Spelling suggestions: "subject:"royal cnstitute"" "subject:"royal constitute""
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Posouzení odlišností znaleckého postupu při stanovení obvyklé ceny nemovitosti podle metod používaných v ČR a podle RICS / Assessment of Differences in Expert Procedure When Determining the Usual Price of Real Estate According to Czech Valuation Methods and the RICSRedek, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The master’s thesis is focused on the main differences related with evaluation by Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyor´s standard (RICS) and with evaluation methods currently used in Czech Republic. First chapters are all about historical development of evaluations methods - RICS and Czech evaluation methods, general definitions and ideas connected with this scope. Next chapters explain differences of essential characters of both methods. In the field of this study there is simple illustration how to obtain market value by evaluation of both these methods and comparison of results. Conclusion of this master’s thesis includes consideration of the results.
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Heavy duty EPS and its theoretical requirementsEssén, Christopher January 2022 (has links)
In today’s lighter vehicles, EPS has had smaller breakthroughs, but not in heavyduty due to its high initial cost and lack of research. Even though there ispotential in the future when trucks may go electric. In this report, the theoreticalrequirements to implement an EPS system will be determined and investigatedalong with an in depth analysis of the electrical motor and planetary gearbox used.A preferred EPS system will consist of a Permanent magnet electric motor and aplanetary gearbox with optimized characteristics regarding voltage, cost, shape,dimensions and layout. The results lead to a theoretical EPS system that can befitted into a heavy duty truck’s engine compartment. Problems with implementingEPS, such as cost, electrical issues and limited space as well as possibilities forfuture work are discussed.
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Is the University Key to Digital Development? : A study of the role of KTH in the digital development of the Swedish news media industry between 1990 to 2005Walerud, Beatrice January 2021 (has links)
The digital development of the 1990s and early 2000s had a major effect on the Swedish media industry, including newspapers. Still, it is not clear what role academia had during this process. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of the university in the digital development of the Swedish news media industry. To investigate this, a case study has been performed, focusing on the Swedish technical university KTH Royal Institute of Technology. A theoretical background was created, consisting of the three waves of digitalization by Yoo et al. (2010), the emerge of the entrepreneurial university, and the Triple Helix model. Data were collected through archival research consisting of the Swedish magazines Ny Teknik and Pressens Tidning, and semi-structured interviews with seven individuals. The results showed that the digital development of the Swedish news media industry was characterized by the rise of the Internet, which generated both new news channels and contributed to digitally develop the printing industry. The results indicate that KTH’s role in this development was to provide the industry with well-educated engineers as well as innovations through research projects, to help media companies handle the opportunities and the challenges the digital development offered. The results also indicate that KTH in some ways can be compared to an entrepreneurial university, since the university has contributed to economic activities in society. However, most of these activities would not have been possible without the participation of the media industry, demonstrating that the concept of the Triple Helix to some extent also can be applied to this case study. / Den digitala utvecklingen av 1990- och tidigt 2000-tal hade en stor effekt på den svenska medieindustrin, inklusive tidningsindustrin. Det är dock inte klart vad för roll universiteten hade under denna process. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att undersöka universitetets roll i den digitala utvecklingen av den svenska nyhetsmedieindustrin. För att undersöka detta har en fallstudie genomförts, som fokuserar på det svenska tekniska universitetet KTH Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. En teoretisk bakgrund togs fram, bestående av de tre vågorna av digitalisering av Yoo et al. (2010), framväxten av det entreprenöriella universitetet och modellen Triple Helix. Data samlades in genom arkivforsknings bestående av de svenska tidningarna Ny Teknik och Pressens Tidning, samt semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju personer. Resultaten visade att den digitala utvecklingen av den svenska nyhetsmedieindustrin karaktäriserades av uppkomsten av Internet, vilket genererade både nya nyhetskanaler och bidrog till en digital utveckling av tryckeribranschen. Resultaten indikerar att KTH:s roll i denna utveckling bestod av att bidra med välutbildade ingenjörer till industrin, likväl som innovation genom forskningsprojekt, vilket hjälpte industrin hantera möjligheterna och utmaningarna som den digitala utvecklingen medförde. Resultaten indikerar också att KTH i viss utsträckning kan jämföras med det entreprenöriella universitetet, eftersom universitetet har bidragit till ekonomiska aktiviteter i samhället. De flesta av dessa aktiviteter hade dock inte varit möjliga utan medieindustrins delaktighet, vilket demonstrerar att modellen Triple Helix i viss utsträckning kan appliceras på denna fallstudie.
