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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Astrophysical and Collider Signatures of Extra Dimensions

Melbéus, Henrik January 2010 (has links)
<p>In recent years, there has been a large interest in the subject of extra dimensions in particle physics. In particular, a number of models have been suggested which provide solutions to some of the problems with the current Standard Model of particle physics, and which could be tested in the next generation of high-energy experiments. Among the most important of these models are the large extra dimensions model by Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, and Dvali, the universal extra dimensions model, and models allowing right-handed neutrinos to propagate in the extra dimensions. In this thesis, we study phenomenological aspects of these three models, or simple modifications of them.</p><p> </p><p>The Arkani-Hamed-Dimopoulos-Dvali model attempts to solve the gauge hierarchy problem through a volume suppression of Newton's gravitational constant, lowering the fundamental Planck scale down to the electroweak scale. However, this solution is unsatisfactory in the sense that it introduces a new scale through the radius of the extra dimensions, which is unnaturally large compared to the electroweak scale. It has been suggested that a similar model, with a hyperbolic internal space, could provide a more satisfactory solution to the problem, and we consider the hadron collider phenomenology of such a model.</p><p> </p><p>One of the main features of the universal extra dimensions model is the existence of a potential dark matter candidate, the lightest Kaluza-Klein particle. In the so-called minimal universal extra dimensions model, the identity of this particle is well defined, but in more general models, it could change. We consider the indirect neutrino detection signals for a number of different such dark matter candidates, in a five- as well as a six-dimensional model.</p><p> </p><p>Finally, right-handed neutrinos propagating in extra dimensions could provide an alternative scenario to the seesaw mechanism for generating small masses for the left-handed neutrinos. Since extra-dimensional models are non-renormalizable, the Kaluza-Klein tower is expected to be cut off at some high-energy scale. We study a model where a Majorana neutrino at this cutoff scale is responsible for the generation of the light neutrino masses, while the lower modes of the tower could possibly be observed in the Large Hadron Collider. We investigate the bounds on the model from non-unitarity effects, as well as collider signatures of the model.</p>

Différents parcours de fréquentation des milieux de garde peuvent-ils modérer le lien prédictif entre les caractéristiques socio-familiales et le niveau de préparation scolaire des enfants?

Comeau, Stéphanie 07 1900 (has links)
Le niveau de préparation scolaire des enfants est un prédicteur important de la réussite scolaire ultérieure. Les études ont montré que la fréquentation d’un milieu de garde extra-familial avant l’entrée en maternelle influence le niveau de préparation scolaire des enfants. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner quels parcours de garde sont associés à une meilleure préparation scolaire autant sur le plan cognitif que socio-émotionnel. Le second objectif est d’examiner si les différents parcours de garde contribuent différemment à la préparation scolaire selon les caractéristiques socio-familiales de l’enfant. Cinq cent soixante-douze enfants ont été recrutés à partir du registre des naissances du Québec et ont été suivis de l’âge de 5 mois jusqu’à leur entrée en maternelle. Trois parcours de garde ont été considérés: la garde continue en milieu familial (F-F), la garde en milieu familial durant la petite enfance suivie de la garde en installation durant l’âge préscolaire (F-I) et la garde continue en installation (I-I). Le niveau de préparation scolaire des enfants ayant suivi un de ces parcours de garde a été comparé à celui des enfants n’ayant jamais fréquenté de façon régulière un service de garde. La dimension cognitive de la préparation scolaire a été évaluée à l’aide du test du Lollipop et la dimension socio-émotionnelle à l’aide du Questionnaire des comportements sociaux. Les résultats indiquent qu’un parcours de garde favorise la dimension cognitive de la préparation scolaire de tous les enfants, sans nuire à la dimension socio-émotionnelle : le parcours F-I. On observe en outre un effet modérateur de la scolarité maternelle : lorsque les mères ont fait des études universitaires, la préparation scolaire de leurs enfants sur les deux dimensions de la préparation scolaire est aussi élevée pour ceux qui n’ont jamais fréquenté de service de garde sur une base régulière que pour ceux qui ont suivi le parcours de garde F-I. La présente étude confirme la contribution positive des milieux de garde au développement cognitif des enfants de milieux défavorisés. De plus, les résultats de cette étude précisent quel parcours de garde est associé à la meilleure préparation scolaire des enfants. Le parcours de garde F-I pourrait contribuer à réduire l’écart entre ceux qui sont prêts à entrer à l’école et ceux qui ne le sont pas et favoriser le succès scolaire pour tous les enfants, réduisant du coup les inégalités sociales. / School readiness is an important predictor of future academic success. Studies have shown that childcare before kindergarten entry influences academic readiness of children. The objective of this study is to examine which sequences of childcare type are associated with better cognitive and socio-emotional school readiness. The second objective is to examine whether the different sequences of childcare type contribute differently to the school readiness as function of social and family characteristics. 572 children from Quebec were randomly selected from the birth’s register and were followed from 5 months of age until they entered kindergarten. Three sequences of childcare type were considered: continuous home-based care (F-F), home-based care in infancy and center care during preschool period (F-I) and continuous center care (I-I). School readiness of children following one of these sequences of childcare type was compared to those of children who have never used a regular type of care. Cognitive school readiness was assessed with the Lollipop test and socio-emotional school readiness was assessed with the Social Behavior Questionnaire. The sequence of childcare type that promotes the best cognitive school readiness without compromising the socio-emotional dimension is the F-I sequence. Conversely, when the mother had a high level of education (university), children who have stayed at home are as well prepared to enter school as the ones that had followed the F-I sequence of care. Findings of this study confirm the positive contribution of childcare on cognitive development of disadvantaged children. In addition, results of this study specify which sequence of care promotes optimal child development. Attending F-I sequence could reduce the gap between those who are ready to enter school and those who are not and thus ensure that all children start school with the same chance of success. In this way, it would be possible to reduce social inequalities.

