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Ethanol Sensitivity and Tolerance of Rat Neuronal BK Channels: A DissertationWynne, Patricia M. 21 December 2008 (has links)
BK channels are well studied targets of acute ethanol action. They play a prominent role in neuronal excitability and have been shown to play a significant role in behavioral ethanol tolerance in invertebrates. The focus of my work centers on the effects of alcohol on the BK channel and comprises studies that examine how subcellular location affects acute ethanol sensitivity and how duration of acute alcohol exposure impacts the development of rapid tolerance. My results also provide potential mechanisms which underlie acute sensitivity and rapid tolerance.
I first explore BK channel sensitivity to ethanol in the three compartments (dendrite, cell body, and nerve terminal) of magnocellular neurons in the rat hypothalamic-neurohypophysial (HNS) system. The HNS system provides a particularly powerful preparation in which to study the distribution and regional properties of ion channel proteins because the cell bodies are physically separated from the nerve terminals. Using electrophysiological and immunohistochemical techniques I characterize the BK channel in each of the three primary compartments and find that dendritic BK channels, similar to somatic channels, but in contrast to nerve terminal channels, are insensitive to alcohol. Furthermore, the gating kinetics, calcium sensitivity, and iberiotoxin sensitivity of channels in the dendrite are similar to somatic channels but sharply contrast terminal channels. The biophysical and pharmacological properties of somatodendritic vs. nerve terminal channels are consistent with the characteristics of exogenously expressed αβ1 vs. αβ4 channels, respectively. Therefore, one possible explanation for my findings is a selective distribution of β1 subunits to the somatodendritic compartment and β4 subunits to the terminal compartment. This hypothesis is supported immunohistochemically by the appearance of distinct punctate β1 or β4 channel clusters in the membrane of somatodendritic or nerve terminal compartments, respectively. In conclusion, I found that alcohol sensitivity of BK channels within the HNS system is dependent on subcellular location and postulate that β-subunits modulate ethanol sensitivity of HNS BK channels.
In the second and primary focus of my thesis I explore tolerance development in the striatum, a brain region heavily implicated in addiction. Numerous studies have demonstrated that duration of drug exposure influences tolerance development and drug dependence. To further elucidate the mechanisms underlying behavioral tolerance I examined if BK channel tolerance was dependent on duration of alcohol exposure using patch clamp techniques in cultured striatal neurons from P8 rats. I found that persistence of rapid tolerance is indeed a function of exposure time and find it lasts surprisingly long. For example, after a 6 hr exposure to 20 mM ethanol, acute sensitivity was still suppressed at 24 hrs withdrawal. However, after a 1 or 3 hr exposure period, sensitivity had returned after only 4 hrs. I also found that during withdrawal from a 6 hr but not a 3 hr exposure the biophysical properties of BK channels change and that this change is correlated with an increase in mRNA levels of the alcohol insensitive STREX splice variant. Furthermore, BK channel properties during withdrawal from a 6 hr exposure to alcohol closely parallel the properties of STREX channels exogenously expressed in HEK293 cells. In conclusion I have established that BK channels develop rapid tolerance in striatal neurons, that rapid tolerance is dependent upon exposure protocol, and is surprisingly persistent. These findings present another mechanism underlying BK channel tolerance and possibly behavioral tolerance. Since these phenomena are dependent on duration of drug exposure my results may find relevance in explaining how drinking patterns impact the development of alcohol dependence in humans.
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Delineating the <em>C. elegans</em> MicroRNA Regulatory Network: A DissertationMartinez, Natalia Julia 10 April 2009 (has links)
Metazoan genomes contain thousands of protein-coding and non-coding RNA genes, most of which are differentially expressed, i.e., at different locations, at different times during development, or in response to environmental signals. Differential gene expression is achieved through complex regulatory networks that are controlled in part by two types of trans-regulators: transcription factors (TFs) and microRNAs (miRNAs). TFs bind to cis-regulatory DNA elements that are often located in or near their target genes, while microRNAs hybridize to cis-regulatory RNA elements mostly located in the 3’ untranslated region (3’UTR) of their target mRNAs.
