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Molecular and Behavioral Analysis of <em>Drosophila</em> Circadian Photoreception and Circadian Thermoreception: A DissertationBusza, Ania 23 May 2007 (has links)
Circadian clocks are biological timekeepers that help maintain an organism’s behavior and physiological state optimally timed to the Earth’s day/night cycle. To do this, these internal pacemakers must accurately keep track of time. Equally importantly, they must be able to adjust their oscillations in response to external time cues to remain properly synchronized with the environment, and correctly anticipate environmental changes. When the internal clock is offset from its surrounding day/night cycle, clinically relevant disruptions develop, ranging from inconveniences such as jet-lag to more severe problems such as sleep disorders or mood disorders. In this work, I have used the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as a model organism to investigate how light and temperature can synchronize circadian systems.
My initial studies centered on an intracellular photoreceptor, CRYPTOCHROME (CRY). CRY is a blue light photoreceptor previously identified as a major component of the primary light-input pathway into the Drosophila circadian clock. We used molecular techniques to show that after light-activation, CRY binds to the key circadian molecule TIMELESS (TIM). This interaction irreversibly targets TIM, but not CRY, for degradation. Further studies characterizing a newly isolated cry mutant, crym, showed that the carboxyl-terminus of CRY is not necessary for CRY’s ability to impart photic information to the molecular clock. Instead, the C-terminus appears to be necessary for normal CRY stability and protein-protein interactions. Thus, we conclude that in contrast to previous reports on CRYs of other species, where the C-terminal domain was required for transduction of photic information, the C-terminus of DrosophilaCRY has a purely modulatory function.
During the second part of my dissertation work, I focused my studies on circadian thermoreception. While the effects of light in synchronization of the Drosophilaclock to environmental cycles have been extensively characterized, significantly less is known about temperature input pathways into the circadian pacemaker. I have used two approaches to look at how temperature affects the circadian system. First, I conducted a series of behavioral analyses looking at how locomotor rhythms can be phase-shifted in response to temperature cycles. By examining the behavior of genetically ablated flies, we determined that the well-characterized neurons controlling morning and evening surges of activity during light/dark cycles are also implicated in morning and evening behaviors under temperature cycles. However, we also find evidence of cells that contribute to modulating afternoon and evening behavior specifically under temperature cycles. These data contribute to a growing number of studies in the field suggesting that pacemaker cells may play different roles under various environmental conditions. Additionally, we provide data showing that intercellular communication plays an important role in regulating circadian response to temperature cycles. When the morning oscillator is absent or attenuated, the evening cells respond abnormally quickly to temperature cycles. My work thus provides information on the roles of different cell groups during temperature cycles, and suggests that beyond simply synchronizing individual oscillating cells, intercellular network activity may also have a role in modulating proper response to environmental time cues.
Finally, I present some preliminary work looking at effects of temperature on known circadian molecules. Using a combination of in vivo and cell culture techniques, I have found that TIM protein levels decrease at higher temperatures. My cell culture data suggest that this is a proteasome-independent degradation event. As TIM is also a key molecule in the light-input pathway, the stability of TIM proteins may be a key point of integration for light and temperature input pathways. While additional research needs to be conducted to confirm these effects in vivoin wild-type flies, these preliminary results identify a possible avenue for further study.
Taken together, my work has contributed new data on both molecular and neuronal substrates involved in processing light and temperature inputs into the Drosophila circadian clock.
