative Group, 1990) and the Affective climate coding scheme (Boutin, Parent, et Lapalme-L’Heureux, 1998). Results revealed no significant principal effect between the quality of maternal responsiveness and ADM ability but a significant interaction between the quality of maternal responsiveness and child learning profiles. However, this interaction was only significant for boys. Boys who received medium to high levels of responsiveness showed better learning profiles during hot EF tasks than those who received low levels of responsiveness. In addition, children who abandoned the experiment (N=26) received lower scores on maternal responsiveness than those who completed the task. The present results suggest that high quality mother-child interactions are important for the development of cognitive processing in emotional contexts.
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Examen de la mémoire épisodique dans le trouble cognitif léger : effet modérateur des comorbidités vasculairesVilleneuve, Sylvia 10 1900 (has links)
Le fardeau vasculaire (présence de maladies vasculaires et/ou cérébrovasculaires) est associé à une augmentation des troubles cognitifs chez les personnes âgées, ainsi qu’à un plus haut risque de démence vasculaire (DV) et de démence de type Alzheimer (DTA). Un nombre restreint de travaux a porté sur l’impact du fardeau vasculaire sur la cognition des personnes avec trouble cognitif léger (TCL). Pourtant, les personnes avec TCL représentent une population d’intérêt puisqu’elles sont à haut risque d’évoluer vers une démence. Cette thèse comprend trois articles de revue qui visent à exposer les connaissances entourant la santé vasculaire et la cognition des personnes âgées et trois articles empiriques (Chapitres 5, 6, 7). La première étude empirique traite de l’impact du fardeau vasculaire sur la cognition des personnes TCL et a comme objectif de spécifier quelles fonctions cognitives sont affectées par le fardeau vasculaire et dans quelle mesure le fardeau vasculaire influence l’hétérogénéité des TCL (Chapitre 5). Dans le cadre de la deuxième étude, nous avons examiné l’intégrité des processus stratégiques et non stratégiques de mémorisation des TCL avec et sans fardeau vasculaire, afin d’évaluer si ces processus diffèrent quantitativement et qualitativement entre ces deux groupes (Chapitre 6). Enfin, dans la troisième étude nous avons évalué les capacités d’association (binding) ainsi que la résistance à l’interférence des personnes TCL, les liens entre ces processus mnésiques et différents marqueurs cérébraux en plus des facteurs permettant de prédire l’évolution vers une démence (Chapitre 7).
Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse appuient l’hypothèse selon laquelle le fardeau vasculaire influence le profil cognitif des TCL. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que le fardeau vasculaire est associé à une atteinte exécutive plus importante chez les TCL (Chapitre 5). De plus, nos résultats suggèrent que le fardeau vasculaire influence la classification clinique de ces derniers, puisque ceux dont le fardeau est élevé répondent davantage aux critères de TCL amnestique domaine multiple (trouble de mémoire plus au moins un autre déficit cognitif) tandis que ceux sans fardeau répondent davantage aux critères de TCL amnestique domaine unique (trouble isolé de la mémoire). Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons montré des différences dans la nature des processus mnésiques atteints chez les TCL avec et sans fardeau vasculaire (Chapitre 6). Alors que les premiers présentent une atteinte prédominante des processus stratégiques de mémorisation, les seconds présentent une atteinte des processus stratégiques et non stratégiques de mémorisation. Lorsque seuls les résultats des TCL ayant évolué vers une démence sont analysés, le patron d’atteinte est similaire puisque les TCL vasculaires sont quantitativement moins touchés que les TCL non-vasculaires au niveau des processus non-stratégiques de mémorisation. Enfin, tant les TCL qui progressent vers une démence que les TCL qui restent stables après un suivi de trois ans éprouvent tous des difficultés de mémoire associative et sont sensibles à l’interférence proactive (Chapitre 7). De plus, le fardeau vasculaire est associé à la sensibilité à l’interférence alors que le volume hippocampique est associé aux difficultés de mémoire associative. Enfin, nos résultats indiquent que les TCL qui éprouvent des difficultés de mémoire associative sont plus à risque d’évoluer vers une démence que les TCL ne présentant pas ces mêmes difficultés. De façon globale, les résultats de cette thèse révèlent que le fardeau vasculaire joue un rôle important dans l’hétérogénéité des TCL. / Vascular burden (presence of vascular diseases and/or cerebrovascular diseases) increase cognitive deficits in older adults and have been associated with vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases. However, only a few studies have examined the impact of vascular burden on cognitive functioning in persons with mild cognitive impairment (herein referred to as MCIs). Individuals with MCI are a target population for research since they are at high risk of developing dementia. Understanding the factors that influence MCIs cognition is thus a priority. This thesis aims to identify the impact of vascular burden on MCI’s cognition. First, a summary of the literature concerning vascular health and cognitive functioning in the elderly is presented here (Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4). Then, three studies that represent the core of this thesis are exposed. The first one aims to identify which cognitive functions are affected by vascular burden in MCIs (Chapter 5). In the second one, we assess strategic and non strategic memory processes in MCI with and without vascular burden (Chapter 6). Finally, in the last study, we assess binding and sensitivity to proactive interference in MCIs who progress to dementia, and MCIs who remain stable in a three-year follow-up (Chapter 7). This latter study also assesses which brain changes influence binding and interference capacity in MCIs and which factors predict progression to dementia.