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Intellectual and historical roots of the Anglo-American "special relationshipSlattery, Thomas Eamon January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines the intellectual and historical roots of the Anglo-American “Special Relationship,” most notably Anglo-Saxonism and social Darwinism, and their effect on the noted policy organs of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (or Chatham House) and the Council on Foreign Relations (or the Council). It first traces the origins of Anglo-Saxonism and considers its effect on important historical events such as the Spanish-American War and the Second Boer War. This thesis also presents a definition of Anglo-Saxonism which appreciates the complexity of the term and allows a better understanding of its effects. It then shows the memberships of both groups were strongly affected by these Victorian and Edwardian phenomena, a fact which augments our understanding of them. Furthermore, this relationship between Anglo-Saxonism and Chatham House and the Council is not fully appreciated by many modern academics. Ultimately, the language of Anglo-Saxonism developed during the Victorian and Edwardian eras became institutionalised during the formative years of these groups’ memberships, predisposing both to the importance of permanent Anglo-American cooperation.
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O resgate dos beagles: trajetória, embates e polêmicas nas mídias sociaisDantas, Willian Ramalho 12 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mídia e Cotidiano (ppgmc@vm.uff.br) on 2017-05-04T21:01:55Z
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DISSERTAÇÃO_v-online.pdf: 1726790 bytes, checksum: cfc3279b2935b213e80b7ab86b5c9ee3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Josimara Dias Brumatti (bcgdigital@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-06-12T14:37:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
DISSERTAÇÃO_v-online.pdf: 1726790 bytes, checksum: cfc3279b2935b213e80b7ab86b5c9ee3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-12T14:37:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DISSERTAÇÃO_v-online.pdf: 1726790 bytes, checksum: cfc3279b2935b213e80b7ab86b5c9ee3 (MD5) / Em defesa da necessidade da popularização da ciência cotidianamente esta tem disputado um espaço nos meios de comunicação, seja marcando presença como pauta da imprensa, ou em programas em que surge entremeada pela lógica do entretenimento. Nesta dissertação, tais questões demandaram de um episódio que ocorreu recentemente no Brasil: aqui chamado de resgate dos beagles e de polêmica dos beagles, de 2013. Este caso reuniu questões de natureza científica sobre a sociabilização e popularização da ciência e dos cientistas. Assim como também problematizou a questão da participação pública junto a causas e demandas que ao longo do processo podem vir a conduzir ações coletivas na realidade das ruas e no espaço virtual. Em especial, o resgate dos beagles desencadeou um processo de reflexão coletiva em um dado momento sobre a relação de afeto entre homens e animais, principalmente com o popularmente chamado melhor amigo do homem. Todas estas problemáticas mobilizaram, em dimensões diferenciadas, e em muitos aspectos distintos, a opinião pública, o que significou a manutenção por um período significativo de tempo destas pautas na grande mídia. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo deste estudo está em discutir os modos como determinados acontecimentos da esfera científica mobilizam diversos estratos da sociedade por meio de estruturas comunicacionais. Mais precisamente, como assuntos relacionados à temática da ciência surgem e, enquanto desdobram-se, produzem sentidos, dialogam e, muitas vezes, até contradizem outras bases de conhecimento da esfera pública / In defense of the need to popularize science, daily this topic has disputed a space in the media, as agenda of the press or in programs that comes larded by the entertainment logic. In this dissertation, such questions demanded an episode that occurred recently in Brazil: here called rescue of the beagles and controversy of the beagles, at 2013. This event brought together scientific issues of socialization and popularization of science and scientists. As well as problematized the issue of public participation that bring causes and demands throughout the process that can, ultimately, lead collective action in the reality of streets and in the virtual space. In particular, the rescue of the beagles triggered a process of collective reflection, at a given time, on the relationship of affection between men and animals, especially with the popularly called man's best friend. All these issues have mobilized in different dimensions and in many different aspects, public opinion, which meant maintenance for a significant period of time, these guidelines, in the mainstream media. In this perspective, the objective of this study is to discuss the ways in which certain events in the scientific sphere mobilize various strata of society through communication structures. More precisely, as issues related to the theme of science arise and produce meanings, dialogue and often even contradict other public sphere knowledge bases.