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Ambiente virtual de aprendizagem integrado a mundo virtual 3D e a experimento remoto aplicados ao tema resistência dos materiaisMarcelino, Roderval January 2010 (has links)
A cada dia convive-se com novas tecnologias da informação. As novas gerações estão sendo chamadas de “nativos digitais”, ou seja, nascem envolvidas no mundo informatizado. As distâncias estão tornando-se cada vez mais curtas e o mundo cada vez mais globalizado. O uso das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação (NTIC´s) é um desafio para a humanidade quando o foco é a educação. Este trabalho representa a tentativa de submeter as NTIC´s no ensino superior como forma de flexibilizar a aprendizagem para cursos das áreas científicotecnológicas. Cada vez mais percebe-se a evasão nos cursos de engenharia, principalmente devido às disciplinas de exatas. Esta tese apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma tecnológica para dar suporte ao ensino presencial através de um ambiente de aprendizado virtual 3D. Este ambiente, baseado em software gratuito, simula a realidade de uma sala de aula e pode ser uma nova fronteira para o aluno do século XXI. O conceito de imersão é aplicado. Além disto, integrado a este ambiente virtual 3D, tem-se acoplado um experimento remoto que permite ao acadêmico realizar as atividades práticas do módulo de elasticidade envolvendo conceitos fundamentais da conformação mecânica. Com a realização da tese um laboratório de experimentação remota foi montado, diversos recursos tecnológicos utilizados como: servidor Linux, redes de computadores integradas, internet, microservidores (MSW), interfaces eletrônicas, motor de passo, software como OpenSimulador, SLOODLE e MOODLE. Para consolidar o trabalho, uma proposta de avaliação foi aplicada correlacionando as habilidades cognitivas dos acadêmicos (questionário VARK), questionário de avaliação da satisfação do estudante (QASE) e o histórico escolar de cada acadêmico quando eles foram envolvidos nas aulas virtuais e experimentação remota. / Everyday we are living with new information of technology. The new generation are being called “digital natives”, this means that they were born embedded a high tech world. The distances each day shorter and world each day more “globalized”. The use of New Information and Communication Technology (ICT´s) is a challenge to the humanity when the goal is education. This paper represents a try to submit the ICT´s in the university studies as a way to flexible the learning to scientific and technologic areas. Once more we are living with the evasion in engineering courses, mainly because the math subjects. This thesis shows the developing of a technologic framework to support the classroom learning through 3D virtual learning environment. This environment based in a free software, simulates the reality of a classroom and can be the new frontier XXI century student. The concept of immersion is applied. Beyond this, integrated in this 3D virtual environment, we have coupled a remote experiment that allows the student perform the practical activities of elasticity module involving fundamental concepts of mechanical conformation. To the accomplishment of this thesis a remote experimentation lab was build and many technologies resources was used, such as: linux server, integrated compute network, microservers (MSW), electronic interfaces, step motors, software like opensimulator, sloodle and moodle. To consolidate the work, proposal evaluation was applied correlating the cognitive abilities of the students (VARK questionnaire), questionnaire for assessing student satisfaction and the student score when they were involved in virtual class and remote experimentation.
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La musique arabe et les nouvelles technologies : caractérisation, esthétique et modélisation informatique / Arabic music and new technologies : characterization, aesthetics and computational modellingBelhassen, Raed 11 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur une réflexion autour de la composition musicale arabe et les nouvelles technologies, avec comme élément central, les particularités idiosyncratiques inhérentes au langage musical.La rencontre avec les nouvelles technologies soulève plusieurs interrogations sous-jacentes. L’approche proposée consiste en la détermination d’un cadre formel avec un ensemble de structures idiomatiques selon un angle pluridisciplinaire musicologique et ethnomusicologique, mais aussi historico-acoustique et théorico-empirique à la fois.Le modèle musicologique dégagé permet de souligner : l’importance des cellules mélodiques primaires, une quantification acoustique des systèmes intervalliques, les aspects de monodie et d’hétérophonie selon le niveau individuel et collectif, une instabilité des degrés, et des aspects liés à l’interprétation musicale. Des approches originales sont envisagées concernant l’étude des mécanismes d’ornementations et trois catégories sont baptisées.La confrontation de ce modèle musicologique avec la rencontre des nouvelles technologies est établie et les conséquences de celle-ci sont soulignées. Les notions de simulation et d’émulation mettent en évidence la centralité du timbre et le recours à des échantillons audiovisuels permet d’identifier le domaine implicite de l’expérimentation. Une comparaison avec le modèle expérimental sur le plan de la musique électronique en général et l’informatique musicale en particulier est alors réalisée.Enfin, un essai de modélisation informatique dans l’environnement Csound est proposé et retrace les éléments idiosyncratiques identifiés. Des compositions électroacoustiques sont citées et une pièce est analysée. / This thesis focuses on Arabic musical composition and new technologies, with the idiosyncratic characteristics inherent in the musical language as central element.The encounter with new technologies raises several underlying questions.The approach suggested consists of a formal frame with a set of idiomatic structures according to a pluridisciplinary angle musicological and ethnomusicological, but also historical-acoustical and theorico-empirical at the same time.The musicological model revealed underlines: the importance of primary melodic cells, acoustic quantification of interval systems, monody and heterophony aspects according to individual and collective level, instability of degrees, and aspects related to musical interpretation.Original approaches are envisaged concerning the study of the mechanisms of ornamentations and three categories are baptized.The confrontation of this musicological model with new technologies’ encounter is established and the consequences of this one are underlined.Simulation and emulation concepts highlight the centrality of timbre and the use of audio-visual samples allows the identification of the implicit domain of experimentation.A comparison with the experimental model of electronic music in general and computer music in particular is therefore made.Finally, a computational modelling test in the Csound environment is proposed and traces the idiosyncratic elements identified. Electroacoustic compositions are cited and a musical work is analysed.