Results of this thesis first revealed that vascular burden plays an important role in cognitive heterogeneity of MCIs. First, MCIs who present a high vascular burden have more executive deficits. Second, those same MCIs run a greater risk of being clinically classified as amnestic multiple domain MCIs (memory impairment plus impairment in at least one cognitive domain, whereas MCIs with no vascular burden run a greater risk of being classified as amnestic single domain MCIs (isolated memory impairment) (Chapter 7). In the second article of this thesis, we showed that MCIs with vascular burden have memory impairment restricted to strategic memory processes. When only the results of MCIs who progressed to dementia were analysed, a similar pattern of memory impairment was found, since MCIs with vascular burden were less impaired in non strategic than strategic processes, whereas both processes were impaired in MCIs with no vascular burden (Chapter 8). Finally, MCIs who progressed to dementia, and those who remained stable after a three-year follow-up, showed binding difficulties and vulnerability to proactive interference. This difference was particularly evident when only MCI progressors were compared to healthy controls. In summary, vascular burden plays a role in the cognitive heterogeneity of MCI.
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Cardiopulmonary Fitness, Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Performance in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: Phenomenology and BiomarkersSwardfager, Walter 26 March 2012 (has links)
Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) has been associated with depressive symptoms and deficits in cognitive performance, both of which have been associated with poorer medical prognoses and poorer psychosocial outcomes. Physical activity can improve cognitive and depressive symptoms, and, for those with CAD, improve medical prognoses. It was hypothesized that depressive symptoms and poorer cognitive performance would be associated with poorer cardiopulmonary fitness in patients with CAD, and that these sequelae would be associated prospectively with noncompletion of cardiac rehabilitation (CR). The benefits of physical activity are thought to result, in part, from decreased inflammatory activity and increased adaptive neural plasticity, to which the ratio of kynurenine to tryptophan (K/T) and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), respectively, in peripheral blood may pertain. Methods and Results: In a cohort study of patients entering CR, depressive symptoms (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression scale; CES-D scores) were associated with cardiopulmonary fitness (peak volume of oxygen uptake; VO2Peak) during an exercise stress test (B=-.404, p=.001, n=366). The VO2Peak was also associated with performance across multiple cognitive domains, but most strongly with performance on tests involving executive function, attention and psychomotor processing speed (β=.322, p=.002 for composite score, n=81) in a cohort of patients entering CR. In prospective cohort studies, Major Depressive Disorder (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 2.5, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.3–4.7, n=195) and poorer performance on a verbal memory test (HR 0.86, 95% CI 0.77-0.96, p=.009, n=131) predicted non-completion of CR. In patients undertaking CR, higher serum K/T ratios were associated with CES-D scores (β=.322, p=.002, n=95) and with VO2Peak (β=-.391, p<.001, n=95), and in a cohort of patients entering CR (n=88), serum concentrations of BDNF were associated with psychomotor processing speed (F1,87=9.620, p=.003), overall cognitive status (Mini Mental Status Exam) scores (F1,87=15.406, p<.0005) and VO2Peak (β=.305, p=.013). Conclusions: Depressive symptoms and poorer cognitive performance are clinically important in patients with CAD entering CR and they are both associated with poorer cardiopulmonary fitness. Poorer cardiopulmonary fitness was also associated with higher K/T ratios and with lower BDNF concentrations in serum, which predicted depressive symptoms and poorer cognitive performance, respectively.
