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Digitala läromedel i matematikundervisningen.En undersökning som visar hur delaktighet, motivation, inlärning och analysförmåga påverkas vid användning av digitala läromedel i utforskande samtal under matematikundervisningen.Evelin, Lahdo January 2021 (has links)
Inom skolvärlden har traditionella läromedel såsom böcker, papper och pennor alltid varit en förutsättning för att en lektion skall hållas. Idag lever vi i en mer digitaliserad värld med mycket teknik som både underlättar och effektiviserar vår vardag. Även vår skola har utvecklats och idag använder många lärare sig av olika digitala läromedel för att effektivisera undervisningen. Jag har undersökt hur elevernas delaktighet, motivation, inlärning och analysförmåga påverkas vid användning av digitala läromedel i utforskande samtal under en matematikundervisning. Detta skall göras genom en systematisk litteraturstudie där vetenskapliga artiklar kommer att studeras och bearbetas. Jag har analyserat och bearbetat olika resultat som artiklarna kommer fram till. Ökad motivation, ökad delaktighet, förbättrade elevresultat och förbättrad analysförmåga är det som utgör huvudresultatet för denna studie. / In the school world, traditional teaching aids such as books, papers and pencils have always been a prerequisite for a lesson to be held. Today, we live in a more digitalized world with a lot of technology that both facilitates and streamlines our everyday lives. Our school has also developed and today many teachers use various digital teaching materials to make teaching more efficient. I have investigated how students' participation, motivation, learning and analytical ability are affected when using digital teaching materials in exploratory conversations during a mathematics lesson. This will be done through a systematic literature study where scientific articles will be studied and processed. I have analyzed and processed various results that the articles arrive at. Increased motivation, increased participation, improved student results and improved analytical ability are the main results of this study.
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"Alla lär ju känna varandra" : En studie för att undersöka om en serie med sex filosofiska samtal ökar känslan av delaktighet hos elever på en högstadieskolaJonsson Nilsson, Catharine, Rautila, Simon January 2020 (has links)
In an everchanging world where information flows freely and we are continually awash with new truths, we need to equip our children and our youth with the ability to face it with confidence and knowledge. To understand values such as democracy and the equal value of all, reflection and argumentation must take place in the room. Our young people must be able to communicate, critically examine and take a position on arguments. Our young people also need to be able to create trusting relationships and develop other pro-social skills. The school is an arena that has the mission to educate and equip our young people with these skills. The educational system must therefore create opportunities for our pupils to become part of their word not just a person in the world. Key to philosophical dialogue as a method, on which this intervention study is based, is the common exploration of different perspectives and arguments. To listen to and show respect for the thoughts and opinions of others but still, in a constructive way, dare to challenge each other's thoughts and ideas. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a series of six conversations, based on the model of philosophical dialogue, contributed to students experiencing an increased sense of participation in conversations with each other and the teacher. To investigate this, the special education authority's (SPSM) definition of participation was used through the six aspects of the participatory model (Delaktighetsmodellen), accessibility, belonging, autonomy, recognition, engagement, and co-operation. The study involved two intervention groups and two control groups; the two intervention groups participated in the philosophical dialogue series. Before the intervention started, the groups conducted a pre-survey and after the intervention was completed, a final survey was carried out. The results of the surveys were analyzed and after that a respondent validation was carried out with some of the participants. In comparison with previous studies, this study is considered a short intervention. The results of this study showed that even a short series of philosophical dialogue had a bearing on students' sense of participation. Not for the intervention group as a whole but for some of the participants. Participants described that with these dialogues they have gotten to know each other better and gained an increased sense of security. The participants also told us that it has been fun to talk to each other and to listen to other people's opinions and share their own with others. / I en föränderlig värld där informationen flödar fritt och vi översköljs av nya sanningar kontinuerligt krävs det att vi rustar våra barn och ungdomar att möta den med tillförsikt och kunskap. För att förstå värden som demokrati och allas lika värde måste reflektionen och argumentationen ta plats i rummet. Våra unga måste kunna kommunicera, kritiskt granska och ta ställning till argument. Våra unga behöver också kunna skapa tillitsfulla relationer och utveckla andra prosociala färdigheter. Skolan är en arena som har uppdraget att utbilda och rusta våra unga med dessa färdigheter. Skolan måste därför skapa möjligheter för våra elever att bli delaktiga i sin omvärld. Centralt för metoden filosofiska samtal, som denna interventionsstudie bygger på, är det gemensamma utforskandet av olika perspektiv och argument. Att lyssna till och visa respekt för andras tankar och åsikter men ändå, på ett konstruktivt sätt, våga utmana varandras tankar och idéer. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om en serie på sex samtal, baserade på modellen filosofiska samtal, bidrog till att eleverna upplevde en ökad känsla av delaktighet i samtal med varandra och läraren. För att undersöka detta användes specialpedagogiska skolmyndighetens definition av delaktighet genom Delaktighetsmodellens sex aspekter, tillgänglighet, tillhörighet, autonomi, erkännande, engagemang, och samhandling. I studien deltog två interventionsgrupper och två kontrollgrupper, de två interventionsgrupperna deltog i den filosofiska samtalsserien. Innan interventionen startade gjorde grupperna en förenkät och efter att interventionen avslutades genomfördes en slutenkät. Resultatet av enkäterna analyserades och efter det genomfördes en respondentvalidering med några av deltagarna. I jämförelse med tidigare forskning är denna studie att betrakta som en kort intervention. Resultatet av denna studie visade att även en kort serie med filosofiska samtal har betydelse för elevers känsla av delaktighet. Inte för interventionsgruppen som helhet men hos några av deltagarna. Deltagare beskrev att de i och med dessa samtal hade lärt känna varandra bättre och fått en ökad känsla av trygghet. Deltagarna berättade också att det var roligt att få samtala med varandra och att få lyssna på andras åsikter och få delge sina egna till andra.