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Molecular and Neuronal Analysis of Circadian Photoresponses in <em>Drosophila</em>: A DissertationMurad, Alejandro D. 25 October 2007 (has links)
Most organisms, from cyanobacteria to humans are equipped with circadian clocks. These endogenous and self-sustained pacemakers allow organisms to adapt their physiology and behavior to daily environmental variations, and to anticipate them. The circadian clock is synchronized by environmental cues (i.e. light and temperature fluctuations).
The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is well established as a model for the study of circadian rhythms. Molecular mechanisms of the Drosophilacircadian clock are conserved in mammals. Using genetic screens, several essential clock proteins (PER, TIM, CLK, CYC, DBT, SGG and CK-II) were identified in flies. Homologs of most of these proteins are also involved in generating mammalian circadian rhythms. In addition, there are only six neuronal groups in the adult fly brain (comprising about 75 pairs of cells) that express high levels of clock genes. The simplicity of this system is ideal for the study of the neural circuitry underlying behavior.
The first half of this dissertation focuses on a genetic screen designed to identify novel genes involved in the circadian light input pathway. The screen was based on previous observations that a mutation in the circadian photoreceptor CRYPTOCHROME (CRY) allows flies to remain rhythmic in constant light (LL), while wild type flies are usually arrhythmic under this condition. 2000 genes were overexpressed and those that showed a rhythmic behavior in LL (like crymutants) were isolated. The candidate genes isolated in the screen present a wide variety of biological functions. These include genes involved in protein degradation, signaling pathways, regulation of transcription, and even a pacemaker gene. In this dissertation, I describe work done in order to validate and characterize such candidates.
The second part of this dissertation focuses on identifying the pacemaker neurons that drive circadian rhythms in constant light (LL) when the pacemaker gene period is overexpressed. We found that a subset of pacemaker neurons, the DN1s, is responsible for driving rhythms in constant light. This attractive finding reveals a novel role for the DN1s in driving behavioral rhythms under constant conditions and suggests a mechanism for seasonal adaptation in Drosophila.
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Física térmica : uma abordagem histórica e experimentalMichelena, Juleane Boeira January 2008 (has links)
Em nossas escolas de ensino médio a Física é, freqüentemente, apresentada aos alunos como algo fragmentado, descontextualizado, sem relação com a vida do aluno, e como um conhecimento pronto e acabado. Desenvolvemos um material didático fundamentado nas teorias de aprendizagem significativa, de David Ausubel, e da interação social, de Lev Vygotsky, como sugestão de alternativa para esta situação. Este material é sobre Física Térmica, e possui uma abordagem histórica e experimental desta área da Física. O material desenvolvido é constituído de seis módulos, sendo que em todos os módulos se faz a abordagem histórica do conteúdo. Para cada conceito trabalhado são propostas atividades experimentais com material de baixo custo, numa tentativa de minimizar os efeitos da pobreza material da maioria das escolas no que diz respeito a seus laboratórios. Ao final de cada módulo são propostos exercícios conceituais. O material foi desenvolvido de modo a estimular discussões entre os alunos e com o professor, promovendo a interação social e a troca de experiências na construção do conhecimento. Este projeto foi aplicado de março a agosto de 2008, em uma escola estadual de Porto Alegre. / It is frequent, in our high school teaching, to introduce Physics to the students in a fragmented and out-of-context manner, with no relation to the student's daily life and as a final and complete knowledge. We have developed an instruction material founded on the basis of the theories of significant learning, of David Ausubel, and of social interaction, of Lev Vygotsky, as an alternative proposal to this situation. The material is on Thermal Physics, and presents a historical and experimental approach to this area of Physics. The developed material has six sections, and in all of the sections a historical approach of the contents is done. For each topic some experimental activities are proposed, with low cost material, in an attempt to minimize the lack of laboratory facilities of most of our schools. Conceptual exercises are proposed at the end of each section. The material was developed in order to stimulate discussions among the students and with the teacher, aiming the social interaction and the share of experiences in the construction of knowledge. This project was applied from March to August 2008, in a public school of Porto Alegre.
