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O resgate dos beagles: trajetória, embates e polêmicas nas mídias sociaisDantas, Willian Ramalho 12 June 2017 (has links)
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DISSERTAÇÃO_v-online.pdf: 1726790 bytes, checksum: cfc3279b2935b213e80b7ab86b5c9ee3 (MD5) / Em defesa da necessidade da popularização da ciência cotidianamente esta tem disputado um espaço nos meios de comunicação, seja marcando presença como pauta da imprensa, ou em programas em que surge entremeada pela lógica do entretenimento. Nesta dissertação, tais questões demandaram de um episódio que ocorreu recentemente no Brasil: aqui chamado de resgate dos beagles e de polêmica dos beagles, de 2013. Este caso reuniu questões de natureza científica sobre a sociabilização e popularização da ciência e dos cientistas. Assim como também problematizou a questão da participação pública junto a causas e demandas que ao longo do processo podem vir a conduzir ações coletivas na realidade das ruas e no espaço virtual. Em especial, o resgate dos beagles desencadeou um processo de reflexão coletiva em um dado momento sobre a relação de afeto entre homens e animais, principalmente com o popularmente chamado melhor amigo do homem. Todas estas problemáticas mobilizaram, em dimensões diferenciadas, e em muitos aspectos distintos, a opinião pública, o que significou a manutenção por um período significativo de tempo destas pautas na grande mídia. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo deste estudo está em discutir os modos como determinados acontecimentos da esfera científica mobilizam diversos estratos da sociedade por meio de estruturas comunicacionais. Mais precisamente, como assuntos relacionados à temática da ciência surgem e, enquanto desdobram-se, produzem sentidos, dialogam e, muitas vezes, até contradizem outras bases de conhecimento da esfera pública / In defense of the need to popularize science, daily this topic has disputed a space in the media, as agenda of the press or in programs that comes larded by the entertainment logic. In this dissertation, such questions demanded an episode that occurred recently in Brazil: here called rescue of the beagles and controversy of the beagles, at 2013. This event brought together scientific issues of socialization and popularization of science and scientists. As well as problematized the issue of public participation that bring causes and demands throughout the process that can, ultimately, lead collective action in the reality of streets and in the virtual space. In particular, the rescue of the beagles triggered a process of collective reflection, at a given time, on the relationship of affection between men and animals, especially with the popularly called man's best friend. All these issues have mobilized in different dimensions and in many different aspects, public opinion, which meant maintenance for a significant period of time, these guidelines, in the mainstream media. In this perspective, the objective of this study is to discuss the ways in which certain events in the scientific sphere mobilize various strata of society through communication structures. More precisely, as issues related to the theme of science arise and produce meanings, dialogue and often even contradict other public sphere knowledge bases.
Keywords: Activism; Science; Animal Experimentation
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Saggi di economia industriale / ESSAY ON INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONPIGNATARO, ALDO 29 May 2017 (has links)
La presente tesi fornisce un contributo originale al dibattito esistente tra gli economisti industriali sul rapporto tra concorrenza e asimmetrie informative. Infatti, l’obiettivo principale di questo lavoro consiste nell'investigare, da un punto di vista teorico (e supportato dall'evidenza empirica), come alcune barriere informative presenti nel mercato influenzano le strategie imprenditoriali in diversi contesti competitivi, fornendo implicazioni di policy per autorità garanti della concorrenza e a tutela del consumatore. Nello specifico, il primo capitolo esamina gli incentivi di una impresa dominante in un mercato a monte a offrire contratti di esclusiva ad un monopolista nel mercato a valle, quando vi è incertezza riguardo alla domanda finale dei consumatori. Nei capitoli seguenti, invece, l’analisi si caratterizza dalla presenza del concetto comportamentale di "avversione alla perdita", particolarmente rilevante nelle decisioni di acquisto dei cosiddetti "beni di esperienza". In questi mercati le imprese possono decidere liberamente di permettere test sui propri prodotti prima del loro acquisto, modificando quindi l’utilità attesa dei consumatori. Il secondo capitolo analizza le strategie di vendita per un monopolista. Il terzo capitolo, invece, esamina l’equilibrio di mercato in un contesto competitivo e come l’utilizzo di test sui prodotti possa essere adoperato come strumento collusivo. / This dissertation provides an original contribution to the existing debate between industrial economists on the relationship between competition and information asymmetries. Indeed, the main goal of this work consists in investigating, from a theoretical point of view (and supported by empirical evidence), how some informational frictions in the market affect firm’s strategies in different competitive environments, providing policy implications for competition and consumer protection authorities. Specifically, the first chapter looks at the incentives of a dominant firm in an upstream market to offer exclusive dealing contracts to a monopolist in the downstream market, when there is uncertainty about consumer demand. In the following chapters, instead, the analysis is characterized by the presence of the behavioral concept of "loss aversion", which is particularly relevant in the purchase decisions of the so-called "experience goods". In these markets, firms can freely decide to allow product experimentation before purchase, thus modifying the consumers' expected utility. The second chapter analyzes the monopolist's sales strategies. The third chapter, instead, examines the market equilibrium in a competitive environment and how product experimentation can be used as a collusive device.