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Cardiopulmonary Fitness, Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Performance in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: Phenomenology and BiomarkersSwardfager, Walter 26 March 2012 (has links)
Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) has been associated with depressive symptoms and deficits in cognitive performance, both of which have been associated with poorer medical prognoses and poorer psychosocial outcomes. Physical activity can improve cognitive and depressive symptoms, and, for those with CAD, improve medical prognoses. It was hypothesized that depressive symptoms and poorer cognitive performance would be associated with poorer cardiopulmonary fitness in patients with CAD, and that these sequelae would be associated prospectively with noncompletion of cardiac rehabilitation (CR). The benefits of physical activity are thought to result, in part, from decreased inflammatory activity and increased adaptive neural plasticity, to which the ratio of kynurenine to tryptophan (K/T) and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), respectively, in peripheral blood may pertain. Methods and Results: In a cohort study of patients entering CR, depressive symptoms (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression scale; CES-D scores) were associated with cardiopulmonary fitness (peak volume of oxygen uptake; VO2Peak) during an exercise stress test (B=-.404, p=.001, n=366). The VO2Peak was also associated with performance across multiple cognitive domains, but most strongly with performance on tests involving executive function, attention and psychomotor processing speed (β=.322, p=.002 for composite score, n=81) in a cohort of patients entering CR. In prospective cohort studies, Major Depressive Disorder (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 2.5, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.3–4.7, n=195) and poorer performance on a verbal memory test (HR 0.86, 95% CI 0.77-0.96, p=.009, n=131) predicted non-completion of CR. In patients undertaking CR, higher serum K/T ratios were associated with CES-D scores (β=.322, p=.002, n=95) and with VO2Peak (β=-.391, p<.001, n=95), and in a cohort of patients entering CR (n=88), serum concentrations of BDNF were associated with psychomotor processing speed (F1,87=9.620, p=.003), overall cognitive status (Mini Mental Status Exam) scores (F1,87=15.406, p<.0005) and VO2Peak (β=.305, p=.013). Conclusions: Depressive symptoms and poorer cognitive performance are clinically important in patients with CAD entering CR and they are both associated with poorer cardiopulmonary fitness. Poorer cardiopulmonary fitness was also associated with higher K/T ratios and with lower BDNF concentrations in serum, which predicted depressive symptoms and poorer cognitive performance, respectively.
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Fonaments i eficàcia de l’entrenament cognitiu Repyflec per a pacients amb esquizofrèniaFarreny i Seró, Aida 14 December 2010 (has links)
A partir dels anys 90, les alteracions cognitives de l'esquizofrènia han resultat de gran interès per la seva relació amb altres aspectes del funcionament general que posen en relleu el paper nuclear del dèficit cognitiu en aquest trastorn (Kraus i Keefe, 2007; Wykes i Reeder, 2005). Les alteracions de la memòria, la funció executiva i l'atenció han mostrat ser les més rellevants tant per la seva repercussió funcional com per la seva intensitat (Brazo i cols., 2002; Hoff i Kremen, 2003; Medalia i Lim, 2004; Penadés i cols., 1999; Reed i cols., 2002; Sharma i Antonova, 2003; Sponheim i cols., 2003; Wykes i Reeder, 2005; Zandio i cols., 2005). Arran d'aquestes troballes s'ha desenvolupat una eina de rehabilitació coneguda com a remediació cognitiva, que consisteix en un entrenament conductual per a millorar els processos cognitius d'atenció, memòria, funció executiva, cognició social i metacognició (Wykes i cols., 2011). Té com a objectius millorar el funcionament cognitiu de les persones amb esquizofrènia i aconseguir que aquestes millores es traslladin a una major competència en la resolució de problemes quotidians (Medalia i Freilich, 2008). Diversos estudis han trobat que la millora de la funció executiva mitjançant procediments de remediació cognitiva està fortament associada a la millora de l'autonomia personal i del funcionament en la comunitat (Green, 1996; Reeder i cols., 2006; Penadés i cols., 2006 ; Wykes i cols., 2007b; Wykes i Huddy, 2009, Wykes i cols. 2011). Els resultats obtinguts en revisions i metanàlisis han indicat millores consistents en un ampli rang de funcions cognitives, en els símptomes i en el funcionament en la comunitat (Lindenmayer i cols., 2008; McGurk i cols., 2007; Twamley i cols., 2003; Wykes i cols., 2011).