L'expertise medicale dans le droit de la sécurite sociale / The medical evaluation in social security law

Bouvier, Michel Rolland 09 April 2013 (has links)
La nature des litiges relatifs à l'appréciation médicale de l'état du malade ou de la victime d'un accident du travail ou d'une maladie professionnelle, a conduit à l'organisation extra-judiciaire d'une expertise médicale dite "technique", les litiges relatifs aux états d'incapacité incombant directement à des juridictions spécialisées (contentieux technique).L'expert, désigné d'un commun accord entre le médecin-conseil et le médecin traitant, est saisi par la caisse en vue de l'examen clinique du malade ou de la victime, à l'aide d'un protocole. La procédure est assortie de brefs délais et l'avis de l'expert, qui s'impose aux parties, peut être contesté dans le cadre du contentieux général.La mise en œuvre de la procédure s'impose à la juridiction (qui fixe la mission et prend la décision), quand la difficulté d'ordre médical survient en cours d'instance. Cette obligation, née du caractère substantiel des formalités, dont a pu découler la force probante de l'avis de l'expert à l'égard du juge, est exceptionnelle en droit français.La question est bien celle des fonctions respectives de l'expert et du juge, quand la CEDH vise à étendre le principe du procès équitable à la phase expertale, de telle sorte que pourrait naître un droit général d'accès à l'expertise et d'y être assisté par un technicien, ce que l'on peut observer dans l'expertise médicale.La thèse vise à prôner l'extension du régime de l'expertise médicale à l'exception propre aux accidents du travail et maladies professionnelles dans le domaine agricole, dont le régime est inspiré du droit commun, le contentieux technique paraissant pouvoir lui-même être étendu à cette exception, alors que la Cour de cassation (rapports 2010 et 2011) recommande son intégration au contentieux général. / The nature of the disputes related to the medical appraisal of the state of the sick person, or of the victim of an accident at work or of a professional illness, led to manage an extra judicial medical evaluation, so called "technical", the disputes related to the states of incapacity being directly devolved to specialized courts (technical litigation). As appointed on the basis of a common agreement between the counseling doctor and the personal practitioner, the medical experts is refered to by the caisse in order to evaluate the medical state of the sick person or of the victim, in accordance to a protocol. The proceeding is concluded in a short delay, ant the opinion of the medical expert, as compulsory for the litigants, is opened to a dispute in the frame of the general litigation.The implementation of the procedure is imperative for the court when a medical difficulty occurs during the judicial proceeding. As rooted in the substantive nature of the formalities, grounding the value of evidence for the expert opinion, this is an exceptional obligation.So that, the point is the distinction between the functions of the medical expert and the court when is met the aim to extend the right to a fair trial to the evaluation stage, ant it could arise a general right to medical evaluation and to be assisted by a specialist, as for the extra judicial proceeding.An objective of the thesis is to propose an extension to the existing exception of the accidents at work or the professional illness in the agricultural area, as shaped by the general legal regime. So that the technical litigation could too receive an extension, completely in opposition to the solution wished by the Cour de cassation (reports 2010, 2011) of an integration to the general litigation

Estudo tomográfico na região da crista infrazigomática para instalação de mini parafusos ortodônticos em diferentes tipos faciais / Tomographic study in the region of the infrazigomatic crest in different facial types for the installation of mini orthodontic screws