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[pt] A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo a busca de entendimentos sobre o poder
de veto no contexto escolar e os caminhos que os praticantes do processo de ensinoaprendizagem podem construir para uma aprendizagem dialógica. Ancorada na
abordagem da Prática Exploratória, entendo alunos e professores como praticantes
do processo de ensino-aprendizagem (ALLWRIGHT e HANKS, 2009), uma vez
que ambos possuem um papel importante no processo. Algumas perguntas são
centrais para guiar meu olhar nesse estudo: Que poder de veto é esse? Por quem ele
é praticado? Por que e de que maneira? Quais são as consequências desse poder
para os alunos e os professores? Como trabalhar diante do poder de veto? O trabalho
alinha-se à concepção de discurso que evidencia o uso da linguagem como prática
social. Assim, é na relação entre discurso e sociedade que analisei o poder de veto
praticado e sofrido pelos participantes do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, sejam
eles alunos ou professores, dentre outros (MOITA LOPES, 2003). Entendendo que
os praticantes possuem a capacidade de agirem como construtores de seu próprio
processo de aprendizagem (MILLER, CUNHA e ALLWRIGHT, 2020), é essencial
estimular conversas exploratórias entre alunos e professores. A pesquisa ocorreu
em uma escola pública do estado do Rio de Janeiro onde atuei como professora de
língua portuguesa em turmas de ensino médio. Os dados foram gerados a partir de
conversas exploratórias com alunos e professores participantes sobre suas
experiências em relação ao poder de veto. As conversas foram gravadas em áudio
para posterior transcrição conforme as convenções referentes ao modelo Jefferson
de Conversação (LODER, 2008). Além de suas contribuições teóricometodológicas, este estudo poderá, sobretudo, estimular a capacidade do
protagonismo dos alunos assim como sua atitude investigativa a respeito das
questões que são relevantes para eles. / [en] This research aims to seek understandings about the power of veto in the school
context and the paths that practitioners of the teaching-learning process can build
for dialogic learning. Aligned with the Exploratory Practice approach, I understand
students and teachers as practitioners of the teaching-learning process
(ALLWRIGHT and HANKS, 2009), since both play important roles in the process.
Some questions are central to guide my study: What is the power of veto? Who is
it practiced by? Why and in what way? What are the consequences of this power
for students and teachers? How are we to work in the face of power of veto? The
research is aligned with the concept of discourse that highlights the use of language
as social practice. Thus, it is in the relationship between discourse and society that
I analyzed the power of veto practiced and suffered by participants in the teachinglearning process, whether they are students or teachers, among others (MOITA
LOPES, 2003). Understanding that students have the ability to act as builders of
their own learning process (MILLER, CUNHA e ALLWRIGHT, 2020), it is
essential to engage students and teachers in order to seek understandings about coconstruction paths for dialogic learning. The research took place in a public school
in the state of Rio de Janeiro where I acted as a Portuguese language teacher in high
school classes. Data were generated by engaging in exploratory conversations with
participating students and teachers about their experiences in relation to the power
of veto. The conversations were audio-recorded for later transcription according to
the conventions referring to the Jefferson Conversation model (LODER, 2008). In
addition to its theoretical-methodological contributions, this study will be able,
above all, to stimulate the students capacity as protagonists as well as their
investigative attitude regarding the issues that are relevant to them.