Keywords: Activism; Science; Animal Experimentation
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Att bygga kunskapsstaden : en studie av högskolornas framväxt i Stockholm 1850-1960Lindkvist, Julia January 2008 (has links)
QC 20101118
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Opera i Stockholm, GalärvarvetHoffman, Anna January 2011 (has links)
A variety of demands have to be considered in the design of a new opera house in Galärvarvet. All possible viewpoints are important to be aware of, as is the need for the new building to be a contrast to the already existing opera house in Stockholm. The restricted site also makes a multitude of demands on the building's design. By rationalizing the layout and structure and also by making the footprint smaller, the complex building of over 30 000 square meters can be fitted and blended into the existing physical context. Unlike the existing opera house in Stockholm, the new opera house shows the rationality and the advanced technology that lies behind the scenes and becomes the character of the entire building. Through the dynamic façade, the new opera can convey any character it so desires, just like scenes do through different settings. The result is that the new opera house helps present the magic of any opera performance of any era or artistic content. / En ny operabyggnad i Galärvarvet ställer en rad olika krav på byggnaden. Den måste inte bara kunna betraktas från många olika vinklar och avstånd, utan också stå i kontrast till den redan befintliga operabyggnaden i Stockholm. Den trånga tomten ställer också en rad olika krav på byggnadens utformning. Genom att rationalisera planlösningen, strukturen och våga bygga på höjden kan det komplexa projektet på över 30 000 kvm få plats på tomten och smälter skalmässigt in i miljön. Till skillnad från den befintliga operan i Stockholm, knyter den nya Galäroperan an till rationaliteten och den avancerade tekniken som döljer sig bakom scenerna och görs här synlig för besökarna. Genom den smarta fasaden kan Galäroperan inta vilken karaktär den så önskar, på samma sätt som scenen ändrar karaktär genom scenografi. Galäroperan blir på så sätt spännande att betrakta från olika perspektiv och den dynamiska fasaden hjälper till att föra fram operans magi.
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"Freedom Will Win—If Free Men Act!": Liberal Internationalism in an Illiberal Age, 1936-1956Venosa, Robert Donato 28 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Elementarunterricht und Sprachbildung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Unterrichtspraxis am Berliner Königlichen Taubstummeninstitut zwischen Aufklärung und FrühmoderneWolff, Sylvia 26 August 2013 (has links)
Aktuelle Debatten in der Hörgeschädigtenpädagogik beschäftigen sich vor allem mit den Fragen der Sprachbildung hörgeschädigter Kinder im Rahmen der schulischen Inklusion. Übersehen wird dabei oft, dass dieser Diskurs nicht neu ist, sondern bereits historische Vorläufer hat. Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist deshalb, Veränderungsprozesse von Elementarbildung und Sprachbildung hörgeschädigter Kinder im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert vor dem Hintergrund einer sich etablierenden Volksschulbildung zu analysieren, um den schulstrukturellen Wandel und seine Auswirkungen nachzuzeichnen. Auf der Grundlage einer quellenkritischen Rekonstruktion wurden dafür ideen-, sozial- und institutions-geschichtliche Ereignisse und Diskurse im Sinne des kritisch-konstruktiven Ansatzes von Klafki (1971) analysiert. Im Fokus standen dabei die konkreten Auswirkungen (national-) sprachlicher und bildungspolitischer Konzepte auf den Unterricht am Berliner Königlichen Taubstummeninstitut und auf die ländliche Schulpraxis in der Provinz Brandenburg. Die Analysen zeigen, dass die sprachphilosophischen Diskurse in dieser Zeit Fehlannahmen über die Funktion und Bedeutung von Laut- und Gebärdensprachen enthielten, die die Sprachbildungskonzepte für gehörlose Menschen maßgeblich prägten. Außerdem führte die Verallgemeinerungsbewegung, in deren Rahmen zunehmend gehörlose Menschen auch in Volksschulen unterrichtet wurden, dazu dass die ausschließliche Förderung der Lautsprache propagiert wurde. Zweisprachige Bildungskonzepte, mit der Gebärdensprache als festem Bestandteil, wurden aufgegeben. Die besonderen Bedürfnisse gehörloser Menschen wurden weder an allgemeinen Schulen noch an Taubstummeninstituten berücksichtigt und der Zugang zu Bildung setzte damit in der Folgezeit eine einseitige Anpassungsleistung gehörloser Menschen voraus. / Current debates in deaf education are primarily concerned with questions of language education of hearing impaired children as part of school inclusion. It