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Práticas experimentais mediadas por interfaces da internet na formação de professores de física / Experimental practices mediated internet interfaces-in formation of teachers of physicsSilva, Ivanderson Pereira da 05 December 2016 (has links)
This survey of the following problem: "As experiments mediated by the internet interfaces in training courses for physics teachers, offered by UAB, can help to ensure that these can assume the identity of genuinely distance learning courses?" From this question is aimed generally investigate the existence of experimentation practices mediated by the internet interfaces in Physics teacher training courses offered by UAB. Specifically it aimed to: conduct a literature review of the experimental practices mediated by the internet interfaces identifying levels of education in that focus, the used experimental approaches and resources that are explored in this kind of experimentation; check the extent to which this kind of experimentation is part of the identity of the Physics teacher training courses offered through the UAB; point out which of these practices are explored in Physics teacher training courses offered through the UAB; and highlight the perception of teachers who work in these courses about these practices. This research took the form of a qualitative research over the methodological approach which was carried out in the following movements: theoretical and bibliographic study; survey of productions that focused experimentation mediated by the internet interfaces from journals, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations; documentary analysis of the pedagogical projects of training courses for physics teachers offered through the UAB; and research survey by online questionnaire with teachers who work in these courses. As a result, it was possible to say that the contemporary scenario favors access to a wide range of experiments mediated by the internet interfaces which enable leverage experimentation in physics, basic education and higher education, classroom or distance. Specifically in the case of distance training of Physics teachers, experimentation mediated by the internet interfaces constitutes an important element in the composition of the identity of these courses. In this sense, depending on the degree of refinement of digital resources available in the contemporary scene and the degree of maturity of the experimental practices that use these resources and are exploited within the training courses for physics teachers offered by UAB, advocate thesis that the experiments mediated by interfaces the internet one of the central pillars of the curriculum in undergraduate courses in physics, offered through the UAB, as they contribute to the recognition of these as genuinely distance courses. / Essa pesquisa parte do seguinte problema: “Como os experimentos mediados pelas interfaces da internet nos cursos de formação de professores de Física, ofertados por meio da UAB, podem contribuir para garantir que esses possam assumir a identidade de cursos genuinamente a distância?” A partir dessa questão se objetivou de modo geral investigar a existência de práticas de experimentação mediadas pelas interfaces da internet nos cursos de formação desses professores. De modo específico se objetivou: 1) realizar um levantamento bibliográfico das práticas experimentais mediadas pelas interfaces da internet identificando os níveis de ensino em que se concentram, as abordagens experimentais utilizadas e os recursos que são explorados nesse tipo de experimentação; 2) verificar em que medida a esse tipo de experimentação faz parte da identidade desses cursos; 3) apontar quais dessas práticas são exploradas nos cursos de formação de professores de Física ofertados por meio da UAB; e 4) evidenciar a percepção dos professores que atuam nesses cursos acerca dessas práticas. O estudo assumiu o formato de uma investigação qualitativa ao longo do percurso metodológico o qual foi realizado nos seguintes movimentos: estudo teórico-bibliográfico; levantamento das produções que enfocavam a experimentação mediada pelas interfaces da internet a partir de revistas, anais de eventos, teses e dissertações; análise documental dos projetos pedagógicos dos cursos em foco; e pesquisa survey por meio da aplicação de questionário online junto aos professores que atuam nesses cursos. Como resultados, registramos que o cenário contemporâneo favorece o acesso a uma ampla gama de experimentos mediados pelas interfaces da internet os quais possibilitam alavancar a experimentação em Física, na educação básica e no ensino superior, presencial ou a distância. Especificamente em se tratando da formação a distância de professores de Física, a experimentação mediada pelas interfaces da internet se constitui num elemento importante para a composição da identidade desses cursos. Nesse sentido, em função do grau de refinamento dos recursos digitais disponíveis no cenário contemporâneo e do grau de maturidade das práticas experimentais que utilizam esses recursos e que são exploradas no interior desses cursos, a tese defendida no estudo é de que os experimentos mediados pelas interfaces da internet um dos pilares centrais do currículo nos cursos de licenciatura em Física pois contribuem para o reconhecimento desses como cursos genuinamente a distância.
