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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att göra eller att köpa – det är frågan : Framtidsförväntningar om ekonomioutsourcing

Björkheim, Matilda, Linder, Linnéa, Tedenstad, Jennie January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem - Globaliseringen ökar företagens behov av att nå konkurrensfördelar. Detta gör att företagen måste vidta åtgärder för att effektivisera sig. Ekonomioutsourcing är ett alternativ för företagen att öka sitt fokus på kärnverksamheten, nå spetskompetens och kostnadsreducering vilket kan leda till bättre konkurrensfördelar. Genom att studera ekonomioutsourcingens framtid kan användare och leverantörer anpassa sina investeringar och resurser. För att få kunskap om framtiden för ekonomioutsourcing bör framtidsförväntningar från användare och leverantörer samt historisk statistik och drivkrafter studeras.   Syfte - Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva drivkrafterna och förväntningarna av ekonomioutsourcing på den svenska marknaden. Detta för att genomföra en jämförande analys samt identifiera mönster för att slutligen skapa en bild av framtiden för ekonomioutsourcing och dess följder.   Genomförande av studien - Studien har en abduktiv ansats och en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Datainsamling har främst skett genom intervjuer av användare och leverantörer av ekonomioutsourcing men även insamling av historisk statistik och drivkrafter.     Outsourcingens framtid - Resultatet vår studie pekar på är en ny drivkraft bakom ekonomioutsourcing. De framtida förväntningarna är att ekonomioutsourcing kommer öka men att det eventuellt byter skepnad på grund av automatisering. De förväntade följderna av en ökad ekonomioutsourcing leder till hårdare konkurrens vilket gör det mer attraktivt för uppköp av internationella företag.

Språkbarriärer mellan vårdpersonal och personer med invandrarbakgrund. : En litteraturöversikt utifrån vårdpersonalens perspektiv / Language barriers between health professionals and immi- grants : A literature review based on health professional’s perspective.

Osein, Michelle, Jafary, Somayeh January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett problem som ofta uppstår i mötet mellan vårdpersonal och invandrare som inte kan det inhemska språket i olika delar av världen är språkbarriärer. Syfte: Litteraturöversikten har som syfte att beskriva språkbarriärer mellan invand- rare och vårdpersonal med dess följder och hantering. Metod: Kvalitativ metod användes och datainsamling gjordes genom läsning av ve- tenskapliga artiklar som handlade om språkbarriärer i olika delar av världen. Efter kvalitetsgranskning användes 14 artiklar i resultatet. Fribergs femstegsmodell använ- des som modell när data analyserades. Resultat: Språkbarriärer som uppstår påverkar vårdens kvalité negativt och leder till försvårad kommunikation, vilket i sin tur leder till bristande information. Det skapar missförstånd och vårdpersonalen upplever oro, stress och frustration. Den bristande kommunikationen leder även till att det blir svårare för vårdpersonalen att skapa en relation med den vårdsökande. Vårdpersonalen använder sig av tolkar, den vårdsökan- des närstående, flerspråkig vårdpersonal och icke verbal kommunikation för att kunna hantera språkbarriärer. Slutsats: För att vårdpersonal ska kunna ge den vårdsökande en säker och god vård måste språkbarriärer hanteras. Vårdpersonalen ska så långt det går undvika att den stress, oro och frustration som skapas, tar över situationen. Istället bör vårdpersonalen använda sig av olika strategier och göra sitt bästa för att hantera problemet. / Background: A problem that often occuring in the interaction between health care workers and immigrants not speaking the native language are language barriers. Aim: This literature review aims to describe language barriers between immigrants and health care workers with the consequences and management, health professional’s perspective. Method: Qualitative method was used and data collection was done by reading scien- tific articles about language barriers in different parts of the world. After doing a qual- ity review, the authors could use 14 articles in the result. For analysis of data, the au- thors used Fribergs five step model. Results: Language barrier affects health care quality negatively. Language barriers lead to difficulties with communication, creating a lack of information for both parties. This could cause misunderstandings and also lead to anxiety, stress and frustration for health care workers. Lack of communication prevents creating good relationships. Health care workers use interpreter, relatives and health care workers who know two or more languages to overcome the language barrier. Conclusion: For a safe and good care, language barriers must be dealt with. Health care workers should avoid stress, anxiety and frustration. Different strategies should be used to handle the situation.