Lima Junior, Almir 18 January 2019 (has links)
Os dispositivos de ancoragem temporária têm sido amplamente utilizados como auxiliares de ancoragem esquelética no tratamento de má oclusões mais severas. Para a instalação de mini parafusos na crista infrazigomática é necessário o conhecimento anatômico desta região e suas possíveis variações. Na literatura são descritos diferentes tipos faciais que diferem na predominância em relação ao padrão de crescimento facial vertical ou horizontal configurando conformações ósseas distintas. Com isso o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar se há diferença na espessura óssea na região de crista infrazigomática em cada o tipo facial. Para este estudo retrospectivo foi selecionada uma amostra composta por 86 tomografias computadorizadas por feixe cônico de indivíduos dos gêneros masculino e feminino, adultos, com idade entre 18 e 40 anos. As imagens foram avaliadas no software Dolphin® (versão 11.0, Dolphin Imaging and Manegement Solutions, Chatsworth, CA - EUA). As tomografias foram divididas em três grupos de acordo com o tipo facial, sendo: 24 do tipo facial Hiperdivergente, 30 do tipo facial Neutro e 32 do tipo facial Hipodivergente. Para atender aos objetivos do estudo, as medidas foram realizadas nas regiões entre segundo pré-molar e primeiro molar superior até região de raiz distal de segundo molar superior em alturas de 5 7, 9 e 11 mm a partir da crista alveolar. Os resultados mostraram que no grupo hiperdivergente os locais considerados seguros para a instalação dos mini parafusos foram entre primeiros e segundos molares superiores em 11 mm da crista alveolar, na região das raizes mesiais dos segundos molares superiores a partir de 9 mm da crista alveolar e em região das raizes distais dos segundos molares superiores em 11 mm da crista alveolar. No grupo neutro os locais considerados seguros para a instalação dos mini parafusos foram entre primeiro e segundo molar em 11 mm da crista alveolar do lado direito e em região das raizes mesiais dos segundos molares superiores em 11 mm da crista alveolar. Para o grupo hipodivergente observou-se como locais considerados seguros, entre primeiros e segundos molares superiores em 11 mm da crista alveolar e em região das raizes mesiais dos segundos molares superiores em 11 mm da crista alveolar. Baseados nos resultados obtidos consideramos que existe uma diferença de espessura entre os tipos faciais e que este fator deve ser considerado durante o planejamento para instalação de mini parafusos de ancoragem ortodôntica, no entanto para todos os grupos o local mais adequado é na região de raiz mesial dos segundos molares superiores em 11 mm da crista alveolar. / Temporary anchoring devices have been widely used as skeletal Anchorage in treatment of more severe malocclusions. The anatomical knowledge of this region and its possible variation are necessary for the installation of mini screws in the infrazygomatic crest. In the literature diferente facial types are described that differ in the predominance in relation to the vertical or horizontal facial growth pattern configuring different bone conformations. Therefore, the purpose os this study is to evaluate if there is difference in bone thickness in the region os the infrazigomatic crest in each facial type. For this retropective study, a sample composed fo 86 computed tomography scans of individuals of the masculine and feminine adults aged between 18 and 40 years, was selected. The images were evaluated in Dolphin® software (version 11.0, Dolphin Imaging and Manegement Solution, Chastworth, CA - USA). The CT scans were divided into three groups according to the facial type: 24 of the facial type Hyperdivergent, 30 of the facial type Neutral and 32 of the facial type Hipodivergent. To meet the study objectives, the measurements were performed in the regions between the second pre-molar and the first molar superior to the region of the upper second molar distal root at heights of 5, 7, 9 and 11 mm from the alveolar crest. The results showed that in the hyperdivergent group the sites that was considered safe for the installation of the mini screws were between the first and second maxillary molars in 11 mm of the alveolar crest, in the region of the mesial roots of the second maxillary molars from 9 mm of the alveolar crest and in the region of the distal roots of the second maxillary molars 11 mm from the alveolar crest. In the neutral group, the sites considered safe for the installation of mini screws were between the first and second molars in 11 mm of the alveolar ridge on the right side and in the region of the mesial roots of the maxillary second molars in 11 mm of the alveolar ridge. For the hypodivergent group, were considered safe places between the first and second maxillary molars were observed in 11 mm of the alveolar crest and in the region of the mesial roots of the maxillary second molars in 11 mm of the alveolar crest. Based on the results obtained, we consider that there is a difference in thickness between facial types and that this factor should be considered during planning for installation of mini orthodontic anchor bolts, however for all groups the most appropriate place is in the mesial root region of the upper second molars.

L'estimation de la valeur statistique de la vie humaine dans le domaine de la santé : quel fondement normatif pour une estimation monétaire au sein de l'économie du bien-être ? / Estimating of the value of a statistical life in the health field : which normative base for a monetary estimate within the economics of welfare ?

