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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Técnicas de análise genômica permitem estabelecer o diagnóstico etiológico de crianças com baixa estatura de causa desconhecida / Genomic analysis techniques allow the establishment of etiological diagnosis in short stature children of unknown cause

Homma, Thaís Kataoka 06 June 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Crianças com baixa estatura constituem um grupo heterogêneo. Em uma parcela dos casos, o mecanismo envolvido nesse processo decorre de alterações genéticas. OBJETIVO: Realizar uma investigação clínica e genético-molecular de um grupo de pacientes com baixa estatura de causa desconhecida. MÉTODOS: Selecionamos crianças com baixa estatura persistente (escore-Z de altura <= -2 para idade e sexo) de causa desconhecida para avaliação genômica. O estudo foi dividido em 2 etapas: 1ª etapa - avaliação de 229 pacientes com baixa estatura sindrômica [baixa estatura associada a outros achados dismórficos (atraso de desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e/ou déficit intelectual, presença de dismorfismos faciais e/ou outras malformações)] por cariótipo molecular (aCGH/SNPa); 2ª etapa: avaliação de 99 crianças com baixa estatura persistente, nascidas pequenas para idade gestacional (PIG - escore-Z de peso e/ou comprimento ao nascer <= -2 para idade gestacional) e classificação de acordo com a presença ou ausência de dismorfismos associados. Essas crianças foram divididas em dois grupos: baixa estatura sindrômica (n=44) e baixa estatura isolada (n=55). Pacientes com baixa estatura sindrômica foram avaliados por sequenciamento exômico (WES). Pacientes com baixa estatura isolada foram avaliados através de painel gênico (n = 39) ou WES (n = 16). RESULTADOS: 1ª etapa: 32 (14%) pacientes com baixa estatura sindrômica apresentaram variações no número de cópias (CNVs) patogênicas ou possivelmente patogênicas. Sete delas são recorrentes em outros estudos e são responsáveis por cerca de 40% de todas as CNVs patogênicas/possivelmente patogênicas encontradas em pacientes com baixa estatura de causa desconhecida. 2ª fase: Dentre os 99 pacientes avaliados com baixa estatura nascidos PIG, foram encontradas 23 variantes patogênicas/possivelmente patogênicas em genes já associados à distúrbios de crescimento. Quinze (34%) nos pacientes com baixa estatura sindrômica, em genes relacionados a processos celulares fundamentais, vias de reparo de DNA e vias intracelulares; e oito (15%) em pacientes com baixa estatura isolada, em genes associados à cartilagem de crescimento e a via RAS/MAPK. CONCLUSÃO: A heterogeneidade dos pacientes com baixa estatura dificulta o diagnóstico clínico. As novas abordagens genômicas permitem estabelecer o diagnóstico etiológico de crianças com baixa estatura de causa desconhecida / BACKGROUND: Patients born small for gestational age (SGA) are a heterogenous group, and in several cases, it is due to genetic processes. AIM: To perform a clinical and genetic-molecular investigation of short stature patients of unknown cause. METHODS: We selected short stature children (height <= -2 SDS for age and sex) of unknown cause for genomic evaluation. The study had two stages: 1st stage - 229 syndromic short stature patients (patients with short stature and dysmorphic features, developmental delay, and/or intellectual disability) were evaluated by molecular karyotype (aCGH/SNPa); 2nd stage: We selected 99 short stature children born SGA (birth weight and/or length <=-2 SDS for gestational age). They were classified according to the presence or absence of dysmorphic features into two groups: syndromic short stature (n=44) and isolated short stature (n=55). Patients with syndromic short stature were evaluated by whole exome sequencing (WES), and patients with isolated short stature were evaluated through a target panel sequencing (n=39) or WES (n=16). RESULTS: 1st stage: 32 (14%) syndromic short stature patients had pathogenic or probably pathogenic copy number variations (CNVs). We observed seven recurrent CNVs that are responsible for about 40% of all pathogenic/probably pathogenic genomic imbalances found in short stature patients of unknown cause. 2nd stage: Of the 99 patients evaluated, 23 pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants were found in genes already associated with growth disorders. Fifteen (34%) syndromic short stature patients had pathogenic variants in genes related to fundamental cellular processes, DNA repair and intracellular pathways; and eight (15%) isolated short stature patients had pathogenic variants in genes associated with growth plate development and the RAS/MAPK pathway. CONCLUSION: The heterogeneity of short stature makes the clinical diagnosis difficult. The new genomic approaches are effective to diagnose a larger number of undiagnosed patients

