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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation et paramétrisation hydrologique de la ville, résilience aux inondations / Hydrological modelling and parameterization of cities, flood resilience

Giangola-Murzyn, Agathe 30 December 2013 (has links)
L'évolution constante des villes passe par l'urbanisation des zones encore disponibles induisant des effets sur les bilans hydriques des celles-ci. De plus, le changement climatique susceptible d'exacerber les extrêmes (dont les inondations) influence lui aussi ces bilans. La ville est donc un objet hydrologique spécifique qu'il faut replacer dans son contexte évolutif, ce qui élargit considérablement la gamme d'échelles spatio-temporelles à prendre en compte pour son analyse et sa simulation. L'Union Européenne considère que la gestion du risque d'inondation doit remplacer la défense classique contre celle-ci. Cette nouvelle approche est plus holistique : elle prend en compte toutes les composantes du risque et cherche a réduire la vulnérabilité des récepteurs (habitants, bâtiments et infrastructures). Elle débouche sur la question de la résilience des systèmes urbains où les technologies correspondantes doivent être intégrées en des systèmes résilients aux inondations. Il est donc indispensable de développer des outils permettant l'évaluation de la performance de ces derniers, et ce à différentes échelles. Ces préoccupations ont défini l'axe de développement de Multi-Hydro : faire interagir des modèles déjà éprouvés représentant une composante du cycle de l'eau, permettre d'effectuer ainsi des progrès substantiels dans la modélisation de l'eau en ville avec une facilité d'utilisation. Multi-Hydro est ainsi basé sur des équations physiques supportées par des modèles distribués couplés. Grâce à un outil SIG dédié, MH-AssimTool, les informations géographiques et physiques nécessaires à la modélisation sont facilement assimilés pour chaque zone et résolution. En effet, une attention particulière été portée sur les observables ayant le moins de dépendance en échelle. L'emploi d'outils d'analyse multi-échelles permet de représenter leur variabilité et de définir des paramétrisations robustes du fonctionnement hydrologique à différentes échelles. L'ensemble de ces développements a été utilisé pour aborder la question de la résilience face aux inondations à différentes échelles d'un système urbain, dans le cadre de différents projets européens (SMARTeST, RainGain, BlueGreenDream) ou nationaux (Ville Numérique), à l'aide d'une approche systémique sur des scénarios pour plusieurs cas d'étude :- un petit bassin versant de Villecresnes (Val-de-Marne) qui a servi a l'évaluation des impacts de chaque modification apportée au modèle au cours de son développement.- la partie Est de la commune de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (Val-de-Marne) qui a subi un audit de l'état du réseau d'assainissement (cartographie précise des canalisations et campagnes de mesures) et dont les résultats préliminaires ont permis de poser la problématique de la modélisation des rivières.- un quartier d'Heywood (grande banlieue de Manchester, Royaume Uni), qui a subi plusieurs inondations durant la dernière décennie et demande une modélisation assez fine pour permettre l'évaluation de l'impact de quatre scénarios de protection.- le bassin versant de la Loup, dont l'exutoire est occupé par un bassin de stockage des eaux de pluie, a été modélisé pour quatre évènements d'intensités et de durées variables et a permis de débuter la validation du modèle.- la zone de Spaanse Polder (Rotterdam, Pays Bas), pose la problématique de la modélisation des zones très planes au système de drainage complexes (pompes, exutoires multiples). Cette zone permet de guider les développements futurs de Multi-Hydro. Dans le contexte de l'amélioration de la résilience des villes face aux inondations, Multi-Hydro se place comme étant un outil qui offre la possibilité de simuler des scénarios permettant l'évaluation des impacts à l'échelle globale de modifications à plus petites échelles. Grâce a sa facilité de mise en place que lui confère MH-AssimTool, ainsi que sa structure modulaire et sa liberté de licence, Multi-Hydro est en train de devenir un outil d'aide à la décision / The constant evolution of cities can be seen as the urbanisation of the still available areas. This introduces complex effects with respect to the balance of water. In addition, the highly variable nature of the climate and weather can easily exacerbate the extremes (including floods) thus influencing the water balance. The European Union considers that the management of flood risk is an appropriate strategy to replace conventional defense strategies against floods. This new strategy is a more holistic approach: it takes into account all the components at risk and seeks to reduce the vulnerability of receptors (people, buildings and infrastructures).Thus, resilience measures not only consist of individual technical solutions but they need to be integrated to a ‘safety chain', which requires the development of resilience systems and tools. It is therefore essential to develop tools for assessing the performance of the latter, and at different scales. These concerns have help define the development of Multi-Hydro: interacting models already proven to represent different components of the water cycle to allow substantial progress in the modelling of urban water combined with ease use. Multi-Hydro is based on physical equations supported by distributed and coupled models. With a dedicated GIS MH-AssimTool, the geographical and physical information required for modelling are easily assimilated for each zone and at each resolution. Indeed, special attention was paid to the observables with the least scale dependence. Tools for multi-scale analysis are used to represent their variability at smaller scales than their own scales, thus allowing a more robust definition of hydrological parameterisations at different scales. All of these developments have been used to address the issues involved in flooding resilience at different urban system levels, within the framework of the European (Smartest, RainGain and BlueGreenDream) and national (Ville Numérique) projects, using a systemic approach on the scenarios of several case studies:- A small watershed Villecresnes (Val-de-Marne), used to assess the impacts of each change made in the model during its development.- The eastern part of the municipality of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (Val-de-Marne ), has undergone a state audit of the drainage network (precise mapping of pipes and measurement campaigns). The preliminary results helped raise the issue of modelling rivers.- A district at Heywood (suburbs of Manchester, UK), has suffered several floods over the last decade and requires more detailed modelling in order to allow for the assessment of impact of four protection scenarios.- The catchment area of the Loup, whose outlet is connected to a runoff water storage tank, was modelled over four events of varying durations and intensities and helped start the validation of the model.- The Spaanse Polder area (Rotterdam , Netherlands), poses the problem of modelling very flat terrain with a complex drainage system (pumps and multiple outlets). This area will help to guide the future development of Multi-Hydro. In the context of improving the resilience of cities to flooding, Multi-Hydro is therefore placed as a tool that provides the ability to simulate scenarios for impact assessment at the basin scale of changes to smaller scales. Due to its ease of implementation at various scales conferred by MH-AssimTool and its modular structure and its free access property, Multi-Hydro is becoming a support decision tool