Belharet, Mahdi 20 March 2018 (has links)
La Valeur statistique de la vie humaine (VSVH) est un outil d’analyse économique, qui est définie comme la valeur qu’une personne est prête à payer (CAP) pour réduire le risque de mortalité ou de morbidité. L’intérêt d’un tel outil est d’estimer monétairement le bénéfice social d’un projet d’investissement destiné à réduire le risque, mais aussi d’établir un arbitrage entre plusieurs alternatives. Répondre à l’aléa moral dans un contexte de rareté des ressources est parfaitement adéquat avec la VSVH. Avec l’estimation des personnes de leurs capacités de paiement en fonction de leurs perceptions du risque et de leur niveau de revenu, les personnes sont positionnées comme les seules juges de la valeur de leurs vies. Parce que, les personnes déterminent librement les CAPs en fonction de leurs préférences personnelles et que ces préférences sont intégrées dans la détermination d’un choix social, la VSVH ne contredit pas le cadre normatif d’établissement d’une décision. Néanmoins, le welfarisme comme une source des méthodes d’estimation de la VSVH est en relation directe avec l’utilitarisme. Au final, la valeur estimée par la VSVH est de nature subjective. Dans le domaine de la santé, la VSVH doit dépasser le cadre subjectif d’une estimation pour répondre à l’éthique normative qui décrit la pratique médicale, notamment la prise en considération de l’autonomie personnelle, la notion personnelle de la bonne vie et la notion universelle de la personne. L’objectif de notre travail est de rechercher les arguments d’établissement d’une valeur de référence de la VSVH qui endosse un cadre normatif. Cela nécessite une analyse approfondie au sein de la théorie économique du bien-être. / The value of statistical life (VSL) is an economic analytical tool, which is defined as the value that a person is ready to pay (WTP) in order to reduce the risk mortality or morbidity. The advantage of such a tool is to monetarily estimate the social benefit of an investment project which is made to reduce the risk, but also to establish an arbitrage between several alternatives. Respond to the moral hazard in a context pertaining to the scarcity of resources, which is perfectly in keeping with VSL. With people’s estimation on their willingness to pay, depending on how they perceive risks and their income level, people are positioned as the sole judges as for the value of their lives. Because people freely determine the WTP depending on their personal preferences and these preferences are included in order to determine a social choice. The value of statistical life doesn’t contradict the normative framework of establishing a decision. Nonetheless, welfarism which is a source of estimating methods of VSL is directly related to utilitarianism. Eventually, the estimated value by VSL is subjective nature. In the health sector, the VSL needs to surpass the subjective framework of an estimation in order to answer the normative ethic which describes the medical practice, especially by taking personal self-sufficiency into account but also the personal notion of a good life and the universal notion of the person. Researching establishing arguments of reference value pertaining to VSL which takes on a normative framework and this is objective when it comes to our work. This theoretically requires an in-depth analysis within the economic theory of well-being.

Teorias com grande hierarquia de escalas / Theories with Large Hierarchy of Scales

Sá, Nayara Fonseca de 26 August 2016 (has links)
Nesta tese exploramos uma classe de modelos de N-sítios que foram desenvolvidos para produzir grandes hierarquias de escalas. Usando a abordagem de desconstrução dimensional e correspondências apropriadas, esses modelos puramente quadridimensionais coincidem com modelos AdS5 no limite do contínuo, que corresponde ao limite com um grande núumero de grupos de gauge. Por outro lado, no limite em que há poucos grupos de gauge, tais teorias possuem os acoplamentos entre estados excitados e modos zero dos campos muito distintos dos acoplamentos em construções AdS5, resultando em uma rica fenomenologia a ser explorada no Large Hadron Collider (LHC). O problema da hierarquia do Modelo Padrão (MP) é resolvido se o campo de Higgs estão localizado no infravermelho, assim como nas teorias Randall-Sundrum. A hierarquia de massa dos férmions do MP e misturas são obtidas pelas diferentes localizações dos modos zero dos férmions no espaço dos sítios. Essa estrutura é empregada para abordar o problema da hierarquia sob uma nova perspectiva. Nós mostramos que uma descrição efetiva com poucos sítios de uma dimensão extra curva pode implementar os recentemente introduzidos modelos de relaxion, que são uma nova alternativa para explicar a estabilidade radiativa do setor escalar do MP através do mecanismo de relaxação cosmológico. Esses modelos requerem que o campo experimente grandes variações, que s~ao difíceis de serem geradas em um modelo ultravioleta consistente e de serem compatíveis com o espaço compacto do relaxion. Nós propomos um modelo de N-sítios que gera naturalmente essa grande constante de decaimento necessária para abordar esses problemas. No nosso modelo, a matriz de massa dos pseudo Bósons de Nambu-Goldstone (pBNGs), cujo modo zero faz o papel do relaxion, é idêntica à matriz obtida para uma linha de Wilson pBNG na desconstrução de AdS5. / this thesis we explore a class of N-site models that were developed to generate large-scale hierarchies. Using the dimensional deconstruction approach and appropriate matchings, these purely four-dimensional theories coincide with AdS5 models in the continuum limit, which corresponds to the limit with a large number of gauge groups. On the other hand, in the coarse lattice limit such theories have very distinct couplings of the excited states to zero mode fields compared with AdS5 constructions, resulting in a rich phenomenology to be explored at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The Standard Model (SM) hierarchy problem is solved if the Higgs field is infrared-localized as in Randall-Sundrum scenarios. The SM fermion mass hierarchy and mixings are obtained by different localizations of zero mode fermions in the theory space. This framework is employed to tackle the electroweak hierarchy problem from a new perspective. We show that an effective few site description of a warped extra dimension can implement the recently introduced relaxion models, which are a new alternative to explain the radiative stability of the SM scalar sector through the cosmological relaxation mechanism. These models require very large field excursions, which are difficult to generate in a consistent ultraviolet completion and to reconcile with the compact field space of the relaxion. We propose an N-site model that naturally generates the large decay constant needed to address these problems. In our model, the mass matrix of the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Bosons (pNGBs), whose zero mode plays the role of the relaxion field, is identical to the one obtained for a pNGBWilson line in the deconstruction of AdS5.