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De la Black Consciousness à la Nouvelle Afrique du Sud : enjeux d'une poésie engagée / From the Black Conciousness movement to the New South Africa : a committed poetryRémond, Françoise 22 June 2013 (has links)
Le système d'apartheid en Afrique du Sud, de 1948 à 1992, a notamment eu pour méthode et objectif la négation totale voire l'anéantissement de la parole de la population noire. Cette caractéristique inhérente à tout système d'oppression s'est imposée violemment en Afrique du Sud par l'institutionnalisation implacable d'un système raciste fondé sur l'exploitation de la population noire. A cette violence a répondu une résistance qui, sous diverses formes (action politique et syndicale, arts, parmi lesquels la littérature), a lutté pendant plusieurs décennies pour reconstruire une identité noire, participer à l'écriture de l'histoire et établir les fondements d'un état démocratique. La poésie s'est particulièrement manifestée, à partir des années 1960-1970, comme une force de résistance et de combat propre à créer puis animer une volonté collective de détruire les structures d'oppression. La prise de parole par les poètes, s'appuyant notamment sur les modes de l'oralité, a pu poser les enjeux cruciaux des rapports entre poétique et politique. Le mouvement de la Black Consciousness s'est donc aussi structuré dans et par une parole poétique qui a su s'emparer de la langue, des mots et des choses dans un processus dialogique. Cette dynamique ne s'est pas arrêtée lors de la transition politique de l'Afrique du Sud. Au contraire, les voix poétiques sud-africaines demeurent aujourd'hui une force disruptive et constructive à la fois, et s'affirment comme les acteurs essentiels de la déconstruction et de la production des discours de la nouvelle Afrique du Sud. A la lumière notamment des oeuvres de Frantz Fanon, il s'agit de définir des outils d'analyse et de compréhension d'une poésie qui s'est voulue pratique et expérience dans une perspective humaniste où le langage occupe une place essentielle. / From 1948 to 1992, the apartheid system in South Africa aimed at systematically denying or even destroying the black population's speech. As a parameter of any oppressive system, the denial of speech was violently and ruthlessly enforced through an institutionalised racist system based on the exploitation of the black population. A resistance movement, therefore, took shape in political movements, unions, and arts, among which literature, and fought for decades to rebuild a black identity, to take part into the writing of history and to establish the foundations of a democratic state. During the 1960s and 1970s, poetry became a considerable force of resistance and struggle, whose aim was to create and sustain the collective will to pull down the structures of oppression. The seizure of speech by poets who recycled the techniques of oral literatures allowed the identification of the crucial relationships between poetics and politics. The Black Consciousness movement was thus structured in and by a poetic speech that appropriated language, words and things through a dialogical process. In spite of major political changes, that dynamics continued during South Africa's political transition, and the poetic voices in contemporary South Africa remain a force that is both disruptive and constructive. It is therefore necessary to define and develop tools for the analysis of the Black Consciousness poetry; the works of Frantz Fanon will prove enlightening in the understanding of a poetry which was a practice and an experiment, fighting for a humanistic perspective based on language.