Redovisning av extrem tjänstefiering : Revisorers och normgivares syn på problematiken

Jonsson, Sofia, Stoltz, Unni January 2019 (has links)
Företag hittar ständigt nya sätt att arbeta genom olika strategier. En ny sådan strategi kallas extrem tjänstefiering som innebär att företag går från att sälja fysiska produkter, till att sälja funktionen av en produkt. Istället för att exempelvis sälja en borrmaskin, säljer man antal borrhål som maskinen producerar. Denna nya strategi har växt till ett nytt fenomen som företag börjat implementera i sina affärsmodeller. Detta fenomen har till stor del studerats inom området för innovation och miljö, men redovisningsaspekten av strategin saknas helt. I och med att det är ett relativt nytt sätt att arbeta har inga studier gjorts inom ämnet för redovisning, samt finns det inget specifikt regelverk som behandlar detta fenomen. Studiens syfte formulerades därför till att beskriva revisorers tolkningar av avtal som innefattar extrem tjänstefiering samt analysera problematiken som uppstår med detta och se hur normgivare förhåller sig till den problematiken. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte valdes följande frågeställningar; 1) Hur anser revisorer i Sverige att noterade företag bör redovisa avtal som innefattar extrem tjänstefiering? 2) Vilken redovisningsproblematik anser revisorerna uppstå med denna typ av avtal? Och 3) Hur förhåller sig normgivare till den identifierade redovisningsproblematiken för denna typ avtal? Genom en kvalitativ metodansats består empirin av totalt en intervju med ett företag som arbetar med extrem tjänstefiering, sex revisorer samt två normgivare inom redovisning i Sverige. Studiens resultat visar på att extrem tjänstefiering bör redovisas genom att kostnadsföra avgiften löpande. Den största problematiken som framkommer i studien är jämförbarheten av de finansiella rapporterna. Extrem tjänstefiering verkar redovisas på ett helt annat sätt än andra liknande affärsstrategier. Det efterfrågas en tydlighet kring hur denna problematik ska lösas, men studiens resultat visar på att huruvida ansvaret för den tydligheten bör ligga hos normgivarna eller revisorerna är de båda parterna oense om. Revisorerna efterfrågar förändring från normgivarnas sida, medan normgivarna anser att de befintliga regelverken är tillräckliga och att det är upp till de redovisningsansvariga att vara tydliga i sin redovisning och upp till revisorerna att vara tydliga i sin bedömning. / Companies are constantly trying to improve their business models by implementing new strategies. A new strategy that recently has become popular is called product service systems (PSS). This phenomenon is when companies instead of traditionally selling and buying physical products, now is selling or buying the function of a product. For example; instead of selling a drilling machine, the company sell the produced holes per hour that the machine is capable of making. This phenomenon has been studied mostly within the area of innovation and sustainability, but no studies has yet been written with an accounting perspective. There is no existing standard that regulate this specific business strategy, hence there is a lack of knowledge of this subject in an accounting perspective. Therefore we compiled the following purpose of this study to be; describe auditors interpretations and the assessments of business contracts that are involving PSS and also analyze the problems that come with it. We also want to highlight the norm setter’s view of the identified problems. To be able to answer the given purpose we decided to compile the following research questions; 1) How should a PSS contract be reported in the financial reports according to auditors in Sweden? 2) What accounting problems, regarding PSS contracts, does the auditors raise? 3) How does Swedish norm setters in accounting view the identified problems? Through a qualitative method the empirical chapter consists of a total of one interview with a PSS company, six auditors and two norm setters. The results of the study show that PSS should be expensed in the financial reports. The most important problem appears in the comparability between companies financial reports. PSS is being treated differently from other similar business strategies in the financial reports. There seems to be a need for clarification surrounding PSS contracts. The results show that there is a contradiction on whether that clarification should come from the norm setters or the auditors. The auditors claims that the norm setters should create and publish distinct guidelines on the topic, aiming for all auditors to make an equal assessment. While on the other hand the norm setters rather think that the existing standards are enough and that it is the auditors or the accountant’s responsibility to be transparent in the financial reports. Through transparency the norm setters believe that comparability between companies can be achieved.