Avaliação da resistência à insulina em pacientes com hepatite C crônica não diabéticos / Evaluation of insulin resistance in patients with chronic hepatitis C non-diabetics

Vallenas, Maria Cristina Tejero 19 June 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O vírus da hepatite C (VHC) é a maior causa de hepatite crônica em todo o mundo. É um vírus hepatotrópico e linfotrópico que está associado a diversas manifestações extra-hepática que tem sido associada à infecção pelo VHC. A presença de RI nos pacientes com hepatite C está implicada em pior resposta ao tratamento antiviral com interferon, na progressão da fibrose hepática, na instalação da esteatose e maior risco de carcinoma hepatocelular. O método mais comumente utilizado para o diagnóstico da RI é o índice HOMA-IR (homeostasis model assessment). OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a frequência de resistência à insulina e os fatores associados em pacientes infectados com o vírus da hepatite C. MÉTODOS: Incluídos 202 pacientes infectados pelo VHC e não diabéticos em estudo transversal realizado no ambulatório de hepatites virais do DMIP- HCFMUSP de março de 2010 a fevereiro de 2012. Foram avaliados dados demográficos, antropométricos, bioquímicos (incluindo HOMA-IR) e dados de estudo anatomopatológico do fígado. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: resistentes à insulina (HOMA-IR >= 3) e não resistentes à insulina (HOMA-IR < 3). Esses grupos foram submetidos à análise uni e multivariada (regressão logística), para ajuste dos fatores de confusão. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes incluídos no estudo, 87 (43,1%) eram do sexo masculino e 115 (56,9%) do sexo feminino. A média de idade foi de 49,65 anos. O fator de risco mais frequente para aquisição da VHC foi a transfusão sanguínea. O genótipo 1 foi o mais frequente (77,2%), seguido pelo genótipo 3 (18,3%). Trinta e três pacientes (16,3%) apresentaram grau de fibrose avançado (3 e 4). Noventa e cinco pacientes (47%) apresentaram algum grau de esteatose. Cinquenta e dois pacientes (25,74%) apresentaram HOMA-IR >= 3. Entre os pacientes infectados pelo VHC genótipo 1 (n = 156), encontramos 41 pacientes (26,3%) com resistência à insulina; entre os pacientes com genótipo 3 (n = 37), encontramos 10 pacientes (27,0%) com HOMA-IR >= 3. Encontramos associação positiva entre índice de massa corpórea maior ou igual a 25 kg/m2, presença de esteatose hepática e presença de resistência à insulina. Atividade necroinflamatória e esteatose hepática foram fatores independentes associados à fibrose hepática. CONCLUSÕES: Considerando a prevalência e as implicações clínicas da resistência à insulina, são necessários mais estudos para se conhecer a melhor abordagem para os pacientes resistentes à insulina nos pacientes com hepatite C crônica / BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the leading cause of chronic hepatitis worldwide. It is a hepatotropic and lymphotropic virus that is associated with several extrahepatic manifestations. Insulin resistance (IR) is an extrahepatic manifestations that have been associated with HCV infection. The presence of IR in patients with hepatitis C is implicated in poor response to antiviral therapy with interferon, in the progression of liver fibrosis, the installation of steatosis and increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. The most commonly used method for the diagnosis of IR is the HOMA-IR (homeostasis model assessment). OBJECTIVES: To assess the frequency of insulin resistance and associated factors in patients infected with hepatitis C. METHODS: The sample comprised 202 non-diabetic patients infected with HCV and non-diabetic study performed in the outpatient clinic of the viral hepatitis DMIP-HCFMUSP between March 2010 and December 2011. We evaluated demographic, anthropometric, biochemical (including HOMA-IR) data and histological features of of the liver. The patients were divided into two groups: insulin resistant (HOMA-IR >=3) and non-insulin resistant (HOMA-IR < 3). These groups were subjected to univariate and multivariate analysis (logistic regression) to adjust for confounding factors. RESULTS: Of the patients studied, 87 (43.1%) were male and 115 (56.9%) females. The mean age was 49.65 years. The most common risk factor for acquisition of HCV was blood transfusion. Genotype 1 was the most frequent (77.2%), followed by genotype 3 (18.3%). Thirty-three patients (16.3%) had advanced fibrosis (3 and 4). Ninety-five patients (47%) had some degree of steatosis. Fifty-two patients (25.74%) had HOMA-IR >= 3. CONCLUSIONS: Among patients infected with HCV genotype 1 (n = 156), we found 41 patients (26.3%) with insulin resistance, among patients with genotype 3 (n = 37), we found 10 patients (27.0% ) with HOMA-IR >= 3. We found a positive association between body mass index greater than or equal to 25 kg/m2, presence of hepatic steatosis and presence of insulin resistance. Necroinflammatory activity and hepatic steatosis were independent factors associated with liver fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: Given the prevalence and clinical implications of insulin resistance, further studies are needed to know the best approach for insulin resistant patients with chronic hepatitis C