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Propagation des feux de végétation : expérimentations à l’échelle du laboratoire et validation d’un propagateur / Wildland fire propagation : lab-scale experimentations and validation of a numerical simulatorLhuillier-Marchand, Alexis 23 September 2016 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré à l’étude expérimentale et numérique de la propagation des feux de végétation à l’échelle du laboratoire. Une méthode de suivi de front de flamme par caméras visibles a été développée pour reconstruire et mesurer les propriétés du front au cours du temps. Les données recueillies comprennent la vitesse de propagation (Rate Of Spread), l’épaisseur du front, les longueurs du contour du front, les profils de hauteur et la puissance du feu. Une campagne expérimentale de 105 expériences de propagation sur de la frisure de bois a été réalisée sur la plateforme PROMETHEI (Plateforme de Recherche Opérationnelle en Métrologie Thermique dédiée aux Essais Incendies) du laboratoire LEMTA. Elle contient notamment une étude de l’effet de la largeur et de la charge sur la dynamique de propagation (sur la vitesse et l’épaisseur). Une base de données (en libre accès sur internet) dédiée aux feux de végétation a été créée et fournit les positions du front de flamme (avant et arrière) pour 85 expériences. Un modèle de propagation Petit Monde à réseau de cellules hexagonales a été également développé en parallèle. Plusieurs approches sont proposées pour déterminer l’évolution de l’état des cellules : la première modélise le transfert radiatif alors que la deuxième se base sur une fonction de distribution identifiée. Un algorithme d’optimisation par essaims particulaires (PSO) est employé pour estimer les différents paramètres du modèle à l’aide des résultats expérimentaux. Le modèle Petit Monde est ensuite comparé à des expériences de propagation comprenant des coupures de combustible ou des rétrécissements/élargissements de la largeur du lit / This work is devoted to the experimental and numerical study of wildland fire spread at laboratory scale. A tracking fire front method using visible cameras was used in order to follow the fire front positions during the propagation and to evaluate some fire front properties. The data include the Rate Of Spread (ROS), the fire front width, the length of fire, the profile of flames and the Heat Release Rate. An experimental campaign of 105 fire spread tests with wood shaving as fuel was conducted on the PROMETHEI plateform (Plateforme de Recherche Opérationnelle en Métrologie Thermique dédiée aux Essais Incendies) of the laboratory LEMTA. This campaign was essentially focused on the effect of the fuel bed width and the fuel loading on the fire dynamics (particularly on the ROS and fire width). An open-source data base provides the positions of the front and backing fire as a function of time. A fire spread model based on the small world concept with a hexagonal cell network was developed. Two approaches were studied: the first one is based on a radiative transfer model for the definition of the cell states and the other one is based on an estimated distribution function. A particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was used for the identification of the different parameters of the model using the experimental results. Then, the model was compared to other experiments included fuel breaks or narrowing/widening of the fuel bed width
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Procedimentos de biossegurança para as novas instalações do Laboratório de Experimentação Animal (Laean) de Bio-ManguinhosMajerowicz, Joel January 2005 (has links)
Submitted by Priscila Nascimento (pnascimento@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2012-11-12T15:51:19Z
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joel-majerowicz.pdf: 1388853 bytes, checksum: 13207638db4a93f79a489e054ceca39d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-11-12T15:51:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Tecnologia em Imunobiológicos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / Os biotérios de experimentação são uma extensão doslaboratórios de pesquisa. Em
unidade de produção de imunobiológicos, são partes do controle de qualidade e fundamentais ao desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Instalações adequadas e procedimentos operacionais padrão são exigências legais e recomendadas para que se obtenham resultados confiáveis.
No caso específico do Instituto de Tecnologia em Imunobiológicos da Fiocruz (Bio-Manguinhos), devem ser incorporados, obrigatoriamente, às atividades, as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF) e Boas Práticas de Laboratório (BPL), atendendo à regulamentação das agências governamentais.
As atividades com animais de laboratórios são especiais, visto as particularidades que
só são encontradas em biotérios, como por exemplo, os riscos inerentes aos animais,
especialmente os físicos, que compreendem aqueles em que o profissional é expostoa
mordidas, arranhões ou outra forma de defesa; os biológicos próprios da sua biota, zoonótica ou experimental e a produção de alérgenos; os químicos, tais como, os produtos de limpeza e desinfecção e os relacionados aos trabalhos experimentais.
Apresenta-se, nesta dissertação, uma comparação entre as atuais e as futuras
instalações do Laboratório de Experimentação Animalde Bio-Manguinhos (Laean), descrevendo suas características e procedimentos operacionais relativos a biossegurança.
O objetivo deste trabalho é expor, de modo ordenado e sistemático os procedimentos
de biossegurança para o acesso e saída de técnicos,de materiais e animais; de esterilização e descontaminação de produtos, insumos e descartes; de desinfecção de materiais e ambientes e, aqueles relativos ao manuseio de animais envolvidoscom risco biológico. / Animal housing is an extension of the research laboratories. In an immunobiological production unit, they are part of the quality control and the development of new products.
Adequate facilities and standardized operational procedures are legal and recommended requirements for the reliability of results. Specifically speaking about the Institute of Technology on Immunobiologicals of Fiocruz (Bio-Manguinhos) Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) must become part of the activities in order to meet governmental agencies regulations.
Activities with laboratory animals are special dueto their peculiarities that are found in animal housings only, as for example, animals inherent risks to include those which professionals are exposed: physical like bites, scratches or any other defense actions; biological pertaining to biota, zoonotic or experimental and allergen production; chemical like cleaning products and those related to experimentalworks.