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Experimentation in Global Software EngineeringChennamsetty, Harish January 2015 (has links)
Context: Software engineering researchers are guided by research principles to conduct any type of research. Though, there are many guidelines to detail how a particular research method can be applied, there is always a necessity to continue and to improve the existing empirical research strategies. The context of this thesis is to address guidelines for conducting controlled experiments in Global Software Engineering (GSE). With this thesis, the state-of-the-art of conducting experiments in GSE research has been explored. Objectives: The goal of this thesis is to analyze the existing experiments in GSE research. Research problems addressed with GSE experiments and the state-of-the-art of overall GSE experiment design need to be analyzed. Appropriate guidelines should be drawn in order to provide strategies to future GSE researchers in mitigating or solving GSE specific experimentation challenges. Methods: A systematic literature review (SLR) is conducted to review all the GSE experiments that are found in the literature. The search process was done on 6 databases. A specific search and quality assessment criterion is used to select these GSE experiments. Furthermore, scientific interviews are conducted with GSE research experts to evaluate a set of guidelines (thesis author’s recommendations) that address the challenges when conducting GSE experiments. Thematic analysis has been performed to analyze the evaluation results and to further improve or implement any suggestions given by the interviewees. Conclusions: The results obtained from the SLR have provided a chance to understand the state-of-the-art and to analyze the challenges or problems when conducting controlled experiments in GSE. The challenges that are identified in GSE controlled experiments are found to be with experiment study-setting, involving subjects and addressing GSE relevant threats to validity in a GSE experiments. 9 guidelines are framed, with each guideline addressing a specific challenge. The final guidelines (that resulted after interviews) provide effective recommendations to GSE researchers when conducting controlled experiments. / +919441308167
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Apports de l’analyse de la conformité réglementaire, de l’analyse des risques professionnels et de l'évaluation du climat de sécurité à la construction de la culture de sécurité / Inputs of the analysis of regulatory compliance, occupational risk, and the safety climate to build a culture of safetyLefranc, Guénolé 19 December 2012 (has links)
La culture de sécurité s'impose à l'agenda des entreprises. Cette notion n'est pas nouvelle puisque le terme est apparu dès la fin des années 80 suite à l'accident de Tchernobyl. L'existence d'une culture de sûreté défaillante a été la principale cause expliquant la catastrophe.L'usage du terme s'est très largement répandu et les définitions sont nombreuses. En croisant différents travaux, trois grands facteurs explicatifs se révèlent prédominants dans la culture de sécurité : les facteurs « organisationnel », « comportemental » et « psychologique ».L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de concevoir un « système » de modèles permettant de décrire et d'évaluer sur le terrain chacun des trois facteurs. Pour ce faire, des « raccourcis » (ou « réductions » théorique et méthodologique), qui seront discutées et justifiées, ont été explorés.Ainsi, le facteur « organisationnel » est traduit selon le processus de l'analyse des conformités légales (le rapport au prescrit). ». Le facteur « comportemental » quant à lui assimilé au processus de maîtrise des risques (le rapport au réel). Enfin, le facteur « psychologique » est directement relié au processus d'évaluation du « climat de sécurité ».Chaque processus a fait l'objet d'un effort de modélisation. Chacun des modèles a permis de repérer des variables descriptives et explicatives. Certaines ont été reliées dans le but de traduire la relation entre les trois facteurs.Le « système » de modèles ainsi constitué a fait l'objet d'une expérimentation à grande échelle conduite en partenariat avec une entreprise française de rang mondial. Deux sites ont été impliqués. La thèse détaille le cadre théorique et méthodologique. Elle présente la démarche de modélisation mise en œuvre et discute amplement des résultats de l'expérimentation. Elle propose enfin des pistes de généralisation du dispositif constitué. / Safety culture is increasingly important to the corporate agenda. The SafetyCulture concept is not new, but gained popularity in the