En el marc de la Unitat de Recerca i Desenvolupament del Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu (Sant Boi de Llobregat), es va desenvolupar un programa propi de remediació cognitiva i es va dur a terme l'estudi de la seva eficàcia.
El programa REPYFLEC és un entrenament de remediació cognitiva en format de paper i llapis, que es realitza en grup (4-6 participants) i es porta a terme dos dies a la setmana durant 4 mesos (32 sessions). Els continguts que es treballen es divideixen en dues àrees principals: Resolució de Problemes i Flexibilitat Cognitiva, i es realitzen 16 sessions de cadascuna. L'objectiu d'aquest tractament és intervenir en les funcions cognitives superiors que estan afectades en l'esquizofrènia, com són la funció executiva i la metacognició.
Amb l’objectiu d’avaluar l’entrenament Repyflec es va realitzar un assaig clínic controlat i aleatoritzat, de doble cegament i en comparació a un grup control actiu que realitzava 32 sessions d’un grup d’oci sense objectius específics. Als resultats s'ha trobat que el Repyflec ha produït un canvi superior i estadísticament significatiu a favor del grup experimental en variables cognitives i socials. Més concretament, al post tractament s'han trobat millores a favor del Repyflec en la funció executiva, en les àrees de cura personal, relacions socials -contacte social i en l'ocupació. Els resultats obtinguts al seguiment mostren que les millores en la funció executiva i en el funcionament social es mantenen 6 mesos després d'haver finalitzat el tractament. Així mateix, el Repyflec apunta a influir en la millora d’algunes variables simptomatològiques.
El Repyflec és una intervenció de grup, multifunció i restitutiva, que aconsegueix canvis superiors i estadísticament significatius en el funcionament executiu i social de pacients ambulatoris amb esquizofrènia. La intervenció en la funció executiva s'ha mostrat associada a guanys en les àrees de funcionament psicosocial. / "REPYFLEC cognitive remediation group training in schizophrenia. Randomised controlled tria"l
BACKGROUND: Cognitive difficulties are well known in people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and are associated with poor long-term functioning. Cognitive remediation trainings are developed to treat cognitive problems that affect functioning. Current international studies about cognitive remediation obtain improvements in cognitive and social functioning and in some psychiatric symptoms. AIMS: To evaluate the efficacy of a cognitive remediation group training program, namely Problem Solving and Cognitive Flexibility training, addressed to improve psicosocial functioning of patients with schizophrenia. METHOD: Participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder (n=52) were randomized to 32 -twice a week- group sessions of REPYFLEC training, or to 32 -twice a week- group sessions of activities without specific objectives and focused to leisure. Social functioning, psychiatric symptoms and Theory of Mind (ToM) were measured at weeks 0, 8, 16 and 40. Cognitive function was measured at weeks 0, 16 and 40. Mixed Models were used to estimate statistical differences. RESULTS: Patients in the cognitive remediation training group demonstrated significantly improvements on executive function, social functioning and negative symptoms at post-treatment compared to patients in the control group. At 6 month follow-up assessment, significant improvements in executive function and social functioning remained. CONCLUSIONS: REPYFLEC cognitive training is associated with significant improvements on executive function, social functioning and specific symptoms in outpatients with schizophrenia.
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Cognitive Abilities and their Influence on Speech-In-Noise Information Processing : a Study on Different Kinds of Speech Support and Their Relation to the Human Cognition / Kognitiva förmågor och deras influens på informationsbearbetning av tal-i-brus : en studie på olika typer av talstöd och deras relation till mänsklig kognitionSjöström, Elin January 2017 (has links)
In this paper, top-down and bottom-up processing were studied regarding their effect on speech-in-noise. Three cognitive functions were also studied (divided attention, executive functioning, and semantic comprehension), and the effect they have on the speech processing and on each other. The research questions asked were if a difference in speech-in noise perception can be observed regarding the different levels of top-down and bottom-up support, if speech-in-noise is related to any of the researched cognitive abilities, and if there exists any correlation between these abilities. The method is a within-subject experimental design, consisting of four different tests: PASAT, to measure attention, LIT, to measure semantic comprehension, TMT, to measure executive functioning and SIN, to measure speech-in noise. The results showed a significant difference between top-down and bottom-up processing, a significant difference between top-down processing in decreasing and increasing conditions could also be seen. A negative correlation between the benefit of top-down support and the semantic comprehension task was found. Regarding the cognitive abilities a few correlations were found; the semantic comprehension task had a positive correlation to both the central executive task and the attentional task, the attentional task had a negative correlation to the central executive task, and both of the central executive subtasks had a positive correlation to each other. Most of the findings were expected, built on earlier cognitive hearing theories and studies.