My work in the Walhout lab has centered on understanding how these trans-regulators interact with each other in the context of gene regulatory networks to coordinate gene expression at the genome-scale level. Our model organism is the free-living nematode Caenorahbditis elegans, which possess approximately 950 predicted TFs and more than 100 miRNAs
Whereas much attention has focused on finding the protein-coding target genes of both miRNAs and TFs, the transcriptional networks that regulate miRNA expression remain largely unexplored. To this end, we have embarked in the task of mapping the first genome-scale miRNA regulatory network. This network contains experimentally mapped transcriptional TF=>miRNA interactions, as well as computationally predicted post-transcriptional miRNA=>TF interactions. The work presented here, along with data reported by other groups, have revealed the existence of reciprocal regulation between these two types of regulators, as well as extensive coordination in the regulation of shared target genes. Our studies have also identified common mechanisms by which miRNAs and TFs function to control gene expression and have suggested an inherent difference in the network properties of both types of regulators.
Reverse genetic approaches have been extensively used to delineate the biological function of protein-coding genes. For instance, genome-wide RNAi screens have revealed critical roles for TFs in C. elegans development and physiology. However, reverse genetic approaches have not been very insightful in the case of non-coding genes: A single null mutation does not result in an easily detectable phenotype for most C. elegans miRNA genes. To help delineate the biological function of miRNAs we sought to determine when and where they are expressed. Specifically, we generated a collection of transgenic C. elegans strains, each containing a miRNA promoter::gfp (Pmir::gfp) fusion construct. The particular pattern of expression of each miRNA gene should help to identify potential genetic interactors that exhibit similar expression patterns, and to design experiments to test the phenotypes of miRNA mutants.
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Differentially Expressed MicroRNAs Act As Inhibitors of BDNF in Prefrontal Cortex - Implications for Schizophrenia: A DissertationMellios, Nikolaos 13 March 2009 (has links)
During my thesis work I studied the expression and potential function of brain expressed microRNAs (miRNAs) in human prefrontal cortex (PFC). Initially, I used combinatorial computational analysis and microarray data to identify miRNAs that are predicted with high probability to target the human Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) 3’ Untranslated Region (3’UTR) and are expressed in moderate to high levels in adult human prefrontal cortex. A subset of 10 miRNAs segregating into 5 different miRNA families (miR-30a-d, miR-103/107, miR-16/195, miR-191 and miR-495) met the above criteria. I then designed a protocol to detect these miRNAs with Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA) in situ hybridization in human prefrontal cortex and determine their layer and cellular expression patterns. LNA in situ revealed differential lamina and cellular enrichment of BDNF-related miRNAs. As an example, miR-30a-5p was found to be enriched in large pyramidal neurons of layer 3, which was verified using laser capture microdissection of layer 3 pyramidal neurons and quantitative Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR) following dissection of upper and deeper layers of human PFC. Parallel to this, I used miRNA qRT-PCR to determine the developmental expression of miRNAs using postmortem PFC tissues ranging from embryonic age to old adulthood and compared miRNA to BDNF protein levels. My results revealed a robust inverse correlation between BDNF-related miRNAs and BDNF protein during late maturation and aging of human prefrontal cortex. In vitro luciferase assays and/or lentivirus mediated neuronal miRNA overexpression experiments validated that at least two miRNAs, miR-30a-5p and miR-195, target human BDNF 3’UTR and mediate its translational repression.
In the second part of my thesis work I measured levels of miR-30a and miR-195 in the prefrontal cortex of patients with schizophrenia and compared them with levels of BDNF protein and BDNF-related GABAergic mRNAs. According to my results differences in miR-195 levels in a subset of subjects diagnosed with schizophrenia were found to be associated with disease related changes in BDNF protein levels and deficits in BDNF dependent GABAergic gene expression.
In the last part of my work I focused on miR-30b, another member of the miR-30 family, which I found to be reduced in the prefrontal cortex of female but not male subjects with schizophrenia. More importantly, disease related changes in miR-30b levels were strongly associated with the age of onset of the disease. Additional experiments in mouse cortex and hippocampus revealed a gender dimorphic expression pattern of this miRNA with higher expression in female brain.