late 80s following the Chernobyl accident. The main cause of the disaster was said to be a deficient Safety culture.The term is now used widely and definitions are numerous. The Safety culture literature contains three major explanatory factors shaping the formation of a safety culture: "organizational", "behavioural" and "psychological".The objective of this thesis is to develop a "system" of models which will enable description and evaluation of these three factors in applied settings. To achieve this goal, theoretical and methodological "shortcuts", or mappings, were developed and explored. The "organizational" factor is mapped with the process of compliance management. Similarly, the "behavioural" factor is likened to the process of risk management. Finally, the "psychological" factor is directly related to the assessment process of the "safety climate". The implications of these translations are discussed in this thesis.Each of these processes has been modelled. Every model has allowed the identification of descriptive and explanatory variables. Some have been linked to each other in order to translate the relationship between the three factors. The "system" of models was tested on a large sample in partnership with a global French company. Two locations were involved.This thesis describes the theoretical and methodological framework. It describes the modelling process that has been implemented and discusses the results of the experimentation. Finally it proposes possibilities for the enhancement of the models that have been developed.
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Les transformations de l’action publique au prisme des réseaux électriques intelligents. Le cas des expérimentations de smart communities au Japon / Understanding the transformations of public action through smart grids’ implementation policies. The case of smart communities’ experiments in JapanLeprêtre, Nicolas 28 November 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte de multiplication d’expérimentations de « réseaux électriques intelligents » (REI) et de « villes intelligentes » à travers le monde, cette thèse questionne les reconfigurations qui affectent l’action publique liée à l’énergie depuis l’émergence de ces innovations technologiques. À partir d’une analyse de l’instrumentation des politiques énergétiques et de la gouvernance de quatre démonstrateurs de « smart communities » au Japon, nous souhaitons saisir la reformulation du rôle de l’État et de ses modes d’interaction avec les collectivités territoriales et avec les acteurs privés. Nous défendons la thèse que la pratique de l’expérimentation tend à devenir un instrument privilégié de la conduite des politiques locales, en réponse à d’importantes transformations qui affectent les politiques énergétiques. En nous appuyant sur une analyse néo-institutionnaliste, nous montrons que l’introduction des REI est marquée par des permanences dans le processus d’élaboration des politiques publiques et dans les cadres cognitifs mobilisés, mais aussi par un « changement graduel transformateur » dans les instruments déployés. À travers l’étude des quatre premiers démonstrateurs de smart community mis en place entre 2010 et 2015 par le Ministère de l’Économie, du Commerce et de l’Industrie (METI) à Yokohama, Toyota, Kyōto Keihanna et Kitakyūshū, nous procédons à une analyse de l’influence de la pratique expérimentale sur la production de politiques énergétiques locales et sur les modes d’interaction entre l’État et les acteurs locaux. Il apparaît alors que la pratique expérimentale est appropriée par les acteurs locaux volontaristes comme un moyen de valoriser leurs « bonnes pratiques » et d’ériger leur territoire en vitrine de l’exemplarité. Cette démarche s’inscrit dans une perspective stratégique visant à capter les financements privés et publics, mais elle résulte aussi d’un repositionnement de l’appareil étatique visant à renforcer son contrôle au sein de politiques énergétiques territorialisées par la promotion d’expérimentations en phase avec ses stratégies. Nous mobilisons en particulier les notions de « méta-gouvernance » et de « gouvernement à distance » pour qualifier les dispositifs déployés par l’État pour conférer des marges de manœuvre aux acteurs locaux et accorder des concessions ponctuelles qui s’inscrivent dans ses perspectives stratégiques, tout en effectuant un contrôle sur ce processus afin de maintenir la structure du réseau. / As smart grids’ experiments and smart cities are spreading through the world, this doctoral thesis questions the reconfigurations that have been affecting public action about energy issues since the appearance of these technological innovations. Through