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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Operation and Management of Learning Organization¡XA case study of the Central Personnel Administration, the Executive Yuan

Lin, Wan-Li 22 August 2006 (has links)
Abstract Operation and Management of Learning Organization¡XA case study of the Central Personnel Administration, the Executive Yuan. The twenty-first century is the era that economy takes command. Under this situation, knowledge management is the major measure to obtain, share and transfer knowledge. On the other hand, learning society concept, promoted in advanced countries, makes many organizations work towards becoming ¡§learning organizations.¡¨ Knowledge management and learning organizations are gradually influencing the department functions and personnel roles within organizations. In human resources management, education, training and development functions, etc will still be emphasized. However, being impacted by these two tendencies, human resources management will have to merge the organization learning and knowledge management into the organization mechanism, it with result in innovative learning ideas in order to mold the learning culture of organizations and improve employee¡¦s capability and organizational effectiveness. This case study will explore the procedures and achievements from the learning organization promoted by Central Personnel Administration, the Executive Yuan with the basis of strategic human resources management of learning organizations. The research will find out current issues of human resources system of central government and what can be done to correct the issues. From the issues discovered, suggestions will be offered to central government institutes to serve the reference planning and promoting the learning organizations. Key words¡GKnowledge management, Organization learning, Learning organizations, Strategic human resources management, Case study, Central Personnel Administration of the Executive Yuan.

「行政院組織法」修正過程之研究:由政治生態環境看修法過程之演變(1987-1993) / Researdh on the Amendment Process in " The Executive Yuan Organization Law" An Political Ecology Approach to Observing the Evolution of the Legal Reform Prpcess (1987- 1993)

陳進郁, Chen, Jinn-Yuh Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是以「行政院組織法」修正過程之「個案分析」,配合「歷史面向」-民國76年至82年,以及「生態面向」-台灣政治環境變遷,歸納出修法過程中的重要因果連結關係。全文共分七章,分別簡述如下: 第一章導論旨在闡述研究動機與目的、文獻整理與探討、以及研究方法與架構。 第二章先介紹台灣解除戒嚴後的政治環境變遷,包括以「重大事件」和「內閣更迭」為分期的不同階段描述。 第三章介紹民國76年以前的行政院組織法修正之背景分析,其中分成憲法公布(民國36年)前後兩大階段,並簡略探討各階段中央行政組織架構變遷之原因。 第四章描述行政院組織法修正之第一階段(民國76年至79年),其中又以行政院研修小組研擬過程、行政院院會決議過程、立法院委員會審查過程、立法院院會審議過程等分成四段進程。 第五章描述行政院組織法修正之第二階段(民國79年至82年),分成停頓期、郝內閣時期、連內閣時期等三段進程。 第六章則結合第二章的政治環境變遷背景,和第四章、第五章行政院組織法修正的兩個大階段,綜合歸納在此修正過程中,其影響進程的因素分析;此章係筆者連結前述各章所作的全盤性研究成果。 第七章結論部分,除了總結發現與建議(包括行政院組織架構之個人芻議)外,並對未來發展作一些前瞻性的期望。

我國高階政務及事務官員調動的模式:以行政院為例,1988~2010 / Transfer modes of high-ranking administrative and executive officers in Taiwan government as seen in the Executive Yuan from 1988 to 2010