Collectively, my results suggest that miRNAs could participate in novel molecular pathways that play an important role during cortical development and maturation and are potentially linked to the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disease.
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A construção e apropriação do conhecimento através da interação discente e di-docente em projetos experimentais no ensino de físicaSestari, Fabiane Beatriz January 2012 (has links)
No atual sistema educacional os métodos de ensino normalmente privilegiam a transmissão autoritária de conhecimentos, valorizando a habilidade do aluno em memorizar e reproduzir o conteúdo curricular, sem evidenciar a apropriação do conhecimento de forma significativa. Priorizar a construção do conhecimento, dar significado ao que se ensina e apresentar a Física atraente ao aluno representam desafios da prática docente. Com o intuito de valorizar as trocas entre os pares discentes e di-docente no processo ensino-aprendizagem e de promover uma ação educativa em que a aprendizagem de Física ocorra de forma consistente e duradoura, desenvolvemos uma proposta que integra um conjunto de metodologias: atividades experimentais, metodologia de projetos, e uso de mapas conceituais, como ferramentas no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. A fim de instrumentalizar professores de Física e de outras áreas do conhecimento, estruturamos uma página na internet, denominada “Experimentando Física”, que apresenta as etapas de construção, as metodologias utilizadas e o material resultante. Através de mapas conceituais relacionamos experimentos físicos com os conceitos que os fundamentam. A página apresenta uma sugestão metodológica, bem como um vasto arsenal de projetos experimentais que podem ser utilizados em sala de aula a partir de vídeos criados pelos próprios alunos. Utilizamos como aportes principais dessa pesquisa a teoria da aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel e a teoria sociointeracionista de Vygotsky, enfatizando a importância da mediação no desenvolvimento do aluno e de seu aprendizado. Outros autores são citados a fim de reforçar a escolha desse referencial teórico. A proposta foi desenvolvida em seis turmas do ensino médio de uma escola privada no município de Carazinho/RS, no período de março a dezembro de 2011. / In the current educational system, teaching methods usually favor the transmission of authoritative knowledge, enhancing the student's ability to memorize and to reproduce the curriculum content, without exhibiting significant appropriation of knowledge. To give a priority to the construction of knowledge and to the meaning of what is taught, introducing Physics in an attractive manner to the student, those are some challenges of the teaching practice. In order to valorize exchanges among students themselves and the students with the teacher, in the teaching-learning process, and to promote an educational practice which results in a consistent and lasting Physics learning, we have developed a proposal that includes a set of methodologies: experimentation activities, projects methodology, and the use of concept maps as tools for the teaching-learning process. In order to equip the Physics teachers, and from other fields of knowledge, we designed a website called "Experiencing Physics", which introduces the construction stages, the methodologies used and the resulting material. Through concept maps we relate physical experiments with their underlying concepts. The page presents a methodological suggestion, as well as an extensive list of experimental projects that can be used in classroom, through videos created by the students themselves. We have adopted, as the main basis for this research, the theories of meaningful learning, by Ausubel, and of social interaction, by Vygotsky, emphasizing the importance of mediation in student's progress and learning. Other authors are cited to reinforce this theoretical choice. The proposal was developed in six high school classes at a private school in the city of Carazinho/RS, from March to December 2011.