is often overlooked in this context that this discourse is not new, but already has historical antecedents. The aim of this study is therefore to analyse the changing processes of elementary education and language education of hearing impaired children in the 18th and 19th centuries against the background of the on-going establishment of elementary education, in order to reconstruct the structural change of the culture of schooling and its impact. To this end, historical ideas, social and institutional discourses and events were analysed in terms of the critical and constructive approach of Klafki (1971) on the basis of a source-critical reconstruction. The focus was on the specific impact of (national) linguistic and educational approaches to teaching at the Berlin Royal Institute of Deaf and Dumb and the rural school practice in the province of Brandenburg. The analyses show that the discourses on linguistic philosophy at this time contained misperceptions concerning the function and meaning of spoken and signed languages that significantly shaped approaches to language education for deaf people. Furthermore, the movement towards generalisation, in the framework of which deaf people were increasingly also taught in elementary schools, led to the exclusive propagation of the promotion of oral language. Bilingual education concepts, with sign language as an integral part, were abandoned. The special needs of deaf people were not taken into consideration in either public schools or in deaf and dumb institutions, and access to education in the subsequent period thus presupposed a successful unilateral adaptation of deaf people.
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UTILIZATION OF WIND POWER IN RWANDA : Design and Production OptionEric, MANIRAGUHA January 2013 (has links)
This Master Thesis is the research done in the country of Rwanda. The project leads to study the climate of this country in order to establish whether this climate could be used to produce energy from air and to implement the first wind turbine for serving the nation. After an introduction about the historical background of wind power, the thesis work deals with assessment of wind energy potential of Rwanda in focusing of the most suitable place for wind power plants. The best location with annual mean wind speed, the rate of use of turbine with hub height for an annual production per year, the mean wind speeds for 6 sites of Rwanda based on ECMWF for climatic data for one year at relief of altitude of 100m and coordinates are reported too. The result of energy produced and calculations were done based on power hitting wind turbine generator in order to calculate Kinetic energy and power available at the best location to the measurement over the period of 12 months, that could be hoped for long term. With help of logarithmic law, where wind speed usually increases with increasing in elevation and the desired wind speeds at all 6 sites were used. The annual energy production was taken into account at the best site with desired wind speed at the initial cost of turbine as well as the cost of energy (COE).However, with comparison of the tariff of EWSA, the price of Wind designed in this Research per kWh is cheaper and suitable for people of Rwanda. / <p><em>Rwanda has considerable opportunities development energy from hydro sources, methane gas, solar and peat deposits. Most of these energy sources have not been fully exploited, such as solar, wind and geothermal. As such wood is still being the major source of energy for 94 per cent of the population and imported petroleum products consume more than 40 per cent of foreign exchange. Energy is a key component of the Rwandan economy. It is thus recognized that the current inadequate and expensive energy supply constitutes a limiting factor to sustainable development. Rwanda’s Vision 2020 emphasizes the need for economic growth, private investment and economic transformation supported by a reliable and affordable energy supply as a key factor for the development process. To achieve this transformation, the country will need to increase energy production and diversify into alternative energy sources. Rwandan nations don’t have small-scale solar, wind, and geothermal devices in operation providing energy to urban and rural areas. These types of energy production are especially useful in remote locations because of the excessive cost of transporting electricity from large-scale power plants. The application of renewable energy technology has the potential to alleviate many of the problems that face the people of Rwanda every day, especially if done so in a sustainable manner that prioritizes human rights.</em></p>
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