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Elevernas upplevelser avmatematiksamtal i helklass- En intervju- och observationsstudie i grundskolanNorberg, Maria, Lagerlöf, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att bidra med en ökad förståelse av elevernas upplevelser av att delta imatematiska samtal i helklass. Arbetet tar avstamp i följande frågeställningar: Vad för slags deltagarmönster framträder i helklassamtal? Och Hur upplever elever delaktighet i matematiska samtal i helklass och vilka faktorer gör att delaktigheten upplevs så? Den metod som använts för att besvara syftet är semistrukturerad intervju samt observation. Studien genomfördes på en grundskola i tre olika klasser, samtliga i årskurs två. För att få en djupare förståelse av elevernas upplevelser valde vi att observera de klassrum som eleverna befann sig i under matematiklektionerna. Studien utgår från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande och de vårt ramverk vi utgått från är utforskande samtal. Studiens mest framträdande resultat visar att eleverna upplevde sitt deltagande som osäkert i matematiksamtal. De ville inte dela med sig av svar de var osäkra på samt tyckte att det var jobbigt att svara fel. Ett annat framträdande resultat var att två av eleverna upplevde praktiken som trygg. De hade inga problem med att dela med sig av svar de inte var säkra på och ansåg att de alltid hann tänka klart när läraren ställt en fråga. Faktorer som bidrog till elevernas upplevelser handlar om de frågor läraren ställer, att läraren endast väljer elever som räcker upp handen samt den korta betänketid som eleverna gavs. / The study aims to contribute an increased understanding of students´ experiences ofparticipating in mathematical whole-class conversations. The work is based on the following questions: What kind of participant pattern emerges in whole-class conversations? And How do students experience participation in mathematical whole-class conversations and what factors contribute? The method we used was semi-structured interviews with the students and observations during lessons in mathematics. The study was conducted at an elementary school in three different classes, all in grade two. To gain a deeper understanding of the students´ experience, we chose to study the environment they stayed in to relate their answers to the practice. The study is based on a socio-cultural perspective on learning and the framework we used is exploratory conversations. The study's most prominent results show that students experienced their participation as insecure in mathematics conversations. They did not want to share answers they were unsure of and thought it was hard to answer incorrectly. Another result shows that two of the students experienced their participation as safe. They had no problem sharing answers they were not sure about and felt that they always had time to think when the teacher asked a question. Factors that contributed to the students' experiences are about the questions the teacher asks, focus on the right answer, that the teacher only chooses students who raise their hand, and the short reflection time that the students were given.
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[pt] A presente tese é um estudo de cunho autoetnográfico de vivências sociodiscursivas em um contexto escolar público e parte do entendimento exploratório de que o papel de alunos e alunas em sala de aula extrapola a aprendizagem. Imbuída desse entendimento, propõe uma formação continuada docente coconstruída na relação com quem se ensina: os alunos e as alunas. Inserida no campo interdisciplinar da Linguística Aplicada brasileira contemporânea, a tese investiga processos sociais na dinâmica micro-macro por meio da análise de discursos narrativos. Por isso, convida praticantes de pesquisa (aluno, aluna, professoras) para Conversas com Potencial Exploratório motivadas por episódios de sala de aula vividos pela professora-pesquisadora e seus alunos e alunas. A partir das narrativas decorrentes dessas conversas, é procedida a análise dos dados, na qual se investiga, pelo posicionamento dos praticantes (entre os quais, a pesquisadora), relações de poder e entendimentos sobre ensinar e aprender. Pela análise dos dados, observam-se discrepâncias hierárquicas que persistem na relação professora-alunos ao mesmo tempo em que aprendizados são construídos no diálogo, na escuta. Tais aprendizados são ora construídos pela professora, ora percebidos nos discursos de alunos e alunas. Em ambos os casos, observa-se que o que se aprende excede conteúdos pedagógicos e aponta para a(s) qualidade(s) da(s) vida(s) em sala de aula, permitindo que temas socialmente lidos como tabu (conflitos, por exemplo) sejam discutidos e negociados na interação. Resulta, então, que essa dinâmica local aponta para repertórios globais que falam, por exemplo, sobre o lugar das emoções no espaço escolar. Além disso, nesse entrelaçar entre micro e macro, há espaço para persistências tanto quanto há para microrupturas na construção da relação-que-é-formação entre a professora e suas alunas e alunos. / [en] The present dissertation is a study inspired in the auto-ethnography of socio-discursive experiences situated in a public school context and results from the exploratory understanding that the role of students in classrooms exceeds that of learning. Guided by such an understanding, the dissertation proposes a continuous teacher development process build upon the relationship with those who learn with the teacher: the students. Inserted in the interdisciplinary field of Brazilian contemporary Applied Linguistics, the study organizes the investigation of social processes in the micro-macro dynamic through the analysis of narrative discourses. To this purpose, it invites research practitioners (students, teachers) to engage in Potentially Exploratory Conversations motivated by classroom episodes lived by the researcher. The narratives that emerged in these conversations were analysed by focusing on power relations and understandings about teaching and learning through the positioning of the research participants, including the researcher. The analysis shows that hierarchical disparities persist in the teacher-students relation while learning is built through the acts of dialoguing and listening. These learning moments or opportunities are sometimes built by the teacher and, at other moments, are noticed in the students’ discourse. In both cases, it is noticed that what is learned exceeds pedagogical content and points to the quality of life (or, the qualities of the lives) lived or experienced in the classroom. This allows for topics socially faced as taboos (conflicts, for example) to be discussed and negotiated in the interaction. As a result, this local discursive dynamic points to global repertoires that address, for example, the place of emotions in school contexts. In addition, in this embedment between micro and macro, there is room for persistencies as much as there is room for micro-fissures in the construction of the relation-that-is-development between teacher and students.
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