an analysis of energy policy tools and case studies of the governance of four ‘smart communities’ demonstration projects in Japan, my goal is to understand how the State redefines its role and its process of interaction with local governments and private actors. My main contribution is to analyze the practice of experimentation as an emerging tool of local policies, in response to major transformation that affect energy policies. Based on a neo-institutionalist approach, I highlight that the introduction of smart grids is based on continuities in terms of policymaking process and cognitive frames, while the policy tools used to implement smart grids are characterized by a ‘gradual institutional change’. Through an analysis of the first ‘smart communities’ demonstration projects that have been implemented by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) between 2010 and 2015 in Yokohama, Toyota, Kyōto Keihanna et Kitakyūshū, I study the influence of experimentations in the implementation of local energy policies and in the interactions between the State and local actors. My case studies show that proactive local actors took over experiment as a way of enhancing the exemplariness of their territory and “best practices”. From a strategic point of view, this approach aims at attracting public and private funding, but in an institutional perspective, it also reveals how the State positions itself in order to increase its control over territorialized energy policies by promoting experimentation projects according to its strategies. I use the notion of ‘meta-governor’ and ‘governing by distance’ as a way of describing the measures implemented by the METI and other ministries to give room for manoeuvre to local actors and to grant concessions that fits with their strategies, while controlling over this process in order to maintain the general structure of the grid.
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Summarizing the Results of a Series of Experiments : Application to the Effectiveness of Three Software Evaluation TechniquesOlorisade, Babatunde Kazeem January 2009 (has links)
Software quality has become and persistently remains a big issue among software users and developers. So, the importance of software evaluation cannot be overemphasized. An accepted fact in software engineering is that software must undergo evaluation process during development to ascertain and improve its quality level. In fact, there are too many techniques than a single developer could master, yet, it is impossible to be certain that software is free of defects. Therefore, it may not be realistic or cost effective to remove all software defects prior to product release. So, it is crucial for developers to be able to choose from available evaluation techniques, the one most suitable and likely to yield optimum quality results for different products - it bogs down to choosing the most appropriate for different situations. However, not much knowledge is available on the strengths and weaknesses of the available evaluation techniques. Most of the information related to the techniques available is focused on how to apply the techniques but not on the applicability conditions of the techniques – practical information, suitability, strengths, weaknesses etc. This research focuses on contributing to the available applicability knowledge of software evaluation techniques. More precisely, it focuses on code reading by stepwise abstraction as representative of the static technique, as well as equivalence partitioning (functional technique) and decision coverage (structural technique) as representatives of the dynamic technique. The specific focus of the research is to summarize the results of a series of experiments conducted to investigate the effectiveness of these techniques among other factors. By effectiveness in this research, we mean the potential of each of the techniques to generate test cases capable of revealing software faults in the case of the dynamic techniques or the ability of the static technique to generate abstractions that will aid the detection of faults. The experiments used two versions of three different programs with seven different faults seeded into each of the programs. This work uses the results of the eight different experiments performed and analyzed separately, to explore this fact. The analysis results were pooled together and jointly summarized in this research to extract a common knowledge from the experiments using a qualitative deduction approach created in this work as it was decided not to use formal aggregation at this stage. Since the experiments were performed by different researchers, in different years and in some