Aspekte der Positionierung und Dosisapplikation in der stereotaktisch geführten intra- und extrakranialen Strahlentherapie

Ahlswede, Julia 01 November 2005 (has links)
Stereotaktische Strahlenchirurgie und -therapie (SRS/SRT) weisen sich durch sehr konformale und hochpräzise Dosisverteilungen aus. Im Kopfbereich ist SRS/SRT eine etablierte Behandlungsmethode. Um diese Technik in anderen Körperregionen anwenden zu können, wurden verschiedene Positionierungs- und Fixierungsmethoden, sowie der Einsatz von 9 verschiedene Bestrahlungstechniken untersucht. Es wurde auch die Genauigkeit von 2 Dosisalgorithmen evaluiert. Jeweils eine thermoplastische Maske für den Kopf- und den Kopf-Hals-Bereich, sowie ein Doppelvakuumsystem für extrakraniale Regionen wurden untersucht. Die Kopfmaske erreichte im Durchschnitt eine Genauigkeit von 1,8mm (Fehler 0,9mm), mit einem Oberkiefersupport auf 0,96mm +/- 0,25mm. Die Kopf-Hals-Maske zeigte mit 0,7mm +/- 0,4mm, dass ihre Verwendung in der SRS/SRT möglich ist. Für die Genauigkeit des Doppelvakuums wurde durchschnittlich 7,0mm +/-3,5mm ermittelt. Relativ zum Vakuumkissen wurde eine Genauigkeit von 1,6mm +/- 1,87mm gemessen. Evaluierungsmethoden waren IR-Marker, die mittels Zahnabdruck am Patienten fixiert wurden und fusionierte Wiederholungs-CTs, in denen die Verschiebung von Landmarken am Positionierungssystem und im Patienten vermessen wurden. Bei den Bestrahlungstechniken sind 3 Techniken durch gute Ergebnisse aufgefallen. Stehfeldtechnik, dynamischer Arc und IMRT zeigten mit einem 3mm-mMLC hohe Konformität und Homogenität auf. Die ersten beiden Techniken erreichten steile Dosisgradienten, wohingegen die IMRT bei komplexen Zielgebieten und nahen Risikostrukturen auffiel und immer die geforderte 90%-Umschließende erreichte. Die Verifizierung der Dosisalgorithmen erfolgte anhand von Filmen. 8 Pläne wurden jeweils auf einem Film in Isozentrumsebene abgebildet und ein Vergleich mit der berechneten Dosis von Clarkson- und Pencil-Beam-Algorithmus mit Hilfe der Gamma-Evaluation durchgeführt. Beide Algorithmen sind für die SRS/SRT geeignet, der Pencil-Beam-Algorithmus zusätzlich für die IMRT verwendbar. / Stereotactic radiation surgery and therapy (SRS/SRT) are able to deliver conformal and precise dose distributions. For brain lesions SRS/SRT is a well-established technique. Its success increases interest to use it in other areas of the body. For this, evaluation of different patient positioning and treatment techniques, as well as dose algorithms have been performed. As patient fixation and positioning systems, 2 thermoplastic masks were evaluated for lesions located in the brain and the head and neck. In addition a double vacuum system for extra cranial treatments was used. The precision for the head mask was on average 1,8mm +/- 0,9mm, with an upper jaw support 0,9mm +/- 0,25mm. The head and neck mask realized a reproducibility of 0,7mm +/- 0,4mm and proved its use for SRS/SRT. For extra cranial positioning an average lesion misplacement of 7,0 mm +/-3,5 mm was measured. Relative to the vacuum cushion the accuracy was measured to be 1,6mm +/- 1,9mm. Infrared reflecting marker fixed precisely (+/- 0,6mm) with a dental impression and repeated CTs fused and landmark evaluated were successfully used to evaluate the patient fixation and positioning devices. 3 out of 9 treatment techniques had outstanding results. Static beams, dynamic arcs and IMRT all performed with a 3mm-mMLC showed a high conformity and homogeneity. The first two showed steep dose gradients and the later coped best with complex target shapes, close-by risk organs, and achieving 90% dose coverage. Verification of 2 algorithms was established with film. 8 plans were irradiated on film at isocenter and compared to calculations with Clarkson and pencil beam algorithm. Final evaluation was done using Gamma evaluation. Both algorithms showed their ability for SRS/SRT. The pencil beam algorithm is also capable of calculating IMRT plans. Summing the results the finding show that the use of some of the SRS-SRT techniques used for the head may be transferred for the use in extra cranial areas.