Pluvial översvämning, kartering av riskområden : Kullö, Rindö och Resarö i Vaxholms stad / Pluvial flooding, mapping areas of risk : Kullö, Rindö and Resarö in Vaxholms stad

Hård, Johnnie January 2016 (has links)
Short and intense rainfall, called cloudbursts, is becoming more frequent in Sweden as an effect of climate change. With that comes an increased frequency of flooding events caused by the heavy rainfall, called pluvial flooding. This is especially problematic in urban areas where large areas of impervious surface greatly increases the volumes of surface runoff. Mapping of bluespots, locations where pluvial flooding is more likely to occur, can be an important aid towards preventing this kind of flooding. This study concerns performing such a mapping for the islands Kullö, Resarö and Rindö in the municipality Vaxholms stad, Sweden. These islands are chosen for being future high development areas. The analysis is done through hydrological modelling of a digital elevation model. From that expected runoff volumes is calculated from statistical models of precipitation data. Analysis of the result concludes that the major road, 274, is expected to be affected by flooding along two sections. Some houses and other minor roads are also affected. But the overall impact on infrastructure and social functions is low. The mapping should be able to function as a tool in the flood preventative work of Vaxholms stad and in planning of future developments.

Hantering av extrem nederbörd i Örebro och Göteborg : En jämförande studie / Extreme precipitation management : A comparative study of Örebro and Gothenburg

Leppänen, Elsa, Koistinen, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Climate changes are causing extreme weather conditions, which is expected to increase. Extreme precipitation is an example of this, which, through flooding, affects humans and buildings. This study aims to investigate how management of extreme precipitation takes place in two Swedish municipalities, the city of Gothenburg and Örebro municipality. Based on a thematic analysis of qualitative interviews with employees in the municipalities and document analysis of the municipalities' strategic planning documents, this study takes shape. The theoretical approach is based on what the existing research considers to be the most successful strategic, practical and organizational approaches. The result of this study shows that there is a need for better knowledge and clearer regulations regarding the management of extreme precipitation. The municipalities have come further in the work with strategic planning than with practical measures. Multifunctional facilities are a priority and, based on the study material, is the most effective way to implement practical measures.