cases at different site, there were several problems that have to be tackled in order to be able to summarize the results. Part of the problems is the fact that the data files exist in different languages, the structure of the files are different, different names is used for data fields, the analysis were done using different confidence level etc. The first step, taken at the inception of this research was to apply all the techniques to the programs used during the experiments in order to detect the faults. This purpose of this personal experience with the experiment is to be familiarized and get acquainted to the faults, failures, the programs and the experiment situations in general and also, to better understand the data as recorded from the experiments. Afterwards, the data files were recreated to conform to a uniform language, data meaning, file style and structure. A well structured directory was created to keep all the data, analysis and experiment files for all the experiments in the series. These steps paved the way for a feasible results synthesis. Using our method, the technique, program, fault, program – technique, program – fault and technique – fault were selected as main and interaction effects having significant knowledge relevant to the analysis summary result. The result, as reported in this thesis, indicated that the functional technique and the structural technique are equally effective as far as the programs and faults in these experiments are concerned. Both perform better than the code review. Also, the analysis revealed that the effectiveness of the techniques is influenced by the fault type and the program type. Some faults were found to exhibit better behavior with certain programs, some were better detected with certain techniques and even the techniques yield different result in different programs. / I can alternatively be contacted through: qasimbabatunde@yahoo.co.uk
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L’apport de la créativité dans les processus d’éco-innovation : proposition de l’outil EcoASIT pour favoriser l’éco-idéation de systèmes durables / Contribution of creativity in the eco-innovation process : proposition of an EcoASIT tool to foster the eco-ideation of sustainableTyl, Benjamin 13 December 2011 (has links)
Aujourd’hui les challenges portés par le développement durable nécessitent de développer de nouvelles offres et de nouveaux usages dans le cadre d’un processus d’éco-innovation intégrant les approches environnementales et sociétales.Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier l’intérêt d’utiliser des outils d’aide à la créativité afin d’instrumenter les phases de génération d’idées et de nouveaux concepts lors des processus d’éco-innovation.Cette adaptation est argumentée sur le plan conceptuel en montrant les affiliations théoriques entre les deux outils et sur le plan expérimental en présentant les résultats de nos différentes expérimentations. Nous montrons ainsi que l’outil EcoASIT présente un fort potentiel dans le processus d’éco-innovation en proposant de stimuler efficacement les phases d’idéation sur l’ensemble des axes du développement durable.A partir d’un état de l’art sur le concept d’éco-innovation et sur les outils d’aide à l’éco-innovation, nous montrons ainsi que, s’il existe de nombreux outils, peu d’entre eux sont précisément focalisés sur la phase de génération d’idées, ou idéation. De même, peu d’entre eux permette de stimuler l’ensemble des axes du développement durable.Pour répondre à cette lacune, nos recherches s'appuient sur une adaptation de l’outil de créativité ASIT en EcoASIT. / Today the challenges of sustainable development require new offers and new uses to be developed within the framework of an eco-innovation process, integrating environmental and societal approaches.The aim of this thesis is to study the advantages of using creativity tools to foster new concepts and ideas generation phases in eco-innovation processes.From a state of the art of the concept of eco-innovation and of the eco-innovation tools, we show that although there are many tools, few of them actually focus on the idea generation stage, or ideation, and few make it possible to stimulate all the axes of sustainable development.To fix this, our research relies on an adaptation of the creativity ASIT tool to EcoASIT. This adaptation is defended conceptually by showing the theoretical affiliations between the two methods, and experimentally by presenting the results of our different tests. We prove that the EcoASIT tool has great potential in terms of eco-innovation by efficiently stimulating the ideation stages with regard to all the aspects of sustainable development.