Estudo tomográfico da região do Shelf mandibular em diferentes tipos faciais / Tomographic study of the mandibular buccal Shelf on different facial types

Ribeiro, Annelise Nazareth Cunha 14 September 2018 (has links)
A ancoragem ortodôntica tem sido motivo de preocupação para os ortodontistas desde o inicio da prática ortodôntica. Os dispositivos transitórios de ancoragem esquelética (miniparafuso) definiram um novo conceito de ancoragem em Ortodontia. A colocação dos dispositivos em uma região extra-alveolar mandibular permite o uso de parafusos de maior diâmetro que podem ser inseridos paralelamente à inclinação axial de molares inferiores sem interferir com as raízes dos dentes que serão movimentados. Na literatura são descritos diferentes tipos faciais que diferem na predominância em relação ao padrão de crescimento facial vertical ou horizontal configurando conformações ósseas mandibulares distintas entre os tipos faciais. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar se há diferença na espessura do osso vestibular na região do shelf mandibular entre os tipos faciais. Para este estudo retrospectivo foi selecionada uma amostra composta por 84 tomografias computadorizadas por feixe cônico (TCFC) de indivíduos dos gêneros masculino e feminino, adultos, com idade entre 18 e 40 anos. As imagens foram avaliadas no software Dolphin® (versão 11.0, Dolphin Imaging and Management Solutions, Chatsworth, CA - EUA). As tomografias foram divididas em três grupos de acordo com o tipo facial, determinado por meio de reconstruções bidimensionais em norma lateral para realização do traçado da análise cafalométrica proposta por Bjork-Jarabak, sendo: 28 do tipo facial hiperdivergente (Grupo1), 28 do tipo facial neutro (Grupo 2) e 28 do tipo facial hipodivergente (Grupo 3). Para atender aos objetivos do estudo, as medidas foram realizadas nas seguintes regiões: 1- Vestibular da raiz mesial do primeiro molar inferior dos lados esquerdo e direito; 2 - Vestibular da raiz distal do primeiro molar inferior dos lados esquerdo e direito; 3 - Vestibular entre o primeiro e segundo molar inferior dos lados esquerdo e direito; 4 - Vestibular da raiz mesial do segundo molar inferior dos lados esquerdo e direito; 5 - Vestibular da raiz distal do segundo molar inferior dos lados esquerdo e direito. As medidas foram realizadas a 3, 6 e 9 milímetros a partir da junção amelocementária (JAC) dos primeiros e segundos molares, em direção apical, no corte axial, estendendo-se do ponto médio das raízes mesial e distal até a borda mais externa da cortical óssea alveolar adjacente. Os resultados mostraram que, com relação à idade e gênero, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos. As medidas do Grupo 1 mostraram que na vestibular da raiz distal do 2º molar a 9mm da JAC apresentaram, em média, valores maiores de 5mm, sendo considerada possível de instação de miniparafuso nesta região, em ambos os lados. No grupo 2 observou-se espaço suficiente para instalação de miniparafuso na vestibular da raiz distal do 2º molar a 6 mm e 9 mm da JAC. Para o Grupo 3 observou-se medidas acima de 5 mm na vestibular da raiz mesial dos segundos molares a 9 mm da JAC e na vestibular da raiz distal a 6 mm e 9 mm da JAC. Baseados nos resultados obtidos, consideramos que existe uma diferença de espessura entre os tipos faciais e que este fator deve ser considerado durante o planejamento para instalação de miniparafusos de ancoragem ortodôntica, no entando para todos os grupos a região mais adequada é na vestibular da raiz distal dos segundos molares inferiores. / Orthodontic anchorage has been of concern to orthodontists since the beginning of orthodontic practice. The transitory anchorage devices (miniscrew) have defined a new concept of anchorage in Orthodontics. Placement of the devices in a mandibular extra alveolar region allows the use of larger diameter screws that can be inserted parallel to the axial inclination of lower molars without interfering with the roots of the teeth that will be moved. The literature describes different facial types that differ in the predominance in relation to the vertical or horizontal facial growth pattern, configuring different mandibular bone conformations between the facial types. Thus, the objective of this study is to evaluate if there is difference in the thickness of the buccal bone in the MBS region between the facial types. For this retrospective study, a sample composed of 84 Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) of males and females adults, aged between 18 and 40 years, was selected. The images were evaluated in Dolphin® software (version 11.0, Dolphin Imaging and Manegement Solutions, Chatsworth, CA - USA). CT scans were divided into three groups according to the facial type, pre-determined by two-dimensional reconstructions in lateral norm for tracing cephalometric analysis proposed for Bjork-Jarabak\'s: 28 of the hyperdivergent facial type (Group 1), 28 of the neutral facial type (Group 2) and 28 of the hypodivergent facial type (Group 3). To respond the objectives of the study, the measurements were performed in the following regions: 1- Mesial root vestibular of the first lower molar of the left and right sides; 2 - Vestibular of the distal root of the first lower molar of the left and right sides; 3 - Vestibular between the first and second lower molars of the left and right sides; 4 - Vestibular mesial root of the second lower molar of the left and right sides; 5 - Vestibular of the distal root of the second lower molar of the left and right sides. Measurements were made at 3, 6 and 9 millimeters from the amelocemental junction of the first and second molars, apically in the axial cut, extending from the midpoint of the mesial and distal roots to the external border of the alveolar cortical bone adjacent. The results showed that, regarding age and gender, there was no significant statistical difference between the groups. The measurements of Group 1 showed that in the distal root of the 2nd molar to 9mm of the JAC presented, in average, values greater than 5mm, being considered possible of insertion of miniscrew in this region, in both sides. In group 2, sufficient space was observed for the installation of a miniscrew in the distal root of the 2nd molar to 6 mm and 9 mm of the JAC. For Group 3, measurements above 5 mm in the mesial root of the 2nd molars were observed at 9 mm from the JAC and in the distal root of 2nd to 6 mm and 9 mm of the JAC. Based on the results obtained, we consider that there is a difference in thickness between the facial types and that this factor should be considered during the planning for installation of orthodontic miniscrew, whereas for all groups the most suitable region is the vestibular of the distal root of second molars.