Genetic contribution to the aggregation of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in multiplex consanguineous Pakistani pedigrees

He, Qin 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Étude des déterminants génétiques et moléculaires de la scoliose idiopathique

Nada, Dina 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The genetics of red blood cell density, a biomarker of clinical severity in sickle cell disease

Ilboudo, Yann 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The heritability and genetic risk factors of Modic changes

Kraatari, M. (Minna) 13 November 2018 (has links)
Abstract Low back pain (LBP) is a highly prevalent musculoskeletal condition and the leading cause for workplace absenteeism. Lumbar disc degeneration (DD) is considered as a contributing factor to LBP. The role of genetic factors in the development of lumbar DD has been demonstrated to be significant, with heritability estimates ranging from 64% to 81%. Modic change (MC), a distinct phenotype of lumbar DD, is a subchondral and vertebral bone marrow change revealed only by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MC has been associated with LBP in both clinical samples and the general population. The genetic background of MC is largely unknown, and the heritability of MC has not previously been assessed. The aim of this study was to assess the heritability of MC using a twin study, identify predisposing genetic factors for MC in a family-based design using whole-exome sequencing and to identify genetic loci associated with MC using genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analysis. An additional aim was to study the prevalence, incidence and morphology of MC. The data consisted of two general population samples, the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (NFBC1966) and TwinsUK from the United Kingdom, as well as two Finnish families from the Oulu region. MC was found to be partly heritable with a heritability estimate of 30%. Two novel candidate genes, HSPG2 and MAML1, were found co-segregating with MC in two Finnish families. Both genes are important in the growth and differentiation of chondrocytes. Finally, a genetic locus on chromosome 9 was found to be significantly associated with MC using genome-wide meta-analysis of NFBC1966 and TwinsUK. These results showed that genetic factors play a role in the development of MC. In conclusion, this thesis increased the knowledge on the genetics of MC. However, the specific roles of these genes need to be studied further. / Tiivistelmä Alaselkäkivun kansaterveydellinen merkitys on suuri, sillä jopa 84% aikuisista kärsii siitä elämänsä aikana. Selkäkivun vuoksi Suomessa kertyy yli 2 miljoona sairauslomapäivää vuodessa. Välilevyrappeumaa pidetään merkittävänä tekijänä alaselkäkivun synnyssä ja perinnölliset tekijät selittävät välilevyrappeuman synnystä jopa 74%. Modic-muutokset ovat selkärangan välilevyjen päätelevyjen ja subkondraalisen luun muutoksia, jotka voidaan havaita ainoastaan magneettikuvauksella. Niitä pidetään välilevyrappeuman alatyyppinä. Modic-muutosten on osoitettu olevan yhteydessä alaselkäkipuun, mutta etiologia tunnetaan huonosti. Perinnöllisyyden osuutta Modic-muutoksien synnyssä ei ole aiemmin tutkittu ja niiden taustalla vaikuttavat geneettiset tekijät ovat pääasiassa tuntemattomia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli arvioida perinnöllisyyden osuutta Modic-muutoksissa kaksoisaineistossa, tunnistaa Modic-muutoksille altistavia geneettisiä muutoksia perheaineistossa käyttäen eksomisekvensointia ja tunnistaa genomin alueita, jotka assosioituvat Modic-muutoksiin. Tutkimus perustui kahteen väestöperäiseen aineistoon: Pohjois-Suomen Syntymäkohorttiin 1966 ja TwinsUK-kaksosaineistoon Yhdistyneistä kuningaskunnista sekä kahteen pohjois-suomalaiseen perheeseen. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin, että Modic-muutokset ovat perinnöllisiä ja, että perinnölliset tekijät selittävät noin 30% niiden ilmenemisestä. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin kaksi uutta alttiusgeeniä; HSPG2- ja MAML1-geenit. Molemmilla geeneillä on tärkeä rooli rustosolujen kasvamisessa ja erilaistumisessa. Tutkimuksessa myös tunnistettiin kromosomista 9 genomin alue, joka assosioituu Modic-muutoksiin. Väitöskirjassani osoitettiin, että perinnöllisillä tekijöillä on merkitystä Modic-muutosten synnyssä. Kokonaisuudessaan tämä väitöskirja kasvattaa ymmärrystä Modic-muutoksista, mutta lisätutkimusta aiheesta tarvitaan.