Décision collective optimisée en milieu opérationnel extrême, application aux situations inconnues en vol spatial habité / Optimised collective decision in extreme and operational environment, application to the unknown situations in human space flight

L'Haridon, Damien 02 May 2019 (has links)
Les situations inconnues, i.e. jamais rencontrées ni anticipées, peuvent survenir lors de missions aérospatiales, comme dans le cas de la mission Apollo 13. Ainsi, l’équipage du premier vol habité vers Mars traitera probablement des situations inconnues (Orasanu, 2005) dans cet environnement potentiellement contraint, volatil et extrême tout en étant isolé de l’aide du centre de contrôle sol du fait des délais de communication. Or, un équipage ne peut pas être entrainé à traiter toutes les situations et a fortiori les situations inconnues (Noe, Dachner, Saxton et Keeton, 2011). Le présent travail de recherche est donc centré sur l’amélioration de la performance opérationnelle collective face à une situation inconnue en vol spatial habité vers Mars.La littérature étudiée (McLennan, Holgate, Omodei et Wearing, 2006 ; Noe et al., 2011) indique qu’une équipe partageant des expériences augmente sa compétence. En revanche, soit cette littérature est centrée sur une activité précise, soit elle ne discrimine pas les différents types d’expérience. De plus, la préparation d’une équipe pour réagir à une situation inconnue n’est pas abordée dans cette littérature. Potentiellement influencée par le partage d’expériences au niveau collectif, la métacognition est un levier reconnu d’augmentation de la performance en résolution de problèmes. La métacognition est définie comme la cognition sur la cognition (Flavell, 1979) et est modélisée en différentes étapes de raisonnement lors de résolutions de problèmes. Néanmoins, il n’est pas établi de lien entre d’une part le suivi de ces étapes ou leur mélange entre elles (i.e. la netteté métacognitive) et d’autre part l’amélioration de la performance opérationnelle collective en résolution de problème.Pour répondre à ces problématiques, un protocole spécifique (LETUCA) a été conduit durant vingt mois. Trois équipes stables ont été mises à l’épreuve de douze problèmes conçus pour ce travail ou adaptés de la littérature. La première a partagé un maximum d’expériences, la deuxième était constituée d’équipiers vivant les mêmes expériences, mais majoritairement séparément. La troisième n’a pas vécu d’expérience particulière. Ces trois équipes sont caractérisées selon les qualités des expériences vécues relativement à un entrainement fictif à l’inconnu. Ces qualités sont déterminées par des professionnels pouvant faire face collectivement à des situations inconnues.Les résultats obtenus soutiennent l’existence d’un lien entre le partage d’expériences diversifiées et de qualité et la performance opérationnelle collective en résolution de problèmes inconnus. L’étude de la métacognition permet de préciser ce lien : aucune relation n’est établie entre la performance et le suivi ou non du modèle de métacognition retenu. En revanche, un lien est confirmé entre les hautes valeurs de netteté métacognitive et l’augmentation de la performance opérationnelle. Finalement, l’ensemble des résultats permet de construire un modèle métacognitif collectif empirique en résolution de problème. / Unknown situations, i.e. neither expected nor experienced, may happen during aerospace missions; notably, like in the case of the Apollo 13 mission. Then, the crew of the first manned flight to Mars will probably treat unknown situations (Orasanu, 2005) in this potentially constrained, volatile, and extreme environment whilst being isolated from ground control support due to communication delays. Yet, a crew cannot be trained to treat all situations, including the unknown situations (Noe, Dachner, Saxton et Keeton, 2011). The present research work deals with the improvement of the operational and collective performance while coping with an unknown situation during a manned space flight toward Mars.The studied literature (McLennan, Holgate, Omodei et Wearing, 2006; Noe et al., 2011) indicates that a team sharing experiences increases its skill. However, either this literature is focused on a precise activity or it does not discriminate the different types of experience. Moreover, the training of a team to react to an unknown situation is not discussed in this literature. Potentially influenced by experience sharing at collective level, the metacognition is a recognized lever to improve performance during problem resolutions. Metacognition is defined as cognition about cognition (Flavell, 1979) and is modeled into different reasoning steps during problem resolutions. Nonetheless, no link is established between on one side the follow-up of these steps or their possible mixture (i.e. metacognitive clearness) and, on the other side, the increase of the collective operational performance during problem resolutions.To deal with these problematics, a specific protocol (LETUCA) was build and applied during twenty months. Three stable teams coped with twelve problems designed for this study or adapted from the literature. The first one shared a maximum of experiences; the second one was formed with teammates living the same experiences, but mainly separately from each other. The third team did not live specific experience. These three teams are characterized according to the lived experiences’ qualities relative to a fictive training to the unknown. These qualities are determined by professionals that may face collectively unknown situations.The obtained results support the existence of a relation between the sharing of quality and diversity experiences and the collective operational performance during unknown problem resolutions. The study of metacognition enables to specify this relation: no link is established between the operational performance and the tracking or not of the selected metacognitive model. However, a relation is confirmed between high metacognitive clearness values and the operational performance’s increase. Finally, the results enable the construction of an empirical model of collective metacognition during problem resolution.