陳鴻章, Chen, Hung Chang Unknown Date (has links)
為了探討與分析長期以來存在,關於行政院高階政務官、事務官員調動的「普遍說」與「特殊說」爭議,並且探究哪些制度性、組織性因素,對於行政院的高階政務、事務官員更替,會有所影響。本研究嘗試在制度的代理人理論架構,以及相關理論預設之下,以一九八八年第一季到兩千零一十年第四季,時序橫跨李登輝、陳水扁、馬英九等三位總統主政期間,包括行政院本部暨所屬三十二個部會的高階政務、事務官員,作為研究對象,進行實證的分析。 在本文的第一到第四章,我們分別說明了研究動機與背景、進行相關文獻回顧、探討研究理論,以及說明研究問題與模型。而在第五章則是分析、探討,台灣於一九九零年代初期,到一九九零年代中期,因為持續進行憲法增修條文的制訂,進而使得總統在憲法本文,以及憲法增修條文,所構成的憲政制度上,獲得了行政院高階行政官員的人事任免權。而且總統在取得了這個制度上的重要權力之後,行政院高階行政官員的任命、調動,就成為總統掌控行政體系的重要制度性工具,同時更是高階行政官員控制的重要手段。 此外,我們更進一步在第六章,分析了台灣從一九八零年代晚期,到兩千零一十年間,分別在不同階段,先後掌權的李登輝、陳水扁、馬英九等三位總統,對行政院高階行政官員,所採取以高階行政官員任命、調動,作為手段的控制模式,並且探討於第四章所提出的假設一、假設二、假設三,分別獲得實證資料支持的情況。至於第七章則是先透過總體資料的分析,探究假設四到假設十一,能否獲得實證資料的支持,同時更以部會為單位的季度別資料,建構縱橫資料的多元迴歸模型,用以分析哪些因素,對於行政院高階行政官員的更替,是有所影響的。 然而,在相關的實證分析之後,我們可以確切的認為,以往關於行政院高階行政官員控制上,所存在的「普遍說」與「特殊說」的爭論,是以普遍說可以獲得理論上,以及實證資料的支持。而就各種可能對於行政院的高階政務、事務官員更替,會有所影響的制度性、組織性因素而言,總統處在什麼樣的政治時機、面對哪些性質的部會,將會是關鍵。當總統必須更為重視行政體系的穩定,以及施政品質時,必然會選擇壓抑行政官員控制的強度。反之,當總統所面對的是,委託代理人難題疑慮的攀升,且有較大的空間容忍行政體系的不穩定時,那麼可以預期的是,大範圍、數量龐大的高階行政官員清洗,將會接踵而至。 最後,透過相關資料的分析,我們也發現了,在一次、二次政黨輪替,於西元兩千年到兩千零八年,相繼的發生,以及相應出現範圍廣泛、人數繁多,全面性高階行政官員清洗,也使台灣社會,在短期間之內,必須付出可觀的政治交易成本。這樣的情況,也使得台灣民眾的民主信念,是有所動搖,同時這也對於台灣的民主政治發展,是一個不容被忽視的隱憂。 / This reasearch offers an analysis of the long-standing discourse on transferal patterns of government officials in Taiwan, with the focus on the much-debated “general theory” vs. “special theory” approach. We will look at the systemic and organizational factors that influence the appointment, replacement, and transferal of both administrative and executive officers in the higher echelons of government. Specifically, this paper examines the time period from 1988 to 2010, employing a systematic agent framework in combination with related theoretical parameters to explore the concrete situation in the Executive Yuan and its 32 ministries, commissions, and other agencies under three consecutive administrations (i.e. presidents Lee Teng-hui, Chen Shui-bian, and Ma Ying-jeou). In the first four chapters, we will outline background and motive of this paper, give an overview of past research on this topic, scrutinize relevant theoretical approaches, and illustrate research problems and models. In the fifth chapter, we explore and analyze the period from the early to the mid-1990s, a time that saw repeated amendments and additions to the constitution that gave the president increasingly greater powers of appointment and removal of cabinet members. These powers have become one of the most important political tools the president wields, allowing the nation’s leader to exert highly effective and immediate control over the Executive Yuan, in particular over its highest-ranking officials. In the sixth chapter, we will cover the entire period from the late 1980s to the 2010. During this time, three presidents were successively at the helm (Lee from 1988-2000, Chen from 2000-2008, Ma since 2008), and we will scrutinize the different appointment and transferal modes applied during their terms, in particular as regards their use as a tool of political control. In addition, we will further discuss the first three hypotheses initially proposed in chapter four, and show if and how they are borne out by the data and facts assembled in this research. Chapter seven contains a comprehensive analysis of the entire set of data to facilitate our discussion of hypotheses four to eleven as first proposed in chapter four, and to determine whether or not these are supported by the empirical data. At the same time, we look at the quarterly figures from Executive Yuan ministries and commissions to create a multiple regression model of the cross-section data, which will help us to analyze which specific factors influence the substitution and transferal of high-ranking officials. After a thorough analysis of the empirical data, we will find that of the two theories usually applied to the problem of systemic and political control over the higher echelons of the executive, i.e. the general and the special theory mentioned above, the general theory is in fact better supported by the relevant set of data. As for which particular systemic and organizational factors may influence the replacement or substitution of high-ranking administrative and executive cabinet members, the crucial parameters affecting this question are the larger political climate that the president faces, as well as the type and political weight of the concerned ministries and commissions. At times when administrative stability and quality are the paramount considerations, the president will necessarily deemphasize his control over the executive and refrain from making too many personnel changes, while in times of political crisis, or when there is growing concern over the competence and suitability of his entrusted agents (i.e. leading members of the Executive Yuan’s subdivisions) and thus more tolerance for change, one will almost always see large-scale cabinet reshuffles as the president attempts to flush out unfit or unwanted elements. Finally, an analysis of the overall data also shows that the two transitions of power Taiwan has seen in 2000 and 2008 respectively were—as a matter of course—accompanied by extensive personnel changes as numerous high-ranking government officials were removed from office to make place for new faces. These far-reaching waves of “political purging” and complete reorganization of the cabinet within short periods of time have come at a considerable political cost for Taiwan’s society as a whole. This has somewhat shaken the population’s faith in democracy as a political system, and here lies a significant potential concern for the future development of Taiwan’s democracy.