Teorias com grande hierarquia de escalas / Theories with Large Hierarchy of Scales

Nayara Fonseca de Sá 26 August 2016 (has links)
Nesta tese exploramos uma classe de modelos de N-sítios que foram desenvolvidos para produzir grandes hierarquias de escalas. Usando a abordagem de desconstrução dimensional e correspondências apropriadas, esses modelos puramente quadridimensionais coincidem com modelos AdS5 no limite do contínuo, que corresponde ao limite com um grande núumero de grupos de gauge. Por outro lado, no limite em que há poucos grupos de gauge, tais teorias possuem os acoplamentos entre estados excitados e modos zero dos campos muito distintos dos acoplamentos em construções AdS5, resultando em uma rica fenomenologia a ser explorada no Large Hadron Collider (LHC). O problema da hierarquia do Modelo Padrão (MP) é resolvido se o campo de Higgs estão localizado no infravermelho, assim como nas teorias Randall-Sundrum. A hierarquia de massa dos férmions do MP e misturas são obtidas pelas diferentes localizações dos modos zero dos férmions no espaço dos sítios. Essa estrutura é empregada para abordar o problema da hierarquia sob uma nova perspectiva. Nós mostramos que uma descrição efetiva com poucos sítios de uma dimensão extra curva pode implementar os recentemente introduzidos modelos de relaxion, que são uma nova alternativa para explicar a estabilidade radiativa do setor escalar do MP através do mecanismo de relaxação cosmológico. Esses modelos requerem que o campo experimente grandes variações, que s~ao difíceis de serem geradas em um modelo ultravioleta consistente e de serem compatíveis com o espaço compacto do relaxion. Nós propomos um modelo de N-sítios que gera naturalmente essa grande constante de decaimento necessária para abordar esses problemas. No nosso modelo, a matriz de massa dos pseudo Bósons de Nambu-Goldstone (pBNGs), cujo modo zero faz o papel do relaxion, é idêntica à matriz obtida para uma linha de Wilson pBNG na desconstrução de AdS5. / this thesis we explore a class of N-site models that were developed to generate large-scale hierarchies. Using the dimensional deconstruction approach and appropriate matchings, these purely four-dimensional theories coincide with AdS5 models in the continuum limit, which corresponds to the limit with a large number of gauge groups. On the other hand, in the coarse lattice limit such theories have very distinct couplings of the excited states to zero mode fields compared with AdS5 constructions, resulting in a rich phenomenology to be explored at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The Standard Model (SM) hierarchy problem is solved if the Higgs field is infrared-localized as in Randall-Sundrum scenarios. The SM fermion mass hierarchy and mixings are obtained by different localizations of zero mode fermions in the theory space. This framework is employed to tackle the electroweak hierarchy problem from a new perspective. We show that an effective few site description of a warped extra dimension can implement the recently introduced relaxion models, which are a new alternative to explain the radiative stability of the SM scalar sector through the cosmological relaxation mechanism. These models require very large field excursions, which are difficult to generate in a consistent ultraviolet completion and to reconcile with the compact field space of the relaxion. We propose an N-site model that naturally generates the large decay constant needed to address these problems. In our model, the mass matrix of the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Bosons (pNGBs), whose zero mode plays the role of the relaxion field, is identical to the one obtained for a pNGBWilson line in the deconstruction of AdS5.

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