Territorialisation du droit à l'éducation à partir d'une analyse des dynamiques de pouvoir : le cas de la région de l'extrême nord du Cameroun / Territorialisation of right to education in Cameroon

Mouafo Djontu, Robinson Herrick 24 April 2017 (has links)
Dans la quasi-totalité des nations du monde, l’éducation s’impose comme un droit fondamental de la personne. Les Etats africains, suite à leur accession à l’indépendance dans les années 60, ont également accordé une primauté absolue à l’éducation, parce que condition sine qua non de tout développement. De la Conférence d’Addis-Abeba en 1961 aux assises de Harare en 1982, en passant par les rencontres d’Abidjan en 1964 et Lagos en 1968, l’éducation a toujours été au cœur des préoccupations des Chefs d’Etats et de Gouvernements. Elle est consignée dans un ensemble d’instruments juridiques internationaux. Ces instruments relatifs au droit à l’éducation ont été internalisés dans le corpus juridique interne du Cameroun. Au Cameroun, l’expansion de l’école en général et celle et de l’enseignement de base en particulier, a connu un ralentissement remarquable avec la crise économique du milieu des années 80, entraînant un fort taux de déscolarisation, dont le plus élevé s’observe dans la Région de l’Extrême-Nord. Bien que le tout premier Président du Cameroun ait été issu de cette Région et qu’elle dispose de la population la plus importante à l’échelle nationale, il n’en a pas pour autant résulter, au profit de cette région, une action publique conséquente en matière d’investissement éducatif. L’application des instruments relatifs au droit à l’éducation garanti à ceux qui en sont bénéficiaires de pouvoir disposer de la pleine capacité de participer à la gestion des affaires publiques, de développer leur potentiel tout en contribuant au développement national. Sauf que, l’effectivité de ces instruments est loin d’être assurée au niveau local en raison de contraintes politiques, économiques, démographiques, géographiques, sociales et culturelles du système éducatif. Divers politiques publiques, dont celle liée à la décentralisation ont été adopté en vue d’accroître l’efficacité de l’action publique locale. Toute chose qui ne peut qu’impacter positivement sur la qualité de l’investissement éducatif. Politique de décentralisation tendant vers une « nouvelle gouvernance fondée sur les dynamiques locales » . Cette décentralisation est elle-même plombée par de nombreuses contradictions qui retarde ou diffère son effectivité dans le contexte camerounais. / In almost all nations of the world, education is required as a fundamental human right. African states, following their accession to independence in the 60s, were also granted an absolute primacy to education, because sine qua non of any development. Conference in Addis Ababa in 1961 the foundations of Harare in 1982, through the Abidjan meeting in 1964 and Lagos in 1968, education has always been at the heart of the concerns of Heads of State and Government . It is contained in a set of international legal instruments. These instruments relating to the right to education have been internalized into the domestic legal corpus of Cameroon. In Cameroon, the expansion of the school in general and and especially basic education, has been remarkably slow with the economic crisis of the mid-80s, resulting in a high dropout rate, the highest of is seen in the Far North Region. Although the first President of Cameroon was coming from this region and it has the largest population nationwide, it has none provided result, the benefit of this region, a public action consistent in terms of educational investment. The application of instruments relating to the right to education guaranteed to those who are recipients able to have the full capacity to participate in governance, to develop their potential and contribute to national development. Except that the effectiveness of these instruments is far from guaranteed at the local level due to political, economic, demographic, geographic, social and cultural education system. Various public policies, including those related to decentralization have been adopted to increase the efficiency of local public action. Anything that can qu'impacter positively on the quality of educational investment. Decentralization policy tending towards a "new governance based on local dynamics." This decentralization is itself weighed down by many contradictions or delaying its effectiveness differs in the Cameroonian context.