Upplevelser av livskvalitet efter stroke och faktorer som associeras med livskvalitet : En litteraturstudie

Grip, Victoria, Johansson, Madeleine January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur personer som har drabbats av stroke upplever sin livskvalitet samt vilka faktorer som associeras med livskvalitet. Designen var en beskrivande litteraturstudie och litteratur söktes i databaserna Medline (via PubMed) och Cinahl. Efter urvalet återstod 15 artiklar som inkluderades i studien. Artiklarna granskades och fyra huvudkategorier kunde utrönas: livskvalitet efter stroke, fysiska, psykiska och sociala faktorer som associeras med livskvalitet. Resultatet visade att personer som har drabbats av stroke ofta uppvisar sänkt livskvalitet. Fysiska faktorer av betydelse var försämrade kroppsfunktioner och kognitiv nedsättning. Äldre personer och kvinnor skattade ofta sin livskvalitet lägre jämfört med yngre och män. Den viktigaste psykiska faktorn var depression. En social faktor av betydelse för sänkt livskvalitet var minskat socialt deltagande. Slutsatsen med studien var att kunskap kring hur personer som har drabbats av stroke upplever sin livskvalitet och vilka faktorer som associeras med livskvalitet kan ge vägledning för vilken typ av stöd och rehabilitering som behövs.</p> / <p>The purpose of the study was to describe how persons who have had a stroke experience their quality of life and which factors are associated with quality of life. The design was a descriptive literature study and literature was sought in the databases Medline (via PubMed) and Cinahl. After the selection a sample of 15 articles was included in the study. The articles were reviewed and four main categories were found: quality of life post stroke, physical, psychological or social factors associated with quality of life. The result showed that persons who had a stroke often show decreased quality of life. Physical factors of importance were impaired body functions and decreased cognitive function. Older persons and women often measured their quality of life as lower compared to younger persons and men. The most important psychological factor was depression. A social factor of importance related to reduced quality of life was decreased social participation. The conclusion of the study was that knowledge about how persons who had a stroke experience their quality of life and which factors are associated with quality of life could give guidance for what kind of support and rehabilitation is needed.    </p>

Upplevelser av livskvalitet efter stroke och faktorer som associeras med livskvalitet : En litteraturstudie

Grip, Victoria, Johansson, Madeleine January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur personer som har drabbats av stroke upplever sin livskvalitet samt vilka faktorer som associeras med livskvalitet. Designen var en beskrivande litteraturstudie och litteratur söktes i databaserna Medline (via PubMed) och Cinahl. Efter urvalet återstod 15 artiklar som inkluderades i studien. Artiklarna granskades och fyra huvudkategorier kunde utrönas: livskvalitet efter stroke, fysiska, psykiska och sociala faktorer som associeras med livskvalitet. Resultatet visade att personer som har drabbats av stroke ofta uppvisar sänkt livskvalitet. Fysiska faktorer av betydelse var försämrade kroppsfunktioner och kognitiv nedsättning. Äldre personer och kvinnor skattade ofta sin livskvalitet lägre jämfört med yngre och män. Den viktigaste psykiska faktorn var depression. En social faktor av betydelse för sänkt livskvalitet var minskat socialt deltagande. Slutsatsen med studien var att kunskap kring hur personer som har drabbats av stroke upplever sin livskvalitet och vilka faktorer som associeras med livskvalitet kan ge vägledning för vilken typ av stöd och rehabilitering som behövs. / The purpose of the study was to describe how persons who have had a stroke experience their quality of life and which factors are associated with quality of life. The design was a descriptive literature study and literature was sought in the databases Medline (via PubMed) and Cinahl. After the selection a sample of 15 articles was included in the study. The articles were reviewed and four main categories were found: quality of life post stroke, physical, psychological or social factors associated with quality of life. The result showed that persons who had a stroke often show decreased quality of life. Physical factors of importance were impaired body functions and decreased cognitive function. Older persons and women often measured their quality of life as lower compared to younger persons and men. The most important psychological factor was depression. A social factor of importance related to reduced quality of life was decreased social participation. The conclusion of the study was that knowledge about how persons who had a stroke experience their quality of life and which factors are associated with quality of life could give guidance for what kind of support and rehabilitation is needed.

Bearbetning av mobbning : en kvalitativ studie om hur skolan tar sin del av ansvaret / The processing of bullying : a qualitative study of how the school will take their share of responsibility

Dogan, Alev January 2011 (has links)
The Swedish school system’s curriculum states that some of the schools goals are to; help to develop pupils’ sense of belonging, solidarity and responsibility for people outside the restricted group, combat discrimination and degrading treatment of individuals or groups and to show respect for individuals. (Lgr 11). Eriksson and other authors in School – an arena for bullying (2002) refer to the professor and psychologist Dan Olweus, who points out that bullying can develop serious consequences for the bullied one. Some of them are being ashamed of themselves and build a poor self-esteem that can take their whole life to recreate. It is probably known as one of the most common social issues in a school environment, whether it’s about younger or older pupils, yet many times also the unsolved ones. For this reason I chose to investigate how the adults at schools have an attitude towards: What bullying is caused by? How they perceive and define its responsibility to detect and counteract bullying? How do the adults work to resolve the bullying-related situations and conflicts at the school? This has been examined by one perspective, through the interviewed councilor’s, principal’s and teacher’s aspects. The results of the study showed that the they take care of the cases that come to them with their action plans but find it difficult to detect what may be hidden. In addition, the hidden bullying is very common among older pupils, where there seems to be a sensitive subject for them to pick up, hence the unsolved cases.