Využití nových genomických technik ve studiu patogeneze vybraných vzácných dědičných onemocnění. / Application of novel genomic techniques in studies of pathogenesis of selected rare inherited disorders

Nosková, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
Rare diseases are a heterogeneous group of disorders. Knowledge of their molecular basis is poor and till recently there were no appropriate methodical approaches due to a limited number of patients. Novel genomic techniques, especially the DNA array technology and the next generation sequencing emerging in last few years, enabled studies of these diseases even in small families and sporadic cases. This PhD thesis focuses on application of novel genomic techniques in studies of rare inherited diseases. It describes a use of DNA array technology in linkage analysis, analysis of differential gene expression, analysis of copy number variations and homozygous mapping, and a use of next generation sequencing technology. Combination of these methods was used for identification of molecular basis of adult neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, Rotor syndrome, isolated defect of ATP synthase and mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIC.

Genetic determinants of rare disorders and complex traits : insights into the genetics of dilated cardiomyopathy and blood cell traits

Chami, Nathalie 04 1900 (has links)
Les facteurs génétiques peuvent apporter des réponses à plusieurs questions que nous nous posons sur les traits humains, les maladies et la réaction aux médicaments, entre autres. Avec le temps, le développement continu d'outils d'analyse génétique nous a permis d'examiner ces facteurs et de trouver des explications pertinentes. Cette thèse explore plusieurs méthodes et outils génétiques, tels que le séquençage pan-exomique et le génotypage sur puce, dans un contexte d'analyse familial et populationnel pour étudier ces facteurs génétiques qui jouent un rôle dans une maladie rare, la cardiomyopathie dilatée (DCM), et dans deux traits complexes soient les globules rouges et les plaquettes. DCM est une maladie rare qui est définie par un ventricule gauche dilaté et une dysfonction systolique. Environ 30% des cas de DCM sont héréditaires, et plus de 50 gènes ont été associés à un rôle dans la pathogénicité de DCM. Le dépistage génétique est un outil de référence dans la gestion clinique de DCM familiale. Par contre, pour la majorité des patients, les tests génétiques ne parviennent pas à identifier une mutation causale dans un gène candidat. Les cellules sanguines remplissent une variété de fonctions biologiques, incluant le transport de l'oxygène, les fonctions immunologiques, ainsi que la guérison de plaies. Les niveaux de ces cellules et leurs paramètres auxiliaires sont mesurés par un test sanguin, et une différence avec les valeurs optimales peut signifier certains troubles. De plus, ces traits sont étudiés méticuleusement dans le contexte des maladies cardiovasculaires (CVD) où différents niveaux sont associés avec un risque variable de CVD ou sont des prédicteurs de complications de CVD. iii J'ai examiné la DCM et les traits sanguins avec comme objectif de découvrir des nouvelles associations de mutations génétiques. Pour la DCM, j'ai évalué la pertinence d'un séquençage pan-exomique dans un environnement clinique. Je rapporte plusieurs nouvelles mutations dans des gènes candidats (DSP, LMNA, MYH7, MYPN, RBM20, TNNT2) et des mutations nonsenses dans deux gènes nouvellement associés (TTN et BAG3), et je démontre que les mutations nonsenses influencent la maladie d'une manière différente des autres mutations causales. Je rapporte aussi une mutation dans un nouveau gène, FLNC, qui cause une forme rare et distincte de cardiomyopathie. Pour l'étude des traits complexes, dans le grand consortium Blood Cell Consortium (BCX), j'ai utilisé l’exomechip pour disséquer le rôle des variantes rares et communes dans les globules rouges et les plaquettes. J'ai identifié 16 nouvelles régions génomiques associées avec les globules rouges et 15 avec les plaquettes, parmi lesquelles se retrouvent plusieurs variantes de basses fréquences (MAP1A, HNF4A, ITGA2B, APOH), et j'ai démontré un chevauchement significatif de régions associées avec d'autres traits, incluant les lipides. Mes résultats sur la DCM ont mis en évidence le rôle de plusieurs gènes candidats, et suggèrent un traitement différent au niveau de la gestion clinique des patients qui portent des mutations dans BAG3 et FLNC. En ce qui concerne les traits sanguins, mes résultats contribuent à enrichir le répertoire de régions associées avec ces traits, soulignant l'importance de l'utilisation de grands ensembles de données pour détecter les variantes rares ou de basses fréquences. La découverte de gènes dans les maladies rares et les traits complexes contribue à la compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents qui ultimement favorisera de meilleurs diagnostics, gestions et traitements de maladies. / Genetic factors hold within them the answers to many questions we have on human traits, disease, and drug response among others. With time, the continuously advancing genetic tools have enabled us to examine those factors and provided and continue to provide astonishing answers. This thesis utilizes various methods of genetic tools such as exome sequencing and chip-based genotyping data in the context of both family and population-based analyses to interrogate the genetic factors that play a role in a rare disease, dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), and in two complex traits, red blood cells and platelets. DCM is a rare disease that is defined by a dilated left ventricle and systolic dysfunction. It is estimated that 30% of DCM cases are hereditary and more than 50 genes have been linked to play a role in the pathogenesis of DCM. Genetic screening of known genes is a gold standard tool in the clinical management of familial DCM. However, in the majority of probands, genetic testing fails to identify the causal mutation. Blood cells play a variety of biological functions including oxygen transport, immunological functions, and wound healing. Levels of these cells and their associated indices are measured by a blood test, and deviation from optimal values may indicate certain disorders. Additionally, these traits are heavily studied in the context of cardiovascular disease (CVD) where different levels associate with a variable risk of CVD or are predictors of CVD complications or outcomes (for example, a higher level of white blood cells or lower level of hemoglobin). I examined both DCM and blood cell traits and aimed to discover new mutations and variants that are associated with each. For DCM, I evaluated the value of whole exome vi sequencing in a clinical setting, and I report a number of novel mutations in candidate genes (DSP, LMNA, MYH7, MYPN, RBM20, TNNT2) and truncating mutations in two newly established genes, TTN and BAG3, and I demonstrate that truncating mutations in the latter influence disease differently than other causal mutations. I also report a mutation in a novel gene, FLNC that causes a rare and distinct form of cardiomyopathy. In examining complex traits, I dissected the role of common and rare variants in red blood cells and platelets within a large consortium, the Blood Cell Consortium (BCX) using the ExomeChip, and identified 16 novel loci associated with red blood cell traits and 15 with platelet traits, some of which harbored low-frequency variants (MAP1A, HNF4A, ITGA2B, APOH), and demonstrated a substantial overlap with other phenotypes predominantly lipids. My results on DCM establish the role of a number of candidate genes in this disorder and suggest a different course of clinical management for patients that carry mutations in BAG3 and FLNC. As for blood cell traits, my results contributed to expanding the repertoire of loci associated with red blood cell and platelet traits and illustrate the importance of using large datasets to discover low-frequency or rare variants. Gene discovery in rare disease and complex traits gives insight into the underlying mechanisms which ultimately contributes to a better diagnosis, management, and treatment of disease.