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Desenvolvimento de modelo animal suíno para estudo da Barreira antirrefluxo : validação da técnica da pressão e volume de vazão gástricosDuarte, Marcos Eugênio Soares January 2009 (has links)
Introdução: O complexo anatômico-funcional localizado na junção esôfagogástrica é uma barreira ao refluxo gastresofágico. A pressão e o volume intragástricos necessário para vencer essa barreira são denominados Pressão de Vazão Gástrica e Volume de Vazão Gástrico e são utilizados em modelos animais para medir a sua competência, entretanto, a sua validação ainda não foi determinada. Objetivos: Desenvolver um modelo experimental suíno e validar a pressão e o volume intragástricos para estudo da barreira antirrefluxo. Métodos: Suínos da raça Large White com 8 semanas de vida, do sexo feminino foram utilizados neste experimento. Após a anestesia dos animais, foi realizada a manometria esofágica e um cateter de pHmetria posicionado 5 cm acima do esfíncter esofágico inferior. Uma sonda Foley de três vias foi introduzida no estômago através de gastrostomia e o duodeno obliterado através de um laço com gaze úmida. HCL (0,1N) foi infundido lentamente no estômago e medidos a pressão e o volume intragástricos, em tempo real em sistema digital. A pressão e o volume intragástricos no momento da queda abrupta do pH esofágico (pH< 3) foram definidas como Pressão de Vazão Gástrica (PVG) e Volume de Vazão Gástrico (VVG). Após o experimento, a sonda Foley foi retirada, o duodeno liberado e a gastrostomia ocluida com pontos cirúrgicos. Os animais foram mantidos em local apropriado até a repetição dos experimentos sete dias após. Resultados: Dez animais (peso médio = 20 Kg) foram estudados. Os valores médios (± DP) nos dias 0 e 7 foram, respectivamente: PVG 7,66 ± 3,02 versus 7,07 ± 3,54 (p =0,510 teste t de student e 0,557 para o teste exato de Wilcoxon) e VVG 636,70 ± 216.74 versus 608,30 ± 276,66; (p =0,771 teste t de Student e 0,846 para teste de Wilcoxon) não apresentaram diferença estatística significativa. Entretanto, quando aplicado o Coeficiente de Correlação de Concordância a reprodutibilidade foi significativa apenas para a PVG (CCC de 0,648), mas não para a VVG (CCC de 0,27). Conclusão: O modelo animal desenvolvido identifica reprodutibilidade para a PVG, mas não para a VVG. A PVG pode ser utilizada com confiança para o estudo da barreira anti-refluxo. / Introduction: The anatomic functional complex situated at the esophago-gastric junction is a barrier to gastroesophageal reflux. The intragastric pressure and volume necessary to overcome this barrier is called Gastric Yield Pressure and Gastric Yield Volume and used in animal models to measure the anti-reflux competence. However, its validation has not been determined. Objectives: Develop an experimental pig model and validate the intragastric pressure and volume to study the anti-reflux barrier. Methods: Large White pigs two month-old females were used in this experiment. After anesthesia esophageal manometry and a pH sensor placed 05 cm above the lower esophageal sphincter. A threeway Foley catheter was introduced into the stomach through a gastrostomy and duodenum tied with a wet gauze. The Foley probe allowed simultaneous HCl (0.1 N) infusion into the stomach and real time measurement of the intragastric pressure and volume on a digital system system. The intragastric pressure and volume simultaneous to a sudden fall in esophageal pH (pH <3) were defined as the Gastric Yield Pressure (GYP) and the Gastric Yield Volume (GYV). After the experiment, the Foley was removed, the duodenum untied and gastrostomy occluded with surgical stitches. The animals were kept in an appropriate room and the experiment repeated after seven days. Results: Ten animals (mean weight = 20 kg) were studied. The mean values (± SD) on days 0 and 7 were, respectively: GYP 7.66 ± 3.02 and 7.07 ± 3.54 (p = 0,510 student t test and 0.557 for Wilcoxon’s exact test) and GYV 636.70 ± 216.74 and 608.30 ± 276.66, (p =0,771 student t test and 0.846 for Wilcoxon) had no significant statistic difference. However, when the concordance correlation coefficient was applied reproducibility was found only for GYP (CCC = 0,648) but not for GYV (CCC = 0.27). Conclusion: The developed animal model disclosed reproducibility for GYP but not for GYV. GYP may be used with confidence to study the anti-reflux barrier.