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Funcionalidade e função executiva em idosos saudáveis e portadores de demência na doença de Alzheimer: estudo de validação do Executive Function Performance Test-Br / Funcionality and Executive Function in helthy and carriers of dementia in Alzheimer\'s disease elderlies: validation study of the Executive Function Performance Test - BrPatricia Cardoso Buchain Neubern 20 March 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Na Doença de Alzheimer, o comprometimento no desempenho nas Atividades de Vida Diária (AVD) impacta diretamente a autonomia e independência do indivíduo. A capacidade funcional determina o nível de auxílio que uma pessoa irá necessitar no cotidiano para uma vida em segurança e com autonomia. Dentre os domínios cognitivos, a Função Executiva tem sido relatada como a mais associada com o desempenho de funcionalidade. Há a necessidade de instrumentos válidos para avaliar os déficits das funções executivas no desempenho de tarefas de mundo real em pacientes com doença de Alzheimer (DA) no Brasil. Objetivo: Validar a versão brasileira do teste Executive Performance Test (EFPT) em pacientes com doença de Alzheimer (DA). Métodos: Adaptação cultural do EFPT para o português do Brasil. Os estudos de confiabilidade e validade foram realizados com três grupos de idosos: controles, DA leve e DA moderada. Este estudo examinou a estabilidade do instrumento, a consistência interna (alfa de Cronbach), a validade de constructo e de critério e análises de precisão. Resultados: A amostra foi composta de 83 participantes com 60 anos ou mais, distribuídos em três grupos: controle, DA leve e DA moderada. A confiabilidade inter examinadores foi alta (ICC = 0,985), com alta consistência interna (Cronbach ? = 0,967). Houve forte correlação entre EFPT-Br Total e DAFS-BR (r = -0.762), correlação fraca a moderada com a bateria cognitiva e correlação moderada a forte com a bateria funcional. Foi realizado o cálculo da da ROC multiclasse área sob a curva de 0,8933, a pontuação sugerida para diferenciar os grupos : menor que 8 para controles; entre 9 e 27 para DA leve; e acima de 28 para DA moderada, para discriminar grupos. Conclusão: O EFPT-BR é um teste válido, com parâmetros psicométricos satisfatórios, para discriminar pacientes saudáveis, com DA leve e DA moderada na realização de tarefas instrumentais. O teste fornece informações consistentes para auxiliar a compreensão do desempenho de pacientes com DA na realização de atividades de vida diária com mais autonomia e segurança / Background: In Alzheimer\'s disease, the impairment in performing Activities of Daily Life (ADL) directly affects the autonomy and independence of the individual. The functionality determine a person needs for a safe and autonomous life. Among the cognitive domains, Executive Function has been reported as the most associated with functionality performance. There is a need for valid assessments to evaluate the deficits of executive functions in performing of real world tasks with patients with Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) in Brazil. Objective: To validate to Brazilian Portuguese version of the Executive Function Performance Test (EFPT) in Alzheimer disease (AD) patients. Methods: Cultural adaptation of EFPT to Brazilian Portuguese. The reliability and validity studies were performed with three groups of elderly: controls, mild AD and moderate AD. This study examines instrument stability, an internal consistency (Cronbach\'s alpha), a construct and criterion validity, and precision analyzes. Results: The sample consisted of 83 participants aged 60 years and over, divided into three groups: control, mild AD and moderate AD. The inter-examiner reliability was high (ICC = 0.985), with high internal consistency (Cronbach ? = 0.967). There was a strong correlation between EFPT-Br Total and DAFS-BR (r = -0.762), weak to moderate correlation with a cognitive battery and moderate to strong correlation with the functional battery. We performed the calculation of the ROC multiclass area under the curve of 0.8933, a score suggested to differentiate the groups: less than 8 for controls; between 9 and 27 for mild AD; and above 28 for moderate AD, to discriminate groups. Conclusion: EFPT-BR is a valid test with satisfactory psychometric parameters to discriminate healthy patients with mild AD and moderate AD in performing instrumental tasks. The test provides consistent information to assist in understanding the performance of AD patients in carrying out more autonomous and safe daily life activities
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