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Comportement biomécanique de la paroi abdominale et de ses composants musculaires : du spécimen isolé au patient / Biomechanical behavior of the abdominal wall and its muscular components : from isolated specimens to patientTran, Doris 10 December 2013 (has links)
Dans le but d’améliorer le traitement des éventrations, cette thèse porte sur la biomécanique de la paroi abdominale. Plusieurs aspects de son comportement ont été étudiés: de la paroi globale aux constituants, de la paroi passive ex vivo sous chargement contrôlé à la paroi active in vivo sous chargement physiologique et enfin de la paroi saine des volontaires non-malades à la paroi lésée des patients en pré-opératoire. Un protocole a été développé pour évaluer la contribution des composants de la paroi abdominale humaine ex vivo à sa réponse mécanique globale. Les spécimens sont sollicités par pression après dissection successive des différents composants. L’analyse par stéréo-corrélation des déformations de la surface interne a montré que la gaine des rectus abdominis joue un rôle important dans la réponse de la paroi abdominale antérieure. Les examens in vivo ont permis de considérer la paroi abdominale in situ de 11 volontaires non-malades et pour la première fois de patients souffrant d’éventration (n=4) en pré-opératoire. Géométrie externe et interne, élasticité des muscles et raideurs locales ont été mesurées lors d’activités physiologiques. Les paramètres mécaniques mesurés sur les patients restent soit dans l’étendue de mesure des valeurs des volontaires non malades, soit sont plus faibles. Dans le futur, l’inclusion d’autres patients et des examens post-opératoires seront poursuivis. On disposera alors de données quantitatives de la paroi abdominale couvrant l’état sain, lésé et réparé. Des modèles numériques pourront être développés. Ils permettront d’estimer l’influence de paramètres mécaniques et géométriques sur le comportement de la paroi abdominale / This thesis focuses on the biomechanics of the abdominal wall in order to help improving the treatment of incisional hernias. Several aspects of its response werestudied: from global wall to components, from passive wall ex vivo subjected to controlled loading to active wall in vivo under physiological loading and finally from intact wall of healthy volunteers to incised wall of herniated patients before repair surgery. A protocol was developed to assess the contribution of the components of the human abdominal wall ex vivo to the global mechanical response. The specimens were loaded by air pressure after dissection of different components. The strain analysis of the internal surface by stereo-correlation highlighted the importance of the rectus abdominis sheath in the response of the anterior abdominal wall. The in vivo examinations considered the entire abdominal wall in situ of 11 healthy volunteers and for the first time herniated patients before surgery (n=4). External and internal geometry, muscle elasticity and local stiffness were measured during various physiological activities. Mechanical parameters measured on patients remain either in the range of values obtained with healthy volunteers or lower. In the future, the inclusion of other patients and post-operative examinations will be conducted. This will provide quantitative data for the healthy, incised and repaired abdominal wall and support the development of numerical models to estimate the influence of mechanical and geometrical parameters on the behavior of the abdominal wall
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Analyse de la transmission des sollicitations tribologiques dans un presse-garnitures de robinet pour en maîtriser l’effort de manœuvre et l’étanchéité / An analysis of the transmission of tribological stress in the compression packing of a valve to control the force to move the stem and the quality of sealingHo, Xiao Joe 03 October 2013 (has links)
Depuis plus de 150 ans, le presse-garnitures (ou presse-étoupes) est le moyen le plus simple de réaliser l’étanchéité d’un robinet tout en permettant le mouvement de la tige pour ouvrir/fermer le robinet. C’est aussi la principale cause de fuites sur un robinet. Malgré l’utilisation de garnitures en graphite expansé qui réduit de manière significative le nombre de fuites, des problèmes comme l’augmentation de l’effort de manœuvre de la tige y ont été aussi associés. L’amélioration de l’étanchéité tout en réduisant l’effort de manœuvre de la tige est constamment recherchée sur un presse-garnitures de robinet afin d’optimiser industriellement. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le presse-garnitures est au cœur des études scientifiques et industrielles depuis 1957. Toutes les études identifiées dans la littérature ne permettent pas de maîtriser l’étanchéité et l’effort de manœuvre puisqu’elles ne prennent pas en compte le troisième corps présent dans le contact tige-garnitures lors des manœuvres de la tige. Les travaux de cette thèse proposent alors d’étudier le comportement tribologique du contact tige-garnitures. La démarche adoptée nécessite d’identifier les conditions de contact, ce qui est difficile par une instrumentation directe. Il faut donc reconstituer ces conditions par le couplage entre une approche expérimentale et une approche numérique. L’approche expérimentale est utilisée pour reproduire les conditions du contact tige-garnitures sur un banc d’essai simulant le fonctionnement d’un robinet à l’échelle 1:1. Afin d’améliorer la compréhension du comportement tribologique, des caractérisations tribologiques ont été réalisées sur la tige et les garnitures en graphite expansé après essai. Ainsi, elles ont permis de définir le circuit tribologique du contact tige-garnitures, qui contrôle à la fois l’étanchéité autour de la tige et l’effort de manœuvre. En effet, les débits du troisième corps contrôlent l’étanchéité tandis que le mécanisme d’accommodation de vitesse du troisième corps par cisaillement contrôle l’effort de manœuvre. Afin de compléter l’analyse expérimentale précédente, une approche numérique a été utilisée par l’intermédiaire d’un modèle par éléments finis. Le modèle permet d’évaluer la qualité d’étanchéité d’un presse-garnitures, vis-à-vis de la pression du fluide à étancher. De plus, l’influence du frottement aux interfaces tige-garnitures et boîte-garnitures sur l’étanchéité et l’effort de manœuvre est mise en évidence par l’intermédiaire d’une étude de sensibilité. Les travaux de cette thèse permettent l’appréciation de l’importance de prendre en compte l’influence du troisième corps dans un contact. Dans le cas d’un presse-garnitures, le troisième corps dans le contact tige-garnitures modifie des conditions de contact et celles-ci influent à leur tour l’étanchéité autour de la tige et l’effort de manœuvre. / For over 150 years, compression packing has been the simplest method of sealing a valve while allowing movement of the stem to move to open or close the valve. It is also the major source of valve leakage. Despite the use of flexible graphite packing, which reduces significantly the number of valve leakage incidents, it leads to other problems such as the increasing force required to cycle the stem. Improvement in quality of sealing while decreasing force required to cycle the stem is required in a valve compression packing in order to optimize the industrial system. To achieve this objective, compression packing has been a topic of scientific and industrial research since 1957. All published research does not allow to control the sealing quality and the force required the cycle the stem as it takes no account of the third body in the stem-packing contact while the stem moves. Thus, the work of this thesis designed to investigate the tribological behaviour of the stem-packing contact. The chosen approach requires identification of the contact conditions, which is practically impossible using local measurement. Hence, the contact conditions should be reconstructed using a coupled experimental and numerical investigation. The experimental investigation is carried out on a test rig, which simulates a full-scale operated valve to reproduce the conditions of the stem-packing contact. In order to improve the understanding of the tribological behaviour, the tribological characterization is made of the stem and the flexible graphite packing after the test. Hence, they helped to define the tribological circuit of the stem-packing contact, which controls both the sealing quality around the stem and the force required to cycle the stem. Indeed, the third body flow controls the sealing quality while the third body velocity shearing mode controls the force required to cycle the stem. In order to complete the experimental analysis, numerical investigation is carried out using a finite element model. The model allows to evaluate the sealing quality of a compression packing, with the regards to the fluid pressure. In addition, the influence of friction at the stem-packing and housing-packing interfaces is highlighted through a parametric analysis. The work in this thesis helps to raise awareness about the importance of taking into account the influence of the third body in a contact. In the case of compression packing, the third body changes the contact conditions which in turn, influence the sealing quality around the stem and the force required to cycle the stem