In this dissertation, a comparison is made between the current and future facilities of
the Laboratory of Animal Experimentation in Bio-Manguinhos (Laean). It describes the
characteristics and operational procedures related to biosafety.
The objective of this work is to expose order and systematically biosafety procedures for entrance and exit of personnel, materials and animals, sterilization and decontamination of
products, input and disposal, disinfection of materials and environments, and those related to handling of animals involved in biological risks.
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Proposta de criação do Centro Brasileiro para Validação de Métodos Alternativos: formação, estrutura e funcionamento / Proposal of creati on of the Brazilian Center for Validation of Alternative Methods: outline, structure and operationPresgrave, Octavio Augusto França January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Alexandre Sousa (alexandre.sousa@incqs.fiocruz.br) on 2015-04-07T12:39:40Z
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Tese_Octavio_Presgrave.pdf: 1825411 bytes, checksum: a3f455d814ff29be053649af03ea8d60 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Alexandre Sousa (alexandre.sousa@incqs.fiocruz.br) on 2015-04-07T12:39:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese_Octavio_Presgrave.pdf: 1825411 bytes, checksum: a3f455d814ff29be053649af03ea8d60 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Alexandre Sousa (alexandre.sousa@incqs.fiocruz.br) on 2015-04-07T12:40:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese_Octavio_Presgrave.pdf: 1825411 bytes, checksum: a3f455d814ff29be053649af03ea8d60 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-07T12:40:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese_Octavio_Presgrave.pdf: 1825411 bytes, checksum: a3f455d814ff29be053649af03ea8d60 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade em Saúde / A experimentação animal é utilizada desde tempos remotos e tem ajudado no desenvolvimento da ciência ao longo de muitos anos. Através do uso de animais na pesquisa, não só o Homem tem se beneficiado, mas, também a Medicina Veterinária tem obtido grandes êxitos. Entretanto, a consciência ética tem obrigado pesquisadores de diversas áreas a buscarem alternativas à utilização de animais tanto na pesquisa, quanto no ensino. Apesar de filósofos demonstrarem sua preocupação com os experimentos em animais desde os anos 1700, foi somente no século XIX que novas teorias foram implementadas. A partir da introdução do princípio dos 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement –Substituição, Redução e Refinamento), em 1959, por Russel e Burch, é que as pesquisas se intensificaram, ganhando força a partir dos anos 1980. Hoje em dia, é muito grande a pressão de grupos protecionistas contrários ao uso de animais não humanos na experimentação e na educação. Apesar de vários estudos estarem em andamento, buscando uma alternativa aos métodos clássicos que utilizam animais, o número de métodos validados ainda é bem pequeno em relação aos estudados. Para que um método possa substituir outro é necessário passar por um processo bem determinado de validação. Entretanto, no Brasil, ainda não existe uma organização no que tange o desenvolvimento e validação de testes. Tomando por base a criação e as atividades de centros internacionais já estabelecido se a crescente consciência ética sobre o uso de animais, surge, então, a necessidade de se criar um Centro Brasileiro para Validação de Métodos Alternativos, com o objetivo principal de promover pesquisas no nível nacional, bem como com a participação de laboratórios internacionais visando o aprimoramento, desenvolvimento e a validação de métodos alternativos contribuindo, dessa forma, tanto para a redução do uso de animais quanto para a inovação técnico-científica. / The animal experimentation has being used for a long time and it has helped the development of Science during this time. Benefits of animal use in research are seen not only for human beings but also for Veterinary Medicine. However, the ethical thoughts oblige researchers from differentare as to search for alternatives for using animals in experimentation and education. Although phylosophers demonstrated their feelings with experimentation since the 1700 years, only in 18thcentury new theories were developed.From the introduction of the 3Rs Principles (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement), by Russel and Burchin 1959, research has been intensified up to reach a higher level in 1980’s.Nowadays, the claim of protection groups for alternatives in experimentation and education is harder.Despite of the great number of groups working on the search of alternative methods, the amount of validated tests is lower than expected. For a method to be considered as a replacement of a classic one it is necessary to pass through a weel-defined validation process. Brazil has not adopted an organizing system for validation yet.Taking into account the creation and activities of international validation centers, the need of establishing a Brazilian center for Validation of Alternative Methodsis supported. The main objective of this Center is to promote collaborative studies with national and international entities in order to validate some alternative method.
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