我國文化行政組織體系變遷與發展之研究 / The Change and Development of Cultural Administration in China

林志冠, Lin, Jyh Guan Unknown Date (has links)
民國七十六年,行政院體認到行政院組織法修正的必要性,乃決議調調整 八部二會的體例限制。經研議結果,決定增設「衛生福利部」、「文化部 」、「農業部」及「勞工部」。其決議成立「文化部」的理由在於:我國 經濟建設雖業已締造奇蹟,唯文化建設仍呈偏枯失調現象。且由於現階段 文化建設工作,係由各相關機關辦理,事權分散,不相聯屬,難作整體規 劃,亟宜成立文化部,以專責成。文化部成立之後,地方文化行政機構料 將作相對的調整,以建構完善而健全的文化行政體系,唯目前在整個體系 架構、體例設計方面並未定論。筆者基於對文化行政運作與藝術欣賞、創 作的高度興趣,決定深入此一領域察訪探究,期能藉由本研究貢獻一己棉 薄之力,為我國未來文化行政體系規劃可行模式,以為參考。本研究採行 質的研究途徑,因此,在本文的研究流程與方法的設計上,率皆依循「質 的研究」有關的理論概念與原則。在研究架構方面,期望藉由以下各種因 素的考量,得致我國未來文化行政組織體系的建構:(一)組織理論的應 用:以期實務與理論的契合。(二)文化行政過去與現況分析:以期鑑往 知來。(三)外國案例的借鏡:以收「他山之石,可以攻錯」之效。(四 )我國社會與文化環境探究:以期符合生態性的要求。由於考量層面廣泛 ,資料蒐集工作殊為繁複,因此在研究方法的採行上尤含及文獻分析法、 歷史研究法、深度訪談法、符號互動論、自然觀察法、及歸納分析法等。 藉由整個研究過程,筆者為我國未來文化行政體系的建構,歸納出三套可 行模式,並透過各個層面因素的比較分析,排列其優先順序,最終推定第 二方案為最優先考量。依該方案內容,筆者建議我國未來文化行政體系採 三級制型態為宜,即中央設置文化部、省設文化廳(處)(北、高二市設 文化局)、各縣市設文化局。同時直轄市立及各縣市立文化局,得於轄區 內籌設文化中心(名稱暫定),文化中心設置數量依區域均衡發展原則及 業務實際所需而定。

金融預警、合併監理與分級管理制度之研究 / A Study on Early Warning System, Unified Financial Supervision, and Classified Regulatory Principle.

鄭璟紘, Cheng, Ching Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分析我國49家本國銀行、55家信用合作社、287家農會信用部及27家漁會信用部等四類金融機構之經營現況,並參照各國金融預警制度運作方式,選取適合的財務比率,運用SAS統計軟體及Z-score、Logistic等模型,分別找出造成各類金融機構經營失敗之顯著相關財務比率,評估各類金融機構之經營效率、失敗機率與模型之正確區別率,以建立預測金融機構失敗機率之預警模型。研究之樣本資料分別為:本國銀行49家、2001年第2季~2003年底共計11季25項財務比率,信用合作社55家、1998年底~2003年底共計21季26項財務比率,農會信用部287家1998年底~2003年底共計21季25項財務比率,漁會信用部27家1998年底~2003年底共計21季25項財務比率。 本研究之結論為: 一、彙整Z-Score模型對各類金融機構具有顯著性之財務變數,本國銀行有6項、信用合作社有7項、農會信用部有6項,漁會信用部有4項。 二、彙整Logistic模型對各類金融機構具有顯著性之財務變數,本國銀行、信用合作社各有6項,農會信用部有5項,漁會信用部有4項。 三、金融預警模型中,Logistic模型較Z-Score模型有較高的正確區別率。 / This research analyzes 49 domestic banks, 55 credit cooperative unions, 287 credit department of farmer associations and 27 credit department of fisherman associations above four kind of financial institution´s management situation, and refers the operation ways of various countries financial early warning system, selects suitable financial ratios , utilizes SAS statistics software and Z-score, Logistic models, it identifies the root cause of bankruptcy thus reveals finance of ratio the correlation, appraises management efficiency, the defeat probability each kind of financial institution if the correct difference rate. It appraises each kind of financial institution´s management efficiency, defeats probability and correct difference rate. It establishes early warning model that forecasts financial institutions failure rate. The research model and period: used 49 domestic banks from 2001 in 2nd season to the end of 2003 total 11 seasons and 25 items of finance ratio、55 credit cooperative associations from the end of 1998 to the end of 2003 total 21 seasons and 26 items of finance ratio、287 credit department of farmer associations and 27 credit department of fisherman associations from the end of 1998 to the end of 2003 total 21 seasons which used respectively 25 items of finance ratio. The conclusion of this research are: Firstly, it collects the entire Z-Score model to have significant financial indicator to each kind of financial institution, the domestic banks have 6 items, the credit cooperative associations have 7 items, the credit department of farmer associations have 6 items, and the credit department of fisherman associations have 4 items. Secondly, it collects the entire Logistic model to have significant financial indicator to each kind of financial institution, the domestic banks and the credit cooperative associations have 6 items respectively, the credit department of farmer associations have 5 items, and the credit department of fisherman associations have 4 items. Thirdly, in the financial early warning model, when comparing Z-Score with Logistic model , the latter appears to have a higher correct difference rate.

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