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The scenario of Brazilian education has been improving year on year, according to official figures. However, with regard to the teaching of science and practical classes, especially in public schools, there is still a long way to go. In view of this, and seeking help to illustrate the current state of public schools regarding the existence and use of school laboratories, whether in science or computer, we proposed that this work aims to: make a diagnosis of the situation of public schools elementary schools in the cities of Barra do Quaraí and Uruguaiana located on the western border of Rio Grande do Sul, in relation to the presence and use of school laboratories, both computer science and propose the effective use of space, especially the science lab, suggesting appropriate management techniques and waste treatment practices from lessons and suggest the implementation of a project for a science lab in the School Hall Elementary School October 22, located in Barra do Quaraí. To perform the first phase were carried out visits to 35 schools, state and municipal, urban and rural areas. During his visit to the 1430 questionnaire were applied students, 46 teachers and 37 administrators. Of all the schools surveyed, was found the following situation: have 16 science lab and computer lab are 34 (only one state school does not have either). Where permitted, the spaces were visited in order to see the facilities and infrastructure. With the data collected it was possible to detect positive and negative aspects of the use or nonuse of the laboratories for each category, as well as evaluating the importance of these activities and these spaces represent the school life of students and the group of teachers and administrators. These data served as a basis for the production of the second phase, which was the production of two booklets, one containing the proposal and suggested the use of experimental activities and the other dealing with the issue of waste and safety when conducting the practical classes. The third phase involved the preparation of the proposed deployment of the laboratory. The data analysis, and result in a manuscript, also allowed to profile all those involved in research as well as the vision of the same when it comes to practical classes. Thus, the booklets are a way to encourage the use of laboratories and assist teachers in planning classroom practices. Also, addressing the issue of waste, we seek to answer questions about the proper disposal of waste and waste resulting from the experimental activities. Each of the materials produced with this work counts as a contribution and response to each school that agreed to participate. / O cenário da educação brasileira vem melhorando ano a ano, conforme os índices oficiais. Entretanto, no que se refere ao ensino de ciências e aulas práticas, especialmente nas escolas públicas, ainda há um longo caminho a percorrer. Em vista disso, e buscando contribuir para ilustrar a situação atual das escolas públicas no que tange à existência e uso dos laboratórios escolares, sejam eles de ciências ou de informática, propusemos este trabalho que tem como objetivos: elaborar um diagnóstico da situação das escolas públicas de ensino fundamental nas cidades de Uruguaiana e Barra do Quaraí, localizadas na fronteira oeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no que se refere à presença e uso de laboratórios escolares, tanto de ciências quanto de informática, propor a utilização efetiva dos espaços, especialmente do laboratório de ciências, sugerindo técnicas adequadas de gestão e tratamento de resíduos oriundos das aulas práticas e sugerir a implantação de um projeto de um laboratório de ciências na Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental 22 de Outubro, localizada na cidade de Barra do Quaraí. Para realização da primeira fase foram realizadas visitas a 35 escolas, estaduais e municipais, de zona urbana e rural. Durante essa visita foram aplicados questionários a 1430 alunos, 46 professores e 37 gestores. Do total das escolas pesquisadas, foi encontrada a seguinte situação: 16 possuem laboratório de ciências e 34 possuem laboratório de informática (somente uma escola estadual não apresenta nenhum dos dois). Sempre que permitido, foram visitados os espaços com a finalidade de conhecer as instalações e infraestrutura. Com os dados coletados foi possível detectar aspectos positivos e negativos do uso ou não dos laboratórios para cada categoria, bem como avaliar a importância que essas atividades e esses espaços representam na vida escolar dos alunos e para o grupo de professores e gestores. Tais dados serviram também de subsídios para a elaboração da segunda fase, que foi a confecção de duas cartilhas, uma contendo a proposta de uso e sugestão de atividades experimentais e outra tratando a questão dos resíduos e da segurança durante a realização das aulas práticas. A terceira fase compreendeu a elaboração da proposta de implantação do laboratório. A análise dos dados, além de resultar em um manuscrito, também permitiu traçar o perfil de todos os envolvidos na pesquisa, bem como da visão dos mesmos no que tange às aulas práticas. Sendo assim, as cartilhas representam um meio de incentivar o uso dos laboratórios e auxiliar os professores no planejamento das aulas práticas. Igualmente, abordando a questão dos resíduos, busca-se sanar dúvidas quanto à eliminação correta dos resíduos e rejeitos que resultam das atividades experimentais. Cada um dos materiais produzidos com a realização deste trabalho conta como contribuição e resposta a cada escola que aceitou participar da pesquisa.
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