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Rastros poéticos na dança: o processo criativo-colaborativo na Escola de Teatro e Dança da Universidade Federal do ParáLeal, Eleonora Ferreira January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Glauber Assunção Moreira (glauber.a.moreira@gmail.com) on 2018-09-06T14:31:22Z
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tese eleonora.pdf: 11619791 bytes, checksum: 6f3acc7c8ad7dec0487f5172432e68b4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ednaide Gondim Magalhães (ednaide@ufba.br) on 2018-09-11T13:21:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
tese eleonora.pdf: 11619791 bytes, checksum: 6f3acc7c8ad7dec0487f5172432e68b4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-11T13:21:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
tese eleonora.pdf: 11619791 bytes, checksum: 6f3acc7c8ad7dec0487f5172432e68b4 (MD5) / Esta pesquisa tem como ponto de partida epistemo-metodológico a etnopesquisa. Como o foco é a prática exercida pelos professores de dança da Escola de Teatro e Dança da Universidade Federal do Pará - ETDUFPA, conjunto do qual faço parte, insiro-me aqui na tentativa de realizar uma autoetnografia, complementada com um Estudo de Caso. Desse modo, pretendo responder a seguinte pergunta: A colaboração em Dança é apenas um fenômeno do mundo contemporâneo, presente em diversas áreas do conhecimento, ou pode ser descrita como um dispositivo teórico-metodológico, tanto artístico quanto pedagógico? O objetivo, portanto, é mapear e discutir este saber-fazer presente na prática docente da escola, o Processo Criativo Colaborativo – PCC como meio de aprendizagem artística e acadêmica. Trata-se de um saber-fazer introduzido pela docente e dançarina Eni Corrêa, na década de 1970, no Grupo Coreográfico da ETDUFPA, e desenvolvido pelos novos artistas-professores nos cursos livres e que permaneceu no curso técnico, com o propósito de potencializar a criação individual e coletiva dos intérpretes-criadores. Para afirmar que esse saber-fazer está há mais de duas décadas na escola, o estudo reúne, de modo analítico, os procedimentos aplicados para o PCC na condição de dispositivo teórico-metodológico em dança. Registra também os procedimentos desenvolvidos pelos docentes para o aprendizado do PCC, a partir dos vestígios encontrados nos mais diversos tipos de documentos existentes na escola, como fotografias, reportagens e relatos das experiências dos docentes introdutores desse processo artístico-pedagógico. A colaboração é tomada como um eixo norteador das atividades de ensino e de aprendizagem dos processos criativos dos docentes de dança da ETDUFPA. Ampliar o horizonte teórico sobre PCC pode viabilizar o treinamento de um dispositivo que ainda não se encontra formalizado em livros e textos acadêmicos; permitirá também que o abordemos metodologicamente em sala de aula, nas escolas de dança e em processos artísticos. A história da ETDUFPA e o trajeto dos seus professores auxiliam a evidenciar o dispositivo teórico-metodológico do PCC nesta escola. / This research has as an epistemo-methodological starting point the ethno-research. As the focus is on teaching activities in the School of Theatre and Dance at the Federal University of Pará-Brazil- ETDUFPA, to which I belong, I herein attempt, in part, a self-ethnography, complemented with a Case Study. Thus, I intend to answer the following question: the Collaboration in Dance is only a phenomenon of the contemporary world, present in various areas of knowledge, or can be described as a theoretical-methodological device both artistic and pedagogical? The aim is to map and discuss this know-how, present in our teaching practice, the Collaborative Creative Process – CCP, as a means of artistic and academic learning. It´s a know-how introduced by teacher and dancer Eni Corrêa, in the 1970s, in the Choreographic Group of ETDUFPA, and developed by new artist-teachers in free courses who remained in the technical course in order of empowering the individual and collective creation of artist-creators. To say that this know-how is asserted for more than two decades, at the school, the study gather analytically applied procedures to CCP, in condition of theoretical-methodological device in dance. It chronicles the procedures developed by dance teachers for learning of CCP, from the remains found in various types of documents, in the school, such as photographs, reports and accounts from experiences of pedagogical-artistic method of teachers introducers. The collaboration is taken as a guiding axis of teaching and learning activities of dance teachers’ creative processes of ETDUFPA. Broading the theoretical horizon of CCP can facilitate the training of a device that has not yet been formalized in books and academic texts; will also allow our methodological approach in classroom, in dance schools and artistic processes. The ETDUFPA history and his teachers journey help to highlight the CCP device in this school.