Operator unit simulator / Operator unit simulator

Rasmussen, Nichlas January 2015 (has links)
Detta examensarbete utfördes som ett uppdrag av Atlas Copco där målet var att utveckla en programvara som kan simulera en OU (Operator Unit) i en PC miljö. Atlas Copcos egenutvecklade radiostyrningssystem för gruvfordon består av en sändare, kallad OU, och en mottagare, kallad MU (Machine Unit). En OU är en kontroller med reglage i form av knappar, joysticks och switchar och med indikatorer i form av LEDs och display. För att säkerställa att en OU endast kan kommunicera med en specifik MU och vice versa måste enheternas radiomoduler paras ihop genom en process som kallas ”learn link”, som görs genom att ansluta en CAN-kabel mellan enheterna.   Genom att använda en OU simulator vid MU produktionstest skulle det vara lättare att utföra vissa tester, såsom internfel och varningar, och det skulle vara möjligt att inkludera tester som är omöjliga att göra med en hårdvaru-OU, som att avsiktligt sända en felberäknad checksumma, för att undersöka MU-enhetens respons. OU simulatorn skulle ha ett grafiskt gränssnitt och genom att ansluta ett radiokort till PC:n skulle den kunna skicka och ta emot data från en MU. Den skulle också kunna utföra ”learn link”. Den färdiga produkten utvecklades med hjälp av C# och en XP-inspirerad utvecklingsmetod. / This thesis was developed as an assignment from Atlas Copco where the goal was to develop software that could simulate an OU (Operator Unit) in a PC environment. Atlas Copco’s proprietary radio-control system for mining vehicles consists of a transmitter, called OU, and a receiver, called MU (Machine Unit). An OU is a controller with controls in the form of buttons, joysticks and switches and with indicators in the form of LEDs and display. To ensure that an OU only can communicate with a specific MU and vice versa the units’ radio modules must be paired together through a process called “learn link”, that is performed by connecting the units with a CAN-cable.   By using an OU simulator for MU production tests it would be easier to perform some tests, such as internal errors and warnings, and it would be possible to include tests that are impossible to do with OU hardware, such as intentionally send a miscalculated checksum, to examine the MU’s response. The OU simulator should have a graphical user interface and by connecting a radio card to the PC it should be able to send and receive data from an MU. It should also be able to perform “learn link”. The final product was developed using C# together with an XP-inspired development method.

KodEd / KodEd

Pettersson, Erik, Holmberg, Matthias January 2017 (has links)
Projektet undersökte olika verktyg och metoder som i skrivande stund används för att lära ut programmering. Den sammanfattar tidigare undersökningar och drar slutsatser kring hur lämpliga de är. Utifrån dessa slutsatser utformades en webbapplikation för undervisning.   Rapporten redogör för hur webbapplikationen konstruerades, samt vilka metoder och verktyg som användes i dess utveckling.   Detta ämne är högaktuellt idag då Sveriges regering ämnar införa programmering i grundskolan och då krävs både bra metoder och verktyg för detta. / This project investigated different tools and methods used today in teaching programming. It summarizes earlier studies and draws conclusions about how suited they are for the job. The accompanying web application would be crafted based on the conclusions made.   The report intends to describe how the web application was constructed, and which methods and tools were used during its development.   The subject of the report is highly relevant today since the Swedish government is discussing the introduction of programming classes in the elementary school. Thus demanding both suitable methods and tools.

Intensiv nederbörd och pluviala översvämningar i Umeå / Intensive Precipitation and Pluvial Floods in Umeå, Sweden