Objasňování příčin neurogenetických onemocnění analýzou dat z MPS pomocí moderních algoritmů / The elucidation of the causes of neurogenetic diseases by the MPS data analysis using advanced algorithms

Staněk, David January 2020 (has links)
8 Summary The thesis "The elucidation of the causes of neurogenetic diseases by the MPS data analysis using advanced algorithms" is focused on processing the massively parallel sequencing (MPS) data from a gene panel, whole-exome sequencing (WES) and whole-genome sequencing (WGS). The aim of the study was to develop a suitable pipeline to evaluate at least 250 MPS gene panel data, 150 WES data and 20 WGS data in order to improve molecular genetic testing of rare neurogenetic disorders. Associated data management and database implementation is also described. Targeted gene panel sequencing A custom-designed gene panel consisting of ge- nes previously associated with the disease was used. In the Epileptic Encephalopathy (EE) panel, two prerequisites need to be met for inclusion into the panel: the gene has to have been published in at least two independent publications OR at least in one publication but in multiple independent families. In the case of the EE panel, 112 genes were included. The targeted gene panel sequencing was then performed on 257 patients with EE. Pathogenic or likely pathogenic (according to ACMG criteria) variants have been found in 28% of patients (72 out of 257). Further analysis of the pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants was performed (76 in total); the variants were grouped by...