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Diretrizes para o planejamento de experimentos em jogos educacionais voltados para o ensino de Engenharia de Software / Guidelines for the design of experiments in educational games geared toward the teaching of Software EngineeringAllan Ximenes Pereira 13 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Jogos educacionais constituem em uma importante ferramenta de ensino na área de Engenharia de Software, onde, muitas vezes, os alunos não passam por nenhum mecanismo de treinamento prático. Um jogo educacional de qualidade tem que ter objetivos educacionais bem definidos, motivar os alunos e efetivar a aprendizagem dos conteúdos. A aplicação de jogos no Ensino de Engenharia de Software deve ser realizada de forma sistemática e controlada com base em avaliação. A técnica Estatística de Experimentação permite a medição e a análise das variáveis envolvidas no processo de aplicação de jogos para que estes possam ser aplicados com qualidade. Para definir melhor os experimentos no uso de jogos para o ensino de Engenharia de Software, este trabalho propõe diretrizes para o planejamento de experimentos em jogos educacionais, de forma que permita verificar a influência e a significância da utilização desses jogos no ensino e aprendizado dos conceitos de Engenharia de Software. Um experimento com o SimulES-W foi realizado seguindo essas diretrizes, onde foi possível ser demonstrada sua aplicabilidade e simplicidade em sua definição. A experiência de uso do SimulES-W mostra que aprender com jogos de computador é divertido, interativo e que, apesar dos resultados obtidos não serem significativos estatisticamente, de certa forma contribui para o ensino da Engenharia de Software, não sendo necessariamente um conhecimento prévio do conteúdo. / Educational games constitute an important teaching tool in the area of Software Engineering, where, often, students do not pass through any mechanism for hands-on training. A quality educational game must have well-defined educational goals, motivate students and make effective learning of the content. The application of games in teaching Software engineering must be carried out in a systematic and controlled on the basis of evaluation. The statistical technique of experimentation allows the measurement and analysis of the variables involved in the process of applying for these games can be applied with quality. To further define the experiments in the use of games for teaching Software Engineering, this paper proposes guidelines for the design of experiments in educational games, in order to verify the influence and significance of the use of these games in the teaching and learning of the concepts of Software engineering. An experiment with SimulES-W was conducted following these guidelines, which may be demonstrated its applicability and simplicity in its definition. The experience of use of the SimulES-W shows that learning with computer games is fun, interactive and that, despite the results obtained are not statistically significant, somehow contributes to the teaching of Software Engineering, not necessarily a prior knowledge of the content.
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Análise do modo de apropriação do marco regulatório do uso de animais na pesquisa científica no Brasil: estudo de caso da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz / The translations of the Brazilian law on the use of research animals by biomedical researchers: a case study of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz)Ana Tereza Pinto Filipecki 30 August 2012 (has links)
Após 13 anos de debate parlamentar, o governo federal instituiu em 8 de outubro
de 2008 uma nova ordem jurídico-administrativa através da Lei n.11.794 que foi
regulamentada em 15 de julho de 2009 com o Decreto 6.899. A nova legislação
introduziu modelos de condutas que antes não existiam, criou o Conselho Nacional de
Controle de Experimentação Animal (CONCEA) e tornou obrigatória a implantação de
Comissões de Ética no Uso de Animais (CEUAs) pelas instituições que criam ou
utilizam animais para ensino e pesquisa. Partindo do pressuposto de que a Lei n.