Lindgren, Elsa January 2022 (has links)
During intensive rainfall, the ground is at risk of flooding if the water has no opportunity to infiltrate into the ground or drain. Cities are most heavily affected by such pluvial floods due to their predominantly solid surfaces. An example of such a city is Umeå, which experienced extensive floods causing up to 40 million Swedish kronor in damages. During the period 1970 to 2020, the population of Umeå has increased from 70,000 to 130,000 inhabitants, which means that both housing demand and thus the proportion of hardened surfaces in the municipality increased rapidly. To avoid future flooding problems, studying intensive precipitation trends as well as factors that affect the risk of pluvial floods is of the utmost importance. The purpose of this research is thus to investigate heavy precipitation trends as well as study how climate change and hardened surfaces affect the risk of flooding in Umeå. This study shows that the frequency of intense rainfall in Umeå has increased compared to the mean of the period 1963-1987 and that climate change could lead to an even higher frequency. Increased frequency of intensive precipitation in combination with an increased proportion of hardened surfaces increases the risk of flooding problems. Furthermore, heavy rainfalls, defined as precipitation above ten millilitres a day, occurred eighteen times a year during the period 1996-2020, which is four days more than the 1963-1987 average. By the end of the twenty-first century, climate change is expected to increase these number of days by a further 20-30% (equivalent to 7-12 days) according to SMHI predictions. Intense rainfall is likely to become more common in the future and population growth in Umeå will likely lead to an increase in the number of paved areas. These changes, in combination, place high demands on Umeå municipality to work efficiently with urban planning and climate adaptation.

Correlação da força muscular com a composição corporal segmentar na obesidade grave / Correlation of muscle strength with segmental body composition in severe obesity

Gadducci, Alexandre Vieira 14 May 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade mórbida é um problema de saúde pública. O aumento da massa gorda contribui para a perda de massa livre de gordura e mudanças na força muscular e resistência dos músculos dos membros inferiores (flexores e extensores), que são responsáveis pela independência, mobilidade e capacidade para realizar com segurança as atividades diárias. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a correlação entre a força muscular e composição corporal total e segmentar de acordo com o grau de obesidade. MÉTODO: Foram incluídos no estudo 132 pacientes com obesidade mórbida de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 18 e 60 anos, sendo divididos entre grupo obeso (>= 40Kg/m2 e < 50Kg/m²) e superobeso (>= 50Kg/m2 e < 60Kg/m²). Todos os pacientes realizaram avaliação da composição corporal (bioimpedância elétrica) e da força muscular máxima dos membros inferiores (dinamometria isocinética). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre o valor médio da força muscular absoluta de extensão (156,4 ± 45 Nm vs. 156,4 ± 41 Nm) e flexão (71,5 ± 22 Nm vs. 72,8 ± 22 Nm) entre o grupo obeso e superobeso. O grupo superobeso apresentou redução da força muscular de extensão e flexão corrigida pelo peso corporal e pelo peso dos membros inferiores em relação ao grupo obeso (P < 0,05). A correlação da força muscular com o peso corporal foi fraca (r = 0,37-0,57, P < 0,001) a moderada, enquanto que observou se correlação moderada em relação ao peso dos membros inferiores (r = 0,46-0,61, p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: O grupo superobeso apresentou um valor médio na força absoluta de extensão e de flexão. A força muscular diminuída na obesidade grave está diretamente relacionada com a composição corporal dos membros inferiores / BACKGROUND: Morbid obesity is a public health problem. The increase in fat mass contributes to loss of fat free mass and changes in strength and endurance of lower limbs muscles (flexors and extensors) that are responsible for independence, mobility and ability to perform daily activities safely. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the correlation between the muscle strength and total and segmental body composition according to the obesity grade. METHODS: 132 morbidly obese patients were included in the study of both sexes, aged 18 and 60 years, divided between obese group (>= 40Kg/m2 e < 50Kg/m²) and super obese (>= 50Kg/m2 e < 60Kg/m²). All patients performed a body composition evaluation (bioelectrical impedance analysis) and maximum muscle strength of the lower limbs (isokinetic dynamometry). RESULTS: There was no significant difference between absolute extension (156.4 ± 45 Nm vs. 156.4 ± 41 Nm) and flexion muscle strength (71.5 ± 22 Nm vs. 72.8 ± 22) between the obese and the super obese group. The super obese group presented a reduced extension and flexion muscle strength corrected to body weight and to weight of the lower limbs in compared to obese group (P < 0.05). The correlation of muscle strength relative to body weight was weak to moderate (r = 0.37 - 0.57, P<0.001) whereas strength relative to weight of the lower limbs presented a moderate correlation (r = 0.46 - 0.61, P < 0.001).CONCLUSIONS: Super obese group had a mean value in absolute extension and flexion muscle strength. The decreased muscular strength in severe obesity is directly related to body composition of the lower limbs

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