Vyšetření genů DNM2, GARS, MORC2, TRPV4 a SOD1 u českých pacientů s dědičnou neuropatií axonálního typu / Examination of the genes DNM2, GARS, MORC2, TRPV4 and SOD1 among Czech patients with hereditary neuropathy axonal type

Neupauerová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
Examination of the genes DNM2, GARS, MORC2, TRPV4 and SOD1 among Czech patients with hereditary neuropathy axonal type For my PhD thesis I chose to work with patients with axonal form of CMT, because at that time axonal forms were less likely to be clarified by classical methods of molecular genetics. For further examination in patients with unclear cause of the axonal CMT, the genes DNM2, GARS and TRPV4 were selected. The aim was to determine the significance of pathogenic mutations in these genes as the cause of CMT2 in Czech patients. In the course, we identified causal variants in the genes MORC2 and SOD1 with WES. Therefore, we have tested additional CMT2 patients for the presence of these variants. Using Sanger sequencing, I examined a representative set of patients for the DNM2 (37), GARS (10) and TRPV4 (24) genes without finding a causal mutation, then we investigated genes SOD1 (43 patients) and MORC2 (161 patients). The cohort (50 patients) was also subjected to MLPA analysis using a P406-A1 CMT2 duplication and deletion detection kit for genes RAB7A, GARS, HSPB1, HSBP8 and SPTLC1 (kit P406-A1 CMT2). At that time, massively parallel sequencing (MPS) was becoming important. We compared the cost of classical sequencing versus MPS, and accordingly, we decided that the genes DNM2, GARS, MORC2, TRPV4...

Bases moléculaires et physiopathologiques de syndromes avec anomalies du développement et déficience intellectuelle / Molecular and patho-physiological basis of syndromes with developmental anomalies and intellectual disability

Thevenon, Julien 04 October 2013 (has links)
La déficience intellectuelle (DI) correspond à un défaut des performances intellectuelles et des fonctions adaptatives, débutant dans l’enfance. Il est estimé que 2-3% des individus développeront une DI, ce qui représente un enjeu médical important puisque les personnes avec DI sont fréquemment en situation de dépendance sociale. Dans l’ensemble, on estime majoritaire l’implication de facteurs génétique dans cette pathologie. A ce jour, plusieurs centaines de gènes sont connus pour être responsables de DI. La DI est notamment caractérisée par une extrême hétérogénéité clinique et génétique, qui l’a rendue résistante aux études génétiques classiques. Toutefois, on différencie les DI syndromiques, qui peuvent être cliniquement reconnaissables en raison des anomalies du développement qui lui est associées ; des DI isolées, sans signe distinctif.L’objectif de cette thèse est d’identifier des bases moléculaires de DI par la combinaison de deux approches. La première repose sur l’application systématique d’une recherche de microréarrangements chromosomiques par CGH-array dans un groupe de patients avec DI pour constituer a posteriori des groupes de patients homogènes. La seconde est basée sur une cohorte de patients avec DI syndromique homogène, porteurs d’un syndrome de Shprintzen-Goldberg de diagnostic clinique, étudiée par séquençage haut débit d’exome. Cette thèse définit de nouvelles entités cliniques par l’identification de variations génétiques récurrentes entre plusieurs patients comprenant la description de deux syndromes microdélétionnels, et de deux gènes candidats à la DI. De plus, nous avons pu identifier la base moléculaire du syndrome de Shprintzen-Goldberg par la mise en évidence d’un hotspot mutationnel du gène SKI. / Intellectual disability (ID) corresponds to abnormal intellectual performances and adaptive functions, beginning in childhood. It is estimated that 2-3% of individuals develop a ID, which represents a significant medical challenge since people with ID are frequently in situations of social dependence. Overall, a critical involvement of genetic factors in this disease is suspected. To date, several hundreds of genes are known to be responsible for ID. The ID is particularly characterized by extreme clinical and genetic heterogeneity, that made it resistant to conventional genetic studies. However, it is classicaly separated between syndromic ID, which may be clinically recognizable due to associated congenital anomalies; isolated ID, without disctinctive features.The objective of this thesis was to identify the molecular basis of ID by combining both approaches. The first is based on the systematic identification of chromosomal microrearrangements using array-CGH in a group of patients with ID, to constitute a posteriori homogeneous cohorts. The second is based on a cohort of patients with a clinical diagnosis of Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome studied by high throughput sequencing.This thesis defines new clinical entities by identifying recurrent genetic variations between different patients including the description of two microdeletionnal syndromes, and two candidate genes to the ID. In addition, we identified the molecular basis for the Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome by highlighting a mutational hotspot in the SKI gene.

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