11794/2008 é uma política pública regulatória de ciência, tecnologia e inovação em
saúde (CT&I/S), o objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar que a implementação da política
regulatória em uma instituição pública federal de pesquisa em saúde é um processo
atravessado por relações transnacionais, pelas interpretações que os atores da pesquisa
fazem da Lei com base em suas práticas de trabalho, e pelas ações institucionais de
tradução local de outras políticas governamentais. O estudo contempla dois níveis de
descrição e análise complementares: o da formulação e o da implementação da política
regulatória na Fiocruz. O primeiro descreve e analisa o processo de tramitação do
Projeto de Lei que originou a Lei e sua regulamentação pelo CONCEA, até dezembro
de 2011. O segundo é um estudo de caso inspirado pela abordagem interpretativa,
centrado na tradução da Lei pelos pesquisadores, especialistas e gestores da Fiocruz em
relação às suas práticas de trabalho. A tese formulada resulta do seguinte percurso
metodológico: leitura do movimento de tradução dos interesses dos atores envolvidos
no jogo parlamentar do Congresso Nacional de formulação, discussão e aprovação da
Lei; delineamento do espaço institucional em que as interpretações dos pesquisadores
estão embebidas e que as políticas de CT&I/S são implementadas; leitura das ações e
dos programas em CT&I/S do MS para a Fiocruz entre 2004 e 2010; um ano de
observação participante nas reuniões da Comissão de Ética no Uso de Animais da
Fiocruz; entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 22 pesquisadores, gestores e especialistas
em animais de laboratório para compreender o enquadramento da Lei pelos atores nas
suas práticas de trabalho. Concluimos afirmando que a aproximação entre a pesquisa
pré-clinica e clínica é uma estratégia de contorno às restrições vivenciadas pelos
pesquisadores nos processos de trabalho com animais de pesquisa que se desenvolve no
cenário da pesquisa translacional e transnacional. O modelo animal é um dispositivo
que divide as comunidades instrumentais de pesquisadores biomédicos entre os que
utilizam e os que não utilizam animais. A governança da pesquisa biomédica com
animais de laboratório não está estabilizada no espaço institucional: as diferentes
comunidades instrumentais de usuários de animais, produtores de animais, gestores e
membros da CEUA estão em disputa. / After 13 years of parliamentary debate, the Brazilian federal government instituted on
October 8, 2008 a new legal and administrative order to regulate the use of animals in research
and education. A federal law (Law n. 11794/2008), a federal decree (Decree n. 6899/2009) and
three normative resolutions were enacted from 2008 to 2011. Among its clauses, the legislation
creates the National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA) and made
mandatory the implementation of an Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals (CEUA) in
institutions that breed or use animals for educational purposes and research. We describe and
analyze the implementation of the new regulatory regime. Inspired by interpretative policy
analysis, we asked how the regulated actors frame the legislation in relation to their work
practices. That is, what is directing their attention? How do they interpret and understand the
legislation? Do they form different interpretative communities to address the issues associated to
the current legislation? Our findings are based on a year participant observation inside of a local
CEUA, semi structured interviews (15 seniors researchers, 4 managers and 3 specialists) and
document analysis. We concluded by stating that: 1) animal modelsare devices that divide the
instrumental community of biomedical researchers in two sub communities: users and not users
of research animals; 2) the new legal framework separates the instrumental community of animal
users in two subcommunities that strive for diverse interests: research bench and field
researchers, (3) the diversity of interpretations of the law associated with each instrumental
community may be associated to the lack of regulation of sensitive topics such as surgical
procedures and anesthetics, euthanasia and reuse of animals, 4) governance of biomedical
research based on laboratory animals is not stabilized inside the institutional space: different
instrumental communities of users of animals, livestock producers, managers and CEUAs
members are in dispute; 5) the proximity between preclinical research and clinical practice is a
strategy to outline the restrictions experienced by researchers in the process of working with
research animals that develops in the setting of transnational and translational research.