Övergången mellan skola och sysselsättning : En kvalitativ studie om myndigheters arbete för att säkerställa att unga vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning inte ska falla mellan stolarna i övergången mellan skola och sysselsättning

Svensson, Tilda, Johansson, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Previous studies show that different groups of people fall between the cracks and that is a problem in society. One of these groups that tend to fall between the cracks are people with intellectual disabilities, since the transition between school and occupation is especially hard for the targeted group. That’s why we, in this essay, have studied how Social services, The Swedish employment agency and the adapted high school works with young adults aged 18-25 with intellectual disability so that they will get an occupation and not fall between the cracks. We also have studied what consequences not having an occupation can give, according to the professionals working with the group. To study this, we used a qualitative method through semi structured interviews and vignette study. To analyze the empirics we’ve used the theory collaboration and previous studies. We interviewed three professionals from The Swedish employment agency, three professionals from adapted high school and two professionals from Social services. The conclusion was that there were a minimal risk that young adults with intellectual disability will fall between the cracks in the specific municipality because of a strong safety net. However, it appeared that the authorities had flaws in their way of working that could increase the risk of adults with intellectual disability falling between the cracks. We also found that adults with intellectual disability did experience consequences like mental health issues and financial vulnerability by not having an occupation.

“If I Want to I Can Always Turn It Off” : A Study on the Social Impacts of Mobile Phones / ”Om jag vill så kan jag ju alltid stänga av den” : en studie av sociala följder av mobiltelefoner

Mathiesen, Susanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>In this study I have looked at social impacts of mobile telephone usage in Sweden in the Spring of 2001. Through observations and interviews have I tried to outline how social relations and concepts of time have changed and are still in a process of change alongside with the high percentage of mobile phone users today.</p><p>The conclusions I have made from my research is that mobile phone usage affects society and how people interact and that people want to reach others, but want to control their own reachability. Communication via mobile phone differs from face-to-face communication and communication on stationary phones, but mobile phones seem to be used as means to facilitate face-to-face interaction. There seem to be some commonly shared notions among my informants of what appropriate mobile phone behavior is, but people seem to not always abide to this. People tend to create their own private zones in public places when using their mobile phones and through their usage send social messages to others. I have also found that the use of time is an important aspect connected to mobile phones. People seem not to make as many plans ahead any longer, but instead make up plans as they go. Many seem to have forgotten how life was before there where mobile phones!</p>

“If I Want to I Can Always Turn It Off” : A Study on the Social Impacts of Mobile Phones / ”Om jag vill så kan jag ju alltid stänga av den” : en studie av sociala följder av mobiltelefoner

Mathiesen, Susanna January 2008 (has links)
In this study I have looked at social impacts of mobile telephone usage in Sweden in the Spring of 2001. Through observations and interviews have I tried to outline how social relations and concepts of time have changed and are still in a process of change alongside with the high percentage of mobile phone users today. The conclusions I have made from my research is that mobile phone usage affects society and how people interact and that people want to reach others, but want to control their own reachability. Communication via mobile phone differs from face-to-face communication and communication on stationary phones, but mobile phones seem to be used as means to facilitate face-to-face interaction. There seem to be some commonly shared notions among my informants of what appropriate mobile phone behavior is, but people seem to not always abide to this. People tend to create their own private zones in public places when using their mobile phones and through their usage send social messages to others. I have also found that the use of time is an important aspect connected to mobile phones. People seem not to make as many plans ahead any longer, but instead make up plans as they go. Many seem to have forgotten how life was before there where mobile phones!

Socialarbetare i Offentlighetens Ljus : En Granskning av Medias Porträttering av det Sociala Arbetet med Barn

Hed, Hanna, Lindblad, Vendela January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur media porträtterar det sociala arbetet med barn samt vilka följder som det resulterat i för det sociala arbetet. Studiens utformning påminner om en systematisk litteraturöversikt där en kombination av 12 nationella och internationella vetenskapliga artiklar har granskats med hjälp av narrativ syntes och analyserats utifrån teorin om symbolisk interaktionism. Resultatet av översikten redovisas utifrån att det förekom en negativ, positiv och neutral porträttering av socialarbetare i media. Den negativa framställningen var den mest framträdande där kritik huvudsakligen riktats mot socialarbetare relaterade till fall där barn farit illa. Positiv porträttering av socialt arbete var något som sällan förekom. Porträtteringen har resulterat i både positiva och negativa följder som påverkat både på socialarbetare och allmänheten. / The purpose of the study was to examine how the media portrays social work with children and the resulting impacts on social work. The design of the study resembles a systematic literature review where a combination of 12 national and international scholarly articles has been reviewed using narrative synthesis and analyzed based on the theory of symbolic interactionism. The result of the review is presented based on the occurrence of negative, positive, and neutral portrayals of social workers in the media. The negative portrayal was the most prominent, with criticism mainly directed towards social workers related to cases where children have been harmed. Positive portrayal of social work was something that rarely occurred. The portrayal has resulted in both positive and negative consequences that have affected both the social worker and the general public.

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