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Les politiques d'ouverture sociale des classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles : le cas d'un dispositif expérimental singulier, la C.P.E.S. (Classe Préparatoire aux Études Supérieures) / Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles social openness policies : the CPES (Classe Préparatoire aux Études Supérieures), the example of a singular experimental systemZingraff-Vigouroux, Nadine 07 June 2017 (has links)
La mise en œuvre d'initiatives en faveur de la mixité sociale dans les classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles s'est largement développée depuis 2001. Des dispositifs expérimentaux d'ouverture sociale ont ainsi été lancés à l'initiative d'établissements prestigieux. Cette recherche présente dans un premier temps le système sélectif des classes préparatoires basé sur le principe de méritocratie, analyse les mécanismes de sélection sociale qui s'y opèrent et donne un éclairage sur le contexte national et international qui a contribué à mettre ce système en mouvement. Une réflexion est ensuite menée sur les enjeux de cette volonté récente d'ouverture sociale de l'accès aux filières élitistes puis sont examinés des dispositifs porteurs de solutions nouvelles en faveur de la diversité. Une enquête de terrain évalue la pertinence et l'efficacité de l'un d'entre eux créé en 2006 par le lycée Henri IV et repris depuis par d’autres établissements : la Classe Préparatoire aux Études Supérieures. Cette année de mise à niveau post-baccalauréat à destination d'élèves boursiers prometteurs souhaite remédier aux injustices sociales et culturelles produites en amont et lutter ainsi contre la forte reproduction sociale des classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles. Une analyse des données quantitatives et qualitatives recueillies auprès d'étudiants et de responsables de CPES est menée afin de vérifier si cette année de rattrapage a véritablement rempli sa mission en améliorant le parcours scolaire de jeunes boursiers à fort potentiel et s'il s'agit bien là d'une amorce de rétablissement de l'égalité des chances au sein du système éducatif. / The implementation of initiatives in favour of social mix in the Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles has significantly developed since 2001. Thus, experimental strategies for social openness have been launched by prestigious schools. This research aims at presenting the Classes Préparatoires selective system which is based on meritocracy values, it then analyses the social selection mechanisms occurring in these classes and it also highlights the national and international situation which has contributed to setting up this system. The research then focuses on the stakes of this recent social openness desire concerning the access to elitist courses and on the measures that convey new answers in favour of this diversity. This study next examines a field survey assessing the relevance and effectiveness of one of these measures known as the Classe Préparatoire aux Études Supérieures (CPES). The CPES was created in 2006 by Lycée Henri IV and has then been reproduced in other schools. This one-year post-baccalauréat bridging course targeting promising scholarship students is aimed at finding a solution to social and cultural injustices and thus at fighting the strong social reproduction noticed in the Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles. An analysis of quantitative and qualitative information collected from students and from teachers in charge of the CPES is being carried out in order to check whether this one-year catch-up course has really been successful in improving the academic path of high-potential young scholarship students. This same analysis also checks whether the CPES actually is the starting point of restoring equal opportunities within the educational system
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Aderência aço-concreto: uma análise do comportamento do concreto fabricado com resíduos de borrachaFrança, Valério Henrique [UNESP] 10 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
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franca_vh_me_ilha.pdf: 3046692 bytes, checksum: e6bee58e13b985073849417fdadcea71 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Araca Renovadora de Pneus / Cesp / Holcim do Brasil S.A / O bom comportamento das estruturas de concreto armado é assegurado pelo fenômeno da aderência existente entre o aço e o concreto, garantindo que os materiais trabalhem em conjunto formando, assim, um conjunto solidário. Esse trabalho apresenta os resultados dos ensaios de tração direta, segundo a ABNT/NBR 7477 e de arrancamento normalizado pela CEB RC6 e referido também na ASTM C-234, realizados com concreto convencional e com concreto contendo 10% de resíduo de borracha em substituição a areia, em volume, nas idades de 28 e 90 dias. As barras de aço utilizadas neste trabalho foram do tipo nervuradas e com os diâmetros variando entre 10, 12,5 e 16 mm. Com a introdução dos resíduos de borracha no concreto, foi avaliado o comportamento das mesmas em sua composição e a viabilidade da utilização estrutural desse tipo de concreto como material de construção, em substituição ao concreto convencional. Os resultados obtidos através dos ensaios de aderência confirmam ma viabilidade da utilização do resíduo de borracha em substituição ao agregado miúdo em concreto, segundo a composição adotada. / The good behavior of the structures of concrete reinforced is assured by the phenomenon of the existing bond between the steel and the concrete, guaranteeing that the materials work in set forming, thus, a solidary set. This work presents the results of the assays of direct traction, according to ABNT/NBR 7477 and of pulling up normalized for CEB RC6 and also related in the ASTM C-234, carried through with conventional concrete and concrete I contend 10% of rubber residue in substitution the sand, volume, the ages of 28 and 90 days. The used bars of steel in this work had been of the type with rib and with the diameter varying between 10, 12,5 and 16 mm. With the introduction of the rubber residues in the concrete, it was evaluated the behavior of same in its composition and viability of the structural use of this type of concrete as material of construction, in substitution to the conventional concrete. The results gotten through the bond assays confirm me the viability of the use of the rubber residue in substitution to the small aggregate in concrete, following the adopted composition.
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